LISTS OF EXIM OPTIONS --------------------- This file contains an almost complete lists of four kinds of Exim option: 1. Those that can appear in the run time configuration file; 2. Those that can be used on the command line; 3. Those that can appear in the build time configuration (Local/Makefile); 4. Those that can appear in the build time configuration for the Exim monitor (Local/eximon.conf). This file was last updated for Exim release 4.95. 1. RUN TIME OPTIONS ------------------- As Exim has developed, new options have been added at each major release. For the most part, backwards compatibility has been maintained, and obsolete options continue to be recognized. However, incompatible changes took place at releases 3.00, and 4.00. In both cases, several groups of options were amalgamated into new, extended options, and obsolete options were removed. The table below contains a complete list of all Exim's current options, along with their types, default values, and where they can be used. String options that are expanded before use are marked with *. Host lists, domain lists, and address lists are always expanded. In some cases the defaults are not fixed values, or not short enough to fit in the table. These are indicated by +. Some other default values are determined when the Exim binary is compiled; these are indicated by ++. For options that are specific to a particular driver, the fourth column contains the driver name, for example, appendfile. Otherwise, it contains . `main' for options that appear in the main section of Exim's configuration file; . `authenticators' for generic options that apply to any authenticator; . `routers' for generic options that apply to any router; . `transports' for generic options that apply to any transport. The fifth column contains the version of Exim in which the option was added, or substantially changed. Where no number is given, the option has been in Exim since the very early releases. The routers were completely reorganised for release 4.00, and so no router options are shown as earlier than 4.00, though in fact some of them were inherited from earlier versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- accept_8bitmime boolean true main 1.60 changed to true in 4.80 acl_not_smtp string* unset main 4.11 acl_not_smtp_mime string* unset main 4.51 with content scan acl_smtp_auth string* unset main 4.00 acl_smtp_connect string* unset main 4.11 acl_smtp_data string* unset main 4.00 acl_smtp_data_prdr string* unset main 4.82 with experimental_prdr, 4.83 unless disable_prdr acl_smtp_dkim string* unset main 4.70 unless disable_dkim acl_smtp_etrn string* unset main 4.00 acl_smtp_expn string* unset main 4.00 acl_smtp_helo string* unset main 4.20 acl_smtp_mail string* unset main 4.11 acl_smtp_mailauth string* unset main 4.21 acl_smtp_mime string* unset main 4.50 with content scan acl_smtp_predata string* unset main 4.43 acl_smtp_quit string* unset main 4.43 acl_smtp_rcpt string* unset main 4.00 acl_smtp_starttls string* unset main 4.11 acl_smtp_vrfy string* unset main 4.00 address_data string* unset routers 4.00 address_retry_include_sender boolean true smtp 4.64 address_test boolean true routers 4.14 admin_groups string list unset main 3.02 allow_domain_literals boolean false main 4.00 replacing forbid_domain_literals allow_commands string list* unset pipe 1.89 allow_defer boolean false redirect 4.00 allow_fail boolean false redirect 4.00 allow_filter boolean false redirect 4.00 allow_freeze boolean false redirect 4.00 allow_fifo boolean false appendfile 3.13 allow_insecure_tainted_data boolean true main 4.95 support will drop ~4.97ٍ allow_localhost boolean false smtp 1.73 allow_mx_to_ip boolean false main 3.14 allow_symlink boolean false appendfile allow_utf8_domains boolean false main 4.14 arc_sign string* unset smtp 4.91 with Experimental_ARC auth_advertise_hosts host list "*" main 4.00 authenticated_sender string* unset smtp 4.14 authenticated_sender_force boolean false smtp 4.61 authenticate_hosts host list unset smtp 3.13 auto_thaw time 0s main av_scanner string* + main 4.50 with content scan batch_id string unset appendfile 4.00 unset lmtp 4.00 unset pipe 4.00 batch_max integer 100 appendfile 100 lmtp 3.20 100 pipe bcc string* unset autoreply bi_command string unset main body_only boolean false transports 2.05 bounce_message_file string* unset main 4.00 expanded from 4.94 bounce_message_text string unset main 4.00 bounce_return_body boolean true main 4.23 bounce_return_message boolean true main 4.00 bounce_return_size_limit int 100K main 4.23 better name for return_size_limit bounce_sender_authentication string unset main 4.00 callout_domain_negative_expire time 3h main 4.11 callout_domain_positive_expire time 7d main 4.11 callout_negative_expire time 2h main 4.11 callout_positive_expire time 24h main 4.11 callout_random_local_part string* + main 4.11 cannot_route_message string* unset routers 4.11 caseful_local_part boolean false routers 4.00 cc string* unset autoreply check_ancestor boolean false redirect 4.00 check_group boolean false appendfile + redirect 4.00 check_local_user boolean false routers 4.00 check_log_inodes integer 0 main check_log_space integer 0 main check_owner boolean true appendfile 3.14 + redirect 4.00 check_rfc2047_length boolean true main 4.60 check_secondary_mx boolean false dnslookup 4.00 check_spool_inodes integer 0 main check_spool_space integer 0 main check_string string "From " appendfile 3.03 unset pipe 3.03 check_srv string* unset dnslookup 4.31 client_authz string* unset gsasl 4.94 client_condition string* unset authenticators 4.68 client_ignore_invalid_base64 boolean false plaintext 4.61 client_name string* + cram_md5 3.10 client_password string* unset gsasl 4.94 client_secret string* unset