path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/vertex_state/correctness.spec.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/vertex_state/correctness.spec.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/vertex_state/correctness.spec.ts
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/vertex_state/correctness.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+export const description = `
+TODO: Test more corner case values for Float16 / Float32 (INF, NaN, +-0, ...) and reduce the
+float tolerance.
+import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import { assert, memcpy, unreachable } from '../../../../common/util/util.js';
+import {
+ kMaxVertexAttributes,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride,
+ kMaxVertexBuffers,
+ kPerStageBindingLimits,
+ kVertexFormatInfo,
+ kVertexFormats,
+} from '../../../capability_info.js';
+import { GPUTest } from '../../../gpu_test.js';
+import { float32ToFloat16Bits, normalizedIntegerAsFloat } from '../../../util/conversion.js';
+import { align, clamp } from '../../../util/math.js';
+// These types mirror the structure of GPUVertexBufferLayout but allow defining the extra
+// dictionary members at the GPUVertexBufferLayout and GPUVertexAttribute level. The are used
+// like so:
+// VertexState<{arrayStride: number}, {format: VertexFormat}>
+// VertexBuffer<{arrayStride: number}, {format: VertexFormat}>
+// VertexAttrib<{format: VertexFormat}>
+type VertexAttrib<A> = A & { shaderLocation: number };
+type VertexBuffer<V, A> = V & {
+ slot: number;
+ attributes: VertexAttrib<A>[];
+type VertexState<V, A> = VertexBuffer<V, A>[];
+type VertexLayoutState<V, A> = VertexState<
+ { stepMode: GPUVertexStepMode; arrayStride: number } & V,
+ { format: GPUVertexFormat; offset: number } & A
+function mapBufferAttribs<V, A1, A2>(
+ buffer: VertexBuffer<V, A1>,
+ f: (v: V, a: VertexAttrib<A1>) => A2
+): VertexBuffer<V, A2> {
+ const newAttributes: VertexAttrib<A2>[] = [];
+ for (const a of buffer.attributes) {
+ newAttributes.push({
+ shaderLocation: a.shaderLocation,
+ ...f(buffer, a),
+ });
+ }
+ return { ...buffer, attributes: newAttributes };
+function mapStateAttribs<V, A1, A2>(
+ buffers: VertexState<V, A1>,
+ f: (v: V, a: VertexAttrib<A1>) => A2
+): VertexState<V, A2> {
+ return => mapBufferAttribs(b, f));
+type TestData = {
+ shaderBaseType: string;
+ floatTolerance?: number;
+ // The number of vertex components in the vertexData (expectedData might contain more because
+ // it is padded to 4 components).
+ testComponentCount: number;
+ // The data that will be in the uniform buffer and used to check the vertex inputs.
+ expectedData: ArrayBuffer;
+ // The data that will be in the vertex buffer.
+ vertexData: ArrayBuffer;
+class VertexStateTest extends GPUTest {
+ // Generate for VS + FS (entrypoints vsMain / fsMain) that for each attribute will check that its
+ // value corresponds to what's expected (as provided by a uniform buffer per attribute) and then
+ // renders each vertex at position (vertexIndex, instanceindex) with either 1 (success) or
+ // a negative number corresponding to the check number (in case you need to debug a failure).
+ makeTestWGSL(
+ buffers: VertexState<
+ { stepMode: GPUVertexStepMode },
+ {
+ format: GPUVertexFormat;
+ shaderBaseType: string;
+ shaderComponentCount?: number;
+ floatTolerance?: number;
+ }
+ >,
+ vertexCount: number,
+ instanceCount: number
+ ): string {
+ // In the base WebGPU spec maxVertexAttributes is larger than maxUniformBufferPerStage. We'll
+ // use a combination of uniform and storage buffers to cover all possible attributes. This
+ // happens to work because maxUniformBuffer + maxStorageBuffer = 12 + 8 = 20 which is larger
+ // than maxVertexAttributes = 16.
+ // However this might not work in the future for implementations that allow even more vertex
+ // attributes so there will need to be larger changes when that happens.
