path: root/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/webrender_bindings/src/')
1 files changed, 4015 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/ b/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53f59500d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,4015 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+use gleam::gl;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
+use std::ffi::OsString;
+use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+use std::io::Cursor;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::ops::Range;
+#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_float, c_void};
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows")))]
+use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use std::{env, mem, ptr, slice};
+use thin_vec::ThinVec;
+use euclid::SideOffsets2D;
+use moz2d_renderer::Moz2dBlobImageHandler;
+use nsstring::nsAString;
+use num_cpus;
+use program_cache::{remove_disk_cache, WrProgramCache};
+use rayon;
+use tracy_rs::register_thread_with_profiler;
+use webrender::sw_compositor::SwCompositor;
+use webrender::{
+ api::units::*, api::*, create_webrender_instance, render_api::*, set_profiler_hooks, AsyncPropertySampler,
+ AsyncScreenshotHandle, Compositor, CompositorCapabilities, CompositorConfig, CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ DebugFlags, Device, MappableCompositor, MappedTileInfo, NativeSurfaceId, NativeSurfaceInfo, NativeTileId,
+ PartialPresentCompositor, PipelineInfo, ProfilerHooks, RecordedFrameHandle, Renderer, RendererStats,
+ SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo, SceneBuilderHooks, ShaderPrecacheFlags, Shaders, SharedShaders, TextureCacheConfig,
+ UploadMethod, WebRenderOptions, WindowVisibility, ONE_TIME_USAGE_HINT,
+use wr_malloc_size_of::MallocSizeOfOps;
+extern "C" {
+ #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+ fn __android_log_write(prio: c_int, tag: *const c_char, text: *const c_char) -> c_int;
+/// The unique id for WR resource identification.
+static NEXT_NAMESPACE_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1);
+/// Special value handled in this wrapper layer to signify a redundant clip chain.
+pub const ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN: u64 = !0;
+fn next_namespace_id() -> IdNamespace {
+ IdNamespace(NEXT_NAMESPACE_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) as u32)
+/// Whether a border should be antialiased.
+#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum AntialiasBorder {
+ No = 0,
+ Yes,
+/// Used to indicate if an image is opaque, or has an alpha channel.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum OpacityType {
+ Opaque = 0,
+ HasAlphaChannel = 1,
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mHandle]
+/// cbindgen:derive-lt=true
+/// cbindgen:derive-lte=true
+/// cbindgen:derive-neq=true
+type WrEpoch = Epoch;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mHandle]
+/// cbindgen:derive-lt=true
+/// cbindgen:derive-lte=true
+/// cbindgen:derive-neq=true
+pub type WrIdNamespace = IdNamespace;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+type WrDocumentId = DocumentId;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+type WrPipelineId = PipelineId;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+/// cbindgen:derive-neq=true
+type WrImageKey = ImageKey;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+pub type WrFontKey = FontKey;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+pub type WrFontInstanceKey = FontInstanceKey;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+type WrYuvColorSpace = YuvColorSpace;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+type WrColorDepth = ColorDepth;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mNamespace, mHandle]
+type WrColorRange = ColorRange;
+fn clip_chain_id_to_webrender(id: u64, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> ClipChainId {
+ if id == ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN {
+ ClipChainId::INVALID
+ } else {
+ ClipChainId(id, pipeline_id)
+ }
+pub struct WrSpaceAndClipChain {
+ space: WrSpatialId,
+ clip_chain: u64,
+impl WrSpaceAndClipChain {
+ fn to_webrender(&self, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> SpaceAndClipInfo {
+ //Warning: special case here to support dummy clip chain
+ SpaceAndClipInfo {
+ spatial_id:,
+ clip_chain_id: clip_chain_id_to_webrender(self.clip_chain, pipeline_id),
+ }
+ }
+pub enum WrStackingContextClip {
+ None,
+ ClipChain(u64),
+impl WrStackingContextClip {
+ fn to_webrender(&self, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> Option<ClipChainId> {
+ match *self {
+ WrStackingContextClip::None => None,
+ WrStackingContextClip::ClipChain(id) => {
+ if id == ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(ClipChainId(id, pipeline_id))
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+unsafe fn make_slice<'a, T>(ptr: *const T, len: usize) -> &'a [T] {
+ if ptr.is_null() {
+ &[]
+ } else {
+ slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)
+ }
+unsafe fn make_slice_mut<'a, T>(ptr: *mut T, len: usize) -> &'a mut [T] {
+ if ptr.is_null() {
+ &mut []
+ } else {
+ slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, len)
+ }
+pub struct DocumentHandle {
+ api: RenderApi,
+ document_id: DocumentId,
+ // One of the two options below is Some and the other None at all times.
+ // It would be nice to model with an enum, however it is tricky to express
+ // moving a variant's content into another variant without moving the
+ // containing enum.
+ hit_tester_request: Option<HitTesterRequest>,
+ hit_tester: Option<Arc<dyn ApiHitTester>>,
+impl DocumentHandle {
+ pub fn new(
+ api: RenderApi,
+ hit_tester: Option<Arc<dyn ApiHitTester>>,
+ size: DeviceIntSize,
+ id: u32,
+ ) -> DocumentHandle {
+ let doc = api.add_document_with_id(size, id);
+ let hit_tester_request = if hit_tester.is_none() {
+ // Request the hit tester early to reduce the likelihood of blocking on the
+ // first hit testing query.
+ Some(api.request_hit_tester(doc))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ DocumentHandle {
+ api,
+ document_id: doc,
+ hit_tester_request,
+ hit_tester,
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_hit_tester(&mut self) -> &Arc<dyn ApiHitTester> {
+ if let Some(ref ht) = self.hit_tester {
+ return ht;
+ }
+ self.hit_tester = Some(self.hit_tester_request.take().unwrap().resolve());
+ self.hit_tester.as_ref().unwrap()
+ }
+pub struct WrVecU8 {
+ data: *mut u8,
+ length: usize,
+ capacity: usize,
+impl WrVecU8 {
+ fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(, self.length, self.capacity) }
+ }
+ // Equivalent to `into_vec` but clears self instead of consuming the value.
+ fn flush_into_vec(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ self.convert_into_vec::<u8>()
+ }
+ // Like flush_into_vec, but also does an unsafe conversion to the desired type.
+ fn convert_into_vec<T>(&mut self) -> Vec<T> {
+ let vec = unsafe {
+ Vec::from_raw_parts(
+ as *mut T,
+ self.length / mem::size_of::<T>(),
+ self.capacity / mem::size_of::<T>(),
+ )
+ };
+ = ptr::null_mut();
+ self.length = 0;
+ self.capacity = 0;
+ vec
+ }
+ fn from_vec(mut v: Vec<u8>) -> WrVecU8 {
+ let w = WrVecU8 {
+ data: v.as_mut_ptr(),
+ length: v.len(),
+ capacity: v.capacity(),
+ };
+ mem::forget(v);
+ w
+ }
+ fn reserve(&mut self, len: usize) {
+ let mut vec = self.flush_into_vec();
+ vec.reserve(len);
+ *self = Self::from_vec(vec);
+ }
+ fn push_bytes(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
+ let mut vec = self.flush_into_vec();
+ vec.extend_from_slice(bytes);
+ *self = Self::from_vec(vec);
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_vec_u8_push_bytes(v: &mut WrVecU8, bytes: ByteSlice) {
+ v.push_bytes(bytes.as_slice());
+pub extern "C" fn wr_vec_u8_reserve(v: &mut WrVecU8, len: usize) {
+ v.reserve(len);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_vec_u8_free(v: WrVecU8) {
+ v.into_vec();
+pub struct ByteSlice<'a> {
+ buffer: *const u8,
+ len: usize,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
+impl<'a> ByteSlice<'a> {
+ pub fn new(slice: &'a [u8]) -> ByteSlice<'a> {
+ ByteSlice {
+ buffer: slice.as_ptr(),
+ len: slice.len(),
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
+ unsafe { make_slice(self.buffer, self.len) }
+ }
+pub struct MutByteSlice<'a> {
+ buffer: *mut u8,
+ len: usize,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
+impl<'a> MutByteSlice<'a> {
+ pub fn new(slice: &'a mut [u8]) -> MutByteSlice<'a> {
+ let len = slice.len();
+ MutByteSlice {
+ buffer: slice.as_mut_ptr(),
+ len,
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &'a mut [u8] {
+ unsafe { make_slice_mut(self.buffer, self.len) }
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct WrImageDescriptor {
+ pub format: ImageFormat,
+ pub width: i32,
+ pub height: i32,
+ pub stride: i32,
+ pub opacity: OpacityType,
+ // TODO(gw): Remove this flag (use prim flags instead).
+ pub prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+impl<'a> From<&'a WrImageDescriptor> for ImageDescriptor {
+ fn from(desc: &'a WrImageDescriptor) -> ImageDescriptor {
+ let mut flags = ImageDescriptorFlags::empty();
+ if desc.opacity == OpacityType::Opaque {
+ flags |= ImageDescriptorFlags::IS_OPAQUE;
+ }
+ ImageDescriptor {
+ size: DeviceIntSize::new(desc.width, desc.height),
+ stride: if desc.stride != 0 { Some(desc.stride) } else { None },
+ format: desc.format,
+ offset: 0,
+ flags,
+ }
+ }
+enum WrExternalImageType {
+ RawData,
+ NativeTexture,
+ Invalid,
+struct WrExternalImage {
+ image_type: WrExternalImageType,
+ // external texture handle
+ handle: u32,
+ // external texture coordinate
+ u0: f32,
+ v0: f32,
+ u1: f32,
+ v1: f32,
+ // external image buffer
+ buff: *const u8,
+ size: usize,
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_renderer_lock_external_image(
+ renderer: *mut c_void,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ channel_index: u8,
+ ) -> WrExternalImage;
+ fn wr_renderer_unlock_external_image(renderer: *mut c_void, external_image_id: ExternalImageId, channel_index: u8);
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct WrExternalImageHandler {
+ external_image_obj: *mut c_void,
+impl ExternalImageHandler for WrExternalImageHandler {
+ fn lock(&mut self, id: ExternalImageId, channel_index: u8) -> ExternalImage {
+ let image = unsafe { wr_renderer_lock_external_image(self.external_image_obj, id, channel_index) };
+ ExternalImage {
+ uv: TexelRect::new(image.u0, image.v0, image.u1, image.v1),
+ source: match image.image_type {
+ WrExternalImageType::NativeTexture => ExternalImageSource::NativeTexture(image.handle),
+ WrExternalImageType::RawData => {
+ ExternalImageSource::RawData(unsafe { make_slice(image.buff, image.size) })
+ },
+ WrExternalImageType::Invalid => ExternalImageSource::Invalid,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ fn unlock(&mut self, id: ExternalImageId, channel_index: u8) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_renderer_unlock_external_image(self.external_image_obj, id, channel_index);
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+// Used for ComponentTransfer only
+pub struct WrFilterData {
+ funcR_type: ComponentTransferFuncType,
+ R_values: *mut c_float,
+ R_values_count: usize,
+ funcG_type: ComponentTransferFuncType,
+ G_values: *mut c_float,
+ G_values_count: usize,
+ funcB_type: ComponentTransferFuncType,
+ B_values: *mut c_float,
+ B_values_count: usize,
+ funcA_type: ComponentTransferFuncType,
+ A_values: *mut c_float,
+ A_values_count: usize,
+pub enum WrAnimationType {
+ Transform = 0,
+ Opacity = 1,
+ BackgroundColor = 2,
+pub struct WrAnimationProperty {
+ effect_type: WrAnimationType,
+ id: u64,
+ key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
+/// cbindgen:derive-eq=false
+pub struct WrAnimationPropertyValue<T> {
+ pub id: u64,
+ pub value: T,
+pub type WrTransformProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<LayoutTransform>;
+pub type WrOpacityProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<f32>;
+pub type WrColorProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<ColorF>;
+/// cbindgen:field-names=[mHandle]
+/// cbindgen:derive-lt=true
+/// cbindgen:derive-lte=true
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct WrWindowId(u64);
+pub struct WrComputedTransformData {
+ pub scale_from: LayoutSize,
+ pub vertical_flip: bool,
+ pub rotation: WrRotation,
+ pub key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
+pub struct WrTransformInfo {
+ pub transform: LayoutTransform,
+ pub key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
+fn get_proc_address(glcontext_ptr: *mut c_void, name: &str) -> *const c_void {
+ extern "C" {
+ fn get_proc_address_from_glcontext(glcontext_ptr: *mut c_void, procname: *const c_char) -> *const c_void;
+ }
+ let symbol_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
+ let symbol = unsafe { get_proc_address_from_glcontext(glcontext_ptr, symbol_name.as_ptr()) };
+ symbol as *const _
+pub enum TelemetryProbe {
+ SceneBuildTime = 0,
+ SceneSwapTime = 1,
+ FrameBuildTime = 2,
+extern "C" {
+ fn is_in_compositor_thread() -> bool;
+ fn is_in_render_thread() -> bool;
+ fn is_in_main_thread() -> bool;
+ fn is_glcontext_gles(glcontext_ptr: *mut c_void) -> bool;
+ fn is_glcontext_angle(glcontext_ptr: *mut c_void) -> bool;
+ fn gfx_wr_resource_path_override() -> *const c_char;
+ fn gfx_wr_use_optimized_shaders() -> bool;
+ // TODO: make gfx_critical_error() work.
