path: root/browser/extensions/formautofill/content
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-amex.pngbin0 -> 1306 bytes
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-amex@2x.pngbin0 -> 2311 bytes
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-cartebancaire.pngbin0 -> 1240 bytes
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-cartebancaire@2x.pngbin0 -> 3111 bytes
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-discover.pngbin0 -> 1117 bytes
-rw-r--r--browser/extensions/formautofill/content/third-party/cc-logo-discover@2x.pngbin0 -> 2471 bytes
27 files changed, 2343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/autofillEditForms.js b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/autofillEditForms.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ed64a098a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/autofillEditForms.js
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* exported EditAddress, EditCreditCard */
+/* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ // Not relevant since the document gets unloaded.
+"use strict";
+const { FormAutofill } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://autofill/FormAutofill.sys.mjs"
+const { FormAutofillUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs"
+class EditAutofillForm {
+ constructor(elements) {
+ this._elements = elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fill the form with a record object.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [record = {}]
+ */
+ loadRecord(record = {}) {
+ for (let field of this._elements.form.elements) {
+ let value = record[];
+ value = typeof value == "undefined" ? "" : value;
+ if (record.guid) {
+ field.value = value;
+ } else if (field.localName == "select") {
+ this.setDefaultSelectedOptionByValue(field, value);
+ } else {
+ // Use .defaultValue instead of .value to avoid setting the `dirty` flag
+ // which triggers form validation UI.
+ field.defaultValue = value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!record.guid) {
+ // Reset the dirty value flag and validity state.
+ this._elements.form.reset();
+ } else {
+ for (let field of this._elements.form.elements) {
+ this.updatePopulatedState(field);
+ this.updateCustomValidity(field);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setDefaultSelectedOptionByValue(select, value) {
+ for (let option of select.options) {
+ option.defaultSelected = option.value == value;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a record from the form suitable for a save/update in storage.
+ *
+ * @returns {object}
+ */
+ buildFormObject() {
+ let initialObject = {};
+ if (this.hasMailingAddressFields) {
+ // Start with an empty string for each mailing-address field so that any
+ // fields hidden for the current country are blanked in the return value.
+ initialObject = {
+ "street-address": "",
+ "address-level3": "",
+ "address-level2": "",
+ "address-level1": "",
+ "postal-code": "",
+ };
+ }
+ return Array.from(this._elements.form.elements).reduce((obj, input) => {
+ if (!input.disabled) {
+ obj[] = input.value;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }, initialObject);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleEvent(event) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case "change": {
+ this.handleChange(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "input": {
+ this.handleInput(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle change events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleChange(event) {
+ this.updatePopulatedState(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle input events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleInput(event) {}
+ /**
+ * Attach event listener
+ */
+ attachEventListeners() {
+ this._elements.form.addEventListener("input", this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the field-populated attribute if the field has a value.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} field The field that will be checked for a value.
+ */
+ updatePopulatedState(field) {
+ let span = field.parentNode.querySelector(".label-text");
+ if (!span) {
+ return;
+ }
+ span.toggleAttribute("field-populated", !!field.value.trim());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run custom validity routines specific to the field and type of form.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} field The field that will be validated.
+ */
+ updateCustomValidity(field) {}
+class EditAddress extends EditAutofillForm {
+ /**
+ * @param {HTMLElement[]} elements
+ * @param {object} record
+ * @param {object} config
+ * @param {boolean} [config.noValidate=undefined] Whether to validate the form
+ */
+ constructor(elements, record, config) {
+ super(elements);
+ Object.assign(this, config);
+ let { form } = this._elements;
+ Object.assign(this._elements, {
+ addressLevel3Label: form.querySelector(
+ "#address-level3-container > .label-text"
+ ),
+ addressLevel2Label: form.querySelector(
+ "#address-level2-container > .label-text"
+ ),
+ addressLevel1Label: form.querySelector(
+ "#address-level1-container > .label-text"
+ ),
+ postalCodeLabel: form.querySelector(
+ "#postal-code-container > .label-text"
+ ),
+ country: form.querySelector("#country"),
+ });
+ this.populateCountries();
+ // Need to populate the countries before trying to set the initial country.
+ // Also need to use this._record so it has the default country selected.
+ this.loadRecord(record);
+ this.attachEventListeners();
+ form.noValidate = !!config.noValidate;
+ }
+ loadRecord(record) {
+ this._record = record;
+ if (!record) {
+ record = {
+ country: FormAutofill.DEFAULT_REGION,
+ };
+ }
+ let { addressLevel1Options } = FormAutofillUtils.getFormFormat(
+ );
+ this.populateAddressLevel1(addressLevel1Options,;
+ super.loadRecord(record);
+ this.loadAddressLevel1(record["address-level1"],;
+ this.formatForm(;
+ }
+ get hasMailingAddressFields() {
+ let { addressFields } = this._elements.form.dataset;
+ return (
+ !addressFields ||
+ addressFields.trim().split(/\s+/).includes("mailing-address")
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * `mailing-address` is a special attribute token to indicate mailing fields + country.
+ *
+ * @param {object[]} mailingFieldsOrder - `fieldsOrder` from `getFormFormat`
+ * @param {string} addressFields - white-space-separated string of requested address fields to show
+ * @returns {object[]} in the same structure as `mailingFieldsOrder` but including non-mail fields
+ */
+ static computeVisibleFields(mailingFieldsOrder, addressFields) {
+ if (addressFields) {
+ let requestedFieldClasses = addressFields.trim().split(/\s+/);
+ let fieldClasses = [];
+ if (requestedFieldClasses.includes("mailing-address")) {
+ fieldClasses = fieldClasses.concat(mailingFieldsOrder);
+ // `country` isn't part of the `mailingFieldsOrder` so add it when filling a mailing-address
+ requestedFieldClasses.splice(
+ requestedFieldClasses.indexOf("mailing-address"),
+ 1,
+ "country"
+ );
+ }
+ for (let fieldClassName of requestedFieldClasses) {
+ fieldClasses.push({
+ fieldId: fieldClassName,
+ newLine: fieldClassName == "name",
+ });
+ }
+ return fieldClasses;
+ }
+ // This is the default which is shown in the management interface and includes all fields.
+ return mailingFieldsOrder.concat([
+ {
+ fieldId: "country",
+ },
+ {
+ fieldId: "tel",
+ },
+ {
+ fieldId: "email",
+ newLine: true,
+ },
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format the form based on country. The address-level1 and postal-code labels
+ * should be specific to the given country.
+ *
+ * @param {string} country
+ */
+ formatForm(country) {
+ const {
+ addressLevel3L10nId,
+ addressLevel2L10nId,
+ addressLevel1L10nId,
+ addressLevel1Options,
+ postalCodeL10nId,
+ fieldsOrder: mailingFieldsOrder,
+ postalCodePattern,
+ countryRequiredFields,
+ } = FormAutofillUtils.getFormFormat(country);
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.addressLevel3Label,
+ addressLevel3L10nId
+ );
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.addressLevel2Label,
+ addressLevel2L10nId
+ );
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.addressLevel1Label,
+ addressLevel1L10nId
+ );
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.postalCodeLabel,
+ postalCodeL10nId
+ );
+ let addressFields = this._elements.form.dataset.addressFields;
+ let extraRequiredFields = this._elements.form.dataset.extraRequiredFields;
+ let fieldClasses = EditAddress.computeVisibleFields(
+ mailingFieldsOrder,
+ addressFields
+ );
+ let requiredFields = new Set(countryRequiredFields);
+ if (extraRequiredFields) {
+ for (let extraRequiredField of extraRequiredFields.trim().split(/\s+/)) {
+ requiredFields.add(extraRequiredField);
+ }
+ }
+ this.arrangeFields(fieldClasses, requiredFields);
+ this.updatePostalCodeValidation(postalCodePattern);
+ this.populateAddressLevel1(addressLevel1Options, country);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update address field visibility and order based on libaddressinput data.