+ const maxUniformBuffers = kPerStageBindingLimits['uniformBuf'].max;
+ assert(maxUniformBuffers + kPerStageBindingLimits['storageBuf'].max >= kMaxVertexAttributes);
+ let vsInputs = '';
+ let vsChecks = '';
+ let vsBindings = '';
+ for (const b of buffers) {
+ for (const a of b.attributes) {
+ const format = kVertexFormatInfo[a.format];
+ const shaderComponentCount = a.shaderComponentCount ?? format.componentCount;
+ const i = a.shaderLocation;
+ // shaderType is either a scalar type like f32 or a vecN<scalarType>
+ let shaderType = a.shaderBaseType;
+ if (shaderComponentCount !== 1) {
+ shaderType = `vec${shaderComponentCount}<${shaderType}>`;
+ }
+ let maxCount = `${vertexCount}`;
+ let indexBuiltin = `input.vertexIndex`;
+ if (b.stepMode === 'instance') {
+ maxCount = `${instanceCount}`;
+ indexBuiltin = `input.instanceIndex`;
+ }
+ // Start using storage buffers when we run out of uniform buffers.
+ let storageType = 'uniform';
+ if (i >= maxUniformBuffers) {
+ storageType = 'storage, read';
+ }
+ vsInputs += ` @location(${i}) attrib${i} : ${shaderType},\n`;
+ vsBindings += `struct S${i} { data : array<vec4<${a.shaderBaseType}>, ${maxCount}> };\n`;
+ vsBindings += `@group(0) @binding(${i}) var<${storageType}> providedData${i} : S${i};\n`;
+ // Generate the all the checks for the attributes.
+ for (let component = 0; component < shaderComponentCount; component++) {
+ // Components are filled with (0, 0, 0, 1) if they aren't provided data from the pipeline.
+ if (component >= format.componentCount) {
+ const expected = component === 3 ? '1' : '0';
+ vsChecks += ` check(input.attrib${i}[${component}] == ${a.shaderBaseType}(${expected}));\n`;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check each component individually, with special handling of tolerance for floats.
+ const attribComponent =
+ shaderComponentCount === 1 ? `input.attrib${i}` : `input.attrib${i}[${component}]`;
+ const providedData = `providedData${i}.data[${indexBuiltin}][${component}]`;
+ if (format.type === 'uint' || format.type === 'sint') {
+ vsChecks += ` check(${attribComponent} == ${providedData});\n`;
+ } else {
+ vsChecks += ` check(floatsSimilar(${attribComponent}, ${providedData}, f32(${
+ a.floatTolerance ?? 0
+ })));\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return `
+struct Inputs {
+ @builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex: u32,
+ @builtin(instance_index) instanceIndex: u32,
+var<private> vsResult : i32 = 1;
+var<private> checkIndex : i32 = 0;
+fn check(success : bool) {
+ if (!success) {
+ vsResult = -checkIndex;
+ }
+ checkIndex = checkIndex + 1;
+fn floatsSimilar(a : f32, b : f32, tolerance : f32) -> bool {
+ // TODO do we check for + and - 0?
+ return abs(a - b) < tolerance;
+fn doTest(input : Inputs) {
+struct VSOutputs {
+ @location(0) @interpolate(flat) result : i32,
+ @builtin(position) position : vec4<f32>,
+@vertex fn vsMain(input : Inputs) -> VSOutputs {
+ doTest(input);
+ // Place that point at pixel (vertexIndex, instanceIndex) in a framebuffer of size
+ // (vertexCount , instanceCount).
+ var output : VSOutputs;
+ output.position = vec4<f32>(
+ ((f32(input.vertexIndex) + 0.5) / ${vertexCount}.0 * 2.0) - 1.0,
+ ((f32(input.instanceIndex) + 0.5) / ${instanceCount}.0 * 2.0) - 1.0,
+ 0.0, 1.0
+ );
+ output.result = vsResult;
+ return output;
+@fragment fn fsMain(@location(0) @interpolate(flat) result : i32)
+ -> @location(0) i32 {
+ return result;
+ `;
+ }
+ makeTestPipeline(
+ buffers: VertexState<
+ { stepMode: GPUVertexStepMode; arrayStride: number },
+ {
+ offset: number;
+ format: GPUVertexFormat;
+ shaderBaseType: string;
+ shaderComponentCount?: number;
+ floatTolerance?: number;
+ }
+ >,
+ vertexCount: number,
+ instanceCount: number
+ ): GPURenderPipeline {
+ const module = this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: this.makeTestWGSL(buffers, vertexCount, instanceCount),
+ });
+ const bufferLayouts: GPUVertexBufferLayout[] = [];
+ for (const b of buffers) {
+ bufferLayouts[b.slot] = b;
+ }
+ return this.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module,
+ entryPoint: 'vsMain',
+ buffers: bufferLayouts,
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'point-list',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module,
+ entryPoint: 'fsMain',
+ targets: [
+ {
+ format: 'r32sint',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ // Runs the render pass drawing points in a vertexCount*instanceCount rectangle, then check each
+ // of produced a value of 1 which means that the tests in the shader passed.
