/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; using namespace std::chrono_literals; struct async_service : public seastar::async_sharded_service { thread_local static bool deleted; ~async_service() { deleted = true; } void run() { auto ref = shared_from_this(); // Wait a while and check. (void)sleep(std::chrono::milliseconds(100 + 100 * this_shard_id())).then([this, ref] { check(); }); } virtual void check() { assert(!deleted); } future<> stop() { return make_ready_future<>(); } }; thread_local bool async_service::deleted = false; struct X { sstring echo(sstring arg) { return arg; } int cpu_id_squared() const { auto id = this_shard_id(); return id * id; } future<> stop() { return make_ready_future<>(); } }; template future<> do_with_distributed(Func&& func) { auto x = make_shared>(); return func(*x).finally([x] { return x->stop(); }).finally([x]{}); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_that_each_core_gets_the_arguments) { return do_with_distributed([] (auto& x) { return x.start().then([&x] { return x.map_reduce([] (sstring msg){ if (msg != "hello") { throw std::runtime_error("wrong message"); } }, &X::echo, sstring("hello")); }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_functor_version) { return do_with_distributed([] (auto& x) { return x.start().then([&x] { return x.map_reduce([] (sstring msg){ if (msg != "hello") { throw std::runtime_error("wrong message"); } }, [] (X& x) { return x.echo("hello"); }); }); }); } struct Y { sstring s; Y(sstring s) : s(std::move(s)) {} future<> stop() { return make_ready_future<>(); } }; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_constructor_argument_is_passed_to_each_core) { return do_with_distributed([] (auto& y) { return y.start(sstring("hello")).then([&y] { return y.invoke_on_all([] (Y& y) { if (y.s != "hello") { throw std::runtime_error(format("expected message mismatch, is \"%s\"", y.s)); } }); }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_map_reduce) { return do_with_distributed([] (distributed& x) { return x.start().then([&x] { return x.map_reduce0(std::mem_fn(&X::cpu_id_squared), 0, std::plus()).then([] (int result) { int n = smp::count - 1; if (result != (n * (n + 1) * (2*n + 1)) / 6) { throw std::runtime_error("map_reduce failed"); } }); }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_async) { return do_with_distributed([] (distributed& x) { return x.start().then([&x] { return x.invoke_on_all(&async_service::run); }); }).then([] { return sleep(std::chrono::milliseconds(100 * (smp::count + 1))); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_invoke_on_others) { return seastar::async([] { struct my_service { int counter = 0; void up() { ++counter; } future<> stop() { return make_ready_future<>(); } }; for (unsigned c = 0; c < smp::count; ++c) { smp::submit_to(c, [c] { return seastar::async([c] { sharded s; s.start().get(); s.invoke_on_others([](auto& s) { s.up(); }).get(); if (s.local().counter != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("local modified"); } s.invoke_on_all([c](auto& remote) { if (this_shard_id() != c) { if (remote.counter != 1) { throw std::runtime_error("remote not modified"); } } }).get(); s.stop().get(); }); }).get(); } }); } struct remote_worker { unsigned current = 0; unsigned max_concurrent_observed = 0; unsigned expected_max; semaphore sem{0}; remote_worker(unsigned expected_max) : expected_max(expected_max) { } future<> do_work() { ++current; max_concurrent_observed = std::max(current, max_concurrent_observed); if (max_concurrent_observed >= expected_max && sem.current() == 0) { sem.signal(semaphore::max_counter()); } return sem.wait().then([this] { // Sleep a bit to check if the concurrency goes over the max return sleep(100ms).then([this] { max_concurrent_observed = std::max(current, max_concurrent_observed); --current; }); }); } future<> do_remote_work(shard_id t, smp_service_group ssg) { return smp::submit_to(t, ssg, [this] { return do_work(); }); } }; SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_smp_service_groups) { return async([] { smp_service_group_config ssgc1; ssgc1.max_nonlocal_requests = 1; auto ssg1 = create_smp_service_group(ssgc1).get0(); smp_service_group_config ssgc2; ssgc2.max_nonlocal_requests = 1000; auto ssg2 = create_smp_service_group(ssgc2).get0(); shard_id other_shard = smp::count - 1; remote_worker rm1(1); remote_worker rm2(1000); auto bunch1 = parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0, 20), [&] (int ignore) { return rm1.do_remote_work(other_shard, ssg1); }); auto bunch2 = parallel_for_each(boost::irange(0, 2000), [&] (int ignore) { return rm2.do_remote_work(other_shard, ssg2); }); bunch1.get(); bunch2.get(); if (smp::count > 1) { assert(rm1.max_concurrent_observed == 1); assert(rm2.max_concurrent_observed == 1000); } destroy_smp_service_group(ssg1).get(); destroy_smp_service_group(ssg2).get(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_smp_service_groups_re_construction) { // During development of the feature, we saw a bug where the vector // holding the groups did not expand correctly. This test triggers the // bug. return async([] { auto ssg1 = create_smp_service_group({}).get0(); auto ssg2 = create_smp_service_group({}).get0(); destroy_smp_service_group(ssg1).get(); auto ssg3 = create_smp_service_group({}).get0(); destroy_smp_service_group(ssg2).get(); destroy_smp_service_group(ssg3).get(); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_smp_timeout) { return async([] { smp_service_group_config ssgc1; ssgc1.max_nonlocal_requests = 1; auto ssg1 = create_smp_service_group(ssgc1).get0(); auto _ = defer([ssg1] { destroy_smp_service_group(ssg1).get(); }); const shard_id other_shard = smp::count - 1; // Ugly but beats using sleeps. std::mutex mut; std::unique_lock lk(mut); // Submitted to the remote shard. auto fut1 = smp::submit_to(other_shard, ssg1, [&mut] { std::cout << "Running request no. 1" << std::endl; std::unique_lock lk(mut); std::cout << "Request no. 1 done" << std::endl; }); // Consume the only unit from the semaphore. auto fut2 = smp::submit_to(other_shard, ssg1, [] { std::cout << "Running request no. 2 - done" << std::endl; }); auto fut_timedout = smp::submit_to(other_shard, smp_submit_to_options(ssg1, smp_timeout_clock::now() + 10ms), [] { std::cout << "Running timed-out request - done" << std::endl; }); { auto notify = defer([lk = std::move(lk)] { }); try { fut_timedout.get(); throw std::runtime_error("smp::submit_to() didn't timeout as expected"); } catch (semaphore_timed_out& e) { std::cout << "Expected timeout received: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(std::runtime_error("smp::submit_to() failed with unexpected exception")); } } fut1.get(); fut2.get(); }); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_sharded_parameter) { struct dependency { unsigned val = this_shard_id() * 7; }; struct some_service { bool ok = false; some_service(unsigned non_shard_dependent, unsigned shard_dependent, dependency& dep, unsigned shard_dependent_2) { ok = non_shard_dependent == 43 && shard_dependent == this_shard_id() * 3 && dep.val == this_shard_id() * 7 && shard_dependent_2 == -dep.val; } }; sharded s_dep; s_dep.start().get(); auto undo1 = defer([&] { s_dep.stop().get(); }); sharded s_service; s_service.start( 43, // should be copied verbatim sharded_parameter([] { return this_shard_id() * 3; }), std::ref(s_dep), sharded_parameter([] (dependency& d) { return -d.val; }, std::ref(s_dep)) ).get(); auto undo2 = defer([&] { s_service.stop().get(); }); auto all_ok = s_service.map_reduce0(std::mem_fn(&some_service::ok), true, std::multiplies<>()).get0(); BOOST_REQUIRE(all_ok); }