+ // We still have problem to pass the error message from render/render_backend
+ // thread to main thread now.
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ fn gfx_critical_error(msg: *const c_char);
+ fn gfx_critical_note(msg: *const c_char);
+ fn gfx_wr_set_crash_annotation(annotation: CrashAnnotation, value: *const c_char);
+ fn gfx_wr_clear_crash_annotation(annotation: CrashAnnotation);
+struct CppNotifier {
+ window_id: WrWindowId,
+unsafe impl Send for CppNotifier {}
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_notifier_wake_up(window_id: WrWindowId, composite_needed: bool);
+ fn wr_notifier_new_frame_ready(window_id: WrWindowId, composite_needed: bool, publish_id: FramePublishId);
+ fn wr_notifier_external_event(window_id: WrWindowId, raw_event: usize);
+ fn wr_schedule_render(window_id: WrWindowId, reasons: RenderReasons);
+ // NOTE: This moves away from pipeline_info.
+ fn wr_finished_scene_build(window_id: WrWindowId, pipeline_info: &mut WrPipelineInfo);
+ fn wr_transaction_notification_notified(handler: usize, when: Checkpoint);
+impl RenderNotifier for CppNotifier {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Box<dyn RenderNotifier> {
+ Box::new(CppNotifier {
+ window_id: self.window_id,
+ })
+ }
+ fn wake_up(&self, composite_needed: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_notifier_wake_up(self.window_id, composite_needed);
+ }
+ }
+ fn new_frame_ready(&self, _: DocumentId, _scrolled: bool, composite_needed: bool, publish_id: FramePublishId) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_notifier_new_frame_ready(self.window_id, composite_needed, publish_id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn external_event(&self, event: ExternalEvent) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_notifier_external_event(self.window_id, event.unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+struct MozCrashAnnotator;
+unsafe impl Send for MozCrashAnnotator {}
+impl CrashAnnotator for MozCrashAnnotator {
+ fn set(&self, annotation: CrashAnnotation, value: &std::ffi::CStr) {
+ unsafe {
+ gfx_wr_set_crash_annotation(annotation, value.as_ptr());
+ }
+ }
+ fn clear(&self, annotation: CrashAnnotation) {
+ unsafe {
+ gfx_wr_clear_crash_annotation(annotation);
+ }
+ }
+ fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn CrashAnnotator> {
+ Box::new(MozCrashAnnotator)
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_set_clear_color(renderer: &mut Renderer, color: ColorF) {
+ renderer.set_clear_color(color);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_set_external_image_handler(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ external_image_handler: &mut WrExternalImageHandler,
+) {
+ renderer.set_external_image_handler(Box::new(*external_image_handler));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_update(renderer: &mut Renderer) {
+ renderer.update();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_set_target_frame_publish_id(renderer: &mut Renderer, publish_id: FramePublishId) {
+ renderer.set_target_frame_publish_id(publish_id);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_render(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ buffer_age: usize,
+ out_stats: &mut RendererStats,
+ out_dirty_rects: &mut ThinVec<DeviceIntRect>,
+) -> bool {
+ match renderer.render(DeviceIntSize::new(width, height), buffer_age) {
+ Ok(results) => {
+ *out_stats = results.stats;
+ out_dirty_rects.extend(results.dirty_rects);
+ true
+ },
+ Err(errors) => {
+ for e in errors {
+ warn!(" Failed to render: {:?}", e);
+ let msg = CString::new(format!("wr_renderer_render: {:?}", e)).unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ gfx_critical_note(msg.as_ptr());
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ },
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_force_redraw(renderer: &mut Renderer) {
+ renderer.force_redraw();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_record_frame(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ image_format: ImageFormat,
+ out_handle: &mut RecordedFrameHandle,
+ out_width: &mut i32,
+ out_height: &mut i32,
+) -> bool {
+ if let Some((handle, size)) = renderer.record_frame(image_format) {
+ *out_handle = handle;
+ *out_width = size.width;
+ *out_height = size.height;
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_map_recorded_frame(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ handle: RecordedFrameHandle,
+ dst_buffer: *mut u8,
+ dst_buffer_len: usize,
+ dst_stride: usize,
+) -> bool {
+ renderer.map_recorded_frame(
+ handle,
+ unsafe { make_slice_mut(dst_buffer, dst_buffer_len) },
+ dst_stride,
+ )
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_release_composition_recorder_structures(renderer: &mut Renderer) {
+ renderer.release_composition_recorder_structures();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_get_screenshot_async(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ window_x: i32,
+ window_y: i32,
+ window_width: i32,
+ window_height: i32,
+ buffer_width: i32,
+ buffer_height: i32,
+ image_format: ImageFormat,
+ screenshot_width: *mut i32,
+ screenshot_height: *mut i32,
+) -> AsyncScreenshotHandle {
+ assert!(!screenshot_width.is_null());
+ assert!(!screenshot_height.is_null());
+ let (handle, size) = renderer.get_screenshot_async(
+ DeviceIntRect::from_origin_and_size(
+ DeviceIntPoint::new(window_x, window_y),
+ DeviceIntSize::new(window_width, window_height),
+ ),
+ DeviceIntSize::new(buffer_width, buffer_height),
+ image_format,
+ );
+ unsafe {
+ *screenshot_width = size.width;
+ *screenshot_height = size.height;
+ }
+ handle
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_map_and_recycle_screenshot(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ handle: AsyncScreenshotHandle,
+ dst_buffer: *mut u8,
+ dst_buffer_len: usize,
+ dst_stride: usize,
+) -> bool {
+ renderer.map_and_recycle_screenshot(
+ handle,
+ unsafe { make_slice_mut(dst_buffer, dst_buffer_len) },
+ dst_stride,
+ )
+pub extern "C" fn wr_renderer_release_profiler_structures(renderer: &mut Renderer) {
+ renderer.release_profiler_structures();
+// Call wr_renderer_render() before calling this function.
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_renderer_readback(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ format: ImageFormat,
+ dst_buffer: *mut u8,
+ buffer_size: usize,
+) {
+ assert!(is_in_render_thread());
+ let mut slice = make_slice_mut(dst_buffer, buffer_size);
+ renderer.read_pixels_into(FramebufferIntSize::new(width, height).into(), format, &mut slice);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_renderer_set_profiler_ui(renderer: &mut Renderer, ui_str: *const u8, ui_str_len: usize) {
+ let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ui_str, ui_str_len);
+ if let Ok(ui_str) = std::str::from_utf8(slice) {
+ renderer.set_profiler_ui(ui_str);
+ }
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_renderer_delete(renderer: *mut Renderer) {
+ let renderer = Box::from_raw(renderer);
+ renderer.deinit();
+ // let renderer go out of scope and get dropped
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_renderer_accumulate_memory_report(
+ renderer: &mut Renderer,
+ report: &mut MemoryReport,
+ swgl: *mut c_void,
+) {
+ *report += renderer.report_memory(swgl);
+// cbindgen doesn't support tuples, so we have a little struct instead, with
+// an Into implementation to convert from the tuple to the struct.
+pub struct WrPipelineEpoch {
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ document_id: WrDocumentId,
+ epoch: WrEpoch,
+impl<'a> From<(&'a (WrPipelineId, WrDocumentId), &'a WrEpoch)> for WrPipelineEpoch {
+ fn from(tuple: (&(WrPipelineId, WrDocumentId), &WrEpoch)) -> WrPipelineEpoch {
+ WrPipelineEpoch {
+ pipeline_id: (tuple.0).0,
+ document_id: (tuple.0).1,
+ epoch: *tuple.1,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct WrPipelineIdAndEpoch {
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ epoch: WrEpoch,
+impl<'a> From<(&WrPipelineId, &WrEpoch)> for WrPipelineIdAndEpoch {
+ fn from(tuple: (&WrPipelineId, &WrEpoch)) -> WrPipelineIdAndEpoch {
+ WrPipelineIdAndEpoch {
+ pipeline_id: *tuple.0,
+ epoch: *tuple.1,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct WrRemovedPipeline {
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ document_id: WrDocumentId,
+impl<'a> From<&'a (WrPipelineId, WrDocumentId)> for WrRemovedPipeline {
+ fn from(tuple: &(WrPipelineId, WrDocumentId)) -> WrRemovedPipeline {
+ WrRemovedPipeline {
+ pipeline_id: tuple.0,
+ document_id: tuple.1,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct WrPipelineInfo {
+ /// This contains an entry for each pipeline that was rendered, along with
+ /// the epoch at which it was rendered. Rendered pipelines include the root
+ /// pipeline and any other pipelines that were reachable via IFrame display
+ /// items from the root pipeline.
+ epochs: ThinVec<WrPipelineEpoch>,
+ /// This contains an entry for each pipeline that was removed during the
+ /// last transaction. These pipelines would have been explicitly removed by
+ /// calling remove_pipeline on the transaction object; the pipeline showing
+ /// up in this array means that the data structures have been torn down on
+ /// the webrender side, and so any remaining data structures on the caller
+ /// side can now be torn down also.
+ removed_pipelines: ThinVec<WrRemovedPipeline>,
+impl WrPipelineInfo {
+ fn new(info: &PipelineInfo) -> Self {
+ WrPipelineInfo {
+ epochs: info.epochs.iter().map(WrPipelineEpoch::from).collect(),
+ removed_pipelines: info.removed_pipelines.iter().map(WrRemovedPipeline::from).collect(),
+ }
+ }
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_renderer_flush_pipeline_info(renderer: &mut Renderer, out: &mut WrPipelineInfo) {
+ let info = renderer.flush_pipeline_info();
+ *out = WrPipelineInfo::new(&info);
+extern "C" {
+ pub fn gecko_profiler_thread_is_being_profiled() -> bool;
+pub fn gecko_profiler_start_marker(name: &str) {
+ use gecko_profiler::{gecko_profiler_category, MarkerOptions, MarkerTiming, ProfilerTime, Tracing};
+ gecko_profiler::add_marker(
+ name,
+ gecko_profiler_category!(Graphics),
+ MarkerOptions {
+ timing: MarkerTiming::interval_start(ProfilerTime::now()),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ Tracing("Webrender".to_string()),
+ );
+pub fn gecko_profiler_end_marker(name: &str) {
+ use gecko_profiler::{gecko_profiler_category, MarkerOptions, MarkerTiming, ProfilerTime, Tracing};
+ gecko_profiler::add_marker(
+ name,
+ gecko_profiler_category!(Graphics),
+ MarkerOptions {
+ timing: MarkerTiming::interval_end(ProfilerTime::now()),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ Tracing("Webrender".to_string()),
+ );
+pub fn gecko_profiler_event_marker(name: &str) {
+ use gecko_profiler::{gecko_profiler_category, Tracing};
+ gecko_profiler::add_marker(
+ name,
+ gecko_profiler_category!(Graphics),
+ Default::default(),
+ Tracing("Webrender".to_string()),
+ );
+pub fn gecko_profiler_add_text_marker(name: &str, text: &str, microseconds: f64) {
+ use gecko_profiler::{gecko_profiler_category, MarkerOptions, MarkerTiming, ProfilerTime};
+ if !gecko_profiler::can_accept_markers() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let now = ProfilerTime::now();
+ let start = now.clone().subtract_microseconds(microseconds);
+ gecko_profiler::add_text_marker(
+ name,
+ gecko_profiler_category!(Graphics),
+ MarkerOptions {
+ timing: MarkerTiming::interval(start, now),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ text,
+ );
+/// Simple implementation of the WR ProfilerHooks trait to allow profile
+/// markers to be seen in the Gecko profiler.