+ submitRenderPass(
+ pipeline: GPURenderPipeline,
+ buffers: VertexState<{ buffer: GPUBuffer; vbOffset?: number }, {}>,
+ expectedData: GPUBindGroup,
+ vertexCount: number,
+ instanceCount: number
+ ) {
+ const testTexture = this.device.createTexture({
+ format: 'r32sint',
+ size: [vertexCount, instanceCount],
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ const encoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: testTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ storeOp: 'store',
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ pass.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ pass.setBindGroup(0, expectedData);
+ for (const buffer of buffers) {
+ pass.setVertexBuffer(buffer.slot, buffer.buffer, buffer.vbOffset ?? 0);
+ }
+ pass.draw(vertexCount, instanceCount);
+ pass.end();
+ this.device.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ this.expectSingleColor(testTexture, 'r32sint', {
+ size: [vertexCount, instanceCount, 1],
+ exp: { R: 1 },
+ });
+ }
+ // Generate TestData for the format with interesting test values.
+ // MAINTENANCE_TODO cache the result on the fixture?
+ // Note that the test data always starts with an interesting value, so that using the first
+ // test value in a test is still meaningful.
+ generateTestData(format: GPUVertexFormat): TestData {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[format];
+ const bitSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * 8;
+ switch (formatInfo.type) {
+ case 'float': {
+ const data = [42.42, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1000, -18.7, 25.17];
+ const expectedData = new Float32Array(data).buffer;
+ const vertexData =
+ bitSize === 32
+ ? expectedData
+ : bitSize === 16
+ ? new Uint16Array(
+ : unreachable();
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: 'f32',
+ testComponentCount: data.length,
+ expectedData,
+ vertexData,
+ floatTolerance: 0.05,
+ };
+ }
+ case 'sint': {
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ const data = [
+ 42,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ -1, -2, -3, -4, -5,
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize - 2),
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize - 1) - 1, // max value
+ -Math.pow(2, bitSize - 2),
+ -Math.pow(2, bitSize - 1), // min value
+ ];
+ const expectedData = new Int32Array(data).buffer;
+ const vertexData =
+ bitSize === 32
+ ? expectedData
+ : bitSize === 16
+ ? new Int16Array(data).buffer
+ : new Int8Array(data).buffer;
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: 'i32',
+ testComponentCount: data.length,
+ expectedData,
+ vertexData,
+ };
+ }
+ case 'uint': {
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ const data = [
+ 42,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize - 1),
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize) - 1, // max value
+ ];
+ const expectedData = new Uint32Array(data).buffer;
+ const vertexData =
+ bitSize === 32
+ ? expectedData
+ : bitSize === 16
+ ? new Uint16Array(data).buffer
+ : new Uint8Array(data).buffer;
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: 'u32',
+ testComponentCount: data.length,
+ expectedData,
+ vertexData,
+ };
+ }
+ case 'snorm': {
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ const data = [
+ 42,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ -1, -2, -3, -4, -5,
+ Math.pow(2,bitSize - 2),
+ Math.pow(2,bitSize - 1) - 1, // max value
+ -Math.pow(2,bitSize - 2),
+ -Math.pow(2,bitSize - 1), // min value
+ ];
+ const vertexData =
+ bitSize === 16
+ ? new Int16Array(data).buffer
+ : bitSize === 8
+ ? new Int8Array(data).buffer
+ : unreachable();
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: 'f32',
+ testComponentCount: data.length,
+ expectedData: new Float32Array( => normalizedIntegerAsFloat(v, bitSize, true)))
+ .buffer,
+ vertexData,
+ floatTolerance: 0.1 * normalizedIntegerAsFloat(1, bitSize, true),
+ };
+ }
+ case 'unorm': {
+ /* prettier-ignore */
+ const data = [
+ 42,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize - 1),
+ Math.pow(2, bitSize) - 1, // max value
+ ];
+ const vertexData =
+ bitSize === 16
+ ? new Uint16Array(data).buffer
+ : bitSize === 8
+ ? new Uint8Array(data).buffer
+ : unreachable();
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: 'f32',
+ testComponentCount: data.length,
+ expectedData: new Float32Array( => normalizedIntegerAsFloat(v, bitSize, false)))
+ .buffer,
+ vertexData,
+ floatTolerance: 0.1 * normalizedIntegerAsFloat(1, bitSize, false),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The TestData generated for a format might not contain enough data for all the vertices we are
+ // going to draw, so we expand them by adding additional copies of the vertexData as needed.
