path: root/js/src/tests/test262/built-ins/String/prototype/replaceAll/getSubstitution-0x0024-0x0060.js
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diff --git a/js/src/tests/test262/built-ins/String/prototype/replaceAll/getSubstitution-0x0024-0x0060.js b/js/src/tests/test262/built-ins/String/prototype/replaceAll/getSubstitution-0x0024-0x0060.js
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+++ b/js/src/tests/test262/built-ins/String/prototype/replaceAll/getSubstitution-0x0024-0x0060.js
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+// Copyright (C) 2019 Leo Balter. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-string.prototype.replaceall
+description: >
+ Replacement Text Symbol Substitutions ($`)
+info: |
+ String.prototype.replaceAll ( searchValue, replaceValue )
+ 10. Let position be ! StringIndexOf(string, searchString, 0).
+ 11. Repeat, while position is not -1
+ a. Append position to the end of matchPositions.
+ b. Let position be ! StringIndexOf(string, searchString, position + advanceBy).
+ ...
+ 14. For each position in matchPositions, do
+ a. If functionalReplace is true, then
+ ...
+ b. Else,
+ ...
+ ii. Let captures be a new empty List.
+ iii. Let replacement be GetSubstitution(searchString, string, position, captures, undefined, replaceValue).
+ StringIndexOf ( string, searchValue, fromIndex )
+ ...
+ 4. Let len be the length of string.
+ 5. If searchValue is the empty string, and fromIndex <= len, return fromIndex.
+ 6. Let searchLen be the length of searchValue.
+ 7. If there exists any integer k such that fromIndex ≤ k ≤ len - searchLen and for all nonnegative integers j less than searchLen, the code unit at index k + j within string is the same as the code unit at index j within searchValue, let pos be the smallest (closest to -∞) such integer. Otherwise, let pos be -1.
+ 8. Return pos.
+ Runtime Semantics: GetSubstitution ( matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement )
+ ...
+ 2. Let matchLength be the number of code units in matched.
+ ...
+ 4. Let stringLength be the number of code units in str.
+ ...
+ 9. Let tailPos be position + matchLength.
+ 10. Let m be the number of elements in captures.
+ 11. Let result be the String value derived from replacement by copying code unit elements from replacement to result while performing replacements as specified in Table 53. These $ replacements are done left-to-right, and, once such a replacement is performed, the new replacement text is not subject to further replacements.
+ 12 Return result.
+ Table 53: Replacement Text Symbol Substitutions
+ ...
+features: [String.prototype.replaceAll]
+var str = 'Ninguém é igual a ninguém. Todo o ser humano é um estranho ímpar.';
+var result;
+result = str.replaceAll('ninguém', '$`');
+assert.sameValue(result, 'Ninguém é igual a Ninguém é igual a . Todo o ser humano é um estranho ímpar.');
+result = str.replaceAll('Ninguém', '$`');
+assert.sameValue(result, ' é igual a ninguém. Todo o ser humano é um estranho ímpar.');
+result = str.replaceAll('ninguém', '($`)');
+assert.sameValue(result, 'Ninguém é igual a (Ninguém é igual a ). Todo o ser humano é um estranho ímpar.');
+result = str.replaceAll('é', '($`)');
+assert.sameValue(result, 'Ningu(Ningu)m (Ninguém ) igual a ningu(Ninguém é igual a ningu)m. Todo o ser humano (Ninguém é igual a ninguém. Todo o ser humano ) um estranho ímpar.');
+result = str.replaceAll('é', '($`) $`');
+assert.sameValue(result, 'Ningu(Ningu) Ningum (Ninguém ) Ninguém igual a ningu(Ninguém é igual a ningu) Ninguém é igual a ningum. Todo o ser humano (Ninguém é igual a ninguém. Todo o ser humano ) Ninguém é igual a ninguém. Todo o ser humano um estranho ímpar.');
+reportCompare(0, 0);