cram_md5 3.10 client_send string* unset plaintext 3.10 unset external (auth) 4.93 client_username string* unset gsasl 4.94 command string* unset lmtp 3.20 unset pipe unset queryprogram 4.00 command_group string unset queryprogram 4.00 command_timeout time 5m smtp command_user string unset queryprogram 4.00 commandline_checks_require_admin boolean false main 4.90 condition string* unset routers 4.00 connect_timeout time 0s smtp 1.60 connection_max_messages integer 500 smtp 4.00 replaces batch_max create_directory boolean true appendfile create_file string "anywhere" appendfile current_directory string unset transports 4.00 unset queryprogram 4.00 daemon_smtp_ports string unset main 1.75 pluralised in 4.21 daemon_startup_retries int 9 main 4.52 daemon_startup_sleep time 30s main 4.52 dane_require_tls_ciphers string* unset smtp 4.91 data string unset redirect 4.00 data_timeout time 5m smtp debug_print string* unset authenticators 4.00 unset routers 4.00 unset transports 2.00 debug_store boolean false main 4.90 delay_after_cutoff boolean true smtp delay_warning time list 24h main delay_warning_condition string* + main 1.73 deliver_drop_privilege boolean false main 4.00 deliver_queue_load_max fixed-point unset main 1.70 delivery_date_add boolean false transports delivery_date_remove boolean true main dkim_canon string* unset smtp 4.70 dkim_domain string list* unset smtp 4.72 dkim_private_key string* unset smtp 4.70 dkim_selector string* unset smtp 4.70 dkim_sign_headers string* (RFC4871) smtp 4.70 dkim_strict string* unset smtp 4.70 dkim_timestamps integer* unset smtp 4.92 dkim_verify_hashes string sha256:sha512:sha1 main 4.93 dkim_verify_keytypes string ed25519:rsa main 4.93 dkim_verify_min_keysizes string list "rsa=1024 ed25519=250" main 4.94 dkim_verify_minimal boolean false main 4.93 dkim_verify_signers string* $dkim_signers main 4.70 directory string* unset appendfile directory_file string* + appendfile directory_mode octal-integer 0700 appendfile directory_transport string* unset redirect 4.00 disable_ipv6 boolean false main 4.61 disable_logging boolean false routers 4.11 false transports 4.11 dmarc_forensic_sender string unset main 4.82 if experimental_dmarc, 4.93 mainline dmarc_history_file string unset main 4.82 if experimental_dmarc, 4.93 mainline dmarc_tld_file string unset main 4.82 if experimental_dmarc, 4.93 mainline dns_again_means_nonexist domain list unset main 1.89 dns_check_names_pattern string + main 2.11 dns_cname_loops integer 0 main 4.92 Set to 9 for older behaviour dns_csa_search_limit integer 5 main 4.60 dns_csa_use_reverse boolean true main 4.60 dns_dnssec_ok integer -1 main 4.82 dns_dane_ok integer -1 main 4.83 dns_ipv4_lookup boolean false main 3.20 dns_qualify_single boolean true smtp dns_retrans time 0s main 1.60 dns_retry integer 0 main 1.60 dns_search_parents boolean false smtp dns_use_edns0 integer -1 main 4.76 domains domain list unset routers 4.00 driver string unset authenticators unset routers 4.00 unset transports drop_cr boolean false main 4.00 became a no-op in 4.21 dscp string unset smtp 4.82 dsn_from string* + main 4.67 envelope_to_add boolean false transports envelope_to_remove boolean true main environment string* unset pipe 2.95 errors_copy string list* unset main errors_reply_to string unset main errors_to string* unset routers 4.00 escape_string string ">From " appendfile 3.03 unset pipe 3.03 exim_group string ++ main exim_path string ++ main exim_user string ++ main exim_version string ++ main 4.93 expn boolean true routers extra_local_interfaces string unset main 4.21 extract_addresses_remove_arguments boolean true main 1.92 fail_verify boolean false routers fail_verify_recipient boolean false routers 4.00 fail_verify_sender boolean false routers 4.00 fallback_hosts string list unset routers 4.00 unset smtp file string* unset appendfile unset autoreply unset redirect 4.00 file_expand boolean false autoreply file_format string unset appendfile 3.03 file_must_exist boolean false appendfile file_optional boolean false autoreply file_transport string* unset redirect 4.00 filter_prepend_home boolean true redirect 4.63 final_timeout time 10m smtp finduser_retries integer 0 main forbid_blackhole boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_exim_filter boolean false redirect 4.44 forbid_fail boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_file boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_existstest boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_logwrite boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_lookup boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_perl boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_readfile boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_readsocket boolean false redirect 4.11 forbid_filter_reply boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_filter_run boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_include boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_pipe boolean false redirect 4.00 forbid_sieve_filter boolean false redirect 4.44 forbid_smtp_code boolean false redirect 4.63 force_command boolean false pipe 4.82 freeze_exec_fail boolean false pipe 1.89 freeze_signal boolean false pipe 4.75 freeze_tell boolean false main 4.00 replaces freeze_tell_mailmaster from string* unset autoreply gecos_name string* unset main gecos_pattern string unset main gethostbyname boolean false smtp gnutls_allow_auto_pkcs11 boolean false main 4.82 gnutls_compat_mode boolean unset main 4.70 gnutls_require_kx string* unset main 4.67 deprecated, warns string* unset smtp 4.67 deprecated, warns gnutls_require_mac string* unset main 4.67 deprecated, warns string* unset smtp 4.67 deprecated, warns gnutls_require_protocols string* unset