+ *
+ * @param {object[]} fieldsOrder array of objects with `fieldId` and optional `newLine` properties
+ * @param {Set} requiredFields Set of `fieldId` strings that mark which fields are required
+ */
+ arrangeFields(fieldsOrder, requiredFields) {
+ /**
+ * @see FormAutofillStorage.VALID_ADDRESS_FIELDS
+ */
+ let fields = [
+ // `name` is a wrapper for the 3 name fields.
+ "name",
+ "organization",
+ "street-address",
+ "address-level3",
+ "address-level2",
+ "address-level1",
+ "postal-code",
+ "country",
+ "tel",
+ "email",
+ ];
+ let inputs = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < fieldsOrder.length; i++) {
+ let { fieldId, newLine } = fieldsOrder[i];
+ let container = this._elements.form.querySelector(
+ `#${fieldId}-container`
+ );
+ let containerInputs = [
+ ...container.querySelectorAll("input, textarea, select"),
+ ];
+ containerInputs.forEach(function (input) {
+ input.disabled = false;
+ // libaddressinput doesn't list 'country' or 'name' as required.
+ // The additional-name field should never get marked as required.
+ input.required =
+ (fieldId == "country" ||
+ fieldId == "name" ||
+ requiredFields.has(fieldId)) &&
+ != "additional-name";
+ });
+ inputs.push(...containerInputs);
+ = "flex";
+ = i;
+ = newLine ? "always" : "auto";
+ // Remove the field from the list of fields
+ fields.splice(fields.indexOf(fieldId), 1);
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+ // Assign tabIndex starting from 1
+ inputs[i].tabIndex = i + 1;
+ }
+ // Hide the remaining fields
+ for (let field of fields) {
+ let container = this._elements.form.querySelector(`#${field}-container`);
+ = "none";
+ for (let input of [
+ ...container.querySelectorAll("input, textarea, select"),
+ ]) {
+ input.disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updatePostalCodeValidation(postalCodePattern) {
+ let postalCodeInput = this._elements.form.querySelector("#postal-code");
+ if (postalCodePattern && != "none") {
+ postalCodeInput.setAttribute("pattern", postalCodePattern);
+ } else {
+ postalCodeInput.removeAttribute("pattern");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the address-level1 value on the form field (input or select, whichever is present).
+ *
+ * @param {string} addressLevel1Value Value of the address-level1 from the autofill record
+ * @param {string} country The corresponding country
+ */
+ loadAddressLevel1(addressLevel1Value, country) {
+ let field = this._elements.form.querySelector("#address-level1");
+ if (field.localName == "input") {
+ field.value = addressLevel1Value || "";
+ return;
+ }
+ let matchedSelectOption = FormAutofillUtils.findAddressSelectOption(
+ field,
+ {
+ country,
+ "address-level1": addressLevel1Value,
+ },
+ "address-level1"
+ );
+ if (matchedSelectOption && !matchedSelectOption.selected) {
+ field.value = matchedSelectOption.value;
+ field.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true }));
+ field.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true }));
+ } else if (addressLevel1Value) {
+ // If the option wasn't found, insert an option at the beginning of
+ // the select that matches the stored value.
+ field.insertBefore(
+ new Option(addressLevel1Value, addressLevel1Value, true, true),
+ field.firstChild
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace the text input for address-level1 with a select dropdown if
+ * a fixed set of names exists. Otherwise show a text input.
+ *
+ * @param {Map?} options Map of options with regionCode -> name mappings
+ * @param {string} country The corresponding country
+ */
+ populateAddressLevel1(options, country) {
+ let field = this._elements.form.querySelector("#address-level1");
+ if ( == country) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!options) {
+ if (field.localName == "input") {
+ return;
+ }
+ let input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", "text");
+ = "address-level1";
+ input.required = field.required;
+ input.disabled = field.disabled;
+ input.tabIndex = field.tabIndex;
+ field.replaceWith(input);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (field.localName == "input") {
+ let select = document.createElement("select");
+ = "address-level1";
+ select.required = field.required;
+ select.disabled = field.disabled;
+ select.tabIndex = field.tabIndex;
+ field.replaceWith(select);
+ field = select;
+ }
+ field.textContent = "";
+ = country;
+ let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ fragment.appendChild(new Option(undefined, undefined, true, true));
+ for (let [regionCode, regionName] of options) {
+ let option = new Option(regionName, regionCode);
+ fragment.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ field.appendChild(fragment);
+ }
+ populateCountries() {
+ let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ // Sort countries by their visible names.
+ let countries = [...FormAutofill.countries.entries()].sort((e1, e2) =>
+ e1[1].localeCompare(e2[1])
+ );
+ for (let [country] of countries) {
+ const countryName = Services.intl.getRegionDisplayNames(undefined, [
+ country.toLowerCase(),
+ ]);
+ const option = new Option(countryName, country);
+ fragment.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ handleChange(event) {
+ if ( == {
+ this.formatForm(;
+ }
+ super.handleChange(event);
+ }
+ attachEventListeners() {
+ this._elements.form.addEventListener("change", this);
+ super.attachEventListeners();
+ }
+class EditCreditCard extends EditAutofillForm {
+ /**
+ * @param {HTMLElement[]} elements
+ * @param {object} record with a decrypted cc-number
+ * @param {object} addresses in an object with guid keys for the billing address picker.
+ */
+ constructor(elements, record, addresses) {
+ super(elements);
+ this._addresses = addresses;
+ Object.assign(this._elements, {
+ ccNumber: this._elements.form.querySelector("#cc-number"),
+ invalidCardNumberStringElement: this._elements.form.querySelector(
+ "#invalidCardNumberString"
+ ),
+ month: this._elements.form.querySelector("#cc-exp-month"),
+ year: this._elements.form.querySelector("#cc-exp-year"),
+ billingAddress: this._elements.form.querySelector("#billingAddressGUID"),
+ billingAddressRow:
+ this._elements.form.querySelector(".billingAddressRow"),
+ });
+ this.attachEventListeners();
+ this.loadRecord(record, addresses);
+ }
+ loadRecord(record, addresses, preserveFieldValues) {
+ // _record must be updated before generateYears and generateBillingAddressOptions are called.
+ this._record = record;
+ this._addresses = addresses;
+ this.generateBillingAddressOptions(preserveFieldValues);
+ if (!preserveFieldValues) {
+ // Re-generating the months will reset the selected option.
+ this.generateMonths();
+ // Re-generating the years will reset the selected option.
+ this.generateYears();
+ super.loadRecord(record);
+ }
+ }
+ generateMonths() {
+ const count = 12;
+ // Clear the list
+ this._elements.month.textContent = "";
+ // Empty month option
+ this._elements.month.appendChild(new Option());
+ // Populate month list. Format: "month number - month name"
+ let dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(navigator.language, {
+ month: "long",
+ }).format;
+ for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ let monthNumber = (i + 1).toString();
+ let monthName = dateFormat(new Date(1970, i));
+ let option = new Option();
+ option.value = monthNumber;
+ // XXX: Bug 1446164 - Localize this string.