+struct GeckoProfilerHooks;
+impl ProfilerHooks for GeckoProfilerHooks {
+ fn register_thread(&self, thread_name: &str) {
+ gecko_profiler::register_thread(thread_name);
+ }
+ fn unregister_thread(&self) {
+ gecko_profiler::unregister_thread();
+ }
+ fn begin_marker(&self, label: &str) {
+ gecko_profiler_start_marker(label);
+ }
+ fn end_marker(&self, label: &str) {
+ gecko_profiler_end_marker(label);
+ }
+ fn event_marker(&self, label: &str) {
+ gecko_profiler_event_marker(label);
+ }
+ fn add_text_marker(&self, label: &str, text: &str, duration: Duration) {
+ let micros = duration.as_micros() as f64;
+ gecko_profiler_add_text_marker(label, text, micros);
+ }
+ fn thread_is_being_profiled(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { gecko_profiler_thread_is_being_profiled() }
+ }
+static PROFILER_HOOKS: GeckoProfilerHooks = GeckoProfilerHooks {};
+#[allow(improper_ctypes)] // this is needed so that rustc doesn't complain about passing the &mut Transaction to an extern function
+extern "C" {
+ // These callbacks are invoked from the scene builder thread (aka the APZ
+ // updater thread)
+ fn apz_register_updater(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn apz_pre_scene_swap(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn apz_post_scene_swap(window_id: WrWindowId, pipeline_info: &WrPipelineInfo);
+ fn apz_run_updater(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn apz_deregister_updater(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ // These callbacks are invoked from the render backend thread (aka the APZ
+ // sampler thread)
+ fn apz_register_sampler(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn apz_sample_transforms(window_id: WrWindowId, generated_frame_id: *const u64, transaction: &mut Transaction);
+ fn apz_deregister_sampler(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn omta_register_sampler(window_id: WrWindowId);
+ fn omta_sample(window_id: WrWindowId, transaction: &mut Transaction);
+ fn omta_deregister_sampler(window_id: WrWindowId);
+struct APZCallbacks {
+ window_id: WrWindowId,
+impl APZCallbacks {
+ pub fn new(window_id: WrWindowId) -> Self {
+ APZCallbacks { window_id }
+ }
+impl SceneBuilderHooks for APZCallbacks {
+ fn register(&self) {
+ unsafe { apz_register_updater(self.window_id) }
+ }
+ fn pre_scene_build(&self) {
+ gecko_profiler_start_marker("SceneBuilding");
+ }
+ fn pre_scene_swap(&self) {
+ unsafe {
+ apz_pre_scene_swap(self.window_id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn post_scene_swap(&self, _document_ids: &Vec<DocumentId>, info: PipelineInfo) {
+ let mut info = WrPipelineInfo::new(&info);
+ unsafe {
+ apz_post_scene_swap(self.window_id, &info);
+ }
+ // After a scene swap we should schedule a render for the next vsync,
+ // otherwise there's no guarantee that the new scene will get rendered
+ // anytime soon
+ unsafe { wr_finished_scene_build(self.window_id, &mut info) }
+ gecko_profiler_end_marker("SceneBuilding");
+ }
+ fn post_resource_update(&self, _document_ids: &Vec<DocumentId>) {
+ unsafe { wr_schedule_render(self.window_id, RenderReasons::POST_RESOURCE_UPDATES_HOOK) }
+ gecko_profiler_end_marker("SceneBuilding");
+ }
+ fn post_empty_scene_build(&self) {
+ gecko_profiler_end_marker("SceneBuilding");
+ }
+ fn poke(&self) {
+ unsafe { apz_run_updater(self.window_id) }
+ }
+ fn deregister(&self) {
+ unsafe { apz_deregister_updater(self.window_id) }
+ }
+struct SamplerCallback {
+ window_id: WrWindowId,
+impl SamplerCallback {
+ pub fn new(window_id: WrWindowId) -> Self {
+ SamplerCallback { window_id }
+ }
+impl AsyncPropertySampler for SamplerCallback {
+ fn register(&self) {
+ unsafe {
+ apz_register_sampler(self.window_id);
+ omta_register_sampler(self.window_id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn sample(&self, _document_id: DocumentId, generated_frame_id: Option<u64>) -> Vec<FrameMsg> {
+ let generated_frame_id_value;
+ let generated_frame_id: *const u64 = match generated_frame_id {
+ Some(id) => {
+ generated_frame_id_value = id;
+ &generated_frame_id_value
+ },
+ None => ptr::null_mut(),
+ };
+ let mut transaction = Transaction::new();
+ // Reset the pending properties first because omta_sample and apz_sample_transforms
+ // may be failed to reset them due to null samplers.
+ transaction.reset_dynamic_properties();
+ unsafe {
+ apz_sample_transforms(self.window_id, generated_frame_id, &mut transaction);
+ omta_sample(self.window_id, &mut transaction);
+ };
+ transaction.get_frame_ops()
+ }
+ fn deregister(&self) {
+ unsafe {
+ apz_deregister_sampler(self.window_id);
+ omta_deregister_sampler(self.window_id);
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_register_thread_local_arena();
+pub struct WrThreadPool(Arc<rayon::ThreadPool>);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_thread_pool_new(low_priority: bool) -> *mut WrThreadPool {
+ // Clamp the number of workers between 1 and 4/8. We get diminishing returns
+ // with high worker counts and extra overhead because of rayon and font
+ // management.
+ // We clamp to 4 high priority threads because contention and memory usage
+ // make it not worth going higher
+ let max = if low_priority { 8 } else { 4 };
+ let num_threads = num_cpus::get().min(max);
+ let priority_tag = if low_priority { "LP" } else { "" };
+ let worker = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
+ .thread_name(move |idx| format!("WRWorker{}#{}", priority_tag, idx))
+ .num_threads(num_threads)
+ .start_handler(move |idx| {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_register_thread_local_arena();
+ }
+ let name = format!("WRWorker{}#{}", priority_tag, idx);
+ register_thread_with_profiler(name.clone());
+ gecko_profiler::register_thread(&name);
+ })
+ .exit_handler(|_idx| {
+ gecko_profiler::unregister_thread();
+ })
+ .build();
+ let workers = Arc::new(worker.unwrap());
+ Box::into_raw(Box::new(WrThreadPool(workers)))
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_thread_pool_delete(thread_pool: *mut WrThreadPool) {
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(thread_pool));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_program_cache_new(
+ prof_path: &nsAString,
+ thread_pool: *mut WrThreadPool,
+) -> *mut WrProgramCache {
+ let workers = &(*thread_pool).0;
+ let program_cache = WrProgramCache::new(prof_path, workers);
+ Box::into_raw(Box::new(program_cache))
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_program_cache_delete(program_cache: *mut WrProgramCache) {
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(program_cache));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_try_load_startup_shaders_from_disk(program_cache: *mut WrProgramCache) {
+ (*program_cache).try_load_startup_shaders_from_disk();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn remove_program_binary_disk_cache(prof_path: &nsAString) -> bool {
+ match remove_disk_cache(prof_path) {
+ Ok(_) => true,
+ Err(_) => {
+ error!("Failed to remove program binary disk cache");
+ false
+ },
+ }
+// This matches IsEnvSet in gfxEnv.h
+fn env_var_to_bool(key: &'static str) -> bool {
+ env::var(key).ok().map_or(false, |v| !v.is_empty())
+// Call MakeCurrent before this.
+fn wr_device_new(gl_context: *mut c_void, pc: Option<&mut WrProgramCache>) -> Device {
+ assert!(unsafe { is_in_render_thread() });
+ let gl;
+ if unsafe { is_glcontext_gles(gl_context) } {
+ gl = unsafe { gl::GlesFns::load_with(|symbol| get_proc_address(gl_context, symbol)) };
+ } else {
+ gl = unsafe { gl::GlFns::load_with(|symbol| get_proc_address(gl_context, symbol)) };
+ }
+ let version = gl.get_string(gl::VERSION);
+ info!("WebRender - OpenGL version new {}", version);
+ let upload_method = if unsafe { is_glcontext_angle(gl_context) } {
+ UploadMethod::Immediate
+ } else {
+ UploadMethod::PixelBuffer(ONE_TIME_USAGE_HINT)
+ };
+ let resource_override_path = unsafe {
+ let override_charptr = gfx_wr_resource_path_override();
+ if override_charptr.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ match CStr::from_ptr(override_charptr).to_str() {
+ Ok(override_str) => Some(PathBuf::from(override_str)),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let use_optimized_shaders = unsafe { gfx_wr_use_optimized_shaders() };
+ let cached_programs =|cached_programs| Rc::clone(cached_programs.rc_get()));
+ Device::new(
+ gl,
+ Some(Box::new(MozCrashAnnotator)),
+ resource_override_path,
+ use_optimized_shaders,
+ upload_method,
+ 512 * 512,
+ cached_programs,
+ true,
+ true,
+ None,
+ false,
+ false,
+ )
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_compositor_create_surface(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ virtual_offset: DeviceIntPoint,
+ tile_size: DeviceIntSize,
+ is_opaque: bool,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_create_external_surface(compositor: *mut c_void, id: NativeSurfaceId, is_opaque: bool);
+ fn wr_compositor_create_backdrop_surface(compositor: *mut c_void, id: NativeSurfaceId, color: ColorF);
+ fn wr_compositor_destroy_surface(compositor: *mut c_void, id: NativeSurfaceId);
+ fn wr_compositor_create_tile(compositor: *mut c_void, id: NativeSurfaceId, x: i32, y: i32);
+ fn wr_compositor_destroy_tile(compositor: *mut c_void, id: NativeSurfaceId, x: i32, y: i32);
+ fn wr_compositor_attach_external_image(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ external_image: ExternalImageId,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_bind(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ id: NativeTileId,
+ offset: &mut DeviceIntPoint,
+ fbo_id: &mut u32,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_unbind(compositor: *mut c_void);
+ fn wr_compositor_begin_frame(compositor: *mut c_void);
+ fn wr_compositor_add_surface(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_start_compositing(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ clear_color: ColorF,
+ dirty_rects: *const DeviceIntRect,
+ num_dirty_rects: usize,
+ opaque_rects: *const DeviceIntRect,
+ num_opaque_rects: usize,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_end_frame(compositor: *mut c_void);
+ fn wr_compositor_enable_native_compositor(compositor: *mut c_void, enable: bool);
+ fn wr_compositor_deinit(compositor: *mut c_void);
+ fn wr_compositor_get_capabilities(compositor: *mut c_void, caps: *mut CompositorCapabilities);
+ fn wr_compositor_get_window_visibility(compositor: *mut c_void, caps: *mut WindowVisibility);
+ fn wr_compositor_map_tile(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ id: NativeTileId,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ data: &mut *mut c_void,
+ stride: &mut i32,
+ );
+ fn wr_compositor_unmap_tile(compositor: *mut c_void);
+ fn wr_partial_present_compositor_set_buffer_damage_region(
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ rects: *const DeviceIntRect,
+ n_rects: usize,
+ );
+pub struct WrCompositor(*mut c_void);
+impl Compositor for WrCompositor {
+ fn create_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ virtual_offset: DeviceIntPoint,
+ tile_size: DeviceIntSize,
+ is_opaque: bool,
+ ) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_create_surface(self.0, id, virtual_offset, tile_size, is_opaque);
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_external_surface(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeSurfaceId, is_opaque: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_create_external_surface(self.0, id, is_opaque);
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_backdrop_surface(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeSurfaceId, color: ColorF) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_create_backdrop_surface(self.0, id, color);
+ }
+ }
+ fn destroy_surface(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeSurfaceId) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_destroy_surface(self.0, id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_tile(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeTileId) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_create_tile(self.0, id.surface_id, id.x, id.y);
+ }
+ }
+ fn destroy_tile(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeTileId) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_destroy_tile(self.0, id.surface_id, id.x, id.y);
+ }
+ }
+ fn attach_external_image(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, id: NativeSurfaceId, external_image: ExternalImageId) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_attach_external_image(self.0, id, external_image);
+ }
+ }
+ fn bind(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ id: NativeTileId,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ ) -> NativeSurfaceInfo {
+ let mut surface_info = NativeSurfaceInfo {
+ origin: DeviceIntPoint::zero(),
+ fbo_id: 0,
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_bind(
+ self.0,
+ id,
+ &mut surface_info.origin,
+ &mut surface_info.fbo_id,
+ dirty_rect,
+ valid_rect,
+ );
+ }
+ surface_info
+ }
+ fn unbind(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_unbind(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn begin_frame(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_begin_frame(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn add_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ transform: CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ ) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_add_surface(self.0, id, &transform, clip_rect, image_rendering);
+ }
+ }
+ fn start_compositing(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ clear_color: ColorF,
+ dirty_rects: &[DeviceIntRect],
+ opaque_rects: &[DeviceIntRect],
+ ) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_start_compositing(
+ self.0,
+ clear_color,
+ dirty_rects.as_ptr(),
+ dirty_rects.len(),
+ opaque_rects.as_ptr(),
+ opaque_rects.len(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ fn end_frame(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_end_frame(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn enable_native_compositor(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, enable: bool) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_enable_native_compositor(self.0, enable);
+ }
+ }
+ fn deinit(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_deinit(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_capabilities(&self, _device: &mut Device) -> CompositorCapabilities {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut caps: CompositorCapabilities = Default::default();
+ wr_compositor_get_capabilities(self.0, &mut caps);
+ caps
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_window_visibility(&self, _device: &mut Device) -> WindowVisibility {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut visibility: WindowVisibility = Default::default();
+ wr_compositor_get_window_visibility(self.0, &mut visibility);
+ visibility
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_swgl_lock_composite_surface(
+ ctx: *mut c_void,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ composite_info: *mut SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo,
+ ) -> bool;
+ fn wr_swgl_unlock_composite_surface(ctx: *mut c_void, external_image_id: ExternalImageId);
+impl MappableCompositor for WrCompositor {
+ /// Map a tile's underlying buffer so it can be used as the backing for
+ /// a SWGL framebuffer. This is intended to be a replacement for 'bind'
+ /// in any compositors that intend to directly interoperate with SWGL
+ /// while supporting some form of native layers.