main 4.67 deprecated, warns string* unset smtp 4.67 deprecated, warns group string + routers 4.00 unset transports 4.00 replaces local option in some transports header_line_maxsize integer 0 (unset) main 4.14 header_maxsize integer 1M main 4.14 headers string* unset autoreply headers_add string* unset routers 4.00 unset transports headers_charset string ++ main 4.21 headers_only boolean false transports 2.05 headers_remove string* unset routers 4.00 unset transports headers_rewrite string unset transports 3.20 helo_accept_junk_hosts host list unset main 3.00 helo_allow_chars string "" main 4.02 helo_lookup_domains domain list unset main 4.00 helo_data string* "$primary_hostname" smtp 3.21 helo_try_verify_hosts host list unset main 4.00 helo_verify_hosts host list unset main 1.73 hide_child_in_errmsg false redirect 4.00 hold_domains domain list unset main 1.70 home_directory string* unset transports 4.00 replaces individual options host_all_ignored string "defer" manualroute 4.67 host_find_failed string "freeze" manualroute 4.00 host_name_extract string "${if and {{match{\\$}{$host}} {match{$item}{\\N^250-([\\w.]+)\\s\\N}}} {$1}}" smtp 4.96 host_lookup host list unset main 3.00 host_lookup_order string list "bydns:byaddr" main 4.30 host_reject_connection host list unset main 4.00 hosts string unset iplookup 4.00 string list* unset smtp hosts_avoid_esmtp host list unset smtp 4.21 hosts_avoid_pipelining host list unset smtp 4.67 hosts_avoid_tls host list unset smtp 3.20 hosts_connection_nolog host list unset main 4.43 hosts_max_try integer 5 smtp 3.20 hosts_max_try_hardlimit integer 50 smtp 4.50 hosts_nopass_tls host list unset smtp 4.00 hosts_noproxy_tls host list "*" smtp 4.90 hosts_override boolean false smtp 2.11 hosts_pipe_connect host_list unset smtp 4.93 if experimental_pipe_connect hosts_randomize boolean false manualroute 4.00 false smtp 3.14 hosts_require_auth host list unset smtp 4.00 hosts_require_alpn host list unset main 4.95 smtp 4.95 hosts_require_dane host list unset smtp 4.91 (4.85 experimental) hosts_require_helo host list "*" main 4.95 hosts_require_ocsp host list unset smtp 4.82 if experimental_ocsp hosts_require_tls host list unset smtp 3.20 hosts_treat_as_local domain list unset main 1.95 hosts_try_auth host list unset smtp 4.00 hosts_try_dane host list unset smtp 4.91 (4.85 experimental) hosts_try_fastopen host list unset smtp 4.88 hosts_try_prdr host list unset smtp 4.82 if experimental_prdr ibase_servers string unset main 4.23 ignore_bounce_errors_after time 0s main 4.00 ignore_eacces boolean false redirect 4.00 ignore_enotdir boolean false redirect 4.00 ignore_fromline_hosts host list unset main ignore_fromline_local boolean false main 2.05 ignore_status boolean false pipe ignore_target_hosts host list unset routers 4.00 include_directory string unset redirect 4.00 initgroups false routers 4.00 interface string list unset smtp 1.70 keep_malformed time 4d main keepalive boolean true smtp 2.05 ldap_default_servers string list unset main 3.02 ldap_version int 2 or 3 main 4.14 local_from_check boolean true main 3.14 local_from_prefix string unset main 3.14 local_from_suffix string unset main 3.14 local_interfaces string list unset main 1.60 local_part_prefix string unset routers 4.00 replaces prefix local_part_prefix_optional boolean unset routers 4.00 replaces prefix_optional local_part_suffix string unset routers 4.00 replaces suffix local_part_suffix_optional boolean unset routers 4.00 replaces suffix_optional local_parts string list* unset routers 4.00 local_scan_timeout time 5m main 4.03 local_sender_retain boolean false main 4.00 localhost_number string unset main lock_fcntl_timeout time 0s appendfile 3.14 lock_flock_timeout time 0s appendfile 4.11 lock_interval time 3s appendfile lock_retries integer 10 appendfile lockfile_mode octal-integer 0600 appendfile lockfile_timeout time 30m appendfile log string* unset autoreply log_as_local boolean + routers 4.00 log_file_path string list ++ main log_defer_output boolean false pipe 1.89 log_fail_output boolean false pipe 1.60 log_output boolean false pipe 1.60 log_selector string unset main 4.00 log_timezone boolean false main 4.11 lookup_open_max integer 25 main 2.05 mailbox_filecount string* unset appendfile 4.43 mailbox_size string* unset appendfile 4.43 maildir_format boolean false appendfile 1.70 maildir_retries integer 10 appendfile 1.70 maildir_tag string* unset appendfile 1.92 maildir_use_size_file boolean* false appendfile 4.30 expanded in 4.77 maildirfolder_create_regex string unset appendfile 4.62 mailstore_format boolean false appendfile 2.00 mailstore_prefix string* unset appendfile 2.00 mailstore_suffix string* unset appendfile 2.00 match_directory string* unset localuser max_output integer 20K pipe max_rcpt integer 100 smtp 1.60 max_user_name_length integer 0 main mbx_format boolean false appendfile 2.10 message_body_newlines boolean false main 4.68 message_body_visible integer 500 main message_id_header_domain string* unset main 4.11 message_id_header_text string* unset main message_linelength_limit integer 998 smtp 4.94 message_logs boolean true main 4.10 message_prefix string* + appendfile 4.00 replaces prefix string* unset pipe 4.00 replaces prefix message_size_limit integer 50M main 0 transports 2.05 message_suffix string* + appendfile 4.00 replaces suffix string* unset pipe 4.00 replaces suffix mode octal-integer 0600 appendfile 0600 autoreply mode_fail_narrower boolean true appendfile 1.70 modemask octal-integer 022 redirect 4.00 more boolean true routers 4.00 move_frozen_messages boolean false main 3.09 multi_domain boolean true smtp mx_domains domain list unset dnslookup 4.00 mx_fail_domains domain list unset dnslookup 4.43 mysql_servers string list unset main 3.03 never_users