// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp #ifndef CEPH_RGW_USER_H #define CEPH_RGW_USER_H #include #include #include "include/ceph_assert.h" #include "include/types.h" #include "rgw_common.h" #include "rgw_tools.h" #include "rgw_string.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "rgw_formats.h" #include "rgw_metadata.h" #define RGW_USER_ANON_ID "anonymous" #define SECRET_KEY_LEN 40 #define PUBLIC_ID_LEN 20 #define RAND_SUBUSER_LEN 5 #define XMLNS_AWS_S3 "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/" class RGWUserCtl; class RGWBucketCtl; class RGWUserBuckets; class RGWGetUserStats_CB; namespace rgw { namespace sal { class RGWRadosStore; } } /** * A string wrapper that includes encode/decode functions * for easily accessing a UID in all forms */ struct RGWUID { rgw_user user_id; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { string s; user_id.to_str(s); using ceph::encode; encode(s, bl); } void decode(bufferlist::const_iterator& bl) { string s; using ceph::decode; decode(s, bl); user_id.from_str(s); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(RGWUID) extern int rgw_user_sync_all_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, const rgw_user& user_id, optional_yield y); extern int rgw_user_get_all_buckets_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store,const rgw_user& user_id, map& buckets_usage_map, optional_yield y); /** * Get the anonymous (ie, unauthenticated) user info. */ extern void rgw_get_anon_user(RGWUserInfo& info); /** * Save the given user information to storage. * Returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure. */ extern int rgw_store_user_info(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, RGWUserInfo& info, RGWUserInfo *old_info, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker, real_time mtime, bool exclusive, optional_yield y, map *pattrs = nullptr); /** * Given an user_id, finds the user info associated with it. * returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure (including nonexistence) */ extern int rgw_get_user_info_by_uid(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, const rgw_user& user_id, RGWUserInfo& info, optional_yield y, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker = nullptr, real_time *pmtime = nullptr, rgw_cache_entry_info *cache_info = nullptr, map *pattrs = nullptr); /** * Given an email, finds the user info associated with it. * returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure (including nonexistence) */ extern int rgw_get_user_info_by_email(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, string& email, RGWUserInfo& info, optional_yield y, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker = NULL, real_time *pmtime = nullptr); /** * Given an swift username, finds the user info associated with it. * returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure (including nonexistence) */ extern int rgw_get_user_info_by_swift(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, const string& swift_name, RGWUserInfo& info, /* out */ optional_yield y, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker = nullptr, real_time *pmtime = nullptr); /** * Given an access key, finds the user info associated with it. * returns: 0 on success, -ERR# on failure (including nonexistence) */ extern int rgw_get_user_info_by_access_key(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserCtl *user_ctl, const std::string& access_key, RGWUserInfo& info, optional_yield y, RGWObjVersionTracker* objv_tracker = nullptr, real_time* pmtime = nullptr); extern void rgw_perm_to_str(uint32_t mask, char *buf, int len); extern uint32_t rgw_str_to_perm(const char *str); extern int rgw_validate_tenant_name(const string& t); enum ObjectKeyType { KEY_TYPE_SWIFT, KEY_TYPE_S3, KEY_TYPE_UNDEFINED }; enum RGWKeyPoolOp { GENERATE_KEY, MODIFY_KEY }; enum RGWUserId { RGW_USER_ID, RGW_SWIFT_USERNAME, RGW_USER_EMAIL, RGW_ACCESS_KEY, }; /* * An RGWUser class along with supporting classes created * to support the creation of an RESTful administrative API */ struct RGWUserAdminOpState { // user attributes RGWUserInfo info; rgw_user user_id; std::string user_email; std::string display_name; rgw_user new_user_id; bool overwrite_new_user = false; int32_t max_buckets; __u8 suspended; __u8 admin; __u8 system; __u8 exclusive; __u8 fetch_stats; __u8 sync_stats; std::string caps; RGWObjVersionTracker objv; uint32_t op_mask; map temp_url_keys; // subuser attributes std::string subuser; uint32_t perm_mask; // key_attributes std::string id; // access key std::string key; // secret key int32_t key_type; std::set mfa_ids; // operation attributes bool existing_user; bool existing_key; bool existing_subuser; bool existing_email; bool subuser_specified; bool gen_secret; bool gen_access; bool gen_subuser; bool