# Create a pipeline schedule using parameters package Devscripts::Salsa::pipeline_schedule; use strict; use Devscripts::Output; use Moo::Role; # For --all with "Devscripts::Salsa::Repo"; sub pipeline_schedule { my ($self, @repos) = @_; my $ret = 0; my $desc = $self->config->schedule_desc; my $ref = $self->config->schedule_ref; my $cron = $self->config->schedule_cron; my $tz = $self->config->schedule_tz; my $active = $self->config->schedule_enable; $active = ($self->config->schedule_disable) ? "0" : $active; my $run = $self->config->schedule_run; my $delete = $self->config->schedule_delete; unless (@repos or $self->config->all) { ds_warn "Usage $0 pipeline "; return 1; } if (@repos and $self->config->all) { ds_warn "--all with a project (@repos) makes no sense"; return 1; } unless ($desc) { ds_warn "--schedule-desc / SALSA_SCHEDULE_DESC is missing"; ds_warn "Are you looking for: $0 pipelines "; return 1; } # If --all is asked, launch all projects @repos = map { $_->[1] } $self->get_repo(0, @repos) unless (@repos); foreach my $repo (sort @repos) { my $id = $self->project2id($repo); unless ($id) { #ds_warn "Project $repo not found"; # $self->project2id($repo) shows this error $ret++; return 1 unless $self->config->no_fail; } else { my @pipe_id = (); $desc =~ s/%p/$repo/g; my $options = {}; $options->{ref} = $ref if defined $ref; $options->{cron} = $cron if defined $cron; $options->{cron_timezone} = $tz if defined $tz; $options->{active} = $active if defined $active; # REF: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/pipeline_schedules.html#get-all-pipeline-schedules # $self->api->pipeline_schedules($id) my $pipelines = $self->api->paginator('pipeline_schedules', $id)->all(); ds_verbose "No pipelines scheduled for $repo" unless @$pipelines; foreach (@$pipelines) { push @pipe_id, $_->{id} if ($_->{description} eq $desc); } ds_warn "More than 1 scheduled pipeline matches: $desc (" . ++$#pipe_id . ")" if ($pipe_id[1]); if (!@pipe_id) { ds_warn "--schedule-ref / SALSA_SCHEDULE_REF is required" unless ($ref); ds_warn "--schedule-cron / SALSA_SCHEDULE_CRON is required" unless ($cron); return 1 unless ($ref && $cron); $options->{description} = $desc if defined $desc; ds_verbose "No scheduled pipelines matching: $desc. Creating!"; my $schedule = $self->api->create_pipeline_schedule($id, $options); @pipe_id = $schedule->{id}; } elsif (keys %$options) { ds_verbose "Editing scheduled pipelines matching: $desc"; foreach (@pipe_id) { next if !$_; my $schedule = $self->api->edit_pipeline_schedule($id, $_, $options); } } if ($run) { ds_verbose "Running scheduled pipelines matching: $desc"; foreach (@pipe_id) { next if !$_; my $schedule = $self->api->run_pipeline_schedule($id, $_); } } if ($delete) { ds_verbose "Deleting scheduled pipelines matching: $desc"; foreach (@pipe_id) { next if !$_; my $schedule = $self->api->delete_pipeline_schedule($id, $_); } } } } return $ret; } 1;