string list unset main notifier_socket string "$spool_directory/exim_daemon_notify" main 4.94 notify_comsat boolean false appendfile once string* unset autoreply once_file_size integer 0 autoreply 3.20 once_repeat time 0s autoreply 2.95 one_time boolean false redirect 4.00 openssl_options string +no_sslv2 main 4.73 default changed in 4.80 optional boolean false iplookup 4.00 oracle_servers string unset main 4.00 owners string list unset redirect 4.00 owngroups string list unset redirect 4.00 pass_on_timeout boolean false routers 4.00 pass_router string unset routers 4.00 path string "/usr/bin" pipe percent_hack_domains domain list unset main perl_at_start boolean false main 2.10 perl_startup string unset main 2.10 permit_coredump boolean false pipe 4.73 pgsql_servers string list unset main 3.14 pid_file_path string ++ main pipe_as_creator boolean false pipe pipe_transport string* unset redirect 4.00 pipelining_advertise_hosts host list "*" main 4.14 pipelining__connect_advertise_hosts host list "*" main 4.92 if experimental_pipe_connect port integer 0 iplookup 4.00 string "smtp" smtp preserve_message_logs boolean false main prdr_enable boolean false main 4.82 if experimental_prdr primary_hostname string + main print_topbitchars boolean false main 1.89 process_log_path string unset main 4.21 prod_requires_admin boolean true main 1.70 protocol string "udp" iplookup 4.00 string "smtp" smtp 3.20 public_name string unset authenticators 3.10 qualify_domain string + main string* unset redirect 4.31 qualify_preserve_domain boolean false redirect 4.00 qualify_recipient string + main qualify_single boolean true dnslookup 4.00 query string* + iplookup 4.00 queue_domains domain list unset main 4.00 queue_fast_ramp boolean false main 4.95 queue_list_requires_admin boolean true main 1.95 queue_only boolean false main queue_only_file string unset main 2.05 queue_only_load fixed-point unset main queue_only_load_latch boolean true main 4.68 queue_only_override boolean true main 4.21 queue_run_in_order boolean false main 1.70 queue_run_max integer 5 main queue_smtp_domains domain list unset main quota string* unset appendfile 1.60 quota_directory string* unset appendfile 4.11 quota_filecount integer 0 appendfile 2.05 quota_is_inclusive boolean true appendfile 3.20 quota_size_regex string unset appendfile 3.14 quota_warn_message string* + appendfile 2.10 quota_warn_threshold string* 0 appendfile 2.10 rcpt_include_affixes boolean false transports 4.21 receive_timeout time 0s main 4.00 replacing accept_timeout received_header_text string* + main received_headers_max integer 30 main recipient_unqualified_hosts host list unset main 4.00 replacing receiver_unqualified_hosts recipients_max integer 50000 main 1.60 default changed in 4.95 (was 0) recipients_max_reject boolean false main 1.70 redirect_router string unset routers 4.00 remote_max_parallel integer 1 main remote_sort_domains domain list unset main 4.00 replacing remote_sort repeat_use boolean true redirect 4.00 reply_to string* unset autoreply 2.05 reply_transport string* unset redirect 4.00 require_files string list* unset routers 4.00 reroute string* unset iplookup 4.00 response_pattern string unset iplookup 4.00 restrict_to_path boolean false pipe retry_data_expire time 7d main 3.03 retry_include_ip_address boolean true smtp 1.92 retry_interval_max time 24h main retry_use_local_part boolean + routers 4.00 + transports 4.00 replacing individual options return_fail_output boolean false pipe 1.60 return_message boolean false autoreply return_output boolean false pipe return_path string* unset transports 2.05 return_path_add boolean false transports return_path_remove boolean true main return_size_limit integer 100K main renamed bounce_return_size_limit in 4.23 rewrite boolean true redirect 4.00 rewrite_headers boolean true dnslookup 4.00 rfc1413_hosts host list * main rfc1413_query_timeout time 5s main router_home_directory string* unset routers 4.11 route_data string* unset manualroute 4.00 route_list string list unset manualroute 4.00 same_domain_copy_routing boolean false dnslookup 4.00 search_parents boolean false dnslookup 4.00 self string "freeze" routers 4.00 sender_unqualified_hosts host list unset main senders address list unset routers 4.00 serialize_hosts host list unset smtp 1.60 server_advertise_condition string* unset authenticators 4.14 server_channelbinding bool false gsasl 4.80 server_condition string* unset authenticators 3.10 (plaintext) 4.64 (others) server_hostname string* "$primary_hostname" cyrus_sasl,gsasl,heimdal_gssapi (cyrus-only) 4.80 (others) server_keytab string* unset heimdal_gssapi 4.80 server_mail_auth_condition string* unset authenticators 3.22 server_mech string public_name cyrus_sasl,gsasl 4.43 (cyrus-only) 4.80 (others) server_password string unset gsasl 4.80 server_param1 string* unset tls (auth) 4.86 server_param2 string* unset tls (auth) 4.86 server_param3 string* unset tls (auth) 4.86 server_param2 string* unset tls (auth) 4.86 (tls-only) 4.93 (external) server_param3 string* unset tls (auth) 4.86 (tls-only) 4.93 (external) server_prompts string* unset plaintext 3.10 server_realm string unset cyrus_sasl,gsasl 4.43 (cyrus-only) 4.80 (others) server_scram_iter string* unset gsasl 4.80 server_scram_salt string* unset gsasl 4.80 server_secret string* unset cram_md5 3.10 server_service string "smtp" cyrus_sasl,gsasl,heimdal_gssapi (cyrus-only) 4.80 (others) server_set_id string* unset authenticators 3.10 set string* unset routers 4.93 shadow_condition string* unset transports shadow_transport string unset transports size_addition integer 1024 smtp 1.91 skip_syntax_errors boolean false redirect 4.00 smtp_accept_keepalive boolean true main smtp_accept_max integer 20 main smtp_accept_max_nonmail integer 