id_specified; bool key_specified; bool type_specified; bool key_type_setbycontext; // key type set by user or subuser context bool purge_data; bool purge_keys; bool display_name_specified; bool user_email_specified; bool max_buckets_specified; bool perm_specified; bool op_mask_specified; bool caps_specified; bool suspension_op; bool admin_specified = false; bool system_specified; bool key_op; bool temp_url_key_specified; bool found_by_uid; bool found_by_email; bool found_by_key; bool mfa_ids_specified; // req parameters bool populated; bool initialized; bool key_params_checked; bool subuser_params_checked; bool user_params_checked; bool bucket_quota_specified; bool user_quota_specified; RGWQuotaInfo bucket_quota; RGWQuotaInfo user_quota; // req parameters for listing user std::string marker; uint32_t max_entries; rgw_placement_rule default_placement; // user default placement bool default_placement_specified; list placement_tags; // user default placement_tags bool placement_tags_specified; void set_access_key(const std::string& access_key) { if (access_key.empty()) return; id = access_key; id_specified = true; gen_access = false; key_op = true; } void set_secret_key(const std::string& secret_key) { if (secret_key.empty()) return; key = secret_key; key_specified = true; gen_secret = false; key_op = true; } void set_user_id(rgw_user& id) { if (id.empty()) return; user_id = id; } void set_new_user_id(rgw_user& id) { if (id.empty()) return; new_user_id = id; } void set_overwrite_new_user(bool b) { overwrite_new_user = b; } void set_user_email(std::string& email) { /* always lowercase email address */ boost::algorithm::to_lower(email); user_email = email; user_email_specified = true; } void set_display_name(const std::string& name) { if (name.empty()) return; display_name = name; display_name_specified = true; } void set_subuser(std::string& _subuser) { if (_subuser.empty()) return; size_t pos = _subuser.find(":"); if (pos != string::npos) { rgw_user tmp_id; tmp_id.from_str(_subuser.substr(0, pos)); if (tmp_id.tenant.empty()) { user_id.id = tmp_id.id; } else { user_id = tmp_id; } subuser = _subuser.substr(pos+1); } else { subuser = _subuser; } subuser_specified = true; } void set_caps(const std::string& _caps) { if (_caps.empty()) return; caps = _caps; caps_specified = true; } void set_perm(uint32_t perm) { perm_mask = perm; perm_specified = true; } void set_op_mask(uint32_t mask) { op_mask = mask; op_mask_specified = true; } void set_temp_url_key(const string& key, int index) { temp_url_keys[index] = key; temp_url_key_specified = true; } void set_key_type(int32_t type) { key_type = type; type_specified = true; } void set_suspension(__u8 is_suspended) { suspended = is_suspended; suspension_op = true; } void set_admin(__u8 is_admin) { admin = is_admin; admin_specified = true; } void set_system(__u8 is_system) { system = is_system; system_specified = true; } void set_exclusive(__u8 is_exclusive) { exclusive = is_exclusive; } void set_fetch_stats(__u8 is_fetch_stats) { fetch_stats = is_fetch_stats; } void set_sync_stats(__u8 is_sync_stats) { sync_stats = is_sync_stats; } void set_user_info(RGWUserInfo& user_info) { user_id = user_info.user_id; info = user_info; } void set_max_buckets(int32_t mb) { max_buckets = mb; max_buckets_specified = true; } void set_gen_access() { gen_access = true; key_op = true; } void set_gen_secret() { gen_secret = true; key_op = true; } void set_generate_key() { if (id.empty()) gen_access = true; if (key.empty()) gen_secret = true; key_op = true; } void clear_generate_key() { gen_access = false; gen_secret = false; } void set_purge_keys() { purge_keys = true; key_op = true; } void set_bucket_quota(RGWQuotaInfo& quota) { bucket_quota = quota; bucket_quota_specified = true; } void set_user_quota(RGWQuotaInfo& quota) { user_quota = quota; user_quota_specified = true; } void set_mfa_ids(const std::set& ids) { mfa_ids = ids; mfa_ids_specified = true; } void set_default_placement(const rgw_placement_rule& _placement) { default_placement = _placement; default_placement_specified = true; } void set_placement_tags(const list& _tags) { placement_tags = _tags; placement_tags_specified = true; } bool is_populated() { return populated; } bool is_initialized() { return initialized; } bool has_existing_user() { return existing_user; } bool has_existing_key() { return existing_key; } bool has_existing_subuser() { return existing_subuser; } bool has_existing_email() { return existing_email; } bool has_subuser() { return subuser_specified; } bool has_key_op() { return key_op; } bool has_caps_op() { return caps_specified; } bool has_suspension_op() { return suspension_op; } bool has_subuser_perm() { return perm_specified; } bool has_op_mask() { return op_mask_specified; } bool will_gen_access() { return gen_access; } bool