+ option.textContent = `${monthNumber.padStart(2, "0")} - ${monthName}`;
+ this._elements.month.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ generateYears() {
+ const count = 11;
+ const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
+ const ccExpYear = this._record && this._record["cc-exp-year"];
+ // Clear the list
+ this._elements.year.textContent = "";
+ // Provide an empty year option
+ this._elements.year.appendChild(new Option());
+ if (ccExpYear && ccExpYear < currentYear) {
+ this._elements.year.appendChild(new Option(ccExpYear));
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ let year = currentYear + i;
+ let option = new Option(year);
+ this._elements.year.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ if (ccExpYear && ccExpYear > currentYear + count) {
+ this._elements.year.appendChild(new Option(ccExpYear));
+ }
+ }
+ generateBillingAddressOptions(preserveFieldValues) {
+ let billingAddressGUID;
+ if (preserveFieldValues && this._elements.billingAddress.value) {
+ billingAddressGUID = this._elements.billingAddress.value;
+ } else if (this._record) {
+ billingAddressGUID = this._record.billingAddressGUID;
+ }
+ this._elements.billingAddress.textContent = "";
+ this._elements.billingAddress.appendChild(new Option("", ""));
+ let hasAddresses = false;
+ for (let [guid, address] of Object.entries(this._addresses)) {
+ hasAddresses = true;
+ let selected = guid == billingAddressGUID;
+ let option = new Option(
+ FormAutofillUtils.getAddressLabel(address),
+ guid,
+ selected,
+ selected
+ );
+ this._elements.billingAddress.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ this._elements.billingAddressRow.hidden = !hasAddresses;
+ }
+ attachEventListeners() {
+ this._elements.form.addEventListener("change", this);
+ super.attachEventListeners();
+ }
+ handleInput(event) {
+ // Clear the error message if cc-number is valid
+ if (
+ == this._elements.ccNumber &&
+ FormAutofillUtils.isCCNumber(this._elements.ccNumber.value)
+ ) {
+ this._elements.ccNumber.setCustomValidity("");
+ }
+ super.handleInput(event);
+ }
+ updateCustomValidity(field) {
+ super.updateCustomValidity(field);
+ // Mark the cc-number field as invalid if the number is empty or invalid.
+ if (
+ field == this._elements.ccNumber &&
+ !FormAutofillUtils.isCCNumber(field.value)
+ ) {
+ let invalidCardNumberString =
+ this._elements.invalidCardNumberStringElement.textContent;
+ field.setCustomValidity(invalidCardNumberString || " ");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/customElements.js b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/customElements.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b3d761817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/customElements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// This file is loaded into the browser window scope.
+/* eslint-env mozilla/browser-window */
+/* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ // Not relevant since the document gets unloaded.
+"use strict";
+// Wrap in a block to prevent leaking to window scope.
+(() => {
+ function sendMessageToBrowser(msgName, data) {
+ let { AutoCompleteParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/actors/AutoCompleteParent.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ let actor = AutoCompleteParent.getCurrentActor();
+ if (!actor) {
+ return;
+ }
+ actor.manager.getActor("FormAutofill").sendAsyncMessage(msgName, data);
+ }
+ class MozAutocompleteProfileListitemBase extends MozElements.MozRichlistitem {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ /**
+ * For form autofill, we want to unify the selection no matter by
+ * keyboard navigation or mouseover in order not to confuse user which
+ * profile preview is being shown. This field is set to true to indicate
+ * that selectedIndex of popup should be changed while mouseover item
+ */
+ this.selectedByMouseOver = true;
+ }
+ get _stringBundle() {
+ if (!this.__stringBundle) {
+ this.__stringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
+ "chrome://formautofill/locale/"
+ );
+ }
+ return this.__stringBundle;
+ }
+ _cleanup() {
+ this.removeAttribute("formautofillattached");
+ if (this._itemBox) {
+ this._itemBox.removeAttribute("size");
+ }
+ }
+ _onOverflow() {}
+ _onUnderflow() {}
+ handleOverUnderflow() {}
+ _adjustAutofillItemLayout() {
+ let outerBoxRect = this.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
+ // Make item fit in popup as XUL box could not constrain
+ // item's width
+ = outerBoxRect.width + "px";
+ // Use two-lines layout when width is smaller than 150px or
+ // 185px if an image precedes the label.
+ let oneLineMinRequiredWidth = this.getAttribute("ac-image") ? 185 : 150;
+ if (outerBoxRect.width <= oneLineMinRequiredWidth) {
+ this._itemBox.setAttribute("size", "small");
+ } else {
+ this._itemBox.removeAttribute("size");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MozElements.MozAutocompleteProfileListitem = class MozAutocompleteProfileListitem extends (
+ MozAutocompleteProfileListitemBase
+ ) {
+ static get markup() {
+ return `
+ <div xmlns="" class="autofill-item-box">
+ <div class="profile-label-col profile-item-col">
+ <span class="profile-label-affix"></span>
+ <span class="profile-label"></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="profile-comment-col profile-item-col">
+ <span class="profile-comment"></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ `;
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.textContent = "";
+ this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
+ this._itemBox = this.querySelector(".autofill-item-box");
+ this._labelAffix = this.querySelector(".profile-label-affix");
+ this._label = this.querySelector(".profile-label");
+ this._comment = this.querySelector(".profile-comment");
+ this.initializeAttributeInheritance();
+ this._adjustAcItem();
+ }
+ static get inheritedAttributes() {
+ return {
+ ".autofill-item-box": "ac-image",
+ };
+ }
+ set selected(val) {
+ if (val) {
+ this.setAttribute("selected", "true");
+ } else {
+ this.removeAttribute("selected");
+ }
+ sendMessageToBrowser("FormAutofill:PreviewProfile");
+ }
+ get selected() {
+ return this.getAttribute("selected") == "true";
+ }
+ _adjustAcItem() {
+ this._adjustAutofillItemLayout();
+ this.setAttribute("formautofillattached", "true");
+ "--primary-icon",
+ `url(${this.getAttribute("ac-image")})`
+ );
+ let { primaryAffix, primary, secondary, ariaLabel } = JSON.parse(
+ this.getAttribute("ac-value")
+ );
+ this._labelAffix.textContent = primaryAffix;
+ this._label.textContent = primary;
+ this._comment.textContent = secondary;
+ if (ariaLabel) {
+ this.setAttribute("aria-label", ariaLabel);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ customElements.define(
+ "autocomplete-profile-listitem",
+ MozElements.MozAutocompleteProfileListitem,
+ { extends: "richlistitem" }
+ );
+ class MozAutocompleteProfileListitemFooter extends MozAutocompleteProfileListitemBase {
+ static get markup() {
+ return `
+ <div xmlns="" class="autofill-item-box autofill-footer">
+ <div class="autofill-footer-row autofill-warning"></div>
+ <div class="autofill-footer-row autofill-button"></div>
+ </div>
+ `;
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.addEventListener("click", event => {
+ if (event.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._warningTextBox.contains(event.originalTarget)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.openPreferences("privacy-form-autofill");
+ });
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.textContent = "";
+ this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
+ this._itemBox = this.querySelector(".autofill-footer");
+ this._optionButton = this.querySelector(".autofill-button");
+ this._warningTextBox = this.querySelector(".autofill-warning");
+ /**
+ * A handler for updating warning message once selectedIndex has been changed.
+ *
+ * There're three different states of warning message:
+ * 1. None of addresses were selected: We show all the categories intersection of fields in the
+ * form and fields in the results.
+ * 2. An address was selested: Show the additional categories that will also be filled.
+ * 3. An address was selected, but the focused category is the same as the only one category: Only show
+ * the exact category that we're going to fill in.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {object} data
+ * Message data
+ * @param {string[]} data.categories
+ * The categories of all the fields contained in the selected address.
