diff options
author | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000 |
committer | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000 |
commit | 36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9 (patch) | |
tree | 105e8c98ddea1c1e4784a60a5a6410fa416be2de /l10n-km/browser | |
parent | Initial commit. (diff) | |
download | firefox-esr-36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9.tar.xz firefox-esr-36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9.zip |
Adding upstream version 115.7.0esr.upstream/115.7.0esrupstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-km/browser')
125 files changed, 8041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f9865c445 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Firefox Brand +## +## Firefox must be treated as a brand, and kept in English. +## It cannot be: +## - Declined to adapt to grammatical case. +## - Transliterated. +## - Translated. +## +## Reference: https://www.mozilla.org/styleguide/communications/translation/ + +## Firefox and Mozilla Brand +## +## Firefox and Mozilla must be treated as a brand. +## +## They cannot be: +## - Transliterated. +## - Translated. +## +## Declension should be avoided where possible, leaving the original +## brand unaltered in prominent UI positions. +## +## For further details, consult: +## https://mozilla-l10n.github.io/styleguides/mozilla_general/#brands-copyright-and-trademark + +-brand-shorter-name = Firefox +-brand-short-name = Firefox +-brand-shortcut-name = Firefox + +-brand-full-name = Mozilla Firefox +# This brand name can be used in messages where the product name needs to +# remain unchanged across different versions (Nightly, Beta, etc.). +-brand-product-name = Firefox +-vendor-short-name = Mozilla +trademarkInfo = Firefox αα·αβααΌαβαααααΆ Firefox ααΊβααΆβαα·αααα·ααααααααΆβααααβααΌααα·αα· MozillaΒ α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.properties b/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d6a612125 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/branding/official/brand.properties @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +brandShorterName=Firefox +brandShortName=Firefox +brandFullName=Mozilla Firefox + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90d2c37d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +aboutDialog-title = + .title = α’αααΈ { -brand-full-name } + +releaseNotes-link = α’αααΈβαααβααααΈ + +update-checkForUpdatesButton = + .label = αα·αα·αααααβααΎαβαα
α»ααααααααΆα + .accesskey = C + +update-updateButton = + .label = α
α»ααααααααΆα { -brand-shorter-name } + .accesskey = R + +update-checkingForUpdates = αααα»αβαα·αα·αααααααΎαβαα
α»ααααααααΆα... + +## Variables: +## $transfer (string) - Transfer progress. + +settings-update-downloading = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>αααα»αβααΆαβααβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβ <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label> +aboutdialog-update-downloading = αααα»αβααΆαααβαα
α»ααααααααΆα β <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label> + +## + +update-applying = αααα»αβα’αα»ααααβαα
α»ααααααααΆα... + +update-failed = ααΆαβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβααΆαβαααΆαααα <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">ααΆαβααβααααβααααΈβαααα»α</label> +update-failed-main = ααΆαβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβααΆαβαααΆαααα <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">ααΆαβααβααααβααααΈβαααα»α</a> + +update-adminDisabled = ααΆαβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αβαααβα’αααβαααααααααβααααααααβααααβα’ααα +update-noUpdatesFound = { -brand-short-name } βααΊβααΆααβαααα +aboutdialog-update-checking-failed = αα·αα’αΆα
βαα·αα·αααααααΎαααααααααΈβααΆαααα +update-otherInstanceHandlingUpdates = { -brand-short-name } αααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβαααββααΆαα»βααααα + +## Variables: +## $displayUrl (String): URL to page with download instructions. Example: www.mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/ + +aboutdialog-update-manual-with-link = αα
<label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label> +settings-update-manual-with-link = αα
<a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a> + +update-unsupported = α’αααβαα·αβα’αΆα
α»ααααααααΆαβααααααβαααββαααα»αβααααααααβαααβααΆαβααα <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">ααααααααβαααααα</label> + +update-restarting = αααα»αβα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎαβαα·α + +update-internal-error2 = αα·αα’αΆα
βαα·αα·αααααααΎαβααααααααΈβααΆααα αααααΆαβαααα αΆβααΆααααα»αα ααΆαβααααβααααΈβαα
<label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label> + +## + +# Variables: +# $channel (String): description of the update channel (e.g. "release", "beta", "nightly" etc.) +aboutdialog-channel-description = αα
βααΎβ <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> ααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβααΆαααα + +warningDesc-version = { -brand-short-name } ααΆβααΆαβαα·ααααα αα·αβαα·αβααΆαββαααα·αβααΆαβααα + +aboutdialog-help-user = αααα½α { -brand-product-name } +aboutdialog-submit-feedback = ααΆαααααααΌαβααα·βαααααα’ + +community-exp = <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ααΆ <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">αα ααααβααα</label> αααβααααΎααΆαβααΆαα½αββααααΆβααΎααααΈβααααΎβα²ααβαααααβαααααΆαβααΎαβα
αα ααΆααΆααα αα·αβα’αΆα
αΌαβααααΎαβααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααΆΒ α + +community-2 = { -brand-short-name } ααααΌαβααΆαβαα
ααΆβααα <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label><label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">αα ααααβααα</label> αααβααααΎααΆαβααΆαα½αββααααΆβααΎααααΈβααααΎβα²ααβαααααβαααααΆαβααΎαβα
αα ααΆααΆααα αα·αβα’αΆα
αΌαβααααΎαβααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααΆα + +helpus = α
ααβαα½α?<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">αα½αβα§ααααααα</label>Β α¬Β <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">α
αααα!</label> + +bottomLinks-license = ααααααΆαβα’αΆααααΆααααα +bottomLinks-rights = αα·αααα·βα’αααααααΎ +bottomLinks-privacy = ααααααααΆαβααΆαβα―ααα + +# Example of resulting string: 66.0.1 (64-bit) +# Variables: +# $version (String): version of Firefox, e.g. 66.0.1 +# $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64) +aboutDialog-version = { $version } ({ $bits }-bit) + +# Example of resulting string: 66.0a1 (2019-01-16) (64-bit) +# Variables: +# $version (String): version of Firefox for Nightly builds, e.g. 66.0a1 +# $isodate (String): date in ISO format, e.g. 2019-01-16 +# $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64) +aboutDialog-version-nightly = { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit) diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce1c2672a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# NOTE: New strings should use the about-logins- prefix. + +about-logins-page-title = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααΆαααβαααααΆαα + +fxaccounts-sign-in-text = ααΆαααβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααβα’αααβαα
βααΎβα§αααααβααααααβααααβα’ααα +fxaccounts-sign-in-sync-button = α
αΌα ααΎααααΈβααααΎβααααΆααααα +fxaccounts-avatar-button = + .title = αααααααααβααααΈ + +## The β― menu that is in the top corner of the page + +menu = + .title = ααΎαβαααΊαα»α +# This menuitem is only visible on Windows and macOS +about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-another-browser = ααΆαα
αΌαααΈαααααα·ααΈαα»αααααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αααααααααβ¦ +about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-a-file = ααΆαα
αΌαβααΈβα―αααΆαβ¦ +about-logins-menu-menuitem-export-logins = ααΆαα
αΌα... +about-logins-menu-menuitem-remove-all-logins = ααβααΆαα
αα... +menu-menuitem-preferences = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] αααααΎα + *[other] α
α·ααα + } +about-logins-menu-menuitem-help = αααα½α + +## Login List + +login-list = + .aria-label = ααΆαα
αΌαβααααΌαβααααΆβααΆαα½αβαααα½αβααααααα +login-list-count = + { $count -> + *[other] ααΆαα
ααα½α { $count } + } +login-list-sort-label-text = ααααααααΆαα +login-list-name-option = ααααα (A-Z) +login-list-name-reverse-option = ααααα (Z-A) +login-list-username-option = αααααα’αααααααΎααααΆαα (A-Z) +login-list-username-reverse-option = αααααα’αααααααΎααααΆαα (Z-A) +about-logins-login-list-alerts-option = ααΆαααΌαααααΉα +login-list-last-changed-option = ααΆαβααααααβα
α»αααααα +login-list-last-used-option = ααΆαβααααΎααααΆααβα
α»αααααα +login-list-intro-title = ααβαα·αβααΎαβααΆαα
αΌαβαα +login-list-intro-description = αα
βαααα»α { -brand-product-name } ααΆβααΉαβαααα αΆαβαα
βαααααβαααα +about-logins-login-list-empty-search-title = ααβαα·αβααΎαβααΆαβα
αΌα +about-logins-login-list-empty-search-description = αα·αααΆαααααααααααΌαααΉαααΆααααααααααααα’αααααα +login-list-item-title-new-login = ααΆαα
αΌαβααααΈ +login-list-item-subtitle-new-login = αααα
αΌαβααααβα’ααα +login-list-item-subtitle-missing-username = (ααααΆαβαααααβα’αααβααααΎααααΆαα) +about-logins-list-item-breach-icon = + .title = ααα αααααβαααβααΆαβααααΆα +about-logins-list-item-vulnerable-password-icon = + .title = ααΆααααααααΆααααΆαααααααα +about-logins-list-section-breach = ααα αααααβαααααααΆα +about-logins-list-section-vulnerable = ααΆααααααααΆααααΆαααααααα +about-logins-list-section-nothing = αα·αααΆαααΆαααΌαααααΉα +about-logins-list-section-today = ααααααα +about-logins-list-section-yesterday = αααα·ααα·α +about-logins-list-section-week = 7 ααααα
α»αααααα + +## Introduction screen + +about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-out2 = αααα»αβααααΎαβααΆαα
αΌαβαααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααααβα’αααβαααβαα? ααΎαβααΆαααααΎβααααΆααααα α¬βααΆαα
αΌαβα +about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-in = αααα·αααΎαααΆαα
αΌααααβααΆαβααααΎααααΆαααααα +login-intro-description = ααααα·αααΎβα’αααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααΆαα
{ -brand-product-name } αα
βααΎβα§αααααβααααα αααααΆβααααββα
βααααααααα +login-intro-instructions-fxa = αααααΎα α¬βα
αΌαβ { -fxaccount-brand-name } ααααα’αααβαα
αΌαβααααβα’αααβααααΌαααΆαβαααααΆαα»αα +login-intro-instructions-fxa-settings = α
βααΆαα ααΆαααααα > ααααΎααααΆααααα > ααΎαβααΆαααααΎααααΆααααα... ααααΎαααΎαβαααα’ααβααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααΆααααααααΆααα +login-intro-instructions-fxa-passwords-help = α
αΌαααΎαβ<a data-l10n-name="passwords-help-link">αααα½αβααΆααααααααΆαα</a>βαααααΆααβαααα½αβααααααα +about-logins-intro-browser-only-import = ααααα·αααΎβααΆαα
αααα»αβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααααα α’αααβα’αΆα
<a data-l10n-name="import-link">ααΆαα
αΌαβααΆβαααα»α { -brand-product-name }</a> +about-logins-intro-import2 = ααααα·αααΎβααΆαα
{ -brand-product-name } α’αααβα’αΆα
<a data-l10n-name="import-browser-link">ααΆαα
αΌαβααΆαααααβααΈβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααααα</a> α¬ <a data-l10n-name="import-file-link">ααΈβα―αααΆα</a> + +## Login + +login-item-new-login-title = αααααΎαβααΆαα
αΌαβααααΈ +login-item-edit-button = ααααααα½α +about-logins-login-item-remove-button = αα»αβα
αα +login-item-origin-label = α’αΆααααααΆαβααα ααααα +login-item-tooltip-message = ααααΆααβααΆ βααΆβααααΌαααααΆβααΉαβα’αΆααααααΆαααΆαα½αββααααβααα αααααβαααβα’αααβα
αΌαα +login-item-origin = + .placeholder = https://www.example.com +login-item-username-label = αααααβα’αααβααααΎααααΆαα +about-logins-login-item-username = + .placeholder = (ααααΆαβαααααβα’αααβααααΎααααΆαα) +login-item-copy-username-button-text = α
αααα +login-item-copied-username-button-text = ααΆαβα
αααα! +login-item-password-label = ααΆαααβαααααΆαα +login-item-password-reveal-checkbox = + .aria-label = αααα αΆαβααΆααααααααΆαα +login-item-copy-password-button-text = α
αααα +login-item-copied-password-button-text = ααΆαβα
αααα! +login-item-save-changes-button = αααααΆαα»αβααΆαααααΆααααααΌα +login-item-save-new-button = αααααΆαα»α +login-item-cancel-button = αααααα + +## The date is displayed in a timeline showing the password evolution. +## A label is displayed under the date to describe the type of change. +## (e.g. updated, created, etc.) + +## OS Authentication dialog + +about-logins-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name } + +## The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to " +## and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These +## notes are only valid for English. Please test in your respected locale. + +# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins on Windows. +about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-win = ααΎααααΈααααααα½αααΆαα
αΌαααααα’αααα ααΆαα½αααΆαααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆαααααΈααααα’αααα +# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins +# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. +about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = ααααααα½αααΆαα
αΌααααααΆααααααΆαα»α + +# This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins on Windows. +about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = ααΎααααΈααΎαβααΆααααααααΆααβααααα’ααα ααΌαβαααα
αΌαβ Windows ααααβα’αααα ααΆβαα½αβααΆαααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααΈβααααβα’αααα +# This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins +# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. +about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = αααα αΆαααΆααααααααΆαααααααΆααααααΆαα»α + +# This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins on Windows. +about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = ααΎααααΈβα
ααααβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααα’ααα ααΌαβαααα
αΌα Windows βααααα’αααα ααΆβαα½αβααΆαααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααΈβααααβα’αααα +# This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins +# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. +about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = α
ααααααΆααααααααΆαααααααΆααααααΆαα»α + +# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows. +about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = ααΎααααΈααΆαα
αΌαβααααα’ααα ααΌααααα
αΌα Windows ααααααααα ααΆβαα½αβααΆαααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααΈβααααβα’αααα +# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins +# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here. +about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = ααΆαα
αΌααα·αααΆααααααααΆαααααααΆααααααΆαα»α + +## Primary Password notification + +about-logins-primary-password-notification-message = ααΌααααα
ααααβααααα’ααα ααΎααααΈααΎαααΆαα
αΌα ααααααΆααβααΆααααααααΆαααααααΆααααααΆαα»α +master-password-reload-button = + .label = α
αΌα + .accesskey = α
+ +## Dialogs + +confirmation-dialog-cancel-button = αααααα +confirmation-dialog-dismiss-button = + .title = αααααα + +about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-title = αα»αααΆαα
αα? +confirm-delete-dialog-message = αααααααΆαβαααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαααα‘ααβαα·αβααΆαβααα +about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-confirm-button = αα»αβα
αα + +## Variables +## $count (number) - Number of items + +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-confirm-button-label = + { $count -> + [1] αα»αα
αα + *[other] αα»αα
ααβααΆααα’αα + } + +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-checkbox-label = + { $count -> + [1] ααΆα/α
αΆα ααααΆαα
αα + *[other] ααΆα/α
αΆα ααααΆαα
αα + } + +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-title = + { $count -> + [one] ααααΆαα
αΌα { $count } α
αα? + *[other] ααααΆαα
αΌα { $count } ααΆααα’ααα
αα? + } +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-message = + { $count -> + [1] ααΆβααΉαβαα»αβααΆαα
αααα»α { -brand-short-name } αα·αβααΆαααΌαααααΉαβα’αααΈβααααΆαβααΆααα‘αΆαβαααβαααα αΆαβαα
ααααααααα α’αααβααΉαβαα·αβα’αΆα
ααΎααα·αβααΆαβααα + *[other] ααΆβααΉαβαα»αβααΆαα
αααα»α { -brand-short-name } αα·αβααΆαααααΆαβααΆααα‘αΆαβαααβαααα αΆαβαα
ααααααααα α’αααβααΉαβαα·αβα’αΆα
ααΎααα·αβααΆαβααα + } + +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-title = + { $count -> + *[other] αα»αααΆαα
αΌα { $count } ααΈβα§αααααβααΆααα’ααβαααβα¬βαα? + } +about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-message = + { $count -> + [1] ααΆβααΉαβαα»αβααΆαα
αααα»α { -brand-short-name } ααΎβα§αααααβααΆααα’ααβαααβααΆαβααααΎααααΆαααααβαα
{ -fxaccount-brand-name } ααααα’αααα ααΆβααβααΉαβαα»αβααΆαααΌαααααΉαβα’αααΈβααΆαααααΆαβαααβαααα αΆαβαα
αααααβαααβαααααα α’αααβααΉααα·αβα’αΆα
ααΎααα·αβααΆαβααα + *[other] This will remove all logins youβve saved to { -brand-short-name } on all devices synced to your { -fxaccount-brand-name }. This will also remove breach alerts that appear here. You wonβt be able to undo this action. + } + +## + +about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-title = ααΆαα
αΌααα·αααΆααααααααΆαα +about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-message = ααΆααααααααΆααβααααβα’αααβααΉαβααααΌαααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααΆα’αααααβαααβα’αΆα
βα’αΆαβααΆα (α§. BadP@ssw0rd) ααΌα
ααβ α’αΆα
βααΎαααΆαααβαααααΆααβααΆαααααααΆαα +about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-confirm-button = ααΆαα
ααβ¦ + +about-logins-alert-import-title = ααΆαααΆαα
αα +about-logins-alert-import-message = ααΎαβααα
αΌαβαααα’α·α + +confirm-discard-changes-dialog-title = ααααααβααΆαααααΆααααααΌαβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαααααΆαα»α? +confirm-discard-changes-dialog-message = ααΆαααααΆααααααΌαβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααΆααα’ααβααΉαβααΆααα +confirm-discard-changes-dialog-confirm-button = αααααα + +## Breach Alert notification + +about-logins-breach-alert-title = ααΆαααααΆαααα ααααα +breach-alert-text = ααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααΌαααΆαβαααααααΆα α¬βαα½α
βααΈβααα αααααβααα α
α»ααααααα ααΌαβααααΌαβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααβα’ααα ααΎααααΈβααΆαααΆαβααααΈβααααβα’αααα +about-logins-breach-alert-date = ααΆαααααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΎαα‘αΎαβαα
αααα { DATETIME($date, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") } +# Variables: +# $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. "example.com" +about-logins-breach-alert-link = αα
ααΆαα { $hostname } + +## Vulnerable Password notification + +about-logins-vulnerable-alert-title = ααΆαααβααααΆααβααΆαααααααα +about-logins-vulnerable-alert-text2 = ααΆαααβαααααΆααβαααβααααΌαααΆαβααααΎααααΆααβαα
ααΎβααααΈβαααααβαααβααααβααΆβααΆαβααΆααααααααΆαβαα·ααααααα ααΆαααααΎααααΆααβααααααΆαβααΆαα»βαααα
βαααααΆαβα±ααβααααΈβααααβα’αααβααΆαβα αΆαα·αααα ααααΆααααααΌαβααΆαααβαααααΆααβαααα +# Variables: +# $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. "example.com" +about-logins-vulnerable-alert-link = αα
ααΆαα { $hostname } +about-logins-vulnerable-alert-learn-more-link = ααααααααβαααααα + +## Error Messages + +# This is an error message that appears when a user attempts to save +# a new login that is identical to an existing saved login. +# Variables: +# $loginTitle (String) - The title of the website associated with the login. +about-logins-error-message-duplicate-login-with-link = ααΆαα»βαααα
αΌαβαααααΆαα { $loginTitle } αααβααΆαβαααααβα’αααααααΎααααΆααβαααβααΆαβαα½α
α αΎαα <a data-l10n-name="duplicate-link">α
αΌαβαααβααΆαβααααΆαα?</a> + +# This is a generic error message. +about-logins-error-message-default = αααα αΆβαα½αααΆαααΎαα‘αΎαααααααααααΆααΆααααααΆαα»αααΆααααααααΆαααααα + +## Login Export Dialog + +# Title of the file picker dialog +about-logins-export-file-picker-title = ααΆαα
αΌα +# The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins. +# This must end in .csv +about-logins-export-file-picker-default-filename = logins.csv +about-logins-export-file-picker-export-button = ααΆαα
αα +# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type +# filter by the operating system. +about-logins-export-file-picker-csv-filter-title = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] CSV Document + *[other] CSV File + } + +## Login Import Dialog + +# Title of the file picker dialog +about-logins-import-file-picker-title = ααΆαα
αΌα +about-logins-import-file-picker-import-button = ααΆαα
αΌα +# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type +# filter by the operating system. +about-logins-import-file-picker-csv-filter-title = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] α―αααΆα CSV + *[other] CSV File + } +# A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type +# filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'. +about-logins-import-file-picker-tsv-filter-title = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] α―αααΆα TSV + *[other] α―αααΆα TSV + } + +## +## Variables: +## $count (number) - The number of affected elements + +about-logins-import-dialog-title = ααΆαααΆαα
αα +about-logins-import-dialog-items-added = + { $count -> + *[other] <span>ααΆαα
αΌαα</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> + } + +about-logins-import-dialog-items-modified = + { $count -> + *[other] <span>ααΆαα
α»ααααααααΆαα</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> + } + +about-logins-import-dialog-items-no-change = + { $count -> + *[other] <span>ααΆαβααααΎαβααΆαα
αΌαβαααβαααα½αααααΆα</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> <span data-l10n-name="meta">(not imported)</span> + } +about-logins-import-dialog-items-error = + { $count -> + *[other] <span>αααα αΆα</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> <span data-l10n-name="meta">(not imported)</span> + } +about-logins-import-dialog-done = αα½α
ααΆαα + +about-logins-import-dialog-error-title = ααΆαααΆαα
αΌαβααΆαβαααα αΆ +about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-title = αααααβαααα½αβα
αΌαβαα½α +about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-description = α§ααΆα αααα α’αααβααααΎααααΆαα ααΆααααααααΆαα URLsααα α
αΌααα½αα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-title = αααα αΆβααααααβα―αααΆα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-description = ααααΆαα’αααααβαα½αααβαα·αβααααΉαααααΌα α¬βααΆααα ααΌαααααΆααβααΆ α―αααΆαβααΆαβαα½αααβαααααΆααβαααααβα’αααβααααΎααααΆαα ααΆααααααααΆαα αα·α URLα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-title = αα·αβα’αΆα
βα’αΆαβα―αααΆαβααΆαβαα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-description = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβααΆαβαα·αααα·βα’αα»ααααΆαβααΎααααΈβα’αΆαβα―ααΆαβααΆαβααα ααΆαααααβααααΆααααααΌαβαα·αααα·βα’αα»ααααΆαβα―αααΆαα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-title = αα·αβα’αΆα
βαααβα―αααΆαβααΆαβαα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-description = ααααΆααβααΆ α’αααβααΆαβααααΎαααΎαα―αααΆα CSV α¬ TSVα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-no-logins-imported = αα·αβααΆαβααΆαα
αΌαβαα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα +about-logins-import-dialog-error-try-import-again = ααΆαααααβααΆαα
αΌαβααααααα... +about-logins-import-dialog-error-cancel = αααααα + +about-logins-import-report-title = ααΆαα
αααα·βαααααα +about-logins-import-report-description = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααΆααααααααΆααβααααΌαααΆαβααΆαα
{ -brand-short-name }α + +# +# Variables: +# $number (number) - The number of the row +about-logins-import-report-row-index = αα½αααα { $number } +about-logins-import-report-row-description-no-change = αααα½αα ααααΌαααααΆβααΆαα½αβααΆαα
αΌαβαααβααΆαβααααΆαα +about-logins-import-report-row-description-modified = ααΆαα
α»ααααααααΆα +about-logins-import-report-row-description-added = ααΆαα
αΌα +about-logins-import-report-row-description-error = αααα αΆα αα·αβααΆαβαααα
αΌαβααααααβααΆαα½α + +## +## Variables: +## $field (String) - The name of the field from the CSV file for example url, username or password + +about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-multiple-values = αααα αΆα αααααβα
αααΎαβαααααΆαα { $field } +about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-missing-field = αααα αΆα ααΆαα { $field } + +## +## Variables: +## $count (number) - The number of affected elements + +about-logins-import-report-added = + { $count -> + *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">ααΆαα
αΌα</div> + } +about-logins-import-report-modified = + { $count -> + *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">ααΆαα
α»ααααααααΆα</div> + } +about-logins-import-report-no-change = + { $count -> + *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">ααΆαα
αΌαβαααβαααα½αααααΆ</div> <div data-l10n-name="not-imported">(not imported)</div> + } +about-logins-import-report-error = + { $count -> + *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">αααα αΆ</div> <div data-l10n-name="not-imported">(not imported)</div> + } + +## Logins import report page + +about-logins-import-report-page-title = ααΆαα
αΌαβαααΆαααΆαααβαααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebd6c74875 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +### Pocket button panel strings for about:pocket-saved, about:pocket-signup, and about:pocket-home + + +## about:pocket-saved panel + +# Placeholder text for tag input +pocket-panel-saved-add-tags = + .placeholder = ααααααβααααΆα + +pocket-panel-saved-error-generic = ααΆαβααα α»α αααβααααΆααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβαα
βααΆααβ { -pocket-brand-name }α +pocket-panel-saved-error-tag-length = ααααΆαβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβααααΉααα 25 αα½βα’αααα +pocket-panel-saved-error-only-links = α’αΆα
βαααααΆαα»αβααΆαβααβαααααααΆααβααα»ααααα +pocket-panel-saved-error-not-saved = αααααβαα·αβααααΌαααΆαβαααααΆαα»α +pocket-panel-saved-error-no-internet = α’αααααααΌαααβααααΆααβαα
βα’ααΈαααΊαα·α ααΎααααΈβαααααΆαα»αβαα
βααΆαα { -pocket-brand-name }α ααΌαααααΆααβαα
βα’ααΈαααΊαα·α αα½α
ααααΆααΆαβαααααααα +pocket-panel-saved-error-remove = ααΆααααα αΆβαα
αααβααααΆααΆαβαα»αβαααααβαααα +pocket-panel-saved-page-removed = αααααβααααΌαβααΆαβαα»αα
αα +pocket-panel-saved-page-saved = ααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβαα
{ -pocket-brand-name } +pocket-panel-saved-page-saved-b = ααΆααααααΆαα»αβαα
{ -pocket-brand-name }! +pocket-panel-saved-processing-remove = αααα»αβαα»αβαααααβ¦ +pocket-panel-saved-removed-updated = ααΆααα»ααααααα
ααααΈβααΆααααααΆαα»α +pocket-panel-saved-processing-tags = αααα»αβααααααβααααΆα... +pocket-panel-saved-remove-page = αα»αβααααα +pocket-panel-saved-save-tags = αααααΆαα»αβ +pocket-panel-saved-saving-tags = αααα»αβαααααΆαα»αβ¦ +pocket-panel-saved-suggested-tags = ααααΆααααβααΆαβααααΆα +pocket-panel-saved-tags-saved = ααΆαβααααααβααααΆα + +# This is displayed above a field where the user can add tags +pocket-panel-signup-add-tags = αααα
αΌαβααααΆαα + +## about:pocket-signup panel + +pocket-panel-signup-already-have = ααΆβα’αααβααααΎααααΆαα { -pocket-brand-name } α αΎα? +pocket-panel-signup-learn-more = ααααααααββαααααα +pocket-panel-signup-login = α
αΌα +pocket-panel-signup-signup-email = α
α»ααααααββαααβααααΎββα’ααΈααα +pocket-panel-signup-signup-cta = α
α»ααααααβααααΈ { -pocket-brand-name } αααβαα·αβαα·αβααααΆααα +pocket-panel-signup-signup-firefox = α
α»ααααααααΆαα½α { -brand-product-name } +pocket-panel-signup-tagline = αααααΆαα»αβα’αααααβ αα·αβααΈααα’αΌααΈβ { -brand-product-name } ααΎααααΈααΎαβαα
αααα»α { -pocket-brand-name } αααααΆααββαααααβα§ααααα βαα·ααααααααααβ +pocket-panel-signup-tagline-story-one = α
ββαααΌαα»α { -pocket-brand-name } ααΎααααΈαααααΆβαα»αβα’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ α¬βαααααβααΈ { -brand-product-name }α +pocket-panel-signup-tagline-story-two = ααΎαβαααα»α { -pocket-brand-name } αααααΆααβαααααα§ααααα αα·αβαααααααααβ + +pocket-panel-signup-cta-a-fix = αααΌαα»αβαααααΆαα»αβααααα’αααβαααααΆααβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α +pocket-panel-signup-cta-b-updated = α
αααΌαα»α { -pocket-brand-name } ααΎααααΈαααααΆαα»αα’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ αα·ααααα ααΎαααΆααααααΆαα»αααααα’ααααα
ααΎα§αααααααΆαα½α ααααααααα +pocket-panel-signup-cta-b-short = α
αααΌαα»α { -pocket-brand-name } ααΎααααΈαααααΆαα»αα’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ αα·ααααα +pocket-panel-signup-cta-c-updated = ααΎαααΆααααααΆαα»αααααα’ααααα
ααΎα§αααααααΆαα½α ααααααααα + +## about:pocket-home panel + +pocket-panel-home-welcome-back = ααααΆααααααΆααααα‘αααααα·αααααααα +pocket-panel-home-paragraph = α’αααβα’αΆα
βααααΎααααΆαα { -pocket-brand-name } ααΎααααΈαα»ααα αα·αβαααααΆαα»αβαααααβαααααΆα α’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ ααΆαααααΆα α¬βαααα‘ααβαα
βααααααβααΆαααβα’αααβααΆααααα»αβα’αΆαα +pocket-panel-home-explore-popular-topics = ααααααααααααΆαααααααα·αα +pocket-panel-home-discover-more = αααααααααααααα +pocket-panel-home-explore-more = αα»ααα + +pocket-panel-home-most-recent-saves = αααααΆααΆααααααΆαα»αααααΈααααα»αααααα’αααα +pocket-panel-home-most-recent-saves-loading = ααΆααααααΆαα»αααααΈααααα»ααααα»α... +pocket-panel-home-new-user-cta = α
αααΌαα»α { -pocket-brand-name } ααΎααααΈαααααΆαα»αα’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ αα·ααααα +pocket-panel-home-new-user-message = ααΎαααΆααααααΆαα»αααααΈαααααα’ααααα
ααΈαααα + +## Pocket panel header component + +pocket-panel-header-my-saves = ααΎαααΆααααααΆαα»ααααααααα»α +pocket-panel-header-sign-in = α
αΌα + +## Pocket panel buttons + +pocket-panel-button-show-all = αααα αΆαβααΆααα’αα +pocket-panel-button-activate = ααΎαααααΎαααΆα { -pocket-brand-name } αα
αααα»α { -brand-product-name } diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1201ddc3d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +about-policies-title = ααααααααΆαβαααααΆααβαα ααααΆα + +# 'Active' is used to describe the policies that are currently active +active-policies-tab = ααααα +errors-tab = ααα α»α +documentation-tab = α―αααΆα + +no-specified-policies-message = ααααΆααααβαααααΆαααβαα ααααΆαβααααα ααα»ααααβαα·αααΆαβααΎαβααααΎαααΆαβαααααΆαααα +inactive-message = ααααΆααααβαααααΆαααβαα ααααΆαβα’ααααα + +policy-name = αααααβααααααααΆα +policy-value = αααααβααααααααΆα +policy-errors = ααα α»αβααααααααΆα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d119a595a --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +privatebrowsingpage-open-private-window-label = ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βα―ααα + .accesskey = P +about-private-browsing-search-placeholder = αααααααβαααααβαααααΆα +about-private-browsing-info-title = α’αααβαααα»αβαααα·αβαα
ββααααΆααβα―αααβ +about-private-browsing-search-btn = + .title = αααααααβααα ααααα +# Variables +# $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine +about-private-browsing-handoff = + .title = αααααααβααΆαα½α { $engine } α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +about-private-browsing-handoff-no-engine = + .title = ααααααα α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +# Variables +# $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine +about-private-browsing-handoff-text = αααααααβααΆαα½α { $engine } α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +about-private-browsing-handoff-text-no-engine = ααααααα α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +about-private-browsing-not-private = αα
βα―αααβααα +about-private-browsing-info-description-private-window = ααααΆααα―αααα { -brand-short-name } αααα’αΆαβααΆααααααααβααααα’ααα αα·αβαααααααα·αα»ααα αα
αααβα’αααβαα·αβααααΆααβα―αααβααΆααα’ααα ααΆβαα·αβαααα αΆαα’αααβααΆα’ααΆαα·αααα +about-private-browsing-info-description-simplified = { -brand-short-name } αααα’αΆαβααΆααααααααβααααα’ααα αα·αβαααααααα·αα»ααα αα
αααβα’αααβαα·αβααααΆααβα―αααβααΆααα’αα ααα»ααααααΆβαα·αβαααα αΆαα’αααβααΆα’ααΆαα·αααα +about-private-browsing-learn-more-link = ααααααααβαααααα + +about-private-browsing-hide-activity = ααΆααβαααααααΆα αα·αβααΈααΆααβααααα’ααα αααααααααααβαααα’αααβαα»ααα +about-private-browsing-get-privacy = ααα½αααΆαβααΆαααΆαααΆαβα―αααααΆαβαααααααααααβαααα’αααβαα»ααα +about-private-browsing-hide-activity-1 = ααΆααβαααααααΆαβαα»ααα αα·αβααΈααΆααβααΆαα½α { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name }α α
βαα½αβαααααΎαβααΆααααααΆααβαα»ααααα·ααΆα αααααΆβαα
ααΎ Wi-Fi ααΆααΆααααααααα +about-private-browsing-prominent-cta = αααααα
ααΆα―αααβααΆαα½α { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name } + +## The following strings will be used for experiments in Fx99 and Fx100 + +# This string is the title for the banner for search engine selection +# in a private window. +# Variables: +# $engineName (String) - The engine name that will currently be used for the private window. +about-private-browsing-search-banner-title = { $engineName } ααΊααΆαααΆαααΈααααααααααααΆαααΎαααααα’ααααα
αααα»αααΈαααΌα―ααα +about-private-browsing-search-banner-description = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] ααΎααααΈααααΎαααΎαβαααΆαααΈαβαααααααβααααα ααΌαβα
<a data-l10n-name="link-options">αααααΎα</a> + *[other] ααΎααααΈααααΎαααΎαβαααΆαααΈαβαααααααβααααα ααΌαβα
<a data-l10n-name="link-options">α
α·ααα</a> + } +about-private-browsing-search-banner-close-button = + .aria-label = αα·α + +## Strings used in a βpin promotionβ message, which prompts users to pin a private window + +## Strings used in a promotion message for cookie banner reduction + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..88919c66ac --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +restart-required-title = α
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎααα·α + +restart-button-label = α
αΆααβααααΎαβα‘αΎαβαα·α { -brand-short-name } diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..609f18f088 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +### These strings are used in the about:robots page, which ties in with the +### robots theme used in the Firefox 3 Beta 2/3 first run pages. +### They're just meant to be fun and whimsical, with references to some geeky +### but well-known robots in movies and books. Be creative with translations! + +# Nonsense line from the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still". No translation needed. +page-title = Gort! Klaatu barada nikto! +# Movie: Logan's Run... Box (cyborg): "Welcome Humans! I am ready for you." +error-title-text = ααΌαβααααΆααααβα’αααβααΆααα’ααβααααΆ! +# Movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still. Spoken by Klaatu. +error-short-desc-text = ααΎαβααβαα½αβα’αααβαααβααααα·ααΆα αα·αβααααβααα’! +# Various books by Isaac Asimov. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics +error-long-desc1 = ααα»αααβααααβαα·αβααααΎα²ααβα’αααβααΆαβαααααααααΆαα α¬βααΆαβαα»ααααααβαααααΆαααβααΆαβα’αααααβαααβααα +# Movie: Blade Runner. Batty: "I've seen things you people wouldnβt believe..." +error-long-desc2 = ααα»αααβααααβααΆαβααΎαβααααα»βαααβα’αααβαα·αβαα½αβααΏα +# Book: Hitchhikerβs Guide To The Galaxy. What the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation calls robots. +error-long-desc3 = ααα»αααβααααβααΊβααΆβαα·αααβααααΆαααα·αβααααβα’ααα αααβα’αααβα’αΆα
βααΈαααΆαβααΆαα½αβααΆαα +# TV: Futurama. Bender's first line is "Bite my shiny metal ass." +error-long-desc4 = ααα»αααβααααβααΆαβααα αβααααΆβαα
βααΈβααααα αααβαα·αβαα½αβααΆαβααα +# TV: Battlestar Galactica (2004 series). From the opening text. +error-trailer-desc-text = α αΎαβαα½αβααβααΆαβαααααΆαααα +# Book: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Arthur presses a button and it warns him. +error-try-again = ααααΆααΆαβααααααα + .label2 = ααΌαβαα»αβα
βαααΌαα»αβαααβααααβαααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b682c767ae --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +restore-page-tab-title = ααααΆαβαααα + +# The title is intended to be apologetic and disarming, expressing dismay +# and regret that we are unable to restore the session for the user +restore-page-error-title = ααΌαα’ααααααα ααΎαβαα½αβαααα αΆβαααα»αβααΆαβααααΆαβαααααβααααβα’αααβαααα·αα +restore-page-problem-desc = ααΎαβααΆαβαααα αΆβαααα»αβααΆαβααααΆαβααααβαα»αααβα
α»ααααααβααααβα’αααα ααΌαβα
ααααΆαβαααα ααΎααααΈβααΆαααααβαααααααα +restore-page-try-this = αα
βααααΆαβααααβααααβα’αααβααΆα? αααβααααβααΆβα’αΆα
βαααα αΆβαααααΆαβααααΆααβαα½αα ααΎαβααααΆααβααΈαα»α αααβαααααΆβααΈαβα
ααααΈβααααΆααβαααβα’αααβαα·αβααααΌαααΆαβααΎααααΈβααβααβαα·α αααααΆααααβααααΆαα + +restore-page-hide-tabs = ααΆααβααααΆααβααΈαα»α +restore-page-show-tabs = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΈαα»α + +# When tabs are distributed across multiple windows, this message is used as a +# header above the group of tabs for each window. +# +# Variables: +# $windowNumber: Progressive number associated to each window +restore-page-window-label = αααα’α½α
{ $windowNumber } + +restore-page-restore-header = + .label = ααααΆα + +restore-page-list-header = + .label = ααΈαααΌ αα·αβααααΆαα + +restore-page-try-again-button = + .label = ααααΆαβαααα + .accesskey = R + +restore-page-close-button = + .label = α
αΆααααααΎαβααααβααααΈ + .accesskey = N + +## The following strings are used in about:welcomeback + +welcome-back-tab-title = αααααα! +welcome-back-page-title = αααααα! +welcome-back-page-info = { -brand-short-name } α’αΆα
αΆααααααΎαβααΆαα + +welcome-back-restore-button = + .label = αααβα
αΆααααααΎα! + .accesskey = L + +welcome-back-restore-all-label = ααααΆαβααααΆαα &αααα’α½α
βααΆααα’αα +welcome-back-restore-some-label = ααααΆαβααβα’αααΈβαααβα’αααβα
ααααΆαβααα»ααααα + +welcome-back-page-info-link = αααααβααααααβααααβα’ααα αα·αβααΆαβαααααβααααΆαααααα½αβααααΌαβααΆαβαα»αβα
αα α αΎαβααΆαβαααααβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααααβα’αααβααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΆαβαα
