path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/state/device_lost/destroy.spec.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/state/device_lost/destroy.spec.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/state/device_lost/destroy.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a50469db2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/state/device_lost/destroy.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+export const description = `
+Tests for device lost induced via destroy.
+ - Tests that prior to device destruction, valid APIs do not generate errors (control case).
+ - After device destruction, runs the same APIs. No expected observable results, so test crash or future failures are the only current failure indicators.
+import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import {
+ allBindingEntries,
+ bindingTypeInfo,
+ kBindableResources,
+ kBufferUsageKeys,
+ kBufferUsageInfo,
+ kBufferUsageCopy,
+ kBufferUsageCopyInfo,
+ kCompressedTextureFormats,
+ kQueryTypes,
+ kTextureUsageType,
+ kTextureUsageTypeInfo,
+ kTextureUsageCopy,
+ kTextureUsageCopyInfo,
+ kRegularTextureFormats,
+ kRenderableColorTextureFormats,
+ kShaderStageKeys,
+ kTextureFormatInfo,
+} from '../../../../capability_info.js';
+import { CommandBufferMaker, EncoderType } from '../../../../util/command_buffer_maker.js';
+import {
+ canCopyFromCanvasContext,
+ createCanvas,
+ kAllCanvasTypes,
+ kValidCanvasContextIds,
+} from '../../../../util/create_elements.js';
+import { ValidationTest } from '../../validation_test.js';
+const kCommandValidationStages = ['finish', 'submit'];
+type CommandValidationStage = typeof kCommandValidationStages[number];
+class DeviceDestroyTests extends ValidationTest {
+ /**
+ * Expects that `fn` does not produce any errors before the device is destroyed, and then calls
+ * `fn` after the device is destroyed without any specific expectation. If `awaitLost` is true, we
+ * also wait for device.lost to resolve before executing `fn` in the destroy case.
+ */
+ async executeAfterDestroy(fn: () => void, awaitLost: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ this.expectDeviceLost('destroyed');
+ this.expectValidationError(fn, false);
+ this.device.destroy();
+ if (awaitLost) {
+ const lostInfo = await this.device.lost;
+ this.expect(lostInfo.reason === 'destroyed');
+ }
+ fn();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Expects that encoders can finish and submit the resulting commands before the device is
+ * destroyed, then repeats the same process after the device is destroyed without any specific
+ * expectations.
+ * There are two valid stages: 'finish' and 'submit'.
+ * 'finish': Tests [encode, finish] and [encoder, destroy, finish]
+ * 'submit': Tests [encoder, finish, submit] and [encoder, finish, destroy, submit]
+ */
+ async executeCommandsAfterDestroy<T extends EncoderType>(
+ stage: CommandValidationStage,
+ awaitLost: boolean,
+ encoderType: T,
+ fn: (maker: CommandBufferMaker<T>) => CommandBufferMaker<T>
+ ): Promise<void> {
+ this.expectDeviceLost('destroyed');
+ switch (stage) {
+ case 'finish': {
+ // Control case
+ fn(this.createEncoder(encoderType)).validateFinish(true);
+ // Validation case
+ const encoder = fn(this.createEncoder(encoderType));
+ await this.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ encoder.finish();
+ }, awaitLost);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'submit': {
+ // Control case
+ fn(this.createEncoder(encoderType)).validateFinishAndSubmit(true, true);
+ // Validation case
+ const commands = fn(this.createEncoder(encoderType)).validateFinish(true);
+ await this.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ this.queue.submit([commands]);
+ }, awaitLost);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export const g = makeTestGroup(DeviceDestroyTests);
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating buffers on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various usages
+ - Mapped at creation or not
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('usageType', kBufferUsageKeys)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('usageCopy', kBufferUsageCopy)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ .filter(({ usageType, usageCopy }) => {
+ if (usageType === 'COPY_SRC' || usageType === 'COPY_DST') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (usageType === 'MAP_READ') {
+ return usageCopy === 'COPY_NONE' || usageCopy === 'COPY_DST';
+ }
+ if (usageType === 'MAP_WRITE') {
+ return usageCopy === 'COPY_NONE' || usageCopy === 'COPY_SRC';
+ }
+ return true;
+ })
+ .combine('mappedAtCreation', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, usageType, usageCopy, mappedAtCreation } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: 16,
+ usage: kBufferUsageInfo[usageType] | kBufferUsageCopyInfo[usageCopy],
+ mappedAtCreation,
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating 2d uncompressed textures on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various uncompressed texture formats
+ - Various usages
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kRegularTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('usageType', kTextureUsageType)