+ fn map_tile(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ id: NativeTileId,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ ) -> Option<MappedTileInfo> {
+ let mut tile_info = MappedTileInfo {
+ data: ptr::null_mut(),
+ stride: 0,
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_map_tile(
+ self.0,
+ id,
+ dirty_rect,
+ valid_rect,
+ &mut,
+ &mut tile_info.stride,
+ );
+ }
+ if ! && tile_info.stride != 0 {
+ Some(tile_info)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Unmap a tile that was was previously mapped via map_tile to signal
+ /// that SWGL is done rendering to the buffer.
+ fn unmap_tile(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_compositor_unmap_tile(self.0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn lock_composite_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ _device: &mut Device,
+ ctx: *mut c_void,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ composite_info: *mut SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo,
+ ) -> bool {
+ unsafe { wr_swgl_lock_composite_surface(ctx, external_image_id, composite_info) }
+ }
+ fn unlock_composite_surface(&mut self, _device: &mut Device, ctx: *mut c_void, external_image_id: ExternalImageId) {
+ unsafe { wr_swgl_unlock_composite_surface(ctx, external_image_id) }
+ }
+pub struct WrPartialPresentCompositor(*mut c_void);
+impl PartialPresentCompositor for WrPartialPresentCompositor {
+ fn set_buffer_damage_region(&mut self, rects: &[DeviceIntRect]) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_partial_present_compositor_set_buffer_damage_region(self.0, rects.as_ptr(), rects.len());
+ }
+ }
+/// A wrapper around a strong reference to a Shaders object.
+pub struct WrShaders(SharedShaders);
+// Call MakeCurrent before this.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_window_new(
+ window_id: WrWindowId,
+ window_width: i32,
+ window_height: i32,
+ is_main_window: bool,
+ support_low_priority_transactions: bool,
+ support_low_priority_threadpool: bool,
+ allow_texture_swizzling: bool,
+ allow_scissored_cache_clears: bool,
+ swgl_context: *mut c_void,
+ gl_context: *mut c_void,
+ surface_origin_is_top_left: bool,
+ program_cache: Option<&mut WrProgramCache>,
+ shaders: Option<&mut WrShaders>,
+ thread_pool: *mut WrThreadPool,
+ thread_pool_low_priority: *mut WrThreadPool,
+ size_of_op: VoidPtrToSizeFn,
+ enclosing_size_of_op: VoidPtrToSizeFn,
+ document_id: u32,
+ compositor: *mut c_void,
+ use_native_compositor: bool,
+ use_partial_present: bool,
+ max_partial_present_rects: usize,
+ draw_previous_partial_present_regions: bool,
+ out_handle: &mut *mut DocumentHandle,
+ out_renderer: &mut *mut Renderer,
+ out_max_texture_size: *mut i32,
+ out_err: &mut *mut c_char,
+ enable_gpu_markers: bool,
+ panic_on_gl_error: bool,
+ picture_tile_width: i32,
+ picture_tile_height: i32,
+ reject_software_rasterizer: bool,
+ low_quality_pinch_zoom: bool,
+ max_shared_surface_size: i32,
+) -> bool {
+ assert!(unsafe { is_in_render_thread() });
+ // Ensure the WR profiler callbacks are hooked up to the Gecko profiler.
+ set_profiler_hooks(Some(&PROFILER_HOOKS));
+ let software = !swgl_context.is_null();
+ let (gl, sw_gl) = if software {
+ let ctx = swgl::Context::from(swgl_context);
+ ctx.make_current();
+ (Rc::new(ctx) as Rc<dyn gl::Gl>, Some(ctx))
+ } else {
+ let gl = unsafe {
+ if gl_context.is_null() {
+ panic!("Native GL context required when not using SWGL!");
+ } else if is_glcontext_gles(gl_context) {
+ gl::GlesFns::load_with(|symbol| get_proc_address(gl_context, symbol))
+ } else {
+ gl::GlFns::load_with(|symbol| get_proc_address(gl_context, symbol))
+ }
+ };
+ (gl, None)
+ };
+ let version = gl.get_string(gl::VERSION);
+ info!("WebRender - OpenGL version new {}", version);
+ let workers = unsafe { Arc::clone(&(*thread_pool).0) };
+ let workers_low_priority = unsafe {
+ if support_low_priority_threadpool {
+ Arc::clone(&(*thread_pool_low_priority).0)
+ } else {
+ Arc::clone(&(*thread_pool).0)
+ }
+ };
+ let upload_method = if !gl_context.is_null() && unsafe { is_glcontext_angle(gl_context) } {
+ UploadMethod::Immediate
+ } else {
+ UploadMethod::PixelBuffer(ONE_TIME_USAGE_HINT)
+ };
+ let precache_flags = if env_var_to_bool("MOZ_WR_PRECACHE_SHADERS") {
+ ShaderPrecacheFlags::FULL_COMPILE
+ } else {
+ ShaderPrecacheFlags::empty()
+ };
+ let cached_programs =|program_cache| Rc::clone(&program_cache.rc_get()));
+ let color = if cfg!(target_os = "android") {
+ // The color is for avoiding black flash before receiving display list.
+ ColorF::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ } else {
+ ColorF::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ };
+ let compositor_config = if software {
+ CompositorConfig::Native {
+ compositor: Box::new(SwCompositor::new(
+ sw_gl.unwrap(),
+ Box::new(WrCompositor(compositor)),
+ use_native_compositor,
+ )),
+ }
+ } else if use_native_compositor {
+ CompositorConfig::Native {
+ compositor: Box::new(WrCompositor(compositor)),
+ }
+ } else {
+ CompositorConfig::Draw {
+ max_partial_present_rects,
+ draw_previous_partial_present_regions,
+ partial_present: if use_partial_present {
+ Some(Box::new(WrPartialPresentCompositor(compositor)))
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ }
+ };
+ let picture_tile_size = if picture_tile_width > 0 && picture_tile_height > 0 {
+ Some(DeviceIntSize::new(picture_tile_width, picture_tile_height))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let texture_cache_config = if is_main_window {
+ TextureCacheConfig::DEFAULT
+ } else {
+ TextureCacheConfig {
+ color8_linear_texture_size: 512,
+ color8_nearest_texture_size: 512,
+ color8_glyph_texture_size: 512,
+ alpha8_texture_size: 512,
+ alpha8_glyph_texture_size: 512,
+ alpha16_texture_size: 512,
+ }
+ };
+ let opts = WebRenderOptions {
+ enable_aa: true,
+ enable_subpixel_aa: cfg!(not(target_os = "android")),
+ support_low_priority_transactions,
+ allow_texture_swizzling,
+ blob_image_handler: Some(Box::new(Moz2dBlobImageHandler::new(
+ workers.clone(),
+ workers_low_priority,
+ ))),
+ crash_annotator: Some(Box::new(MozCrashAnnotator)),
+ workers: Some(workers),
+ size_of_op: Some(size_of_op),
+ enclosing_size_of_op: Some(enclosing_size_of_op),
+ cached_programs,
+ resource_override_path: unsafe {
+ let override_charptr = gfx_wr_resource_path_override();
+ if override_charptr.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ match CStr::from_ptr(override_charptr).to_str() {
+ Ok(override_str) => Some(PathBuf::from(override_str)),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ use_optimized_shaders: unsafe { gfx_wr_use_optimized_shaders() },
+ renderer_id: Some(window_id.0),
+ upload_method,
+ scene_builder_hooks: Some(Box::new(APZCallbacks::new(window_id))),
+ sampler: Some(Box::new(SamplerCallback::new(window_id))),
+ max_internal_texture_size: Some(8192), // We want to tile if larger than this
+ clear_color: color,
+ precache_flags,
+ namespace_alloc_by_client: true,
+ // Font namespace must be allocated by the client
+ shared_font_namespace: Some(next_namespace_id()),
+ // SWGL doesn't support the GL_ALWAYS depth comparison function used by
+ // `clear_caches_with_quads`, but scissored clears work well.
+ clear_caches_with_quads: !software && !allow_scissored_cache_clears,
+ // SWGL supports KHR_blend_equation_advanced safely, but we haven't yet
+ // tested other HW platforms determine if it is safe to allow them.