+ // expectedData is a bit different because it also needs to be unpacked to have `componentCount`
+ // components every 4 components (because the shader uses vec4 for the expected data).
+ expandTestData(data: TestData, maxCount: number, componentCount: number): TestData {
+ const vertexComponentSize = data.vertexData.byteLength / data.testComponentCount;
+ const expectedComponentSize = data.expectedData.byteLength / data.testComponentCount;
+ const expandedVertexData = new Uint8Array(maxCount * componentCount * vertexComponentSize);
+ const expandedExpectedData = new Uint8Array(4 * maxCount * expectedComponentSize);
+ for (let index = 0; index < maxCount; index++) {
+ for (let component = 0; component < componentCount; component++) {
+ // If only we had some builtin JS memcpy function between ArrayBuffers...
+ const targetVertexOffset = (index * componentCount + component) * vertexComponentSize;
+ const sourceVertexOffset = targetVertexOffset % data.vertexData.byteLength;
+ memcpy(
+ { src: data.vertexData, start: sourceVertexOffset, length: vertexComponentSize },
+ { dst: expandedVertexData, start: targetVertexOffset }
+ );
+ const targetExpectedOffset = (index * 4 + component) * expectedComponentSize;
+ const sourceExpectedOffset =
+ ((index * componentCount + component) * expectedComponentSize) %
+ data.expectedData.byteLength;
+ memcpy(
+ { src: data.expectedData, start: sourceExpectedOffset, length: expectedComponentSize },
+ { dst: expandedExpectedData, start: targetExpectedOffset }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ shaderBaseType: data.shaderBaseType,
+ testComponentCount: maxCount * componentCount,
+ floatTolerance: data.floatTolerance,
+ expectedData: expandedExpectedData.buffer,
+ vertexData: expandedVertexData.buffer,
+ };
+ }
+ // Copies `size` bytes from `source` to `target` starting at `offset` each `targetStride`.
+ // (the data in `source` is assumed packed)
+ interleaveVertexDataInto(
+ target: ArrayBuffer,
+ src: ArrayBuffer,
+ { targetStride, offset, size }: { targetStride: number; offset: number; size: number }
+ ) {
+ const dst = new Uint8Array(target);
+ for (
+ let srcStart = 0, dstStart = offset;
+ srcStart < src.byteLength;
+ srcStart += size, dstStart += targetStride
+ ) {
+ memcpy({ src, start: srcStart, length: size }, { dst, start: dstStart });
+ }
+ }
+ createTestAndPipelineData<V, A>(
+ state: VertexLayoutState<V, A>,
+ vertexCount: number,
+ instanceCount: number
+ ): VertexLayoutState<V, A & TestData> {
+ // Gather the test data and some additional test state for attribs.