βααααΆαααΎαα ααΎβααΆβαα·αβααΆαβααβαααα αΆβααααβα’αααβαα <a data-l10n-name="link-more">ααααααααβααααααβα’αααΈβα’αααΈβαααβα’αααβα’αΆα
βααααΎβααΆαα</a> + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d30c57e807 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +crashed-title = αααααα·ααΈααΆαααΆαααααΆαααΆααααααααααΆαα +crashed-close-tab-button = αα·αααααΆαα +crashed-restore-tab-button = ααααΆαβααααΆααβααα +crashed-restore-all-button = ααααΆαβααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααΆααβααΆααα’αα +crashed-header = α’αα αΌ! ααααΆααβααααβα’αααβααΆαβααΆααα +crashed-offer-help = ααΎαα’αΆα
αα½αααΆα! +crashed-single-offer-help-message = ααααΎα { crashed-restore-tab-button } ααΎααααΈαααα»ααααααα‘αΎααα·αα +crashed-multiple-offer-help-message = ααααΎαααΎα { crashed-restore-tab-button } α¬ { crashed-restore-all-button } ααΎααααΈαααα»ααααααα‘αΎααα·αα +crashed-request-help = ααΎβα’αααβααΉαβαα½αβαα½αβααΎαβαα? +crashed-request-help-message = αααΆαααΆαααβααΆααβααΊβαα½αβααΎαβααβα²ααβααΎαβαααα αΆ α αΎαβααααΎα²αα { -brand-short-name } αααααΎαβα‘αΎαα +crashed-request-report-title = ααΆαααΆαααβααααΆααβααα +crashed-send-report-2 = ααααΎαααΆαααΆαααααΆαααααααααααααααααα· ααΌα
αααααααΆααααα αΆααΌα
ααα +crashed-comment = + .placeholder = ααα·αααααβααΆβαααααΎα (ααα·αααααβα’αΆα
βααΎαβααΎαβααΆβααΆααΆααα) +crashed-include-URL-2 = αα½αααΆα URLs ααααβααα αααααβαααβα’αααβααΆαβαααα·ααα
β αα
αααβ { -brand-short-name } ααΆαααΆαα +crashed-report-sent = ααΆαβααΆααβααααΎβαααΆαααΆαααβααΆαα α’ααα»αβαααααΆααβααΆαβαα½αβααααΎα²αα { -brand-short-name } αααααΎαβα‘αΎα! +crashed-request-auto-submit-title = ααΆαααΆαααβααααΆααβααααβααΆαααααα +crashed-auto-submit-checkbox-2 = ααααΎαα
α·αααβααΎααααΈβααΆαααααααΌαβαααΆαααΆαααβαααααααααααααααα· αα
ααα { -brand-short-name } ααΆαα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ef6aeb09e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +### Strings used in about:unloads, allowing users to manage the "tab unloading" +### feature. + +about-unloads-page-title = αα·ααααα»ααααα»αβααααΆαα + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/accounts.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/accounts.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3344dd757e --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/accounts.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Used as the FxA toolbar menu item value when user has not +# finished setting up an account. +account-finish-account-setup = αααα
αβααααΈ + +# Used as the FxA toolbar menu item title when the user +# needs to reconnect their account. +account-disconnected2 = ααααΈααααΌαααΆαααααΆα
α + +# Menu item that sends a tab to all synced devices. +account-send-to-all-devices = ααααΎβαα
βα§αααααβααΆααα’αα + +# Menu item that links to the Firefox Accounts settings for connected devices. +account-manage-devices = αααααααααα§αααααβ¦ + +## Variables: +## $email (String): = Email address of user's Firefox Account. + +account-reconnect = αααααΆαα { $email } α‘αΎααα·α +account-verify = αααααααααΆαα { $email } + +## Displayed in the Send Tab/Page/Link to Device context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link. + +account-send-to-all-devices-titlecase = ααααΎβαα
βα§αααααβααΆααα’αα +account-manage-devices-titlecase = αααααααααα§αααααβ¦ + +## Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link +## and the account has only 1 device connected. + +# Redirects to a marketing page. +account-send-tab-to-device-singledevice-status = ααααΆαβα§αααααβαααβααΆαβαααααΆαα + +# Redirects to a marketing page. +account-send-tab-to-device-singledevice-learnmore = αα·ααααΆβα’αααΈβααααΆααβααααΎβ¦ + +# Redirects to an FxAccounts page that tells to you to connect another device. +account-send-tab-to-device-connectdevice = ααααΆααβα§αααααβααααα... + +## Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link +## and the Sync account is unverified. Redirects to the Sync preferences page. + +account-send-tab-to-device-verify-status = ααααΈβαα·αβααΆαβαααααααααΆαα +account-send-tab-to-device-verify = αααααααααΆααβααααΈβααααβα’αααβ¦ + +## These strings are used in a notification shown when a new device joins the Firefox account. + +# Variables: +# $deviceName (String): the name of the new device +account-connection-connected-with = α₯α‘αΌαααα αα»αααααΌααααααααααΆααααΆαα½α { $deviceName } α + +# Used when the name of the new device is not known. +account-connection-connected-with-noname = α₯α‘αΌαααα αα»αααααΌααααααααααΆααααΆαα½αα§αααααααααΈαα½αα + +# Used in a notification shown after a Firefox account is connected to the current device. +account-connection-connected = α’αααααΆαα
αΌαααααααααα + +# Used in a notification shown after the Firefox account was disconnected remotely. +account-connection-disconnected = αα»αααααΌααααααααααΌαααΆαααααΆα
αα + +## These strings are used in a notification shown when we're opening +## a single tab another device sent us to display. +## The body for this notification is the URL of the received tab. + +account-single-tab-arriving-title = ααΆαβααα½αβααααΆαα +# Variables: +# $deviceName (String): the device name. +account-single-tab-arriving-from-device-title = ααααΆααβααΈ { $deviceName } + +# Used when a tab from a remote device arrives but the URL must be truncated. +# Should display the URL with an indication that it's been truncated. +# Variables: +# $url (String): the portion of the URL that remains after truncation. +account-single-tab-arriving-truncated-url = { $url }β¦ + +## These strings are used in a notification shown when we're opening +## multiple tabs another device or devices sent us to display. +## Variables: +## $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs received + +account-multiple-tabs-arriving-title = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααα½α + +# Variables: +# $deviceName (String): the device name. +account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-single-device = ααααΆαα { $tabCount } ααΆαβαααααβααΈ { $deviceName } +account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-multiple-devices = ααααΆαα { $tabCount } ααΆαβαααααβααΈβα§αααααβαααβααΆαβαααααΆααβααααβα’ααα +# This version is used when we don't know any device names. +account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-unknown-device = ααααΆαα { $tabCount } ααΆαβααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c12617be87 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +xpinstall-prompt = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβααΆααΆααβαααααβαααααΆαβααα ααΈβααΆαβααΆαααΆαβα²ααβα’αααβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααΎβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααΒ α + +## Variables: +## $host (String): The hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from. + + +## + +xpinstall-prompt-dont-allow = + .label = αα»αβα’αα»ααααΆα + .accesskey = D + +# These messages are shown when a website invokes navigator.requestMIDIAccess. + + +## + +xpinstall-disabled-locked = ααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αβαααβα’αααβαααααααααβααααααααβααααβα’αααα +xpinstall-disabled = ααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαα
α»ααααααβαααβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αΒ α α
ββααΎαβα αΎαββααααΆααΆαβαααααααα +xpinstall-disabled-button = + .label = ααΎα + .accesskey = n + +# Variables: +# $addonName (String): the localized name of the sideloaded add-on. +webext-perms-sideload-menu-item = { $addonName } ααΆαβαααα
βαααα»α { -brand-short-name } +# Variables: +# $addonName (String): the localized name of the extension which has been updated. +webext-perms-update-menu-item = { $addonName } αααααΌαβα²ααβααΆαβααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆαβααααΈ + +## Add-on removal warning + +# Variables: +# $name (String): the name of the extension which is about to be removed. +addon-removal-message = αα»α { $name } α
ααααΈ { -brand-shorter-name } ααααα? +addon-removal-button = αα»αβα
αα + +# Variables: +# $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being downloaded +addon-downloading-and-verifying = αααα»αβααΆαβαα αα·αβαααααααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα { $addonCount }... +addon-download-verifying = αααα»αβαααααααααΆαα + +addon-install-cancel-button = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = C +addon-install-accept-button = + .label = αααα
αΌα + .accesskey = A + +## Variables: +## $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed + +addon-confirm-install-message = αααααββαααβα
ααβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααααααβ { $addonCount } αα
βαααα»α { -brand-short-name }α +# Variables: +# $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed (at least 2) +addon-confirm-install-some-unsigned-message = ααααααααα αααααββαααβα
ααβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα { $addonCount } βαα
βαααα»α { -brand-short-name } αααααβαα½αβα
ααα½αβαα·αβααΆααβααΆαβαααααΆααα α
αΆααααααΎαβααααΎαααΆαβαααβααΆαβααα½αβαα»αααααΌαβαααα½αβα―αα + +## Add-on install errors +## Variables: +## $addonName (String): the add-on name. + +addon-install-error-network-failure = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααΆαβααβαααααα·ααΈβααααααβααΆαβαα αααααΆαααβααΆαβαααΆαααβααβααΆαβαααααΆααα +addon-install-error-incorrect-hash = αααααα·ααΈβααααααβαααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβαα αααααβααΆβαα·αβααααΌααααβααΆαα½αβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα { -brand-short-name } αααβααΆαβααααΉαβαα»αα +addon-install-error-corrupt-file = αααααα·ααΈβααααααβαααβααΆαβααΆαβααβααΈβαααααβαααααΆαβααα αα·αβα’αΆα
Β α +addon-install-error-file-access = { $addonName } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβ { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
ββααααααβα―αααΆαβαααβααααΌαβααΆαΒ α +addon-install-error-not-signed = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβααΆααΆααβαααααβαααααΆαβαααβααΈβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααααααβαααβαα·αααΆαββαααααΆααα +addon-local-install-error-network-failure = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααααααβαααβααΆαβαα αααααΆαβααβααΆαβααα α»αβααααααααβα―αααΆαα +addon-local-install-error-incorrect-hash = αααααα·ααΈβααααααβαααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβαα αααααβααΆβαα·αβααααΌαααααΆβααΆαα½αβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα { -brand-short-name } αααβααΆαβααααΉαβαα»αα +addon-local-install-error-corrupt-file = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈββααααααβαααβααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβααΆβααΌα
α +addon-local-install-error-file-access = { $addonName } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβ { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
ββααααααβα―αααΆαβαααβααααΌαβααΆαΒ α +addon-local-install-error-not-signed = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈββααααααβαααβααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβααΆβαα·αααΆααααΆαβαααααααααΆααα +# Variables: +# $appVersion (String): the application version. +addon-install-error-incompatible = { $addonName } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβααβαααααβααΆβαα·αβααααΌαβααααΆβααΆαα½α { -brand-short-name } { $appVersion }Β α +addon-install-error-blocklisted = { $addonName } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβααΆαβαα αααααβααΆβααΆαββα αΆαα·αααββααααα αααβα’αΆα
βαααααΆαα²ααβααΆαβαααα αΆβαααα·αααΆα α¬βαα»ααααα·ααΆαα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fcb02f2b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# "Search" is a verb, as in "Search through tabs". +all-tabs-menu-search-tabs = + .label = αααΆαααααααα + +all-tabs-menu-new-user-context = + .label = ααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβααααΈ + +all-tabs-menu-hidden-tabs = + .label = ααααΆαααααααΆαα + +all-tabs-menu-manage-user-context = + .label = αααααααααβαααα’ααβαααα»α + .accesskey = o diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1e2aaa1d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Theme names and descriptions used in the Themes panel in about:addons + +extension-firefox-compact-light-name = ααααΆα +extension-firefox-compact-light-description = αα
ααΆααααααααααΆαααααααααααααΊα + +extension-firefox-compact-dark-name = αααΉα +extension-firefox-compact-dark-description = αα
ααΆααααααααααΆααααααααααααΉαα + +extension-firefox-alpenglow-name = Firefox Alpenglow +extension-firefox-alpenglow-description = ααααΎααααΆααβααΆααααα αΆαβαααα
αααα»αβαααααΆααβαααΌαα»α αααΊαα»α αα·αααααΆαααααα’α½α
α + +## Colorway Themes +## These themes are variants of a colorway. The colorway is specified in the +## $colorway-name variable. +## Variables +## $colorway-name (String) The name of a colorway (e.g. Graffiti, Elemental). + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45c6f4f7ea --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +appmenu-addon-post-install-incognito-checkbox = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαα±ααααααααααααααααααααΎαααΆααα
αααα»αααΈαααΌα―ααα + .accesskey = α + +appmenu-tab-hide-controlled = + .label = α
αΌαααααΎααααΆαααααααΆαααΆααααααα’ααα + .buttonlabel = ααααααΆααααααΆαα + .buttonaccesskey = K + .secondarybuttonlabel = αα·αα’αα»ααααΆαααααααααααα + .secondarybuttonaccesskey = D diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d11811f9b --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## App Menu + +appmenuitem-banner-update-downloading = + .label = αααα»αααΆαααβαα
α»ααααααααΆα { -brand-shorter-name } + +appmenuitem-banner-update-available = + .label = ααΆααα
α»ααααααααΆα β ααΆαααβα₯α‘αΌαααα + +appmenuitem-banner-update-manual = + .label = ααΆααα
α»ααααααααΆα β ααΆαααβα₯α‘αΌαααα + +appmenuitem-banner-update-unsupported = + .label = αα·αβα’αΆα
α»ααααααααΆαααΆααα β ααααααααβαα·αβααααΌαααααΆ + +appmenuitem-banner-update-restart = + .label = ααΆααα
α»ααααααααΆα β α
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎααα·αβα₯α‘αΌαααα + +appmenuitem-new-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααααΈ +appmenuitem-new-window = + .label = αααα’α½α
βββααααΈ +appmenuitem-new-private-window = + .label = αααα’α½α
βα―αααβααααΈ +appmenuitem-history = + .label = αααααααα· +appmenuitem-downloads = + .label = ααΆαβαα +appmenuitem-passwords = + .label = ααΆααααααααΆαα +appmenuitem-addons-and-themes = + .label = αααααα·ααΈααααααααααα +appmenuitem-print = + .label = ααααα»αααβ¦ +appmenuitem-find-in-page = + .label = ααααααααααα»ααααααβ¦ +appmenuitem-zoom = + .value = αααααΈα +appmenuitem-more-tools = + .label = α§αααααα
αααΎαααα +appmenuitem-help = + .label = αααα½α +appmenuitem-exit2 = + .label = + { PLATFORM() -> + [linux] α
αα + *[other] α
αα + } +appmenu-menu-button-closed2 = + .tooltiptext = ααΎααα»αΈαα»ααααααα·ααΈ + .label = { -brand-short-name } +appmenu-menu-button-opened2 = + .tooltiptext = ααΉααα»αΈαα»ααααααα·ααΈ + .label = { -brand-short-name } + +# Settings is now used to access the browser settings across all platforms, +# instead of Options or Preferences. +appmenuitem-settings = + .label = ααΆαααααα + +## Zoom and Fullscreen Controls + +appmenuitem-zoom-enlarge = + .label = αααααΈα +appmenuitem-zoom-reduce = + .label = ααααα½α +appmenuitem-fullscreen = + .label = α’ααααααβααα + +## Firefox Account toolbar button and Sync panel in App menu. + +appmenu-remote-tabs-sign-into-sync = + .label = α
αΌαβααΎααααΈβααααΎβααααΆαααααβ¦ +appmenu-remote-tabs-turn-on-sync = + .label = ααΎαααααΆααααα... + +# This is shown after the tabs list if we can display more tabs by clicking on the button +appmenu-remote-tabs-showmore = + .label = αααα αΆαααααΆααααααααα
αααΎαααα + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααααΆααβααααααβαααβααΈβα§αααααβααα + +# This is shown beneath the name of a device when that device has no open tabs +appmenu-remote-tabs-notabs = ααααΆαααααΆααααΎααα + +# This is shown when Sync is configured but syncing tabs is disabled. +appmenu-remote-tabs-tabsnotsyncing = ααΎαααααΆαααααααααΆααααΎααααΈαααα αΆααααααΈααααααΆααααΈα§αααααααααααααααααα’ααα α + +# This is shown when Sync is configured but this appears to be the only device attached to +# the account. We also show links to download Firefox for android/ios. +appmenu-remote-tabs-noclients = α
βααΈαααβαααβαα? + +appmenu-remote-tabs-connectdevice = + .label = ααααΆααβα§αααααβααααα +appmenu-remote-tabs-unverified = ααααΈβααααβα’αααβααααΌαααααΎααΆαββαααααααααΆααα + +appmenuitem-fxa-toolbar-sync-now2 = ααααΎααααΆαααααα₯α‘αΌαααα +appmenuitem-fxa-manage-account = αααααααααβααααΈ +appmenu-fxa-header2 = { -fxaccount-brand-name } +# Variables +# $time (string) - Localized relative time since last sync (e.g. 1 second ago, +# 3 hours ago, etc.) +appmenu-fxa-last-sync = ααααΎαααααααΆαα
α»αααααα { $time } + .label = ααααΎαααααααΆαα
α»αααααα { $time } +appmenu-fxa-sync-and-save-data2 = ααααΎααααΆααααα αα·ααααααΆαα»ααα·αααααα +appmenu-fxa-signed-in-label = α
αΌα +appmenu-fxa-setup-sync = + .label = ααΎαααΆαααααΎααααΆααααα ... + +appmenuitem-save-page = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αβαααααααΆ... + +## What's New panel in App menu. + +whatsnew-panel-header = α’αααΈαααααααΈ + +# Checkbox displayed at the bottom of the What's New panel, allowing users to +# enable/disable What's New notifications. +whatsnew-panel-footer-checkbox = + .label = αα½αααααΉααα»αααΆαααααΈα + .accesskey = f + +## The Firefox Profiler β The popup is the UI to turn on the profiler, and record +## performance profiles. To enable it go to profiler.firefox.com and click +## "Enable Profiler Menu Button". + +profiler-popup-button-idle = + .label = αααααααααααΆα + .tooltiptext = ααβαααααααααααΆαβααααα·ααααα·ααΆα + +profiler-popup-button-recording = + .label = αααααααααααΆα + .tooltiptext = αααααααααααΆαβαααα»αααβαααααααα·ααΌα + +profiler-popup-header-text = { -profiler-brand-name } + +profiler-popup-reveal-description-button = + .aria-label = αααα αΆαααααααΆααααααα + +profiler-popup-description-title = + .value = ααΆααααααΆ αα·ααΆα α
ααααααα + +profiler-popup-description = αα ααΆαβααΆααααβααΉαβαααα αΆβααααα·ααααα·ααΆαβαααβααααααααααΆαβαααααααααααΆαβααΎααααΈα
αααααααβααΆαα½αβαααα»αβααααα’αααα + +profiler-popup-learn-more-button = + .label = αααααααααααααα + +profiler-popup-settings = + .value = ααΆαααααα + +# This link takes the user to about:profiling, and is only visible with the Custom preset. +profiler-popup-edit-settings-button = + .label = ααααααα½α½αααΆααααααβ¦ + +profiler-popup-recording-screen = αααα»ααα β¦ + +profiler-popup-start-recording-button = + .label = α
αΆααααααΎααα + +profiler-popup-discard-button = + .label = αααααα + +profiler-popup-capture-button = + .label = α
αΆαααα + +profiler-popup-start-shortcut = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] ββ§1 + *[other] Ctrl+Shift+1 + } + +profiler-popup-capture-shortcut = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] ββ§2 + *[other] Ctrl+Shift+2 + } + +## Profiler presets +## They are shown in the popup's select box. + + +# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file +# devtools/client/performance-new/popup/background.jsm.js +# Please take care that the same values are also defined in devtools' perftools.ftl. + + +# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file +# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js +# Please take care that the same values are also defined in devtools' perftools.ftl. + +## History panel + +appmenu-manage-history = + .label = ααααααααααααααααα· +appmenu-restore-session = + .label = ααααΆαβααααβαα»α +appmenu-clear-history = + .label = αααα’αΆαβαααααααα·βααααΈαβ¦ +appmenu-recent-history-subheader = αααααααα·βααααΈα +appmenu-recently-closed-tabs = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβαα·αβααααΈα +appmenu-recently-closed-windows = + .label = αααα’α½α
βαααβααΆαβαα·αβααααΈα + +## Help panel + +appmenu-help-header = + .title = αααα½α { -brand-shorter-name } +appmenu-about = + .label = α’αααΈ { -brand-shorter-name } + .accesskey = A +appmenu-get-help = + .label = ααα½αααΆααααα½α + .accesskey = H +appmenu-help-report-site-issue = + .label = ααΆαααΆαααβαααα αΆβααα αααααβ¦ + +## appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode and appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode +## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both. + + +## appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site and appmenu-help-not-deceptive +## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both. + +appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site = + .label = ααΆαααΆαααβα’αααΈβαααααΆαβααααααβ¦ + .accesskey = D +appmenu-help-not-deceptive = + .label = αααβαα·ααααβααΆβαααααΆαβααααααβααβ¦ + .accesskey = d + +## More Tools + +appmenu-developer-tools-subheader = αααΆαα§ααααααααααα·ααΈααααααα»ααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49e3ea790a --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +default-browser-notification-yes-button-text = ααΆα/α
αΆα +default-browser-notification-no-button-text = αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/browser.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browser.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dca2b5640f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browser.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## The main browser window's title + +# This gets set as the initial title, and is overridden as soon as we start +# updating the titlebar based on loaded tabs or private browsing state. +# This should match the `data-title-default` attribute in both +# `browser-main-window` and `browser-main-window-mac`. +browser-main-window-title = { -brand-full-name } + +## + +urlbar-identity-button = + .aria-label = ααΎαβααααααΆαβααααααααααΆα + +## Tooltips for images appearing in the address bar + +urlbar-services-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΆαβααα‘αΎα +urlbar-web-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααααΌαβααΆβ ααΎβα’αααβα’αΆα
βααα½αβααΆαβααΌαααααΉαβααΈβαααααβαααααΆαβαααβαααβα¬βαα +urlbar-midi-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆαα MIDI +urlbar-eme-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαβααααΎααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈ DRM +urlbar-web-authn-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαααααΆααααΆααααααααααΆααβααα ααααα +urlbar-canvas-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαβααα
ααβαααααα·ααΈβααααΌαααΆα +urlbar-web-rtc-share-microphone-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαβα
αααααααβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααααβα’αααβααΆαα½αβαααααβαααααΆαβααα +urlbar-default-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΆα +urlbar-geolocation-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααααΎβααΈααΆαα +urlbar-web-rtc-share-screen-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαβα
αααααααβααΈαααΌ α¬βα’ααααααβααααβα’αααβααΆαα½αβαααααβαααααΆα +urlbar-indexed-db-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΆαβααα αβαααα»αβααααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α +urlbar-password-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααΆαααβαααααΆαα +urlbar-plugins-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαβααααΎααααΆααβαααααβαααααα +urlbar-web-rtc-share-devices-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααααααααβααΆαβα
αααααααβααΆαααααΆβααααβα’ααα αα·α/α¬βααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααΆαα½αβαααααβαααααΆαβααα +urlbar-autoplay-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαααααΆαααααααααααααααααα· +urlbar-persistent-storage-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = αααα»αβαα·ααααααβαα
α·αααααααα +urlbar-addons-notification-anchor = + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβααααΆααβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααααβαααααα + +## Prompts users to use the Urlbar when they open a new tab or visit the +## homepage of their default search engine. +## Variables: +## $engineName (String): The name of the user's default search engine. e.g. "Google" or "DuckDuckGo". + +urlbar-search-tips-onboard = ααΆααα·α
ααΆαααα ααα
αααΎααααα ααααααα { $engineName } ααααΆαα ααΈαααΆαα’αΆααααααΆαααααα’αααα + +## Local search mode indicator labels in the urlbar + + +## + +urlbar-geolocation-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβααααααΆαβα’αααΈβααΈααΆααβαααααΆααβαα·αααΆαβαααα +urlbar-web-notifications-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβααΆαβααΌαααααΉαβαααααΆααβαα·αααΆαβαααα +urlbar-camera-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβααΆαααααΆβααααβα’αααβαααααΆααβαα·αααΆαβαααα +urlbar-microphone-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααααβα’αααβαααααΆααβαα·αααΆαβαααα +urlbar-screen-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβαα·αααΆαβαααβααΈβααΆαβα
αααααααβα’ααααααβααααβα’αααα +urlbar-persistent-storage-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαααααααΆααβααΆαβαααα»αβαα αΌαβαααααΆααβαααααΆαβαααα +urlbar-popup-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαααααααΆααβααααΆααβααα
α‘αΎαβαααααΆααβααα αααααβαααα +urlbar-autoplay-media-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααααΆααααααααΆααααααα
αΆαααααααααααααααααα·αααααΆαααα‘αααααααΆααααα αααααβαααα +urlbar-canvas-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαααααααΆααβααΆααααα·ααααααβαααααα·ααΈααβααΌαααΆαβαααααΆααβααα αααααβαααα +urlbar-midi-blocked = + .tooltiptext = α’αααβααΆαβαααααααΆααααΆαα
αΌαααααΎ MIDI αααααΆααβααα αααααβαααα +# Variables +# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command. +urlbar-star-edit-bookmark = + .tooltiptext = ααααααα½αβα
αααΆαβααα ({ $shortcut }) +# Variables +# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command. +urlbar-star-add-bookmark = + .tooltiptext = α
αααΆαβαααααβααα ({ $shortcut }) + +## Page Action Context Menu + + +## Auto-hide Context Menu + +full-screen-autohide = + .label = ααΆααβαααΆαβα§ααααα + .accesskey = H +full-screen-exit = + .label = α
ααααΈβααααααβα’ααααααβααα + .accesskey = F + +## Search Engine selection buttons (one-offs) + +search-one-offs-change-settings-compact-button = + .tooltiptext = ααααΆααααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβααααααα +search-one-offs-context-open-new-tab = + .label = αααααααβαα
βαααα»αβααααΆααβααααΈ + .accesskey = T +search-one-offs-context-set-as-default = + .label = αααααβααΆβαααΆαααΈαβαααααααβααααΆαααΎα + .accesskey = D +# When more than 5 engines are offered by a web page, they are grouped in a +# submenu using this as its label. +search-one-offs-add-engine-menu = + .label = ααααααβαααΆαααΈαβααααααα + +## Local search mode one-off buttons +## Variables: +## $restrict (String): The restriction token corresponding to the search mode. +## Restriction tokens are special characters users can type in the urlbar to +## restrict their searches to certain sources (e.g., "*" to search only +## bookmarks). + + +## QuickActions are shown in the urlbar as the user types a matching string +## The -cmd- strings are comma separated list of keywords that will match +## the action. + + +## Bookmark Panel + +bookmark-panel-cancel = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = C +# Variables: +# $count (number): number of bookmarks that will be removed +bookmark-panel-remove = + .label = αα»αβα
αααΆα { $count } α
αα + .accesskey = R +bookmark-panel-show-editor-checkbox = + .label = αααα αΆααααααα·ααΈααααααα½ααα
ααααααα»ααααααΆαα»α + .accesskey = α +# Width of the bookmark panel. +# Should be large enough to fully display the Done and +# Cancel/Remove Bookmark buttons. +bookmark-panel = + .style = min-width: 23em + +## Identity Panel + +identity-connection-internal = αααααΊααΆααααα { -brand-short-name } αααβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα +identity-connection-file = αααααβαααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβαα
βαααα»αβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααα +identity-extension-page = αααααβαααβααΆαβαααα»αβα
ααααΈβαααααα·ααΈβαααααβααααααα +identity-active-blocked = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαββαα·αβαααααβααααβααβαααααβαααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαα +identity-passive-loaded = αααααβααααβααβαααααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααβ (ααΌα
ααΆβααΌαααΆα)α +identity-active-loaded = α’αααβααΆαβαα·αβααΆαβααΆαααΆαβαα
βααΎβαααααβαααα +identity-weak-encryption = αααααβαααβααααΎβααΆαβααααααβααΌαβαααααα +identity-insecure-login-forms = ααΆαβα
βααααΌαβααΆαβααβαααααααααα½αβα β +identity-permissions-reload-hint = α’αααβαααα ααβααααΌαβαααα»αβαααααβα‘αΎααα·αβ ααΎααααΈβα²ααβααΆαβααααΆααααααΌαα’αα»ααααα +identity-clear-site-data = + .label = αααα’αΆαααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααααα αααααβ¦ +identity-remove-cert-exception = + .label = ααααααΈααΎααααα
αα + .accesskey = R +identity-description-insecure = ααΆαβαααααΆααβααααβα’αααβαα
βααααααααααΆαβαααβαα·αβαααβααΆβα―αααβααα ααααααΆαβαααβα’αααβααΆααβααααΎβα’αΆα
βααααΌαβααΆαβα’αααβαααααβααΎαβααΎα (ααΌα
ααΆβααΆαααβαααααΆαα ααΆα αααααβα₯αααΆαααα)α +identity-description-insecure-login-forms = ααααααΆαβα
βααΎβαααααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα α αΎαβα’αΆα
βααααΌαββααΆαββααααΎββα²ααβααααΆαα +identity-description-weak-cipher-intro = ααΆαβαααααΆααβααααβα’αααβαα
βααΆααβαα·αααΆαβαααβααααΎβααΆαβααααααβααΌαβααααα αα·αβαα·αβαααβααΆβα―αααα +identity-description-weak-cipher-risk = α’αααβαααααβαααββα’αΆα
βααΎαβααααααΆαββααααβα’ααα α¬βααααααβββααΆαβαααααααΉαααα·βααααβαααααΆαβααΆαα +identity-description-active-blocked2 = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβαα·αβαααααβααααβααβαααααβαααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαα +identity-description-passive-loaded = ααΆαβαααααΆααβααααβα’αααββαα·αβαααβααΆβα―αααβαα α αΎαα’αααβαααααβααβα’αΆα
αααααααβααΆαα½αβααααααααααΆαβαααβαααα +identity-description-passive-loaded-insecure2 = αα·αααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα (ααΌα
ααΆβααΌαααΆα)α +identity-description-passive-loaded-mixed2 = αααααΈααΆ { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβαα·αββααΆαα·ααΆβαααα αα
βααΎβαααααβαααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα (ααΌα
ααΆβααΌαααΆα)α +identity-description-active-loaded = αα·αααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα (ααΌα
ααΆβααααααΈα) α αΎαβααΆαβαααααΆααβααααβα’αααβαα
ββααΆβααΊβαα·αβαααβααΆβα―αααβααα +identity-description-active-loaded-insecure = ααααααΆαβαααβα’αααβα
αααααααβααΆαα½αβααααααααααΆαβαααβ α’αααβαααααβα’αΆα
βααΎαβααΎαβααα (ααΌα
ααΆβααΆαααβαααααΆαα ααΆα αααααβα₯αααΆαααα)α +identity-disable-mixed-content-blocking = + .label = αα·αβααΆαβααΆαααΆαβα₯α‘αΌα + .accesskey = D +identity-enable-mixed-content-blocking = + .label = ααΎαβααΆαβααΆαααΆα + .accesskey = E +identity-more-info-link-text = + .label = ααααααΆαβαααααα + +## Window controls + +browser-window-minimize-button = + .tooltiptext = ααααα½αβα’αααααααΆ +browser-window-close-button = + .tooltiptext = αα·α + +## Tab actions + + +## These labels should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them. +## Variables: +## $count (number): number of affected tabs + + +## Bookmarks toolbar items + + +## WebRTC Pop-up notifications + +popup-all-windows-shared = αααα’α½α
αααααααα + +## WebRTC window or screen share tab switch warning + + +## DevTools F12 popup + + +## URL Bar + +# This string is used as an accessible name to the "X" button that cancels a custom search mode (i.e. exits the Amazon.com search mode). +urlbar-search-mode-indicator-close = + .aria-label = αα·α +urlbar-placeholder = + .placeholder = ααααααα α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +# Variables +# $name (String): the name of the user's default search engine +urlbar-placeholder-with-name = + .placeholder = αααααααααΆαα½α { $name } α¬αααα
αΌαα’αΆααααααΆα +urlbar-switch-to-tab = + .value = ααααΌαβαα
βααααΆααα +# Used to indicate that a selected autocomplete entry is provided by an extension. +urlbar-extension = + .value = αααααβααααααα +urlbar-go-button = + .tooltiptext = αα
ααΆααβα’αΆααααααΆαβαααα»αβαααΆαβααΈααΆαα +urlbar-page-action-button = + .tooltiptext = αααααβαααααααΆα + +## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search +## string or the url, like "result value - action text". + +# The "with" format was chosen because the search engine name can end with +# "Search", and we would like to avoid strings like "Search MSN Search". +# Variables +# $engine (String): the name of a search engine +urlbar-result-action-search-w-engine = αααααααβααΆαα½α { $engine } +urlbar-result-action-switch-tab = ααααΌαβαα
βααααΆαα +urlbar-result-action-visit = ααΎα + +## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search +## string or the url, like "result value - action text". +## In these actions "Search" is a verb, followed by where the search is performed. + + +## Labels shown above groups of urlbar results + + +## Reader View toolbar buttons + +# This should match menu-view-enter-readerview in menubar.ftl +reader-view-enter-button = + .aria-label = α
αΌαβααααβα’αααβα’αΆα +# This should match menu-view-close-readerview in menubar.ftl +reader-view-close-button = + .aria-label = αα·αβαα·αααααΆαβα’αααβα’αΆαβ + +## Picture-in-Picture urlbar button +## Variables: +## $shortcut (String) - Keyboard shortcut to execute the command. + + +## Full Screen and Pointer Lock UI + +# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup. +# Variables +# $domain (String): the domain that is full screen, e.g. "mozilla.org" +fullscreen-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> α₯α‘αΌαβαααβα’αααααα +fullscreen-warning-no-domain = α₯α‘αΌαβα―αααΆαβαααββαααβα’αααααα +fullscreen-exit-button = αα·αβαααβα’αααααα (ααα
) +# "esc" is lowercase on mac keyboards, but uppercase elsewhere. +fullscreen-exit-mac-button = αα·αβαααβα’αααααα (ααα
) +# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup. +# Variables +# $domain (String): the domain that is using pointer-lock, e.g. "mozilla.org" +pointerlock-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> ααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααβααΎβαααα½αβα
ααα’α»αβααααβα’αααα α
Esc ααΎααααΈβααα½αβααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααβαααα·αα +pointerlock-warning-no-domain = α―αααΆααααβααΆαβαα·αααβαααααααααβααΎβαααα½αβα
ααα’α»αβααααβα’αααα α
Esc ααΎααααΈβααα½αβααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααβααβαα·αα + +## Bookmarks panels, menus and toolbar + +bookmarks-toolbar-chevron = + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβα
αααΆαββαααααα +bookmarks-sidebar-content = + .aria-label = α
αααΆα +bookmarks-menu-button = + .label = αααΊαα»αβα
αααΆα +bookmarks-other-bookmarks-menu = + .label = α
αααΆαβαααααα +bookmarks-mobile-bookmarks-menu = + .label = α
ααα + +## Variables: +## $isVisible (boolean): if the specific element (e.g. bookmarks sidebar, +## bookmarks toolbar, etc.) is visible or not. + +bookmarks-tools-sidebar-visibility = + .label = + { $isVisible -> + [true] ααΆααβαααΆαβα§αααααβα
αααΆα + *[other] ααΎαβαααΆαβα§αααααβα
αααΆα + } +bookmarks-tools-toolbar-visibility-menuitem = + .label = + { $isVisible -> + [true] ααΆαααααΆαα§αααααα
αααΆα + *[other] ααΎαβαααΆαβα§αααααβα
αααΆα + } +bookmarks-tools-menu-button-visibility = + .label = + { $isVisible -> + [true] ααβαααΊαα»αα
ααααΈαααΆαα§ααααα + *[other] αααα
ααΆαααααΆαα§ααααα + } + +## + +bookmarks-search = + .label = αααααααβα
αααΆα +bookmarks-tools = + .label = βα§αααααβα
αααΆα +bookmarks-toolbar-menu = + .label = αααΆαβα§αααααβα
αααΆα +bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder = + .title = ααΆαα»βαααΆαβα§αααααββα
αααΆα +bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder-button = + .label = ααΆαα»βαααΆαβα§αααααββα
αααΆα + +## Library Panel items + +library-bookmarks-menu = + .label = α
αααΆα + +## Pocket toolbar button + + +## Repair text encoding toolbar button + + +## Customize Toolbar Buttons + +toolbar-overflow-customize-button = + .label = ααααΌαβαααΆαβα§αααααβααΆαβαααα... + .accesskey = C +toolbar-button-email-link = + .label = αααβα’ααΈααα + .tooltiptext = α’ααΈαααβααααΆααβαα
βαααααβααα +# Variables: +# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to save a copy of the page +toolbar-button-save-page = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβααααα + .tooltiptext = αααααΆαα»αβαααααβααα ({ $shortcut }) +# Variables: +# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to open a local file +toolbar-button-open-file = + .label = ααΎαβα―αααΆα + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβα―αααΆα ({ $shortcut }) +toolbar-button-synced-tabs = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆααααα + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααααΆααβααΈβα§αααααβαααβααα +# Variables +# $shortcut (string) - Keyboard shortcut to open a new private browsing window +toolbar-button-new-private-window = + .label = αααα’α½α
βα―αααβααααΈ + .tooltiptext = ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βααΆαβαα»αααβα―αααβααααΈ ({ $shortcut }) + +## EME notification panel + +eme-notifications-drm-content-playing = ααΈααα’αΌ αα·αβα’αΌααΈαααΌβαα½αβα
βααΎβαααααΆαβαααβααααΎβαααααα·ααΈ DRM αααβα’αΆα
βααΆααβαααβαααααβααΆαβααααΎβααααβα’αααβααΆαα½α { -brand-short-name } α + +## Password save/update panel + + +## + +ui-tour-info-panel-close = + .tooltiptext = αα·α + +## Variables: +## $uriHost (String): URI host for which the popup was allowed or blocked. + +popups-infobar-allow = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαβββααα
βα‘αΎαβαααααΆαα { $uriHost } + .accesskey = p +popups-infobar-block = + .label = αααααααΆααββααΆαββααα
α‘αΎαβαααααΆαα { $uriHost } + .accesskey = p + +## + +popups-infobar-dont-show-message = + .label = αα»αβαααα αΆαβααΆαβααα βαααβαααβαααα’α½α