+ allow_advanced_blend_equation: software,
+ surface_origin_is_top_left,
+ compositor_config,
+ enable_gpu_markers,
+ panic_on_gl_error,
+ picture_tile_size,
+ texture_cache_config,
+ reject_software_rasterizer,
+ low_quality_pinch_zoom,
+ max_shared_surface_size,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let window_size = DeviceIntSize::new(window_width, window_height);
+ let notifier = Box::new(CppNotifier { window_id });
+ let (renderer, sender) = match create_webrender_instance(gl, notifier, opts,|sh| &sh.0)) {
+ Ok((renderer, sender)) => (renderer, sender),
+ Err(e) => {
+ warn!(" Failed to create a Renderer: {:?}", e);
+ let msg = CString::new(format!("wr_window_new: {:?}", e)).unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ gfx_critical_note(msg.as_ptr());
+ }
+ *out_err = msg.into_raw();
+ return false;
+ },
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ *out_max_texture_size = renderer.get_max_texture_size();
+ }
+ *out_handle = Box::into_raw(Box::new(DocumentHandle::new(
+ sender.create_api_by_client(next_namespace_id()),
+ None,
+ window_size,
+ document_id,
+ )));
+ *out_renderer = Box::into_raw(Box::new(renderer));
+ true
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_free_error_msg(msg: *mut c_char) {
+ if !msg.is_null() {
+ drop(CString::from_raw(msg));
+ }
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_delete_document(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.delete_document(dh.document_id);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_clone(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, out_handle: &mut *mut DocumentHandle) {
+ assert!(unsafe { is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let hit_tester = dh.ensure_hit_tester().clone();
+ let handle = DocumentHandle {
+ api: dh.api.create_sender().create_api_by_client(next_namespace_id()),
+ document_id: dh.document_id,
+ hit_tester: Some(hit_tester),
+ hit_tester_request: None,
+ };
+ *out_handle = Box::into_raw(Box::new(handle));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_delete(dh: *mut DocumentHandle) {
+ let _ = Box::from_raw(dh);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_stop_render_backend(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.stop_render_backend();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_shut_down(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.shut_down(true);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_notify_memory_pressure(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.notify_memory_pressure();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_set_debug_flags(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, flags: DebugFlags) {
+ dh.api.set_debug_flags(flags);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_set_bool(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, param_name: BoolParameter, val: bool) {
+ dh.api.set_parameter(Parameter::Bool(param_name, val));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_set_int(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, param_name: IntParameter, val: i32) {
+ dh.api.set_parameter(Parameter::Int(param_name, val));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_accumulate_memory_report(
+ dh: &mut DocumentHandle,
+ report: &mut MemoryReport,
+ // we manually expand VoidPtrToSizeFn here because cbindgen otherwise fails to fold the Option<fn()>
+ //
+ size_of_op: unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *const c_void) -> usize,
+ enclosing_size_of_op: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(ptr: *const c_void) -> usize>,
+) {
+ let ops = MallocSizeOfOps::new(size_of_op, enclosing_size_of_op);
+ *report += dh.api.report_memory(ops);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_clear_all_caches(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.send_debug_cmd(DebugCommand::ClearCaches(ClearCache::all()));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_enable_native_compositor(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, enable: bool) {
+ dh.api.send_debug_cmd(DebugCommand::EnableNativeCompositor(enable));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_set_batching_lookback(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, count: u32) {
+ dh.api.send_debug_cmd(DebugCommand::SetBatchingLookback(count));
+fn make_transaction(do_async: bool) -> Transaction {
+ let mut transaction = Transaction::new();
+ // Ensure that we either use async scene building or not based on the
+ // gecko pref, regardless of what the default is. We can remove this once
+ // the scene builder thread is enabled everywhere and working well.
+ if do_async {
+ transaction.use_scene_builder_thread();
+ } else {
+ transaction.skip_scene_builder();
+ }
+ transaction
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_new(do_async: bool) -> *mut Transaction {
+ Box::into_raw(Box::new(make_transaction(do_async)))
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_delete(txn: *mut Transaction) {
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = Box::from_raw(txn);
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_low_priority(txn: &mut Transaction, low_priority: bool) {
+ txn.set_low_priority(low_priority);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_is_empty(txn: &Transaction) -> bool {
+ txn.is_empty()
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_resource_updates_is_empty(txn: &Transaction) -> bool {
+ txn.resource_updates.is_empty()
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_is_rendered_frame_invalidated(txn: &Transaction) -> bool {
+ txn.invalidate_rendered_frame
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_notify(txn: &mut Transaction, when: Checkpoint, event: usize) {
+ struct GeckoNotification(usize);
+ impl NotificationHandler for GeckoNotification {
+ fn notify(&self, when: Checkpoint) {
+ unsafe {
+ wr_transaction_notification_notified(self.0, when);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let handler = Box::new(GeckoNotification(event));
+ txn.notify(NotificationRequest::new(when, handler));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_update_epoch(txn: &mut Transaction, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId, epoch: WrEpoch) {
+ txn.update_epoch(pipeline_id, epoch);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_root_pipeline(txn: &mut Transaction, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) {
+ txn.set_root_pipeline(pipeline_id);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_remove_pipeline(txn: &mut Transaction, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) {
+ txn.remove_pipeline(pipeline_id);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_display_list(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ epoch: WrEpoch,
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ dl_descriptor: BuiltDisplayListDescriptor,
+ dl_items_data: &mut WrVecU8,
+ dl_cache_data: &mut WrVecU8,
+ dl_spatial_tree_data: &mut WrVecU8,
+) {
+ let payload = DisplayListPayload {
+ items_data: dl_items_data.flush_into_vec(),
+ cache_data: dl_cache_data.flush_into_vec(),
+ spatial_tree: dl_spatial_tree_data.flush_into_vec(),
+ };
+ let dl = BuiltDisplayList::from_data(payload, dl_descriptor);
+ txn.set_display_list(epoch, (pipeline_id, dl));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_document_view(txn: &mut Transaction, doc_rect: &DeviceIntRect) {
+ txn.set_document_view(*doc_rect);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_generate_frame(txn: &mut Transaction, id: u64, reasons: RenderReasons) {
+ txn.generate_frame(id, reasons);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_invalidate_rendered_frame(txn: &mut Transaction, reasons: RenderReasons) {
+ txn.invalidate_rendered_frame(reasons);
+fn wr_animation_properties_into_vec<T>(
+ animation_array: *const WrAnimationPropertyValue<T>,
+ array_count: usize,
+ vec: &mut Vec<PropertyValue<T>>,
+) where
+ T: Copy,
+ if array_count > 0 {
+ debug_assert!(
+ vec.capacity() - vec.len() >= array_count,
+ "The Vec should have fufficient free capacity"
+ );
+ let slice = unsafe { make_slice(animation_array, array_count) };
+ for element in slice.iter() {
+ let prop = PropertyValue {
+ key: PropertyBindingKey::new(,
+ value: element.value,
+ };
+ vec.push(prop);
+ }
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_append_dynamic_properties(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ opacity_array: *const WrOpacityProperty,
+ opacity_count: usize,
+ transform_array: *const WrTransformProperty,
+ transform_count: usize,
+ color_array: *const WrColorProperty,
+ color_count: usize,
+) {
+ if opacity_count == 0 && transform_count == 0 && color_count == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut properties = DynamicProperties {
+ transforms: Vec::with_capacity(transform_count),
+ floats: Vec::with_capacity(opacity_count),
+ colors: Vec::with_capacity(color_count),
+ };
+ wr_animation_properties_into_vec(transform_array, transform_count, &mut properties.transforms);
+ wr_animation_properties_into_vec(opacity_array, opacity_count, &mut properties.floats);
+ wr_animation_properties_into_vec(color_array, color_count, &mut properties.colors);
+ txn.append_dynamic_properties(properties);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_append_transform_properties(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ transform_array: *const WrTransformProperty,
+ transform_count: usize,
+) {
+ if transform_count == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut transforms = Vec::with_capacity(transform_count);
+ wr_animation_properties_into_vec(transform_array, transform_count, &mut transforms);
+ txn.append_dynamic_transform_properties(transforms);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_scroll_layer(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ scroll_id: u64,
+ sampled_scroll_offsets: &ThinVec<SampledScrollOffset>,
+) {
+ let scroll_id = ExternalScrollId(scroll_id, pipeline_id);
+ txn.set_scroll_offsets(scroll_id, sampled_scroll_offsets.to_vec());
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_is_transform_async_zooming(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ animation_id: u64,
+ is_zooming: bool,
+) {
+ txn.set_is_transform_async_zooming(is_zooming, PropertyBindingId::new(animation_id));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_transaction_set_quality_settings(txn: &mut Transaction, force_subpixel_aa_where_possible: bool) {
+ txn.set_quality_settings(QualitySettings {
+ force_subpixel_aa_where_possible,
+ });
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ image_key: WrImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+) {
+ txn.add_image(
+ image_key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ ImageData::new(bytes.flush_into_vec()),
+ None,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_blob_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ image_key: BlobImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ tile_size: u16,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+ visible_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+) {
+ txn.add_blob_image(
+ image_key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ Arc::new(bytes.flush_into_vec()),
+ visible_rect,
+ if descriptor.format == ImageFormat::BGRA8 {
+ Some(tile_size)
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_external_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ image_key: WrImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ image_type: &ExternalImageType,
+ channel_index: u8,
+) {
+ txn.add_image(
+ image_key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ ImageData::External(ExternalImageData {
+ id: external_image_id,
+ channel_index,
+ image_type: *image_type,
+ }),
+ None,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_update_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+) {
+ txn.update_image(
+ key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ ImageData::new(bytes.flush_into_vec()),
+ &DirtyRect::All,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_set_blob_image_visible_area(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: BlobImageKey,
+ area: &DeviceIntRect,
+) {
+ txn.set_blob_image_visible_area(key, *area);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_update_external_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ image_type: &ExternalImageType,
+ channel_index: u8,
+) {
+ txn.update_image(
+ key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ ImageData::External(ExternalImageData {
+ id: external_image_id,
+ channel_index,
+ image_type: *image_type,
+ }),
+ &DirtyRect::All,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_update_external_image_with_dirty_rect(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ image_type: &ExternalImageType,
+ channel_index: u8,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+) {
+ txn.update_image(
+ key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ ImageData::External(ExternalImageData {
+ id: external_image_id,
+ channel_index,
+ image_type: *image_type,
+ }),
+ &DirtyRect::Partial(dirty_rect),
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_update_blob_image(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ image_key: BlobImageKey,
+ descriptor: &WrImageDescriptor,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+ visible_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ dirty_rect: LayoutIntRect,
+) {
+ txn.update_blob_image(
+ image_key,
+ descriptor.into(),
+ Arc::new(bytes.flush_into_vec()),
+ visible_rect,
+ &DirtyRect::Partial(dirty_rect),
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_delete_image(txn: &mut Transaction, key: WrImageKey) {
+ txn.delete_image(key);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_delete_blob_image(txn: &mut Transaction, key: BlobImageKey) {
+ txn.delete_blob_image(key);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_send_transaction(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, transaction: &mut Transaction, is_async: bool) {
+ if transaction.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let new_txn = make_transaction(is_async);
+ let txn = mem::replace(transaction, new_txn);
+ dh.api.send_transaction(dh.document_id, txn);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_transaction_clear_display_list(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ epoch: WrEpoch,
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+) {
+ let mut frame_builder = WebRenderFrameBuilder::new(pipeline_id);
+ frame_builder.dl_builder.begin();
+ txn.set_display_list(epoch, frame_builder.dl_builder.end());
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_send_external_event(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, evt: usize) {
+ assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ dh.api.send_external_event(ExternalEvent::from_raw(evt));
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_raw_font(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrFontKey,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+ index: u32,
+) {
+ txn.add_raw_font(key, bytes.flush_into_vec(), index);
+fn generate_capture_path(path: *const c_char) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ use std::fs::{create_dir_all, File};
+ use std::io::Write;
+ let cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(path) };
+ let local_dir = PathBuf::from(&*cstr.to_string_lossy());
+ // On Android we need to write into a particular folder on external
+ // storage so that (a) it can be written without requiring permissions
+ // and (b) it can be pulled off via `adb pull`. This env var is set
+ // in
+ // When running in Firefox CI, the MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR variable is set to a path
+ // that taskcluster will export artifacts from, so let's put it there.