+ return mapStateAttribs(state, (buffer, attrib) => {
+ const maxCount = buffer.stepMode === 'instance' ? instanceCount : vertexCount;
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[attrib.format];
+ let testData = this.generateTestData(attrib.format);
+ testData = this.expandTestData(testData, maxCount, formatInfo.componentCount);
+ return {
+ ...testData,
+ ...attrib,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ createExpectedBG(state: VertexState<{}, TestData>, pipeline: GPURenderPipeline): GPUBindGroup {
+ // Create the bindgroups from that test data
+ const bgEntries: GPUBindGroupEntry[] = [];
+ for (const buffer of state) {
+ for (const attrib of buffer.attributes) {
+ const expectedDataBuffer = this.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint8Array(attrib.expectedData),
+ GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE
+ );
+ bgEntries.push({
+ binding: attrib.shaderLocation,
+ resource: { buffer: expectedDataBuffer },
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return this.device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
+ entries: bgEntries,
+ });
+ }
+ createVertexBuffers(
+ state: VertexLayoutState<{ vbOffset?: number }, TestData>,
+ vertexCount: number,
+ instanceCount: number
+ ): VertexState<{ buffer: GPUBuffer; vbOffset?: number }, {}> {
+ // Create the vertex buffers
+ const vertexBuffers: VertexState<{ buffer: GPUBuffer; vbOffset?: number }, {}> = [];
+ for (const buffer of state) {
+ const maxCount = buffer.stepMode === 'instance' ? instanceCount : vertexCount;
+ // Fill the vertex data with garbage so that we don't get `0` (which could be a test value)
+ // if the vertex shader loads the vertex data incorrectly.
+ const vertexData = new ArrayBuffer(
+ align(buffer.arrayStride * maxCount + (buffer.vbOffset ?? 0), 4)
+ );
+ new Uint8Array(vertexData).fill(0xc4);
+ for (const attrib of buffer.attributes) {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[attrib.format];
+ this.interleaveVertexDataInto(vertexData, attrib.vertexData, {
+ targetStride: buffer.arrayStride,
+ offset: (buffer.vbOffset ?? 0) + attrib.offset,
+ size: formatInfo.componentCount * formatInfo.bytesPerComponent,
+ });
+ }
+ vertexBuffers.push({
+ slot: buffer.slot,
+ buffer: this.makeBufferWithContents(new Uint8Array(vertexData), GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX),
+ vbOffset: buffer.vbOffset,
+ attributes: [],
+ });
+ }
+ return vertexBuffers;
+ }
+ runTest(
+ buffers: VertexLayoutState<{ vbOffset?: number }, { shaderComponentCount?: number }>,
+ // Default to using 20 vertices and 20 instances so that we cover each of the test data at least
+ // once (at the time of writing the largest testData has 16 values).
+ vertexCount: number = 20,
+ instanceCount: number = 20
+ ) {
+ const testData = this.createTestAndPipelineData(buffers, vertexCount, instanceCount);
+ const pipeline = this.makeTestPipeline(testData, vertexCount, instanceCount);
+ const expectedDataBG = this.createExpectedBG(testData, pipeline);
+ const vertexBuffers = this.createVertexBuffers(testData, vertexCount, instanceCount);
+ this.submitRenderPass(pipeline, vertexBuffers, expectedDataBG, vertexCount, instanceCount);
+ }
+export const g = makeTestGroup(VertexStateTest);
+ .desc(
+ `Test that the raw data passed in vertex buffers is correctly converted to the input type in the shader. Test for:
+ - all formats
+ - 1 to 4 components in the shader's input type (unused components are filled with 0 and except the 4th with 1)
+ - various locations
+ - various slots`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .combine('shaderComponentCount', [1, 2, 3, 4])
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('slot', [0, 1, kMaxVertexBuffers - 1])
+ .combine('shaderLocation', [0, 1, kMaxVertexAttributes - 1])
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, shaderComponentCount, slot, shaderLocation } = t.params;
+ t.runTest([
+ {
+ slot,
+ arrayStride: 16,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation,
+ format,
+ offset: 0,
+ shaderComponentCount,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test that the vertex buffer offset and attribute offset in the vertex state are applied correctly. Test for:
+ - all formats
+ - various setVertexBuffer offsets
+ - various attribute offsets in a fixed arrayStride`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('vbOffset', [0, 4, 400, 1004])
+ .combine('arrayStride', [128])
+ .expand('offset', p => {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[p.format];
+ const formatSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ return new Set([
+ 0,
+ 4,
+ 8,
+ formatSize,
+ formatSize * 2,
+ p.arrayStride / 2,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize - 4,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize - 8,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize - formatSize,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize - formatSize * 2,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize,
+ ]);
+ })
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, vbOffset, arrayStride, offset } = t.params;
+ t.runTest([
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ arrayStride,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ vbOffset,
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format,
+ offset,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test that the array stride and attribute offset in the vertex state are applied correctly. Test for:
+ - all formats
+ - various array strides
+ - various attribute offsets in a fixed arrayStride`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .expand('arrayStride', p => {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[p.format];
+ const formatSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ return [align(formatSize, 4), align(formatSize, 4) + 4, kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride];
+ })
+ .expand('offset', p => {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[p.format];
+ const formatSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ return new Set(
+ [
+ 0,
+ formatSize,
+ 4,
+ p.arrayStride / 2,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize * 2,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize - 4,
+ p.arrayStride - formatSize,
+ ].map(offset => clamp(offset, { min: 0, max: p.arrayStride - formatSize }))
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, arrayStride, offset } = t.params;
+ t.runTest([
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ arrayStride,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format,
+ offset,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test buffers with varying step modes in the same vertex state.