+ */
+ this.updateWarningNote = data => {
+ let categories =
+ data && data.categories ? data.categories : this._allFieldCategories;
+ // If the length of categories is 1, that means all the fillable fields are in the same
+ // category. We will change the way to inform user according to this flag. When the value
+ // is true, we show "Also autofills ...", otherwise, show "Autofills ..." only.
+ let hasExtraCategories = categories.length > 1;
+ // Show the categories in certain order to conform with the spec.
+ let orderedCategoryList = [
+ { id: "address", l10nId: "category.address" },
+ { id: "name", l10nId: "" },
+ { id: "organization", l10nId: "category.organization2" },
+ { id: "tel", l10nId: "" },
+ { id: "email", l10nId: "" },
+ ];
+ let showCategories = hasExtraCategories
+ ? orderedCategoryList.filter(
+ category =>
+ categories.includes( &&
+ != this._focusedCategory
+ )
+ : [
+ orderedCategoryList.find(
+ category => == this._focusedCategory
+ ),
+ ];
+ let separator =
+ this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName("fieldNameSeparator");
+ let warningTextTmplKey = hasExtraCategories
+ ? "phishingWarningMessage"
+ : "phishingWarningMessage2";
+ let categoriesText = showCategories
+ .map(category =>
+ this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName(category.l10nId)
+ )
+ .join(separator);
+ this._warningTextBox.textContent =
+ this._stringBundle.formatStringFromName(warningTextTmplKey, [
+ categoriesText,
+ ]);
+ this.parentNode.parentNode.adjustHeight();
+ };
+ this._adjustAcItem();
+ }
+ _onCollapse() {
+ if (this.showWarningText) {
+ let { FormAutofillParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://autofill/FormAutofillParent.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ FormAutofillParent.removeMessageObserver(this);
+ }
+ this._itemBox.removeAttribute("no-warning");
+ }
+ _adjustAcItem() {
+ this._adjustAutofillItemLayout();
+ this.setAttribute("formautofillattached", "true");
+ let buttonTextBundleKey;
+ if (this._itemBox.getAttribute("size") == "small") {
+ buttonTextBundleKey =
+ AppConstants.platform == "macosx"
+ ? "autocompleteFooterOptionOSXShort2"
+ : "autocompleteFooterOptionShort2";
+ } else {
+ buttonTextBundleKey =
+ AppConstants.platform == "macosx"
+ ? "autocompleteFooterOptionOSX2"
+ : "autocompleteFooterOption2";
+ }
+ let buttonText =
+ this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName(buttonTextBundleKey);
+ this._optionButton.textContent = buttonText;
+ let value = JSON.parse(this.getAttribute("ac-value"));
+ this._allFieldCategories = value.categories;
+ this._focusedCategory = value.focusedCategory;
+ this.showWarningText = this._allFieldCategories && this._focusedCategory;
+ if (this.showWarningText) {
+ let { FormAutofillParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://autofill/FormAutofillParent.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ FormAutofillParent.addMessageObserver(this);
+ this.updateWarningNote();
+ } else {
+ this._itemBox.setAttribute("no-warning", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define(
+ "autocomplete-profile-listitem-footer",
+ MozAutocompleteProfileListitemFooter,
+ { extends: "richlistitem" }
+ );
+ class MozAutocompleteCreditcardInsecureField extends MozAutocompleteProfileListitemBase {
+ static get markup() {
+ return `
+ <div xmlns="" class="autofill-insecure-item"></div>
+ `;
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.textContent = "";
+ this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
+ this._itemBox = this.querySelector(".autofill-insecure-item");
+ this._adjustAcItem();
+ }
+ set selected(val) {
+ // This item is unselectable since we see this item as a pure message.
+ }
+ get selected() {
+ return this.getAttribute("selected") == "true";
+ }
+ _adjustAcItem() {
+ this._adjustAutofillItemLayout();
+ this.setAttribute("formautofillattached", "true");
+ let value = this.getAttribute("ac-value");
+ this._itemBox.textContent = value;
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define(
+ "autocomplete-creditcard-insecure-field",
+ MozAutocompleteCreditcardInsecureField,
+ { extends: "richlistitem" }
+ );
+ class MozAutocompleteProfileListitemClearButton extends MozAutocompleteProfileListitemBase {
+ static get markup() {
+ return `
+ <div xmlns="" class="autofill-item-box autofill-footer">
+ <div class="autofill-footer-row autofill-button"></div>
+ </div>
+ `;
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.addEventListener("click", event => {
+ if (event.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sendMessageToBrowser("FormAutofill:ClearForm");
+ });
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.textContent = "";
+ this.appendChild(this.constructor.fragment);
+ this._itemBox = this.querySelector(".autofill-item-box");
+ this._clearBtn = this.querySelector(".autofill-button");
+ this._adjustAcItem();
+ }
+ _adjustAcItem() {
+ this._adjustAutofillItemLayout();
+ this.setAttribute("formautofillattached", "true");
+ let clearFormBtnLabel =
+ this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName("clearFormBtnLabel2");
+ this._clearBtn.textContent = clearFormBtnLabel;
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define(
+ "autocomplete-profile-listitem-clear-button",
+ MozAutocompleteProfileListitemClearButton,
+ { extends: "richlistitem" }
+ );
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editAddress.xhtml b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editAddress.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8972e75c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editAddress.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="">
+ <head>
+ <title data-l10n-id="autofill-add-new-address-title"></title>
+ <link rel="localization" href="browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl" />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editDialog-shared.css"
+ />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editAddress.css"
+ />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editDialog.css"
+ />
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/editDialog.js"></script>
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/autofillEditForms.js"></script>
+ <script
+ type="module"
+ src="chrome://global/content/elements/moz-button-group.mjs"
+ ></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <form id="form" class="editAddressForm" autocomplete="off">
+ <!--
+ The <span class="label-text" …/> needs to be after the form field in the same element in
+ order to get proper label styling with :focus and :moz-ui-invalid.
+ -->
+ <div id="name-container" class="container">
+ <label id="given-name-container">
+ <input id="given-name" type="text" required="required" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-given-name" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="additional-name-container">
+ <input id="additional-name" type="text" />
+ <span
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-address-additional-name"
+ class="label-text"
+ />
+ </label>
+ <label id="family-name-container">
+ <input id="family-name" type="text" required="required" />
+ <span
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-address-family-name"
+ class="label-text"
+ />
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <label id="organization-container" class="container">
+ <input id="organization" type="text" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-organization" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="street-address-container" class="container">
+ <textarea id="street-address" rows="3" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-street" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="address-level3-container" class="container">
+ <input id="address-level3" type="text" />
+ <span class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="address-level2-container" class="container">
+ <input id="address-level2" type="text" />
+ <span class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="address-level1-container" class="container">
+ <!-- The address-level1 input will get replaced by a select dropdown
+ by autofillEditForms.js when the selected country has provided
+ specific options. -->
+ <input id="address-level1" type="text" />
+ <span class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="postal-code-container" class="container">
+ <input id="postal-code" type="text" />
+ <span class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="country-container" class="container">
+ <select id="country" required="required">
+ <option />
+ </select>
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-country" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="tel-container" class="container">
+ <input id="tel" type="tel" dir="auto" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-tel" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="email-container" class="container">
+ <input id="email" type="email" required="required" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-address-email" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ </form>
+ <div id="controls-container">
+ <span
+ id="country-warning-message"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-country-warning-message"
+ />
+ <moz-button-group>
+ <button id="cancel" data-l10n-id="autofill-cancel-button" />
+ <button id="save" class="primary" data-l10n-id="autofill-save-button" />
+ </moz-button-group>
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ <![CDATA[
+ "use strict";
+ const {
+ record,
+ noValidate,
+ } = window.arguments?.[0] ?? {};
+ /* import-globals-from autofillEditForms.js */
+ const fieldContainer = new EditAddress({
+ form: document.getElementById("form"),
+ }, record, {
+ noValidate,
+ });
+ /* import-globals-from editDialog.js */
+ new EditAddressDialog({
+ title: document.querySelector("title"),
+ fieldContainer,
+ controlsContainer: document.getElementById("controls-container"),
+ cancel: document.getElementById("cancel"),
+ save: document.getElementById("save"),
+ }, record);
+ ]]>
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editCreditCard.xhtml b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editCreditCard.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8315540c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editCreditCard.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="">
+ <head>
+ <title data-l10n-id="autofill-add-new-card-title"></title>
+ <link rel="localization" href="browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl" />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editDialog-shared.css"
+ />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editCreditCard.css"
+ />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/skin/editDialog.css"
+ />
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/editDialog.js"></script>
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/autofillEditForms.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <form id="form" class="editCreditCardForm contentPane" autocomplete="off">
+ <!--
+ The <span class="label-text" …/> needs to be after the form field in the same element in
+ order to get proper label styling with :focus and :moz-ui-invalid.