+ let mut path = if let Ok(storage_path) = env::var("PUBLIC_STORAGE") {
+ PathBuf::from(storage_path).join(local_dir)
+ } else if let Ok(storage_path) = env::var("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR") {
+ PathBuf::from(storage_path).join(local_dir)
+ } else if let Some(storage_path) = dirs::home_dir() {
+ storage_path.join(local_dir)
+ } else {
+ local_dir
+ };
+ // Increment the extension until we find a fresh path
+ while path.is_dir() {
+ let count: u32 = path
+ .extension()
+ .and_then(|x| x.to_str())
+ .and_then(|x| x.parse().ok())
+ .unwrap_or(0);
+ path.set_extension((count + 1).to_string());
+ }
+ // Use warn! so that it gets emitted to logcat on android as well
+ let border = "--------------------------\n";
+ warn!("{} Capturing WR state to: {:?}\n{}", &border, &path, &border);
+ let _ = create_dir_all(&path);
+ match File::create(path.join("wr.txt")) {
+ Ok(mut file) => {
+ // The Gecko HG revision is available at compile time
+ if let Some(moz_revision) = option_env!("GECKO_HEAD_REV") {
+ writeln!(file, "mozilla-central {}", moz_revision).unwrap();
+ }
+ Some(path)
+ },
+ Err(e) => {
+ warn!("Unable to create path '{:?}' for capture: {:?}", path, e);
+ None
+ },
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_capture(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, path: *const c_char, bits_raw: u32) {
+ if let Some(path) = generate_capture_path(path) {
+ let bits = CaptureBits::from_bits(bits_raw as _).unwrap();
+ dh.api.save_capture(path, bits);
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_start_capture_sequence(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, path: *const c_char, bits_raw: u32) {
+ if let Some(path) = generate_capture_path(path) {
+ let bits = CaptureBits::from_bits(bits_raw as _).unwrap();
+ dh.api.start_capture_sequence(path, bits);
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_stop_capture_sequence(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ let border = "--------------------------\n";
+ warn!("{} Stop capturing WR state\n{}", &border, &border);
+ dh.api.stop_capture_sequence();
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+fn read_font_descriptor(bytes: &mut WrVecU8, index: u32) -> NativeFontHandle {
+ let wchars = bytes.convert_into_vec::<u16>();
+ NativeFontHandle {
+ path: PathBuf::from(OsString::from_wide(&wchars)),
+ index,
+ }
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+fn read_font_descriptor(bytes: &mut WrVecU8, _index: u32) -> NativeFontHandle {
+ let chars = bytes.flush_into_vec();
+ NativeFontHandle {
+ name: String::from_utf8(chars).unwrap(),
+ }
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows")))]
+fn read_font_descriptor(bytes: &mut WrVecU8, index: u32) -> NativeFontHandle {
+ let chars = bytes.flush_into_vec();
+ NativeFontHandle {
+ path: PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(chars)),
+ index,
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_font_descriptor(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrFontKey,
+ bytes: &mut WrVecU8,
+ index: u32,
+) {
+ let native_font_handle = read_font_descriptor(bytes, index);
+ txn.add_native_font(key, native_font_handle);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_delete_font(txn: &mut Transaction, key: WrFontKey) {
+ txn.delete_font(key);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_add_font_instance(
+ txn: &mut Transaction,
+ key: WrFontInstanceKey,
+ font_key: WrFontKey,
+ glyph_size: f32,
+ options: *const FontInstanceOptions,
+ platform_options: *const FontInstancePlatformOptions,
+ variations: &mut WrVecU8,
+) {
+ txn.add_font_instance(
+ key,
+ font_key,
+ glyph_size,
+ unsafe { options.as_ref().cloned() },
+ unsafe { platform_options.as_ref().cloned() },
+ variations.convert_into_vec::<FontVariation>(),
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_delete_font_instance(txn: &mut Transaction, key: WrFontInstanceKey) {
+ txn.delete_font_instance(key);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_resource_updates_clear(txn: &mut Transaction) {
+ txn.resource_updates.clear();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_get_namespace(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) -> WrIdNamespace {
+ dh.api.get_namespace_id()
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_wake_scene_builder(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.wake_scene_builder();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_flush_scene_builder(dh: &mut DocumentHandle) {
+ dh.api.flush_scene_builder();
+// RenderThread WIP notes:
+// In order to separate the compositor thread (or ipc receiver) and the render
+// thread, some of the logic below needs to be rewritten. In particular
+// the WrWindowState and Notifier implementations aren't designed to work with
+// a separate render thread.
+// As part of that I am moving the bindings closer to WebRender's API boundary,
+// and moving more of the logic in C++ land.
+// This work is tracked by bug 1328602.
+// See RenderThread.h for some notes about how the pieces fit together.
+pub struct WebRenderFrameBuilder {
+ pub root_pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ pub dl_builder: DisplayListBuilder,
+impl WebRenderFrameBuilder {
+ pub fn new(root_pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> WebRenderFrameBuilder {
+ WebRenderFrameBuilder {
+ root_pipeline_id,
+ dl_builder: DisplayListBuilder::new(root_pipeline_id),
+ }
+ }
+pub struct WrState {
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ frame_builder: WebRenderFrameBuilder,
+pub extern "C" fn wr_state_new(pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> *mut WrState {
+ assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let state = Box::new(WrState {
+ pipeline_id,
+ frame_builder: WebRenderFrameBuilder::new(pipeline_id),
+ });
+ Box::into_raw(state)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_state_delete(state: *mut WrState) {
+ assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ unsafe {
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(state));
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_save(state: &mut WrState) {
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_restore(state: &mut WrState) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.restore();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_clear_save(state: &mut WrState) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.clear_save();
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum WrReferenceFrameKind {
+ Transform,
+ Perspective,
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum WrRotation {
+ Degree0,
+ Degree90,
+ Degree180,
+ Degree270,
+/// IMPORTANT: If you add fields to this struct, you need to also add initializers
+/// for those fields in WebRenderAPI.h.
+pub struct WrStackingContextParams {
+ pub clip: WrStackingContextClip,
+ pub animation: *const WrAnimationProperty,
+ pub opacity: *const f32,
+ pub computed_transform: *const WrComputedTransformData,
+ pub transform_style: TransformStyle,
+ pub reference_frame_kind: WrReferenceFrameKind,
+ pub is_2d_scale_translation: bool,
+ pub should_snap: bool,
+ pub paired_with_perspective: bool,
+ pub scrolling_relative_to: *const u64,
+ pub prim_flags: PrimitiveFlags,
+ pub mix_blend_mode: MixBlendMode,
+ pub flags: StackingContextFlags,
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_stacking_context(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ spatial_id: WrSpatialId,
+ params: &WrStackingContextParams,
+ transform: *const WrTransformInfo,
+ filters: *const FilterOp,
+ filter_count: usize,
+ filter_datas: *const WrFilterData,
+ filter_datas_count: usize,
+ glyph_raster_space: RasterSpace,
+) -> WrSpatialId {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let c_filters = unsafe { make_slice(filters, filter_count) };
+ let mut filters: Vec<FilterOp> = c_filters.iter().copied().collect();
+ let c_filter_datas = unsafe { make_slice(filter_datas, filter_datas_count) };
+ let r_filter_datas: Vec<FilterData> = c_filter_datas
+ .iter()
+ .map(|c_filter_data| FilterData {
+ func_r_type: c_filter_data.funcR_type,
+ r_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.R_values, c_filter_data.R_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_g_type: c_filter_data.funcG_type,
+ g_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.G_values, c_filter_data.G_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_b_type: c_filter_data.funcB_type,
+ b_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.B_values, c_filter_data.B_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_a_type: c_filter_data.funcA_type,
+ a_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.A_values, c_filter_data.A_values_count).to_vec() },
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let transform_ref = unsafe { transform.as_ref() };
+ let mut transform_binding =|info| (PropertyBinding::Value(info.transform), info.key));
+ let computed_ref = unsafe { params.computed_transform.as_ref() };
+ let opacity_ref = unsafe { params.opacity.as_ref() };
+ let mut has_opacity_animation = false;
+ let anim = unsafe { params.animation.as_ref() };
+ if let Some(anim) = anim {
+ debug_assert!( > 0);
+ match anim.effect_type {
+ WrAnimationType::Opacity => {
+ filters.push(FilterOp::Opacity(
+ PropertyBinding::Binding(
+ PropertyBindingKey::new(,
+ // We have to set the static opacity value as
+ // the value for the case where the animation is
+ // in not in-effect (e.g. in the delay phase
+ // with no corresponding fill mode).
+ opacity_ref.cloned().unwrap_or(1.0),
+ ),
+ 1.0,
+ ));
+ has_opacity_animation = true;
+ },
+ WrAnimationType::Transform => {
+ transform_binding = Some((
+ PropertyBinding::Binding(
+ PropertyBindingKey::new(,
+ // Same as above opacity case.
+ transform_ref
+ .map(|info| info.transform)
+ .unwrap_or_else(LayoutTransform::identity),
+ ),
+ anim.key,
+ ));
+ },
+ _ => unreachable!("{:?} should not create a stacking context", anim.effect_type),
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(opacity) = opacity_ref {
+ if !has_opacity_animation && *opacity < 1.0 {
+ filters.push(FilterOp::Opacity(PropertyBinding::Value(*opacity), *opacity));
+ }
+ }
+ let mut wr_spatial_id = spatial_id.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let wr_clip_id = params.clip.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let mut origin = bounds.min;
+ // Note: 0 has special meaning in WR land, standing for ROOT_REFERENCE_FRAME.
+ // However, it is never returned by `push_reference_frame`, and we need to return
+ // an option here across FFI, so we take that 0 value for the None semantics.
+ // This is resolved into proper `Maybe<WrSpatialId>` inside `WebRenderAPI::PushStackingContext`.
