# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package Dselect::Ftp; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.02'; our @EXPORT = qw( %CONFIG yesno nb do_connect do_mdtm view_mirrors add_site edit_site edit_config read_config store_config ); use Exporter qw(import); use Carp; eval q{ use Net::FTP; use Data::Dumper; use Dpkg::File; }; if ($@) { warn "Missing Dpkg modules required by the FTP access method.\n\n"; exit 1; } our %CONFIG; sub nb { my $nb = shift; if ($nb > 1024**2) { return sprintf('%.2fM', $nb / 1024**2); } elsif ($nb > 1024) { return sprintf('%.2fk', $nb / 1024); } else { return sprintf('%.2fb', $nb); } } sub read_config { my $vars = shift; my ($code, $conf); eval { $code = file_slurp($vars); }; if ($@) { warn "$@\n"; die "Try to relaunch the 'Access' step in dselect, thanks.\n"; } my $VAR1; ## no critic (Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables) $conf = eval $code; die "couldn't eval $vars content: $@\n" if ($@); if (ref($conf) =~ /HASH/) { foreach (keys %{$conf}) { $CONFIG{$_} = $conf->{$_}; } } else { print "Bad $vars file : removing it.\n"; print "Please relaunch the 'Access' step in dselect. Thanks.\n"; unlink $vars; exit 0; } } sub store_config { my $vars = shift; # Check that config is completed return if not $CONFIG{done}; file_dump($vars, Dumper(\%CONFIG)); } sub view_mirrors { print <<'MIRRORS'; Please see for a current list of Debian mirror sites. MIRRORS } sub edit_config { my $methdir = shift; my $i; #Get a config for ftp sites while(1) { $i = 1; print "\n\nList of selected ftp sites :\n"; foreach (@{$CONFIG{site}}) { print "$i. ftp://$_->[0]$_->[1] @{$_->[2]}\n"; $i++; } print "\nEnter a command (a=add e=edit d=delete q=quit m=mirror list) \n"; print 'eventually followed by a site number : '; chomp($_ = ); /q/i && last; /a/i && add_site(); /d\s*(\d+)/i && do { splice(@{$CONFIG{site}}, $1 - 1, 1) if ($1 <= @{$CONFIG{site}}); next;}; /e\s*(\d+)/i && do { edit_site($CONFIG{site}[$1 - 1]) if ($1 <= @{$CONFIG{site}}); next; }; /m/i && view_mirrors(); } print "\n"; $CONFIG{use_auth_proxy} = yesno($CONFIG{use_auth_proxy} ? 'y' : 'n', 'Go through an authenticated proxy'); if ($CONFIG{use_auth_proxy}) { print "\nEnter proxy hostname [$CONFIG{proxyhost}] : "; chomp($_ = ); $CONFIG{proxyhost} = $_ || $CONFIG{proxyhost}; print "\nEnter proxy log name [$CONFIG{proxylogname}] : "; chomp($_ = ); $CONFIG{proxylogname} = $_ || $CONFIG{proxylogname}; print "\nEnter proxy password [$CONFIG{proxypassword}] : "; chomp ($_ = ); $CONFIG{proxypassword} = $_ || $CONFIG{proxypassword}; } print "\nEnter directory to download binary package files to\n"; print "(relative to $methdir)\n"; while(1) { print "[$CONFIG{dldir}] : "; chomp($_ = ); s{/$}{}; $CONFIG{dldir} = $_ if ($_); last if -d "$methdir/$CONFIG{dldir}"; print "$methdir/$CONFIG{dldir} is not a directory !\n"; } } sub add_site { my $pas = 1; my $user = 'anonymous'; my $email = qx(whoami); chomp $email; $email .= '@' . qx(cat /etc/mailname || dnsdomainname); chomp $email; my $dir = '/debian'; push (@{$CONFIG{site}}, [ '', $dir, [ 'dists/stable/main', 'dists/stable/contrib', 'dists/stable/non-free' ], $pas, $user, $email ]); edit_site($CONFIG{site}[@{$CONFIG{site}} - 1]); } sub edit_site { my $site = shift; local($_); print "\nEnter ftp site [$site->[0]] : "; chomp($_ = ); $site->[0] = $_ || $site->[0]; print "\nUse passive mode [" . ($site->[3] ? 'y' : 'n') . '] : '; chomp($_ = ); $site->[3] = (/y/i ? 