α‘αΎαβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααααΆαα + .accesskey = D + +## Since the default position for PiP controls does not change for RTL layout, +## right-to-left languages should use "Left" and "Right" as in the English strings, + + +## + + +# Navigator Toolbox + +navbar-downloads = + .label = ααΆαβαα +navbar-overflow = + .tooltiptext = α§αααααα
αααΎααααβ¦ +# Variables: +# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to print the page +navbar-print = + .label = ααααα»ααα + .tooltiptext = ααααα»αααβαααααβαααβ¦ ({ $shortcut }) +navbar-home = + .label = ααΎα + .tooltiptext = αααααβααΎα { -brand-short-name } +navbar-library = + .label = αααααΆααα + .tooltiptext = ααΎααααααααα· α
αααΆααααααΆααααααΆαα»α αα·αα
αααΎαααα +navbar-search = + .title = ααααααα +# Name for the tabs toolbar as spoken by screen readers. The word +# "toolbar" is appended automatically and should not be included in +# in the string +tabs-toolbar = + .aria-label = ααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α +tabs-toolbar-new-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααααΈ +tabs-toolbar-list-all-tabs = + .label = ααΆααααααΈββααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + .tooltiptext = ααΆααααααΈββααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + +## Infobar shown at startup to suggest session-restore + + +## Mozilla data reporting notification (Telemetry, Firefox Health Report, etc) + +data-reporting-notification-message = { -brand-short-name } ααααΎβαα·ααααααβαα½αβα
ααΆαα { -vendor-short-name } ααΌα
βααααΎα²ααβαααα·αααααβααααβα’αααβαααααΎαβα‘αΎαα +data-reporting-notification-button = + .label = ααααΎαβα’αααΈβαααβαααα»αβα
ααααααα + .accesskey = C + +## Unified extensions (toolbar) button + + +## Unified extensions button when permission(s) are needed. +## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip. + + +## Unified extensions button when some extensions are quarantined. +## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip. + + +## Private browsing reset button + + +## Autorefresh blocker + +refresh-blocked-refresh-label = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβααΆααΆααβαααααβαααβαα·αβα²ααβαααααβαααβαααα»αβα‘αΎαβαα·αβαααβααααααααααααα·α +refresh-blocked-redirect-label = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβααΆααΆααβαααααβαααβαα·αβα²ααβααααΌαβαα·αβαα
βαααααβαα½αβαααβαααβαααααβαααααααα·α +refresh-blocked-allow = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆα + .accesskey = A + +## Firefox Relay integration + + +## Add-on Pop-up Notifications + +popup-notification-addon-install-unsigned = + .value = (αα·αβααΆαβαααααΆαα) + +## Pop-up warning + +# Variables: +# $popupCount (Number): the number of pop-ups blocked. +popup-warning-message = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβααΆαααΆαβαααααββααααα·αβα²ααβββααΎαβαααα’α½α
α‘αΎα { $popupCount }α +popup-warning-button = + .label = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] αααααΎα + *[other] α
α·ααα + } + .accesskey = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] O + *[other] P + } +# Variables: +# $popupURI (String): the URI for the pop-up window +popup-show-popup-menuitem = + .label = αααα αΆα '{ $popupURI }' diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f370b4a779 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +navbar-tooltip-instruction = + .value = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] αααααΆααβα
α»α ααΎααααΈβαααα αΆαβαααααααα· + *[other] α
βααααα»αβααααΆα α¬βα
α»α ααΎααααΈβαααα αΆαβαααααααα· + } + +## Back + +# Variables +# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Back command. +main-context-menu-back-2 = + .tooltiptext = αααααααβαα½αβααααα ({ $shortcut }) + .aria-label = ααααααα + .accesskey = B + +# This menuitem is only visible on macOS +main-context-menu-back-mac = + .label = ααααααα + .accesskey = B + +navbar-tooltip-back-2 = + .value = { main-context-menu-back-2.tooltiptext } + +toolbar-button-back-2 = + .label = { main-context-menu-back-2.aria-label } + +## Forward + +# Variables +# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Forward command. +main-context-menu-forward-2 = + .tooltiptext = αα
αα»αβαα½αβααααα ({ $shortcut }) + .aria-label = αα
αα»α + .accesskey = F + +# This menuitem is only visible on macOS +main-context-menu-forward-mac = + .label = αα
αα»α + .accesskey = F + +navbar-tooltip-forward-2 = + .value = { main-context-menu-forward-2.tooltiptext } + +toolbar-button-forward-2 = + .label = { main-context-menu-forward-2.aria-label } + +## Reload + +main-context-menu-reload = + .aria-label = αααα»αβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R + +# This menuitem is only visible on macOS +main-context-menu-reload-mac = + .label = αααα»αβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R + +toolbar-button-reload = + .label = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label } + +## Stop + +main-context-menu-stop = + .aria-label = αααααα + .accesskey = S + +# This menuitem is only visible on macOS +main-context-menu-stop-mac = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = S + +toolbar-button-stop = + .label = { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label } + +## Stop-Reload Button + +toolbar-button-stop-reload = + .title = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label } + +## Firefox Account Button + +## Save Page + +main-context-menu-page-save = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αβαααααααΆ... + .accesskey = P + +## Simple menu items + +main-context-menu-open-link = + .label = ααΎαβααα + .accesskey = O + +main-context-menu-open-link-new-tab = + .label = ααΎαβαααβαααα»αααααΆααβααααΈ + .accesskey = T + +main-context-menu-open-link-container-tab = + .label = ααΎαβαααββαααα»αβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβααααΈ + .accesskey = z + +main-context-menu-open-link-new-window = + .label = ααΎαβαααβαααα»αβαααα’α½α
βααααΈ + .accesskey = W + +main-context-menu-open-link-new-private-window = + .label = ααΎαβαααβαααα»αβαααα’α½α
α―αβααβααααΈ + .accesskey = P + +main-context-menu-save-link = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβαααααΆ... + .accesskey = k + +main-context-menu-save-link-to-pocket = + .label = αααααΆαα»αααααα
{ -pocket-brand-name } + .accesskey = α + +## The access keys for "Copy Link Location" and "Copy Email Address" +## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items +## are mutually exclusive. + + +## The access keys for "Copy Link" and "Copy Email Address" +## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items +## are mutually exclusive. + +main-context-menu-copy-email = + .label = α
ααααβα’αΆααααααΆαα’ααΈααα + .accesskey = E + +## Media (video/audio) controls +## +## The accesskey for "Play" and "Pause" are the +## same because the two context-menu items are +## mutually exclusive. + +main-context-menu-media-play = + .label = α
αΆαα + .accesskey = P + +main-context-menu-media-pause = + .label = ααα’αΆα + .accesskey = P + +## + +main-context-menu-media-mute = + .label = αα·αβααα‘αα + .accesskey = M + +main-context-menu-media-unmute = + .label = ααΎαβααα‘αα + .accesskey = m + +main-context-menu-media-loop = + .label = ααααα·αβαα»α + .accesskey = L + +## The access keys for "Show Controls" and "Hide Controls" are the same +## because the two context-menu items are mutually exclusive. + +main-context-menu-media-show-controls = + .label = αααα αΆαααααα»βαααααΆ + .accesskey = C + +main-context-menu-media-hide-controls = + .label = ααΆααααααα»βαααααΆ + .accesskey = C + +## + +main-context-menu-media-video-fullscreen = + .label = αααβα’αααααα + .accesskey = F + +main-context-menu-media-video-leave-fullscreen = + .label = α
ααβααΈβα’ααααααβααα + .accesskey = u + +main-context-menu-image-reload = + .label = αααα»αβααΌαααΆαβα‘αΎαβαα·α + .accesskey = R + +main-context-menu-image-copy = + .label = α
ααααβααΌαααΆα + .accesskey = y + +main-context-menu-image-save-as = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβααΌαααΆαβααΆ... + .accesskey = v + +main-context-menu-image-email = + .label = α’ααΈαααααΌαααΆα... + .accesskey = g + +main-context-menu-image-info = + .label = ααΎαβααααααΆαβααααβααΌαααΆα + .accesskey = f + +main-context-menu-image-desc = + .label = ααΎαβααα
ααααΈβαααααΆ + .accesskey = D + +main-context-menu-video-save-as = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβααΈααα’αΌβααΆβ¦ + .accesskey = v + +main-context-menu-audio-save-as = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αβα’αΌααΈαααΌβααΆ... + .accesskey = v + +main-context-menu-video-email = + .label = α’ααΈαααβααΈααα’αΌ... + .accesskey = a + +main-context-menu-audio-email = + .label = α’ααΈαααα’αΌααΈαααΌ... + .accesskey = a + +main-context-menu-send-to-device = + .label = ααααΎβαααααβαα
βα§ααααα + .accesskey = D + +## The access keys for "Use Saved Login" and "Use Saved Password" +## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items +## are mutually exclusive. + + +## + +main-context-menu-keyword = + .label = ααααααβααΆαααβαααααΉαβαααααΆααβααΆαβαααααααβααα... + .accesskey = K + +main-context-menu-link-send-to-device = + .label = ααααΎβαααβαα
βα§ααααα + .accesskey = D + +main-context-menu-frame = + .label = ααα»αβααα + .accesskey = h + +main-context-menu-frame-show-this = + .label = αααα αΆαβααβααα»αβαααβααα»ααααα + .accesskey = S + +main-context-menu-frame-open-tab = + .label = ααΎαβααα»αβαααα»αααααΆααβααααΈ + .accesskey = T + +main-context-menu-frame-open-window = + .label = ααΎαβααα»αβαααα»ααααα’α½α
βααααΈ + .accesskey = W + +main-context-menu-frame-reload = + .label = αααα»αβααα»αβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R + +main-context-menu-frame-save-as = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αααα»αβααΆ... + .accesskey = F + +main-context-menu-frame-print = + .label = ααααα»αααβααα»α... + .accesskey = P + +main-context-menu-frame-view-source = + .label = ααΎαβααΌαβααα»α + .accesskey = V + +main-context-menu-frame-view-info = + .label = ααΎαβααααααΆαβααα»α + .accesskey = I + +main-context-menu-view-selection-source = + .label = ααΎαβααΌαβαααααΎα + .accesskey = e + +main-context-menu-view-page-source = + .label = ααΎαβααΌαβααααα + .accesskey = V + +main-context-menu-bidi-switch-text = + .label = ααααΌαββαα·αβα’ααααα + .accesskey = w + +main-context-menu-bidi-switch-page = + .label = ααααΌααα·αβααααα + .accesskey = D + +main-context-menu-inspect-a11y-properties = + .label = αα·αα·ααααααααααααααααα·ααΆαααΆααααα½α + +main-context-menu-eme-learn-more = + .label = ααααααααβααααααβα’αααΈ DRMβ¦ + .accesskey = D + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8135c52dda --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +window-minimize-command = + .label = ααααα½αβα’αααααααΆ + +window-zoom-command = + .label = αααααΈα + +window-new-shortcut = + .key = N + +window-minimize-shortcut = + .key = m + +close-shortcut = + .key = W + +tab-new-shortcut = + .key = t + +location-open-shortcut = + .key = l + +location-open-shortcut-alt = + .key = d + +search-focus-shortcut = + .key = k + +# This shortcut is used in two contexts: +# - web search +# - find in page +find-shortcut = + .key = f + +search-find-again-shortcut = + .key = g + +search-find-again-shortcut-alt = + .keycode = VK_F3 + +search-find-selection-shortcut = + .key = e + +# Verify what shortcut for that operation +# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines +# of each platform for your locale. +search-focus-shortcut-alt = + .key = + { PLATFORM() -> + [linux] j + *[other] e + } + +# Verify what shortcut for that operation +# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines +# of each platform for your locale. +downloads-shortcut = + .key = + { PLATFORM() -> + [linux] y + *[other] j + } + +addons-shortcut = + .key = A + +file-open-shortcut = + .key = o + +save-page-shortcut = + .key = s + +page-source-shortcut = + .key = u + +# This should match the Option+Command keyboard shortcut letter that Safari +# and Chrome use for "View Source" on macOS. `page-source-shortcut` above +# is Firefox's official keyboard shortcut shown in the GUI. +# Safari variant is an alias provided for the convenience of Safari and Chrome +# users on macOS. See bug 1398988. +page-source-shortcut-safari = + .key = u + +page-info-shortcut = + .key = i + +print-shortcut = + .key = p + +mute-toggle-shortcut = + .key = M + +nav-back-shortcut-alt = + .key = [ + +nav-fwd-shortcut-alt = + .key = ] + +nav-reload-shortcut = + .key = r + +# Shortcut available only on macOS. +nav-stop-shortcut = + .key = . + +history-show-all-shortcut = + .key = H + +history-sidebar-shortcut = + .key = h + +full-screen-shortcut = + .key = f + +reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-windows = + .keycode = VK_F9 + +reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-other = + .key = R + +# Pick the key that is commonly present +# in your locale keyboards above the +# `picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut` key. +picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-alt = + .key = { "}" } + +bookmark-this-page-shortcut = + .key = d + +# Verify what shortcut for that operation +# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines +# of each platform for your locale. +bookmark-show-sidebar-shortcut = + .key = b + +## All `-alt*` messages are alternative acceleration keys for zoom. +## If shift key is needed with your locale popular keyboard for them, +## you can use these alternative items. Otherwise, their values should be empty. + +full-zoom-reduce-shortcut = + .key = - + +full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut = + .key = + + +full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt = + .key = = + +full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt2 = + .key = { "" } + +full-zoom-reset-shortcut = + .key = 0 + +full-zoom-reset-shortcut-alt = + .key = { "" } + +## + +bidi-switch-direction-shortcut = + .key = X + +private-browsing-shortcut = + .key = P + +## The shortcuts below are for Mac specific +## global menu. + +quit-app-shortcut = + .key = Q + +help-shortcut = + .key = ? + +preferences-shortcut = + .key = , + +hide-app-shortcut = + .key = H + +hide-other-apps-shortcut = + .key = H diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/colorways.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/colorways.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/colorways.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4062d16926 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Confirmation hints + +confirmation-hint-send-to-device = ααΆαβααααΎ! diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..932a00afd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Subframe crash notification + + +## Pending crash reports + +# Variables: +# $reportCount (Number): the number of pending crash reports +pending-crash-reports-message = α’αααβααΆαβαααΆαααΆαααβααΆαααΆααααΆααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβααααΎ { $reportCount }α +pending-crash-reports-view-all = + .label = ααΎαβ +pending-crash-reports-send = + .label = ααααΎ +pending-crash-reports-always-send = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαα·α
diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a73164bf74 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +customize-mode-restore-defaults = + .label = ααααΆαβααααΆαβααΎα +customize-mode-menu-and-toolbars-header = α’αΌαααΆαα»αααα’αααα
ααα»αα +customize-mode-overflow-list-title = αααΊαα»α Overflow +customize-mode-uidensity = + .label = ααααααΈαα +customize-mode-done = + .label = ααααΎβαα½α
+customize-mode-toolbars = + .label = αααΆαβα§ααααα +customize-mode-titlebar = + .label = αααΆαβα
αααααΎα +customize-mode-uidensity-menu-touch = + .label = ααα + .accesskey = T + .tooltiptext = ααα +customize-mode-uidensity-auto-touch-mode-checkbox = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαβαααβαααααΆααβααααβααααααα +customize-mode-overflow-list-description = α’αΌαβαααααΆααβααΆαα»βαα
βαααααβααα ααΎααααΈα²αααα½αααα’αΆα
αΌαααααΎααΆα ααα»ααααβαα·αβαα
βαααα»αβαααΆαα§αααααααααα’αααααβ¦ +customize-mode-uidensity-menu-normal = + .label = ααααααΆ + .accesskey = N + .tooltiptext = ααααααΆ +customize-mode-undo-cmd = + .label = αα·αααααΎαα·α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d7ae0a486 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# The question portion of the following message should have the <strong> and </strong> tags surrounding it. +default-browser-notification-message = <strong>ααααα { -brand-short-name } ααΆαααααα·ααΈαα»αααααααΆαααΎαααααα’ααα?</strong> ααα½αααΆαααΆααα»ααααα αα αα»ααααα·ααΆα αα·αααΆαα―ααααα
αααααΆαααα’αααααααΎα’ααΈαααΊαα·α +default-browser-notification-button = + .label = αααααααΆααααΆαααΎα + .accesskey = S + +## These strings are used for the default browser prompt. There are 2 variations +## depending on the operating system (Windows vs other). The checkbox label and +## secondary button are shared between the variants. + +default-browser-prompt-title-pin = ααααΎα±αα { -brand-short-name } ααααΆαααΆαααααα·ααΈαα»αααα
ααααααααα’ααα? +default-browser-prompt-button-primary-pin = ααααΎα±ααααααΆαααΆαααααα·ααΈαα»αααα
αααα +default-browser-prompt-title-alt = ααααΎα±αα { -brand-short-name } ααΆαααααα·ααΈαα»αααααααΆαααΎαααααα’ααα? +default-browser-prompt-message-alt = ααα½αααΆαααααΏα αα»ααααα·ααΆα αα·αα―αααααΆαααΆααααααααα’ααααα»αααααΎα’ααΈαααΊαα·αα +default-browser-prompt-button-primary-alt = αααααααΆαααααα·ααΈαα»αααααααΆαααΎα +default-browser-prompt-checkbox-not-again-label = αα»ααααα αΆαααΆααααααααααα +default-browser-prompt-button-secondary = αα·ααααβα₯α‘αΌαβαα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/downloads.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/downloads.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e796b3b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/downloads.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## The title and aria-label attributes are used by screen readers to describe +## the Downloads Panel. + +downloads-window = + .title = ααΆαβαα +downloads-panel = + .aria-label = ααΆαβαα + +## + +downloads-cmd-pause = + .label = ααα’αΆα + .accesskey = α +downloads-cmd-resume = + .label = αααα + .accesskey = α +downloads-cmd-cancel = + .tooltiptext = αααααα +downloads-cmd-cancel-panel = + .aria-label = αααααα + +## Displayed in the downloads context menu for files that can be opened. +## Variables: +## $handler (String) - The name of the mime type's default file handler. +## Example: "Notepad", "Acrobat Reader DC", "7-Zip File Manager" + + +## + +downloads-cmd-show-downloads = + .label = αααα αΆαααααΆααα +downloads-cmd-retry = + .tooltiptext = ααααΆααΆαβααααβααα +downloads-cmd-retry-panel = + .aria-label = ααααΆααΆαβααααβααα +downloads-cmd-go-to-download-page = + .label = αα
ααΆααβαααααβααΆαβαα + .accesskey = α +downloads-cmd-copy-download-link = + .label = α
ααααβαααβααΆαβαα + .accesskey = α
+downloads-cmd-remove-from-history = + .label = ααβα
ααααΈβαααααααα· + .accesskey = α +downloads-cmd-clear-list = + .label = ααααΆααβαααα’αΆαβααΆαβααΎαβααΆβαα»α + .accesskey = a +downloads-cmd-clear-downloads = + .label = αααα’αΆαβααΆαβααΆαβαα + .accesskey = α + +# This command is shown in the context menu when downloads are blocked. +downloads-cmd-unblock = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααΆααα + .accesskey = o + +# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when malware is blocked. +downloads-cmd-remove-file = + .tooltiptext = αα»αβα―αααΆαβα
αα + +downloads-cmd-remove-file-panel = + .aria-label = αα»αβα―αααΆαβα
αα + +# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when potentially unwanted +# downloads are blocked. This opens a dialog where the user can choose +# whether to unblock or remove the download. Removing is the default option. +downloads-cmd-choose-unblock = + .tooltiptext = αα»αβα―αααΆα α¬ α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααΆααα + +downloads-cmd-choose-unblock-panel = + .aria-label = αα»αβα―αααΆα α¬ α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααΆααα + +# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when uncommon downloads are +# blocked.This opens a dialog where the user can choose whether to open the +# file or remove the download. Opening is the default option. +downloads-cmd-choose-open = + .tooltiptext = ααΎα α¬ αα»αβα―αααΆα + +downloads-cmd-choose-open-panel = + .aria-label = ααΎα α¬ αα»αβα―αααΆα + +# Displayed when hovering a blocked download, indicates that it's possible to +# show more information for user to take the next action. +downloads-show-more-information = + .value = αααα αΆαβααααααΆαβααααααααα + +# Displayed when hovering a complete download, indicates that it's possible to +# open the file using an app available in the system. +downloads-open-file = + .value = ααΎαβα―αααΆα + +## Displayed when the user clicked on a download in process. Indicates that the +## downloading file will be opened after certain amount of time using an app +## available in the system. +## Variables: +## $hours (number) - Amount of hours left till the file opens. +## $seconds (number) - Amount of seconds left till the file opens. +## $minutes (number) - Amount of minutes till the file opens. + + +## + +# Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be retried by users, +# indicates that it's possible to download this file again. +downloads-retry-download = + .value = ααααΆααΆαβααΆαααβααααααα + +# Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be cancelled by users, +# indicates that it's possible to cancel and stop the download. +downloads-cancel-download = + .value = ααααααβααΆαααΆααα + +# This string is shown at the bottom of the Downloads Panel when all the +# downloads fit in the available space, or when there are no downloads in +# the panel at all. +downloads-history = + .label = αααα αΆαβααΆαβααΆαβααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = α + +# This string is shown at the top of the Download Details Panel, to indicate +# that we are showing the details of a single download. +downloads-details = + .title = ααααααΆαβαααα’α·αβααΆαααΆααα + +## Displayed when a site attempts to automatically download many files. +## Variables: +## $num (number) - Number of blocked downloads. +## $url (string) - The url of the suspicious site, stripped of http, https and www prefix. + + +## + +downloads-clear-downloads-button = + .label = αααα’αΆαβααΆαβααΆαβαα + .tooltiptext = αααα’αΆαβααΆαβααΆαβααβαααβααΆαβαααα
ααβααΆαααααα»α αααβααΆαβαααααα αα·αβαααβααΆαβαααΆααα + +# This string is shown when there are no items in the Downloads view, when it +# is displayed inside a browser tab. +downloads-list-empty = + .value = αα·αβααΆαβααΆαβααΆαβααβααΒ α + +# This string is shown when there are no items in the Downloads Panel. +downloads-panel-empty = + .value = ααααΆαβααΆαβααΆαβααβαααααΆααβααααβαααβααα + +## Download errors + +downloads-error-alert-title = ααα α»αβααΆαβαα +# Line breaks in this message are meaningful, and should be maintained. +downloads-error-generic = + αα·αβα’αΆα
βαααααΆαα»αβααΆαβααΆαβααβααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβααα α»αβαα·αβααααΆααβααΆαβααΎαα‘αΎαΒ α + + βααΌαβααααΆααΆαβαααααααβΒ α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae6865005b --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +bookmark-overlay-choose = + .label = ααααΎαβ¦ + +bookmark-overlay-folders-expander = + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααβααααβα
αααΆαβααΆααβα’αα + .tooltiptextdown = { bookmark-overlay-folders-expander.tooltiptext } + .tooltiptextup = ααΆαα + +bookmark-overlay-folders-expander2 = + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααβααααβα
αααΆαβααΆααβα’αα + +bookmark-overlay-folders-expander-hide = + .tooltiptext = ααΆαα + +bookmark-overlay-new-folder-button = + .label = ααααααΈ + .accesskey = α + +bookmark-overlay-tags-empty-description = + .placeholder = αααααβααααΆαβαααβαααααΆβααααα + +bookmark-overlay-tags-expander = + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααααΆαβααΆααα’αα + .tooltiptextdown = { bookmark-overlay-tags-expander.tooltiptext } + .tooltiptextup = ααΆαα + +bookmark-overlay-tags-expander2 = + .tooltiptext = αααα αΆαβααααΆαβααΆααα’αα + +bookmark-overlay-tags-expander-hide = + .tooltiptext = ααΆαα + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84160fde43 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Variables: +# $addonName (String): localized named of the extension that is asking to change the default search engine. +# $currentEngine (String): name of the current search engine. +# $newEngine (String): name of the new search engine. +webext-default-search-description = { $addonName } α
ααααααΆααααααΌααααΆαααΈααααααααααααΆαααΎαααααα’αααααΈ { $currentEngine } αα
{ $newEngine }α ααΎα’ααβαααα αΆβα’αΈβαα? +webext-default-search-yes = + .label = ααΆα/α
αΆα + .accesskey = Y +webext-default-search-no = + .label = αα + .accesskey = N + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..216ce967fc --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Callout dialog primary button to advance to next screen +callout-primary-advance-button-label = αααααΆαα + +# Callout dialog primary button to complete the feature tour +callout-primary-complete-button-label = αααα αΎα! + +## Firefox View feature tour strings + +## Continuous Onboarding - Firefox View: Tab pick up + +## PDF.js Feature Tour Strings + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65e660da2d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +firefoxview-tabpickup-description = ααΎααααααα
ααααΈα§αααααααααααααα + +# refers to the last tab that was used +firefoxview-pickup-tabs-badge = αααααβα
α»αααααα + +firefoxview-collapse-button-show = + .title = αααα αΆααααααΈ + +firefoxview-collapse-button-hide = + .title = ααΆαααααααΈ + +## History in this context refers to browser history + +## Open Tabs in this context refers to all open tabs in the browser + +## Recently closed tabs in this context refers to recently closed tabs from all windows + +## Tabs from other devices refers in this context refers to synced tabs from other devices + +## + +## Variables: +## $date (string) - Date to be formatted based on locale + +## + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/menubar.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/menubar.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf00fe7d0e --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/menubar.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +# NOTE: For English locales, strings in this file should be in APA-style Title Case. +# See https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/capitalization/title-case +# +# NOTE: For Engineers, please don't re-use these strings outside of the menubar. + + +## Application Menu (macOS only) + +menu-application-services = + .label = ααααΆαααα +menu-application-hide-this = + .label = ααΆαα { -brand-shorter-name } +menu-application-hide-other = + .label = ααΆααβαααααααα +menu-application-show-all = + .label = αααα αΆαβααΆααα’αα + +## + +# These menu-quit strings are only used on Windows and Linux. +menu-quit = + .label = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] α
αα + *[other] α
αα + } + .accesskey = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] x + *[other] Q + } + +# This menu-quit-mac string is only used on macOS. +menu-quit-mac = + .label = αα·α { -brand-shorter-name } + +menu-about = + .label = α’αααΈ { -brand-shorter-name } + .accesskey = A + +## File Menu + +menu-file = + .label = α―αααΆα + .accesskey = F +menu-file-new-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααααΈ + .accesskey = T +menu-file-new-container-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβααααΈ + .accesskey = B +menu-file-new-window = + .label = αααα’α½α
βββααααΈ + .accesskey = N +menu-file-new-private-window = + .label = αααα’α½α
βα―αααβααααΈ + .accesskey = W +# "Open Location" is only displayed on macOS, and only on windows +# that aren't main browser windows, or when there are no windows +# but Firefox is still running. +menu-file-open-location = + .label = ααΎαβααΈααΆααβ¦ +menu-file-open-file = + .label = ααΎαβα―αααΆαβ¦ + .accesskey = O +menu-file-close-window = + .label = αα·ααααα’α½α
+ .accesskey = d +menu-file-save-page = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αβαααααααΆ... + .accesskey = A +menu-file-email-link = + .label = αααβα’ααΈαααβ¦ + .accesskey = E +menu-file-print-setup = + .label = ααΆαβαααα
αβαααααβ¦ + .accesskey = u +menu-file-print = + .label = ααααα»αααβ¦ + .accesskey = P +menu-file-go-offline = + .label = ααααΎβααΆααααβααααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α + .accesskey = k + +## Edit Menu + +menu-edit = + .label = ααααααα½α + .accesskey = E +menu-edit-find-again = + .label = ααβααααααα + .accesskey = g +menu-edit-bidi-switch-text-direction = + .label = ααααΌαββαα·αβα’ααααα + .accesskey = w + +## View Menu + +menu-view = + .label = ααΎα + .accesskey = V +menu-view-toolbars-menu = + .label = αααΆαβα§ααααα + .accesskey = T +menu-view-sidebar = + .label = αααΆαβα
αα αα + .accesskey = e +menu-view-bookmarks = + .label = α
αααΆα +menu-view-history-button = + .label = αααααααα· +menu-view-synced-tabs-sidebar = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆααααα +menu-view-full-zoom = + .label = αααααΈα + .accesskey = Z +menu-view-full-zoom-enlarge = + .label = βαααααΈα + .accesskey = I +menu-view-full-zoom-reduce = + .label = βααααα½α + .accesskey = O +menu-view-full-zoom-toggle = + .label = αααααΈαβααα’αααααβααα»ααααα + .accesskey = T +menu-view-page-style-menu = + .label = αα
ααΆαααααβααααα + .accesskey = y +menu-view-page-style-no-style = + .label = ααααΆαβαα
ααΆααααα + .accesskey = n +menu-view-page-basic-style = + .label = αα
ααΆαααααβαααααβααΌαααααΆα + .accesskey = b + +## These should match what Safari and other Apple applications +## use on macOS. + +menu-view-enter-full-screen = + .label = α
αΌαβα’ααααααβααα + .accesskey = F +menu-view-exit-full-screen = + .label = αα·αβα’ααααααβααα + .accesskey = F +menu-view-full-screen = + .label = α’ααααααβααα + .accesskey = F + +## These menu items may use the same accesskey. + +# This should match reader-view-enter-button in browser.ftl +menu-view-enter-readerview = + .label = α
αΌαβααααβα’αααβα’αΆα + .accesskey = α’ +# This should match reader-view-close-button in browser.ftl +menu-view-close-readerview = + .label = αα·αβαα·αααααΆαβα’αααβα’αΆαβ + .accesskey = α’ + +## + +menu-view-show-all-tabs = + .label = αααα αΆαβααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = A +menu-view-bidi-switch-page-direction = + .label = ααααΌααα·αβααααα + .accesskey = D + +## History Menu + +menu-history = + .label = αααααααα· + .accesskey = s +menu-history-show-all-history = + .label = αααα αΆαβαααααααα·βααΆααα’αα +menu-history-clear-recent-history = + .label = αααα’αΆαβαααααααα·βααααΈαβ¦ +menu-history-synced-tabs = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆααααα +menu-history-restore-last-session = + .label = ααααΆαβααααβαα»α +menu-history-hidden-tabs = + .label = ααααΆαααααααΆαα +menu-history-undo-menu = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβαα·αβααααΈα +menu-history-undo-window-menu = + .label = αααα’α½α
βαααβααΆαβαα·αβααααΈα + +## Bookmarks Menu + +menu-bookmarks-menu = + .label = α
αααΆα + .accesskey = B +menu-bookmarks-all-tabs = + .label = α
αααΆαβααααΆααβααΆααα’ααβ¦ +menu-bookmarks-toolbar = + .label = αααΆαβα§αααααβα
αααΆα +menu-bookmarks-other = + .label = α
αααΆαβαααααβαβααα +menu-bookmarks-mobile = + .label = α
ααα + +## Tools Menu + +menu-tools = + .label = α§ααααα + .accesskey = T +menu-tools-downloads = + .label = ααΆαβαα + .accesskey = D +menu-tools-sync-now = + .label = ααααΎβααααΆαααααβα₯α‘αΌα + .accesskey = S +menu-tools-page-source = + .label = αααααβααααα + .accesskey = o +menu-tools-page-info = + .label = ααααααΆαβααααα + .accesskey = I +menu-tools-layout-debugger = + .label = αααααα·ααΈααααΆααααα α»αααααα + .accesskey = L + +## Window Menu + +menu-window-menu = + .label = αααα’α½α
+menu-window-bring-all-to-front = + .label = ααΆααα
βαα»αβααΆααα’αα + +## Help Menu + + +# NOTE: For Engineers, any additions or changes to Help menu strings should +# also be reflected in the related strings in appmenu.ftl. Those strings, by +# convention, will have the same ID as these, but prefixed with "app". +# Example: appmenu-get-help +# +# These strings are duplicated to allow for different casing depending on +# where the strings appear. + +menu-help = + .label = αααα½α + .accesskey = H +menu-help-report-site-issue = + .label = ααΆαααΆαααβαααα αΆβααα αααααβ¦ +# Label of the Help menu item. Either this or +# menu-help-notdeceptive is shown. +menu-help-report-deceptive-site = + .label = ααΆαααΆαααβα’αααΈβαααααΆαβααααααβ¦ + .accesskey = D +menu-help-not-deceptive = + .label = αααβαα·ααααβααΆβαααααΆαβααααααβααβ¦ + .accesskey = d diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/migration.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/migration.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6e03eb69e --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/migration.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +migration-wizard = + .title = α’αααβαααα½αβααΆαβααΆαα
αΌα + +import-from = + { PLATFORM() -> + [windows] ααΆαα
αΌαβαααααΎαβ α
αααΆαβ αααααααα· ααΆααααααααΆαα αα·α αα·ααααααβααααααβααΈΒ α + *[other] ααΆαα
α·ααα α
αααΆαβ αααααααα· ααΆαααβαααααΆαα αα·α αα·ααααααβααααααβααΈΒ α + } + +import-from-bookmarks = ααΆαα
αααΆαβααΈΒ α +import-from-ie = + .label = Microsoft Internet Explorer + .accesskey = M +import-from-edge = + .label = Microsoft Edge + .accesskey = E +import-from-nothing = + .label = αα»αβααΆαα
αΌαβα’αααΈαβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = D +import-from-safari = + .label = Safari + .accesskey = S +import-from-canary = + .label = Chrome Canary + .accesskey = n +import-from-chrome = + .label = Chrome + .accesskey = C +import-from-chromium = + .label = Chromium + .accesskey = u +import-from-firefox = + .label = Firefox + .accesskey = F +import-from-360se = + .label = αααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβαα»ααααα·ααΆα 360 + .accesskey = 3 + +no-migration-sources = ααβαα·αβααΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααβααΆα α
αααΆα αααααααα· α¬βαα·ααααααβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααΒ α + +import-source-page-title = ααΆαα
αΌαβααΆαβααααα αα·αβαα·αααααα +import-items-page-title = ααΆαα»βαααβααααΌαβααΆαα
αΌα + +import-items-description = ααααΎαβααααα»βααΆαα½αβ αααβααααΌαβααΆαα
αΌαΒ α + +import-migrating-page-title = αααα»αβααΆαα
αΌα... + +import-migrating-description = ααΆαα»βααΌα
αΌα... + +import-select-profile-page-title = ααααΎαβαααααα + +import-select-profile-description = ααααααβααΆααααααβ α’αΆα
αΌαβααΆαβααΈΒ α + +import-done-page-title = ααΆαβααΆαβα
ααβααΆαααααα»α + +import-done-description = ααΆαα»βααΆαααααα ααααΌαβααΆαβααΆαα
αΌαβαααβααααααΒ α + +import-close-source-browser = ααΌαβααααΆααβααΆββααΆαβαα·αβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αββαααβααΆαβααααΎαββαα»αβαααβααααα + +source-name-ie = Internet Explorer +source-name-edge = Microsoft Edge +source-name-chrome = Google Chrome + +imported-safari-reading-list = αααααΈβα’αααΆα (ααΈ Safari) +imported-edge-reading-list = αααααΈβα’αααΆα (ααΈββ Edge) + +## Browser data types +## All of these strings get a $browser variable passed in. +## You can use the browser variable to differentiate the name of items, +## which may have different labels in different browsers. +## The supported values for the $browser variable are: +## 360se +## chrome +## edge +## firefox +## safari +## The various beta and development versions of edge and chrome all get +## normalized to just "edge" and "chrome" for these strings. + +## Browser data types +## All of these strings get a $browser variable passed in. +## You can use the browser variable to differentiate the name of items, +## which may have different labels in different browsers. +## The supported values for the $browser variable are: +## 360se +## chrome +## edge +## firefox +## ie +## safari +## The various beta and development versions of edge and chrome all get +## normalized to just "edge" and "chrome" for these strings. + +browser-data-session-checkbox = + .label = αααα’α½α
αα·αβααααΆαα +browser-data-session-label = + .value = αααα’α½α