will_gen_secret() { return gen_secret; } bool will_gen_subuser() { return gen_subuser; } bool will_purge_keys() { return purge_keys; } bool will_purge_data() { return purge_data; } bool will_generate_subuser() { return gen_subuser; } bool has_bucket_quota() { return bucket_quota_specified; } bool has_user_quota() { return user_quota_specified; } void set_populated() { populated = true; } void clear_populated() { populated = false; } void set_initialized() { initialized = true; } void set_existing_user(bool flag) { existing_user = flag; } void set_existing_key(bool flag) { existing_key = flag; } void set_existing_subuser(bool flag) { existing_subuser = flag; } void set_existing_email(bool flag) { existing_email = flag; } void set_purge_data(bool flag) { purge_data = flag; } void set_generate_subuser(bool flag) { gen_subuser = flag; } __u8 get_suspension_status() { return suspended; } int32_t get_key_type() {return key_type; } uint32_t get_subuser_perm() { return perm_mask; } int32_t get_max_buckets() { return max_buckets; } uint32_t get_op_mask() { return op_mask; } RGWQuotaInfo& get_bucket_quota() { return bucket_quota; } RGWQuotaInfo& get_user_quota() { return user_quota; } set& get_mfa_ids() { return mfa_ids; } rgw_user& get_user_id() { return user_id; } std::string get_subuser() { return subuser; } std::string get_access_key() { return id; } std::string get_secret_key() { return key; } std::string get_caps() { return caps; } std::string get_user_email() { return user_email; } std::string get_display_name() { return display_name; } rgw_user& get_new_uid() { return new_user_id; } bool get_overwrite_new_user() const { return overwrite_new_user; } map& get_temp_url_keys() { return temp_url_keys; } RGWUserInfo& get_user_info() { return info; } map *get_swift_keys() { return &info.swift_keys; } map *get_access_keys() { return &info.access_keys; } map *get_subusers() { return &info.subusers; } RGWUserCaps *get_caps_obj() { return &info.caps; } std::string build_default_swift_kid() { if (user_id.empty() || subuser.empty()) return ""; std::string kid; user_id.to_str(kid); kid.append(":"); kid.append(subuser); return kid; } std::string generate_subuser() { if (user_id.empty()) return ""; std::string generated_subuser; user_id.to_str(generated_subuser); std::string rand_suffix; int sub_buf_size = RAND_SUBUSER_LEN + 1; char sub_buf[RAND_SUBUSER_LEN + 1]; gen_rand_alphanumeric_upper(g_ceph_context, sub_buf, sub_buf_size); rand_suffix = sub_buf; if (rand_suffix.empty()) return ""; generated_subuser.append(rand_suffix); subuser = generated_subuser; return generated_subuser; } RGWUserAdminOpState() : user_id(RGW_USER_ANON_ID) { max_buckets = RGW_DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS; key_type = -1; perm_mask = RGW_PERM_NONE; suspended = 0; admin = 0; system = 0; exclusive = 0; fetch_stats = 0; op_mask = 0; existing_user = false; existing_key = false; existing_subuser = false; existing_email = false; subuser_specified = false; caps_specified = false; purge_keys = false; gen_secret = false; gen_access = false; gen_subuser = false; id_specified = false; key_specified = false; type_specified = false; key_type_setbycontext = false; purge_data = false; display_name_specified = false; user_email_specified = false; max_buckets_specified = false; perm_specified = false; op_mask_specified = false; suspension_op = false; system_specified = false; key_op = false; populated = false; initialized = false; key_params_checked = false; subuser_params_checked = false; user_params_checked = false; bucket_quota_specified = false; temp_url_key_specified = false; user_quota_specified = false; found_by_uid = false; found_by_email = false; found_by_key = false; mfa_ids_specified = false; default_placement_specified = false; placement_tags_specified = false; max_entries = 1000; marker = ""; } }; class RGWUser; class RGWAccessKeyPool { RGWUser *user{nullptr}; std::map key_type_map; rgw_user user_id; rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store{nullptr}; RGWUserCtl *user_ctl{nullptr}; map *swift_keys{nullptr}; map *access_keys{nullptr}; // we don't want to allow keys for the anonymous user or a null user bool keys_allowed{false}; private: int create_key(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int generate_key(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int modify_key(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int check_key_owner(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); bool check_existing_key(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); int check_op(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* API Contract Fulfilment */ int execute_add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int execute_remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int