1 : 0) if ($_); print "\nEnter username [$site->[4]] : "; chomp($_ = ); $site->[4] = $_ || $site->[4]; print <<'EOF'; If you're using anonymous ftp to retrieve files, enter your email address for use as a password. Otherwise enter your password, or "?" if you want dselect-ftp to prompt you each time. EOF print "Enter password [$site->[5]] : "; chomp($_ = ); $site->[5] = $_ || $site->[5]; print "\nEnter debian directory [$site->[1]] : "; chomp($_ = ); $site->[1] = $_ || $site->[1]; print "\nEnter space separated list of distributions to get\n"; print "[@{$site->[2]}] : "; chomp($_ = ); $site->[2] = [ split(/\s+/) ] if $_; } sub yesno($$) { my ($d, $msg) = @_; my ($res, $r); $r = -1; $r = 0 if $d eq 'n'; $r = 1 if $d eq 'y'; croak 'incorrect usage of yesno, stopped' if $r == -1; while (1) { print $msg, " [$d]: "; $res = ; $res =~ /^[Yy]/ and return 1; $res =~ /^[Nn]/ and return 0; $res =~ /^[ \t]*$/ and return $r; print "Please enter one of the letters 'y' or 'n'\n"; } } ############################## sub do_connect { my (%opts) = @_; my($rpass,$remotehost,$remoteuser,$ftp); TRY_CONNECT: while(1) { my $exit = 0; if ($opts{useproxy}) { $remotehost = $opts{proxyhost}; $remoteuser = $opts{username} . '@' . $opts{ftpsite}; } else { $remotehost = $opts{ftpsite}; $remoteuser = $opts{username}; } print "Connecting to $opts{ftpsite}...\n"; $ftp = Net::FTP->new($remotehost, Passive => $opts{passive}); if(!$ftp || !$ftp->ok) { print "Failed to connect\n"; $exit = 1; } if (!$exit) { # $ftp->debug(1); if ($opts{useproxy}) { print "Login on $opts{proxyhost}...\n"; $ftp->_USER($opts{proxylogname}); $ftp->_PASS($opts{proxypassword}); } print "Login as $opts{username}...\n"; if ($opts{password} eq '?') { print 'Enter password for ftp: '; system('stty', '-echo'); $rpass = ; chomp $rpass; print "\n"; system('stty', 'echo'); } else { $rpass = $opts{password}; } if(!$ftp->login($remoteuser, $rpass)) { print $ftp->message() . "\n"; $exit = 1; } } if (!$exit) { print "Setting transfer mode to binary...\n"; if(!$ftp->binary()) { print $ftp->message . "\n"; $exit = 1; } } if (!$exit) { print "Cd to '$opts{ftpdir}'...\n"; if (!$ftp->cwd($opts{ftpdir})) { print $ftp->message . "\n"; $exit = 1; } } if ($exit) { if (yesno ('y', 'Retry connection at once')) { next TRY_CONNECT; } else { die 'error'; } } last TRY_CONNECT; } # if(!$ftp->pasv()) { print $ftp->message . "\n"; die 'error'; } return $ftp; } ############################## # assume server supports MDTM - will be adjusted if needed my $has_mdtm = 1; my %months = ( Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3, May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7, Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11, ); my $ls_l_re = qr< ([^ ]+\ *){5} # Perms, Links, User, Group, Size [^ ]+ # Blanks \ ([A-Z][a-z]{2}) # Month name (abbreviated) \ ([0-9 ][0-9]) # Day of month \ ([0-9 ][0-9][:0-9][0-9]{2}) # Filename >x; sub do_mdtm { my ($ftp, $file) = @_; my ($time); #if ($has_mdtm) { $time = $ftp->mdtm($file); # my $code = $ftp->code(); # my $message = $ftp->message(); # print " [ $code: $message ] "; if ($ftp->code() == 502 || # MDTM not implemented $ftp->code() == 500) { # command not understood (SUN firewall) $has_mdtm = 0; } elsif (!$ftp->ok()) { return; } #} if (! $has_mdtm) { require Time::Local; my @files = $ftp->dir($file); if (($#files == -1) || ($ftp->code == 550)) { # No such file or directory return; } # my $code = $ftp->code(); # my $message = $ftp->message(); # print " [ $code: $message ] "; # print "[$#files]"; # get the date components from the output of 'ls -l' if ($files[0] =~ $ls_l_re) { my($month_name, $day, $year_or_time, $month, $hours, $minutes, $year); # what we can read $month_name = $2; $day = 0 + $3; $year_or_time = $4; # translate the month name into number $month = $months{$month_name}; # recognize time or year, and compute missing one if ($year_or_time =~ /([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/) { $hours = 0 + $1; $minutes = 0 + $2; my @this_date = gmtime(time()); my $this_month = $this_date[4]; my $this_year = $this_date[5]; if ($month > $this_month) { $year = $this_year - 1; } else { $year = $this_year; } } elsif ($year_or_time =~ / [0-9]{4}/) { $hours = 0; $minutes = 0; $year = $year_or_time - 1900; } else { die 'cannot parse year-or-time'; } # build a system time $time = Time::Local::timegm(0, $minutes, $hours, $day, $month, $year); } else { die 'regex match failed on LIST output'; } } return $time; } 1; __END__