path: root/js/src/jit-test/tests/wasm/bug1693500.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/jit-test/tests/wasm/bug1693500.js b/js/src/jit-test/tests/wasm/bug1693500.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..932dba1a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/jit-test/tests/wasm/bug1693500.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmSimdEnabled() || wasmCompileMode() != "ion" || (!getBuildConfiguration().x86 && !getBuildConfiguration().x64) || getBuildConfiguration().simulator
+const avx = isAvxPresent();
+for (let [n1, n2, numInstr] of [
+ [0x123456789abn, 0xffeeddccbbaa9988n, avx ? 6 : 7],
+ [42n, 0xFFFFFFFFn, avx ? 3 : 4],
+ [0n, 0n, 1],
+ [1n, 1n, 1],
+ ...iota(63).map(i => [2n << BigInt(i), 2n << BigInt(i), 1]),
+ ...iota(63).reduce((acc, i) => {
+ const base = 2n << BigInt(i);
+ return acc.concat(iota(i + 1).map(j => [
+ base | (1n << BigInt(j)), base | (1n << BigInt(j)),
+ (avx ? 2 : 3) + (j == 0 ? 0 : 1)]));
+ }, []),
+ ...iota(63).map(i => [~(1n << BigInt(i)), ~(1n << BigInt(i)), avx ? 5 : 6]),
+ [0x7fffffffffffffffn, 0x7fffffffffffffffn, avx ? 5 : 6],
+ [-1n, -1n, 3],
+]) {
+ var wasm = wasmTextToBinary(`(module
+ (memory (export "memory") 1 1)
+ (func $t (export "t") (param v128) (result v128)
+ local.get 0
+ v128.const i64x2 ${n1} ${n2}
+ i64x2.mul
+ )
+ (func $t0 (param v128 v128) (result v128)
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 1
+ i64x2.mul
+ )
+ (func (export "run") (result i32)
+ i32.const 16
+ i32.const 0
+ v128.load
+ call $t
+ v128.const i64x2 ${n1} ${n2}
+ i32.const 0
+ v128.load
+ call $t0
+ i32.const 16
+ v128.load
+ i64x2.eq
+ i64x2.all_true
+ )
+ )`)
+ var ins = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(wasm));
+ var mem64 = new BigInt64Array(ins.exports.memory.buffer, 0, 4);
+ for (let [t1, t2] of [
+ [1n, 1n], [-1n, -2n], [0n, 0n], [0x123456789abn, 0xffeeddccbbaa9988n],
+ [0x100001111n, -0xFF0011n], [5555n, 0n],
+ ]) {
+ mem64[0] = t1; mem64[1] = t2;
+ assertEq(, 1);
+ }
+ if (hasDisassembler() && getBuildConfiguration().x64) {
+ const dis = wasmDis(ins.exports.t, {asString: true,});
+ const lines = getFuncBody(dis).trim().split('\n');
+ assertEq(lines.length, numInstr);
+ }
+// Utils.
+function getFuncBody(dis) {
+ const parts = dis.split(/mov %rsp, %rbp\n|^[0-9A-Fa-f ]+pop %rbp/gm);
+ return[0-9A-F]{8} (?: [0-9a-f]{2})+[\s\n]+/g, "");