10 main 4.11 smtp_accept_max_nonmail_hosts host list * main 4.14 smtp_accept_max_per_connection integer 1000 main 4.00 smtp_accept_max_per_host integer 0 main 2.05 smtp_accept_queue integer 0 main smtp_accept_queue_per_connection integer 10 main 2.03 smtp_accept_reserve integer 0 main smtp_active_hostname string* unset main 4.33 smtp_backlog_monitor integer 0 main 4.95 smtp_banner string* + main smtp_check_spool_space boolean true main 2.10 smtp_connect_backlog integer 5 main smtp_enforce_sync boolean true main 4.00 smtp_etrn_command string* unset main 1.92 smtp_etrn_serialize boolean true main 1.89 smtp_load_reserve fixed-point unset main smtp_max_synprot_errors integer 3 main 4.30 smtp_max_unknown_commands integer 3 main 4.14 smtp_ratelimit_hosts host list unset main 4.00 smtp_ratelimit_mail string unset main 4.00 smtp_ratelimit_rcpt string unset main 4.00 smtp_receive_timeout time 5m main smtp_reserve_hosts host list unset main smtp_return_error_details boolean false main 4.11 socket string* unset lmtp 4.11 spamd_address string* + main 4.50 with content scan spf_guess string "v=spf1 a/24 mx/24 ptr ?all" main 4.91 with SUPPORT_SPF spf_smtp_comment_template string* "Please see" main 4.94 with SUPPORT_SPF split_spool_directory boolean false main 1.70 spool_directory string ++ main spool_wireformat boolean false main 4.90 sqlite_dbfile string* unset main 4.94 with LOOKUP_SQLITE sqlite_lock_timeout time 5s main 4.53 strict_acl_vars boolean false main 4.64 srv_fail_domains domain list unset dnslookup 4.43 strip_excess_angle_brackets boolean false main strip_trailing_dot boolean false main subject string* unset autoreply syntax_errors_text string* unset redirect 4.00 syntax_errors_to string unset redirect 4.00 syslog_duplication boolean true main 4.21 syslog_facility string unset main 4.20 syslog_processname string "exim" main 4.20 syslog_timestamp boolean true main 4.00 system_filter string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_directory_transport string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_file_transport string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_group string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_pipe_transport string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_reply_transport string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter system_filter_user string unset main 4.00 replacing message_filter tcp_nodelay boolean true main 4.23 true smtp 4.23 tcp_wrappers_daemon_name string* ++ main 4.73 temp_errors string list + pipe 1.95 text string* unset autoreply timeout time 5m lmtp 3.20 1h pipe 1h queryprogram 4.00 5s iplookup 4.00 timeout_defer boolean false pipe 4.51 timeout_frozen_after time 0s main 3.20 timezone string + main 3.15 tls_advertise_hosts host list * main 3.20 tls_alpn string* unset main 4.95 smtp 4.95 tls_certificate string* unset main 3.20 unset smtp 3.20 tls_dh_max_bits integer 2236 main 4.80 tls_dh_min_bits integer 1024 smtp 4.82 tls_dhparam string* unset main 3.20 tls_ocsp_file string* unset main 4.80 if experimental_ocsp tls_on_connect_ports string unset main 4.43 tls_privatekey string* unset main 3.20 unset smtp 3.20 tls_remember_emstp boolean false main 4.21 tls_require_ciphers string* unset smtp 4.00 replaces tls_verify_ciphers string* unset main 4.33 tls_resumption_hosts host list* unset main 4.95 host list* unset smtp 4.95 tls_sni string* unset main 4.80 tls_tempfail_tryclear boolean true smtp 4.05 tls_try_verify_hosts host list unset main 4.00 tls_verify_certificates string* unset main 3.20 unset smtp 3.20 tls_verify_hosts host list unset main 3.20 to string* unset autoreply translate_ip_address string unset routers 4.00 transport string* unset routers 4.00 transport_current_directory string unset routers 4.00 transport_home_directory string unset routers 4.00 transport_filter string unset transports transport_filter_timeout time 5m transports 4.30 trusted_groups string list unset main trusted_users string list unset main umask octal-integer 022 pipe unknown_login string unset main unknown_username string unset main unseen boolean false routers 4.00 untrusted_set_sender boolean false main 3.20 use_bsmtp boolean false appendfile 4.00 false pipe 4.00 use_crlf boolean false appendfile 1.89 false pipe 1.89 use_fcntl_lock boolean + appendfile 1.70 use_flock_lock boolean + appendfile 4.11 use_lockfile boolean + appendfile use_mbx_lock boolean + appendfile 2.10 use_shell boolean false pipe 1.70 user string + routers 4.00 unset transports 4.00 replaces individual options utf8_downconvert integer unset smtp 4.92 if SUPPORT_I18N uucp_from_pattern string + main 1.75 uucp_from_sender string* "$1" main 1.75 verify boolean true routers 4.00 verify_only boolean false routers 4.00 verify_recipient boolean true routers 4.00 verify_sender boolean true routers 4.00 warn_message_file string* unset main 4.00 expanded from 4.94 widen_domains string list unset dnslookup 4.00 write_rejectlog boolean true main 4.31 2. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ----------------------- The table below contains a complete list of all Exim's command line options. Those marked with # are available only to trusted users, those marked with + are available only to admin users, and those marked with * exist only to provide compatibility with Sendmail. -- Terminate options --help Give a little help (not a lot) --version Give version information (alias for -bV) -B * Ignored -bd + Start daemon -bdf + Start daemon and run it in the foreground -be Test string expansion -bem Test string expansion, read test message first -bF Test system filter file -bf Test user filter file -bfd Set domain for filter testing -bfl Set local part for filter testing -bfp Set local part prefix for filter testing -bfs Set local part suffix for filter testing -bh Test incoming SMTP call, omitting callouts -bhc Test incoming SMTP call, with callouts -bi * Run bi_command -bI:help Show list of accepted -bI: options -bm Accept message on standard input -bmalware + Invoke configured malware scanning against supplied filename -bnq Don't qualify addresses in locally submitted messages -bP Show configuration option settings -bp + List the queue -bpa + ... with generated addresses as well -bpc + ... but just show a count of messages -bpr + ... do not sort -bpra + ... with generated addresses, unsorted -bpru + ... only undelivered addresses, unsorted -bpu + ... only undelivered addresses -brt Test retry rules -brw Test rewriting rules -bS Read batch SMTP on standard input -bs Run SMTP on standard input and output -bt Test address directing and routing -bV Verify version number -bv Test recipient address verification -bvs Test sender address verification -bw + Inetd wait mode -C + Use alternate configuration file -D + Define macro for configuration file -d + Turn on debugging output -dd + Ditto, but if a daemon, not for subprocesses -dropcr Remove CR character in input: became a no-op in 4.21 -E Internal use only -ex * Synonym for -oex (for several different x) -F Set calling user name -f # Set calling user address -G * Ignored -h * Ignored -i Dot does not terminate message -M + Force deliver specific message -Mar + Add recipient to message -MC Internal use only -MCA Internal use only -MCP Internal use only -MCQ Internal use only -MCS Internal use only -MCT Internal use only -Mc + Deliver specific message -Mes + Edit message sender -Mf + Freeze message(s) -Mg + Give up (bounce) message(s) -Mmad + Mark all recipients delivered -Mmd + Mark one recipient delivered -Mrm + Remove message(s) (no bounce) -Mset + Load message's variables when testing with -be -Mt + Thaw message(s) -Mvb + View message body -Mvc + View entire message in RFC 2822 format -Mvh + View message header -Mvl + View message log -m * Ignored -N + Deliver without transporting -n * Ignored -O * Ignored -oA * Supply argument for -oB Set max messages down one connection -odb Background delivery -odf Foreground delivery -odi Foreground delivery -odq Queue message; do not deliver -odqs ... do not do SMTP deliveries -oee Error sent by mail; zero return code -oem Error sent by mail; non-zero return code -oep Error written to standard error stream -oeq * Error written to standard error stream -oew * Error sent by mail; non-zero return code -oi Dot does not terminate message -oitrue * Dot does not terminate message -oMa # Supply host address -oMaa # Supply authenticator name -oMai # Supply authenticated id -oMas # Supply authenticated sender -oMi # Supply interface address -oMm # Supply message reference -oMr # Supply protocol name -oMs # Supply host name -oMt # Supply ident string -om * Ignored -oo * Ignored -oP * Specify path for daemon's pid file -or Timeout non-SMTP messages -os Timeout for SMTP messages -ov * Verbose; same as -v -oX Alternative port for daemon -pd Delay Perl interpreter start -ps Do not delay Perl interpreter start -p: * Same as -oMr -oMs -q + Run the queue ) -qf + ... force delivery ) Other combinations are -qff + ... and include frozen messages ) possible. The syntax is -qi + ... initial deliveries only ) -ql + ... local deliveries only ) -q[q][f][f][i|l][time] -qq + Two-stage queue run ) -qR * Same as -R -qS * Same as -S -R Select by recipient in queue run -Rf ... with forcing -Rff ... and frozen messages -Rr ... using regular expression -Rrf ... with forcing -Rrff ... and frozen messages -r * Synonym for -f -S Select by sender in queue run -Sf ... with forcing -Sff ... and frozen messages -Sr ... using regular expression -Srf ... with forcing -Srff ... and frozen messages -Tqt * Used by Exim test suite; not recognized in normal use -t Take recipients from header lines -ti * Same as -t -i -tls-on-connect Do TLS on startup (for legacy clients) -U * Ignored -v Verbose - shows SMTP dialogue and other delivery info -x Ignored (AIX compatibility) 3. BUILD TIME OPTIONS FOR EXIM ------------------------------ The table below contains a "mostly" complete list of options that can be set in Local/Makefile when building Exim. The only items not included are those whose names can be trivially derived from rules stated below. More information about individual options can be found in src/EDITME and OS/Makefile-Default. The second column below gives the type of option: . `system' means the option is concerned with the operating system; . `driver' means the option selects a driver to be included in the binary; . `lookup' means the option selects a lookuptype to be included in the binary; . `mandatory' means the option is required to be supplied; . `recommended' means the option is recommended to be supplied; . `optional' means what it says; Those marked with * are specialized and are unlikely to be required in most installations. Those that are marked with ** are commonly set in OS-specific Makefiles. If you use any of these in your Local/Makefile, you may need to reproduce some of the OS-specific settings. For example, in the Makefile for Solaris (which is actually called OS/Makefile-SunOS5), there is LIBS=-lsocket -lnsl -lkstat If you use LIBS to add extra libraries, you must also include the OS ones in your setting. It is better, in this particular case, to use EXTRALIBS, which is empty by default, and is provided for just this reason. Of course, if you do actually want to modify a setting from the OS-specific file, there is nothing to stop you overriding it in your Local/Makefile. When building Exim with dynamically loaded lookup support, for "LOOKUP_FOO", you can define "LOOKUP_FOO_INCLUDE" and "LOOKUP_FOO_LIBS", for includes and