+ let mut result = WrSpatialId { id: 0 };
+ if let Some(transform_binding) = transform_binding {
+ let scrolling_relative_to = match unsafe { params.scrolling_relative_to.as_ref() } {
+ Some(scroll_id) => {
+ debug_assert_eq!(params.reference_frame_kind, WrReferenceFrameKind::Perspective);
+ Some(ExternalScrollId(*scroll_id, state.pipeline_id))
+ },
+ None => None,
+ };
+ let reference_frame_kind = match params.reference_frame_kind {
+ WrReferenceFrameKind::Transform => ReferenceFrameKind::Transform {
+ is_2d_scale_translation: params.is_2d_scale_translation,
+ should_snap: params.should_snap,
+ paired_with_perspective: params.paired_with_perspective,
+ },
+ WrReferenceFrameKind::Perspective => ReferenceFrameKind::Perspective { scrolling_relative_to },
+ };
+ wr_spatial_id = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_reference_frame(
+ origin,
+ wr_spatial_id,
+ params.transform_style,
+ transform_binding.0,
+ reference_frame_kind,
+ transform_binding.1,
+ );
+ origin = LayoutPoint::zero();
+ = wr_spatial_id.0;
+ assert_ne!(wr_spatial_id.0, 0);
+ } else if let Some(data) = computed_ref {
+ let rotation = match data.rotation {
+ WrRotation::Degree0 => Rotation::Degree0,
+ WrRotation::Degree90 => Rotation::Degree90,
+ WrRotation::Degree180 => Rotation::Degree180,
+ WrRotation::Degree270 => Rotation::Degree270,
+ };
+ wr_spatial_id = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_computed_frame(
+ origin,
+ wr_spatial_id,
+ Some(data.scale_from),
+ data.vertical_flip,
+ rotation,
+ data.key,
+ );
+ origin = LayoutPoint::zero();
+ = wr_spatial_id.0;
+ assert_ne!(wr_spatial_id.0, 0);
+ }
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_stacking_context(
+ origin,
+ wr_spatial_id,
+ params.prim_flags,
+ wr_clip_id,
+ params.transform_style,
+ params.mix_blend_mode,
+ &filters,
+ &r_filter_datas,
+ &[],
+ glyph_raster_space,
+ params.flags,
+ );
+ result
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_pop_stacking_context(state: &mut WrState, is_reference_frame: bool) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.pop_stacking_context();
+ if is_reference_frame {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.pop_reference_frame();
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_clipchain(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ parent_clipchain_id: *const u64,
+ clips: *const WrClipId,
+ clips_count: usize,
+) -> u64 {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let parent = unsafe { parent_clipchain_id.as_ref() }.map(|id| ClipChainId(*id, state.pipeline_id));
+ let pipeline_id = state.pipeline_id;
+ let clips = unsafe { make_slice(clips, clips_count) }
+ .iter()
+ .map(|clip_id| clip_id.to_webrender(pipeline_id));
+ let clipchain_id = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.define_clip_chain(parent, clips);
+ assert!(clipchain_id.1 == state.pipeline_id);
+ clipchain_id.0
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_image_mask_clip_with_parent_clip_chain(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ space: WrSpatialId,
+ mask: ImageMask,
+ points: *const LayoutPoint,
+ point_count: usize,
+ fill_rule: FillRule,
+) -> WrClipId {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let c_points = unsafe { make_slice(points, point_count) };
+ let points: Vec<LayoutPoint> = c_points.iter().copied().collect();
+ let clip_id = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.define_clip_image_mask(
+ space.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id),
+ mask,
+ &points,
+ fill_rule,
+ );
+ WrClipId::from_webrender(clip_id)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_rounded_rect_clip(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ space: WrSpatialId,
+ complex: ComplexClipRegion,
+) -> WrClipId {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let clip_id = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .define_clip_rounded_rect(space.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id), complex);
+ WrClipId::from_webrender(clip_id)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_rect_clip(state: &mut WrState, space: WrSpatialId, clip_rect: LayoutRect) -> WrClipId {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let clip_id = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .define_clip_rect(space.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id), clip_rect);
+ WrClipId::from_webrender(clip_id)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_sticky_frame(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ parent_spatial_id: WrSpatialId,
+ content_rect: LayoutRect,
+ top_margin: *const f32,
+ right_margin: *const f32,
+ bottom_margin: *const f32,
+ left_margin: *const f32,
+ vertical_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
+ horizontal_bounds: StickyOffsetBounds,
+ applied_offset: LayoutVector2D,
+ key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
+) -> WrSpatialId {
+ assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let spatial_id = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.define_sticky_frame(
+ parent_spatial_id.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id),
+ content_rect,
+ SideOffsets2D::new(
+ unsafe { top_margin.as_ref() }.cloned(),
+ unsafe { right_margin.as_ref() }.cloned(),
+ unsafe { bottom_margin.as_ref() }.cloned(),
+ unsafe { left_margin.as_ref() }.cloned(),
+ ),
+ vertical_bounds,
+ horizontal_bounds,
+ applied_offset,
+ key,
+ );
+ WrSpatialId { id: spatial_id.0 }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_define_scroll_layer(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ external_scroll_id: u64,
+ parent: &WrSpatialId,
+ content_rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+ scroll_offset: LayoutVector2D,
+ scroll_offset_generation: APZScrollGeneration,
+ has_scroll_linked_effect: HasScrollLinkedEffect,
+ key: SpatialTreeItemKey,
+) -> WrSpatialId {
+ assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.define_scroll_frame(
+ parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id),
+ ExternalScrollId(external_scroll_id, state.pipeline_id),
+ content_rect,
+ clip_rect,
+ scroll_offset,
+ scroll_offset_generation,
+ has_scroll_linked_effect,
+ key,
+ );
+ WrSpatialId::from_webrender(space_and_clip)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_iframe(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ _is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ ignore_missing_pipeline: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_iframe(
+ rect,
+ clip,
+ &parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id),
+ pipeline_id,
+ ignore_missing_pipeline,
+ );
+// A helper fn to construct a PrimitiveFlags
+fn prim_flags(is_backface_visible: bool, prefer_compositor_surface: bool) -> PrimitiveFlags {
+ let mut flags = PrimitiveFlags::empty();
+ if is_backface_visible {
+ flags |= PrimitiveFlags::IS_BACKFACE_VISIBLE;
+ }
+ if prefer_compositor_surface {
+ flags |= PrimitiveFlags::PREFER_COMPOSITOR_SURFACE;
+ }
+ flags
+fn prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) -> PrimitiveFlags {
+ let mut flags = PrimitiveFlags::empty();
+ if supports_external_compositing {
+ }
+ flags | prim_flags(is_backface_visible, prefer_compositor_surface)
+fn common_item_properties_for_rect(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+) -> CommonItemProperties {
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ CommonItemProperties {
+ // NB: the damp-e10s talos-test will frequently crash on startup if we
+ // early-return here for empty rects. I couldn't figure out why, but
+ // it's pretty harmless to feed these through, so, uh, we do?
+ clip_rect,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_rect(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ force_antialiasing: bool,
+ is_checkerboard: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ color: ColorF,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let mut prim_info = common_item_properties_for_rect(state, clip, is_backface_visible, parent);
+ if force_antialiasing {
+ prim_info.flags |= PrimitiveFlags::ANTIALISED;
+ }
+ if is_checkerboard {
+ prim_info.flags |= PrimitiveFlags::CHECKERBOARD_BACKGROUND;
+ }
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_rect(&prim_info, rect, color);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_rect_with_animation(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ color: ColorF,
+ animation: *const WrAnimationProperty,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let prim_info = common_item_properties_for_rect(state, clip, is_backface_visible, parent);
+ let anim = unsafe { animation.as_ref() };
+ if let Some(anim) = anim {
+ debug_assert!( > 0);
+ match anim.effect_type {
+ WrAnimationType::BackgroundColor => state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_rect_with_animation(
+ &prim_info,
+ rect,
+ PropertyBinding::Binding(PropertyBindingKey::new(, color),
+ ),
+ _ => unreachable!("Didn't expect {:?} animation", anim.effect_type),
+ }
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_backdrop_filter(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ filters: *const FilterOp,
+ filter_count: usize,
+ filter_datas: *const WrFilterData,
+ filter_datas_count: usize,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let c_filters = unsafe { make_slice(filters, filter_count) };
+ let filters: Vec<FilterOp> = c_filters.iter().copied().collect();
+ let c_filter_datas = unsafe { make_slice(filter_datas, filter_datas_count) };
+ let filter_datas: Vec<FilterData> = c_filter_datas
+ .iter()
+ .map(|c_filter_data| FilterData {
+ func_r_type: c_filter_data.funcR_type,
+ r_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.R_values, c_filter_data.R_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_g_type: c_filter_data.funcG_type,
+ g_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.G_values, c_filter_data.G_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_b_type: c_filter_data.funcB_type,
+ b_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.B_values, c_filter_data.B_values_count).to_vec() },
+ func_a_type: c_filter_data.funcA_type,
+ a_values: unsafe { make_slice(c_filter_data.A_values, c_filter_data.A_values_count).to_vec() },
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let clip_rect = clip.intersection(&rect);
+ if clip_rect.is_none() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip_rect.unwrap(),
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_backdrop_filter(&prim_info, &filters, &filter_datas, &[]);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_clear_rect(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(true, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_clear_rect(&prim_info, rect);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_hit_test(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ scroll_id: u64,
+ hit_info: u16,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { !is_in_render_thread() });
+ let clip_rect = clip.intersection(&rect);
+ if clip_rect.is_none() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let tag = (scroll_id, hit_info);
+ let spatial_id =;
+ let clip_chain_id = if parent.clip_chain == ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN {
+ ClipChainId::INVALID
+ } else {
+ ClipChainId(parent.clip_chain, state.pipeline_id)
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_hit_test(
+ clip_rect.unwrap(),
+ clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id,
+ prim_flags(is_backface_visible, false),
+ tag,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ force_antialiasing: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ key: WrImageKey,
+ premultiplied_alpha: bool,
+ color: ColorF,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let mut flags = prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible,
+ prefer_compositor_surface,
+ supports_external_compositing,
+ );
+ if force_antialiasing {
+ flags |= PrimitiveFlags::ANTIALISED;
+ }
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags,
+ };
+ let alpha_type = if premultiplied_alpha {
+ AlphaType::PremultipliedAlpha
+ } else {
+ AlphaType::Alpha
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_image(&prim_info, bounds, image_rendering, alpha_type, key, color);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_repeating_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ stretch_size: LayoutSize,
+ tile_spacing: LayoutSize,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ key: WrImageKey,
+ premultiplied_alpha: bool,
+ color: ColorF,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ let alpha_type = if premultiplied_alpha {
+ AlphaType::PremultipliedAlpha
+ } else {
+ AlphaType::Alpha
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_repeating_image(
+ &prim_info,
+ bounds,
+ stretch_size,
+ tile_spacing,
+ image_rendering,
+ alpha_type,
+ key,
+ color,
+ );
+/// Push a 3 planar yuv image.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_yuv_planar_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ image_key_0: WrImageKey,
+ image_key_1: WrImageKey,
+ image_key_2: WrImageKey,
+ color_depth: WrColorDepth,
+ color_space: WrYuvColorSpace,
+ color_range: WrColorRange,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible,
+ prefer_compositor_surface,
+ supports_external_compositing,
+ ),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_yuv_image(
+ &prim_info,
+ bounds,
+ YuvData::PlanarYCbCr(image_key_0, image_key_1, image_key_2),
+ color_depth,
+ color_space,
+ color_range,
+ image_rendering,
+ );
+/// Push a 2 planar NV12 image.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_yuv_NV12_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ image_key_0: WrImageKey,
+ image_key_1: WrImageKey,
+ color_depth: WrColorDepth,
+ color_space: WrYuvColorSpace,
+ color_range: WrColorRange,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible,
+ prefer_compositor_surface,
+ supports_external_compositing,
+ ),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_yuv_image(
+ &prim_info,
+ bounds,
+ YuvData::NV12(image_key_0, image_key_1),
+ color_depth,
+ color_space,
+ color_range,
+ image_rendering,
+ );
+/// Push a 2 planar P010 image.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_yuv_P010_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ image_key_0: WrImageKey,
+ image_key_1: WrImageKey,
+ color_depth: WrColorDepth,
+ color_space: WrYuvColorSpace,
+ color_range: WrColorRange,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible,
+ prefer_compositor_surface,
+ supports_external_compositing,
+ ),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_yuv_image(
+ &prim_info,
+ bounds,
+ YuvData::P010(image_key_0, image_key_1),
+ color_depth,
+ color_space,
+ color_range,
+ image_rendering,
+ );
+/// Push a yuv interleaved image.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_yuv_interleaved_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ image_key_0: WrImageKey,
+ color_depth: WrColorDepth,
+ color_space: WrYuvColorSpace,
+ color_range: WrColorRange,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ prefer_compositor_surface: bool,
+ supports_external_compositing: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() || is_in_compositor_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags2(