+ -->
+ <label id="cc-number-container" class="container" role="none">
+ <span
+ id="invalidCardNumberString"
+ hidden="hidden"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-card-invalid-number"
+ ></span>
+ <!-- Because there is text both before and after the input, a11y will
+ include the value of the input in the label. Therefore, we override
+ with aria-labelledby.
+ -->
+ <input
+ id="cc-number"
+ type="text"
+ required="required"
+ minlength="14"
+ pattern="[- 0-9]+"
+ aria-labelledby="cc-number-label"
+ />
+ <span
+ id="cc-number-label"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-card-number"
+ class="label-text"
+ />
+ </label>
+ <label id="cc-exp-month-container" class="container">
+ <select id="cc-exp-month" required="required">
+ <option />
+ </select>
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-card-expires-month" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="cc-exp-year-container" class="container">
+ <select id="cc-exp-year" required="required">
+ <option />
+ </select>
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-card-expires-year" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="cc-name-container" class="container">
+ <input id="cc-name" type="text" required="required" />
+ <span data-l10n-id="autofill-card-name-on-card" class="label-text" />
+ </label>
+ <label id="cc-csc-container" class="container" hidden="hidden">
+ <!-- The CSC container will get filled in by forms that need a CSC (using csc-input.js) -->
+ </label>
+ <div
+ id="billingAddressGUID-container"
+ class="billingAddressRow container rich-picker"
+ >
+ <select id="billingAddressGUID" required="required"></select>
+ <label
+ for="billingAddressGUID"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-card-billing-address"
+ class="label-text"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ <div id="controls-container">
+ <button id="cancel" data-l10n-id="autofill-cancel-button" />
+ <button id="save" class="primary" data-l10n-id="autofill-save-button" />
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ <![CDATA[
+ "use strict";
+ /* import-globals-from editDialog.js */
+ (async () => {
+ const {
+ record,
+ } = window.arguments?.[0] ?? {};
+ const addresses = {};
+ for (let address of await formAutofillStorage.addresses.getAll()) {
+ addresses[address.guid] = address;
+ }
+ /* import-globals-from autofillEditForms.js */
+ const fieldContainer = new EditCreditCard({
+ form: document.getElementById("form"),
+ }, record, addresses);
+ new EditCreditCardDialog({
+ title: document.querySelector("title"),
+ fieldContainer,
+ controlsContainer: document.getElementById("controls-container"),
+ cancel: document.getElementById("cancel"),
+ save: document.getElementById("save"),
+ }, record);
+ })();
+ ]]>
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editDialog.js b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editDialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77dcbb2ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/editDialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* exported EditAddressDialog, EditCreditCardDialog */
+/* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ // Not relevant since the document gets unloaded.
+"use strict";
+ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
+ formAutofillStorage: "resource://autofill/FormAutofillStorage.sys.mjs",
+ this,
+ "AutofillTelemetry",
+ "resource://autofill/AutofillTelemetry.jsm"
+class AutofillEditDialog {
+ constructor(subStorageName, elements, record) {
+ this._storageInitPromise = formAutofillStorage.initialize();
+ this._subStorageName = subStorageName;
+ this._elements = elements;
+ this._record = record;
+ this.localizeDocument();
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this, { once: true });
+ }
+ async init() {
+ this.updateSaveButtonState();
+ this.attachEventListeners();
+ // For testing only: signal to tests that the dialog is ready for testing.
+ // This is likely no longer needed since retrieving from storage is fully
+ // handled in manageDialog.js now.
+ window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("FormReady"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get storage and ensure it has been initialized.
+ *
+ * @returns {object}
+ */
+ async getStorage() {
+ await this._storageInitPromise;
+ return formAutofillStorage[this._subStorageName];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asks FormAutofillParent to save or update an record.
+ *
+ * @param {object} record
+ * @param {string} guid [optional]
+ */
+ async saveRecord(record, guid) {
+ let storage = await this.getStorage();
+ if (guid) {
+ await storage.update(guid, record);
+ } else {
+ await storage.add(record);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleEvent(event) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case "DOMContentLoaded": {
+ this.init();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "click": {
+ this.handleClick(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "input": {
+ this.handleInput(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "keypress": {
+ this.handleKeyPress(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "contextmenu": {
+ if (
+ !HTMLInputElement.isInstance( &&
+ !HTMLTextAreaElement.isInstance(
+ ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle click events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleClick(event) {
+ if ( == this._elements.cancel) {
+ window.close();
+ }
+ if ( == {
+ this.handleSubmit();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle input events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleInput(event) {
+ this.updateSaveButtonState();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle key press events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleKeyPress(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {
+ window.close();
+ }
+ }
+ updateSaveButtonState() {
+ // Toggle disabled attribute on the save button based on
+ // whether the form is filled or empty.
+ if (!Object.keys(this._elements.fieldContainer.buildFormObject()).length) {
+"disabled", true);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attach event listener
+ */
+ attachEventListeners() {
+ window.addEventListener("keypress", this);
+ window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this);
+ this._elements.controlsContainer.addEventListener("click", this);
+ document.addEventListener("input", this);
+ }
+ // An interface to be inherited.
