// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #pragma once #include "rgw_auth.h" #include "rgw_auth_filters.h" #include "rgw_rest.h" #include "rgw_sts.h" #include "rgw_web_idp.h" #include "jwt-cpp/jwt.h" #include "rgw_oidc_provider.h" namespace rgw::auth::sts { class WebTokenEngine : public rgw::auth::Engine { static constexpr std::string_view princTagsNamespace = "https://aws.amazon.com/tags"; CephContext* const cct; RGWCtl* const ctl; using result_t = rgw::auth::Engine::result_t; using Pair = std::pair; using token_t = std::unordered_multimap; using principal_tags_t = std::set; const rgw::auth::TokenExtractor* const extractor; const rgw::auth::WebIdentityApplier::Factory* const apl_factory; bool is_applicable(const std::string& token) const noexcept; bool is_client_id_valid(vector& client_ids, const string& client_id) const; bool is_cert_valid(const vector& thumbprints, const string& cert) const; boost::optional get_provider(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const string& role_arn, const string& iss) const; std::string get_role_tenant(const std::string& role_arn) const; std::string get_role_name(const string& role_arn) const; std::string get_cert_url(const std::string& iss, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp,optional_yield y) const; std::tuple, boost::optional> get_from_jwt(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const std::string& token, const req_state* const s, optional_yield y) const; void validate_signature (const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const jwt::decoded_jwt& decoded, const string& algorithm, const string& iss, const vector& thumbprints, optional_yield y) const; result_t authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const std::string& token, const req_state* s, optional_yield y) const; template void recurse_and_insert(const string& key, const jwt::claim& c, T& t) const; WebTokenEngine::token_t get_token_claims(const jwt::decoded_jwt& decoded) const; public: WebTokenEngine(CephContext* const cct, RGWCtl* const ctl, const rgw::auth::TokenExtractor* const extractor, const rgw::auth::WebIdentityApplier::Factory* const apl_factory) : cct(cct), ctl(ctl), extractor(extractor), apl_factory(apl_factory) { } const char* get_name() const noexcept override { return "rgw::auth::sts::WebTokenEngine"; } result_t authenticate(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, const req_state* const s, optional_yield y) const override { return authenticate(dpp, extractor->get_token(s), s, y); } }; /* class WebTokenEngine */ class DefaultStrategy : public rgw::auth::Strategy, public rgw::auth::TokenExtractor, public rgw::auth::WebIdentityApplier::Factory { RGWCtl* const ctl; ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenant_context; /* The engine. */ const WebTokenEngine web_token_engine; using aplptr_t = rgw::auth::IdentityApplier::aplptr_t; /* The method implements TokenExtractor for Web Token in req_state. */ std::string get_token(const req_state* const s) const override { return s->info.args.get("WebIdentityToken"); } aplptr_t create_apl_web_identity( CephContext* cct, const req_state* s, const std::string& role_session, const std::string& role_tenant, const std::unordered_multimap& token, boost::optional> role_tags, boost::optional>> principal_tags) const override { auto apl = rgw::auth::add_sysreq(cct, ctl, s, rgw::auth::WebIdentityApplier(cct, ctl, role_session, role_tenant, token, role_tags, principal_tags)); return aplptr_t(new decltype(apl)(std::move(apl))); } public: DefaultStrategy(CephContext* const cct, ImplicitTenants& implicit_tenant_context, RGWCtl* const ctl) : ctl(ctl), implicit_tenant_context(implicit_tenant_context), web_token_engine(cct, ctl, static_cast(this), static_cast(this)) { /* When the constructor's body is being executed, all member engines * should be initialized. Thus, we can safely add them. */ using Control = rgw::auth::Strategy::Control; add_engine(Control::SUFFICIENT, web_token_engine); } const char* get_name() const noexcept override { return "rgw::auth::sts::DefaultStrategy"; } }; } // namespace rgw::auth::sts class RGWREST_STS : public RGWRESTOp { protected: STS::STSService sts; public: RGWREST_STS() = default; int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override; void send_response() override; }; class RGWSTSAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity : public RGWREST_STS { protected: string duration; string providerId; string policy; string roleArn; string roleSessionName; string sub; string aud; string iss; public: RGWSTSAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity() = default; void execute(optional_yield y) override; int get_params(); const char* name() const override { return "assume_role_web_identity"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_STS_ASSUME_ROLE_WEB_IDENTITY; } }; class RGWSTSAssumeRole : public RGWREST_STS { protected: string duration; string externalId; string policy; string roleArn; string roleSessionName; string serialNumber; string tokenCode; public: RGWSTSAssumeRole() = default; void execute(optional_yield y) override; int get_params(); const char* name() const override { return "assume_role"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_STS_ASSUME_ROLE; } }; class RGWSTSGetSessionToken : public RGWREST_STS { protected: string duration; string serialNumber; string tokenCode; public: RGWSTSGetSessionToken() = default; void execute(optional_yield y) override; int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override; int get_params(); const char* name() const override { return "get_session_token"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_STS_GET_SESSION_TOKEN; } }; class RGW_Auth_STS { public: static int authorize(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry& auth_registry, struct req_state *s, optional_yield y); }; class RGWHandler_REST_STS : public RGWHandler_REST { const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry& auth_registry; const string& post_body; RGWOp *op_post() override; void rgw_sts_parse_input(); public: static int init_from_header(struct req_state *s, int default_formatter, bool configurable_format); RGWHandler_REST_STS(const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry& auth_registry, const string& post_body="") : RGWHandler_REST(), auth_registry(auth_registry), post_body(post_body) {} ~RGWHandler_REST_STS() override = default; int init(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, struct req_state *s, rgw::io::BasicClient *cio) override; int authorize(const DoutPrefixProvider* dpp, optional_yield y) override; int postauth_init(optional_yield y) override { return 0; } }; class RGWRESTMgr_STS : public RGWRESTMgr { public: RGWRESTMgr_STS() = default; ~RGWRESTMgr_STS() override = default; RGWRESTMgr *get_resource_mgr(struct req_state* const s, const std::string& uri, std::string* const out_uri) override { return this; } RGWHandler_REST* get_handler(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, struct req_state*, const rgw::auth::StrategyRegistry&, const std::string&) override; };