/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017 ScyllaDB */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using namespace boost::accumulators; static auto random_seed = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); static std::default_random_engine random_generator(random_seed); // size of each individual file. Every class will have its file, so in a normal system with many shards, we'll naturally have many files and // that will push the data out of the disk's cache. And static sizes per file are simpler. static constexpr uint64_t file_data_size = 1ull << 30; class context; enum class request_type { seqread, seqwrite, randread, randwrite, append, cpu }; namespace std { template <> struct hash { size_t operator() (const request_type& type) const { return static_cast(type); } }; } struct byte_size { uint64_t size; }; struct duration_time { std::chrono::duration time; }; class shard_config { std::unordered_set _shards; public: shard_config() : _shards(boost::copy_range>(boost::irange(0u, smp::count))) {} shard_config(std::unordered_set s) : _shards(std::move(s)) {} bool is_set(unsigned cpu) const { return _shards.count(cpu); } }; struct shard_info { unsigned parallelism = 10; unsigned shares = 10; uint64_t request_size = 4 << 10; std::chrono::duration think_time = 0ms; std::chrono::duration execution_time = 1ms; seastar::scheduling_group scheduling_group = seastar::default_scheduling_group(); }; struct options { bool dsync = false; }; class class_data; struct job_config { std::string name; request_type type; shard_config shard_placement; ::shard_info shard_info; ::options options; std::unique_ptr gen_class_data(); }; std::array quantiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999}; class class_data { protected: using accumulator_type = accumulator_set>; job_config _config; uint64_t _alignment; uint64_t _last_pos = 0; io_priority_class _iop; seastar::scheduling_group _sg; size_t _data = 0; std::chrono::duration _total_duration; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _start = {}; accumulator_type _latencies; std::uniform_int_distribution _pos_distribution; file _file; virtual future<> do_start(sstring dir) = 0; virtual future issue_request(char *buf) = 0; public: static int idgen(); class_data(job_config cfg) : _config(std::move(cfg)) , _alignment(_config.shard_info.request_size >= 4096 ? 4096 : 512) , _iop(engine().register_one_priority_class(format("test-class-{:d}", idgen()), _config.shard_info.shares)) , _sg(cfg.shard_info.scheduling_group) , _latencies(extended_p_square_probabilities = quantiles) , _pos_distribution(0, file_data_size / _config.shard_info.request_size) {} virtual ~class_data() = default; future<> issue_requests(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point stop) { _start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); return with_scheduling_group(_sg, [this, stop] { return parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0u, parallelism()), [this, stop] (auto dummy) mutable { auto bufptr = allocate_aligned_buffer(this->req_size(), _alignment); auto buf = bufptr.get(); return do_until([stop] { return std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > stop; }, [this, buf, stop] () mutable { auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); return issue_request(buf).then([this, start, stop] (auto size) { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (now < stop) { this->add_result(size, std::chrono::duration_cast(now - start)); } return think(); }); }).finally([bufptr = std::move(bufptr)] {}); }); }).then([this] { _total_duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _start; }); } future<> think() { if (_config.shard_info.think_time > 0us) { return seastar::sleep(std::chrono::duration_cast(_config.shard_info.think_time)); } else { return make_ready_future<>(); } } // Generate the test file for reads and writes alike. It is much simpler to just generate one file per job instead of expecting // job dependencies between creators and consumers. So every job (a class in a shard) will have its own file and will operate // this file differently depending on the type: // // sequential reads : will read the file from pos = 0 onwards, back to 0 on EOF // sequential writes : will write the file from pos = 0 onwards, back to 0 on EOF // random reads : will read the file at random positions, between 0 and EOF // random writes : will overwrite the file at a random position, between 0 and EOF // append : will write to the file from pos = EOF onwards, always appending to the end. // cpu : CPU-only load, file is not created. future<> start(sstring dir) { return do_start(dir); } future<> stop() { if (_file) { return _file.close(); } return make_ready_future<>(); } protected: sstring type_str() const { return std::unordered_map{ { request_type::seqread, "SEQ READ" }, { request_type::seqwrite, "SEQ WRITE" }, { request_type::randread, "RAND READ" }, { request_type::randwrite, "RAND WRITE" }, { request_type::append , "APPEND" }, { request_type::cpu , "CPU" }, }[_config.type];; } const sstring name() const { return _config.name; } request_type req_type() const { return _config.type; } sstring think_time() const { if (_config.shard_info.think_time == std::chrono::duration(0)) { return "NO think time"; } else { return