+ is_backface_visible,
+ prefer_compositor_surface,
+ supports_external_compositing,
+ ),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_yuv_image(
+ &prim_info,
+ bounds,
+ YuvData::InterleavedYCbCr(image_key_0),
+ color_depth,
+ color_space,
+ color_range,
+ image_rendering,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_text(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ bounds: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ color: ColorF,
+ font_key: WrFontInstanceKey,
+ glyphs: *const GlyphInstance,
+ glyph_count: u32,
+ glyph_options: *const GlyphOptions,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let glyph_slice = unsafe { make_slice(glyphs, glyph_count as usize) };
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_text(&prim_info, bounds, &glyph_slice, font_key, color, unsafe {
+ glyph_options.as_ref().cloned()
+ });
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_shadow(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ _bounds: LayoutRect,
+ _clip: LayoutRect,
+ _is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ shadow: Shadow,
+ should_inflate: bool,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_shadow(&parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id), shadow, should_inflate);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_pop_all_shadows(state: &mut WrState) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.pop_all_shadows();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_line(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ clip: &LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ bounds: &LayoutRect,
+ wavy_line_thickness: f32,
+ orientation: LineOrientation,
+ color: &ColorF,
+ style: LineStyle,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: *clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_line(&prim_info, bounds, wavy_line_thickness, orientation, color, style);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_border(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ do_aa: AntialiasBorder,
+ widths: LayoutSideOffsets,
+ top: BorderSide,
+ right: BorderSide,
+ bottom: BorderSide,
+ left: BorderSide,
+ radius: BorderRadius,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let border_details = BorderDetails::Normal(NormalBorder {
+ left,
+ right,
+ top,
+ bottom,
+ radius,
+ do_aa: do_aa == AntialiasBorder::Yes,
+ });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_border(&prim_info, rect, widths, border_details);
+pub struct WrBorderImage {
+ widths: LayoutSideOffsets,
+ image: WrImageKey,
+ image_rendering: ImageRendering,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ fill: bool,
+ slice: DeviceIntSideOffsets,
+ repeat_horizontal: RepeatMode,
+ repeat_vertical: RepeatMode,
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_border_image(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ params: &WrBorderImage,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let border_details = BorderDetails::NinePatch(NinePatchBorder {
+ source: NinePatchBorderSource::Image(params.image, params.image_rendering),
+ width: params.width,
+ height: params.height,
+ slice: params.slice,
+ fill: params.fill,
+ repeat_horizontal: params.repeat_horizontal,
+ repeat_vertical: params.repeat_vertical,
+ });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_border(&prim_info, rect, params.widths, border_details);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_border_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ widths: LayoutSideOffsets,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ fill: bool,
+ slice: DeviceIntSideOffsets,
+ start_point: LayoutPoint,
+ end_point: LayoutPoint,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_gradient(start_point, end_point, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let border_details = BorderDetails::NinePatch(NinePatchBorder {
+ source: NinePatchBorderSource::Gradient(gradient),
+ width,
+ height,
+ slice,
+ fill,
+ repeat_horizontal: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ repeat_vertical: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_border(&prim_info, rect, widths, border_details);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_border_radial_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ widths: LayoutSideOffsets,
+ fill: bool,
+ center: LayoutPoint,
+ radius: LayoutSize,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let slice = SideOffsets2D::new(
+ as i32,
+ widths.right as i32,
+ widths.bottom as i32,
+ widths.left as i32,
+ );
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_radial_gradient(center, radius, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let border_details = BorderDetails::NinePatch(NinePatchBorder {
+ source: NinePatchBorderSource::RadialGradient(gradient),
+ width: rect.width() as i32,
+ height: rect.height() as i32,
+ slice,
+ fill,
+ repeat_horizontal: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ repeat_vertical: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_border(&prim_info, rect, widths, border_details);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_border_conic_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ widths: LayoutSideOffsets,
+ fill: bool,
+ center: LayoutPoint,
+ angle: f32,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let slice = SideOffsets2D::new(
+ as i32,
+ widths.right as i32,
+ widths.bottom as i32,
+ widths.left as i32,
+ );
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_conic_gradient(center, angle, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let border_details = BorderDetails::NinePatch(NinePatchBorder {
+ source: NinePatchBorderSource::ConicGradient(gradient),
+ width: rect.width() as i32,
+ height: rect.height() as i32,
+ slice,
+ fill,
+ repeat_horizontal: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ repeat_vertical: RepeatMode::Stretch,
+ });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_border(&prim_info, rect, widths, border_details);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_linear_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ start_point: LayoutPoint,
+ end_point: LayoutPoint,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+ tile_size: LayoutSize,
+ tile_spacing: LayoutSize,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_gradient(start_point, end_point, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_gradient(&prim_info, rect, gradient, tile_size, tile_spacing);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_radial_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ center: LayoutPoint,
+ radius: LayoutSize,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+ tile_size: LayoutSize,
+ tile_spacing: LayoutSize,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_radial_gradient(center, radius, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_radial_gradient(&prim_info, rect, gradient, tile_size, tile_spacing);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_conic_gradient(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ center: LayoutPoint,
+ angle: f32,
+ stops: *const GradientStop,
+ stops_count: usize,
+ extend_mode: ExtendMode,
+ tile_size: LayoutSize,
+ tile_spacing: LayoutSize,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let stops_slice = unsafe { make_slice(stops, stops_count) };
+ let stops_vector = stops_slice.to_owned();
+ let gradient = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .create_conic_gradient(center, angle, stops_vector, extend_mode);
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .push_conic_gradient(&prim_info, rect, gradient, tile_size, tile_spacing);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_box_shadow(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ _rect: LayoutRect,
+ clip: LayoutRect,
+ is_backface_visible: bool,
+ parent: &WrSpaceAndClipChain,
+ box_bounds: LayoutRect,
+ offset: LayoutVector2D,
+ color: ColorF,
+ blur_radius: f32,
+ spread_radius: f32,
+ border_radius: BorderRadius,
+ clip_mode: BoxShadowClipMode,
+) {
+ debug_assert!(unsafe { is_in_main_thread() });
+ let space_and_clip = parent.to_webrender(state.pipeline_id);
+ let prim_info = CommonItemProperties {
+ clip_rect: clip,
+ clip_chain_id: space_and_clip.clip_chain_id,
+ spatial_id: space_and_clip.spatial_id,
+ flags: prim_flags(is_backface_visible, /* prefer_compositor_surface */ false),
+ };
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_box_shadow(
+ &prim_info,
+ box_bounds,
+ offset,
+ color,
+ blur_radius,
+ spread_radius,
+ border_radius,
+ clip_mode,
+ );
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_start_item_group(state: &mut WrState) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.start_item_group();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_cancel_item_group(state: &mut WrState, discard: bool) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.cancel_item_group(discard);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_finish_item_group(state: &mut WrState, key: ItemKey) -> bool {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.finish_item_group(key)
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_push_reuse_items(state: &mut WrState, key: ItemKey) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.push_reuse_items(key);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dp_set_cache_size(state: &mut WrState, cache_size: usize) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.set_cache_size(cache_size);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dump_display_list(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ indent: usize,
+ start: *const usize,
+ end: *const usize,
+) -> usize {
+ let start = unsafe { start.as_ref().cloned() };
+ let end = unsafe { end.as_ref().cloned() };
+ let range = Range { start, end };
+ let mut sink = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
+ let index = state
+ .frame_builder
+ .dl_builder
+ .emit_display_list(indent, range, &mut sink);
+ // For Android, dump to logcat instead of stderr. This is the same as
+ // what printf_stderr does on the C++ side.
+ #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+ unsafe {
+ let gecko = CString::new("Gecko").unwrap();
+ let sink = CString::new(sink.into_inner()).unwrap();
+ __android_log_write(4 /* info */, gecko.as_ptr(), sink.as_ptr());
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))]
+ eprint!("{}", String::from_utf8(sink.into_inner()).unwrap());
+ index
+pub extern "C" fn wr_dump_serialized_display_list(state: &mut WrState) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.dump_serialized_display_list();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_begin_builder(state: &mut WrState) {
+ state.frame_builder.dl_builder.begin();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_end_builder(
+ state: &mut WrState,
+ dl_descriptor: &mut BuiltDisplayListDescriptor,
+ dl_items_data: &mut WrVecU8,
+ dl_cache_data: &mut WrVecU8,
+ dl_spatial_tree: &mut WrVecU8,
+) {
+ let (_, dl) = state.frame_builder.dl_builder.end();
+ let (payload, descriptor) = dl.into_data();
+ *dl_items_data = WrVecU8::from_vec(payload.items_data);
+ *dl_cache_data = WrVecU8::from_vec(payload.cache_data);
+ *dl_spatial_tree = WrVecU8::from_vec(payload.spatial_tree);
+ *dl_descriptor = descriptor;
+pub struct HitResult {
+ pipeline_id: WrPipelineId,
+ scroll_id: u64,
+ animation_id: u64,
+ hit_info: u16,
+pub extern "C" fn wr_api_hit_test(dh: &mut DocumentHandle, point: WorldPoint, out_results: &mut ThinVec<HitResult>) {
+ let result = dh.ensure_hit_tester().hit_test(point);
+ for item in &result.items {
+ out_results.push(HitResult {
+ pipeline_id: item.pipeline,
+ scroll_id: item.tag.0,
+ animation_id: item.animation_id,
+ hit_info: item.tag.1,
+ });
+ }
+pub type VecU8 = Vec<u8>;
+pub type ArcVecU8 = Arc<VecU8>;
+pub extern "C" fn wr_add_ref_arc(arc: &ArcVecU8) -> *const VecU8 {
+ Arc::into_raw(arc.clone())
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_dec_ref_arc(arc: *const VecU8) {
+ Arc::from_raw(arc);
+// TODO: nical
+// Update for the new blob image interface changes.
+extern "C" {
+ // TODO: figure out the API for tiled blob images.
+ pub fn wr_moz2d_render_cb(
+ blob: ByteSlice,
+ format: ImageFormat,
+ render_rect: &LayoutIntRect,
+ visible_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ tile_size: u16,
+ tile_offset: &TileOffset,
+ dirty_rect: Option<&LayoutIntRect>,
+ output: MutByteSlice,
+ ) -> bool;
+pub extern "C" fn wr_root_scroll_node_id() -> WrSpatialId {
+ // The PipelineId doesn't matter here, since we just want the numeric part of the id
+ // produced for any given root reference frame.
+ WrSpatialId {
+ id: SpatialId::root_scroll_node(PipelineId(0, 0)).0,
+ }
+pub extern "C" fn wr_root_clip_id() -> WrClipId {
+ // The PipelineId doesn't matter here, since we just want the numeric part of the id
+ // produced for any given root reference frame.
+ WrClipId::from_webrender(ClipId::root(PipelineId(0, 0)))
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct WrClipId {
+ id: usize,
+impl WrClipId {
+ fn to_webrender(&self, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> ClipId {
+ ClipId(, pipeline_id)
+ }
+ fn from_webrender(clip_id: ClipId) -> Self {
+ WrClipId { id: clip_id.0 }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct WrSpatialId {
+ id: usize,
+impl WrSpatialId {
+ fn to_webrender(&self, pipeline_id: WrPipelineId) -> SpatialId {
+ SpatialId::new(, pipeline_id)
+ }
+ fn from_webrender(id: SpatialId) -> Self {
+ WrSpatialId { id: id.0 }
+ }
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_device_delete(device: *mut Device) {
+ mem::drop(Box::from_raw(device));
+// Call MakeCurrent before this.
+pub extern "C" fn wr_shaders_new(
+ gl_context: *mut c_void,
+ program_cache: Option<&mut WrProgramCache>,
+ precache_shaders: bool,
+) -> *mut WrShaders {
+ let mut device = wr_device_new(gl_context, program_cache);
+ let precache_flags = if precache_shaders || env_var_to_bool("MOZ_WR_PRECACHE_SHADERS") {
+ ShaderPrecacheFlags::FULL_COMPILE
+ } else {
+ ShaderPrecacheFlags::ASYNC_COMPILE
+ };
+ let opts = WebRenderOptions {
+ precache_flags,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let gl_type =;
+ device.begin_frame();
+ let shaders = Rc::new(RefCell::new(match Shaders::new(&mut device, gl_type, &opts) {
+ Ok(shaders) => shaders,
+ Err(e) => {
+ warn!(" Failed to create a Shaders: {:?}", e);
+ let msg = CString::new(format!("wr_shaders_new: {:?}", e)).unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ gfx_critical_note(msg.as_ptr());
+ }
+ return ptr::null_mut();
+ },
+ }));
+ let shaders = WrShaders(shaders);
+ device.end_frame();
+ Box::into_raw(Box::new(shaders))
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_shaders_delete(shaders: *mut WrShaders, gl_context: *mut c_void) {
+ let mut device = wr_device_new(gl_context, None);
+ let shaders = Box::from_raw(shaders);
+ if let Ok(shaders) = Rc::try_unwrap(shaders.0) {
+ shaders.into_inner().deinit(&mut device);
+ }
+ // let shaders go out of scope and get dropped
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_program_cache_report_memory(
+ cache: *const WrProgramCache,
+ size_of_op: VoidPtrToSizeFn,
+) -> usize {
+ (*cache).program_cache.report_memory(size_of_op)