libraries specific only to that module. These rules are only used where the relevant lookup is a module. These options are not explicitly listed below. Variables with names endined `_PC' are used for pkg-config integration; setting the value to the name of a pkg-config package will cause Exim's build system to query the --cflags and --libs for the given name, when building anything dependent upon the component associated with the `_PC' variable. For lookups, if the lookup is dynamically loaded, then this *replaces* the use of the corresponding _INCLUDE and _LIBS options, which will be ignored. If the lookup is statically loaded into Exim, the results will be inserted into the "LOOKUP_INCLUDE" and "LOOKUP_LIBS" options. For authenticator, the results will be inserted into the "CFLAGS" and "AUTH_LIBS" options. These options are only listed below for the TLS implementation cases. Option Type Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALT_CONFIG_PREFIX optional restricts location of -C files APPENDFILE_MODE optional* APPENDFILE_DIRECTORY_MODE optional* APPENDFILE_LOCKFILE_MODE optional* AR system command to build a library AUTH_CRAM_MD5 driver include cram_md5 authenticator AUTH_CYRUS_SASL driver include Cyrus SASL authenticator AUTH_GSASL driver include GNU SASL authenticator AUTH_HEIMDAL_GSSAPI driver include Heimdal GSSAPI authenticator AUTH_LIBS system library linkage for authenticators AUTH_PLAINTEXT driver include plaintext authenticator AUTH_SPA driver include SPA (NTLM) authenticator AUTH_VARS=3 optional* number of $auth variables BASENAME_COMMAND system** path to basename BASE_62=62 optional* not normally changed for Unix BIN_DIRECTORY mandatory Exim binary directory CC system** C compiler CFLAGS system** flags for C compiler CFLAGS_DYNAMIC system** extra flags needed for .so modules CHGRP_COMMAND system** path to chgrp CHOWN_COMMAND system** path to chown COMPRESS_COMMAND system path to a compress command COMPRESS_SUFFIX system suffix added to compressed files CONFIGURE_FILE mandatory Exim runtime configuration file CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID optional* CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE optional* CONFIGURE_GROUP optional* alternate group for configuration file CONFIGURE_OWNER optional* alternate owner for configuration file CYRUS_PWCHECK_SOCKET optional socket for pwcheck daemon DBMLIB optional** location of DBM library DB_DIRECTORY_MODE optional* mode for hints directory DB_LOCKFILE_MODE optional* mode for hints lock files DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT optional* timeout for hints lock files DB_MODE optional* mode for hints files DEFAULT_CRYPT optional default crypt() function DELIVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE optional* DELIVER_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE optional* DISABLE_DKIM optional disables DKIM support DISABLE_DNSSEC optional disables attempts to use DNSSEC DISABLE_D_OPTION optional disables -D option ERRNO_QUOTA optional* error code for system quota failures EXICYCLOG_MAX optional number of old log files to keep EXIMDB_DIRECTORY_MODE optional* for hints database directory EXIMDB_LOCKFILE_MODE optional* for hints lock files EXIMDB_MODE optional* mode for hints files EXIMON_TEXTPOP system** EXIM_CHMOD optional* EXIM_GROUP mandatory group to use for Exim EXIM_MONITOR optional set to eximon.bin to compile EXIM_PERL optional EXIM_USER mandatory user to use for Exim EXIWHAT_EGREP_ARG system** to find Exim processes from ps EXIWHAT_KILL_SIGNAL system** -SIGUSR1 or numerical equivalent EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_CMD system** EXIWHAT_MULTIKILL_ARG system** EXIWHAT_PS_ARG system** to list all processes EXIWHAT_PS_CMD system** path to ps command EXPAND_LISTMATCH_RHS optional* restore pre-4.77 match_*{}{} behaviour EXTRALIBS system additional libraries EXTRALIBS_EXIM system additional libraries for Exim only EXTRALIBS_EXIMON system additional libraries for the monitor FIXED_NEVER_USERS optional can't override at runtime HAVE_ICONV system the iconv() function is available HAVE_IPV6 system include IPv6 support HEADERS_CHARSET optional charset for decoded header lines HEADER_ADD_BUFFER_SIZE optional* buffer for header_add() HEADER_MAXSIZE optional* max memory for message header HOSTNAME_COMMAND system** path to hostname command INCLUDE system path to include files INFO_DIRECTORY optional directory for Info documentation INPUT_DIRECTORY_MODE optional mode for input directory IPV6_INCLUDE system additional includes for IPv6 IPV6_LIBS system additional libraries for IPv6 LDAP_LIB_TYPE optional type of LDAP library LFLAGS system** link editor flags LIBIDENTCFLAGS system C flags when compiling libident LIBIDENTNAME system name for libident library LIBRESOLV system** library for DNS resolver LIBS system** additional libraries LIBS_EXIM system** additional libraries for Exim ony LIBS_EXIMON system** additional libraries for monitor LOCAL_SCAN_SOURCE optional location of local_scan() source LOG_DIRECTORY_MODE optional mode for log directory LOG_FILE_PATH optional path to log files LOG_MODE optional mode for log files LOOKUP_CDB lookup include cdb lookup LOOKUP_DBM lookup include dbm lookup LOOKUP_DNSDB lookup include dnsdb lookup LOOKUP_DSEARCH lookup include dsearch lookup LOOKUP_INCLUDE lookup include files for lookups LOOKUP_LDAP lookup include ldap lookup LOOKUP_LIBS lookup include libraries for lookups LOOKUP_LSEARCH lookup include all lsearch lookups LOOKUP_MODULE_DIR optional* where dynamic lookup modules live LOOKUP_MYSQL lookup include mysql lookup LOOKUP_NIS lookup include nis lookup LOOKUP_NISPLUS lookup include nisplus lookup LOOKUP_ORACLE lookup include oracle lookup LOOKUP_PGSQL lookup include pgsql