def blobfs_detect(client, bdev_name): """Detect whether a blobfs exists on bdev. Args: bdev_name: block device name to detect blobfs Returns: True if a blobfs exists on the bdev; False otherwise. """ params = { 'bdev_name': bdev_name } return'blobfs_detect', params) def blobfs_create(client, bdev_name, cluster_sz=None): """Build blobfs on bdev. Args: bdev_name: block device name to build blobfs cluster_sz: Size of cluster in bytes (Optional). Must be multiple of 4KB page size. Default and minimal value is 1M. """ params = { 'bdev_name': bdev_name } if cluster_sz: params['cluster_sz'] = cluster_sz return'blobfs_create', params) def blobfs_mount(client, bdev_name, mountpoint): """Mount blobfs on bdev by FUSE. Args: bdev_name: block device name where the blobfs is mountpoint: Mountpoint path in host to mount blobfs """ params = { 'bdev_name': bdev_name, 'mountpoint': mountpoint } return'blobfs_mount', params) def blobfs_set_cache_size(client, size_in_mb): """Set cache size for the blobstore filesystem. Args: size_in_mb: Cache size in megabytes Returns: True if cache size is set successfully; False if failed to set. """ params = { 'size_in_mb': size_in_mb } return'blobfs_set_cache_size', params)