+ .combine('usageCopy', kTextureUsageCopy)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ .filter(({ format, usageType }) => {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return !(
+ (!info.renderable && usageType === 'render') ||
+ (! && usageType === 'storage')
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, format, usageType, usageCopy } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: kTextureUsageTypeInfo[usageType] | kTextureUsageCopyInfo[usageCopy],
+ format,
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating 2d compressed textures on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various compressed texture formats
+ - Various usages
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kCompressedTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('usageType', kTextureUsageType)
+ .combine('usageCopy', kTextureUsageCopy)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ .filter(({ format, usageType }) => {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return !(
+ (!info.renderable && usageType === 'render') ||
+ (! && usageType === 'storage')
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ const { format } = t.params;
+ t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase(kTextureFormatInfo[format].feature);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, format, usageType, usageCopy } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: kTextureUsageTypeInfo[usageType] | kTextureUsageCopyInfo[usageCopy],
+ format,
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating texture views on 2d uncompressed textures from destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various uncompressed texture formats
+ - Various usages
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kRegularTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('usageType', kTextureUsageType)
+ .combine('usageCopy', kTextureUsageCopy)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ .filter(({ format, usageType }) => {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return !(
+ (!info.renderable && usageType === 'render') ||
+ (! && usageType === 'storage')
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, format, usageType, usageCopy } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: kTextureUsageTypeInfo[usageType] | kTextureUsageCopyInfo[usageCopy],
+ format,
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ texture.createView({ format });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating texture views on 2d compressed textures from destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various compressed texture formats
+ - Various usages
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kCompressedTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('usageType', kTextureUsageType)
+ .combine('usageCopy', kTextureUsageCopy)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ .filter(({ format, usageType }) => {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return !(
+ (!info.renderable && usageType === 'render') ||
+ (! && usageType === 'storage')
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ const { format } = t.params;
+ t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase(kTextureFormatInfo[format].feature);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, format, usageType, usageCopy } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: kTextureUsageTypeInfo[usageType] | kTextureUsageCopyInfo[usageCopy],
+ format,
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ texture.createView({ format });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating samplers on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createSampler();
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating bind group layouts on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various valid binding entries
+ - Maximum set of visibility for each binding entry
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.combine('entry', allBindingEntries(false)).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, entry } = t.params;
+ const visibility = bindingTypeInfo(entry).validStages;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{ binding: 0, visibility, ...entry }],
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating bind group on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various binded resource types
+ - Various valid binding entries
+ - Maximum set of visibility for each binding entry
+ `
+ )
+ .desc(`A destroyed device should not be able to create any valid bind groups.`)
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('resourceType', kBindableResources)
+ .combine('entry', allBindingEntries(false))
+ .filter(({ resourceType, entry }) => {
+ const info = bindingTypeInfo(entry);
+ switch (info.resource) {
+ // Either type of sampler may be bound to a filtering sampler binding.
+ case 'filtSamp':
+ return resourceType === 'filtSamp' || resourceType === 'nonFiltSamp';
+ // But only non-filtering samplers can be used with non-filtering sampler bindings.