αα·αβααααΆαα + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bea3c1f73c --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +# Each migrator is expected to include a display name string, and that display +# name string should have a key with "migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-" +# as a prefix followed by the unique identification key for the migrator. + +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-canary = Chrome Canary +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome = Chrome +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium = Chromium +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-360se = αααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβαα»ααααα·ααΆα 360 +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-edge = Microsoft Edge +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-firefox = Firefox +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-ie = Microsoft Internet Explorer +migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-safari = Safari +migration-source-name-ie = Internet Explorer +migration-source-name-edge = Microsoft Edge +migration-source-name-chrome = Google Chrome +migration-imported-safari-reading-list = αααααΈβα’αααΆα (ααΈ Safari) +migration-imported-edge-reading-list = αααααΈβα’αααΆα (ααΈββ Edge) + +## These strings are shown if the selected browser data directory is unreadable. +## In practice, this tends to only occur on Linux when Firefox +## is installed as a Snap. + + +## These strings will be displayed based on how many resources are selected to import + + +## + +# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type +# filter by the operating system. +migration-passwords-from-file-csv-filter-title = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] α―αααΆα CSV + *[other] CSV File + } +# A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type +# filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'. +migration-passwords-from-file-tsv-filter-title = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] α―αααΆα TSV + *[other] α―αααΆα TSV + } + +## These strings will be used to create a dynamic list of items that can be +## imported. The list will be created using Intl.ListFormat(), so it will +## follow each locale's rules, and the first item will be capitalized by code. +## When applicable, the resources should be in their plural form. +## For example, a possible list could be "Bookmarks, passwords and autofill data". + + +## + + +## The import process identifies extensions installed in other supported +## browsers and installs the corresponding (matching) extensions compatible +## with Firefox, if available. + + +## + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..245cfa6b52 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## These messages are used as headings in the recommendation doorhanger + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-heading = ααααααααααααααααΆαααααΆα +cfr-doorhanger-feature-heading = αα»αααΆαβαααααΆαααααΆα + +## + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-sumo-link = + .tooltiptext = α ααα»α’αααΈααΆαααΆαααα»αααΎαααΏαααα + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-cancel-button = αα»αβααΆααα’αΆα + .accesskey = α + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-ok-button = ααααααβα₯α‘αΌα + .accesskey = A + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-manage-settings-button = αααααααααβααΆααααααβααΆαααααΆα + .accesskey = M + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-never-show-recommendation = αα»αβαααα αΆαβαααα»αβα’αα»ααΆαααβααα + .accesskey = S + +cfr-doorhanger-extension-learn-more-link = ααααααααβαααααα + +# This string is used on a new line below the add-on name +# Variables: +# $name (String) - Add-on author name +cfr-doorhanger-extension-author = ααα { $name } + +# This is a notification displayed in the address bar. +# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user. +cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification = ααΆαααααΆα +cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification2 = ααΆαααααΆα + .tooltiptext = ααΆαααααΆαααααααΈααΈαααααα + .a11y-announcement = ααΆαααΆαααααΆααααααα·ααΈβαααααα + +# This is a notification displayed in the address bar. +# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user. +cfr-doorhanger-feature-notification = ααΆαααααΆα + .tooltiptext = ααΆαααααΆαα’αααΈβαα»αααΆα + .a11y-announcement = ααΆαααΆαααααΆαβα’αααΈβαα»αααΆα + +## Add-on statistics +## These strings are used to display the total number of +## users and rating for an add-on. They are shown next to each other. + +# Variables: +# $total (Number) - The rating of the add-on from 1 to 5 +cfr-doorhanger-extension-rating = + .tooltiptext = + { $total -> + *[other] ααααΆα { $total } + } +# Variables: +# $total (Number) - The total number of users using the add-on +cfr-doorhanger-extension-total-users = + { $total -> + *[other] α’αααααααΎ { $total } + } + +## These messages are steps on how to use the feature and are shown together. + + +## Firefox Accounts Message + + +## Protections panel + + +## What's New toolbar button and panel + + +## Search Bar + + +## Search bar + + +## Picture-in-Picture + + +## Permission Prompt + + +## Fingerprinter Counter + + +## Bookmark Sync + + +## Login Sync + + +## Send Tab + + +## Firefox Send + + +## Social Tracking Protection + + +## Enhanced Tracking Protection Milestones + + +## Whatβs New Panel Content for Firefox 76 + + +## Lockwise message + + +## Vulnerable Passwords message + + +## Picture-in-Picture fullscreen message + + +## Protections Dashboard message + + +## Whatβs New Panel Content for Firefox 76 +## Protections Dashboard message + + +## Better PDF message + + +## DOH Message + + +## Fission Experiment Message + + +## What's new: Cookies message + + +## What's new: Media controls message + + +## What's new: Search shortcuts + + +## What's new: Cookies protection + + +## What's new: Better bookmarking + + +## What's new: Cross-site cookie tracking + +## Full Video Support CFR message + +## Spotlight modal shared strings + +## VPN promotion dialog for public Wi-Fi users +## +## If a user is detected to be on a public Wi-Fi network, they are given a +## bit of info about how to improve their privacy and then offered a button +## to the Mozilla VPN page and a link to dismiss the dialog. + +## Total Cookie Protection Rollout + +## Emotive Continuous Onboarding + +## MR2022 Background Update Windows native toast notification strings. +## +## These strings will be displayed by the Windows operating system in +## a native toast, like: +## +## <b>multi-line title</b> +## multi-line text +## <img> +## [ primary button ] [ secondary button ] +## +## The button labels are fitted into narrow fixed-width buttons by +## Windows and therefore must be as narrow as possible. + +## Firefox View CFR + +## Firefox View Spotlight + +## Colorways expiry reminder CFR + +## Cookie Banner Handling CFR + +## These strings are used in the Fox doodle Pin/set default spotlights + +## These strings are used in the Set Firefox as Default PDF Handler for Existing Users experiment + +## FxA sync CFR + +## Device Migration FxA Spotlight + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54b377c2ad --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +### Firefox Home / New Tab strings for about:home / about:newtab. + +newtab-page-title = ααααΆααβααααΈ +newtab-settings-button = + .title = ααααΌαααααα ααααΆααααααΈ ααααα’αααααΆααααα + +## Search box component. + +# "Search" is a verb/action +newtab-search-box-search-button = + .title = ααααααα + .aria-label = ααααααα + +## Top Sites - General form dialog. + +newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header = ααααααβαααΆαααΈαβααααααα +newtab-topsites-edit-topsites-header = ααααααα½αααΆαααααΌα +newtab-topsites-title-label = α
αααβααΎα +newtab-topsites-title-input = + .placeholder = αααα
αααααΎα + +newtab-topsites-url-label = URL +newtab-topsites-url-input = + .placeholder = ααΆααααα
αΌα α¬αα·αααααΆαα URL +newtab-topsites-url-validation = ααααΌαααΆα URL αααααααΉαααααΌα + +newtab-topsites-image-url-label = URL ααΌαααΆαααααΆαααααα½α +newtab-topsites-use-image-link = ααααΎβααααΆααβααΌαααΆαβααααΆαααααα½α... +newtab-topsites-image-validation = αα·αβα’αΆα
βαααα»αβααΌαααΆαβααΆαβααα ααΆααααα URL αααααα + +## Top Sites - General form dialog buttons. These are verbs/actions. + +newtab-topsites-cancel-button = αααααα +newtab-topsites-delete-history-button = αα»αβααΈβαααααααα· +newtab-topsites-save-button = αααααΆαα»α +newtab-topsites-preview-button = ααΎαβααΆααααα +newtab-topsites-add-button = αααααα + +## Top Sites - Delete history confirmation dialog. + +newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1 = ααΎα’αααααααΆααααΆα’αααα
αααα»ααααααααααα»ααααααααααααΈαααααααα·ααααα’αααα¬? +# "This action" refers to deleting a page from history. +newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2 = αααααααΆαααααα·αα’αΆα
αα·αααααΎα‘αΎαβαα·αααΆαααα + +## Top Sites - Sponsored label + +## Context Menu - Action Tooltips. + +# General tooltip for context menus. +newtab-menu-section-tooltip = + .title = ααΎαβαααΊαα»α + .aria-label = ααΎαβαααΊαα»α + +# This tooltip is for the context menu of Pocket cards or Topsites +# Variables: +# $title (String): The label or hostname of the site. This is for screen readers when the context menu button is focused/active. +newtab-menu-content-tooltip = + .title = ααΎαβαααΊαα»α + .aria-label = ααΎααααΊαα»αααα·αααααααΆαα { $title } +# Tooltip on an empty topsite box to open the New Top Site dialog. +newtab-menu-topsites-placeholder-tooltip = + .title = ααααααα½αααΆαααα + .aria-label = ααααααα½αααΆαααα + +## Context Menu: These strings are displayed in a context menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page. + +newtab-menu-edit-topsites = ααααααα½α +newtab-menu-open-new-window = ααΎαβαα
βααααΈ +newtab-menu-open-new-private-window = ααΎαβαα
βα―αααβααααΈ +newtab-menu-dismiss = ααααααα
αα +newtab-menu-pin = ααααΆαα +newtab-menu-unpin = ααααααΆαα +newtab-menu-delete-history = αα»αβααΈβαααααααα· +newtab-menu-save-to-pocket = αααααΆαα»ααα
{ -pocket-brand-name } +newtab-menu-delete-pocket = αα»αα
ααααΈ { -pocket-brand-name } +newtab-menu-archive-pocket = αα»ααααα»ααααααααΆααααα»α { -pocket-brand-name } + +## Message displayed in a modal window to explain privacy and provide context for sponsored content. + + +## + +# Bookmark is a noun in this case, "Remove bookmark". +newtab-menu-remove-bookmark = αα»αβα
αα +# Bookmark is a verb here. +newtab-menu-bookmark = α
αααΆα + +## Context Menu - Downloaded Menu. "Download" in these cases is not a verb, +## it is a noun. As in, "Copy the link that belongs to this downloaded item". + +newtab-menu-copy-download-link = α
ααααβαααβααΆαβαα +newtab-menu-go-to-download-page = αα
βααΆααβαααααβααΆαβαα +newtab-menu-remove-download = ααβα
ααααΈβαααααααα· + +## Context Menu - Download Menu: These are platform specific strings found in the context menu of an item that has +## been downloaded. The intention behind "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file +## system for each operating system. + +newtab-menu-show-file = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] αααα αΆααααα»α Finder + *[other] ααΎαβααβαααβαααα»α + } +newtab-menu-open-file = ααΎαα―αααΆα + +## Card Labels: These labels are associated to pages to give +## context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that +## the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device. + +newtab-label-visited = ααΆαβα
αΌαβααΎα +newtab-label-bookmarked = ααΆαβα
αααΆα +newtab-label-recommended = αα·ααααΆααΆα +newtab-label-saved = ααΆααααααΆαα»ααα
{ -pocket-brand-name } +newtab-label-download = ααΆαααΆααα + +## Section Menu: These strings are displayed in the section context menu and are +## meant as a call to action for the given section. + +newtab-section-menu-remove-section = αα»αβαααααβα
αα +newtab-section-menu-collapse-section = ααααα½αααααα +newtab-section-menu-expand-section = αααααΈαααααα +newtab-section-menu-manage-section = αααααααααααααα +newtab-section-menu-manage-webext = αααααααααααααααααααα +newtab-section-menu-add-topsite = αααα
αΌαβααα αααααβααααα·ααβαααα»α +newtab-section-menu-add-search-engine = ααααααβαααΆαααΈαβααααααα +newtab-section-menu-move-up = βααααΆααααΈβα‘αΎαβααΎ +newtab-section-menu-move-down = ααααΆααααΈβα
α»αααααα +newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice = ααΆαααΌαααααΉαβα’αααΈβα―αααααΆα + +## Section aria-labels + + +## Section Headers. + +newtab-section-header-topsites = αα·αααΆαβααΎβαα +# Variables: +# $provider (String): Name of the corresponding content provider. +newtab-section-header-pocket = ααΆαααααΆαααα { $provider } + +## Empty Section States: These show when there are no more items in a section. Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead. + +newtab-empty-section-highlights = α
αΆααααααΎαααΆααα»ααα α αΎαααΎαααΉααααα αΆαα’ααααα ααΈααα’αΌ αα·ααααααααα’ααα
αΆααααααααααααααα’αααααΆαααΎα α¬ααΆαα
ααΈαααα + +# Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead. +# Variables: +# $provider (String): Name of the content provider for this section, e.g "Pocket". +newtab-empty-section-topstories = α’αααααΆαα’αΆαααΏαααΆααα’ααα αΎαα αα·αα·αααβααΏαβαααβααααα·αααααα»αβα‘αΎααα·αββααΈ { $provider }α αα·αα’αΆα
αΆα? ααααΎαααΎααααααΆααααααα»αααααα·αα ααΎααααΈαααααααααΏαααα’ααα
βααΎβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αα + + +## Empty Section (Content Discovery Experience). These show when there are no more stories or when some stories fail to load. + + +## Pocket Content Section. + +# This is shown at the bottom of the trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics. +newtab-pocket-read-more = αααααΆααααααα»αααααα·ααα +newtab-pocket-more-recommendations = ααΆαααααΆαα
αααΎαααα +newtab-pocket-cta-button = ααΆααα { -pocket-brand-name } + +## Pocket Final Card Section. +## This is for the final card in the Pocket grid. + +## Pocket content onboarding experience dialog and modal for new users seeing the Pocket section for the first time, shown as the first item in the Pocket section. + +## Error Fallback Content. +## This message and suggested action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render. + +newtab-error-fallback-info = α’αΌ ααΆαα’αααΈαα½ααα»αααααααααΈαααα»αααΆααααα»αβααααΉαααΆαβαααα +newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link = αααα»ααααααα‘αΎααα·α ααΎααααΈααααΆααΆααααααααα + +## Customization Menu + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2cedecddb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +### UI strings for the MR1 onboarding / multistage about:welcome +### Various strings use a non-breaking space to avoid a single dangling / +### widowed word, so test on various window sizes if you also want this. + + +## Welcome page strings + +onboarding-welcome-header = ααΌαβααααΆααααβααβααΆαα { -brand-short-name } +onboarding-start-browsing-button-label = α
αΆααβααααΎαβαα»ααα +onboarding-not-now-button-label = αα»αααΆαα + +## Custom Return To AMO onboarding strings + +return-to-amo-add-extension-label = αααα
αΌαααααααααααα + +## Variables: $addon-name (String) - Name of the add-on to be installed + +## Multistage onboarding strings (about:welcome pages) + + +# Aria-label to make the "steps" of multistage onboarding visible to screen readers. +# Variables: +# $current (Int) - Number of the current page +# $total (Int) - Total number of pages + + +## Title and primary button strings differ between platforms as they +## match the OS' application context menu item action where Windows uses "pin" +## and "taskbar" while macOS "keep" and "Dock" (proper noun). + + +## Multistage MR1 onboarding strings (about:welcome pages) + +mr1-onboarding-sign-in-button-label = α
αΌα + +## Title, subtitle and primary button string used on set default onboarding screen +## when Firefox is not default browser + +## Multistage MR1 onboarding strings (about:welcome pages) + +# The primary import button label will depend on whether we can detect which browser was used to download Firefox. +# Variables: +# $previous (Str) - Previous browser name, such as Edge, Chrome +mr1-onboarding-import-primary-button-label-attribution = ααΆαα
αΌαααΈ { $previous } + +mr1-onboarding-theme-label-dark = αααΉα + +onboarding-theme-primary-button-label = αα½α
ααΆαα + +## Please make sure to split the content of the title attribute into lines whose +## width corresponds to about 40 Latin characters, to ensure that the tooltip +## doesn't become too long. Line breaks will be preserved when displaying the +## tooltip. + + +## Strings for Thank You page + + +## Multistage live language reloading onboarding strings (about:welcome pages) +## +## The following language names are generated by the browser's Intl.DisplayNames API. +## +## Variables: +## $negotiatedLanguage (String) - The name of the langpack's language, e.g. "EspaΓ±ol (ES)" + + +## Multistage live language reloading onboarding strings (about:welcome pages) +## +## The following language names are generated by the browser's Intl.DisplayNames API. +## +## Variables: +## $negotiatedLanguage (String) - The name of the langpack's language, e.g. "EspaΓ±ol (ES)" +## $systemLanguage (String) - The name of the system language, e.g "EspaΓ±ol (ES)" +## $appLanguage (String) - The name of the language shipping in the browser build, e.g. "English (EN)" + +onboarding-live-language-header = ααααΎαααΎαααΆααΆααααα’ααα + +## Firefox 100 Thank You screens + + +## MR2022 New User Easy Setup screen strings + +## MR2022 New User Pin Firefox screen strings + + +## MR2022 Existing User Pin Firefox Screen Strings + + +## MR2022 New User Set Default screen strings + + +## MR2022 Get Started screen strings. +## These strings will be used on the welcome page +## when Firefox is already set to default and pinned. + + +## MR2022 Import Settings screen strings + + +## If your language uses grammatical genders, in the description for the +## colorway feel free to switch from "You are a X. Youβ¦" (e.g. "You are a +## Playmaker. You createβ¦") to "X: youβ¦" ("Playmaker: You createβ¦"). This might +## help creating a more inclusive translation. + + +## MR2022 Multistage Mobile Download screen strings + + +## MR2022 Upgrade Dialog screens +## Pin private window screen shown only for users who don't have Firefox private pinned + + +## MR2022 Privacy Segmentation screen strings + + +## MR2022 Multistage Gratitude screen strings + +## Onboarding spotlight for infrequent users + +## MR2022 Illustration alt tags +## Descriptive tags for illustrations used by screen readers and other assistive tech + +## Device migration onboarding + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/originControls.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/originControls.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/originControls.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9af7758479 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- + +page-info-window = + .style = width: 600px; min-height: 550px; + +copy = + .key = C +menu-copy = + .label = α
αααα + .accesskey = C + +select-all = + .key = A +menu-select-all = + .label = ααααΎαβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = A + +general-tab = + .label = ααΌαα
+ .accesskey = G +general-title = + .value = α
αααααΎαα +general-url = + .value = α’αΆααααααΆαα +general-type = + .value = ααααααα +general-mode = + .value = ααααβαααα αΆαα +general-size = + .value = ααα αα +general-referrer = + .value = URL αααα +general-modified = + .value = ααΆαβααααααα +general-encoding = + .value = ααΆαβααααααβα’αααααα +general-meta-name = + .label = ααααα +general-meta-content = + .label = ααΆαα·ααΆ + +media-tab = + .label = αααα + .accesskey = M +media-location = + .value = ααΈααΆααΒ α +media-text = + .value = α’αααααβαααβααΆααααΆααααΒ α +media-alt-header = + .label = α’αααααβαααα½α +media-address = + .label = α’αΆααααααΆα +media-type = + .label = αααααα +media-size = + .label = ααα α +media-count = + .label = α
ααα½α +media-dimension = + .value = αα·ααΆαααΒ α +media-long-desc = + .value = ααΆαβαα·αααααΆβαα·ααααΆαβΒ α +media-save-as = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβααΆ... + .accesskey = A +media-save-image-as = + .label = αααααΆαα»αβααΆ... + .accesskey = e + +perm-tab = + .label = αα·αααα· + .accesskey = P +permissions-for = + .value = αα·αααα·βαααααΆααα + +security-tab = + .label = αα»ααααα·ααΆα + .accesskey = S +security-view = + .label = ααΎαβαα·ααααΆαααααα + .accesskey = V +security-view-unknown = αα·αβααααΆαα + .value = αα·αβααααΆαα +security-view-identity = + .value = α’ααααααααΆαββααααααααααΆα +security-view-identity-owner = + .value = ααα
αΆααα +security-view-identity-domain = + .value = ααααααααααΆαα +security-view-identity-verifier = + .value = αααααααααΆααβαααα +security-view-identity-validity = + .value = αα»αβαααααβαα
βααααα +security-view-privacy = + .value = ααΆαβα―ααα & αααααααα· + +security-view-privacy-history-value = ααΎβαααα»αβααΆαβα
αΌαβααααααΆβααααααααααΆαβαααβαα»αβαααααααβα¬Β ? +security-view-privacy-sitedata-value = ααΎαα·αααΆαααααααααΆαα»αααααααΆααα
αααα»ααα»αααααΌααααααααααα»ααα? + +security-view-privacy-clearsitedata = + .label = αααααααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααααα ααααα + .accesskey = α + +security-view-privacy-passwords-value = ααΎβαααα»αβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααΆααααααααΆααβαααααΆααβααααααααααΆαβαααβα¬Β ? + +security-view-privacy-viewpasswords = + .label = ααΎαβααΆαααβαααααΆααβαααβααΆαβαααααΆβαα»α + .accesskey = w +security-view-technical = + .value = ααα
ααααα + +help-button = + .label = αααα½α + +## These strings are used to tell the user if the website is storing cookies +## and data on the users computer in the security tab of pageInfo +## Variables: +## $value (number) - Amount of data being stored +## $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (Usually KB) + +security-site-data-cookies = ααΆα/α
αΆα ααΌααΈαα·ααα·ααααααααα ααααα { $value } { $unit } +security-site-data-only = ααΆα/α
αΆα αα·ααααααααα ααααα { $value } { $unit } + +security-site-data-cookies-only = ααΆα/α
αΆα ααΌααΈ +security-site-data-no = αα + +## + +image-size-unknown = αα·αβααααΆαα +page-info-not-specified = + .value = αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα +not-set-alternative-text = αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα +not-set-date = αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα +media-img = ααΌαααΆα +media-bg-img = ααααβααΆαααααα +media-border-img = ααα»α +media-list-img = α
+media-cursor = ααααα·α
ααα’α»α +media-object = ααααα» +media-embed = αααααα +media-link = ααΌαααααΆα +media-input = αααα
αΌα +media-video = ααΈααα’αΌ +media-audio = α’αΌααΈαααΌ +saved-passwords-yes = ααΆα/α
αΆα +saved-passwords-no = αα + +no-page-title = + .value = αααααβααααΆαβα
αααααΎαΒ α +general-quirks-mode = + .value = ααααβα
ααααα +general-strict-mode = + .value = ααααβααααβααΆαβαααααααΆα +page-info-security-no-owner = + .value = ααααααααααΆαβαααβαα·αβαααααβααΌαβααααααΆαβα’αααΈβαααααα·αααα·βααΒ α +media-select-folder = ααααΎαβαα ααΎααααΈβαααααΆαα»αβααΌαααΆα +media-unknown-not-cached = + .value = αα·αβααααΆαα (αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβααΆααβαααα»αβααααΆααβαααααΆαα) +permissions-use-default = + .label = ααααΎβααααΆαβααΎα +security-no-visits = αα + +# This string is used to display the type of +# an image +# Variables: +# $type (string) - The type of an image +media-image-type = + .value = ααΌαααΆα { $type } + +# This string is used to display the size of a scaled image +# in both scaled and unscaled pixels +# Variables: +# $dimx (number) - The horizontal size of an image +# $dimy (number) - The vertical size of an image +# $scaledx (number) - The scaled horizontal size of an image +# $scaledy (number) - The scaled vertical size of an image +media-dimensions-scaled = + .value = { $dimx }px Γ { $dimy }px (ααΆαβααΆααβααΆαααααααΆαβααααΉα { $scaledx }px Γ { $scaledy }px) + +# This string is used to display the size of an image in pixels +# Variables: +# $dimx (number) - The horizontal size of an image +# $dimy (number) - The vertical size of an image +media-dimensions = + .value = { $dimx }px Γ { $dimy }px + +# This string is used to display the size of a media +# file in kilobytes +# Variables: +# $size (number) - The size of the media file in kilobytes +media-file-size = { $size } KB + +## Variables: +## $website (string) β The url of the website pageInfo is getting info for + +# This string is used to display the website name next to the +# "Block Images" checkbox in the media tab +# Variables: +# $website (string) - The website name +media-block-image = + .label = αααααααΆααβααΌαααΆαβααΈ { $website } + .accesskey = B + +# This string is used to display the URL of the website on top of the +# pageInfo dialog box +# Variables: +# $website (string) - The url of the website pageInfo is getting info for +page-info-page = + .title = ααααααΆαβα’αααΈββααααα - { $website } +page-info-frame = + .title = ααααααΆαβα’αααΈβααα»α - { $website } diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c7d1dec18 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Customization Menu + +# The overflow menu is the menu that appears if you click the chevron (>> button) in the location bar. +customize-menu-unpin-from-overflowmenu = + .label = αααβααααΆααβα
ααααΈβαααΊαα»α Overflow + .accesskey = U +customize-menu-add-to-toolbar = + .label = ααααααβαα
βαααΆαβα§ααααα + .accesskey = A +customize-menu-add-to-overflowmenu = + .label = ααααααβαα
βαααΊαα»α Overflow + .accesskey = M + +## Forget Button + +# The forget button can be added to the toolbar or overflow menu via the cutomization menu. +panic-button-thankyou-msg1 = αααααααα·βααααΈαβααααβα’αααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα’αΆαα +panic-button-thankyou-msg2 = ααΆαβαα»αααβαα»ααααα·ααΆα! +panic-button-thankyou-button = + .label = α’ααα»α! diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5972c11976 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +panic-button-open-new-window = ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βααα’αΆαβααααΈ +panic-button-undo-warning = αααααααΆαβαααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαααα‘ααβαααααβααΆαβααα +panic-button-forget-button = + .label = ααααααα
! + +## These strings are combined to form a complete sentence starting with +## panic-main-timeframe-desc. For example: "Forget the last: Five minutes". +## Please ensure that this remains the case in the translation. + +panic-main-timeframe-desc = ααααααα
α»ααααααα +panic-button-5min = + .label = ααααΆαβααΆααΈ +panic-button-2hr = + .label = ααΈαβαααα +panic-button-day = + .label = α’α€ αααα + +## These strings are combined to form a complete sentence starting with +## panic-button-action-desc. For example: "Proceeding will: Delete Recent Cookies". +## Please ensure that this remains the case in the translation. +## Note also that some strings include <strong> tags for emphasis on the +## words "Cookies", "History", "Tabs" and "Windows". The translation should do the same. + +panic-button-action-desc = ααΆαβααααΎβααααβααΉαα +panic-button-delete-cookies = αα»αβ <strong>ααΌααΈ</strong> ααααΈα +panic-button-delete-history = αα»α <strong>αααααααα·</strong> ααααΈα +panic-button-delete-tabs-and-windows = αα·α <strong>ααααΆαα</strong> αα·α <strong>αααα’α½α
</strong> ααΆααα’αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/places.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/places.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a456f8a240 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/places.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +places-open = + .label = ααΎα + .accesskey = α +places-open-all-in-tabs = + .label = ααΎαβαααα»αβααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = α + +places-empty-bookmarks-folder = + .label = (ααα) + +places-view = + .label = ααΎα + .accesskey = α +places-by-date = + .label = ααΆαβααΆαααα·α
αααα + .accesskey = α +places-by-site = + .label = ααΆαβααααααααααΆα + .accesskey = α +places-by-most-visited = + .label = ααΆαβα
αααΎαβαααα»α + .accesskey = α +places-by-last-visited = + .label = ααΆαβα
α»αααααα + .accesskey = α +places-by-day-and-site = + .label = ααΆαβααΆαααα·α
αααα αα·αβααααααααααΆα + .accesskey = α + +places-history-search = + .placeholder = αααααααα·βααααααα +places-history = + .aria-label = αααααααα· +places-bookmarks-search = + .placeholder = α
αααΆαβααΆαααααααα + +places-delete-domain-data = + .label = ααααααα
βαααααβαααααΆαβααα + .accesskey = α +places-sortby-name = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβααααα + .accesskey = r +# Variables: +# $count (number) - The number of pages selected for removal. +places-delete-page = + .label = + { $count -> + [1] αα»αααααα + *[other] αα»αααααα + } + .accesskey = D + +places-library3 = + .title = αααααΆααα + +places-organize-button = + .label = αααα
α + .tooltiptext = αααα
αααΆαβααααβα’ααα + .accesskey = O + +places-organize-button-mac = + .label = αααα
α + .tooltiptext = αααα
αααΆαβααααβα’ααα + +places-file-close = + .label = αα·α + .accesskey = C + +places-cmd-close = + .key = w + +places-view-button = + .label = ααΎα + .tooltiptext = ααααΆααααααΌαβαα·αααααΆαβααααβα’ααα + .accesskey = V + +places-view-button-mac = + .label = ααΎα + .tooltiptext = ααααΆααααααΌαβαα·αααααΆαβααααβα’ααα + +places-view-menu-columns = + .label = αααα αΆαβαα½αβαα + .accesskey = C + +places-view-menu-sort = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = S + +places-view-sort-unsorted = + .label = αα·αβαααααα + .accesskey = U + +places-view-sort-ascending = + .label = ααααΆααβαααααα A > Z + .accesskey = α + +places-view-sort-descending = + .label = ααααΆααβαααααα Z > A + .accesskey = α + +places-maintenance-button = + .label = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααααα»αβαα»α + .tooltiptext = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααααα»αβαα»αβααΆαβα
αααΆαβααααβα’ααα + .accesskey = I + +places-maintenance-button-mac = + .label = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααααα»αβαα»α + .tooltiptext = ααΆαα
αΌα αα·αβααααα»αβαα»αβααΆαβα
αααΆαβααααβα’ααα + +places-cmd-backup = + .label = ααααα»αβαα»αβ¦ + .accesskey = B + +places-cmd-restore = + .label = ααααΆα + .accesskey = R + +places-cmd-restore-from-file = + .label = ααααΎαβα―αααΆαβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +places-import-bookmarks-from-html = + .label = ααΆαα
αααΆαβααΈ HTMLβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +places-export-bookmarks-to-html = + .label = ααΆαα
ααΆαα HTMLβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +places-import-other-browser = + .label = ααΆαα
αΌαβαα·ααααααβααΈβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβαα½αβααααααααβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +places-view-sort-col-name = + .label = ααααα + +places-view-sort-col-tags = + .label = ααααΆα + +places-view-sort-col-url = + .label = ααΈααΆαα + +places-view-sort-col-most-recent-visit = + .label = ααΆαβααααααΆβααααΈβαααα»α + +places-view-sort-col-visit-count = + .label = α
ααα½αβααααααΆ + +places-view-sort-col-date-added = + .label = ααΆαβαααααα + +places-view-sort-col-last-modified = + .label = ααΆαβααααααβα
α»αααααα + +places-view-sortby-name = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβααααα + .accesskey = N +places-view-sortby-url = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβααΈααΆαα + .accesskey = L +places-view-sortby-date = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβααΆαβααααααΆβααααΈβαααα»α + .accesskey = V +places-view-sortby-visit-count = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβα
ααα½αββααβααΆαβααααααΆ + .accesskey = C +places-view-sortby-date-added = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβα’αααΈβαααβααΆαβαααααα + .accesskey = e +places-view-sortby-last-modified = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβα’αααΈβαααβααΆαβααααααβα
α»αβααααα + .accesskey = M +places-view-sortby-tags = + .label = ααααααβααΆαβααααΆα + .accesskey = T + +places-cmd-find-key = + .key = f + +places-back-button = + .tooltiptext = ααβααααα + +places-forward-button = + .tooltiptext = αα
βαα»α + +places-details-pane-select-an-item-description = ααααΎαβααΆαα»βααΎααααΈβααΎα αα·αβααβααααα½αβααααααβαααααααα·βααααβααΆ + +places-details-pane-no-items = + .value = ααααΆαβααΆαα» +# Variables: +# $count (Number): number of items +places-details-pane-items-count = + .value = ααΆαα» { $count } + +## Strings used as a placeholder in the Library search field. For example, +## "Search History" stands for "Search through the browser's history". + +places-search-bookmarks = + .placeholder = αααααααβα
αααΆα +places-search-history = + .placeholder = αααααααβαααααααα· +places-search-downloads = + .placeholder = αααααααβα―αααΆαβααΆαβαα + +## + +places-locked-prompt = ααααααααβα
αααΆα αα·αβαααααααα·βααΉαβαα·αβααααΎαααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβα―αααΆαβαα½αβαααα»αβα
ααααβα―αααΆαβααΆααα’ααβαααα { -brand-short-name } αααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβαααβαααααα·ααΈβααααααααΒ α αααααα·ααΈβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααβα’αΆα
βααααβα²ααβααΆαβαααα αΆβαααΒ α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d126d98b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +places-error-title = { -brand-short-name } +places-no-title = (ααααΆαβα
αααβααΎα) + +places-bookmarks-backup-title = α
αααΆαβα―αααΆαβααααα»αβαα»αβααααβα’ααα +places-bookmarks-restore-alert-title = αααα‘ααβα
βααΎα +places-bookmarks-restore-alert = ααΆβααΉαβαααα½αβααΌαβααΆαβα
αααΆαβααΆααα’ααβααΆαα½αβααΉαβααΆαβααααα»ααα»αΒ α ααΎβα’αααβααααΆααβααΒ ? +places-bookmarks-restore-title = ααααΎαβααΌαβααΆαβααααα»αβα
αααΆαβαα»α +places-bookmarks-restore-filter-name = JSON +places-bookmarks-restore-format-error = ααααααβα―αααΆαβαα·αβααΆααααΒ α +places-bookmarks-restore-parse-error = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααααΎαααΆαβα―αααΆαβααααα»αβαα»αβααΆαβααΒ α + +places-bookmarks-import = ααΆαα
αααΆα +places-bookmarks-export = ααΆαα
αααΆα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9ad52d4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## The Enterprise Policies feature is aimed at system administrators +## who want to deploy these settings across several Firefox installations +## all at once. This is traditionally done through the Windows Group Policy +## feature, but the system also supports other forms of deployment. +## These are short descriptions for individual policies, to be displayed +## in the documentation section in about:policies. + +policy-3rdparty = αααααβαααααΆαααβααα WebExtensions α’αΆα
αΌαααΆαααΆαααα chrome.storage.managedα + +policy-AppAutoUpdate = ααΎα α¬αα·αααΆαβααααΎαα
α»ααααααααΆααααααα·ααΈαααααααααααααααα·α + +policy-AppUpdateURL = ααααα URL ααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβαααααα·ααΈβααααΆααβαααα½αα + +policy-Authentication = ααααααα
αΌαααααΆαααααΆααααα ααααααααααΆααααααΆα + +policy-BlockAboutAddons = αααααααΆααβααΆαα
αΌαααααΎααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈαααααααααβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα (about:addons)Β α + +policy-BlockAboutConfig = αααααααΆααβααΆαα
ααΆααααααα about: configα + +policy-BlockAboutProfiles = αααααααΆααβααΆαα
βααΆααβααααα about:profilesΒ α + +policy-BlockAboutSupport = αααααααΆααβααΆαα
βααΆααβααααα about:supportΒ α + +policy-CaptivePortal = ααΎα α¬αα·αβαααα½αββααα αααααβαααβααααΌαααΆαβαααααααΆααα + +policy-CertificatesDescription = αααα
αΌαβαα·ααααΆαααααα α¬ααααΎαα·ααααΆααααααβαααβααΆαβαααααΎαβααααΆααα + +policy-Cookies = α’αα»ααααΆα α¬ααα·ααααααααΆαααΎααααΈαααααααΌααΈα + +policy-DisabledCiphers = αα·αααααΎαααΆα ciphers α + +policy-DefaultDownloadDirectory = αααααααα―αααΆαααΆαααααααΆαααΎαα + +policy-DisableAppUpdate = αααααΆαβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααΈβααΆαβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααααΆαα + +policy-DisableBuiltinPDFViewer = αα·αααααΎαααΆαα―αααΆα PDF.js αααααα·ααΈααΎα PDF αααβααΆαβαααααΎαβααααΆααβαα
βαααα»α { -brand-short-name } α + +policy-DisableDeveloperTools = αααααααΆααβααΆαβα
βα§αααααβα’αα·ααααααα + +policy-DisableFirefoxAccounts = αα·αααααΆαααααααααΆαααΌαααααΆαααΎ { -fxaccount-brand-name } αα½αααΆααααΆαααααΎααααΆαααααα + +# Firefox Screenshots is the name of the feature, and should not be translated. +policy-DisableFirefoxScreenshots = αα·αβαα»αααΆαβααΌαααβα’ααααααβαααα Firefox α + +policy-DisableFirefoxStudies = ααΆααΆαα { -brand-short-name } ααΈβααααΎααΆαβααΆααα·ααααΆα + +policy-DisableForgetButton = ααΆααΆααβααΆαβα
αΌαβααααΎβαααΌαα»αβααααα + +policy-DisableFormHistory = αα·αβα
αΆαβαααααααα·βααααααα αα·αβαααα»αβααααα + +policy-DisablePrimaryPasswordCreation = ααααα·αααΎβαα·α αααααΆααααααααΆααβα
ααααΌαααΆααααααΎαααα + +policy-DisablePasswordReveal = αα»αα’αα»ααααΆαα±αααααα αΆαααΆααααααααΆαααα
αΌααααααΆααααααΆαα»αα + +policy-DisablePocket2 = αα·αααααΎαααΆααα»αααΆα ααΎααααΈαααααΆαα»αααα ααααααα
β { -pocket-brand-name }α + +policy-DisablePrivateBrowsing = αα·αααααΎααα»αααα―αααα + +policy-DisplayMenuBar = αααα αΆααααΆααααΊαα»αααΆαααααΆαααΎαα + +policy-DNSOverHTTPS = αααααβαα
ααΆαααααααα DNS αα
βααΎ HTTPS α + +policy-InstallAddonsPermission = α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααββααα αααααβααΆβαα½αβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααααβααααααα + +## Do not translate "SameSite", it's the name of a cookie attribute. + + +## + +policy-Proxy = αααααβααΆααααααβααααΌααααΈα + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6de47b9bae --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +add-engine-window2 = + .title = αααα
αΌαββαααΆαααΈαβααααααα + .style = min-width: 32em; + +add-engine-button = αααα
αΌαβαααΆαααΈαααααΆαααααα½α + +add-engine-alias = ααααααααααααααΆα + +add-engine-url = URL αααΆαααΈα ααααΎ %s αααα½αα±ααβααΆαααααααααα + +add-engine-dialog = + .buttonlabelaccept = αααα
αΌαβαααΆαααΈα + .buttonaccesskeyaccept = A + +engine-name-exists = αααΆαααΈααααααΆαααααααααααΆααα½α
α αΎα +engine-alias-exists = αααΆαααΈααααααΆαααααααααααααααΆααααααΆααα½α
α αΎα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8739edff66 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +app-manager-window2 = + .title = ααα
ααααΈβαααα’α·αβαααααα·ααΈ + .style = min-width: 30em; min-height: 20em; + +app-manager-remove = + .label = ααα
αα + .accesskey = α + +# Variables: +# $type (String) - the URI scheme of the link (e.g. mailto:) +app-manager-handle-protocol = αααααα·ααΈβααΌα
βααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβααΎααααΈβααααααααα ααα { $type }Β α + +# Variables: +# $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g. application/binary) +app-manager-handle-file = αααααα·ααΈβααΌα
βααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβααΎααααΈβααααααααα ααΆαα·ααΆ { $type }Β α + +## These strings are followed, on a new line, +## by the URL or path of the application. + +app-manager-web-app-info = αααααΆαβαααβααααΌαααΆαβαααα ααβαα
Β α +app-manager-local-app-info = αααααα·ααΈβαααβααΆαβααΈααΆααβαα
Β α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e5b6621ef --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +blocklist-window2 = + .title = αααααΈβαααααααΆαα + .style = min-width: 55em + +blocklist-description = ααααΎαααΎααααααΈ { -brand-short-name } αααααααΎααΎααααΈαααααααΆααβα’αααααΆαααΆαβαα
ααΎβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αα αααααΈαααααΆαβαααααααα <a data-l10n-name="disconnect-link" title="Disconnect">ααααΆα
α</a> α +blocklist-close-key = + .key = w + +blocklist-treehead-list = + .label = αααααΈ + +blocklist-dialog = + .buttonlabelaccept = αααααΆαα»αβααΆαβααααΆααααααΌα + .buttonaccesskeyaccept = S + + +# This template constructs the name of the block list in the block lists dialog. +# It combines the list name and description. +# e.g. "Standard (Recommended). This list does a pretty good job." +# +# Variables: +# $listName {string, "Standard (Recommended)."} - List name. +# $description {string, "This list does a pretty good job."} - Description of the list. +blocklist-item-list-template = { $listName } { $description } + +blocklist-item-moz-std-listName = αααααΈαααααααΆααααααα·αααΈ 1 (ααΆαααααΆα)α +blocklist-item-moz-std-description = α’αα»ααααΆαβαααααα·ααΈααΆαααΆαβαα½αβα
ααα½α ααΎααααΈβα±ααβααα αααααβαα·α
α +blocklist-item-moz-full-listName = αααααΈαααααααΆααααααα·αααΈ 2α +blocklist-item-moz-full-description = αααααααΆααββαααααα·ααΈβααΆαααΆααααααααΎαααΆααα’ααα ααα ααααα α¬βααααΉαααΆαβαα½αα
ααα½αβαααα ααβαα·αβαααα»αβααΆαβααααΉαααααΌαβααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..450a5cd739 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +clear-site-data-window2 = + .title = αααα’αΆααα·αααααα + .style = min-width: 35em + +clear-site-data-description = ααΆααααα’αΆαααΌααΈαα·ααα·ααααααββααα αααααβαααααΆααααααΆαα»αααα { -brand-short-name } α’αΆα
ααααΈβααα ααααα αα·αβαα»αββααααΉαααΆαβββαααααΆαββααααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβα
ααα ααΆααααα’αΆααα·ααααααααααΆαααα·ααααααΆαααααααΆαα
αΌαααααα’αααααα + +clear-site-data-close-key = + .key = w + +# The parameters in parentheses in this string describe disk usage +# in the format ($amount $unit), e.g. "Cookies and Site Data (24 KB)" +# Variables: +# $amount (Number) - Amount of site data currently stored on disk +# $unit (String) - Abbreviation of the unit that $amount is in, e.g. "MB" +clear-site-data-cookies-with-data = + .label = ααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααβααα ααααα ({ $amount } { $unit }) + .accesskey = S + +# This string is a placeholder for while the data used to fill +# clear-site-data-cookies-with-data is loading. This placeholder is usually +# only shown for a very short time (< 1s), so it should be very similar +# or the same as clear-site-data-cookies-with-data (except the amount and unit), +# to avoid flickering. +clear-site-data-cookies-empty = + .label = ααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααααα ααααα + .accesskey = S + +clear-site-data-cookies-info = α’αααβα’αΆα
ααβααΈβααα αααααβααΆααΆ ααααα·αααΎβααΆαβαααα’αΆα + +# The parameters in parentheses in this string describe disk usage +# in the format ($amount $unit), e.g. "Cached Web Content (24 KB)" +# Variables: +# $amount (Number) - Amount of cache currently stored on disk +# $unit (String) - Abbreviation of the unit that $amount is in, e.g. "MB" +clear-site-data-cache-with-data = + .label = ααααΉαααΆαβαααααΆαβαααβααΆαβα
αΆα ({ $amount } { $unit }) + .accesskey = W + +# This string is a placeholder for while the data used to fill +# clear-site-data-cache-with-data is loading. This placeholder is usually +# only shown for a very short time (< 1s), so it should be very similar +# or the same as clear-site-data-cache-with-data (except the amount and unit), +# to avoid flickering. +clear-site-data-cache-empty = + .label = ααααΉαααΆαβαααααΆαβαααβααΆαβα
αΆα + .accesskey = W + +clear-site-data-cache-info = ααΉααααααΌαα²ααααα ααααααααα»αααΌαααΆα αα·ααα·ααααααα‘αΎααα·α + +clear-site-data-dialog = + .buttonlabelaccept = αααα’αΆα + .buttonaccesskeyaccept = l diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42b1cf09d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +colors-close-key = + .key = w + +colors-page-override = ααΎαβαααβαααβααΆαβαααααΆααβααααααααααΆαα½αβαααααΎαβααΆαααΎβααααβα’ααα + .accesskey = O + +colors-page-override-option-always = + .label = ααΆαα·α
ααΆα +colors-page-override-option-auto = + .label = ααΆαβααβααΆαα½αβαα
ααΆαααααββαααβααΆαβααααα·αβαααβααααΆαα +colors-page-override-option-never = + .label = αα»αβα²ααααα + +colors-text-and-background = α’ααααα αα·αβααααααΆαααααα + +colors-text-header = α’ααααα + .accesskey = T + +colors-background = ααααβααΆαααααα + .accesskey = B + +colors-use-system = + .label = βααααΎαααβααααβαααααααα + .accesskey = α + +colors-underline-links = + .label = βααΌαβαααααΆααβαααααβααα + .accesskey = α + +colors-links-header = αααβααα + +colors-unvisited-links = αααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβααααααΆ + .accesskey = L + +colors-visited-links = αααβαααβααΆαβααααααΆ + .accesskey = V diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e9a313b40 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +connection-window2 = + .title = ααΆαβαααααβααΆαβαααααΆαα + .style = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] min-width: 44em + *[other] min-width: 49em + } + +connection-close-key = + .key = w + +connection-disable-extension = + .label = αα·αβαααααβαααααα + +connection-proxy-configure = αααααβαα
ααΆααβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α + +connection-proxy-option-no = + .label = ααααΆαβααααΌααααΈβαα + .accesskey = y +connection-proxy-option-system = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαβαααααβααααΌααααΈβααααβαααααααα + .accesskey = u +connection-proxy-option-auto = + .label = ααβααΎαβααΆαβαααααβααααΌααααΈβαααβααααααααααααα· αααααΆααβαααααΆαβααα + .accesskey = w +connection-proxy-option-manual = + .label = ααΆαβαααααβαα
ααΆααααααααβααααΌααααΈβαααβαα + .accesskey = M + +connection-proxy-http = ααααΌααααΈ HTTP + .accesskey = x +connection-proxy-http-port = α
ααα + .accesskey = p + +connection-proxy-ssl-port = α
ααα + .accesskey = o + +connection-proxy-socks = βαααΆαααΈα SOCKS + .accesskey = C +connection-proxy-socks-port = α
ααα + .accesskey = t + +connection-proxy-socks4 = + .label = SOCKS v4 + .accesskey = K +connection-proxy-socks5 = + .label = SOCKS v5 + .accesskey = v +connection-proxy-noproxy = βααααΆαβααααΌααααΈβαααααΆαα + .accesskey = N + +connection-proxy-noproxy-desc = α§ααΆα αααΒ α .mozilla.org, .net.nz, + +connection-proxy-autotype = + .label = βURL αααααβαα
ααΆβααααααααββααααΌααααΈββαααααβαααααααα· + .accesskey = A + +connection-proxy-reload = + .label = αααα»αβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = e + +connection-proxy-autologin = + .label = αα»αβααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααββααααα·αααΎβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα»α + .accesskey = i + .tooltip = αααααΎαβαααβααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβααααΌααααΈ αα
βαααβαααβα’αααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααααααΆαβαααααΆααβα α’αααβααΉαβαααα
αΌα ααααα·αααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβαααΆαααα + +connection-proxy-autologin-checkbox = + .label = αα»αβααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααββααααα·αααΎβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα»α + .accesskey = i + .tooltiptext = αααααΎαβαααβααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβααααΌααααΈ αα
βαααβαααβα’αααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»αβααααααΆαβαααααΆααβα α’αααβααΉαβαααα
αΌα ααααα·αααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβαααΆαααα + +connection-proxy-socks-remote-dns = + .label = DNS ααααΌαααΈβαα
βαααβααααΎααααΆαα SOCKS v5 + .accesskey = d + +connection-dns-over-https-url-custom = + .label = ααααΆαααααα½α + .accesskey = α + .tooltiptext = αααα
αΌα URL αααα’ααααααα
α·ααααααααΆαααααααααΆα DNS ααΎ HTTPS + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe88963b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +containers-window-new2 = + .title = ααααααβαααα’ααβαααα»αβααααΈ + .style = min-width: 45em + +containers-window-close = + .key = w + +# This is a term to store style to be applied +# on the three labels in the containers add/edit dialog: +# - name +# - icon +# - color +# +# Using this term and referencing it in the `.style` attribute +# of the three messages ensures that all three labels +# will be aligned correctly. +-containers-labels-style = min-width: 4rem + +containers-name-label = ααααα + .accesskey = N + .style = { -containers-labels-style } + +containers-name-text = + .placeholder = αααα
αΌαβαααααβαααα’αα + +containers-icon-label = ααΌαααααΆα + .accesskey = I + .style = { -containers-labels-style } + +containers-color-label = ααα + .accesskey = o + .style = { -containers-labels-style } + +containers-color-blue = + .label = ααα +containers-color-turquoise = + .label = ααααβααααΆα +containers-color-green = + .label = αααα +containers-color-yellow = + .label = ααΏα +containers-color-orange = + .label = ααΉαααααΌα
+containers-color-red = + .label = αααα α +containers-color-pink = + .label = ααααΆβααΌα +containers-color-purple = + .label = ααααΆα +containers-color-toolbar = + .label = ααααΌαααααααΆαα§ααααα + +containers-icon-fence = + .label = ααα +containers-icon-fingerprint = + .label = ααααΆαβααααΆααα +containers-icon-briefcase = + .label = ααΆααΆα +# String represents a money sign but currently uses a dollar sign +# so don't change to local currency. See Bug 1291672. +containers-icon-dollar = + .label = αααααΆβαα»ααααΆα +containers-icon-cart = + .label = ααααβαα·αβα’αΈαααΆαα +containers-icon-circle = + .label = α
+containers-icon-vacation = + .label = αα·ααααααΆα +containers-icon-gift = + .label = α’αααα +containers-icon-food = + .label = α’αΆα αΆα +containers-icon-fruit = + .label = ααααααΎ +containers-icon-pet = + .label = ααααα
αΉα +containers-icon-tree = + .label = ααΎαααΎ +containers-icon-chill = + .label = ααααααα
diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3c5a1fdde --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +fonts-window = + .title = αα»αααα’αααα + +fonts-window-close = + .key = w + +## Font groups by language + +fonts-langgroup-header = αα»αααα’αααααααααΆαα + .accesskey = F + +fonts-langgroup-arabic = + .label = α’αΆαααΆαα +fonts-langgroup-armenian = + .label = α’αΆααααΈ +fonts-langgroup-bengali = + .label = ααααααΆααΈ +fonts-langgroup-simpl-chinese = + .label = ααΆααΆβα
α·αβααΆαααα +fonts-langgroup-trad-chinese-hk = + .label = ααΆααΆβα
α·αβαα»ααΆα (α α»ααα»α) +fonts-langgroup-trad-chinese = + .label = ααΆααΆβα
α·αβαα»ααΆα (αααααΆαα) +fonts-langgroup-cyrillic = + .label = αααΈααΈααΈα +fonts-langgroup-devanagari = + .label = αααααΆααΆα αααΆααΈ +fonts-langgroup-ethiopic = + .label = α’αααααΌααΈ +fonts-langgroup-georgian = + .label = α αααα ααααΈ +fonts-langgroup-el = + .label = αααα·α
+fonts-langgroup-gujarati = + .label = α ααα»αααΆααΆααΈ +fonts-langgroup-gurmukhi = + .label = αα½αβαα»αααΈ +fonts-langgroup-japanese = + .label = αααα»α +fonts-langgroup-hebrew = + .label = α’ααΈααααΆα’αα +fonts-langgroup-kannada = + .label = αα·ααΆααΆ +fonts-langgroup-khmer = + .label = ααααα +fonts-langgroup-korean = + .label = ααΌααα +# Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language. +fonts-langgroup-latin = + .label = α‘αΆααΆαα +fonts-langgroup-malayalam = + .label = αααΆα‘αΆαααΆα‘αΆα +fonts-langgroup-math = + .label = ααα·αβαα·ααααΆ +fonts-langgroup-odia = + .label = Odia +fonts-langgroup-sinhala = + .label = αααΈαα αΆα‘αΆ +fonts-langgroup-tamil = + .label = ααΆααΈα +fonts-langgroup-telugu = + .label = ααααΌα αααΌ +fonts-langgroup-thai = + .label = αα +fonts-langgroup-tibetan = + .label = ααΈαα +fonts-langgroup-canadian = + .label = ααΆααΆαβαα½α’ααααβααΆααΆααΆββαα½ααα½α +fonts-langgroup-other = + .label = ααααααααβαααααβαααααααα + +## Default fonts and their sizes + +fonts-proportional-header = αααΆααΆααα + .accesskey = P + +fonts-default-serif = + .label = Serif +fonts-default-sans-serif = + .label = Sans Serif + +fonts-proportional-size = ααα α + .accesskey = z + +fonts-serif = Serif + .accesskey = S + +fonts-sans-serif = Sans-serif + .accesskey = S + +fonts-monospace = Monospace + .accesskey = M + +fonts-monospace-size = ααα α + .accesskey = e + +fonts-minsize = ααα αβαα»αααβα’ααααβα’αααααααΆ + .accesskey = o + +fonts-minsize-none = + .label = ααααΆα + +fonts-allow-own = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβαααααβααααΎαααΎαβαα»αααα’ααααββαααβαααα½αβα―α αααα½αβα²ααβββαα»αααβα’ααααβαααβα’αααβααααΎαααΎαβααΆαβααΎ + .accesskey = A + +## Text Encodings +## +## Translate the encoding names as adjectives for an encoding, not as the name +## of the language. + +# Variables: +# $name {string, "Arial"} - Name of the default font +fonts-label-default = + .label = ααααΆαααΎα ({ $name }) +fonts-label-default-unnamed = + .label = ααααΆαααΎα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea85dc9a9b --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## The address and credit card autofill management dialog in browser preferences + +autofill-manage-addresses-title = α’αΆααααααΆααααααΆααααααΆαα»α +autofill-manage-addresses-list-header = α’αΆααααααΆα + +autofill-manage-credit-cards-title = ααΆαα₯αααΆααααααΆααααααΆαα»α +autofill-manage-credit-cards-list-header = ααΆαβα₯αααΆα + +autofill-manage-dialog = + .style = min-width: 560px +autofill-manage-remove-button = ααα
αα +autofill-manage-add-button = αααα
αΌαβ¦ +autofill-manage-edit-button = ααααααα½αβ¦ + +## + +# The dialog title for creating addresses in browser preferences. +autofill-add-new-address-title = αααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆαααααΈ +# The dialog title for editing addresses in browser preferences. +autofill-edit-address-title = ααα’αΆααααααΆα + +autofill-address-given-name = ααΆααααα½α +autofill-address-additional-name = ααΆαβαβααααΆβα +autofill-address-family-name = ααΆααααααΌα +autofill-address-organization = α’αααααΆα +autofill-address-street = α’αΆααβααααΆαβαα·ααΈ + +## address-level-3 (Sublocality) names + + +## address-level-2 names + +autofill-address-city = ααΈαααα»α + +## address-level-1 names + +autofill-address-province = ααααα +autofill-address-state = αααα + +## Postal code name types + +autofill-address-postal-code = αααβααΌαβααααβαβααΈβα +autofill-address-zip = αααβααΌαβααααα + +## + +autofill-address-country = ααααααβα¬βααααα +autofill-address-tel = ααΌαααααβ +autofill-address-email = α’ααΈααα + +autofill-cancel-button = αααααα +autofill-save-button = αααααΆβαα»α + +# The dialog title for creating credit cards in browser preferences. +autofill-add-new-card-title = αααα
αΌαβααΆαα₯αααΆαααααΈ +# The dialog title for editing credit cards in browser preferences. +autofill-edit-card-title = ααααΆαα₯αααΆα + +autofill-card-number = αααβααΆα +autofill-card-invalid-number = ααΌααααα
αΌααααααΆαααααΉαααααΌα +autofill-card-name-on-card = αααααβααΎβααΆα + +## These are brand names and should only be translated when a locale-specific name for that brand is in common use + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f28e836a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +webpage-languages-window2 = + .title = ααΆααααααααΆααΆααααααα·α + .style = min-width: 40em + +languages-close-key = + .key = w + +languages-description = αααβαααα ααααααααααΆαααααΌαααΆααααααααΌαββα
αααΎαβααΆαβαα½αααΆααΆα ααααΎαααΎαααΆααΆ ααΎααααΈαααα αΆαααααααααααΆαααΆαααααααΆαααααΆαααααα’ααααααα
α·ααα + +languages-customize-spoof-english = + .label = ααααΎαα»αααααααα αααααααΆααΆααΆα’ααααααα ααΎααααΈαααααΎαα―αααααΆα + +languages-customize-moveup = + .label = βααααΆααααΈβα‘αΎαβααΎ + .accesskey = α + +languages-customize-movedown = + .label = ααααΆααααΈβα
α»αααααα + .accesskey = α + +languages-customize-remove = + .label = ααα
αα + .accesskey = α + +languages-customize-select-language = + .placeholder = ααααΎαβααΆααΆβααΎααααΈβαααααα... + +languages-customize-add = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = α + +# The pattern used to generate strings presented to the user in the +# locale selection list. +# +# Example: +# Icelandic [is] +# Spanish (Chile) [es-CL] +# +# Variables: +# $locale (String) - A name of the locale (for example: "Icelandic", "Spanish (Chile)") +# $code (String) - Locale code of the locale (for example: "is", "es-CL") +languages-code-format = + .label = { $locale } [{ $code }] + +languages-active-code-format = + .value = { languages-code-format.label } + +browser-languages-window2 = + .title = ααΆααααααααΆααΆ { -brand-short-name } + .style = min-width: 40em + +browser-languages-search = αααααααβααΆααΆβα
αααΎαβααα... + +browser-languages-searching = + .label = αααα»αβαααααβααβααΆααΆ... + +browser-languages-downloading = + .label = αααα»αβααΆαβαα... + +browser-languages-select-language = + .label = ααααΎαααΎαββααΆααΆβααΎααααΈβαααααα... + .placeholder = ααααΎαααΎαβββααΆααΆβααΎααααΈβαααααα... + +browser-languages-installed-label = ααΆααΆβαααβααΆαβααα‘αΎα +browser-languages-available-label = ααΆααΆβαααβααΆα + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b49dfacda8 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +permissions-window2 = + .title = ααααΈβααΎαααα + .style = min-width: 45em + +permissions-close-key = + .key = w + +permissions-address = α’αΆααααααΆαβααα ααααα + .accesskey = d + +permissions-block = + .label = αααααααΆαα + .accesskey = α + +permissions-session = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαβαααααΆααβαααα + .accesskey = α + +permissions-allow = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆα + .accesskey = α + +permissions-site-name = + .label = ααα ααααα + +permissions-status = + .label = ααααΆαααΆα + +permissions-remove = + .label = αα»αβααα ααααα + .accesskey = R + +permissions-remove-all = + .label = αα»αβααα αααααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = e + +permissions-searchbox = + .placeholder = αααααααβααα ααααα + +permissions-capabilities-allow = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆα +permissions-capabilities-block = + .label = αααααααΆαα +permissions-capabilities-prompt = + .label = αα½αβααΆαα·α
+ +permissions-capabilities-listitem-allow = + .value = α’αα»ααααΆα +permissions-capabilities-listitem-block = + .value = αααααααΆαα +permissions-capabilities-listitem-allow-session = + .value = α’αα»ααααΆαβαααααΆααβαααα + +## Invalid Hostname Dialog + +permissions-invalid-uri-title = ααΆαβαααα
αΌαβαααααβαααΆαααΈαβαααβαα·αβααααΉαααααΌα +permissions-invalid-uri-label = ααΌαβαααα
αΌαβαααααβαααΆαααΈαβααααΉαααααΌα + +## Exceptions - Tracking Protection + + +## Exceptions - Cookies + +permissions-exceptions-cookie-window2 = + .title = ααααΈβααΎαααα - ααΌααΈ αα·αβαα·ααααααβααα ααααα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-exceptions-cookie-desc = α’αααβα’αΆα
βαααααΆααβααααααααααΆαβααΆαα½αβαααβααααα α¬βαα·αβαααβα’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααααΎβααΌααΈβαα·ααα·ααααααααΆαααΆαααααΒ α ααΆαβα’αΆααααααΆαβααΆααααΆααβααααβααααααααααΆαβαααβα’αααβα
ααβααααααααα αααααΆααααβα
βαααααααΆαα α’αα»ααααΆαβαααααΆααβαααα α¬βα’αα»ααααΆαΒ α + +## Exceptions - HTTPS-Only Mode + + +## Exceptions - Pop-ups + +permissions-exceptions-popup-window2 = + .title = αααααΆααααα’αα»ααααΆα - ααΆαααα
α‘αΎα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-exceptions-popup-desc = α’αααβα’αΆα
α‘αΎαΒ α ααΆαβα’αΆααααααΆαβααΆααααΆααβααααβααααααααααΆαβαααβα’αααβα
ααβα’αα»ααααΆα αααααΆαααα α
βα’αα»ααααΆαΒ α + +## Exceptions - Saved Logins + +permissions-exceptions-saved-logins-window2 = + .title = ααΆαβααΎαααα - ααΆαβα
αΌαβααΆαβαααααΆαα»α + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-exceptions-saved-logins-desc = ααΆαα
αΌααααααΆααααα αααααααΆααααααααΉααα·αααααΌαααΆααααααΆαα»ααα + +## Exceptions - Add-ons + +permissions-exceptions-addons-window2 = + .title = ααααααααααΆααααααΆαα’αα»ααααΆα - ααΆαααα‘αΎααααααα·ααΈαααααα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-exceptions-addons-desc = α’αααβα’αΆα
βαααααΆααβααααααααααΆαβααΆαα½αβαααβα’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβααααααΒ α ααΆαβα’αΆααααααΆαβααΆααααΆααβααααβααααααααααΆαβαααβα’αααβα
ααβα’αα»ααααΆα αααααΆαααα α
βα’αα»ααααΆαΒ α + +## Site Permissions - Autoplay + + +## Site Permissions - Notifications + +permissions-site-notification-window2 = + .title = ααΆαααααα - ααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΆαααΌαααααΉα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-site-notification-desc = ααααααααααΆαααΆαααααααααααΆαααααΎαα»αααααΎααΆαααΌαααααΉααααα’ααα α α’αααα’αΆα
αααααΆααααααααααααΆαααΆαααααααΌαααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαα²ααααααΎααΆαααΌαααααΉααααα’ααα α α’αααααα’αΆα
ααΆααΆααααααΎααααΈαααααααΎαα»αα’αα»ααααΆαααΆαααΌαααααΉα α +permissions-site-notification-disable-label = + .label = αααααααΆααααααΎααααΈαααααααΎαα»αα²ααα’αα»ααααΆαααΆαααΌαααααΉα +permissions-site-notification-disable-desc = ααΆβααΉαααΆααΆααααααααααααΆαβααΆααα‘αΆαβααααα·αααΆααααα»ααααααΈααΆαααΎααααα·αα²ααααααΎαα»αααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΎααααΈααααΎααΆαααΌαααααΉαα ααΆααααααααΆααβααΆαααΌαααααΉαα’αΆα
ααααΎααΆαα + +## Site Permissions - Location + +permissions-site-location-window2 = + .title = ααΆαααααα - ααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΈααΆαα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-site-location-desc = ααα αααααβααΆαααααααααααΆαααααΎαα»αααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααΈααΆααααααα’αααα α’αααα’αΆα
αααααΆααβααα αααααβααΆαααααααΌαααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΈααΆααααααα’αααα α’αααααα’αΆα
αΌαααααΎααΈααΆααααααα’αααα +permissions-site-location-disable-label = + .label = αααααααΆααααααΎααααΈαααααααΎαα»αα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΈααΆααααααα’ααα +permissions-site-location-disable-desc = ααΆβααΉαααΆααΆααααα αααααβααααα·αααΆααααα»ααααααΈααΆαααΎααααα·αα²ααααααΎαα»αααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααΈααΆααααααα’αααα ααΆααααααααΆααααΆαα
ααααΎααΆαα + +## Site Permissions - Virtual Reality + + +## Site Permissions - Camera + +permissions-site-camera-window2 = + .title = ααΆαααααα - ααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΆαααααΆ + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-site-camera-desc = ααα αααααβααΆαααααααααααΆαααααΎαα»αααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααΆαααααΆααααα’αααα α’αααα’αΆα
αααααΆααββααα αααααααΆαααααααΌαααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΆαααααΆααααα’αααα α’αααααα’αΆα
αΌαααααΎααΆαααααΆααααα’αααβααΆαβααβαααα +permissions-site-camera-disable-label = + .label = αααααααΆααααααΎααααΈαααααααΎαα»αα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΆαααααΆααααα’ααα +permissions-site-camera-disable-desc = ααΆβααΉαααΆααΆααααα αααααβααααα·αααΆααααα»ααααααΈααΆαααΎααααα·αα²ααααααΎαα»αααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααΆαααααΆβααααα’αααα ααΆααααααααΆααααΆαα
ααααΎα²ααβαα»αααΆαββααααβααα αααααβαα½αα
ααααΎααααΆααβααΆαα + +## Site Permissions - Microphone + +permissions-site-microphone-window2 = + .title = ααΆαααααα - ααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΈααααΌα αααΌα + .style = { permissions-window2.style } +permissions-site-microphone-desc = ααα αααααβααΆαααααααααααΆαααααΎαα»αααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααΈααααΌα αααΌαααααα’αααα α’αααα’αΆα
αααααΆααβααα αααααβααΆαααααααΌαααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΈααααΌα αααΌαααααα’αααα α’αααααα’αΆα
αΌαααααΎααΈααααΌα αααΌαααααα’αααα +permissions-site-microphone-disable-label = + .label = αααααααΆααααααΎααααΈαααααααΎαα»αα²ααα
αΌαααααΎααΈααααΌα αααΌαααααα’ααα +permissions-site-microphone-disable-desc = ααΆβααΉαααΆααΆααααα αααααβααααα·αααΆααααα»ααααααΈααΆαααΎααααα·αα²ααααααΎαα»αααΆαα’αα»ααααΆαααΎααααΈα
αΌαααααΎααααΆααβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααααα’αααα ααΆααααααααΆααααΆαα
αΌαααααΎααααΆααββααΈααααΌα αααΌαββααααα’αααα’αΆα
ααααΎα²ααβαα»αααΆαββααααβααα αααααβαα½αα
ααααΎααααΆααβααΆαα + +## Site Permissions - Speaker +## +## "Speaker" refers to an audio output device. + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a68cf24b8a --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,901 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +do-not-track-description = αααααΌαβαααααΆ "αα»αβααΆαααΆα" αα
βααα ααααα αααβα’αααβαα·αβα
ααβα²ααβααΆαααΆα +do-not-track-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα +do-not-track-option-always = + .label = ααΆαα·α
+ +pane-general-title = ααΌαα
+category-general = + .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title } + +pane-home-title = αααααααΎα +category-home = + .tooltiptext = { pane-home-title } + +pane-search-title = ααααααα +category-search = + .tooltiptext = { pane-search-title } + +pane-privacy-title = α―αααβααΆα & αα»ααααα·ααΆα +category-privacy = + .tooltiptext = { pane-privacy-title } + +help-button-label = { -brand-short-name } αααα½α +addons-button-label = ααααααααααααα·ααα
ααΆααααα + +focus-search = + .key = f + +close-button = + .aria-label = αα·α + +## Browser Restart Dialog + +feature-enable-requires-restart = ααααΌαααβα
αΆααααααΎα { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎααα·αβααΎααααΈβααΎαβααααααβαααΒ α +feature-disable-requires-restart = ααααΌαααβα
αΆααααααΎα { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎααα·αβααΎααααΈβαα·αβααααααβααα α +should-restart-title = α
αΆααααααΎα { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎααα·α +should-restart-ok = α
αΆααααααΎα { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎααα·αβα₯α‘αΌαβααα +cancel-no-restart-button = αααααα +restart-later = α
βαααααααα + +## Extension Control Notifications +## +## These strings are used to inform the user +## about changes made by extensions to browser settings. +## +## <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> is going to be replaced by the extension icon. +## +## Variables: +## $name (String): name of the extension + + +## Extension Control Notifications +## +## These strings are used to inform the user +## about changes made by extensions to browser settings. +## +## <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> is going to be replaced by the extension icon. +## +## Variables: +## $name (string) - Name of the extension + +# This string is shown after the user disables an extension to notify the user +# how to enable an extension that they disabled. +# +# <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> will be replaced with Add-ons icon +# <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/> will be replaced with Menu icon +extension-controlled-enable = ααΎααααΈα’αα»ααααΆαααααααααααα ααΌαα
ααΆαα <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> αααααα·ααΈαααααα αα
αααα»ααααΊαα»α <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/>α + +## Preferences UI Search Results + +search-results-header = ααααααβααααααα + +search-results-help-link = ααααΌαααΆααααα½ααα? ααΎα<a data-l10n-name="url">ααααααααα½ααααα { -brand-short-name }</a> + +## General Section + +startup-header = α
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎα + +always-check-default = + .label = αα·αα·αααααΆαα·α
ααΆ { -brand-short-name } ααΆβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααααΆαααΎα + .accesskey = y + +is-default = { -brand-short-name } αα
α»ααααααβααΆβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΆαααΎαβααααβα’ααα +is-not-default = { -brand-short-name } ααΆβαα·αβαααβααΆβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΆαααΎαβααααβα’ααα + +set-as-my-default-browser = + .label = ααΆααβααΆβααααΆαβααΎα + .accesskey = D + +disable-extension = + .label = αα·αβαααααβαααααα + +tabs-group-header = ααααΆαα + +ctrl-tab-recently-used-order = + .label = αααΌαα»αβ Ctrl+Tab ααΆαβαα»αααΆαβα
αΌαβααΎαβααααΆααβαααβααΎαβααααΈαβααααβαα½αβα + .accesskey = T + +open-new-link-as-tabs = + .label = ααΎαβαααβαααα»αβααααΆααβαααα½αβα²ααβααΈαααΌβααααΈ + .accesskey = w + +warn-on-open-many-tabs = + .label = αααααΆαβα’αααβαααβααΎαβααααΆααβα
αααΎα α’αΆα
βααααΎα²αα { -brand-short-name } ααΊα + .accesskey = d + +show-tabs-in-taskbar = + .label = αααα αΆαββααΆαβααΎαβααααΆααβααΆαα»αβαα
βααααβααΈαααΌ + .accesskey = k + +browser-containers-enabled = + .label = ααΎαβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»α + .accesskey = β + +browser-containers-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +browser-containers-settings = + .label = ααΆαβααααα... + .accesskey = i + +containers-disable-alert-title = αα·αβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβααΆααα’αααααβαα? + +## Variables: +## $tabCount (number) - Number of tabs + +containers-disable-alert-desc = ααααα·αααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβα₯α‘αΌαβααα ααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»α { $tabCount } ααΉαβααααΌαααΆαβαα·αα ααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααΆβα
ααβαα·αβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»αβαααβαα? + +containers-disable-alert-ok-button = αα·αβααααΆααβα§αααααβαααα»α { $tabCount } + +## + +containers-disable-alert-cancel-button = ααααβααΎα + +containers-remove-alert-title = αα»αβαααα’ααβαααβα
αα? + +# Variables: +# $count (Number) - Number of tabs that will be closed. +containers-remove-alert-msg = ααΎβα’αααβαα»αββα§αααααβαααα»αββαααβα
ααβα₯α‘αΌαβααα α§αααααβαααα»α { $count } ααΉαβααααΌαααΆαββαα·αα ααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααΆβα
ααβααααα? + +containers-remove-ok-button = αα»αβαααα’ααβαααβα
αα +containers-remove-cancel-button = αα»αβαα»αβαααα’ααβαααβα
ααβα’αΈ + +## General Section - Language & Appearance + +language-and-appearance-header = ααΆααΆ αα·αβααΆααααα αΆα + +default-font = αα»αααβα’ααααβααααΆαααΎα + .accesskey = D +default-font-size = ααα α + .accesskey = S + +advanced-fonts = + .label = ααααα·ααααααβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +language-header = ααΆααΆ + +choose-language-description = ααααΎαβααΆααΆβαααβα’αααβα
α·αααβαααααΆααβαααα αΆαβααααα + +choose-button = + .label = ααααΎαβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +confirm-browser-language-change-description = α
αΆααααααΎα { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎααα·α βααΎααααΈββα’αα»ααααβααΆαααααΆααααααΌαβααΆααααα +confirm-browser-language-change-button = α’αα»ααααβαα·αβα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎαβαα·α + +translate-web-pages = + .label = βααααααβααΆαα·ααΆβαααααΆα + .accesskey = T + +# The <img> element is replaced by the logo of the provider +# used to provide machine translations for web pages. +translate-attribution = ααΆαβααααααβααα <img data-l10n-name="logo"/> + +translate-exceptions = + .label = ααααΈβααΎααααβ¦ + .accesskey = x + +check-user-spelling = + .label = αα·αα·αααββα’αααααΆαα·αα»αααβαααβααΆα + .accesskey = t + +## General Section - Files and Applications + +files-and-applications-title = α―αααΆα αα·ααααααα·ααΈ + +download-header = ααΆαβαα + +download-save-where = αααααΆβαα»αβα―αααΆαβαα
+ .accesskey = α + +download-choose-folder = + .label = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] ααααΎαβ¦ + *[other] ααβααΎαβ¦ + } + .accesskey = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] α + *[other] α + } + +download-always-ask-where = + .label = αααααβαα½αββααβααααααβαααβααααΌααααααΆαα»αβα―αααΆα + .accesskey = A + +applications-header = αααααα·ααΈ + +applications-description = ααααΎαααΎαβααααβααα { -brand-short-name } ααΎαβααααΎαααΆαβα―αααΆαβαααβα’αααβααΆαααβααΈβαααααΆα α¬βαααααα·ααΈβαααβα’αααβααααΎααααΆααβαα
βαααβαα»αααα + +applications-filter = + .placeholder = αααααααβααααααβα―αααΆα αα·αβαααααα·ααΈ + +applications-type-column = + .label = ααααααβααΆαα·ααΆ + .accesskey = α + +applications-action-column = + .label = α’αααΎ + .accesskey = α + +# Variables: +# $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT) +applications-file-ending = α―αααΆα { $extension } +applications-action-save = + .label = αααααΆβαα»αβα―αααΆα + +# Variables: +# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) +applications-use-app = + .label = ααααΎ { $app-name } + +# Variables: +# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) +applications-use-app-default = + .label = ααααΎ { $app-name } (ααααΆαααΎα) + +applications-use-other = + .label = ααααΎβααααααααβ¦ +applications-select-helper = ααααΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααα½α + +applications-manage-app = + .label = ααα
ααααΈβαααα’α·αβα’αααΈβαααααα·ααΈβ¦ +applications-always-ask = + .label = αα½αβααΆαα·α
+ +# Variables: +# $type-description (String) - Description of the type (e.g "Portable Document Format") +# $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g application/binary) +applications-type-description-with-type = { $type-description } ({ $type }) + +# Variables: +# $plugin-name (String) - Name of a plugin (e.g Adobe Flash) +applications-use-plugin-in = + .label = ααααΎ { $plugin-name } (αααα»α { -brand-short-name }) + +## The strings in this group are used to populate +## selected label element based on the string from +## the selected menu item. + +applications-use-plugin-in-label = + .value = { applications-use-plugin-in.label } + +applications-action-save-label = + .value = { applications-action-save.label } + +applications-use-app-label = + .value = { applications-use-app.label } + +applications-always-ask-label = + .value = { applications-always-ask.label } + +applications-use-app-default-label = + .value = { applications-use-app-default.label } + +applications-use-other-label = + .value = { applications-use-other.label } + +## + +drm-content-header = ααααΉαααΆαβααΆαααααααααααα·αααα·ααΈααΈαα (DRM) + +play-drm-content = + .label = αααααααΉαααΆαβααααααααααααααα DRM + .accesskey = P + +play-drm-content-learn-more = ααααααααββαααααα + +update-application-title = αα
α»ααααααααΆα { -brand-short-name } + +update-application-description = αααααΆ { -brand-short-name } α±ααβααααΈαβααΆαα·α
ααΎααααΈβααααΎαααΆαββααΆαβααααα·αααααΆα αααααααΆα αα·ααα»ααααα·ααΆααααα»αα + +update-application-version = αααα { $version } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">α’αααΈβαααβααααΈ</a> + +update-history = + .label = αααα αΆαβαααααααα·βαα
α»ααααααααΆα... + .accesskey = p + +update-application-allow-description = α’αα»ααααΆα { -brand-short-name } α²αα + +update-application-auto = + .label = ααα‘αΎααα
α»ααααααααΆααααααααααααααααα· (ααΆαααααΆα) + .accesskey = A + +update-application-check-choose = + .label = αα·αα·αααβααΎαβαα
α»ααααααααΆα ααα»ααααβα’αΆα
βα²ααβα’αααβααααΎαααΎαβααα‘αΎαβαα½αααΆβααΆα + .accesskey = C + +update-application-manual = + .label = αα»αβαα·αα·αααααΎαβαα
α»ααααααααΆαβα²ααβααα (αα·αβααααΆαβα²ααβααααΎβααΌα
ααααβαα) + .accesskey = N + +update-application-use-service = + .label = ααααΎβααααΆβααααβααΆαααααα ααΎααααΈβααα‘αΎαβαα
α»ααααααααΆα + .accesskey = b + +## General Section - Performance + +performance-title = ααααΎαααΆα + +performance-use-recommended-settings-checkbox = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαβαααααβααααΎαααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααΆα + .accesskey = U + +performance-use-recommended-settings-desc = ααΆαβαααααβααΆαααααβααΊβααααΌαααααΆβαα
βααΉαβαααααβααΉα αα·αβααααααααβααααα·ααααα·ααΆαβααβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααα + +performance-settings-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +performance-allow-hw-accel = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαβαααααΎαβααααΏαβαααααβααΉα αα
βααααΎβααΆα + .accesskey = α + +performance-limit-content-process-option = ααααααααβααααΎαααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆ + .accesskey = L + +performance-limit-content-process-enabled-desc = ααααΎαααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆβααααααβα’αΆα
αααΎα ααα»ααααβααΆβααΉαβααααΎβα’αααβα
αααΎαβαααα +performance-limit-content-process-blocked-desc = ααΆαβααααααβα
ααα½αβααααΎαααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆ ααΊβα’αΆα
βααΆαααβααΆαα½α { -brand-short-name } αα α»βααααΎαααΆαβααα»αααααα <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">ααααααααβααΈβααααβαα·αα·αααααΎα ααααα·αααΎβααΆαβααΎαβαα α»βααααΎαααΆα</a> + +# Variables: +# $num - default value of the `dom.ipc.processCount` pref. +performance-default-content-process-count = + .label = { $num } (ααααΆαααΎα) + +## General Section - Browsing + +browsing-title = ααβααΎα + +browsing-use-autoscroll = + .label = ααααΎβαααα·αβααααααααααααα· + .accesskey = a + +browsing-use-smooth-scrolling = + .label = βααααΎβαααΌαβαααΌα + .accesskey = m + +browsing-use-onscreen-keyboard = + .label = αααα αΆαβααααΆαα
α + .accesskey = k + +browsing-use-cursor-navigation = + .label = ααααΎβααααΆααβα
βααΎααααΈβαα»αααβαααα»αβααααα + .accesskey = c + +browsing-search-on-start-typing = + .label = αααααααββα’αααα αα
αΆααααααΎαβααΆα + .accesskey = x + +browsing-cfr-recommendations-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +## General Section - Proxy + +network-settings-title = ααΆααααααβαααααΆα + +network-proxy-connection-description = ααααααα
ααΆααααααααααααααα { -brand-short-name } αααααΆαααα
α’ααΈαααΊαα·α + +network-proxy-connection-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +network-proxy-connection-settings = + .label = ααΆαβαααααβ¦ + .accesskey = e + +## Home Section + +home-new-windows-tabs-header = ααΈαααΌ αα·αααααΆααααααΈ + +home-new-windows-tabs-description2 = ααααΎαα’αααΈαααα’αααααΎααα