+ - Various combination of step modes`
+ )
+ .paramsSubcasesOnly(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('stepModes', [
+ ['instance'],
+ ['vertex', 'vertex', 'instance'],
+ ['instance', 'vertex', 'instance'],
+ ['vertex', 'instance', 'vertex', 'vertex'],
+ ])
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { stepModes } = t.params;
+ const state = (stepModes as GPUVertexStepMode[]).map((stepMode, i) => ({
+ slot: i,
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ stepMode,
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation: i,
+ format: 'float32' as const,
+ offset: 0,
+ },
+ ],
+ }));
+ t.runTest(state);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test using the same vertex buffer in for multiple "vertex buffers", with data from each buffer overlapping.
+ - For each vertex format.
+ - For various numbers of vertex buffers [2, 3, max]`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('vbCount', [2, 3, kMaxVertexBuffers])
+ .combine('additionalVBOffset', [0, 4, 120])
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, vbCount, additionalVBOffset } = t.params;
+ const kVertexCount = 20;
+ const kInstanceCount = 1;
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[format];
+ const formatByteSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ // We need to align so the offset for non-0 setVertexBuffer don't fail validation.
+ const alignedFormatByteSize = align(formatByteSize, 4);
+ // In this test we want to test using the same vertex buffer for multiple different attributes.
+ // For example if vbCount is 3, we will create a vertex buffer containing the following data:
+ // a0, a1, a2, a3, ..., a<baseDataVertexCount>
+ // We also create the expected data for the vertex fetching from that buffer so we can modify it
+ // below.
+ const baseDataVertexCount = kVertexCount + vbCount - 1;
+ const baseData = t.createTestAndPipelineData(
+ [
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ arrayStride: alignedFormatByteSize,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ vbOffset: additionalVBOffset,
+ attributes: [{ shaderLocation: 0, format, offset: 0 }],
+ },
+ ],
+ baseDataVertexCount,
+ kInstanceCount
+ );
+ const vertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffers(baseData, baseDataVertexCount, kInstanceCount)[0]
+ .buffer;
+ // We are going to bind the vertex buffer multiple times, each time at a different offset that's
+ // a multiple of the data size. So what should be fetched by the vertex shader is:
+ // - attrib0: a0, a1, ..., a19
+ // - attrib1: a1, a2, ..., a20
+ // - attrib2: a2, a3, ..., a21
+ // etc.
+ // We re-create the test data by:
+ // 1) creating multiple "vertex buffers" that all point at the GPUBuffer above but at
+ // different offsets.
+ // 2) selecting what parts of the expectedData each attribute will see in the expectedData for
+ // the full vertex buffer.
+ const baseTestData = baseData[0].attributes[0];
+ assert(baseTestData.testComponentCount === formatInfo.componentCount * baseDataVertexCount);
+ const expectedDataBytesPerVertex = baseTestData.expectedData.byteLength / baseDataVertexCount;
+ const testData: VertexLayoutState<{}, TestData> = [];
+ const vertexBuffers: VertexState<{ buffer: GPUBuffer; vbOffset: number }, {}> = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < vbCount; i++) {
+ vertexBuffers.push({
+ buffer: vertexBuffer,
+ slot: i,
+ vbOffset: additionalVBOffset + i * alignedFormatByteSize,
+ attributes: [],
+ });
+ testData.push({
+ slot: i,
+ arrayStride: alignedFormatByteSize,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation: i,
+ format,
+ offset: 0,
+ shaderBaseType: baseTestData.shaderBaseType,
+ floatTolerance: baseTestData.floatTolerance,
+ // Select vertices [i, i + kVertexCount]
+ testComponentCount: kVertexCount * formatInfo.componentCount,
+ expectedData: baseTestData.expectedData.slice(
+ expectedDataBytesPerVertex * i,
+ expectedDataBytesPerVertex * (kVertexCount + i)
+ ),
+ vertexData: new ArrayBuffer(0),
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ // Run the test with the modified test data.
