path: root/l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
commit36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9 (patch)
tree105e8c98ddea1c1e4784a60a5a6410fa416be2de /l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 115.7.0esr.upstream/115.7.0esrupstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl b/l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66563c1b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-is/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-telemetry-ping-data-source = Ping gagnastaðsetning:
+about-telemetry-show-current-data = Fyrirliggjandi gögn
+about-telemetry-show-archived-ping-data = Vistuð ping gögn
+about-telemetry-show-subsession-data = Sýna undirlotugögn
+about-telemetry-choose-ping = Velja ping:
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-type = Ping tegund
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-header = Ping
+about-telemetry-option-group-today = Í dag
+about-telemetry-option-group-yesterday = Í gær
+about-telemetry-option-group-older = Eldra
+about-telemetry-previous-ping = <<
+about-telemetry-next-ping = >>
+about-telemetry-page-title = Fjarmælingargögn
+about-telemetry-current-store = Núverandi geymsla:
+about-telemetry-more-information = Ertu að leita að meiri upplýsingum?
+about-telemetry-firefox-data-doc = <a data-l10n-name="data-doc-link">Firefox gagna skjölun</a> inniheldur leiðbeiningar um hvernig á að vinna með gagnatólunum okkar.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-client-doc = <a data-l10n-name="client-doc-link">Firefox Telemetry client skjölunin</a> inniheldur skilgreiningar á hugtökum, API skjölun og gagna vísunum.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-dashboard = <a data-l10n-name="dashboard-link">Fjarmælinga skjáborðið</a> sýnir þér hvaða gögn Mozilla tekur á móti í gegnum fjarmælingar.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-probe-dictionary = <a data-l10n-name="probe-dictionary-link">Rannsóknaorðasafnið</a> útvegar smáatriði og lýsingar um rannsóknarsafn úr fjarmælingum.
+about-telemetry-show-in-Firefox-json-viewer = Opna í JSON skoðara
+about-telemetry-home-section = Upphafssíða
+about-telemetry-general-data-section = Almenn gögn
+about-telemetry-environment-data-section = Umhverfisgögn
+about-telemetry-session-info-section = Upplýsingar um lotu
+about-telemetry-scalar-section = Kvarðar
+about-telemetry-keyed-scalar-section = Keyed Scalars
+about-telemetry-histograms-section = Súlurit
+about-telemetry-keyed-histogram-section =   Lyklaðar mælingar
+about-telemetry-events-section = Atburðir
+about-telemetry-simple-measurements-section = Einfaldar mælingar
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-section =   Sýna hægar SQL tengingar
+about-telemetry-addon-details-section = Upplýsingar um viðbót
+about-telemetry-late-writes-section = Skrifað seint
+about-telemetry-raw-payload-section = Hrá gögn
+about-telemetry-raw = Hrátt JSON
+about-telemetry-full-sql-warning = ATHUGIÐ: Hægvirk SQL aflúsun er virk. Heildar SQL strengir gætu birst hér fyrir neðan en þeir verða ekki sendir á fjarmælingu.
+about-telemetry-fetch-stack-symbols = Ná í nöfn falla fyrir stafla
+about-telemetry-hide-stack-symbols = Sýna hrá staflagögn
+# Selects the correct release version
+# Variables:
+# $channel (string) - Represents the corresponding release data string
+about-telemetry-data-type =
+ { $channel ->
+ [release] gögn útgáfunnar
+ *[prerelease] forútgáfugögn
+ }
+# Selects the correct upload string
+# Variables:
+# $uploadcase (string) - Represents a corresponding upload string
+about-telemetry-upload-type =
+ { $uploadcase ->
+ [enabled] virkt
+ *[disabled] óvirkt
+ }
+# Example Output: 1 sample, average = 0, sum = 0
+# Variables:
+# $sampleCount (number) - Amount of histogram samples
+# $prettyAverage (number) - Average of histogram samples
+# $sum (number) - Sum of histogram samples
+about-telemetry-histogram-stats =
+ { $sampleCount ->
+ [one] { $sampleCount } sýni, meðaltal = { $prettyAverage }, summa = { $sum }
+ *[other] { $sampleCount } sýni, meðaltal = { $prettyAverage }, summa = { $sum }
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $telemetryServerOwner (string) - the value of the toolkit.telemetry.server_owner preference. Typically "Mozilla"
+about-telemetry-page-subtitle = Þessi síða sýnir upplýsingar um afköst, vélbúnað, notkun og sérsnið sem er safnað af fjarmælingu. Þessar upplýsingar eru sendar til { $telemetryServerOwner } til að hjálpa við að betrumbæta { -brand-full-name }.
