path: root/dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/more/conformance/argGenerators-S_V.js
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1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/more/conformance/argGenerators-S_V.js b/dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/more/conformance/argGenerators-S_V.js
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+++ b/dom/canvas/test/webgl-conf/checkout/conformance/more/conformance/argGenerators-S_V.js
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+Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
+Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE.txt file.
+// ArgGenerators contains argument generators for WebGL functions.
+// The argument generators are used for running random tests against the WebGL
+// functions.
+// ArgGenerators is an object consisting of functionName : argGen -properties.
+// functionName is a WebGL context function name and the argGen is an argument
+// generator object that encapsulates the requirements to run
+// randomly generated tests on the WebGL function.
+// An argGen object has the following methods:
+// - setup -- set up state for testing the GL function, returns values
+// that need cleanup in teardown. Run once before entering a
+// test loop.
+// - teardown -- do cleanup on setup's return values after testing is complete
+// - generate -- generate a valid set of random arguments for the GL function
+// - returnValueCleanup -- do cleanup on value returned by the tested GL function
+// - cleanup -- do cleanup on generated arguments from generate
+// - checkArgValidity -- check if passed args are valid. Has a call signature
+// that matches generate's return value. Returns true
+// if args are valid, false if not.
+// Example test loop that demonstrates how the function args and return
+// values flow together:
+// var setupArgs = argGen.setup();
+// for (var i=0; i<numberOfTests; i++) {
+// var generatedArgs = argGen.generate.apply(argGen, setupArgs);
+// var validArgs = argGen.checkArgValidity.apply(argGen, generatedArgs);
+// var rv = call the GL function with generatedArgs;
+// argGen.returnValueCleanup(rv);
+// argGen.cleanup.apply(argGen, generatedArgs);
+// }
+// argGen.teardown.apply(argGen, setupArgs);
+ArgGenerators = {
+// GL functions in alphabetical order
+// S-2
+ stencilMaskSeparate : {
+ generate : function() { return [cullFace.random(), randomInt(0xffffffff)]; },
+ checkArgValidity : function(face, mask) {
+ return cullFace.has(face);
+ },
+ teardown : function() { GL.stencilMask(0xffffffff); }
+ },
+ stencilOp : {
+ generate : function() {
+ return [stencilOp.random(), stencilOp.random(), stencilOp.random()];
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(sfail, dpfail, dppass) {
+ return stencilOp.has(sfail) && stencilOp.has(dpfail) && stencilOp.has(dppass);
+ },
+ teardown : function() { GL.stencilOp(GL.KEEP, GL.KEEP, GL.KEEP); }
+ },
+ stencilOpSeparate : {
+ generate : function() {
+ return [cullFace.random(), stencilOp.random(), stencilOp.random(), stencilOp.random()];
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(face, sfail, dpfail, dppass) {
+ return cullFace.has(face) && stencilOp.has(sfail) &&
+ stencilOp.has(dpfail) && stencilOp.has(dppass);
+ },
+ teardown : function() { GL.stencilOp(GL.KEEP, GL.KEEP, GL.KEEP); }
+ },
+// T
+ texImage2D : {
+ noAlreadyTriedCheck : true, // Object.toSource is very slow here
+ setup : function() {
+ var tex = GL.createTexture();
+ var tex2 = GL.createTexture();
+ GL.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
+ GL.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, tex2);
+ return [tex, tex2];
+ },
+ generate : function() {
+ var format = texImageFormat.random();
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
+ var img = randomImage(16,16);
+ var a = [ texImageTarget.random(), 0, format, format, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img ];
+ return a;
+ } else {
+ var pix = null;
+ if (Math.random > 0.5) {
+ pix = new Uint8Array(16*16*4);
+ }
+ return [
+ texImageTarget.random(), 0,
+ format, 16, 16, 0,
+ format, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pix
+ ];
+ }
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, data) {
+ // or : function(target, level, internalformat, format, type, image)
+ if (!texImageTarget.has(target) || castToInt(level) < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (arguments.length <= 6) {
+ var xformat = width;
+ var xtype = height;
+ var ximage = border;
+ if ((ximage instanceof HTMLImageElement ||
+ ximage instanceof HTMLVideoElement ||
+ ximage instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||
+ ximage instanceof ImageData) &&
+ texImageInternalFormat.has(internalformat) &&
+ texImageFormat.has(xformat) &&
+ texImageType.has(xtype) &&
+ internalformat == xformat)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ var w = castToInt(width), h = castToInt(height), b = castToInt(border);
+ return texImageInternalFormat.has(internalformat) && w >= 0 && h >= 0 &&
+ b == 0 && (data == null || data.byteLength == w*h*4) &&
+ texImageFormat.has(format) && texImageType.has(type)
+ && internalformat == format;
+ },
+ teardown : function(tex, tex2) {
+ GL.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
+ GL.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
+ GL.deleteTexture(tex);
+ GL.deleteTexture(tex2);
+ }
+ },
+ texParameterf : {
+ generate : function() {
+ var pname = texParameterPname.random();
+ var param = texParameterParam[pname].random();
+ return [bindTextureTarget.random(), pname, param];
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(target, pname, param) {
+ if (!bindTextureTarget.has(target))
+ return false;
+ if (!texParameterPname.has(pname))
+ return false;
+ return texParameterParam[pname].has(param);
+ }
+ },
+ texParameteri : {
+ generate : function() {
+ var pname = texParameterPname.random();
+ var param = texParameterParam[pname].random();
+ return [bindTextureTarget.random(), pname, param];
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(target, pname, param) {
+ if (!bindTextureTarget.has(target))
+ return false;
+ if (!texParameterPname.has(pname))
+ return false;
+ return texParameterParam[pname].has(param);
+ }
+ },
+ texSubImage2D : {}, // FIXME
+// U
+ uniform1f : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform1fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform1i : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform1iv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform2f : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform2fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform2i : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform2iv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform3f : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform3fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform3i : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform3iv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform4f : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform4fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform4i : {}, // FIXME
+ uniform4iv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniformMatrix2fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniformMatrix3fv : {}, // FIXME
+ uniformMatrix4fv : {}, // FIXME
+ useProgram : {}, // FIXME
+// V
+ validateProgram : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib1f : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib1fv : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib2f : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib2fv : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib3f : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib3fv : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib4f : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttrib4fv : {}, // FIXME
+ vertexAttribPointer : {}, // FIXME
+ viewport : {
+ generate : function() {
+ return [randomInt(3000)-1500, randomInt(3000)-1500, randomIntFromRange(0,3000), randomIntFromRange(0,3000)];
+ },
+ checkArgValidity : function(x,y,w,h) {
+ return castToInt(w) >= 0 && castToInt(h) >= 0;
+ },
+ teardown : function() {
+ GL.viewport(0,0,GL.canvas.width, GL.canvas.height);
+ }
+ }