+ const pipeline = t.makeTestPipeline(testData, kVertexCount, kInstanceCount);
+ const expectedDataBG = t.createExpectedBG(testData, pipeline);
+ t.submitRenderPass(pipeline, vertexBuffers, expectedDataBG, kVertexCount, kInstanceCount);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test using the same vertex buffer in for multiple "vertex buffers", with data from each buffer interleaved.
+ - For each vertex format.
+ - For various numbers of vertex buffers [2, 3, max]`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('vbCount', [2, 3, kMaxVertexBuffers])
+ .combine('additionalVBOffset', [0, 4, 120])
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, vbCount, additionalVBOffset } = t.params;
+ const kVertexCount = 20;
+ const kInstanceCount = 1;
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[format];
+ const formatByteSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ // We need to align so the offset for non-0 setVertexBuffer don't fail validation.
+ const alignedFormatByteSize = align(formatByteSize, 4);
+ // Create data for a single vertex buffer with many attributes, that will be split between
+ // many vertex buffers set at different offsets.
+ // In this test we want to test using the same vertex buffer for multiple different attributes.
+ // For example if vbCount is 3, we will create a vertex buffer containing the following data:
+ // a0, a0, a0, a1, a1, a1, ...
+ // To do that we create a single vertex buffer with `vbCount` attributes that all have the same
+ // format.
+ const attribs: GPUVertexAttribute[] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < vbCount; i++) {
+ attribs.push({ format, offset: i * alignedFormatByteSize, shaderLocation: i });
+ }
+ const baseData = t.createTestAndPipelineData(
+ [
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ arrayStride: alignedFormatByteSize * vbCount,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ vbOffset: additionalVBOffset,
+ attributes: attribs,
+ },
+ ],
+ // Request one vertex more than what we need so we have an extra full stride. Otherwise WebGPU
+ // validation of vertex being in bounds will fail for all vertex buffers at an offset that's
+ // not 0 (since their last stride will go beyond the data for vertex kVertexCount -1).
+ kVertexCount + 1,
+ kInstanceCount
+ );
+ const vertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffers(baseData, kVertexCount + 1, kInstanceCount)[0]
+ .buffer;
+ // Then we recreate test data by:
+ // 1) creating multiple "vertex buffers" that all point at the GPUBuffer above but at
+ // different offsets.
+ // 2) have multiple vertex buffer, each with one attributes that will expect a0, a1, ...
+ const testData: VertexLayoutState<{}, TestData> = [];
+ const vertexBuffers: VertexState<{ buffer: GPUBuffer; vbOffset: number }, {}> = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < vbCount; i++) {
+ vertexBuffers.push({
+ slot: i,
+ buffer: vertexBuffer,
+ vbOffset: additionalVBOffset + i * alignedFormatByteSize,
+ attributes: [],
+ });
+ testData.push({
+ ...baseData[0],
+ slot: i,
+ attributes: [{ ...baseData[0].attributes[i], offset: 0 }],
+ });
+ }
+ // Run the test with the modified test data.
+ const pipeline = t.makeTestPipeline(testData, kVertexCount, kInstanceCount);
+ const expectedDataBG = t.createExpectedBG(testData, pipeline);
+ t.submitRenderPass(pipeline, vertexBuffers, expectedDataBG, kVertexCount, kInstanceCount);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test a vertex state that loads as many attributes and buffers as possible.
+ - For each format.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.combine('format', kVertexFormats))
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format } = t.params;
+ const attributesPerBuffer = Math.ceil(kMaxVertexAttributes / kMaxVertexBuffers);
+ let attributesEmitted = 0;
+ const state: VertexLayoutState<{}, {}> = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < kMaxVertexBuffers; i++) {
+ const attributes: GPUVertexAttribute[] = [];
+ for (let j = 0; j < attributesPerBuffer && attributesEmitted < kMaxVertexAttributes; j++) {
+ attributes.push({ format, offset: 0, shaderLocation: attributesEmitted });
+ attributesEmitted++;
+ }
+ state.push({
+ slot: i,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ arrayStride: 32,
+ attributes,
+ });
+ }
+ t.runTest(state);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test that arrayStride 0 correctly uses the same data for all vertex/instances, while another test vertex buffer with arrayStride != 0 gets different data.