+ localizeDocument() {}
+ recordFormSubmit() {
+ let method = this._record?.guid ? "edit" : "add";
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, method);
+ }
+class EditAddressDialog extends AutofillEditDialog {
+ telemetryType = AutofillTelemetry.ADDRESS;
+ constructor(elements, record) {
+ super("addresses", elements, record);
+ if (record) {
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, "show_entry");
+ }
+ }
+ localizeDocument() {
+ if (this._record?.guid) {
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.title,
+ "autofill-edit-address-title"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ async handleSubmit() {
+ await this.saveRecord(
+ this._elements.fieldContainer.buildFormObject(),
+ this._record ? this._record.guid : null
+ );
+ this.recordFormSubmit();
+ window.close();
+ }
+class EditCreditCardDialog extends AutofillEditDialog {
+ telemetryType = AutofillTelemetry.CREDIT_CARD;
+ constructor(elements, record) {
+ elements.fieldContainer._elements.billingAddress.disabled = true;
+ super("creditCards", elements, record);
+ elements.fieldContainer._elements.ccNumber.addEventListener(
+ "blur",
+ this._onCCNumberFieldBlur.bind(this)
+ );
+ if (record) {
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, "show_entry");
+ }
+ }
+ _onCCNumberFieldBlur() {
+ let elem = this._elements.fieldContainer._elements.ccNumber;
+ this._elements.fieldContainer.updateCustomValidity(elem);
+ }
+ localizeDocument() {
+ if (this._record?.guid) {
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(
+ this._elements.title,
+ "autofill-edit-card-title"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ async handleSubmit() {
+ let creditCard = this._elements.fieldContainer.buildFormObject();
+ if (!this._elements.fieldContainer._elements.form.reportValidity()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.saveRecord(
+ creditCard,
+ this._record ? this._record.guid : null
+ );
+ this.recordFormSubmit();
+ window.close();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error(ex);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formautofill.css b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formautofill.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fad9ee410a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formautofill.css
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-profile"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-footer"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-insecureWarning"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-clear-button"] {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: auto;
+/* Treat @collpased="true" as display: none similar to how it is for XUL elements.
+ * */
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-profile"][collapsed="true"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-footer"][collapsed="true"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-insecureWarning"][collapsed="true"],
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[originaltype="autofill-clear-button"][collapsed="true"] {
+ display: none;
+#PopupAutoComplete[resultstyles~="autofill-profile"] {
+ min-width: 150px !important;
+#PopupAutoComplete[resultstyles~="autofill-insecureWarning"] {
+ min-width: 200px !important;
+#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem[disabled="true"] {
+ opacity: 0.5;
+/* Form Autofill Doorhanger */
+#autofill-address-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box,
+#autofill-credit-card-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box {
+ margin-block-end: 12px;
+#autofill-credit-card-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box > image {
+ -moz-context-properties: fill;
+ fill: currentColor;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ list-style-image: url(chrome://formautofill/content/icon-credit-card-generic.svg);
+#autofill-address-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box > description,
+#autofill-address-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box > additional-description,
+#autofill-credit-card-notification popupnotificationcontent > .desc-message-box > description {
+ font-style: italic;
+ margin-inline-start: 4px;
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formfill-anchor.svg b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formfill-anchor.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a9ef19add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/formfill-anchor.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity">
+ <path d="M7.3 6h1.5c.1 0 .2-.1.2-.3V2c0-.5-.4-1-1-1s-1 .4-1 1v3.8c0 ."/>
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+ <path d="M3.6 7h2.8c.3 0 . .4-.3.7-.6.7H3.6c-.3 0-.6-.3-.6-.6V7.5c0-.3.3-.5.6-.5zM9.5 8h3c.3 0 .5-.3.5-.5s-.2-.5-.5-.5h-3c-.3 0-.5.2-.5.5s. 9c-.3 0-.5.2-.5.5s. 0 .5-.2.5-.5s-.2-.5-.5-.5h-2z"/>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-save.svg b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-save.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fdcf1cd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-save.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<svg xmlns="" fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
+ <path d="M22 13.7H9.4c-.6 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2 0 .6.5 1.2 1.2 1.2H22c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2zM6.1 26.6V5.5c0-.8.7-1.5 1.5-1.5h16c.9 0 1.5.6 1.5 1.5V16h2V3.8c0-1-.7-1.8-1.8-1.8H5.9c-1 0-1.8.8-1.8 1.8v24.5c0 1 .8 1.7 1.8 1.7h9.3v-2H7.6c-.8 0-1.5-.6-1.5-1.4zm21.1-1.9h-2.5V20c0-.4-.3-.8-.8-.8h-3.1c-.4 0-.8.3-.8.8v4.6h-2.5c-.6 0-.8.4-.3.8l4.3 4.2c. 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2s.5 1.2 1.2 1.2h6.5c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2zM22 7.8H9.4c-.6 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2s.5 1.2 1.2 1.2H22c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2z"/>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-update.svg b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-update.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1455423fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-address-update.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<svg xmlns="" fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
+ <path d="M22 13.7H9.4c-.6 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2 0 .6.5 1.2 1.2 1.2H22c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2zM6.1 26.6V5.5c0-.8.7-1.5 1.5-1.5h16c.9 0 1.5.6 1.5 1.5V16h2V3.8c0-1-.7-1.8-1.8-1.8H5.9c-1 0-1.8.8-1.8 1.8v24.5c0 1 .8 1.7 1.8 1.7h9.3v-2H7.6c-.8 0-1.5-.6-1.5-1.4zm9.8-7.5H9.4c-.6 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2s.5 1.2 1.2 1.2h6.5c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2zM22 7.8H9.4c-.6 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2s.5 1.2 1.2 1.2H22c.6 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2s-.6-1.2-1.2-1.2zm-5.7 16l4.4-4.3c.2-.2.5-.3.8-.3s. 4.3c. .4-.4.8-.8.8h-3c-.4 0-.8-.4-.8-.8v-4.7h-2.5c-.7 0-.8-.4-.4-.8z"/>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card-generic.svg b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card-generic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d554fe7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card-generic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<svg height="16" width="16" xmlns="" fill="context-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
+ <path d="M4.5,9.4H3.2c-0.3,0-0.5,0.2-0.5,0.5s0.2,0.5,0.5,0.5h1.3c0.3,0,0.5-0.2,0.5-0.5S4.8,9.4,4.5,9.4z"/>
+ <path d="M9.3,9.4H6.2c-0.3,0-0.5,0.2-0.5,0.5s0.2,0.5,0.5,0.5h3.2c0.3,0,0.5-0.2,0.5-0.5S9.6,9.4,9.3,9.4z"/>
+ <path d="M14,2H2C0.9,2,0,2.9,0,4v8c0,1.1,0.9,2,2,2h12c1.1,0,2-0.9,2-2V4C16,2.9,15.1,2,14,2z M14,12H2V7.7h12V12z M14,6H2V4h12V6z"/>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card.svg b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ec782f880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/icon-credit-card.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<svg xmlns="" fill="context-fill" fill-opacity="context-fill-opacity" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
+ <path d="M9 22.2H6.4c-.6 0-1 .4-1 1s.4 1 1 1H9c.6 0 1-.4 1-1s-.4-1-1-1z"/>
+ <path d="M28 7.6v8H4v-4h10v-4H4c-2.2 0-4 1.8-4 4v16c0 2.2 1.8 4 4 4h24c2.2 0 4-1.8 4-4v-16c0-2.2-1.8-4-4-4zm-24 20V19h24v8.6H4z"/>
+ <path d="M19.2 22.2h-6.3c-.6 0-1 .4-1 1s.4 1 1 1h6.3c.6 0 1-.4 1-1s-.5-1-1-1zM16.3 7.9c-.4.4-.4 1 0 1.4l4 4c.4.4 1 .4 1.4 0l4-4c.4-.4.4-1 0-1.4s-1-.4-1.4 0L22 10.2v-9c0-.5-.4-1-1-1-.5 0-1 .4-1 1v9l-2.3-2.3c-.4-.4-1-.4-1.4 0z"/>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageAddresses.xhtml b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageAddresses.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68e810179e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageAddresses.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ xmlns=""
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-dialog"
+ data-l10n-attrs="style"
+ <head>
+ <title data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-addresses-title"></title>
+ <link rel="localization" href="browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://global/skin/in-content/common.css" />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/manageDialog.css"
+ />
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/manageDialog.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-addresses-list-header" />
+ <select id="addresses" size="9" multiple="multiple" />
+ </fieldset>
+ <div id="controls-container">
+ <button
+ id="remove"
+ disabled="disabled"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-remove-button"
+ />
+ <!-- Wrapper is used to properly compute the search tooltip position -->
+ <div>
+ <button id="add" data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-add-button" />
