#!/bin/bash . lib.sh # # *** Description *** # # generate primary header with json area containing illegal bytes # beyond well-formed json format. # # secondary header is corrupted on purpose as well # # $1 full target dir # $2 full source luks2 image QUOTE="[Homer J. Simpson]: Keep looking shocked and move slowly towards the cake." SPACE=20 function generate() { read -r json_str < $TMPDIR/json0 json_len_orig=${#json_str} json_len=$((json_len_orig+${#QUOTE}+SPACE)) test ${#json_str} -lt $((LUKS2_JSON_SIZE*512)) || exit 2 printf '%s' "$QUOTE" | _dd of=$TMPDIR/json0 seek=$((json_len_orig+SPACE)) bs=1 conv=notrunc lib_mangle_json_hdr0_kill_hdr1 } function check() { lib_hdr1_killed || exit 2 lib_hdr0_checksum || exit 2 read_luks2_json0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/json_res0 _dd if=$TMPDIR/json_res0 of=$TMPDIR/quote skip=$((json_len_orig+SPACE)) count=${#QUOTE} bs=1 json_str_res0=$(head -c ${#QUOTE} $TMPDIR/quote) test "$json_str_res0" = "$QUOTE" || exit 2 } lib_prepare $@ generate check lib_cleanup