+ case 'nonFiltSamp':
+ return resourceType === 'nonFiltSamp';
+ default:
+ return info.resource === resourceType;
+ }
+ })
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, resourceType, entry } = t.params;
+ const visibility = bindingTypeInfo(entry).validStages;
+ const layout = t.device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{ binding: 0, visibility, ...entry }],
+ });
+ const resource = t.getBindingResource(resourceType);
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createBindGroup({ layout, entries: [{ binding: 0, resource }] });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating pipeline layouts on destroyed device. Tests valid combinations of:
+ - Various bind groups with valid binding entries
+ - Maximum set of visibility for each binding entry
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.combine('entry', allBindingEntries(false)).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, entry } = t.params;
+ const visibility = bindingTypeInfo(entry).validStages;
+ const bindGroupLayout = t.device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{ binding: 0, visibility, ...entry }],
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout],
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating shader modules on destroyed device.
+ - Tests all shader stages: vertex, fragment, compute
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.combine('stage', kShaderStageKeys).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, stage } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode(stage) });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating compute pipeline on destroyed device.
+ - Tests with a valid no-op compute shader
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const cShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('COMPUTE') });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ compute: { module: cShader, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating render pipeline on destroyed device.
+ - Tests with valid no-op vertex and fragment shaders
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const vShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('VERTEX') });
+ const fShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('FRAGMENT') });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: { module: vShader, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ fragment: {
+ module: fShader,
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [{ format: 'rgba8unorm', writeMask: 0 }],
+ },
+ });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating command encoders on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating render bundle encoders on destroyed device.
+ - Tests various renderable texture color formats
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kRenderableColorTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, format } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createRenderBundleEncoder({ colorFormats: [format] });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests creating query sets on destroyed device.
+ - Tests various query set types
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.combine('type', kQueryTypes).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ const { type } = t.params;
+ t.selectDeviceForQueryTypeOrSkipTestCase(type);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost, type } = t.params;
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.createQuerySet({ type, count: 4 });
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyBufferToBuffer command with various uncompressed formats on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const kBufferSize = 16;
+ const src = t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: kBufferSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ const dst = t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: kBufferSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.copyBufferToBuffer(src, 0, dst, 0, kBufferSize);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyBufferToTexture command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const format = 'rgba32uint';
+ const { bytesPerBlock, blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const src = {
+ buffer: t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: bytesPerBlock,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ }),
+ };
+ const dst = {
+ texture: t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST,
+ format,
+ }),
+ };
+ const copySize = { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight };
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.copyBufferToTexture(src, dst, copySize);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyTextureToBuffer command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const format = 'rgba32uint';
+ const { bytesPerBlock, blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const src = {
+ texture: t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ format,
+ }),
+ };
+ const dst = {
+ buffer: t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: bytesPerBlock,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
+ }),
+ };
+ const copySize = { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight };
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.copyTextureToBuffer(src, dst, copySize);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyTextureToTexture command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const format = 'rgba32uint';
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const src = {
+ texture: t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ format,
+ }),
+ };
+ const dst = {
+ texture: t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
+ format,
+ }),
+ };
+ const copySize = { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight };
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.copyTextureToTexture(src, dst, copySize);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and finishing a clearBuffer command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const kBufferSize = 16;
+ const buffer = t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: kBufferSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.clearBuffer(buffer, 0, kBufferSize);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and finishing a writeTimestamp command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('type', kQueryTypes)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages)
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ const { type } = t.params;
+ // writeTimestamp is only available for devices that enable the 'timestamp-query' feature.
+ const queryTypes: GPUQueryType[] = ['timestamp'];
+ if (type !== 'timestamp') {
+ queryTypes.push(type);
+ }
+ t.selectDeviceForQueryTypeOrSkipTestCase(queryTypes);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { type, stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const querySet = t.device.createQuerySet({ type, count: 2 });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.writeTimestamp(querySet, 0);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and finishing a resolveQuerySet command on destroyed device.
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const kQueryCount = 2;
+ const querySet = t.createQuerySetWithState('valid');
+ const destination = t.createBufferWithState('valid', {
+ size: kQueryCount * 8,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.QUERY_RESOLVE,
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'non-pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.resolveQuerySet(querySet, 0, 1, destination, 0);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and dispatching a simple valid compute pass on destroyed device.
