#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int getPidByName(string procName) { int pid = -1; // Open the /proc directory DIR *dp = opendir("/proc"); if (dp != NULL) { // Enumerate all entries in '/proc' until process is found struct dirent *dirp; while (pid < 0 && (dirp = readdir(dp))) { // Skip non-numeric entries int id = atoi(dirp->d_name); if (id > 0) { // Read contents of virtual /proc/{pid}/cmdline file string cmdPath = string("/proc/") + dirp->d_name + "/cmdline"; ifstream cmdFile(cmdPath.c_str()); string cmdLine; getline(cmdFile, cmdLine); if (!cmdLine.empty()) { // Keep first cmdline item which contains the program path size_t pos = cmdLine.find('\0'); if (pos != string::npos) { cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(0, pos); } // Get program name only, removing the path pos = cmdLine.rfind('/'); if (pos != string::npos) { cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(pos + 1); } // Compare against requested process name if (procName == cmdLine) { pid = id; } } } } } closedir(dp); return pid; } uint64_t getRssUsage(string pid) { int totalSize = 0; int resSize = 0; string statmPath = string("/proc/") + pid + "/statm"; ifstream buffer(statmPath); buffer >> totalSize >> resSize; buffer.close(); long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); uint64_t rss = resSize * page_size; return rss; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cout << "Syntax: " << "ceph_test_log_rss_usage " << endl; exit(EINVAL); } uint64_t rss = 0; int pid = getPidByName(argv[1]); string rssUsage; // Use the pid to get RSS memory usage // and print it to stdout if (pid != -1) { rss = getRssUsage(to_string(pid)); } else { cout << "Process " << argv[1] << " NOT FOUND!\n" << endl; exit(ESRCH); } rssUsage = to_string(rss) + ":" + to_string(pid) + ":"; cout << rssUsage.c_str() << endl; return 0; }