αααα’αααααΎαααα ααααα, ααΈαααΌααααΈ, αα·αααααΆααααααΈα + +## Home Section - Home Page Customization + +home-homepage-mode-label = αααααααΎα αα·αααΈαααΌααααΈ + +home-newtabs-mode-label = ααααΆααααααΈ + +home-restore-defaults = + .label = ααααΆαβααααΆαβααΎα + .accesskey = R + +home-mode-choice-custom = + .label = URL ααααΆαααααα½αβ¦ + +home-mode-choice-blank = + .label = αααααααα + +home-homepage-custom-url = + .placeholder = ααΆααβα
αΌα URLβ¦ + +# This string has a special case for '1' and [other] (default). If necessary for +# your language, you can add {$tabCount} to your translations and use the +# standard CLDR forms, or only use the form for [other] if both strings should +# be identical. +use-current-pages = + .label = + { $tabCount -> + [1] ααααΎβαααααβαα
α»αααααα + *[other] ααααΎβαααααβαα
α»αααααα + } + .accesskey = α + +choose-bookmark = + .label = ααααΎβα
αααΆαβ¦ + .accesskey = α
+ +## Home Section - Firefox Home Content Customization + +home-prefs-search-header = + .label = ααΆααααααααααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α + +## Variables: +## $provider (String): Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". + + +## Variables: +## $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". + +home-prefs-recommended-by-header = + .label = ααΆαααααΆαααα { $provider } + +## + +home-prefs-recommended-by-learn-more = ααααβαααβααΆβααααΎαααΆα +home-prefs-recommended-by-option-sponsored-stories = + .label = ααΏααααΆααααααΆαα§ααααααα + +home-prefs-highlights-option-visited-pages = + .label = αααααβαααβααΆαβααααααΆ +home-prefs-highlights-options-bookmarks = + .label = α
αααΆα +home-prefs-highlights-option-most-recent-download = + .label = ααΆαααΆαααααααΈαααα»α +home-prefs-highlights-option-saved-to-pocket = + .label = ααααααααααΆααααααΆαα»ααα
{ -pocket-brand-name } + +# For the "Snippets" feature traditionally on about:home. +# Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or something that +# expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from something else, +# and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless. +home-prefs-snippets-header = + .label = α’ααααααααααα + +home-prefs-sections-rows-option = + .label = + { $num -> + *[other] { $num } αα½α + } + +## Search Section + +search-bar-header = αααΆαααααααα +search-bar-hidden = + .label = ααααΎααααΆααβαααΆα’αΆααααααΆααααααΆααααΆαααααααα αα·ααα»ααα +search-bar-shown = + .label = αααα
αααα»ααααΆαα§ααααα + +search-engine-default-header = αααΆαααΈαβαααααααβααααΆαααΎα + +search-suggestions-option = + .label = αααα αΆαβααΆαβαααααβαααααβααααααα + .accesskey = α + +search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option = + .label = αααα αΆαααΆαααααΆαβααααααααα
αααα»ααααααααααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα + .accesskey = I + + +# This string describes what the user will observe when the system +# prioritizes search suggestions over browsing history in the results +# that extend down from the address bar. In the original English string, +# "ahead" refers to location (appearing most proximate to), not time +# (appearing before). +search-show-suggestions-above-history-option = + .label = αααα αΆαααΆαααααΆαβααααααααα»ααααααααα·ααΆααα»ααααα
αααα»αααααααβααΎβαααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα + +search-suggestions-cant-show = ααααΎβαααααααβααΉαββαα·αβαααα αΆαβαα
βαααα»αβααααααβαααΆαβααΈααΆααββαα αααααβα’αααβααΆαβαααααβαα
ααΆαααααααα { -brand-short-name } αα·αβαααβα²ααβα
αΆαβαααααααα·α + +search-one-click-desc = ααααΎαααΎαβαααΆαααΈαβαααααααβαααα½αβαααβαααα αΆαβαα
βααΆααααααβαααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα αα·αβαααΆααααααααβαα
αΌαβααΆααααααααΉαα + +search-choose-engine-column = + .label = αααΆαααΈαβααααααα +search-choose-keyword-column = + .label = ααΆαααβαααααΉα + +search-restore-default = + .label = ααααΆαβαααΆαααΈαβαααααααααααΆαααΎα + .accesskey = α + +search-remove-engine = + .label = ααβα
αα... + .accesskey = α + +search-find-more-link = αααααΆαααΈαααααααααααααα + +# This warning is displayed when the chosen keyword is already in use +# ('Duplicate' is an adjective) +search-keyword-warning-title = ααΆαααβαααααΉαβαααα½α +# Variables: +# $name (String) - Name of a search engine. +search-keyword-warning-engine = α’αααβααΆαααααΎαβααΎαβααΆαααβαααααΉα αααβαα
α»ααααααβαααββββαααα»αβααααΎβααα "{ $name }"α ααΌαβααααΎαααΎαβααΆαααβαααααΉαβαααααβαααα +search-keyword-warning-bookmark = α’αααβααΆαβααααΎαααΎαβααΆαααβαααααΉαβαααβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβαα
αααΆαΒ α ααΌαβααααΎαβαα½αβαααααβαααΒ α + +## Containers Section + +containers-header = ααααΆααβαααα’ααβαααα»α +containers-add-button = + .label = ααααααβαααα’ααβαααα»αβααααΈ + .accesskey = A + +containers-remove-button = + .label = αα»αβα
αα + +## Firefox Account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox Account" are now +## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). + + +## Firefox account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox account" are now +## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). + +sync-signedout-caption = ααβαααααΆαβααααβα’αααβααΆαα½αβα’ααα + +# This message contains two links and two icon images. +# `<img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/>` - Android logo icon +# `<a data-l10n-name="android-link">` - Link to Android Download +# `<img data-l10n-name="ios-icon">` - iOS logo icon +# `<a data-l10n-name="ios-link">` - Link to iOS Download +# +# They can be moved within the sentence as needed to adapt +# to your language, but should not be changed or translated. +sync-mobile-promo = ααΆαβααβ Firefox αααααΆααβ<img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="android-link">Android</a> α¬ <img data-l10n-name="ios-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="ios-link">iOS</a>ααααΎβααβααΆαβααααββα§αααααβα
αααβααααβα’αααα + +## Firefox Account - Signed in + + +## Firefox account - Signed in + +sync-profile-picture = + .tooltiptext = ααααΌαββααΌαβααααΌβα αααΆαα + +sync-manage-account = αααααααααβααααΈ + .accesskey = o + +## Variables +## $email (string) - Email used for Firefox account + +sync-signedin-unverified = { $email } αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααααααΆααα +sync-signedin-login-failure = ααΌαβα
αΌαβααΎααααΈβαααααΆααβα‘αΎαβαα·α { $email } + +## + +sync-resend-verification = + .label = ααααΎααΆααααααααααΆααααααααα + .accesskey = α + +sync-remove-account = + .label = αα»αβααααΈ + .accesskey = R + +sync-sign-in = + .label = α
αΌα + .accesskey = g + +## Sync section - enabling or disabling sync. + + +## The list of things currently syncing. + + +## The "Choose what to sync" dialog. + +sync-engine-bookmarks = + .label = α
αααΆα + .accesskey = m + +sync-engine-history = + .label = αααααααα· + .accesskey = r + +sync-engine-tabs = + .label = ααααΆαααααααΎα + .tooltiptext = αααααΈα’αααΈαααααΆαααΎααα
ααΎα§ααααααααααΆαααααΎααααΆαααααααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = α + +sync-engine-addresses = + .label = α’αΆααααααΆα + .tooltiptext = α’αΆααααααΆααααααααΈαααααα’αααααΆααααααΆαα»α (αααααα»ααααα»ααααα) + .accesskey = α + +sync-engine-creditcards = + .label = ααΆαβα₯αααΆα + .tooltiptext = ααααα, ααα αα·αααΆαααα·α
αααααα»αααααα (αααααα»ααααα»ααααα) + .accesskey = α + +sync-engine-addons = + .label = αααααα·ααΈβαααααα + .tooltiptext = ααααααααααααα·ααα
ααΆααααααααααΆαα Firefox αααααα» + .accesskey = α + +## The device name controls. + +sync-device-name-header = αααααβα§ααααα + +sync-device-name-change = + .label = ααααΌαβαααααβα§αααααβ¦ + .accesskey = h + +sync-device-name-cancel = + .label = αααααα + .accesskey = n + +sync-device-name-save = + .label = αααααΆβαα»α + .accesskey = v + +## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the +## user requests we resend a verification email. + +sync-verification-sent-title = ααΆαβααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆαα +# Variables: +# $email (String): Email address of user's Firefox account. +sync-verification-sent-body = αααβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβααααΌαααΆαβααααΎβαα
{ $email }Β α +sync-verification-not-sent-title = αα·αβα’αΆα
βααααΎβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβααΆαβαα +sync-verification-not-sent-body = ααΎαβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαααβααα ααΌαββααααΆααΆαβααααβαααβαα
βαααβαααααα + +## Privacy Section + +privacy-header = α―αααααΆαβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααΆαβα’ααΈαααΊαα·α + +## Privacy Section - Logins and Passwords + +# Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords. +forms-ask-to-save-logins = + .label = ααααΎα±αααααααΆαα»αααΆαα
αΌααα·αααΆααααααααΆαααααααΆαααααααΆα + .accesskey = α +forms-exceptions = + .label = ααααΈβααΎααααβ¦ + .accesskey = x + +forms-saved-logins = + .label = ααΆαβα
αΌαβαααβααΆαβαααααΆαα»α... + .accesskey = L +forms-master-pw-change = + .label = ααααΆααααααΌαβααΆαααβαααααΆααβααβ¦ + .accesskey = M + +forms-master-pw-fips-desc = ααΆαβαααΆαααβαααα»αβααΆαβααααΆααααααΌαβααΆααααααααΆαα + +## OS Authentication dialog + + +## Privacy Section - History + +history-header = αααααααα· + +# This label is followed, on the same line, by a dropdown list of options +# (Remember history, etc.). +# In English it visually creates a full sentence, e.g. +# "Firefox will" + "Remember history". +# +# If this doesn't work for your language, you can translate this message: +# - Simply as "Firefox", moving the verb into each option. +# This will result in "Firefox" + "Will remember history", etc. +# - As a stand-alone message, for example "Firefox history settings:". +history-remember-label = { -brand-short-name } ααΉα + .accesskey = w + +history-remember-option-all = + .label = α
αΆαβαααααααα· +history-remember-option-never = + .label = αα»αβα
αΆαβαααααααα· +history-remember-option-custom = + .label = ααααΎβααΆαβαααααβααααΆαααααα½αβαααααΆααβαααααααα· + +history-remember-description = { -brand-short-name } ααΉαα
αΆαααΆααα»ααα ααΆαααΆααα αααα»αααααα αα·ααααααααα·αααααααααααα’αααα +history-dontremember-description = { -brand-short-name } ααΉαβααααΎβααΆαβαααααβααΌα
βααααΆβααΆβααΆαββααβααΎαβα―ααα α αΎαβααΉαβαα·αβα
αΆαβαααααααα·βααΆαα½α αααβαααβα’αααβααβααΎαβαααααβαααααΆαβαααβααΒ α + +history-private-browsing-permanent = + .label = ααααΎβααααβααααΎαβα―αααβααΆαα·α
+ .accesskey = α + +history-remember-browser-option = + .label = α
αΆαβαααααααα·βααΆααααα·αβααΆαβαα»αααβ + .accesskey = α + +history-remember-search-option = + .label = α
αΆαβαααααααα·βααααααα αα·αβαααα»αβααααα + .accesskey = α + +history-clear-on-close-option = + .label = αααα’αΆααααααααα·βαα
βααα { -brand-short-name } αα·α + .accesskey = α + +history-clear-on-close-settings = + .label = αααα»αβαααααβ¦ + .accesskey = α + +history-clear-button = + .label = αααα’αΆααααααααα·... + .accesskey = s + +## Privacy Section - Site Data + +sitedata-header = ααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααβααα ααααα + +sitedata-total-size-calculating = αααα»αααααΆαα·ααααααααααααααααΆα αα·αααα αααααΆαααααααΆααβ¦ + +# Variables: +# $value (Number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500) +# $unit (String) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB") +sitedata-total-size = αα»αααΈ αα·αααααααα·αααΆα αα·αααααΆαααααααΆαααααααΆααααα»αααααα’ααααα
α»αααααααααα»αααααΎααα αααΆα { $value } { $unit }α + +sitedata-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +# This label means 'type of content that is blocked', and is followed by a drop-down list with content types below. +# The list items are the strings named sitedata-block-*-option*. +sitedata-block-desc = ααααααααααΉαααααΆαααααΆααααααααΆαα + .accesskey = T + +sitedata-clear = + .label = αααα’αΆααα·αααααα... + .accesskey = l + +sitedata-settings = + .label = ααααααααααα·αααααα... + .accesskey = M + +## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Handling + + +## Privacy Section - Address Bar + +addressbar-header = αααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα + +addressbar-suggest = αα
αααααααΎααααΆααβαααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα ααααΆα + +addressbar-locbar-history-option = + .label = αααααααα·ααΆααα»ααα + .accesskey = h +addressbar-locbar-bookmarks-option = + .label = α
αααΆα + .accesskey = k +addressbar-locbar-openpage-option = + .label = ααΎαβααααΆαα + .accesskey = O + +addressbar-suggestions-settings = ααααΌαβα
α·αααβαααααΆααβααΆαβααααΎβαααΆαααΈαβααααααα + +## Privacy Section - Content Blocking + +content-blocking-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα + +## These strings are used to define the different levels of +## Enhanced Tracking Protection. + +# "Standard" in this case is an adjective, meaning "default" or "normal". +enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-standard = + .label = αααααααΆ + .accesskey = d +enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-custom = + .label = ααααΆαααααα½α + .accesskey = C + +## + + +# The tcp-rollout strings are no longer used for the rollout but for tcp-by-default in the standard section + +content-blocking-cookies-label = + .label = βααΌααΈ + .accesskey = α + +## Privacy Section - Tracking + + +## Privacy Section - Permissions + +permissions-header = ααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆα + +permissions-location = ααΈααΆαα +permissions-location-settings = + .label = ααΆαααααα... + .accesskey = t + +permissions-camera = ααΆαααααΆ +permissions-camera-settings = + .label = ααΆαβααααα... + .accesskey = t + +permissions-microphone = ααΈααααΌα αααΌα +permissions-microphone-settings = + .label = ααΆαααααα... + .accesskey = t + +permissions-notification = ααΆαβααΌαααααΉα +permissions-notification-settings = + .label = ααΆαααααα... + .accesskey = t +permissions-notification-link = ααααααααβαααααα + +permissions-notification-pause = + .label = ααα’αΆαααΆαααΌαααααΉααα αΌαααα { -brand-short-name } α
αΆααααααΎαα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = n + +permissions-block-popups = + .label = αααααααΆααββαααα’α½α
βα‘αΎα + .accesskey = α + +permissions-addon-install-warning = + .label = αααααΆαα’ααααα
αααααα αααααααααΆααΆαααα‘αΎααααααα·ααΈαααααα + .accesskey = W + +permissions-addon-exceptions = + .label = ααααΈβααΎααααβ¦ + .accesskey = E + +## Privacy Section - Data Collection + +collection-header = ααΆααααααΌα αα·αααΆαααααΎααααΆαααα·αααααα { -brand-short-name } + +collection-description = ααΎααα·ααααααααααΌαα’αααααΌααααααΎα αα·ααααααΌαααβα’αααΈαααααΎαααααΌαααΆα ααΎααααΈααααα αα·ααααααα’ { -brand-short-name } αααααΆααααα»ααααααααααααΆββααα»αααααα ααΎαααααααα»αααΆαα’αα»ααααΆα αα»ααααααα½αααΆαααααααΆαααααΆαααααα½αα +collection-privacy-notice = ααΆαααΌαααααΉαβα’αααΈβα―αααααΆα + +collection-health-report = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆαα²αα { -brand-short-name } ααααΎαα·αααααααα
ααααα αα·αα’αααααααααα
{ -vendor-short-name } + .accesskey = r +collection-health-report-link = ααααααααββαααααα + +# This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds +# or builds with no Telemetry support available. +collection-health-report-disabled = ααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβαα·ααααααβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αβαααααΆααβααΆαβαααααβαα
ααΆααααααααβααααβααα + +## Privacy Section - Security +## +## It is important that wording follows the guidelines outlined on this page: +## https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/developers_guide_v2#AcceptableUsage + +security-header = αα»ααααα·ααΆα + +security-browsing-protection = ααΆαααΆαααΆαααααΉαααΆα αα·ααααααααααααααΆαααΆααααααααααΆαα + +security-enable-safe-browsing = + .label = αααααααΆααβααΆαα·ααΆβαααβααΆαβααΆαβαααααααααΆααβαα·αβααΆαβαααααα + .accesskey = B +security-enable-safe-browsing-link = ααααααααβαααααα + +security-block-downloads = + .label = αααααααΆααβααΆαβααΆαααβαααβαααααααααΆαα + .accesskey = d + +security-block-uncommon-software = + .label = αααααΆαβα’αααβα’αααΈβαααααα·ααΈβαααβαα·αβααααααΆ α¬βαα·αβα
ααααΆα + .accesskey = C + +## Privacy Section - Certificates + +certs-header = αα·ααααΆαααααα + +certs-enable-ocsp = + .label = αααΆαααΈαβααβαααααα·ααΈβααααΎααα OCSP ααααΌαβαααααΆααβααΆαβααααΉαααααΌαβααβαα·ααααΆααααααβαα
α»αααααα + .accesskey = Q + +certs-view = + .label = ααΎαβαα·ααααΆααααααβ¦ + .accesskey = C + +certs-devices = + .label = α§αααααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβ¦ + .accesskey = D + +## Privacy Section - HTTPS-Only + + +## DoH Section + + +## The following strings are used in the Download section of settings + +desktop-folder-name = αααααα» +downloads-folder-name = ααΆαβαα +choose-download-folder-title = ααααΎαβααβααΆαβααΒ α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95eddffdd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +select-bookmark-window2 = + .title = αααααβααα ααααα + .style = min-width: 32em; + +select-bookmark-desc = ααααΎαβα
αααΆαβαα½α ααΎααααΈβαααααββααΆβααα αααααβααααα’ααα α ααααα·αβααΎβα’αααβααααΎαβααβαα½α α
βαααα»αβααβααα ααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβααΎαβαα
αααΎα α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65f75d107f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## Settings + +site-data-settings-window = + .title = αααααααααααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααβααα ααααα + +site-data-search-textbox = + .placeholder = αααααααβαααααΆα + .accesskey = S + +site-data-column-host = + .label = αααααΆα +site-data-column-cookies = + .label = ααΌααΈ +site-data-column-storage = + .label = ααααααβαααα»α +site-data-column-last-used = + .label = ααΆαβααααΎβα
α»αααααα + +# This label is used in the "Host" column for local files, which have no host. +site-data-local-file-host = (α―αααΆαααΌαααααΆα) + +site-data-remove-selected = + .label = αα»αβα’αααΈβαααβααΆαβααααΎα + .accesskey = r + +site-data-settings-dialog = + .buttonlabelaccept = αααααΆαα»αβααΆαβααααΆααααααΌα + .buttonaccesskeyaccept = a + +# Variables: +# $value (Number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500) +# $unit (String) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB") +site-storage-usage = + .value = { $value } { $unit } +site-storage-persistent = + .value = { site-storage-usage.value } (ααα) + +site-data-remove-all = + .label = αα»αβα
ααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = e + +site-data-remove-shown = + .label = αα»αβα
ααβααΆααα’ααβαααβααΆαβαααα αΆα + .accesskey = e + +## Removing + +site-data-removing-dialog = + .title = { site-data-removing-header } + .buttonlabelaccept = αα»α + +site-data-removing-header = ααΆααα»αα
ααααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααααα ααααα + +site-data-removing-desc = ααΆααα»αααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααβααα αααααβα’αΆα
ααααΈβααα αααααα ααΎα’αααααααΆααααΆα’αααα
ααααααΎααΆαααααΆααααααΌααα? + +site-data-removing-table = ααΌααΈ αα·ααα·ααααααβααα αααααβαααααΆααααααααααααΆαααΆααααααααΉαααααΌαααΆααα»αα
αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51799f9264 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +translation-window2 = + .title = ααααΈβααΎαααα - ααΆαβαααααα + .style = min-width: 36em + +translation-close-key = + .key = w + +translation-languages-disabled-desc = ααΆαβααααααβααΉαβαα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβα²ααβαααααΆααβααΆααΆβααΆαααααα + +translation-languages-column = + .label = ααΆααΆ + +translation-languages-button-remove = + .label = αα»αβααΆααΆβα
αα + .accesskey = R + +translation-languages-button-remove-all = + .label = αα»αβααΆααΆβααΆααα’ααβα
αα + .accesskey = e + +translation-sites-disabled-desc = ααΆαβααααααβααΉαβαα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβα²ααβαααααΆααββααα αααααββααΌα
βααΆαααααα + +translation-sites-column = + .label = ααα ααααα + +translation-sites-button-remove = + .label = αα»αβαααααβαααααΆαβα
αα + .accesskey = S + +translation-sites-button-remove-all = + .label = αα»αβαααααβαααααΆαβααΆααα’ααβα
αα + .accesskey = i + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/protections.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/protections.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6083f97e11 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/protections.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This string is used to label the X axis of a graph. Other days of the week are generated via Intl.DateTimeFormat, +# capitalization for this string should match the output for your locale. +graph-today = ααααααα + +social-tab-title = α’αααααΆαααΆααααααααααααααΆαααααα + +tracker-tab-title = αααα»αααΆαααΆαααααΉαααΆα + +fingerprinter-tab-title = ααααΆαβααααΆααα + +## The title attribute is used to display the type of protection. +## The aria-label is spoken by screen readers to make the visual graph accessible to blind users. +## +## Variables: +## $count (Number) - Number of specific trackers +## $percentage (Number) - Percentage this type of tracker contributes to the whole graph + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db1d2914e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## These strings are used to define the different levels of +## Enhanced Tracking Protection. + + +## + + +## The "Allowed" header also includes a "Why?" link that, when hovered, shows +## a tooltip explaining why these items were not blocked in the page. + + +## + + +## In the protections panel, Content Blocking category items are in three sections: +## "Blocked" for categories being blocked in the current page, +## "Allowed" for categories detected but not blocked in the current page, and +## "None Detected" for categories not detected in the current page. +## These strings are used in the header labels of each of these sections. + + +## + + +## In the Site Not Working? view, we suggest turning off protections if +## the user is experiencing issues with any of a variety of functionality. + + +## + +protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-cancel = + .label = αααααα +protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-send-report = + .label = ααααΎβαααΆαααΆααα + +# Cookie Banner Handling + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b1af45d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## These strings are used in the main menu, +## and should follow the same capitalization (title case for English). +## Check menubar.ftl for reference. + + +## These strings are used in the app menu, +## and should follow the same capitalization (sentence case for English). +## Check appmenu.ftl for reference. + +recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-tabs = ααααΆαααααΆααααΆααα’ααααααααα +recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-windows = ααααΆαααααΆαααααα’α½α
ααΆααα’αα + +## + +# Variables: +# $tabCount (Number): Number of other tabs +# $winTitle (String): Window title +recently-closed-undo-close-window-label = + { $tabCount -> + [0] { $winTitle } + *[other] { $winTitle } (αα·αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } αααααβααα) + } diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9505166e76 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +refresh-profile = + .label = αααα»α { -brand-short-name } α‘αΎαβαα·α +# Shown on the safe mode dialog after multiple startup crashes. +auto-safe-mode-description = { -brand-short-name } ααΆαβαα·αβαααβαα·αβααααΉαβαα»αβαα
αΆααααααΎαα ααΆβα’αΆα
βαααααΆαααααΈβα§αααααβαααααα α¬βαααα αΆβααααααααα α’αααβα’αΆα
βααΆαααααβαααααααΆαβαααα αΆβαααβααΆαβαααββααΆαβαααααααΆαβαα
βαααα»αβααααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5cd369c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +safeb-blocked-phishing-page-title = ααα αααααβααααααααΆααα»α +safeb-blocked-malware-page-title = ααΆαααααααΆαα·αααΆααααββα’αΆα
βα’αΆαβααΆααβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’ααα +safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-title = αα·αααΆαβααΆαβαα»αβα’αΆα
βααΆααααααα·ααΈαααααααααααααΆαα +safeb-blocked-harmful-page-title = αα·αααΆαββααΆαβαα»αβα’αΆα
βααΆαβαααα»αβααααα +safeb-palm-advisory-desc = ααα
ααααΈααααΆαααα <a data-l10n-name='advisory_provider'>{ $advisoryname }</a>α +safeb-palm-accept-label = ααβααααα +safeb-palm-see-details-label = ααΎαααααααΆααααα’α·α + +## Variables +## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page + +## + +## Variables +## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page + +## + +## Variables +## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page + +## + +## Variables +## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page + +## + +safeb-palm-notdeceptive = + .label = αααβαα·ααααβααΆβαααααΆαβααααααβααβ¦ + .accesskey = d diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bde9589ef --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +sanitize-prefs2 = + .title = ααΆαβαααααβαααααΆααβαααααβαααααααα· + .style = min-width: 34em + +sanitize-prefs-style = + .style = width: 17em + +sanitize-dialog-title = + .title = αααα’αΆαββαααααααα·βααααΈα + .style = min-width: 34em + +# When "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything", this message is used for the +# title instead of dialog-title. +sanitize-dialog-title-everything = + .title = αααα’αΆαβαααααααα·βααΆααβα’αα + .style = min-width: 34em + +clear-data-settings-label = αααβαα·α { -brand-short-name } βαα½αβααβαααα’αΆαβααΆααα’ααβαααβαααααβαααααααα· + +## clear-time-duration-prefix is followed by a dropdown list, with +## values localized using clear-time-duration-value-* messages. +## clear-time-duration-suffix is left empty in English, but can be +## used in other languages to change the structure of the message. +## +## This results in English: +## Time range to clear: (Last Hour, Today, etc.) + +clear-time-duration-prefix = + .value = αααααααΆβααααΌαβαααα’αΆαΒ α + .accesskey = α + +clear-time-duration-value-last-hour = + .label = ααααβα
α»αααααα + +clear-time-duration-value-last-2-hours = + .label = ααΈαβααααβα
α»αααααα + +clear-time-duration-value-last-4-hours = + .label = αα½αβααααβα
α»αααααα + +clear-time-duration-value-today = + .label = ααααβααα + +clear-time-duration-value-everything = + .label = α’αααΈβααΆααα’αα + +clear-time-duration-suffix = + .value = { "" } + +## These strings are used as section comments and checkboxes +## to select the items to remove + +history-section-label = αααααααα· + +item-history-and-downloads = + .label = ααααΎα & αααααααα·βααΆαβαα + .accesskey = B + +item-cookies = + .label = ααΌααΈ + .accesskey = α + +item-active-logins = + .label = ααΆαβα
αΌαβααααα + .accesskey = α + +item-cache = + .label = ααααΆααβαααααΆαα + .accesskey = α + +item-form-search-history = + .label = αααααα & αααααααα·βααααααα + .accesskey = F + +data-section-label = αα·αααααα + +item-offline-apps = + .label = αα·ααααααβαααααβαααααΆαβαααα
βαααααΆα + .accesskey = α + +sanitize-everything-undo-warning = αααααααΆαβαααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαα·αβααααΎβα‘αΎααα·αβααΆαβααΒ α + +window-close = + .key = w + +sanitize-button-ok = + .label = αααα’αΆαβα₯α‘αΌαααα + +# The label for the default button between the user clicking it and the window +# closing. Indicates the items are being cleared. +sanitize-button-clearing = + .label = αααα’αΆα + +# Warning that appears when "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear +# Recent History dialog, provided that the user has not modified the default set +# of history items to clear. +sanitize-everything-warning = αααααααα·βααΆααα’ααβααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα’αΆαα + +# Warning that appears when "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear +# Recent History dialog, provided that the user has modified the default set of +# history items to clear. +sanitize-selected-warning = ααΆαα»βαααβααΆαβααααΎαβααΆααα’ααβααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα’αΆαα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b31c712c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +screenshots-cancel-button = αααααα +screenshots-download-button = ααΆααα +screenshots-copy-button = α
αααα + +screenshots-meta-key = + { PLATFORM() -> + [macos] β + *[other] Ctrl + } + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/search.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/search.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..970efd470f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/search.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +## These strings are used for errors when installing OpenSearch engines, e.g. +## via "Add Search Engine" on the address bar or search bar. +## Variables +## $location-url (String) - the URL of the OpenSearch engine that was attempted to be installed. + +opensearch-error-duplicate-title = ααα α»αβααα‘αΎα +opensearch-error-duplicate-desc = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααα½αβαααααααβααΈ "{ $location-url }" ααΆαβαα ααΈαααααβααΆαβαααΆαααΈαβαααβααΆαβαααααβααΌα
βα αΎαΒ α + +opensearch-error-format-title = ααααααβαα·αβααααΉαααααΌα +opensearch-error-format-desc = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
ααααΈα { $location-url } ααΆαβαα + +opensearch-error-download-title = ααα α»αβααΆαβαα +opensearch-error-download-desc = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
βααΆαβααβαααααα·ααΈβαααα½αβαααααααβααΈΒ α { $location-url } + +## + +searchbar-submit = + .tooltiptext = ααΆααβααααΎβααΆαβααααααα + +# This string is displayed in the search box when the input field is empty +searchbar-input = + .placeholder = ααααααα + +searchbar-icon = + .tooltiptext = ααααααα + +## Infobar shown when search engine is removed and replaced. +## Variables +## $oldEngine (String) - the search engine to be removed. +## $newEngine (String) - the search engine to replace the removed search engine. + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9096f1a6ad --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +set-desktop-background-window = + .title = αααααβααααβααΆαβαααααβααααββαααααα» + +set-desktop-background-accept = + .label = αααααβααααβααΆαβαααααβααααββαααααα» + +open-desktop-prefs = + .label = ααΎαβα
α·αααβαααααα» + +set-background-color = αααΒ α + +set-background-position = ααΈααΆααΒ α + +set-background-tile = + .label = αααα‘αΆβααααΏα + +set-background-center = + .label = αααααΆα + +set-background-stretch = + .label = ααΆαβα²ααβααα + +set-background-fill = + .label = ααααα + +set-background-fit = + .label = αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/shopping.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/shopping.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/shopping.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08ef4c8334 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +sidebar-menu-bookmarks = + .label = α
αααΆα + +sidebar-menu-history = + .label = αααααααα· + +sidebar-menu-synced-tabs = + .label = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆααααα + +sidebar-menu-close = + .label = αα·αβαααΆαβα
αα αα + +sidebar-close-button = + .tooltiptext = αα·αβαααΆαβα
αα αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a73d41cd5b --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +tracking-protection-icon-active-container = + .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-active } +tracking-protection-icon-disabled-container = + .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-disabled } +tracking-protection-icon-no-trackers-detected-container = + .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-no-trackers-detected } + +## Variables: +## $host (String): the site's hostname + + +## Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel + + +## Footer and Milestones sections in the Protections Panel +## Variables: +## $trackerCount (Number): number of trackers blocked +## $date (Date): the date on which we started counting + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/sync.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sync.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4772b58c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/sync.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This is shown dynamically within "Send tab to device" in fxa menu. +fxa-menu-send-tab-to-device-syncnotready = + .label = αααα»αβααααΎβααααΆαααααβα§αααααβ¦ + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5bee8e509 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +synced-tabs-sidebar-title = ααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆααααα +synced-tabs-sidebar-noclients-subtitle = ααΎβα’αααβα
βααΈαααβαα? +synced-tabs-sidebar-unverified = ααααΈβααααβα’αααβααααΌαβααααΎβααΆααααααααααΆααα +synced-tabs-sidebar-notabs = ααααΆαααααΆααααΎααα +synced-tabs-sidebar-tabsnotsyncing = ααΎαααΆαααααΎααααΆαααααααααΆααααΎααααΈααΎααααααΈααααααΆααααΆααα‘αΆαααΈα§αααααααααααααααααα’αααα +synced-tabs-sidebar-connect-another-device = ααααΆααβα§αααααβααααα +synced-tabs-sidebar-search = + .placeholder = ααααΆααβααΆαβααααΎβααααΆαααααβααΆααααααααβ + +## Displayed in the Synced Tabs sidebar's context menu when right-clicking tabs +## and/or devices in the list. The "Open" strings below should be translated +## consistently with the equivalent strings for the bookmarks manager's context +## menu. That menu is activated by right-clicking a bookmark in the Library +## window. The bookmarks manager context's strings are located in places.ftl. + +synced-tabs-context-open = + .label = ααΎα + .accesskey = O + +## + +synced-tabs-context-copy = + .label = α
αααα + .accesskey = C +synced-tabs-context-open-all-in-tabs = + .label = ααΎαβααΆααα’ααβαααα»αβααααΆαα + .accesskey = O +synced-tabs-context-manage-devices = + .label = αααααααααβα§αααααβ¦ + .accesskey = D +synced-tabs-context-sync-now = + .label = ααααΎβααααΆαααααβα₯α‘αΌα + .accesskey = S diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0bab3329ae --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +reload-tab = + .label = αααα»αααααΆααα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R +select-all-tabs = + .label = ααααΎαααΎαβααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = S +tab-context-play-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααα + .accesskey = P +duplicate-tab = + .label = αααα½αβααααΆαα + .accesskey = D +close-tabs-to-the-end = + .label = αα·αβααααΆααβαα
βααΆαααααΆα + .accesskey = i +close-other-tabs = + .label = αα·αβααααΆααβαααααααα + .accesskey = o +reload-tabs = + .label = αααα»αβααααΆααβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R +pin-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααααΆαα + .accesskey = P +unpin-tab = + .label = αααββααααΆααβααααΆαα + .accesskey = b +pin-selected-tabs = + .label = ααααΆααβααααΆαα + .accesskey = P +unpin-selected-tabs = + .label = αααααααΆααααααΆαα + .accesskey = p +bookmark-selected-tabs = + .label = α
αααΆαααααΆααβ¦ + .accesskey = B +move-to-start = + .label = ααααΆααααΈβαα
αΆααααααΎα + .accesskey = S +move-to-end = + .label = ααααΆααααΈβαα
α»α + .accesskey = E +move-to-new-window = + .label = ααααΆααααΈβαα
βααααΈ + .accesskey = W + +## Variables: +## $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs that are affected by the action. + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..579fb0329d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +tabbrowser-empty-tab-title = ααααΆααβααααΈ + +tabbrowser-menuitem-close-tab = + .label = αα·αβααααΆαα +tabbrowser-menuitem-close = + .label = αα·α + +# Displayed as a tooltip on container tabs +# Variables: +# $title (String): the title of the current tab. +# $containerName (String): the name of the current container. +tabbrowser-container-tab-title = { $title } - { $containerName } + +## Tooltips for tab audio control +## Variables: +## $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs that will be affected. + + +## Confirmation dialog when closing a window with more than one tab open, +## or when quitting when only one window is open. + +tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-button = αα·αβααααΆαα + +## Confirmation dialog when quitting using the menu and multiple windows are open. + + +## Confirmation dialog when quitting using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd+Q) +## Windows does not show a prompt on quit when using the keyboard shortcut by default. + + +## Confirmation dialog when opening multiple tabs simultaneously + +tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-title = α’αα’αΆαβααΆαβααΎα +tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-button = ααΎαβααααΆαα + +## Confirmation dialog for enabling caret browsing + + +## + +tabbrowser-customizemode-tab-title = ααααΌαβααΆαβαααα { -brand-short-name } + +## Context menu buttons, of which only one will be visible at a time + +tabbrowser-context-mute-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβαα·αβααα‘αα + .accesskey = M +tabbrowser-context-unmute-tab = + .label = ααααΆααβααΎαβααα‘αα + .accesskey = m + +## Ctrl-Tab dialog + +# Variables: +# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs in the current browser window. It will always be 2 at least. +tabbrowser-ctrl-tab-list-all-tabs = + .label = ααΆααααααΈβααααΆαα { $tabCount } ααΆααα’αα + +## Tab manager menu buttons + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85ac6c146c --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +toolbar-context-menu-reload-selected-tab = + .label = αααα»αβααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎαααΎαβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R +toolbar-context-menu-reload-selected-tabs = + .label = αααα»αβααααΆααβαααβααΆαβααααΎαααΎαβα‘αΎααα·α + .accesskey = R +toolbar-context-menu-select-all-tabs = + .label = ααααΎαααΎαβααααΆααβααΆααα’αα + .accesskey = S + +toolbar-context-menu-manage-extension = + .label = αααααααααααααααααααα + .accesskey = E +toolbar-context-menu-remove-extension = + .label = αααααααβααααααβα