+ - Test for all formats
+ - Test for both step modes`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('format', kVertexFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('stepMode', ['vertex', 'instance'] as const)
+ .expand('offset', p => {
+ const formatInfo = kVertexFormatInfo[p.format];
+ const formatSize = formatInfo.bytesPerComponent * formatInfo.componentCount;
+ return new Set([
+ 0,
+ 4,
+ 8,
+ formatSize,
+ formatSize * 2,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride / 2,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride - formatSize - 4,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride - formatSize - 8,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride - formatSize,
+ kMaxVertexBufferArrayStride - formatSize * 2,
+ ]);
+ })
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format, stepMode, offset } = t.params;
+ const kCount = 10;
+ // Create the stride 0 part of the test, first by faking a single vertex being drawn and
+ // then expanding the data to cover kCount vertex / instances
+ const stride0TestData = t.createTestAndPipelineData(
+ [
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ arrayStride: 2048,
+ stepMode,
+ vbOffset: offset, // used to push data in the vertex buffer
+ attributes: [{ format, offset: 0, shaderLocation: 0 }],
+ },
+ ],
+ 1,
+ 1
+ )[0];
+ const stride0VertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffers([stride0TestData], kCount, kCount)[0];
+ // Expand the stride0 test data to have kCount values for expectedData.
+ const originalData = stride0TestData.attributes[0].expectedData;
+ const expandedData = new ArrayBuffer(kCount * originalData.byteLength);
+ for (let i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
+ new Uint8Array(expandedData, originalData.byteLength * i).set(new Uint8Array(originalData));
+ }
+ // Fixup stride0TestData to use arrayStride 0.
+ stride0TestData.attributes[0].offset = offset;
+ stride0TestData.attributes[0].expectedData = expandedData;
+ stride0TestData.attributes[0].testComponentCount *= kCount;
+ stride0TestData.arrayStride = 0;
+ stride0VertexBuffer.vbOffset = 0;
+ // Create the part of the state that will be varying for each vertex / instance
+ const varyingTestData = t.createTestAndPipelineData(
+ [
+ {
+ slot: 1,
+ arrayStride: 32,
+ stepMode,
+ attributes: [{ format, offset: 0, shaderLocation: 1 }],
+ },
+ ],
+ kCount,
+ kCount
+ )[0];
+ const varyingVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffers([varyingTestData], kCount, kCount)[0];
+ // Run the test with the merged test state.
+ const state = [stride0TestData, varyingTestData];
+ const vertexBuffers = [stride0VertexBuffer, varyingVertexBuffer];
+ const pipeline = t.makeTestPipeline(state, kCount, kCount);
+ const expectedDataBG = t.createExpectedBG(state, pipeline);
+ t.submitRenderPass(pipeline, vertexBuffers, expectedDataBG, kCount, kCount);
+ });
+ .desc('Test that using far away slots / shaderLocations works as expected')
+ .fn(t => {
+ t.runTest([
+ {
+ slot: kMaxVertexBuffers - 1,
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ attributes: [
+ { format: 'uint8x2', offset: 2, shaderLocation: 0 },
+ { format: 'uint8x2', offset: 0, shaderLocation: 8 },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ slot: 1,
+ arrayStride: 16,
+ stepMode: 'instance',
+ vbOffset: 1000,
+ attributes: [{ format: 'uint32x4', offset: 0, shaderLocation: kMaxVertexAttributes - 1 }],
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `Test that overlapping attributes in the same vertex buffer works
+ - Test for all formats`
+ )
+ .params(u => u.combine('format', kVertexFormats))
+ .fn(t => {
+ const { format } = t.params;
+ const attributes: GPUVertexAttribute[] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < kMaxVertexAttributes; i++) {
+ attributes.push({ format, offset: 0, shaderLocation: i });
+ }
+ t.runTest([
+ {
+ slot: 0,
+ stepMode: 'vertex',
+ arrayStride: 32,
+ attributes,
+ },
+ ]);
+ });