# NVMe-oF target without SPDK event framework ## Overview This example is used to show how to use the nvmf lib. In this example we want to encourage user to use RPC cmd so we would only support RPC style. ## Usage This example's usage is very similar with nvmf_tgt, difference is that you must use the RPC cmd to setup the nvmf target. First, start this example app. You can use the -m to specify how many cores you want to use. The other parameters you can use -h to show. ./nvmf -m 0xf -r /var/tmp/spdk.sock Then, you need to use the RPC cmd to config the nvmf target. You can use the -h to get how many RPC cmd you can use. As this example is about nvmf so I think you can focus on the nvmf cmds and the bdev cmds. ./scripts/rpc.py -h Next, You should use the RPC cmd to setup nvmf target. ./scripts/rpc.py nvmf_create_transport -t RDMA -g nvmf_example ./scripts/rpc.py nvmf_create_subsystem -t nvmf_example -s SPDK00000000000001 -a -m 32 nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 ./scripts/rpc.py bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc1 128 512 ./scripts/rpc.py nvmf_subsystem_add_ns -t nvmf_example nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 Malloc1 ./scripts/rpc.py nvmf_subsystem_add_listener -t rdma -f Ipv4 -a -s 4420 -p nvmf_example nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1 Last, start the initiator to connect the nvmf example target and test the IOs $ROOT_SPDK/example/nvme/perf/perf -q 64 -o 4095 -w randrw -M 30 -l -t 60 \ -r "trtype:RDMA adrfam:IPv4 traddr: trsvcid:4420 subnqn:nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1"