+ - Binds valid pipeline and bindgroups, then dispatches
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const cShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('COMPUTE') });
+ const pipeline = t.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ compute: { module: cShader, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'compute pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ maker.encoder.dispatchWorkgroups(1);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and finishing a simple valid render pass on destroyed device.
+ - Binds valid pipeline and bindgroups, then draws
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const vShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('VERTEX') });
+ const fShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('FRAGMENT') });
+ const pipeline = t.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: { module: vShader, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ fragment: {
+ module: fShader,
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [{ format: 'rgba8unorm', writeMask: 0 }],
+ },
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'render pass', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ maker.encoder.draw(0);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests encoding and drawing a render pass including a render bundle on destroyed device.
+ - Binds valid pipeline and bindgroups, executes render bundle, then draws
+ - Tests finishing encoding on destroyed device
+ - Tests submitting command on destroyed device
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.beginSubcases().combine('stage', kCommandValidationStages).combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { stage, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const vShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('VERTEX') });
+ const fShader = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: t.getNoOpShaderCode('FRAGMENT') });
+ const pipeline = t.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: { module: vShader, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ fragment: {
+ module: fShader,
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [{ format: 'rgba8unorm', writeMask: 0 }],
+ },
+ });
+ await t.executeCommandsAfterDestroy(stage, awaitLost, 'render bundle', maker => {
+ maker.encoder.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ maker.encoder.draw(0);
+ return maker;
+ });
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests writeBuffer on queue on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.combine('numElements', [4, 8, 16]).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { numElements, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const buffer = t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: numElements,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
+ });
+ const data = new Uint8Array(numElements);
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.queue.writeBuffer(buffer, 0, data);
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests writeTexture on queue on destroyed device with uncompressed formats.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u.combine('format', kRegularTextureFormats).beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { format, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight, bytesPerBlock } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const data = new Uint8Array(bytesPerBlock);
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST,
+ format,
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.queue.writeTexture(
+ { texture },
+ data,
+ {},
+ { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight }
+ );
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests writeTexture on queue on destroyed device with compressed formats.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('format', kCompressedTextureFormats)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ const { format } = t.params;
+ t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase(kTextureFormatInfo[format].feature);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { format, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight, bytesPerBlock } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ const data = new Uint8Array(bytesPerBlock);
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight },
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST,
+ format,
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.queue.writeTexture(
+ { texture },
+ data,
+ {},
+ { width: blockWidth, height: blockHeight }
+ );
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyExternalImageToTexture from canvas on queue on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('canvasType', kAllCanvasTypes)
+ .combine('contextType', kValidCanvasContextIds)
+ .filter(({ contextType }) => {
+ return canCopyFromCanvasContext(contextType);
+ })
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('awaitLost', [true, false])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { canvasType, contextType, awaitLost } = t.params;
+ const canvas = createCanvas(t, canvasType, 1, 1);
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 1, height: 1 },
+ format: 'bgra8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST,
+ });
+ const ctx = ((canvas as unknown) as HTMLCanvasElement).getContext(contextType);
+ if (ctx === null) {
+ t.skip('Failed to get context for canvas element');
+ return;
+ }
+ t.tryTrackForCleanup(ctx);
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture(
+ { source: canvas },
+ { texture },
+ { width: 1, height: 1 }
+ );
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `
+Tests copyExternalImageToTexture from canvas on queue on destroyed device.
+ `
+ )
+ .params(u => u.beginSubcases().combine('awaitLost', [true, false]))
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { awaitLost } = t.params;
+ if (typeof createImageBitmap === 'undefined') {
+ t.skip('Creating ImageBitmaps is not supported.');
+ }
+ const imageBitmap = await createImageBitmap(new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(4), 1, 1));
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 1, height: 1 },
+ format: 'bgra8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST,
+ });
+ await t.executeAfterDestroy(() => {
+ t.device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture(
+ { source: imageBitmap },
+ { texture },
+ { width: 1, height: 1 }
+ );
+ }, awaitLost);
+ });