αα + .accesskey = v + +# Can appear on the same context menu as menubarCmd ("Menu Bar") and +# personalbarCmd ("Bookmarks Toolbar"), so they should have different +# access keys. +toolbar-context-menu-pin-to-overflow-menu = + .label = ααααΆααβαα
βαααΊαα»α Overflow + .accesskey = P +toolbar-context-menu-remove-from-toolbar = + .label = αα»αβα
ααααΈβαααΆαβα§ααααα + .accesskey = R +toolbar-context-menu-view-customize-toolbar = + .label = ααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΌαβααΆαβ¦ + .accesskey = C + +toolbar-context-menu-menu-bar-cmd = + .toolbarname = αααΆαβαααΊαα»α + .accesskey = M diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0661e4028 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Strings in this file are used to localize button titles displayed on the +# MacBook Touch Bar. +back = ααααααα +forward = αααααΌαβαααα +reload = αααα»αβα‘αΎααα·α +home = ααΎα +fullscreen = α’ααααααααα +find = αα +new-tab = ααααΆααβααααΈ +add-bookmark = αααα
αααΆαβ +reader-view = αα·αααααΆαα’αααα’αΆα +# Meant to match the string displayed in an empty URL bar. +open-location = ααααααα α¬βαααα
αΌαβα’αΆααααααΆα +share = α
ααααααα +close-window = αα·ααααα’α½α
+ +## Various categories of shortcuts for search. + + +## + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/translations.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/translations.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/translations.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6aa79fb91d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +# Note: This is currently placed under browser/base/content so that we can +# get the strings to appear without having our localization community need +# to go through and translate everything. Once these strings are ready for +# translation, we'll move it to the locales folder. + + +## These strings are used so that the window has a title in tools that +## enumerate/look for window titles. It is not normally visible anywhere. + + +## Used as list items in sharing menu + +webrtc-item-camera = ααΆαααααΆ +webrtc-item-microphone = ααΈααααΌα αααΌα +webrtc-item-audio-capture = α’αΌααΈαααΌβααααΆαα +webrtc-item-application = αααααα·ααΈ +webrtc-item-screen = α’αααααα +webrtc-item-window = ααΈαααΌ +webrtc-item-browser = ααααΆαα + +## + +# This is used for the website origin for the sharing menu if no readable origin could be deduced from the URL. +webrtc-sharing-menuitem-unknown-host = αα·αβααααΆααβαααααβααΎα + +# Variables: +# $origin (String): The website origin (e.g. www.mozilla.org) +# $itemList (String): A formatted list of items (e.g. "camera, microphone and tab audio") +webrtc-sharing-menuitem = + .label = { $origin } ({ $itemList }) +webrtc-sharing-menu = + .label = ααααΆααβα
αααααααα§ααααα + .accesskey = d + +## These strings will display as a tooltip on supported systems where we show +## device sharing state in the OS notification area. We do not use these strings +## on macOS, as global menu bar items do not have native tooltips. + + +## Tooltips used by the legacy global sharing indicator + +webrtc-indicator-sharing-camera-and-microphone = + .tooltiptext = αααΆαααΈαβαα αα·αβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααααβα’αααβαααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβα
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-camera = + .tooltiptext = αααΆαααΈαβααβααααβα’αααβαααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβα
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-microphone = + .tooltiptext = ααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααααβα’αααβαααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβα
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-application = + .tooltiptext = αααααα·ααΈβαααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβα
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-screen = + .tooltiptext = α’ααααααβααααβα’αααβαααα»αβααβααααΌαβααΆαβα
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-window = + .tooltiptext = αααα’α½α
αααααααα α
αααααααα +webrtc-indicator-sharing-browser = + .tooltiptext = ααααΆααβααααΌαβααΆαβα
ααβαααααα α
ααβαααααα + +## These strings are only used on Mac for menus attached to icons +## near the clock on the mac menubar. +## Variables: +## $streamTitle (String): the title of the tab using the share. +## $tabCount (Number): the title of the tab using the share. + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-control-sharing = + .label = αα·αα·αααααΎαβααΆαβα
ααααααα +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-control-sharing-on = + .label = αα·αα·αααααΎαβααΆαβα
βααΎ "{ $streamTitle }" + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-camera-with = + .label = α
αααααααβαααΆαααΈαβααβααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-camera-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
αααααααβααΆαααααΆββααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-microphone-with = + .label = α
αααααααβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-microphone-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
αααααααβααΈααααΌα αααΌαβααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-application-with = + .label = α
αααααααβαααααα·ααΈβααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-application-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
αααααααβαααααα·ααΈβααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-screen-with = + .label = α
αααααααββα’ααααααβααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-screen-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
ααβαααααββα’ααααααβααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-window-with = + .label = α
βααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-window-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
ββααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-browser-with = + .label = α
αααααααβααααΆααββααΆαα½α "{ $streamTitle }" +# This message is shown when the contents of a tab is shared during a WebRTC +# session, which currently is only possible with Loop/Hello. +webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-browser-with-n-tabs = + .label = α
ααβαααααβααααΆααβααΆαα½αβααααΆαα { $tabCount } + +## Variables: +## $origin (String): the website origin (e.g. www.mozilla.org). + + +## Variables: +## $origin (String): the first party origin. +## $thirdParty (String): the third party origin. + + +## + +webrtc-share-screen-learn-more = ααααααααβαααααα +webrtc-share-entire-screen = α’ααααααβααΆααααΌα +# Variables: +# $monitorIndex (String): screen number (digits 1, 2, etc). +webrtc-share-monitor = α’αααααα { $monitorIndex } +# Variables: +# $windowCount (Number): the number of windows currently displayed by the application. +# $appName (String): the name of the application. +webrtc-share-application = { $appName } (αααα’α½α
{ $windowCount }) + +## These buttons are the possible answers to the various prompts in the "webrtc-allow-share-*" strings. + +webrtc-action-allow = + .label = α’αα»ααααΆα + .accesskey = A + +## + +webrtc-remember-allow-checkbox = α
α·αααβααα + +webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-screen = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
α·ααααααααβα +webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-audio = { -brand-short-name } αα·αβα’αΆα
αΌαααααΆααβααα‘ααβαααα»αβααααΆααβααααβα’αααβαα αΌα αααβαα·αβαα½αβα’αααΈβαα½αβααααΌαβα
αααααααβαααβααα +webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-insecure = ααΆαβαααααΆααβαααααΆαβααααβα’αααβαα
βαααααβαααβαα·αβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααα ααΎααααΈβααΆαααΆαβα’ααα { -brand-short-name } ααΉαβα’αα»ααααΆαβααβααΆαβα
αΌαβαααααΆααβαααβαααβααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/browser.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/browser.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..67ffb317a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/browser.properties @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +nv_timeout=α’ααβααα +openFile=ααΎαβα―αααΆα + +droponhometitle=αααααβααα ααααα +droponhomemsg=ααΎβα’αααβα
ααβααβα―αααΆαβαααβααΆβααα αααααβααααΈββααααβα’αααβα¬Β ? +droponhomemsgMultiple=ααΎβα’αααβα
ααβα²ααβα―αααΆαβααΆαααααβααΆβαααααβααΎαβααααΈβααααβα’αααβα¬? + +# context menu strings + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine, +# %2$S is the selection string. +contextMenuSearch=ααααααα %1$S αααααΆαα β%2$Sβ +contextMenuSearch.accesskey=S + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine): %S is the search +# engine name as set for Private Browsing mode. This label is only used when +# this engine is different from the default engine name used in normal mode. + +# bookmark dialog strings + +bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[αααααβαα] + +# Accessibility Note: +# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button) +# See https://website-archive.mozilla.org/www.mozilla.org/access/access/keyboard/ for details + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallBlockedByPolicy) +# This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by +# enterprise policy. %1$S is replaced by the name of the add-on. +# %2$S is replaced by the ID of add-on. %3$S is a custom message that +# the administration can add to the message. + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.remove.abuseReportCheckbox.message) +# %S is vendorShortName + +unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=αααααα·ααΈβαααααβααααααβαααβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαα½α α¬βα
αααααααααΆααββααΆαβαα αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αβααααΎαααΆαα +unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label=ααααααααββαααααα +unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.accesskey=L + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText): %S is the relative time of the most recent geolocation access (e.g. 5 min. ago) + +crashedpluginsMessage.title=αααααα·ααΈβαααα½α %S ααΆαβααΆααΒ α +crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=αααα»αβαααααββα‘αΎααα·α +crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.accesskey=R +crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=ααΆααβααααΎβαααΆαααΆαααβααΆαα +crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.accesskey=S +crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=ααααααααββαααααα... + +# Keyword fixup messages +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (keywordURIFixup.message): Used when the user tries to visit +# a local host page, by the time the DNS request recognizes it, we have already +# loaded a search page for the given word. An infobar then asks to the user +# whether he rather wanted to visit the host. %S is the recognized host. +keywordURIFixup.message=ααΎβα’αααβα
βααΆαα %S? +keywordURIFixup.goTo=ααΆα/α
αΆα, ααβαααα»αβαα
%S +keywordURIFixup.goTo.accesskey=Y + +# Sanitize +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (update.downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the +# version of the update: "Update to 28.0". +update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=ααααΎβαα
%S +update.downloadAndInstallButton.accesskey=U + +menuOpenAllInTabs.label=ααΎαβααΆααα’ααββαααα»αββααααΆαα + +tabHistory.goBack=αααα‘ααβαα
βααΆααβαααααβαααβαα·α +tabHistory.goForward=αα
βααΆααβαααααβααα + +# URL Bar +pasteAndGo.label=αα·αβααααΆαα α αΎαβααααΎαααΆα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reloadButton.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for reloading the current page +reloadButton.tooltip=αααα»αβαααααβαα
α»αααααα (%S) α‘αΎααα·α +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopButton.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for stopping loading the page +stopButton.tooltip=αααβαααα»αβαααααβααα (%S) +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for resetting the zoom level to 100% +urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip=αααααβααααα·αβαααααΈα/ααααα½α (%S) α‘αΎααα·α +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbarSearchTip.onboarding): +# %S is the name of the user's current search engine +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbarSearchTip.engineIsCurrentPage): +# %S is the name of the user's current search engine + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-button.label): %S is the current page zoom level, +# %% will be displayed as a single % character (% is commonly used to define +# format specifiers, so it needs to be escaped). +zoom-button.label = %S%% + +# General bookmarks button +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Show All Bookmarks" +bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip=αααα αΆαβα
αααΆαβααααβα’ααα (%S) + +# Downloads button tooltip +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Downloads" +downloads.tooltip=αααα αΆαβαααααααΆαβααβααΆαβααΆαβααβαααβαααα»αβααΎαα‘αΎα (%S) + +# New Window button tooltip +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newWindowButton.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Window" +newWindowButton.tooltip=ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βααααΈ (%S) + +# New Tab button tooltip +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabButton.tooltip): +# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Tab" +newTabButton.tooltip=ααΎαβααααΆααβααααΈ (%S) + + +# WebAuthn prompts +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerPrompt2): %S is hostname +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPrompt2): +# %1$S is hostname. %2$S is brandShortName. +# The website is asking for extended information about your +# hardware authenticator that shouldn't be generally necessary. Permitting +# this is safe if you only use one account at this website. If you have +# multiple accounts at this website, and you use the same hardware +# authenticator, then the website could link those accounts together. +# And this is true even if you use a different profile / browser (or even Tor +# Browser). To avoid this, you should use different hardware authenticators +# for different accounts on this website. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.signPrompt2): %S is hostname +webauthn.cancel=αααααα +webauthn.cancel.accesskey=c +webauthn.proceed=ααααΎαααα +webauthn.proceed.accesskey=p + +# Spoof Accept-Language prompt + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.headerWithHost): +# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.headerMainWithHost, identity.headerSecurityWithHost): +# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed. +identity.identified.verifier=ααΆαβαααααααααΆααββαααα %S +identity.identified.verified_by_you=α’αααβααΆαβααααααβααΆαβααΎααααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβαααααΆααβαααααβαααααΆαβαααα +identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.notSecure.label): +# Keep this string as short as possible, this is displayed in the URL bar +# use a synonym for "safe" or "private" if "secure" is too long. +identity.notSecure.label=αα·αααΆααα»ααααα·ααΆα + +identity.extension.label=αααααβαααααα (%S) +identity.extension.tooltip=ααΆαβαααα»αβαααβαααααβαααααα %S + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.category.*): +# The terminology used to refer to levels of Content Blocking is also used +# in preferences and should be translated consistently. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.category.standard): +# "Standard" in this case is an adjective, meaning "default" or "normal" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackers.allowed.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# OFF and is not blocking tracker content, so this is not +# a positive thing. It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence +# "Trackers [are] Allowed" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackers.blocking.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# ON and is successfully blocking tracker content, so this is +# a positive thing. However, it is important to note that there is no +# guarantee that we _actually_ blocked anything, hence we present it +# in the present tense, not the past tense in English. The idea is that +# past tense would imply that something was blocked, while present +# tense expresses that we are waiting for trackers to load +# and will block them as appropriate. This concept may not directly +# translate to your language, but it is still preferable if the translation +# would not make it seem like the blocking had already happened. +# So in full context this word could be part of the sentence: +# "[Firefox is] Blocking [trackers when they get loaded.]" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackersView.blocked.label): +# This label is shown next to a tracker in the trackers subview. +# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.allowed.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# OFF and is not blocking tracker content, so this is not +# a positive thing. It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence +# "Cookies [are] Allowed" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers.label, contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty.label, +# contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited.label,contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll.label): +# See localization note for contentBlocking.trackers.blocking.label to get recommendations on translating "Blocking". + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers.label, contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty.label, +# contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited.label,contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll.label): + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label): +# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label: +# "[Cookies] From This Site: None detected on this site". + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label): +# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.label: +# "Tracking Cookies: None detected on this site". + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label): +# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label: +# "Third-Party Cookies: None detected on this site". + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.allowed.label): +# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview. +# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Allowed" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.blocked.label): +# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview. +# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.removeButton.tooltip): %S is the domain of the site. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprintersView.blocked.label): +# This label is shown next to a fingerprinter in the fingerprinters subview. +# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprinters.allowed.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# OFF and is not blocking fingerprinters, so this is not +# a positive thing. It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence +# "Fingerprinters [are] Allowed" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprinters.blocking.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# ON and is successfully blocking fingerprinters, so this is +# a positive thing. However, it is important to note that there is no +# guarantee that we _actually_ blocked anything, hence we present it +# in the present tense, not the past tense in English. The idea is that +# past tense would imply that something was blocked, while present +# tense expresses that we are waiting for fingerprinters to load +# and will block them as appropriate. This concept may not directly +# translate to your language, but it is still preferable if the translation +# would not make it seem like the blocking had already happened. +# So in full context this word could be part of the sentence: +# "[Firefox is] Blocking [fingerprinters when they get loaded.]" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominersView.blocked.label): +# This label is shown next to a cryptominer in the cryptominers subview. +# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominers.allowed.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# OFF and is not blocking cryptominers, so this is not +# a positive thing. It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence +# "Cryptominers [are] Allowed" +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominers.blocking.label): +# This label signals that this type of content blocking is turned +# ON and is successfully blocking cryptominers, so this is +# a positive thing. However, it is important to note that there is no +# guarantee that we _actually_ blocked anything, hence we present it +# in the present tense, not the past tense in English. The idea is that +# past tense would imply that something was blocked, while present +# tense expresses that we are waiting for cryptominers to load +# and will block them as appropriate. This concept may not directly +# translate to your language, but it is still preferable if the translation +# would not make it seem like the blocking had already happened. +# So in full context this word could be part of the sentence: +# "[Firefox is] Blocking [cryptominers when they get loaded.]" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (trackingProtection.icon.noTrackersDetectedTooltip): %S is brandShortName. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.header): +# Header of the Protections Panel. %S is replaced with the site's hostname. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.disableAriaLabel): +# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will disable protections. +# %s is the site's hostname. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.enableAriaLabel): +# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will enable protections. +# %s is the site's hostname. + +# Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel + +# Footer section in the Protections Panel +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description, +# protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip): +# This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites. In +# its tooltip, we show the date when we started counting this number. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description): +# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. +# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals +# Replacement for #1 is a locale-string converted positive integer. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip): +# %S is the date on which we started counting (e.g., July 17, 2019). + +# Milestones section in the Protections Panel +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.milestone.description): +# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. +# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals +# #1 is replaced with brandShortName. +# #2 is replaced with the (locale-formatted) number of trackers blocked +# #3 is replaced by a locale-formatted date with short month and numeric year. +# In English this looks like "Firefox blocked over 10,000 trackers since Oct 2019" + +# Application menu + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReduce-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoomReduce-button.tooltip = ααααα½α (%S) +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReset-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoomReset-button.tooltip = αααααβααααα·αβαααααΈαβα‘αΎααα·α (%S) +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip = αααααΈα (%S) + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cut-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +cut-button.tooltip = ααΆαα (%S) +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +copy-button.tooltip = α
αααα (%S) +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paste-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +paste-button.tooltip = αα·αααααΆαα (%S) + +# Geolocation UI + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation): +# %1$S is the first party origin, %2$S is the third party origin. +geolocation.remember=α
α·αααβααα + +# Virtual Reality Device UI + +# Persistent storage UI +persistentStorage.allow=α’αα»ααααΆα +persistentStorage.allow.accesskey=A + +webNotifications.notNow=αα»αααΆααα’αΆα +webNotifications.notNow.accesskey=n +webNotifications.never=αα»αβα’αα»ααααΆα +webNotifications.never.accesskey=v + +# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack) +# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so +# it's okay for them to have the same access key +safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=ααβαααα»αβα
ααβααΈβααΈααα! +safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.accessKey=G +safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=αααααβαααααΆαβαααααα! +safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=αααβαα·ααααβααΆβαααααΆαβααααααβααβ¦ +safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.accessKey=d +safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=ααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβαααααβαααααΆαβααΆαβαααα αΆα! +safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=αααβαα·αβαααββααΆβααααααααααΆαβααΆααααα αΆβαα... +safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.accessKey=a +safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=ααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβαααααβαααααΆαβαααααα·ααΈββαααβαα·αβα
ααβααΆα! +safebrowsing.reportedHarmfulSite=ααΆαααΆαααΆαααβαααααβαααβαααααααααΆαα! + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title +# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field. +addKeywordTitleAutoFill=ααααααα %S + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browser.menu.showCharacterEncoding): Set to the string +# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Text +# Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will +# hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Text Encoding" +# menu will always be accessible via the "Web Developer" menu. +# This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows +# up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Text Encoding" +# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false". +browser.menu.showCharacterEncoding=false + +processHang.add-on.learn-more.text = ααααααααβαααααα +processHang.button_debug.label = ααααΆααβααα α»αβααααααΈα +processHang.button_debug.accessKey = D + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreenButton.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut for full screen +fullscreenButton.tooltip=αααα αΆαβαααα’α½α
βααΆβα’ααααααβααα (%S) + +# These are visible when opening the popup inside the bookmarks sidebar +sidebar.moveToLeft=ααααΆααααΈβαααΆαβα
αα ααβαα
βααααα +sidebar.moveToRight=ααααΆααααΈβαααΆαβα
αα ααβαα
βααααΆα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCameraUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareScreenUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareCameraAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation.message, +# getUserMedia.shareScreenAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation.message, +# %1$S is the first party origin. +# %2$S is the third party origin. + +emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.label = ααΎα DRM +emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.accesskey = E + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S is brandShortName +emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message = %S αααα»αβααα‘αΎαβαααΆαααΆαβα
αΆααβα’αΌααΈαααΌ α¬βααΈααα’αΌβαα
βααΎβαααααβαααα ααΌαβααααΆααΆαβαααααααβαα
βαααβαααααα + +emeNotifications.unknownDRMSoftware = αα·αβααααΆαα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (customizeMode.tabTitle): %S is brandShortName +customizeMode.tabTitle = ααααΌαβααΆαβαααα %S + +e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.label = ααααααα +e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.accesskey = O + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage): %S is brandShortName +e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage = ααΆααααα αΆαααααΉαααΆαβααααααααΆααααααΌαααΆααα·α αααααΆαααβααΆααα·ααααΈααααΆαααΆα %S αα·ααααααα·ααΈααΆαααΆααααα½αααααα’αααα ααΌαααααΎαα
α»ααααααααΆααααααα·ααΈα’αΆαα’ααααααααααα’ααα α¬ααααΌααα
ααααααΆαααΆαααΆαααααααααααααα FirefoxΒ α + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label, +# userContextWork.label, +# userContextShopping.label, +# userContextBanking.label, +# userContextNone.label): +# These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the +# Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent +# the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different +# contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in +# different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing +# about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true. +# Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking +# File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these +# strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar. +userContextPersonal.label = ααααΆααβαααα½α +userContextWork.label = ααΆαααΆαβ +userContextBanking.label = ααααΆβαααΆααΆαβ +userContextShopping.label = ααΆαβαα·α +userContextNone.label = ααααΆαβα§αααααβαααα»α + +userContextPersonal.accesskey = P +userContextWork.accesskey = W +userContextBanking.accesskey = B +userContextShopping.accesskey = S +userContextNone.accesskey = N + +userContext.aboutPage.label = αααααααααβαααα’ααβαααα»α +userContext.aboutPage.accesskey = O + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (muteSelectedTabs2.accesskey): The accesskey should +# match the accesskey for muteTab.accesskey +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unmuteSelectedTabs2.accesskey): The accesskey should +# match the accesskey for unmuteTab.accesskey + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabsToDevice.label): +# Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals +# #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pageAction.sendTabsToDevice.label): +# Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals +# #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device. + +decoder.noCodecs.button = ααααααααβααΈβαααα +decoder.noCodecs.accesskey = L +decoder.noCodecsLinux.message = ααΎααααΈβαααβααΈααα’αΌβααΆα α’αααβα
αβααααΌαβααα‘αΎαβααΌαα·αβααΈααα’αΌβαααβααΆαβααΆαααΆαα +decoder.noHWAcceleration.message = ααΎααααΈβααααΎα²ααβαα»αααΆαβααΈααα’αΌβαααααΎαβα‘αΎα α’αααβα
αβααααΌαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈ Microsoftβs Media Feature Packαβ +decoder.noPulseAudio.message = ααΎααααΈβα
αΆααβα’αΌααΈαααΌ α’αααβα
αβααααΌαβααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈ PulseAudio αααβααΆαβααΆαααΆαα +decoder.unsupportedLibavcodec.message = libavcodec α’αΆα
βα¬βαα·αβααΆαααα α αΎαβααΆβαα½αβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβαα
αΆααβααΈααα’αΌβααΆαα + +decoder.decodeError.message = ααα α»αβααΆαβααΎαα‘αΎαβαααβαα·ααΌαβααααΆαβααααΆα +decoder.decodeError.button = ααΆαααΆαααβαααα αΆβαααααΆα +decoder.decodeError.accesskey = R +decoder.decodeWarning.message = ααα α»αβαααβα’αΆα
βααααααααβααΆα ααΆαβααΎαα‘αΎαβαααβαα·ααΌαβααααΆαβααααΆα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.infoMessage3): +# Shown in a notification bar when we detect a captive portal is blocking network access +# and requires the user to log in before browsing. +captivePortal.infoMessage3 = α’αααβααααΌαβααβα
αΌαβααααΎβα’ααΈαβααΊαα·αα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.showLoginPage2): +# The label for a button shown in the info bar in all tabs except the login page tab. +# The button shows the portal login page tab when clicked. +captivePortal.showLoginPage2 = ααΎαβαααααβα
ααΆααβαααααΆα + +permissions.remove.tooltip = αααα’αΆαβααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆαβααα αα·αβαα½αβααααβααα + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*): +# The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the +# current Firefox build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses +# between the Firefox version and the "What's new" link in the About dialog, +# e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit) <What's new>" or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)". +aboutDialog.architecture.sixtyFourBit = 64-bit +aboutDialog.architecture.thirtyTwoBit = 32-bit + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certImminentDistrust.message): +# Shown in the browser console when visiting a website that is trusted today, +# but won't be in the future unless the site operator makes a change. + +midi.remember=α
α·αααβααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareWithSite.message): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareSysexWithSite.message): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.back): +# This is used by screen readers to label the "back" button in various browser +#Β popup panels, including the sliding subviews of the main menu. +panel.back = ααααααα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess.message): +# %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity. +# %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess2.message): +# %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity. +# %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar. + + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (livebookmarkMigration.title): +# Used by the export of user's live bookmarks to an OPML file as a title for the file. +# %S will be replaced with brandShortName + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearch): +# Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string. + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/customizableWidgets.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/customizableWidgets.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41004cee0d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/customizableWidgets.properties @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +history-panelmenu.label = αααααααα· +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut +history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2 = αααα αΆαβαααααααα·βααααβα’ααα (%S) + +find-button.label = αα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(find-button.tooltiptext3): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +find-button.tooltiptext3 = αααααααβαααα»αβαααααβααα (%S) + +developer-button.label = α’αααβα’αα·αααααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(developer-button.tooltiptext): %S is the keyboard shortcut +developer-button.tooltiptext2 = ααΎαβα§αααααβα’αααβα’αα·ααααααβαααααβαααααΆα (%S) + +sidebar-button.label = αααΆαβα
αα αα +sidebar-button.tooltiptext2 = αααα αΆαβαααΆαβα
αα αα + +zoom-controls.label = αααααααααβααΆαβααααα½α/αααααΈα +zoom-controls.tooltiptext2 = αααααααααβααΆαβααααα½α/αααααΈα + +zoom-out-button.label = ααααα½α +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2 = ααααα½α (%S) + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2 = αααααβααααα·αβαααααΈαβα‘αΎαβαα·α (%S) + +zoom-in-button.label = αααααΈα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2 = αααααΈα (%S) + +edit-controls.label = ααααααα½αβααΆαβαααα½ααα·αα·ααα +edit-controls.tooltiptext2 = ααααααα½αβααΆαβαααα½ααα·αα·ααα + +cut-button.label = ααΆαα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cut-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +cut-button.tooltiptext2 = ααΆαα (%S) + +copy-button.label = βα
αααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(copy-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +copy-button.tooltiptext2 = α
αααα (%S) + +paste-button.label = αα·αααααΆαα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(paste-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut. +paste-button.tooltiptext2 = αα·αααααΆαα (%S) + +panic-button.label = ααααα
+panic-button.tooltiptext = ααααα
ααα½α + +toolbarspring.label = α
αααααβαααααααα½α +toolbarseparator.label = αααααΆβααααα +toolbarspacer.label = α
ααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/downloads.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/downloads.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44e725b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/downloads.properties @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateStarting): +# Indicates that the download is starting. +stateStarting=αααα»αβα
αΆααααααΎα... +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateFailed): +# Indicates that the download failed because of an error. +stateFailed=ααΆαβαααΆααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statePaused): +# Indicates that the download was paused by the user. +statePaused=ααΆαβααα’αΆα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCanceled): +# Indicates that the download was canceled by the user. +stateCanceled=ααΆαβαααααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCompleted): +# Indicates that the download was completed. +stateCompleted=ααΆαβαααα