+about-telemetry-settings-explanation = Fjarmælingar eru að safna { about-telemetry-data-type } og hlaða inn á <a data-l10n-name="upload-link">{ about-telemetry-upload-type }</a>.
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - Ping name, e.g. “saved-session”
+# $timestamp (string) - Ping localized timestamp, e.g. “2017/07/08 10:40:46”
+about-telemetry-ping-details = Hvert eintak af upplýsingum er sent samsett til “<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pings</a>”. Þú ert að athuga { $name }, { $timestamp } ping.
+# string used as a placeholder for the search field
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $selectedTitle (string) - The section name from the structure of the ping.
+about-telemetry-filter-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Leita í { $selectedTitle }
+about-telemetry-filter-all-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Leita í öllum svæðum
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (string) - The searched terms
+about-telemetry-results-for-search = Niðurstöður fyrir “{ $searchTerms }”
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (string) - The section name from the structure of the ping.
+# $currentSearchText (string) - The current text in the search input
+about-telemetry-no-search-results = Því miður! Engar niðurstöður eru í { $sectionName } fyrir “{ $currentSearchText }”
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (string) - The searched terms
+about-telemetry-no-search-results-all = Því miður! Engar niðurstöður eru í neinu svæði fyrir “{ $searchTerms }”
+# This message is displayed when a section is empty.
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (string) - Is replaced by the section name.
+about-telemetry-no-data-to-display = Því miður! Engin gögn eru tiltæk í “{ $sectionName }”
+# used as a tooltip for the “current” ping title in the sidebar
+about-telemetry-current-data-sidebar = fyrirliggjandi gögn
+# used in the “Ping Type” select
+about-telemetry-telemetry-ping-type-all = allt
+# button label to copy the histogram
+about-telemetry-histogram-copy = Afrita
+# these strings are used in the “Slow SQL Statements” section
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-main = Hægar SQL skipanir á aðalþræði
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-other = Hægar SQL skipanir á hjálparþráðum
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-hits = Notkun
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-average = Meðaltími (ms)
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-statement = Setning
+# these strings are used in the “Add-on Details” section
+about-telemetry-addon-table-id = Viðbótar ID
+about-telemetry-addon-table-details = Nánar
+# Variables:
+# $addonProvider (string) - The name of an Add-on Provider (e.g. “XPI”, “Plugin”)
+about-telemetry-addon-provider = { $addonProvider } þjónustuaðili
+about-telemetry-keys-header = Eiginleiki
+about-telemetry-names-header = Nafn
+about-telemetry-values-header = Gildi
+# Variables:
+# $lateWriteCount (number) - The number of the late writes
+about-telemetry-late-writes-title = Skrifað seint #{ $lateWriteCount }
+about-telemetry-stack-title = Stafli:
+about-telemetry-memory-map-title = Minniskort:
+about-telemetry-error-fetching-symbols = Upp kom villa við að ná í tákn. Athugaðu að þú sért tengdur við netið og reyndu aftur.
+about-telemetry-time-stamp-header = tímamerki
+about-telemetry-category-header = flokkur
+about-telemetry-method-header = aðferð
+about-telemetry-object-header = hlutur
+about-telemetry-extra-header = auka
+# Variables:
+# $process (string) - Type of process in subsection headers ( e.g. "content", "parent" )
+about-telemetry-process = { $process } ferli