format("{:d} us think time", std::chrono::duration_cast(_config.shard_info.think_time).count()); } } size_t req_size() const { return _config.shard_info.request_size; } unsigned parallelism() const { return _config.shard_info.parallelism; } unsigned shares() const { return _config.shard_info.shares; } std::chrono::duration total_duration() const { return _total_duration; } uint64_t total_data() const { return _data; } uint64_t max_latency() const { return max(_latencies); } uint64_t average_latency() const { return mean(_latencies); } uint64_t quantile_latency(double q) const { return quantile(_latencies, quantile_probability = q); } bool is_sequential() const { return (req_type() == request_type::seqread) || (req_type() == request_type::seqwrite); } bool is_random() const { return (req_type() == request_type::randread) || (req_type() == request_type::randwrite); } uint64_t get_pos() { uint64_t pos; if (is_random()) { pos = _pos_distribution(random_generator) * req_size(); } else { pos = _last_pos + req_size(); if (is_sequential() && (pos >= file_data_size)) { pos = 0; } } _last_pos = pos; return pos; } void add_result(size_t data, std::chrono::microseconds latency) { _data += data; _latencies(latency.count()); } public: virtual sstring describe_class() = 0; virtual sstring describe_results() = 0; }; class io_class_data : public class_data { public: io_class_data(job_config cfg) : class_data(std::move(cfg)) {} future<> do_start(sstring dir) override { auto fname = format("{}/test-{}-{:d}", dir, name(), this_shard_id()); auto flags = open_flags::rw | open_flags::create | open_flags::truncate; if (_config.options.dsync) { flags |= open_flags::dsync; } return open_file_dma(fname, flags).then([this, fname] (auto f) { _file = f; return remove_file(fname); }).then([this, fname] { return do_with(seastar::semaphore(64), [this] (auto& write_parallelism) mutable { auto bufsize = 256ul << 10; auto pos = boost::irange(0ul, (file_data_size / bufsize) + 1); return parallel_for_each(pos.begin(), pos.end(), [this, bufsize, &write_parallelism] (auto pos) mutable { return get_units(write_parallelism, 1).then([this, bufsize, pos] (auto perm) mutable { auto bufptr = allocate_aligned_buffer(bufsize, 4096); auto buf = bufptr.get(); std::uniform_int_distribution fill('@', '~'); memset(buf, fill(random_generator), bufsize); pos = pos * bufsize; return _file.dma_write(pos, buf, bufsize).finally([this, bufptr = std::move(bufptr), perm = std::move(perm), pos] { if ((this->req_type() == request_type::append) && (pos > _last_pos)) { _last_pos = pos; } }).discard_result(); }); }); }); }).then([this] { return _file.flush(); }); } virtual sstring describe_class() override { return fmt::format("{}: {} shares, {}-byte {}, {} concurrent requests, {}", name(), shares(), req_size(), type_str(), parallelism(), think_time()); } virtual sstring describe_results() override { auto throughput_kbs = (total_data() >> 10) / total_duration().count(); sstring result; result += fmt::format(" Throughput : {:>8} KB/s\n", throughput_kbs); result += fmt::format(" Lat average : {:>8} usec\n", average_latency()); for (auto& q: quantiles) { result += fmt::format(" Lat quantile={:>5} : {:>8} usec\n", q, quantile_latency(q)); } result += fmt::format(" Lat max : {:>8} usec\n", max_latency()); return result; } }; class read_io_class_data : public io_class_data { public: read_io_class_data(job_config cfg) : io_class_data(std::move(cfg)) {} future issue_request(char *buf) override { return _file.dma_read(this->get_pos(), buf, this->req_size(), _iop); } }; class write_io_class_data : public io_class_data { public: write_io_class_data(job_config cfg) : io_class_data(std::move(cfg)) {} future issue_request(char *buf) override { return _file.dma_write(this->get_pos(), buf, this->req_size(), _iop); } }; class cpu_class_data : public class_data { public: cpu_class_data(job_config cfg) : class_data(std::move(cfg)) {} future<> do_start(sstring dir) override { return make_ready_future<>(); } future issue_request(char *buf) override { // We do want the execution time to be a busy loop, and not just a bunch of // continuations until our time is up: by doing this we can also simulate the behavior // of I/O continuations in the face of reactor stalls. auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); do { } while ((std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start) < _config.shard_info.execution_time); return make_ready_future(1); } virtual sstring describe_class() override { auto exec = std::chrono::duration_cast(_config.shard_info.execution_time); return fmt::format("{}: {} shares, {} us CPU execution time, {} concurrent requests, {}", name(), shares(), exec.count(), parallelism(), think_time()); } virtual sstring describe_results() override { auto throughput = total_data() / total_duration().count(); return fmt::format(" Throughput : {:>8} continuations/s\n", throughput); } }; std::unique_ptr job_config::gen_class_data() { if (type == request_type::cpu) { return std::make_unique(*this); } else if ((type == request_type::seqread) || (type == request_type::randread)) { return std::make_unique(*this); } else { return std::make_unique(*this); } } /// YAML parsing functions namespace YAML { template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, byte_size& bs) { auto