+ </div>
+ <button
+ id="edit"
+ disabled="disabled"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-edit-button"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ "use strict";
+ /* global ManageAddresses */
+ new ManageAddresses({
+ records: document.getElementById("addresses"),
+ controlsContainer: document.getElementById("controls-container"),
+ remove: document.getElementById("remove"),
+ add: document.getElementById("add"),
+ edit: document.getElementById("edit"),
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageCreditCards.xhtml b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageCreditCards.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e5bdcfbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageCreditCards.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ xmlns=""
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-dialog"
+ data-l10n-attrs="style"
+ <head>
+ <title data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-credit-cards-title"></title>
+ <link rel="localization" href="browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl" />
+ <link rel="localization" href="toolkit/payments/payments.ftl" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://global/skin/in-content/common.css" />
+ <link
+ rel="stylesheet"
+ href="chrome://formautofill/content/manageDialog.css"
+ />
+ <script src="chrome://formautofill/content/manageDialog.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-credit-cards-list-header" />
+ <select id="credit-cards" size="9" multiple="multiple" />
+ </fieldset>
+ <div id="controls-container">
+ <button
+ id="remove"
+ disabled="disabled"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-remove-button"
+ />
+ <!-- Wrapper is used to properly compute the search tooltip position -->
+ <div>
+ <button id="add" data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-add-button" />
+ </div>
+ <button
+ id="edit"
+ disabled="disabled"
+ data-l10n-id="autofill-manage-edit-button"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ "use strict";
+ /* global ManageCreditCards */
+ new ManageCreditCards({
+ records: document.getElementById("credit-cards"),
+ controlsContainer: document.getElementById("controls-container"),
+ remove: document.getElementById("remove"),
+ add: document.getElementById("add"),
+ edit: document.getElementById("edit"),
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.css b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f347c79118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.css
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+html {
+ /* Prevent unnecessary horizontal scroll bar from showing */
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+div {
+ display: flex;
+button {
+ padding-inline: 10px;
+fieldset {
+ margin: 0 4px;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: none;
+fieldset > legend {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 0.4em 0.7em;
+ background-color: var(--in-content-box-background);
+ border: 1px solid var(--in-content-box-border-color);
+ border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0;
+ user-select: none;
+option:nth-child(even) {
+ background-color: var(--in-content-box-background-odd);
+#credit-cards {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 16.6em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding-inline: 0;
+ border-top: none;
+ border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px;
+#addresses > option,
+#credit-cards > option {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ height: 1.6em;
+ padding-inline-start: 0.6em;
+#controls-container {
+ margin-top: 1em;
+#remove {
+ margin-inline-end: auto;
+#credit-cards > option::before {
+ content: "";
+ background: url("icon-credit-card-generic.svg") no-repeat;
+ background-size: contain;
+ float: inline-start;
+ width: 16px;
+ height: 16px;
+ padding-inline-end: 10px;
+ -moz-context-properties: fill;
+ fill: currentColor;
+ We use .png / @2x.png images where we don't yet have a vector version of a logo
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="amex"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-amex.png");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="cartebancaire"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-cartebancaire.png");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="diners"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-diners.svg");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="discover"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-discover.png");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="jcb"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-jcb.svg");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="mastercard"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-mastercard.svg");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="mir"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-mir.svg");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="unionpay"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-unionpay.svg");
+#credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="visa"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-visa.svg");
+@media (min-resolution: 1.1dppx) {
+ #credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="amex"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-amex@2x.png");
+ }
+ #credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="cartebancaire"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-cartebancaire@2x.png");
+ }
+ #credit-cards.branded > option[cc-type="discover"]::before {
+ background-image: url("third-party/cc-logo-discover@2x.png");
+ }
diff --git a/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.js b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25498fbcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/extensions/formautofill/content/manageDialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* exported ManageAddresses, ManageCreditCards */
+"use strict";
+const EDIT_ADDRESS_URL = "chrome://formautofill/content/editAddress.xhtml";
+ "chrome://formautofill/content/editCreditCard.xhtml";
+const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"
+const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"
+const { FormAutofill } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://autofill/FormAutofill.sys.mjs"
+const { AutofillTelemetry } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://autofill/AutofillTelemetry.jsm"
+ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
+ CreditCard: "resource://gre/modules/CreditCard.sys.mjs",
+ FormAutofillUtils: "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs",
+ OSKeyStore: "resource://gre/modules/OSKeyStore.sys.mjs",
+ formAutofillStorage: "resource://autofill/FormAutofillStorage.sys.mjs",
+const lazy = {};
+ lazy,
+ "l10n",
+ () =>
+ new Localization([
+ "browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl",
+ "branding/brand.ftl",
+ ])
+this.log = null;
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () =>
+ FormAutofill.defineLogGetter(this, "manageAddresses")
+class ManageRecords {
+ constructor(subStorageName, elements) {
+ this._storageInitPromise = formAutofillStorage.initialize();
+ this._subStorageName = subStorageName;
+ this._elements = elements;
+ this._newRequest = false;
+ this._isLoadingRecords = false;
+ this.prefWin = window.opener;
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this, { once: true });
+ }
+ async init() {
+ await this.loadRecords();
+ this.attachEventListeners();
+ // For testing only: Notify when the dialog is ready for interaction
+ window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("FormReady"));
+ }
+ uninit() {
+ log.debug("uninit");
+ this.detachEventListeners();
+ this._elements = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the selected options on the addresses element.
+ *
+ * @returns {Array<DOMElement>}
+ */
+ get _selectedOptions() {
+ return Array.from(this._elements.records.selectedOptions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get storage and ensure it has been initialized.
+ *
+ * @returns {object}
+ */
+ async getStorage() {
+ await this._storageInitPromise;
+ return formAutofillStorage[this._subStorageName];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load records and render them. This function is a wrapper for _loadRecords
+ * to ensure any reentrant will be handled well.
+ */
+ async loadRecords() {
+ // This function can be early returned when there is any reentrant happends.
+ // "_newRequest" needs to be set to ensure all changes will be applied.
+ if (this._isLoadingRecords) {
+ this._newRequest = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isLoadingRecords = true;
+ await this._loadRecords();
+ // _loadRecords should be invoked again if there is any multiple entrant
+ // during running _loadRecords(). This step ensures that the latest request
+ // still is applied.
+ while (this._newRequest) {
+ this._newRequest = false;
+ await this._loadRecords();
+ }
+ this._isLoadingRecords = false;
+ // For testing only: Notify when records are loaded
+ this._elements.records.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("RecordsLoaded"));
+ }
+ async _loadRecords() {
+ let storage = await this.getStorage();
+ let records = await storage.getAll();
+ // Sort by last used time starting with most recent
+ records.sort((a, b) => {
+ let aLastUsed = a.timeLastUsed || a.timeLastModified;
+ let bLastUsed = b.timeLastUsed || b.timeLastModified;
+ return bLastUsed - aLastUsed;
+ });
+ await this.renderRecordElements(records);
+ this.updateButtonsStates(this._selectedOptions.length);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render the records onto the page while maintaining selected options if
+ * they still exist.
