OUT=$test_name.log EXP=$test_dir/expect E2FSCK=../e2fsck/e2fsck NAMELEN=255 DIRENT_SZ=8 BLOCKSZ=1024 INODESZ=128 CSUM_SZ=8 CSUM_TAIL_SZ=12 DIRENT_PER_LEAF=$(((BLOCKSZ - CSUM_TAIL_SZ) / (NAMELEN + DIRENT_SZ))) HEADER=32 INDEX_SZ=8 INDEX_L1=$(((BLOCKSZ - HEADER - CSUM_SZ) / INDEX_SZ)) INDEX_L2=$(((BLOCKSZ - DIRENT_SZ - CSUM_SZ) / INDEX_SZ)) DIRBLK=$((3 + INDEX_L1 * INDEX_L2)) ENTRIES=$((DIRBLK * DIRENT_PER_LEAF)) # directory leaf blocks - get twice as much because the leaves won't be full # and there are also other filesystem blocks. FSIZE=$((DIRBLK * 2)) $MKE2FS -b 1024 -O extents,64bit,large_dir,uninit_bg,metadata_csum -N 50 \ -I $INODESZ -F $TMPFILE $FSIZE > $OUT.new 2>&1 RC=$? if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then { # First some initial fs setup to create indexed dir echo "mkdir /foo" echo "cd /foo" touch $TMPFILE.tmp echo "write $TMPFILE.tmp foofile" i=0 while test $i -lt $DIRENT_PER_LEAF ; do printf "ln foofile f%0254u\n" $i i=$((i + 1)); done echo "expand ./" printf "ln foofile f%0254u\n" $i } | $DEBUGFS -w $TMPFILE > /dev/null 2>> $OUT.new RC=$? # e2fsck should optimize the dir to become indexed $E2FSCK -yfD $TMPFILE >> $OUT.new 2>&1 status=$? echo Exit status is $status >> $OUT.new fi if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then { START=$SECONDS i=$(($DIRENT_PER_LEAF+1)) last=$i echo "cd /foo" while test $i -lt $ENTRIES ; do ELAPSED=$((SECONDS - START)) if test $((i % 5000)) -eq 0 -a $ELAPSED -gt 10; then RATE=$(((i - last) / ELAPSED)) echo "$test_name: $i/$ENTRIES links, ${ELAPSED}s @ $RATE/s" >&2 START=$SECONDS last=$i fi printf "ln foofile f%0254u\n" $i i=$((i + 1)) done } | $DEBUGFS -w $TMPFILE > /dev/null 2>> $OUT.new RC=$? fi if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then $E2FSCK -yfD $TMPFILE >> $OUT.new 2>&1 status=$? echo Exit status is $status >> $OUT.new sed -f $cmd_dir/filter.sed -e "s;$TMPFILE;test.img;" $OUT.new > $OUT rm -f $OUT.new cmp -s $OUT $EXP RC=$? fi if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then echo "$test_name: $test_description: ok" touch $test_name.ok else echo "$test_name: $test_description: failed" diff -u $EXP $OUT > $test_name.failed fi