// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudwatt * * Author: Loic Dachary * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include "os/filestore/LFNIndex.h" #include "os/filestore/chain_xattr.h" #include "common/ceph_argparse.h" #include "global/global_init.h" #include class TestWrapLFNIndex : public LFNIndex { public: TestWrapLFNIndex(CephContext* cct, coll_t collection, const char *base_path, uint32_t index_version) : LFNIndex(cct, collection, base_path, index_version) {} uint32_t collection_version() override { return index_version; } int cleanup() override { return 0; } int _split( uint32_t match, uint32_t bits, CollectionIndex* dest ) override { return 0; } int _merge( uint32_t bits, CollectionIndex* dest ) override { return 0; } void test_generate_and_parse(const ghobject_t &hoid, const std::string &mangled_expected) { const std::string mangled_name = lfn_generate_object_name(hoid); EXPECT_EQ(mangled_expected, mangled_name); ghobject_t hoid_parsed; EXPECT_EQ(0, lfn_parse_object_name(mangled_name, &hoid_parsed)); EXPECT_EQ(hoid, hoid_parsed); } protected: int _init() override { return 0; } int _created( const vector &path, const ghobject_t &hoid, const string &mangled_name ) override { return 0; } int _remove( const vector &path, const ghobject_t &hoid, const string &mangled_name ) override { return 0; } int _lookup( const ghobject_t &hoid, vector *path, string *mangled_name, int *exists ) override { return 0; } int _collection_list_partial( const ghobject_t &start, const ghobject_t &end, int max_count, vector *ls, ghobject_t *next ) override { return 0; } int _pre_hash_collection( uint32_t pg_num, uint64_t expected_num_objs ) override { return 0; } }; class TestHASH_INDEX_TAG : public TestWrapLFNIndex, public ::testing::Test { public: TestHASH_INDEX_TAG() : TestWrapLFNIndex(g_ceph_context, coll_t(), "PATH_1", CollectionIndex::HASH_INDEX_TAG) { } }; TEST_F(TestHASH_INDEX_TAG, generate_and_parse_name) { const vector path; const std::string key; uint64_t hash = 0xABABABAB; uint64_t pool = -1; test_generate_and_parse(ghobject_t(hobject_t(object_t(".A/B_\\C.D"), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")), "\\.A\\sB_\\\\C.D_head_ABABABAB"); test_generate_and_parse(ghobject_t(hobject_t(object_t("DIR_A"), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")), "\\dA_head_ABABABAB"); } class TestHASH_INDEX_TAG_2 : public TestWrapLFNIndex, public ::testing::Test { public: TestHASH_INDEX_TAG_2() : TestWrapLFNIndex(g_ceph_context, coll_t(), "PATH_1", CollectionIndex::HASH_INDEX_TAG_2) { } }; TEST_F(TestHASH_INDEX_TAG_2, generate_and_parse_name) { const vector path; const std::string key("KEY"); uint64_t hash = 0xABABABAB; uint64_t pool = -1; { std::string name(".XA/B_\\C.D"); name[1] = '\0'; ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(object_t(name), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")); test_generate_and_parse(hoid, "\\.\\nA\\sB\\u\\\\C.D_KEY_head_ABABABAB"); } test_generate_and_parse(ghobject_t(hobject_t(object_t("DIR_A"), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")), "\\dA_KEY_head_ABABABAB"); } class TestHOBJECT_WITH_POOL : public TestWrapLFNIndex, public ::testing::Test { public: TestHOBJECT_WITH_POOL() : TestWrapLFNIndex(g_ceph_context, coll_t(), "PATH_1", CollectionIndex::HOBJECT_WITH_POOL) { } }; TEST_F(TestHOBJECT_WITH_POOL, generate_and_parse_name) { const vector path; const std::string key("KEY"); uint64_t hash = 0xABABABAB; uint64_t pool = 0xCDCDCDCD; int64_t gen = 0xefefefefef; shard_id_t shard_id(0xb); { std::string name(".XA/B_\\C.D"); name[1] = '\0'; ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(object_t(name), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")); hoid.hobj.nspace = "NSPACE"; test_generate_and_parse(hoid, "\\.\\nA\\sB\\u\\\\C.D_KEY_head_ABABABAB_NSPACE_cdcdcdcd"); } { ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(object_t("DIR_A"), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, "")); hoid.hobj.nspace = "NSPACE"; test_generate_and_parse(hoid, "\\dA_KEY_head_ABABABAB_NSPACE_cdcdcdcd"); } { std::string name(".XA/B_\\C.D"); name[1] = '\0'; ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(object_t(name), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, ""), gen, shard_id); hoid.hobj.nspace = "NSPACE"; test_generate_and_parse(hoid, "\\.