/* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace seastar; using namespace net; static sstring to_sstring(const packet& p) { sstring res = uninitialized_string(p.len()); auto i = res.begin(); for (auto& frag : p.fragments()) { i = std::copy(frag.base, frag.base + frag.size, i); } return res; } struct stream_maker { bool _trim = false; size_t _size; stream_maker size(size_t size) && { _size = size; return std::move(*this); } stream_maker trim(bool do_trim) && { _trim = do_trim; return std::move(*this); } lw_shared_ptr> operator()(data_sink sink) { return make_lw_shared>(std::move(sink), _size, _trim); } }; template future<> assert_split(StreamConstructor stream_maker, std::initializer_list write_calls, std::vector expected_split) { static int i = 0; BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("checking split: " << i++); auto sh_write_calls = make_lw_shared>(std::move(write_calls)); auto sh_expected_splits = make_lw_shared>(std::move(expected_split)); auto v = make_shared>(); auto out = stream_maker(data_sink(std::make_unique(*v))); return do_for_each(sh_write_calls->begin(), sh_write_calls->end(), [out, sh_write_calls] (auto&& chunk) { return out->write(chunk); }).then([out, v, sh_expected_splits] { return out->close().then([out, v, sh_expected_splits] { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(v->size(), sh_expected_splits->size()); int i = 0; for (auto&& chunk : *sh_expected_splits) { BOOST_REQUIRE(to_sstring((*v)[i]) == chunk); i++; } }); }); } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_splitting) { auto ctor = stream_maker().trim(false).size(4); return now() .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1"}, {"1"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "3"}, {"123"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "34"}, {"1234"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "345"}, {"1234", "5"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1234"}, {"1234"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12345"}, {"12345"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1234567890"}, {"1234567890"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1", "23456"}, {"1234", "56"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"123", "4567"}, {"1234", "567"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"123", "45678"}, {"1234", "5678"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"123", "4567890"}, {"1234", "567890"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1234", "567"}, {"1234", "567"}); }) .then([] { return assert_split(stream_maker().trim(false).size(3), {"1", "234567", "89"}, {"123", "4567", "89"}); }) .then([] { return assert_split(stream_maker().trim(false).size(3), {"1", "2345", "67"}, {"123", "456", "7"}); }) ; } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_splitting_with_trimming) { auto ctor = stream_maker().trim(true).size(4); return now() .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1"}, {"1"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "3"}, {"123"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "3456789"}, {"1234", "5678", "9"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12", "3456789", "12"}, {"1234", "5678", "912"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"123456789"}, {"1234", "5678", "9"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12345678"}, {"1234", "5678"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"12345678", "9"}, {"1234", "5678", "9"}); }) .then([=] { return assert_split(ctor, {"1234", "567890"}, {"1234", "5678", "90"}); }) ; } SEASTAR_TEST_CASE(test_flush_on_empty_buffer_does_not_push_empty_packet_down_stream) { auto v = make_shared>(); auto out = make_shared>( data_sink(std::make_unique(*v)), 8); return out->flush().then([v, out] { BOOST_REQUIRE(v->empty()); return out->close(); }).finally([out]{}); } SEASTAR_THREAD_TEST_CASE(test_simple_write) { auto vec = std::vector{}; auto out = output_stream(data_sink(std::make_unique(vec)), 8); auto value1 = sstring("te"); out.write(value1).get(); auto value2 = sstring("st"); out.write(value2).get(); auto value3 = sstring("abcdefgh1234"); out.write(value3).get(); out.close().get(); auto value = value1 + value2 + value3; auto packets = net::packet{}; for (auto& p : vec) { packets.append(std::move(p)); } packets.linearize(); auto buf = packets.release(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(buf.size(), 1); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sstring(buf.front().get(), buf.front().size()), value); }