remove_subuser_keys(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); public: explicit RGWAccessKeyPool(RGWUser* usr); int init(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); /* API Contracted Methods */ int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); friend class RGWUser; friend class RGWSubUserPool; }; class RGWSubUserPool { RGWUser *user{nullptr}; rgw_user user_id; rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store{nullptr}; RGWUserCtl *user_ctl{nullptr}; bool subusers_allowed{false}; map *subuser_map{nullptr}; private: int check_op(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* API Contract Fulfillment */ int execute_add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int execute_remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int execute_modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save); public: explicit RGWSubUserPool(RGWUser *user); bool exists(std::string subuser); int init(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); /* API contracted methods */ int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); friend class RGWUser; }; class RGWUserCapPool { RGWUserCaps *caps{nullptr}; bool caps_allowed{false}; RGWUser *user{nullptr}; private: int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, bool defer_save, optional_yield y); public: explicit RGWUserCapPool(RGWUser *user); int init(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); /* API contracted methods */ int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); friend class RGWUser; }; class RGWUser { private: RGWUserInfo old_info; rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store{nullptr}; RGWUserCtl *user_ctl{nullptr}; rgw_user user_id; bool info_stored{false}; void set_populated() { info_stored = true; } void clear_populated() { info_stored = false; } bool is_populated() { return info_stored; } int check_op(RGWUserAdminOpState& req, std::string *err_msg); int update(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, optional_yield y); void clear_members(); void init_default(); /* API Contract Fulfillment */ int execute_add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, optional_yield y); int execute_remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, optional_yield y); int execute_modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, optional_yield y); int execute_rename(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, std::string *err_msg, optional_yield y); public: RGWUser(); int init(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *storage, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y); int init_storage(rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *storage); int init(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y); int init_members(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state); rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *get_store() { return store; } RGWUserCtl *get_user_ctl() { return user_ctl; } /* API Contracted Members */ RGWUserCapPool caps; RGWAccessKeyPool keys; RGWSubUserPool subusers; /* API Contracted Methods */ int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); int rename(RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* remove an already populated RGWUser */ int remove(std::string *err_msg = NULL); int modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* retrieve info from an existing user in the RGW system */ int info(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWUserInfo& fetched_info, optional_yield y, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* info from an already populated RGWUser */ int info (RGWUserInfo& fetched_info, std::string *err_msg = NULL); /* list the existing users */ int list(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); friend class RGWAccessKeyPool; friend class RGWSubUserPool; friend class RGWUserCapPool; }; /* Wrappers for admin API functionality */ class RGWUserAdminOp_User { public: static int list(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher); static int info(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int create(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); }; class RGWUserAdminOp_Subuser { public: static int create(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int modify(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); }; class RGWUserAdminOp_Key { public: static int create(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); }; class RGWUserAdminOp_Caps { public: static int add(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); static int remove(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, rgw::sal::RGWRadosStore *store, RGWUserAdminOpState& op_state, RGWFormatterFlusher& flusher, optional_yield y); }; struct RGWUserCompleteInfo { RGWUserInfo