\\nA\\sB\\u\\\\C.D_KEY_head_ABABABAB_NSPACE_cdcdcdcd_efefefefef_b"); } { ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(object_t("DIR_A"), key, CEPH_NOSNAP, hash, pool, ""), gen, shard_id); hoid.hobj.nspace = "NSPACE"; test_generate_and_parse(hoid, "\\dA_KEY_head_ABABABAB_NSPACE_cdcdcdcd_efefefefef_b"); } } class TestLFNIndex : public TestWrapLFNIndex, public ::testing::Test { public: TestLFNIndex() : TestWrapLFNIndex(g_ceph_context, coll_t(), "PATH_1", CollectionIndex::HOBJECT_WITH_POOL) { } void SetUp() override { ::chmod("PATH_1", 0700); ASSERT_EQ(0, ::system("rm -fr PATH_1")); ASSERT_EQ(0, ::mkdir("PATH_1", 0700)); } void TearDown() override { ASSERT_EQ(0, ::system("rm -fr PATH_1")); } }; TEST_F(TestLFNIndex, remove_object) { const vector path; // // small object name removal // { std::string mangled_name; int exists = 666; ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t("ABC", CEPH_NOSNAP))); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::chmod("PATH_1", 0000)); if (getuid() != 0) { EXPECT_EQ(-EACCES, remove_object(path, hoid)); } EXPECT_EQ(0, ::chmod("PATH_1", 0700)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOENT, remove_object(path, hoid)); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); const std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove_object(path, hoid)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); } // // long object name removal of a single file // { std::string mangled_name; int exists; const std::string object_name(1024, 'A'); ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t(object_name, CEPH_NOSNAP))); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, created(hoid, pathname.c_str())); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove_object(path, hoid)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); } // // long object name removal of the last file // { std::string mangled_name; int exists; const std::string object_name(1024, 'A'); ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t(object_name, CEPH_NOSNAP))); // // PATH_1/AAA..._0_long => does not match long object name // EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, created(hoid, pathname.c_str())); string LFN_ATTR = "user.cephos.lfn"; if (index_version != HASH_INDEX_TAG) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", index_version); LFN_ATTR += string(buf); } const std::string object_name_1 = object_name + "SUFFIX"; EXPECT_EQ(object_name_1.size(), (unsigned)chain_setxattr(pathname.c_str(), LFN_ATTR.c_str(), object_name_1.c_str(), object_name_1.size())); // // PATH_1/AAA..._1_long => matches long object name // std::string mangled_name_1; exists = 666; EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name_1, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name_1.find("1_long")); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); std::string pathname_1("PATH_1/" + mangled_name_1); auto retvalue = ::creat(pathname_1.c_str(), 0600); ceph_assert(retvalue > 2); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(retvalue)); EXPECT_EQ(0, created(hoid, pathname_1.c_str())); // // remove_object skips PATH_1/AAA..._0_long and removes PATH_1/AAA..._1_long // EXPECT_EQ(0, remove_object(path, hoid)); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, ::access(pathname_1.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::unlink(pathname.c_str())); } // // long object name removal of a file in the middle of the list // { std::string mangled_name; int exists; const std::string object_name(1024, 'A'); ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t(object_name, CEPH_NOSNAP))); // // PATH_1/AAA..._0_long => matches long object name // EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, created(hoid, pathname.c_str())); // // PATH_1/AAA..._1_long => matches long object name // std::string mangled_name_1 = mangled_name; mangled_name_1.replace(mangled_name_1.find("0_long"), 6, "1_long"); const std::string pathname_1("PATH_1/" + mangled_name_1); const std::string cmd("cp -a " + pathname + " " + pathname_1); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::system(cmd.c_str())); const string ATTR = "user.MARK"; EXPECT_EQ((unsigned)1, (unsigned)chain_setxattr(pathname_1.c_str(), ATTR.c_str(), "Y", 1)); // // remove_object replaces the file to be removed with the last from the // collision list. In this case it replaces // PATH_1/AAA..._0_long // with // PATH_1/AAA..._1_long // EXPECT_EQ(0, remove_object(path, hoid)); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); char buffer[1] = { 0, }; EXPECT_EQ((unsigned)1, (unsigned)chain_getxattr(pathname.c_str(), ATTR.c_str(), buffer, 1)); EXPECT_EQ('Y', buffer[0]); EXPECT_EQ(-1, ::access(pathname_1.