str = node.as(); unsigned shift = 0; if (str.back() == 'B') { str.pop_back(); shift = std::unordered_map{ { 'k', 10 }, { 'M', 20 }, { 'G', 30 }, }[str.back()]; str.pop_back(); } bs.size = (boost::lexical_cast(str) << shift); return bs.size >= 512; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, duration_time& dt) { auto str = node.as(); if (str == "0") { dt.time = 0ns; return true; } if (str.back() != 's') { return false; } str.pop_back(); std::unordered_map> unit = { { 'n', 1ns }, { 'u', 1us }, { 'm', 1ms }, }; if (unit.count(str.back())) { auto u = str.back(); str.pop_back(); dt.time = (boost::lexical_cast(str) * unit[u]); } else { dt.time = (boost::lexical_cast(str) * 1s); } return true; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, shard_config& shards) { try { auto str = node.as(); return (str == "all"); } catch (YAML::TypedBadConversion& e) { shards = shard_config(boost::copy_range>(node.as>())); return true; } return false; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, request_type& rt) { static std::unordered_map mappings = { { "seqread", request_type::seqread }, { "seqwrite", request_type::seqwrite}, { "randread", request_type::randread }, { "randwrite", request_type::randwrite }, { "append", request_type::append}, { "cpu", request_type::cpu}, }; auto reqstr = node.as(); if (!mappings.count(reqstr)) { return false; } rt = mappings[reqstr]; return true; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, shard_info& sl) { if (node["parallelism"]) { sl.parallelism = node["parallelism"].as(); } if (node["shares"]) { sl.shares = node["shares"].as(); } if (node["reqsize"]) { sl.request_size = node["reqsize"].as().size; } if (node["think_time"]) { sl.think_time = node["think_time"].as().time; } if (node["execution_time"]) { sl.execution_time = node["execution_time"].as().time; } return true; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, options& op) { if (node["dsync"]) { op.dsync = node["dsync"].as(); } return true; } }; template<> struct convert { static bool decode(const Node& node, job_config& cl) { cl.name = node["name"].as(); cl.type = node["type"].as(); cl.shard_placement = node["shards"].as(); if (node["shard_info"]) { cl.shard_info = node["shard_info"].as(); } if (node["options"]) { cl.options = node["options"].as(); } return true; } }; } /// Each shard has one context, and the context is responsible for creating the classes that should /// run in this shard. class context { std::vector> _cl; sstring _dir; std::chrono::seconds _duration; semaphore _finished; public: context(sstring dir, std::vector req_config, unsigned duration) : _cl(boost::copy_range>>(req_config | boost::adaptors::filtered([] (auto& cfg) { return cfg.shard_placement.is_set(this_shard_id()); }) | boost::adaptors::transformed([] (auto& cfg) { return cfg.gen_class_data(); }) )) , _dir(dir) , _duration(duration) , _finished(0) {} future<> stop() { return parallel_for_each(_cl, [] (std::unique_ptr& cl) { return cl->stop(); }); } future<> start() { return parallel_for_each(_cl, [this] (std::unique_ptr& cl) { return cl->start(_dir); }); } future<> issue_requests() { return parallel_for_each(_cl.begin(), _cl.end(), [this] (std::unique_ptr& cl) { return cl->issue_requests(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + _duration).finally([this] { _finished.signal(1); }); }); } future<> print_stats() { return _finished.wait(_cl.size()).then([this] { fmt::print("Shard {:>2}\n", this_shard_id()); auto idx = 0; for (auto& cl: _cl) { fmt::print("Class {:>2} ({})\n", idx++, cl->describe_class()); fmt::print("{}\n", cl->describe_results()); } return make_ready_future<>(); }); } }; int class_data::idgen() { static thread_local int id = 0; return id++; } int main(int ac, char** av) { namespace bpo = boost::program_options; app_template app; auto opt_add = app.add_options(); opt_add ("directory", bpo::value()->default_value("."), "directory where to execute the test") ("duration", bpo::value()->default_value(10), "for how long (in seconds) to run the test") ("conf", bpo::value()->default_value("./conf.yaml"), "YAML file containing benchmark specification") ; distributed ctx; return app.run(ac, av, [&] { return seastar::async([&] { auto& opts = app.configuration(); auto& directory = opts["directory"].as(); auto fs = file_system_at(directory).get0(); if (fs != fs_type::xfs) { throw std::runtime_error(format("This is a performance test. {} is not on XFS", directory)); } auto& duration = opts["duration"].as(); auto& yaml = opts["conf"].as(); YAML::Node doc = YAML::LoadFile(yaml); auto reqs = doc.as>(); parallel_for_each(reqs, [] (auto& r) { return seastar::create_scheduling_group(r.name, r.shard_info.shares).then([&r] (seastar::scheduling_group sg) { r.shard_info.scheduling_group = sg; }); }).get(); ctx.start(directory, reqs, duration).get0(); engine().at_exit([&ctx] { return ctx.stop(); }); std::cout << "Creating initial files..." << std::endl; ctx.invoke_on_all([] (auto& c) { return c.start(); }).get(); std::cout << "Starting evaluation..." << std::endl; ctx.invoke_on_all([] (auto& c) { return c.issue_requests(); }).get(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < smp::count; ++i) { ctx.invoke_on(i, [] (auto& c) { return c.print_stats(); }).get(); } ctx.stop().get0(); }).or_terminate(); }); }