αα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedParentalControls): +# Indicates that the download was blocked by the Parental Controls feature of +# Windows. "Parental Controls" should be consistently named and capitalized +# with the display of this feature in Windows. The following article can +# provide a reference for the translation of "Parental Controls" in various +# languages: +# http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Set-up-Parental-Controls +stateBlockedParentalControls=ααΆαβαααααααΆααβαααβααααα»βαααααΆβαα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedMalware, blockedPotentiallyUnwanted, +# blockedUncommon2): +# These strings are shown in the panel for some types of blocked downloads. You +# may need to adjust "downloads.width" in "downloads.dtd" if this turns out to +# be longer than the other existing status strings. +blockedMalware=α―αααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααα α¬βαααααα·ααΈβααααΆααΆαα +blockedPotentiallyUnwanted=α―αααΆαβαααβα’αΆα
βα’αΆαβααΆααβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααα +blockedUncommon2=α―αααΆαβαααβαα·αβααΌαβααβααΆαβααβααα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileMovedOrMissing): +# Displayed when a complete download which is not at the original folder. +fileMovedOrMissing=α―αααΆαβααααΌαβααΆαβααβα
αα α¬ ααΆαα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unblockHeaderUnblock, unblockHeaderOpen, +# unblockTypeMalware, unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2, +# unblockTypeUncommon2, unblockTip2, unblockButtonOpen, +# unblockButtonUnblock, unblockButtonConfirmBlock): +# These strings are displayed in the dialog shown when the user asks a blocked +# download to be unblocked. The severity of the threat is expressed in +# descending order by the unblockType strings, it is higher for files detected +# as malware and lower for uncommon downloads. +unblockHeaderUnblock=ααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααΆβα
ααβα’αα»ααααΆαβααΆαβααΆαααβαααβαααβαα? +unblockHeaderOpen=ααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααΆβα
ααβααΎαβα―αααΆαβαααβαααβαα? +unblockTypeMalware=α―αααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααα α¬βαααααα·ααΈβααααΆααΆαβααααααααβαααβα’αΆα
βαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααα +unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2=α―αααΆαβαααβααΆαβαααααβαααααβααΆβααΆαβααααααααβαααα»αβααΆαβααΆαβαα ααα»ααααβααΆβα’αΆα
ααααβαααααα·ααΈ αα·αβααΆαβαααααβααααβα’αααα +unblockTypeUncommon2=α―αααΆαβαααβαα·αααααΌαβααΆαβααΆαααβααΆααΌαα
βαα α αΎαβααΆβα’αΆα
βααΆαβαααααααααΆααβαααβααα ααΆβα’αΆα
βαααα»αβαααααβα’αααΈβαα½α α¬βα’αΆα
βααΉαβααΆα α
ααααβαααααα·ααΈβαα·αβααΆαβαααααβααααβα’αααα +unblockTip2=α’αααβα’αΆα
βαααααααβαααααβααΆαβααβαααα½α α¬βααααΆααΆαβααΆαβααβααααβαααβαααβαααααα +unblockButtonOpen=ααΎαβ +unblockButtonUnblock=α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβααΆααα +unblockButtonConfirmBlock=ααβα―αααΆαβα
αα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sizeWithUnits): +# %1$S is replaced with the size number, and %2$S with the measurement unit. +sizeWithUnits=%1$S %2$S +sizeUnknown=αα·αβααααΆαα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusSeparator, statusSeparatorBeforeNumber): +# These strings define templates for the separation of different elements in the +# status line of a download item. As a separator, by default we use the Unicode +# character U+2014 'EM DASH' (long dash). Examples of status lines include +# "Canceled - 222.net", "1.1 MB - website2.com", or "Paused - 1.1 MB". Note +# that we use a wider space after the separator when it is followed by a number, +# just to avoid visually confusing it with with a minus sign with some fonts. +# If you use a different separator, this might not be necessary. However, there +# is usually no need to change the separator or the order of the substitutions, +# even for right-to-left languages, unless the defaults are not suitable. +statusSeparator=%1$S β %2$S +statusSeparatorBeforeNumber=%1$S β %2$S + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/subscribe.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/subscribe.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..349a07a2c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/subscribe.properties @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +addProtocolHandlerAddButton=ααααααβαααααα·ααΈ +addProtocolHandlerAddButtonAccesskey=A diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/places/bookmarkProperties.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/places/bookmarkProperties.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07a9595b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/places/bookmarkProperties.properties @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +dialogAcceptLabelAddItem=αααααα +dialogAcceptLabelSaveItem=αααααΆβαα»α +dialogAcceptLabelAddMulti=ααααααβα
αααΆα +dialogAcceptLabelEdit=αααααΆβαα»α +dialogTitleAddBookmark=α
αααΆαβααααΈ +dialogTitleAddFolder=ααβααααΈ +dialogTitleAddMulti=βα
αααΆαβααααΈ +dialogTitleEdit=ααααααβαααααααα·βαααα "%S" + +bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[αααααβαα] +newFolderDefault=ααβααααΈ +newBookmarkDefault=α
αααΆαβααααΈ diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/safebrowsing.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/safebrowsing.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b166300a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/safebrowsing.properties @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +errorReportFalseDeceptiveTitle=αααβαα·ααααβααΆβαααααΆαβαααααααΆααβαα +errorReportFalseDeceptiveMessage=αα·αβα’αΆα
βααΆαααΆαααβααα α»αβαα
βαααβαααβααΆαβααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/search.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/search.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65b07cba33 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/search.properties @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +searchtip=αααααααβαααβααααΎ %S + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchHeader): this is displayed at the top of the panel +# showing search suggestions. +# %S is replaced with the name of the current default search engine. +searchHeader=ααΆαβααααααα %S + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd_pasteAndSearch): "Search" is a verb, this is the +# search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go" +cmd_pasteAndSearch=αα·αααααΆαα αα·αβααααααα + +cmd_clearHistory=αααα’αΆαβαααααααα·βααααααα +cmd_clearHistory_accesskey=α + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchForSomethingWith2): +# This string is used to build the header above the list of one-click +# search providers: "Search for <user-typed string> with:" + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchWithHeader): +# The wording of this string should be as close as possible to +# searchForSomethingWith2. This string will be used when the user +# has not typed anything. +searchWithHeader=αααααααβααΆαα½αα + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchSettings): +# This is the label for the button that opens Search preferences. +searchSettings=ααααΆααααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβααααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/shellservice.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/shellservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c72b91166d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/shellservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (setDefaultBrowserTitle, setDefaultBrowserMessage, setDefaultBrowserDontAsk, setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label, setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label): +# These strings are used as an alternative to the ones above, in a modal dialog. +# %S will be replaced by brandShortName +setDefaultBrowserTitle=αααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΆαααΎα +setDefaultBrowserMessage=%S αα
α»ααααααβαα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβααΆβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΆαααΎαβααααβα’αααβααΒ α ααΎβα’αααβα
ααβα²ααβααΆβααααΆαβααΆβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΆαααΎαβααααβα’αααβαααβα¬βααΒ ? +setDefaultBrowserDontAsk=α’αα»ααααβααΆαβαααα½ααα·αα·αααβααΆαα·α
αΆααααααΎα %SΒ α +setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label=ααααΎ %S ααΆβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααααΆαααΎαβααααβαααα»α +setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label=αα·αβαααβα₯α‘αΌα + +desktopBackgroundLeafNameWin=αααααα» Background.bmp +DesktopBackgroundDownloading=αααα»αβαααααΆαα»αβααΌαααΆαβ¦ +DesktopBackgroundSet=αααααβααααβααΆαβαααααβααααββαααααα» diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/siteData.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/siteData.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98ed71b148 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/siteData.properties @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +clearSiteDataPromptTitle=αααα’αΆαααΌααΈαα·αβαα·ααααααβααα αααααβααΆααα’αα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearSiteDataPromptText): %S = brandShortName +clearSiteDataNow=αααα’αΆαβα₯α‘αΌαααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/sitePermissions.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/sitePermissions.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10ee101080 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/sitePermissions.properties @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.current.allowed, +# state.current.allowedForSession, +# state.current.allowedTemporarily, +# state.current.blockedTemporarily, +# state.current.blocked, +# state.current.hide): +# This label is used to display active permission states in the site +# identity popup (which does not have a lot of screen space). +state.current.allowed = ααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆα +state.current.allowedForSession = ααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆαβαααααΆααβαααβααα +state.current.allowedTemporarily = ααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆαβααΆβααααααα’αΆαααα +state.current.blockedTemporarily = ααΆαβαα·αβααΆβααααααα’αΆαααα +state.current.blocked = ααΆαβαα·α +state.current.prompt = αα½αβααΆαα·α
+ +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.multichoice.alwaysAsk, +# state.multichoice.allow, +# state.multichoice.allowForSession, +# state.multichoice.block): +# Used to label permission state checkboxes in the page info dialog. +state.multichoice.alwaysAsk = αα½αβααΆαα·α
+state.multichoice.allow = α’αα»ααααΆα +state.multichoice.allowForSession = α’αα»ααααΆαβαααααΆααβαααβααα +state.multichoice.block = αα·α + + + +permission.cookie.label = αααααβααΌααΈ +permission.camera.label = ααααΎβαααΆαααΈαβαα +permission.microphone.label = ααααΎβααΈααααΌα αααΌα +permission.screen.label = α
αααααααβα’αααααα +permission.install.label = ααα‘αΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααααα +permission.popup.label = ααΎαβαααα’α½α
α‘αΎα +permission.geo.label = α
αΌαβααααΎβααΈααΆααβααααβα’ααα +permission.focus-tab-by-prompt.label = ααααΌαβαα
βααααΆααβααα +permission.persistent-storage.label = αααα»αβαα·ααααααβαα
α·αααααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/syncSetup.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/syncSetup.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a70d9fba21 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/syncSetup.properties @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Several other strings are used (via Weave.Status.login), but they come from +# /services/sync + +# Firefox Accounts based setup. +continue.label = αααα + +relinkVerify.title = ααΆαβαααααΆαβααΆαβαααα
αΌαβααααΆ +relinkVerify.heading = ααΎβα’αααβααααΆααβααΆβα
αΌαβααΎααααΈβααααΎβααααΆαααααβα¬? +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkVerify.description): Email address of a user previously signed into sync. +relinkVerify.description = α’αααβααααΎβααααααβααααΆβαααβααΆαβα
αΌαβαα»α ααΎααααΈβααααΎβααααΆαααααβααΎβαα»αααααΌαααβαααα ααΆαβα
αΌαβααααΆβααβαααααα·ααΈβα’ααΈαααΊαα·αβααα, ααΆααααααααΆαα αα·αβααΆαβαααααβααααααβαααβααΆαα½α %S diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/taskbar.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/taskbar.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..382d1533d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/taskbar.properties @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +taskbar.tasks.newTab.label=ααΎαβααααΆααβααααΈ +taskbar.tasks.newTab.description=ααΎαβααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΈΒ α +taskbar.tasks.newWindow.label=ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βααααΈ +taskbar.tasks.newWindow.description=ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβααααΈΒ α +taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.label=αααα’α½α
βα―αααβααααΈ +taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.description=ααΎαβαααα’α½α
βαααα»αβααααβαα»αααβα―αααΒ α +taskbar.frequent.label=ααΉαααΆαα +taskbar.recent.label=ααααΈα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/uiDensity.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/uiDensity.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efb1a36683 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/browser/uiDensity.properties @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +uiDensity.menuitem-touch.acceltext=ααΆαααΎααα»αααΆαααααααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/chrome/overrides/appstrings.properties b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/overrides/appstrings.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fcf488fd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/chrome/overrides/appstrings.properties @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +malformedURI2=ααΌααα·αα·αααααΆ URL ααααΉαααααΌα αα½α
ααΆαααααβααααβαααα +fileNotFound=Firefox αα·αβα’αΆα
ααααα %SΒ α +fileAccessDenied=αα·αβα’αΆα
%S ααΆαβααα +dnsNotFound2=ααΎααα·αα’αΆα
%S ααΆαβααα +unknownProtocolFound=Firefox αα·αβααααΆααβααααβααΎαβα’αΆααααααΆαβαααβα‘αΎα, αααβααΆαβααβαα½αβαααα»αβα
ααααββαα·ααΈααΆαβααΆαααααα (%S) αα·αβααΆααααβααΆαα½αβαααααα·ααΈβ α¬βαα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβα’αα»ααααΆαβαα
βαααα»αβααα·ααβαααα +connectionFailure=Firefox αα·αβα’αΆα
ααΆααβαααΆαααΈαβαααααΎβααααα %SΒ α +netInterrupt=ααΆαβαααααΆααβαα
ααΆαα %S ααααΌαβααΆαβααα’αΆα αααβαααβαααα»αβαααα»αβαααααΒ α +netTimeout=αααΆαααΈαβαααααΎβαα
βααααα %S α
αααΆαβαααβααΌαβαααα»αβααΆαβααααΎαααΒ α +redirectLoop=Firefox ααΆαβααβααΎαβααΆ αααΆαααΈαβαααααΎβαααα»αβααβααααΌαβαα·αβααααΎβαααααΆααβα’αΆααααααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααααβαα½αβαααβααΉαβαα·αβααΆαβαααα
ααΒ α +## LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmRepostPrompt): In this item, donβt translate "%S" +confirmRepostPrompt=ααΎααααΈβαααα αΆαβαααααβααα %S ααααΌαααβααααΎβααααααΆαβαααβααΉαβαααα½αβαααααααΆαβααΆαα½α (ααΌα
ααΆβ ααΆαβα’αα’αΆαβααΆαβααααααα α¬βααΆαβα’αα’αΆαβααααΆαα) αααβααΆαβα’αα»ααααβααΈαα»αΒ α +resendButton.label=αααααΌαβααααααα +unknownSocketType=Firefox αα·αβααααΆααβα’αααΈββααααβααααΆααααααβααΆαα½αβαααΆαααΈαβαααααΎΒ α +netReset=ααΆαβαααααΆααβαα
ααΆααβαααΆαααΈαβαααααΎβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβα‘αΎαβαα·α αααβαααβαααβαααααβαααα»αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα»αΒ α +notCached=α―αααΆαβααα αα·αβααΆαβααα
αααβααΒ α +netOffline=αα
α»ααααααβααα Firefox αααα»αααβαααα·αβαα
βαααααΆα αα·αβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαα»αααβαααααΆαβααΎαβααΒ α +isprinting=αα·αβα’αΆα
βααααΆααααααΌαβα―αααΆαβααΆαβααβαααβαααα»αβααααα»ααα α¬βαααβαααα»αβααΎαβαα»αβααααα»αααΒ α +deniedPortAccess=α’αΆααααααΆαβαααβααααΎβα
αααβαααααΆαβ αααβααΆβααααααΆβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΎβαααααΆααβαααααααβααααααααβαααα
βααΈβααΆαβαα»αααβαααααΆαΒ α Firefox ααΆαβααααααβααααΎβαααααΆααβααΆαβααΆαααΆαβααααβα’αααΒ α +proxyResolveFailure=Firefox ααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβαα
βααβααΎαΒ α +proxyConnectFailure=Firefox ααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβαα
ααΆααααααααβα²ααβααααΎβαααΆαααΈαβαααααΎ αααβαααα»αααβααα·αααβααΆαβαααααΆααΒ α +contentEncodingError=αααααβαααβα’αααβαααα»αβααααΆααΆαβααΎαβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαααα αΆαβααΆαβαα αααααβααΆβααΆαβααααΎβααααααβααβααΆαβαααα αΆααβαααβαα·αβααααΉαααααΌα α¬βαα·αβααΆαβααΆααααΒ α +unsafeContentType=αααααβαααβα’αααβαααα»αβααααΆααΆαβααΎαβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαααα αΆαβααΆαβαα αααααβααΆβααΆαβαααα»αβαα
βαααβα―αααΆαββαααβααααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαΒ α ααΌαβααΆααααβαα
αΆααβααααααααααΆαβααΎααααΈβααααΆααβα’αααΈβαααα αΆβαααΒ α +externalProtocolTitle=ααααΎβαα·ααΈααΆαβααΆααααα
αΆααααααΎαβααΎααααΈβαααααααΆα %1$SΒ α αααΒ α\n\n\nαααβαααβααΆαβααααΎαα»αΒ α\n\n%2$S\n\nαααααα·ααΈΒ α %3$S\n\n\nααααα·αααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααΆαβααααΉαβαα ααααΎβαααβααΆβα’αΆα
βαααα»αβαααααα·ααΈβαααααβαααΒ α ααααααβααααΎβαααββααααα·αααΎβα’αααβαα·αβααααΆααβα’αααΈβααΆβααΒ α\n +#LOCALIZATION NOTE (externalProtocolUnknown): The following string is shown if the application name can't be determined +externalProtocolUnknown=<αα·αβααααΆαα> +externalProtocolChkMsg=α
αΆαβαααααΎαβααααβαααα»αβα’αααΈβαααβββααβααααααβαααβααΆααα’ααΒ α +externalProtocolLaunchBtn=ααΎαβααααΎαααΆαβαααααα·ααΈ +malwareBlocked=ααααααααααΆαβαα
ααααα %S ααααΌαβααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβααΆβ ααΆβααααααααααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΆαβααΆααααα αΆα αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα»αβα’αΆαααααβαα
α·αααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααβα’αααΒ α +unwantedBlocked=ααααααααααΆαβαα
%S ααααΌαβααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβααΆβαααα»αβααααΎααααΆααβαααααα·ααΈβαααβαα·αβα
ααβααΆα αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαα·αβα’αΆαααααβααΆαβααΆαβαααααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαββααααβα’αααα +deceptiveBlocked=αααααβαααααΆαβαααβαα
ααααα %S ααααΌαββααΆαβααΆαααΆαααβααΆβααααααααααΆαβααααα αα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααααΆααβαααααΆαβα
α·αααβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααααβα’αααα +cspBlocked=αααααβαααβααΆαβαααααΆαααβααΆααααβααΉαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆβαααβααΆααΆααβααΆβααΈβααΆαβαααα»αβααΆαβαα·ααΈβαααα +corruptedContentErrorv2=αααααΆαβαα
%S ααΆαβαα½αβαααααβααΉαβααΆαβαααααααααΆαβααΎβααααΌααΌααΌαβαααααΆα αααβαα·αβα’αΆα
βαα½ααα»αβααΆαβαααβααα +## LOCALIZATION NOTE (sslv3Used) - Do not translate "%S". +sslv3Used=Firefox αα·αβα’αΆα
βααΎ %S αα αααααβααΆβααααΎ SSLv3, ααΆβαα·ααΈααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΌα
α +inadequateSecurityError=αααααΆαβααΆαβααααΆααΆαβα
αΆαβααααα·αβαα»ααααα·ααΆαβαα·αβαααααααααΆααα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini b/l10n-km/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b462ce5ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +; This file is in the UTF-8 encoding +[Strings] +; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The %s is replaced with a string containing detailed information. +CrashReporterProductErrorText2=Firefox ααΆαβαα½αβαααα αΆ α αΎαβααΆααΒ α ααΎαβααΉαβααααΆααΆαβααααΆαβαααα’α½α
αα·αβααααΆααβααααβα’ααα αα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎααα·αΒ α\n\nααΆα’αα»αα αααααα·ααΈβααΆαααΆαααβααΆαβααΆαα αα·αβα’αΆα
βααΆααβααααΎβαααΆαααΆαααβααΆαααααααβααΉαβααΆαβααΆααβααΆαβααΒ α\n\nααα
ααααΈβαααα’α·αΒ α %s +CrashReporterDescriptionText2=Firefox ααΆαβαα½αβαααα αΆ α αΎαβααΆααΒ α ααΎαβααΉαβααααΆααΆαβααααΆαβαααα’α½α
αα·αβααααΆααβααααβα’ααα αα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎααα·αΒ α\n\nααΎααααΈβαα½αβααΎαβαααα»αβααΆαβαα·ααΆα αα·αβαααααααΆαβαααα αΆ α’αααβα’αΆα
βααααΎβα²ααβααΎαβααΌαβαααΆαααΆαααβααΆαααααααβααΉαβααΆαβααΆααΒ α diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini b/l10n-km/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..233ad1f29c --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This file is in the UTF-8 encoding +[Strings] + +DefaultBrowserNotificationYesButtonText=ααΆα/α
αΆα +DefaultBrowserNotificationNoButtonText=αα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/extensions/formautofill/formautofill.properties b/l10n-km/browser/extensions/formautofill/formautofill.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..038c3dbd82 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/extensions/formautofill/formautofill.properties @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAddressesMessage): %S is brandShortName. This string is used on the doorhanger to +# notify users that addresses are saved. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillOptionsLink, autofillOptionsLinkOSX): These strings are used in the doorhanger for +# updating addresses. The link leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillSecurityOptionsLink, autofillSecurityOptionsLinkOSX): These strings are used +# in the doorhanger for saving credit card info. The link leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changeAutofillOptions, changeAutofillOptionsOSX): These strings are used on the doorhanger +# that notifies users that addresses are saved. The button leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences. +changeAutofillOptions = ααααΆααααααΌααααααΎαααααααααα»ααααααααααααααααααα· +changeAutofillOptionsOSX = ααααΆααααααΌαα
α·αααααααααααα»ααααααααααααααααααα· +changeAutofillOptionsAccessKey = C + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressesSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled, this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger +# shown when saving addresses. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (creditCardsSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled and credit card sync is available, +# this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger shown when saving credit card. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAddressMessage, updateAddressDescriptionLabel, createAddressLabel, updateAddressLabel): +# Used on the doorhanger when an address change is detected. +createAddressLabel = αααααΎαα’αΆααααααΆαααααΈ +createAddressAccessKey = C +updateAddressLabel = ααααΎαα
α»ααααααααΆαα’αΆααααααΆα +updateAddressAccessKey = U +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage, saveCreditCardDescriptionLabel, saveCreditCardLabel, cancelCreditCardLabel, neverSaveCreditCardLabel): +# Used on the doorhanger when users submit payment with credit card. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage): %S is brandShortName. +saveCreditCardLabel = αααααΆαα»αααΆαα₯αααΆα +saveCreditCardAccessKey = S +cancelCreditCardLabel = αα»αβαααααΆαα»α +cancelCreditCardAccessKey = D +neverSaveCreditCardLabel = αα»ααααααΆαα»αααΆαα₯αααΆα +neverSaveCreditCardAccessKey = N +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateCreditCardMessage, updateCreditCardDescriptionLabel, createCreditCardLabel, updateCreditCardLabel): +# Used on the doorhanger when an credit card change is detected. +createCreditCardLabel = αααααΎαααΆαα₯αααΆαααααΈ +createCreditCardAccessKey = C +updateCreditCardLabel = ααααΎαα
α»ααααααααΆαααΆαα₯αααΆα +updateCreditCardAccessKey = U +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openAutofillMessagePanel): Tooltip label for Form Autofill doorhanger icon on address bar. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOption2): +# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionOSX2): +# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionShort2): +# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences. +# The short version is used for inputs below a certain width (e.g. 150px). +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionOSXShort2): +# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences. +# The short version is used for inputs below a certain width (e.g. 150px). +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (category.address, category.name, category.organization2, category.tel, category.email): +# Used in autofill drop down suggestion to indicate what other categories Form Autofill will attempt to fill. +category.address = α’αΆααααααΆα +category.name = ααααα +category.organization2 = ααααΆααα +category.tel = ααΌααααα +category.email = α’ααΈααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fieldNameSeparator): This is used as a separator between categories. +fieldNameSeparator = ,\u0020 +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (phishingWarningMessage, phishingWarningMessage2): The warning +# text that is displayed for informing users what categories are about to be filled. +# "%S" will be replaced with a list generated from the pre-defined categories. +# The text would be e.g. Also autofills organization, phone, email. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (insecureFieldWarningDescription): %S is brandShortName. This string is used in drop down +# suggestion when users try to autofill credit card on an insecure website (without https). +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearFormBtnLabel2): Label for the button in the dropdown menu that used to clear the populated +# form. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillAddressesCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling addresses. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (learnMoreLabel): Label for the link that leads users to the Form Autofill SUMO page. +learnMoreLabel = ααααααααβαααααα +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedAddressesBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the +# list of saved addresses. +savedAddressesBtnLabel = α’αΆααααααΆααααααΆααααααΆαα»αβ¦ +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillCreditCardsCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling credit cards. +autofillCreditCardsCheckbox = αααααααΆαα₯αααΆαααααααααααααα· +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedCreditCardsBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the list +# of saved credit cards. +savedCreditCardsBtnLabel = ααΆαα₯αααΆααααααΆααααααΆαα»αβ¦ + + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillReauthOSDialogMac): This string is +# preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ", and +# has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale. + +## address-level-3 (Sublocality) names +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (neighborhood): Used in IR, MX +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (village_township): Used in MY +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (townland): Used in IE + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (district): Used in HK, SD, SY, TR as Address Level-2 +# and used in KR as Sublocality. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (post_town): Used in GB, NO, SE +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (suburb): Used in AU as Address Level-2 +# and used in ZZ as Sublocality. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (parish): Used in BB, JM +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefecture): Used in JP +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (area): Used in HK +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (do_si): Used in KR +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (department): Used in NI, CO +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (emirate): Used in AE +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (oblast): Used in RU and UA + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eircode): Used in IE + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cardCVV): Credit card security code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_security_code + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE: (cardNetwork.*): These are brand names and should only be translated when a locale-specific name for that brand is in common use + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editCreditCardPasswordPrompt.*, useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.*): %S is brandShortName. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editCreditCardPasswordPrompt.macos): This string is +# preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ", and +# has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale. +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.macos): This string is +# preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ", and +# has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale. + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/webcompat.properties b/l10n-km/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/webcompat.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14cbb63a24 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/webcompat.properties @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.label2): This string will be used in the +# Firefox page actions menu. Localized length should be considered. +wc-reporter.label2=ααΆαααΆαααβαααα αΆβααα αααααβ¦ +# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.tooltip): A site compatibility issue is +# a website bug that exists in one browser (Firefox), but not another. +wc-reporter.tooltip=ααΆαααΆαααβαααα αΆβααΆαβααααααΆβααααβαααααΆα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/firefox-l10n.js b/l10n-km/browser/firefox-l10n.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b410ad9aef --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/firefox-l10n.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +#filter substitution + diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/installer/custom.properties b/l10n-km/browser/installer/custom.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..465fa270b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/installer/custom.properties @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE: + +# This file must be saved as UTF8 + +# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the +# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &). + +# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a +# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files. +# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands +# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from +# being used as an accesskey. + +# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string +# from en-US contains a \n. + +REG_APP_DESC=$BrandShortName αααααΌαβαα
αααββαα»ααααα·ααΆαβ ααΆαβααααΎαβαααααΆαβααΆααααα½αΒ α α
βαααααΆααββααααβα’αααβααααΎβαααβααΆαβαααα½α ααααα αα·αααββαααβααΆαβαα»ααααα·ααΆα αα½αβααΆααβααΆαβααΆαααΆαβααΈβααΆαβαα½α
ββα’αααβαααααΆαβααΎβαααααΆα αα·αβααΆαβαααααααβαααββα’αααβααΉαβα’αΆα
βααααΎβααΆαβαααααβαααααΆαβααΆααβα’ααΒ α +CONTEXT_OPTIONS=αααααΎα $BrandShortName +CONTEXT_SAFE_MODE=&ααααβαα»ααααα·ααΆα $BrandShortName +OPTIONS_PAGE_TITLE=ααααααβαααα
α +OPTIONS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=ααααΎαβαααααΎαβαααα
αβααααΌαααΆαα +SHORTCUTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=αααααΎαβααΌαααααΆααααααα·ααΈ +COMPONENTS_PAGE_TITLE=αααα
αβαααΆαααΆαβααΆβαααααΎα +COMPONENTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=αααΆαααΆαβαααβααΆαβαααααβα’αα»ααΆαααβααΆβαααααΎα +OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_DESC=ααααΆβααΆαβααααΆαβααΉαβα’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβα’αααβααααΎβαα
α»ααααααβααΆα $BrandShortName αααβααααΆααβαα
αΆααααααΎαβααα‘αΎα $BrandShortName +SUMMARY_INSTALLED_TO=$BrandShortName ααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαα
αΆααααααΎαβββαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβα‘αΎαβαα·αβ ααΎααααΈβαααα
αΆααααααΎαβββαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβα‘αΎαβαα·αβ ααΎααααΈβαααα
ααβααΆαβαα»α α +SUMMARY_TAKE_DEFAULTS=ααααΎ $BrandShortName ααΆβαααααα·ααΈβαα»αααβαααααΆαβααααΆαααΎαβααααβαααα»α +SUMMARY_INSTALL_CLICK=α
β ααα‘αΎαβααΎααααΈβααααΒ α +SUMMARY_UPGRADE_CLICK=α
βααααΎβα²ααβαααααΎαβα‘αΎαβ ααΎααααΈβααααΒ α +SURVEY_TEXT=ααααΆααβαα½αβααΎαβααΌαβα’αααΈβαααβα’αααβαα·αβα’αααΈ $BrandShortName +LAUNCH_TEXT=α
αΆααααααΎα $BrandShortName α₯α‘αΌαβααα +CREATE_ICONS_DESC=αααααΎαβααΌαααααΆαβαααααΆαα $BrandShortNameΒ α +ICONS_DESKTOP=αα
βααΎβααααβαα»βααααβαααα»α +ICONS_STARTMENU=αα
βαααα»αβααβ α
αΆααααααΎαβαααααα·ααΈβαααΊαα»αβααααβαααα»α +WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_INSTALL=ααααΌαβααβαα·α $BrandShortName ααΎααααΈβααααβααΆαβααα‘αΎαΒ α \n\nααΌαβαα·α $BrandShortName ααΎααααΈβααααΒ α +WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_UNINSTALL=ααααΌαβααβαα·α $BrandShortName ααΎααααΈβααααβααΆαβαα»αΒ α\n\nααΌαβαα·α $BrandShortName ααΎααααΈβααααΒ α +WARN_WRITE_ACCESS=α’αααβαα·αβααΆαβαα·αααα·βαααααβαα
βααΆααβααβααα‘αΎαβααΒ α\n\nα
β αααβαααα ααΎααααΈβααααΎαβααβαααααΒ α +WARN_DISK_SPACE=α’αααβαα·αααΆαβααα αβααΆαβαααααααααΆαα ααΎααααΈβααα‘αΎαβαααα»αβααΈααΆααβαααβααΒ α\n\nα
ααααααα ααΎααααΈβααααΎαβααΈααΆααβαααααΒ α +WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_MSG=ααΌαβααα αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎα $BrandShortName ααΆαβααα ααααβ $BrandShortName αααβααααΌαααΆα ${MinSupportedVer} α¬βααααΈβααΆαα ααΌαβα
βαααΌαα»α ααααααα αααααΆααβααααααΆαβααααααα +WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_CPU_MSG=ααΌαααα αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎα $BrandShortName ααΆαβααα αααα $BrandShortName αααβααααΌαβααΆαββα’αααβααααΎαααΆαβαααβααΆαβαααα½α ${MinSupportedCPU}α ααΌαβα
βαααΌαα»α αααααααβαααααΆααβααααααΆαβααααααα +WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_CPU_MSG=ααΌαβααα αα·αβα’αΆα
βααα‘αΎα $BrandShortName ααΆαβααα αααα $BrandShortName αααβααααΌαααΆα ${MinSupportedVer} α¬βααααΈβααΆαβααα αα·αβα’αααβααααΎαααΆαβαααβααΆαβαααα½α ${MinSupportedCPU}α ααΌαβα
βαααΌαα»α ααααααα αααααΆααβααααααΆαβααααααα +WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UNINSTALL=ααααΌαβααβα
αΆααααααΎαβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβα‘αΎαβαα·α ααΎααααΈβαααα
ααβααΆαβαα»αβ $BrandShortName ααΈβαα»αΒ α ααΎβα’αααβα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎβααα·αβα₯α‘αΌαβαααα¬ααΒ ? +WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UPGRADE=ααααΌαβααβα
αΆααααααΎαβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβα‘αΎαβαα·α ααΎααααΈβαααα
ααβααΆαβααααΎβα²ααβ $BrandShortName αααααΎαβα‘αΎαβΒ α ααΎβα’αααβα
αΆααααααΎαβα‘αΎααα·αβα₯α‘αΌαβαααα¬ααΒ ? +ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=ααα α»αβαααα»αβααΆαβαααααΎαβααΒ α +ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX=α
β αααααα ααΎααααΈβααααααβααΆαβααα‘αΎα α¬β\nααααΆααΆαβααααβααα ααΎααααΈβααααΆααΆαβααααβαααΒ α + +UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_TITLE=αα»α $BrandFullName +UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_SUBTITLE=αα $BrandFullName α
ααβααΈβαα»αααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβΒ α +UN_CONFIRM_UNINSTALLED_FROM=$BrandShortName ααΉβαβααααΌαβααΆααα»αβααΈβααΈααΆααβααΌα
βααΆααααααΒ α +UN_CONFIRM_CLICK=α
αα»αβααΎααααΈβααααΒ α + +BANNER_CHECK_EXISTING=αααα»αβαα·αα·αααβααΎαβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβαααβααΆαβααααΆαα... + +STATUS_INSTALL_APP=αααα»αβααα‘αΎα $BrandShortNameβ¦ +STATUS_INSTALL_LANG=αααα»αβααα‘αΎαβα―αααΆαβααΆααΆ (${AB_CD})β¦ +STATUS_UNINSTALL_MAIN=αααα»αβαα»α $BrandShortNameβ¦ +STATUS_CLEANUP=αααααΆαα»ααα·α
... + +# _DESC strings support approximately 65 characters per line. +# One line +OPTIONS_SUMMARY=ααααΎαβααααααβααα‘αΎαβαααβα’αααβαααα
α·ααα αααααΆααβααβα
β αααααΆααΒ α +# One line +OPTION_STANDARD_DESC=$BrandShortName ααΉαβααααΌαβααΆαβααα‘αΎαβββαααβααΆαβαααααΎαβααΆααααβαααα»αΒ α +OPTION_STANDARD_RADIO=αααααααΆα +# Two lines +OPTION_CUSTOM_DESC=α’αααβα’αΆα
βααααΎαβαααααΎαβααΈαα½ααβ ααΎααααΈβααα‘αΎαΒ α ααΆαβαααααβα’αα»ααΆαααβαααααΆααβα’αααβααααΎβαααβααΆααααα·αααααΒ α +OPTION_CUSTOM_RADIO=ααααΆαααααα½α + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE: +# The following text replaces the Install button text on the summary page. +# Verify that the access key for InstallBtn (in override.properties) and +# UPGRADE_BUTTON is not already used by SUMMARY_TAKE_DEFAULTS. +UPGRADE_BUTTON=ααααΎβα²ααβαααααΎαβα‘αΎα diff --git a/l10n-km/browser/installer/mui.properties b/l10n-km/browser/installer/mui.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd39a2d8e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-km/browser/installer/mui.properties @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# To make the l10n tinderboxen see changes to this file you can change a value +# name by adding - to the end of the name followed by chars (e.g. Branding-2). + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE: + +# This file must be saved as UTF8 + +# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the +# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &). + +# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a +# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files. +# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands +# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from +# being used as an accesskey. + +# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string +# from en-US contains a \n. + +MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE=ααΌαβααααΆααααβααβααΆααβα’αααβαααα½αβααΆαβαααα
αβαααα $BrandFullNameDA +MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT=α’αααβαααα½αβααΆαβαααβααΉαβααΆαβα’αααβααΎαβααΆαβααα‘αΎα $BrandFullNameDAΒ α\n\nααΆβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααβα’αα»ααΆαααβ α²ααβα’αααββαα·αβαααααα·ααΈβααααααβαα»αβααΉαβα
αΒ α ααΆβααΉαβα’αΆα
α»ααααααβα―αααΆαβααααααααβαααβααΆαααα αααβαα·αβα
αΆααααααΎαβαα»αβααααΌαααβααααβα’αααβα‘αΎαβαα·αβααΒ α\n\n$_CLICK +MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_TITLE=ααααΎαβαααΆαααΆα +MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE=ααααΎαβαααααβαα·αααβαααα $BrandFullNameDA αααβα’αααβα
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