+ *
+ * @param {Array<object>} records
+ */
+ async renderRecordElements(records) {
+ let selectedGuids = => option.value);
+ this.clearRecordElements();
+ for (let record of records) {
+ let { id, args, raw } = await this.getLabelInfo(record);
+ let option = new Option(
+ raw ?? "",
+ record.guid,
+ false,
+ selectedGuids.includes(record.guid)
+ );
+ if (id) {
+ document.l10n.setAttributes(option, id, args);
+ }
+ option.record = record;
+ this._elements.records.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove all existing record elements.
+ */
+ clearRecordElements() {
+ let parent = this._elements.records;
+ while (parent.lastChild) {
+ parent.removeChild(parent.lastChild);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove records by selected options.
+ *
+ * @param {Array<DOMElement>} options
+ */
+ async removeRecords(options) {
+ let storage = await this.getStorage();
+ // Pause listening to storage change event to avoid triggering `loadRecords`
+ // when removing records
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "formautofill-storage-changed");
+ for (let option of options) {
+ storage.remove(option.value);
+ option.remove();
+ }
+ this.updateButtonsStates(this._selectedOptions);
+ // Resume listening to storage change event
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "formautofill-storage-changed");
+ // For testing only: notify record(s) has been removed
+ this._elements.records.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("RecordsRemoved"));
+ for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, "delete");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable the Edit and Remove buttons based on number of selected
+ * options.
+ *
+ * @param {number} selectedCount
+ */
+ updateButtonsStates(selectedCount) {
+ log.debug("updateButtonsStates:", selectedCount);
+ if (selectedCount == 0) {
+ this._elements.edit.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
+ this._elements.remove.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
+ } else if (selectedCount == 1) {
+ this._elements.edit.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ this._elements.remove.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ } else if (selectedCount > 1) {
+ this._elements.edit.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
+ this._elements.remove.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleEvent(event) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case "DOMContentLoaded": {
+ this.init();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "click": {
+ this.handleClick(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "change": {
+ this.updateButtonsStates(this._selectedOptions.length);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "unload": {
+ this.uninit();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "keypress": {
+ this.handleKeyPress(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "contextmenu": {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle click events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleClick(event) {
+ if ( == this._elements.remove) {
+ this.removeRecords(this._selectedOptions);
+ } else if ( == this._elements.add) {
+ this.openEditDialog();
+ } else if (
+ == this._elements.edit ||
+ ( == this._elements.records && event.detail > 1)
+ ) {
+ this.openEditDialog(this._selectedOptions[0].record);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle key press events
+ *
+ * @param {DOMEvent} event
+ */
+ handleKeyPress(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {
+ window.close();
+ }
+ if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE) {
+ this.removeRecords(this._selectedOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ observe(subject, topic, data) {
+ switch (topic) {
+ case "formautofill-storage-changed": {
+ this.loadRecords();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attach event listener
+ */
+ attachEventListeners() {
+ window.addEventListener("unload", this, { once: true });
+ window.addEventListener("keypress", this);
+ window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this);
+ this._elements.records.addEventListener("change", this);
+ this._elements.records.addEventListener("click", this);
+ this._elements.controlsContainer.addEventListener("click", this);
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "formautofill-storage-changed");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove event listener
+ */
+ detachEventListeners() {
+ window.removeEventListener("keypress", this);
+ window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this);
+ this._elements.records.removeEventListener("change", this);
+ this._elements.records.removeEventListener("click", this);
+ this._elements.controlsContainer.removeEventListener("click", this);
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "formautofill-storage-changed");
+ }
+class ManageAddresses extends ManageRecords {
+ telemetryType = AutofillTelemetry.ADDRESS;
+ constructor(elements) {
+ super("addresses", elements);
+ elements.add.setAttribute(
+ "search-l10n-ids",
+ FormAutofillUtils.EDIT_ADDRESS_L10N_IDS.join(",")
+ );
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, "show");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open the edit address dialog to create/edit an address.
+ *
+ * @param {object} address [optional]
+ */
+ openEditDialog(address) {
+, undefined, {
+ record: address,
+ // Don't validate in preferences since it's fine for fields to be missing
+ // for autofill purposes. For PaymentRequest addresses get more validation.
+ noValidate: true,
+ });
+ }
+ getLabelInfo(address) {
+ return { raw: FormAutofillUtils.getAddressLabel(address) };
+ }
+class ManageCreditCards extends ManageRecords {
+ telemetryType = AutofillTelemetry.CREDIT_CARD;
+ constructor(elements) {
+ super("creditCards", elements);
+ elements.add.setAttribute(
+ "search-l10n-ids",
+ FormAutofillUtils.EDIT_CREDITCARD_L10N_IDS.join(",")
+ );
+ this._isDecrypted = false;
+ AutofillTelemetry.recordManageEvent(this.telemetryType, "show");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open the edit address dialog to create/edit a credit card.
+ *
+ * @param {object} creditCard [optional]
+ */
+ async openEditDialog(creditCard) {
+ // Ask for reauth if user is trying to edit an existing credit card.
+ if (creditCard) {
+ const reauthPasswordPromptMessage = await lazy.l10n.formatValue(
+ "autofill-edit-card-password-prompt"
+ );
+ const loggedIn = await FormAutofillUtils.ensureLoggedIn(
+ reauthPasswordPromptMessage
+ );
+ if (!loggedIn.authenticated) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let decryptedCCNumObj = {};
+ if (creditCard && creditCard["cc-number-encrypted"]) {
+ try {
+ decryptedCCNumObj["cc-number"] = await OSKeyStore.decrypt(
+ creditCard["cc-number-encrypted"]
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) {
+ // User shouldn't be ask to reauth here, but it could happen.
+ // Return here and skip opening the dialog.
+ return;
+ }
+ // We've got ourselves a real error.
+ // Recover from encryption error so the user gets a chance to re-enter
+ // unencrypted credit card number.
+ decryptedCCNumObj["cc-number"] = "";
+ console.error(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ let decryptedCreditCard = Object.assign({}, creditCard, decryptedCCNumObj);
+ { features: "resizable=no" },
+ {
+ record: decryptedCreditCard,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get credit card display label. It should display masked numbers and the
+ * cardholder's name, separated by a comma.
+ *
+ * @param {object} creditCard
+ * @returns {Promise<string>}
+ */
+ async getLabelInfo(creditCard) {
+ // The card type is displayed visually using an image. For a11y, we need
+ // to expose it as text. We do this using aria-label. However,
+ // aria-label overrides the text content, so we must include that also.
+ // Since the text content is generated by Fluent, aria-label must be
+ // generated by Fluent also.
+ const type = creditCard["cc-type"];
+ const typeL10nId = CreditCard.getNetworkL10nId(type);
+ const typeName = typeL10nId
+ ? await document.l10n.formatValue(typeL10nId)
+ : type ?? ""; // Unknown card type
+ return CreditCard.getLabelInfo({
+ name: creditCard["cc-name"],
+ number: creditCard["cc-number"],
+ month: creditCard["cc-exp-month"],
+ year: creditCard["cc-exp-year"],
+ type: typeName,
+ });
+ }
+ async renderRecordElements(records) {
+ // Revert back to encrypted form when re-rendering happens
+ this._isDecrypted = false;
+ // Display third-party card icons when possible
+ this._elements.records.classList.toggle(
+ "branded",
+ );
+ await super.renderRecordElements(records);
+ let options = this._elements.records.options;
+ for (let option of options) {
+ let record = option.record;
+ if (record && record["cc-type"]) {
+ option.setAttribute("cc-type", record["cc-type"]);
+ } else {
+ option.removeAttribute("cc-type");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateButtonsStates(selectedCount) {
+ super.updateButtonsStates(selectedCount);
+ }
+ handleClick(event) {
+ super.handleClick(event);
+ }
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Binary files differ
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