lookup LOOKUP_TESTDB lookup* LOOKUP_WHOSON lookup include whoson lookup LOOKUP_*_INCLUDE optional* include files for dynamic module LOOKUP_*_LIBS optional* libraries for dynamic module MAKE_SHELL optional* shell to use for make MAX_FILTER_SIZE optional* max file size for filter files MAX_INCLUDE_SIZE optional* max file size for :include: files MAX_LOCALHOST_NUMBER=256 optional* for when localhost_number is set MAX_NAMED_LIST optional* max named lists of a given type MAX_INTERFACES system maximum network interfaces MSGLOG_DIRECTORY_MODE optional* mode for message log directory MV_COMMAND system path to mv command NO_SYMLINK optional install doesn't make 'exim" symlink PCRE_CONFIG system* use pcre-config for PCRE support PCRE_LIBS system* library for using PCRE PERL_CC system* compiler for Perl interface code PERL_CCOPTS system* flags for same PERL_COMMAND system path to Perl PERL_LIBS system* library for compiling Perl interface PID_FILE_PATH optional path to daemon's pid file RADIUS_CONFIG_FILE optional path to Radius config file RADIUS_LIB_TYPE optional type of RADIUS library RANLIB system** path to ranlib command RM_COMMAND system path to rm command ROUTER_ACCEPT driver include accept router ROUTER_DNSLOOKUP driver include dnslookup router ROUTER_MANUALROUTE driver include manualroute router ROUTER_IPLITERAL driver include ipliteral router ROUTER_IPLOOKUP driver include iplookup router ROUTER_REDIRECT driver include redirect router ROUTER_QUERYPROGRAM driver include queryprogram router SPOOL_DIRECTORY recommended path to spool directory SPOOL_DIRECTORY_MODE optional mode of spool directory SPOOL_MODE optional mode of spool files STRING_SPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE optional* buffer for string_sprintf() STRIP_COMMAND optional* can be used to strp binaries SUPPORT_A6 optional* support A6 DNS records SUPPORT_CRYPTEQ optional support crypteq (if no auths) SUPPORT_MAILDIR optional support for maildir delivery SUPPORT_MAILSTORE optional support for mailstore delivery SUPPORT_MBX optional support for MBX delivery SUPPORT_MOVE_FROZEN_MESSAGES optional* support for frozen message moving SUPPORT_PAM optional support for PAM authentication SUPPORT_TLS optional support for TLS encryption over SMTP SUPPORT_TRANSLATE_IP_ADDRESS optional* support for address translation SYSLOG_LOG_PID optional add pid to syslog lines SYSLOG_LONG_LINES optional do not split long syslog lines SYSTEM_ALIASES_FILE optional defaults to /etc/aliases TCP_WRAPPERS_DAEMON_NAME system* daemon name used by tcpwrappers library TIMEZONE_DEFAULT optional default for timezone option TLS_INCLUDE optional path to include files for TLS TLS_LIBS optional additional libraries for TLS EXIM_TMPDIR system value for TMPDIR environment variable TRANSPORT_APPENDFILE driver include appendfile transport TRANSPORT_AUTOREPLY driver include autoreply transport TRANSPORT_LMTP driver include lmtp transport TRANSPORT_PIPE driver include pipe transport TRANSPORT_SMTP driver include smtp transport TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST optional config files safe to retain privileges USE_DB system** use native DB interface USE_GNUTLS optional use GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL USE_GNUTLS_PC optional probably "gnutls" USE_OPENSSL_PC optional probably "openssl" USE_READLINE optional try to load libreadline for -be USE_TCP_WRAPPERS system link with tcpwrappers USE_TDB optional use the tdb DB interface WHITELIST_D_MACROS optional -Dmacros safe to retain privileges with WITH_OLD_CLAMAV_STREAM optional* use ClamAV API from before ClamAV 0.95 X11 system** X11 base directory X11_LD_LIB system** X11 link library XINCLUDE system** X11 include directory XLFLAGS system** X11 link time flags ZCAT_COMMAND system path to zcat command 4. BUILD TIME OPTIONS FOR EXIMON -------------------------------- The table below contains a complete list of options that can be set in Local/eximon.conf when building the Exim monitor. Where the default is shown as ** it means that the text string is too long to fit in the table and is instead given below. A blank default means that there is no default value. ACTION_OUTPUT=no show output for every action ACTION_QUEUE_UPDATE=yes update queue display after actions BODY_MAX=20000 maximum body display DOMAIN= domain to strip from window title LOG_BUFFER=20K buffer for log tail LOG_DEPTH=300 depth of log subwindow LOG_FONT=** font for log display LOG_STRIPCHARTS=** patterns for stripcharts LOG_WIDTH=950 width of log subwindow MENU_EVENT='Shift' keypress for menu MIN_HEIGHT=162 minimum window height MIN_WIDTH=103 minimum window width QUALIFY_DOMAIN= local domain to strip from addresses QUEUE_DEPTH=200 depth of queue subwindow QUEUE_FONT=$LOG_FONT font for queue display QUEUE_INTERVAL=300 queue refresh interval QUEUE_MAX_ADDRESSES=10 max addresses to show in queue QUEUE_STRIPCHART_NAME=queue name for queue stripchart QUEUE_WIDTH=950 width of queue subwindow SIZE_STRIPCHART= request partition size stripchart SIZE_STRIPCHART_NAME=space name for size stripchart START_SMALL=no if yes, start with small window STRIPCHART_INTERVAL=60 stripchart refresh interval TEXT_DEPTH=200 depth of text windows WINDOW_TITLE="${hostname} eximon" window title The default for LOG_FONT is LOG_FONT=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 and the default for LOG_STRIPCHARTS is LOG_STRIPCHARTS='/ <= /in/ / => /out/ / => .+ R=local/local/ / => .+ T=[^ ]*smtp/smtp/' That is, there are four stripcharts, named in, out, local, and smtp. The first counts message arrivals, the second counts all deliveries, the third counts deliveries where the router's name starts with "local", and the fourth counts deliveries where the transport name contains "smtp". **** End of OptionLists ****