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); } } TEST_F(TestLFNIndex, get_mangled_name) { const vector path; // // small object name // { std::string mangled_name; int exists = 666; ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t("ABC", CEPH_NOSNAP))); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("ABC__head")); EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); const std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("ABC__head")); EXPECT_EQ(1, exists); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::unlink(pathname.c_str())); } // // long object name // { std::string mangled_name; int exists; const std::string object_name(1024, 'A'); ghobject_t hoid(hobject_t(sobject_t(object_name, CEPH_NOSNAP))); // // long version of the mangled name and no matching // file exists // mangled_name.clear(); exists = 666; EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); const std::string pathname("PATH_1/" + mangled_name); // // if a file by the same name exists but does not have the // expected extended attribute, it is silently removed // mangled_name.clear(); exists = 666; EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); EXPECT_EQ(-1, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); EXPECT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); // // if a file by the same name exists but does not have the // expected extended attribute, and cannot be removed, // return on error // mangled_name.clear(); exists = 666; EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600))); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::chmod("PATH_1", 0500)); if (getuid() != 0) { EXPECT_EQ(-EACCES, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); } EXPECT_EQ("", mangled_name); EXPECT_EQ(666, exists); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::chmod("PATH_1", 0700)); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::unlink(pathname.c_str())); // // long version of the mangled name and a file // exists by that name and contains the long object name // mangled_name.clear(); exists = 666; auto retvalue = ::creat(pathname.c_str(), 0600); ceph_assert(retvalue > 2); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::close(retvalue)); EXPECT_EQ(0, created(hoid, pathname.c_str())); EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name.find("0_long")); EXPECT_EQ(1, exists); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::access(pathname.c_str(), 0)); // // long version of the mangled name and a file exists by that name // and contains a long object name with the same prefix but they // are not identical and it so happens that their SHA1 is // identical : a collision number is used to differentiate them // string LFN_ATTR = "user.cephos.lfn"; if (index_version != HASH_INDEX_TAG) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", index_version); LFN_ATTR += string(buf); } const std::string object_name_same_prefix = object_name + "SUFFIX"; EXPECT_EQ(object_name_same_prefix.size(), (unsigned)chain_setxattr(pathname.c_str(), LFN_ATTR.c_str(), object_name_same_prefix.c_str(), object_name_same_prefix.size())); std::string mangled_name_same_prefix; exists = 666; EXPECT_EQ(0, get_mangled_name(path, hoid, &mangled_name_same_prefix, &exists)); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, mangled_name_same_prefix.find("1_long")); EXPECT_EQ(0, exists); EXPECT_EQ(0, ::unlink(pathname.c_str())); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd = ::creat("detect", 0600); if (fd < 0){ cerr << "failed to create file detect" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } int ret = chain_fsetxattr(fd, "user.test", "A", 1); ::close(fd); ::unlink("detect"); if (ret < 0) { cerr << "SKIP LFNIndex because unable to test for xattr" << std::endl; } else { vector args; argv_to_vec(argc, (const char **)argv, args); auto cct = global_init(NULL, args, CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_CLIENT, CODE_ENVIRONMENT_UTILITY, CINIT_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE); common_init_finish(g_ceph_context); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } } /* * Local Variables: * compile-command: "cd ../.. ; * make unittest_lfnindex && * valgrind --tool=memcheck ./unittest_lfnindex \ * # --gtest_filter=TestLFNIndex.* --log-to-stderr=true --debug-filestore=20" * End: */