/* * Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree). * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses. */ #define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY #include "zstd.h" #include "zstd_errors.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { char *input; size_t input_size; char *perturbed; /* same size as input */ char *output; size_t output_size; const char *dict_file_name; const char *dict_file_dir_name; int32_t dict_id; char *dict; size_t dict_size; ZSTD_DDict* ddict; ZSTD_DCtx* dctx; int success_count; int error_counts[ZSTD_error_maxCode]; } stuff_t; static void free_stuff(stuff_t* stuff) { free(stuff->input); free(stuff->output); ZSTD_freeDDict(stuff->ddict); free(stuff->dict); ZSTD_freeDCtx(stuff->dctx); } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "check_flipped_bits input_filename [-d dict] [-D dict_dir]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Arguments:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d file: path to a dictionary file to use.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -D dir : path to a directory, with files containing dictionaries, of the\n" " form DICTID.zstd-dict, e.g., 12345.zstd-dict.\n"); exit(1); } static void print_summary(stuff_t* stuff) { int error_code; fprintf(stderr, "%9d successful decompressions\n", stuff->success_count); for (error_code = 0; error_code < ZSTD_error_maxCode; error_code++) { int count = stuff->error_counts[error_code]; if (count) { fprintf( stderr, "%9d failed decompressions with message: %s\n", count, ZSTD_getErrorString(error_code)); } } } static char* readFile(const char* filename, size_t* size) { struct stat statbuf; int ret; FILE* f; char *buf; size_t bytes_read; ret = stat(filename, &statbuf); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "stat failed: %m\n"); return NULL; } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG) { fprintf(stderr, "Input must be regular file\n"); return NULL; } *size = statbuf.st_size; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fopen failed: %m\n"); return NULL; } buf = malloc(*size); if (buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed\n"); fclose(f); return NULL; } bytes_read = fread(buf, 1, *size, f); if (bytes_read != *size) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to read whole file\n"); fclose(f); free(buf); return NULL; } ret = fclose(f); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fclose failed: %m\n"); free(buf); return NULL; } return buf; } static ZSTD_DDict* readDict(const char* filename, char **buf, size_t* size, int32_t* dict_id) { ZSTD_DDict* ddict; *buf = readFile(filename, size); if (*buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Opening dictionary file '%s' failed\n", filename); return NULL; } ddict = ZSTD_createDDict_advanced(*buf, *size, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto, ZSTD_defaultCMem); if (ddict == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ddict.\n"); return NULL; } if (dict_id != NULL) { *dict_id = ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(ddict); } return ddict; } static ZSTD_DDict* readDictByID(stuff_t *stuff, int32_t dict_id, char **buf, size_t* size) { if (stuff->dict_file_dir_name == NULL) { return NULL; } else { size_t dir_name_len = strlen(stuff->dict_file_dir_name); int dir_needs_separator = 0; size_t dict_file_name_alloc_size = dir_name_len + 1 /* '/' */ + 10 /* max int32_t len */ + strlen(".zstd-dict") + 1 /* '\0' */; char *dict_file_name = malloc(dict_file_name_alloc_size); ZSTD_DDict* ddict; int32_t read_dict_id; if (dict_file_name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed.\n"); return 0; } if (dir_name_len > 0 && stuff->dict_file_dir_name[dir_name_len - 1] != '/') { dir_needs_separator = 1; } snprintf( dict_file_name, dict_file_name_alloc_size, "%s%s%u.zstd-dict", stuff->dict_file_dir_name, dir_needs_separator ? "/" : "", dict_id); /* fprintf(stderr, "Loading dict %u from '%s'.\n", dict_id, dict_file_name); */ ddict = readDict(dict_file_name, buf, size, &read_dict_id); if (ddict == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ddict from '%s'.\n", dict_file_name); free(dict_file_name); return 0; } if (read_dict_id != dict_id) { fprintf(stderr, "Read dictID (%u) does not match expected (%u).\n", read_dict_id, dict_id); free(dict_file_name); ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict); return 0; } free(dict_file_name); return ddict; } } static int init_stuff(stuff_t* stuff, int argc, char *argv[]) { const char* input_filename; if (argc < 2) { usage(); } input_filename = argv[1]; stuff->input_size = 0; stuff->input = readFile(input_filename, &stuff->input_size); if (stuff->input == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read input file.\n"); return 0; } stuff->perturbed = malloc(stuff->input_size); if (stuff->perturbed == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed.\n"); return 0; } memcpy(stuff->perturbed, stuff->input, stuff->input_size); stuff->output_size = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize(); stuff->output = malloc(stuff->output_size); if (stuff->output == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed.\n"); return 0; } stuff->dict_file_name = NULL; stuff->dict_file_dir_name = NULL; stuff->dict_id = 0; stuff->dict = NULL; stuff->dict_size = 0; stuff->ddict = NULL; if (argc > 2) { if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-d")) { if (argc > 3) { stuff->dict_file_name = argv[3]; } else { usage(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-D")) { if (argc > 3) { stuff->dict_file_dir_name = argv[3]; } else { usage(); } } else { usage(); } } if (stuff->dict_file_dir_name) { int32_t dict_id = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(stuff->input, stuff->input_size); if (dict_id != 0) { stuff->ddict = readDictByID(stuff, dict_id, &stuff->dict, &stuff->dict_size); if (stuff->ddict == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create cached ddict.\n"); return 0; } stuff->dict_id = dict_id; } } else if (stuff->dict_file_name) { stuff->ddict = readDict(stuff->dict_file_name, &stuff->dict, &stuff->dict_size, &stuff->dict_id); if (stuff->ddict == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create ddict from '%s'.\n", stuff->dict_file_name); return 0; } } stuff->dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); if (stuff->dctx == NULL) { return 0; } stuff->success_count = 0; memset(stuff->error_counts, 0, sizeof(stuff->error_counts)); return 1; } static int test_decompress(stuff_t* stuff) { size_t ret; ZSTD_inBuffer in = {stuff->perturbed, stuff->input_size, 0}; ZSTD_outBuffer out = {stuff->output, stuff->output_size, 0}; ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = stuff->dctx; int32_t custom_dict_id = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(in.src, in.size); char *custom_dict = NULL; size_t custom_dict_size = 0; ZSTD_DDict* custom_ddict = NULL; if (custom_dict_id != 0 && custom_dict_id != stuff->dict_id) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Instead of dict %u, this perturbed blob wants dict %u.\n", stuff->dict_id, custom_dict_id); */ custom_ddict = readDictByID(stuff, custom_dict_id, &custom_dict, &custom_dict_size); } ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only); if (custom_ddict != NULL) { ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(dctx, custom_ddict); } else { ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(dctx, stuff->ddict); } while (in.pos != in.size) { out.pos = 0; ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in); if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) { unsigned int code = ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret); if (code >= ZSTD_error_maxCode) { fprintf(stderr, "Received unexpected error code!\n"); exit(1); } stuff->error_counts[code]++; /* fprintf( stderr, "Decompression failed: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(ret)); */ if (custom_ddict != NULL) { ZSTD_freeDDict(custom_ddict); free(custom_dict); } return 0; } } stuff->success_count++; if (custom_ddict != NULL) { ZSTD_freeDDict(custom_ddict); free(custom_dict); } return 1; } static int perturb_bits(stuff_t* stuff) { size_t pos; size_t bit; for (pos = 0; pos < stuff->input_size; pos++) { unsigned char old_val = stuff->input[pos]; if (pos % 1000 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Perturbing byte %zu / %zu\n", pos, stuff->input_size); } for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) { unsigned char new_val = old_val ^ (1 << bit); stuff->perturbed[pos] = new_val; if (test_decompress(stuff)) { fprintf( stderr, "Flipping byte %zu bit %zu (0x%02x -> 0x%02x) " "produced a successful decompression!\n", pos, bit, old_val, new_val); } } stuff->perturbed[pos] = old_val; } return 1; } static int perturb_bytes(stuff_t* stuff) { size_t pos; size_t new_val; for (pos = 0; pos < stuff->input_size; pos++) { unsigned char old_val = stuff->input[pos]; if (pos % 1000 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Perturbing byte %zu / %zu\n", pos, stuff->input_size); } for (new_val = 0; new_val < 256; new_val++) { stuff->perturbed[pos] = new_val; if (test_decompress(stuff)) { fprintf( stderr, "Changing byte %zu (0x%02x -> 0x%02x) " "produced a successful decompression!\n", pos, old_val, (unsigned char)new_val); } } stuff->perturbed[pos] = old_val; } return 1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { stuff_t stuff; if(!init_stuff(&stuff, argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init.\n"); return 1; } if (test_decompress(&stuff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Blob already decompresses successfully!\n"); return 1; } perturb_bits(&stuff); perturb_bytes(&stuff); print_summary(&stuff); free_stuff(&stuff); return 0; }