info; map attrs; bool has_attrs{false}; void dump(Formatter * const f) const { info.dump(f); encode_json("attrs", attrs, f); } void decode_json(JSONObj *obj) { decode_json_obj(info, obj); has_attrs = JSONDecoder::decode_json("attrs", attrs, obj); } }; class RGWUserMetadataObject : public RGWMetadataObject { RGWUserCompleteInfo uci; public: RGWUserMetadataObject() {} RGWUserMetadataObject(const RGWUserCompleteInfo& _uci, const obj_version& v, real_time m) : uci(_uci) { objv = v; mtime = m; } void dump(Formatter *f) const override { uci.dump(f); } RGWUserCompleteInfo& get_uci() { return uci; } }; class RGWUserMetadataHandler; class RGWUserCtl { struct Svc { RGWSI_Zone *zone{nullptr}; RGWSI_User *user{nullptr}; } svc; struct Ctl { RGWBucketCtl *bucket{nullptr}; } ctl; RGWUserMetadataHandler *umhandler; RGWSI_MetaBackend_Handler *be_handler{nullptr}; public: RGWUserCtl(RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc, RGWSI_User *user_svc, RGWUserMetadataHandler *_umhandler); void init(RGWBucketCtl *bucket_ctl) { ctl.bucket = bucket_ctl; } RGWBucketCtl *get_bucket_ctl() { return ctl.bucket; } struct GetParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; ceph::real_time *mtime{nullptr}; rgw_cache_entry_info *cache_info{nullptr}; map *attrs{nullptr}; GetParams() {} GetParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } GetParams& set_mtime(ceph::real_time *_mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } GetParams& set_cache_info(rgw_cache_entry_info *_cache_info) { cache_info = _cache_info; return *this; } GetParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } }; struct PutParams { RGWUserInfo *old_info{nullptr}; RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; ceph::real_time mtime; bool exclusive{false}; map *attrs{nullptr}; PutParams() {} PutParams& set_old_info(RGWUserInfo *_info) { old_info = _info; return *this; } PutParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } PutParams& set_mtime(const ceph::real_time& _mtime) { mtime = _mtime; return *this; } PutParams& set_exclusive(bool _exclusive) { exclusive = _exclusive; return *this; } PutParams& set_attrs(map *_attrs) { attrs = _attrs; return *this; } }; struct RemoveParams { RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker{nullptr}; RemoveParams() {} RemoveParams& set_objv_tracker(RGWObjVersionTracker *_objv_tracker) { objv_tracker = _objv_tracker; return *this; } }; int get_info_by_uid(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& uid, RGWUserInfo *info, optional_yield y, const GetParams& params = {}); int get_info_by_email(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const string& email, RGWUserInfo *info, optional_yield y, const GetParams& params = {}); int get_info_by_swift(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const string& swift_name, RGWUserInfo *info, optional_yield y, const GetParams& params = {}); int get_info_by_access_key(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const string& access_key, RGWUserInfo *info, optional_yield y, const GetParams& params = {}); int get_attrs_by_uid(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user_id, map *attrs, optional_yield y, RGWObjVersionTracker *objv_tracker = nullptr); int store_info(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const RGWUserInfo& info, optional_yield y, const PutParams& params = {}); int remove_info(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const RGWUserInfo& info, optional_yield y, const RemoveParams& params = {}); int add_bucket(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, const rgw_bucket& bucket, ceph::real_time creation_time, optional_yield y); int remove_bucket(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, const rgw_bucket& bucket, optional_yield y); int list_buckets(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, const string& marker, const string& end_marker, uint64_t max, bool need_stats, RGWUserBuckets *buckets, bool *is_truncated, optional_yield y, uint64_t default_max = 1000); int flush_bucket_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, const RGWBucketEnt& ent, optional_yield y); int complete_flush_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, optional_yield y); int reset_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, optional_yield y); int read_stats(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, RGWStorageStats *stats, optional_yield y, ceph::real_time *last_stats_sync = nullptr, /* last time a full stats sync completed */ ceph::real_time *last_stats_update = nullptr); /* last time a stats update was done */ int read_stats_async(const DoutPrefixProvider *dpp, const rgw_user& user, RGWGetUserStats_CB *ctx); }; class RGWUserMetaHandlerAllocator { public: static RGWMetadataHandler *alloc(RGWSI_User *user_svc); }; #endif