path: root/l10n-cy/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
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index 0000000000..5e7ddc0e9d
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addons-page-title = Rheolwr Ychwanegion
+search-header =
+ .placeholder = Search
+ .searchbuttonlabel = Chwilio
+## Variables
+## $domain - Domain name where add-ons are available (e.g.
+list-empty-get-extensions-message = Cewch estyniadau a themâu yn <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-dictionaries-message = Cael geiriaduron o <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-language-packs-message = Cael pecynnau iaith o <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-installed =
+ .value = Nid oes gennych ychwanegion o'r math yma wedi eu gosod
+list-empty-available-updates =
+ .value = Heb ganfod diweddariadau
+list-empty-recent-updates =
+ .value = Nid ydych wedi diweddaru eich ychwanegion yn ddiweddar
+list-empty-find-updates =
+ .label = Gwirio am Ddiweddariadau
+list-empty-button =
+ .label = Darllen rhagor am ychwanegion
+help-button = Cefnogaeth Ychwanegion
+sidebar-help-button-title =
+ .title = Cefnogaeth Ychwanegion
+addons-settings-button = Gosodiadau { -brand-short-name }
+sidebar-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Gosodiadau { -brand-short-name }
+show-unsigned-extensions-button =
+ .label = Nid oedd modd dilysu rhai estyniadau
+show-all-extensions-button =
+ .label = Dangos pob estyniad
+detail-version =
+ .label = Fersiwn
+detail-last-updated =
+ .label = Diweddarwyd Diwethaf
+addon-detail-description-expand = Dangos rhagor
+addon-detail-description-collapse = Dangos llai
+detail-contributions-description = Mae datblygwr yr ychwanegyn yn gofyn eich bod yn cynorthwyo i gefnogi datblygiad drwy wneud cyfraniad bychan.
+detail-contributions-button = Cyfrannu
+ .title = Cyfrannwch i ddatblygiad yr ategyn hwn
+ .accesskey = C
+detail-update-type =
+ .value = Diweddariadau Awtomatig
+detail-update-default =
+ .label = Rhagosodiad
+ .tooltiptext = Gosod diweddariadau'n awtomatig os mai dyna yw'r rhagosodedig
+detail-update-automatic =
+ .label = Ymlaen
+ .tooltiptext = Gosod diweddariadau'n awtomatig
+detail-update-manual =
+ .label = Diffodd
+ .tooltiptext = Peidio gosod diweddariadau'n awtomatig
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on in private windows.
+detail-private-browsing-label = Rhedeg mewn Ffenestri Preifat
+# Some add-ons may elect to not run in private windows by setting incognito: not_allowed in the manifest. This
+# cannot be overridden by the user.
+detail-private-disallowed-label = Heb ei ganiatáu mewn Ffenestri Preifat
+detail-private-disallowed-description2 = Nid yw'r estyniad hwn yn rhedeg tra'n pori'n preifat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Darllen rhagor</a>
+# Some special add-ons are privileged, run in private windows automatically, and this permission can't be revoked
+detail-private-required-label = Angen Mynediad at Ffenestri Preifat
+detail-private-required-description2 = Mae gan yr estyniad hwn fynediad i'ch gweithgareddau ar-lein wrth bori'n breifat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dysgu mwy</a>
+detail-private-browsing-on =
+ .label = Caniatáu
+ .tooltiptext = Caniatáu wrth Bori Preifat
+detail-private-browsing-off =
+ .label = Peidio â Chaniatáu
+ .tooltiptext = Analluogi mewn Pori Preifat
+detail-home =
+ .label = Tudalen Cartref
+detail-home-value =
+ .value = { detail-home.label }
+detail-repository =
+ .label = Proffil Ychwanegyn
+detail-repository-value =
+ .value = { detail-repository.label }
+detail-check-for-updates =
+ .label = Gwirio am Ddiweddariadau
+ .accesskey = G
+ .tooltiptext = Gwirio am ddiweddariad i'r ychwanegyn
+detail-show-preferences =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Dewisiadau
+ *[other] Dewisiadau
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] D
+ *[other] e
+ }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Newid dewisiadau'r ychwanegyn
+ *[other] Newid dewisiadau'r ychwanegyn
+ }
+detail-rating =
+ .value = Graddio
+addon-restart-now =
+ .label = Ailgychwyn nawr
+disabled-unsigned-heading =
+ .value = Mae rhai ychwanegion wedi eu hanalluogi
+disabled-unsigned-description = Mae'r ychwanegion canlynol wedi eu dilysu i'w defnyddio yn { -brand-short-name }. Gallwch <label data-l10n-name="find-addons">canfod newidiadau</label> neu ofyn i'r datblygwr iddynt gael eu dilysu.
+disabled-unsigned-learn-more = Darllen rhagor am ein hymdrechion i'ch cadw'n ddiogel ar-lein.
+disabled-unsigned-devinfo = Gall ddatblygwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn dilysu eu hychwanegion barhau drwy ddarllen ein <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">canllawiau</label>.
+plugin-deprecation-description = Rhywbeth ar goll? Nid yw rhai ategion yn cael eu cynnal bellach gan { -brand-short-name }. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Darllen Rhagor.</label>
+legacy-warning-show-legacy = Dangos hen estyniadau
+legacy-extensions =
+ .value = Hen Estyniadau
+legacy-extensions-description = Nid yw'r estyniadau hyn yn cyrraedd safonau cyfredol { -brand-short-name } ac mae nhw wedi cael eu diffodd. <label data-l10n-name="legacy-learn-more">Dysgu am y newidiadau i ychwanegion</label>
+private-browsing-description2 =
+ Mae { -brand-short-name } yn newid sut mae estyniadau'n gweithio o fewn pori preifat. Ni fydd unrhyw estyniadau newydd y byddwch chi'n eu hychwanegu at { -brand-short-name } yn rhedeg yn ragosodedig o fewn Ffenestri Prefat. Oni bai eich bod yn ei ganiatáu yn y gosodiadau, ni fydd estyniad yn gweithio wrth bori'n preifat, ac ni chaiff fynediad at eich gweithgareddau ar-lein yno. Rydym wedi gwneud y newid hwn i gadw eich pori preifat yn breifat.
+ <label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Dysgu sut i reoli gosodiadau estyniad.</label>
+addon-category-discover = Argymhellion
+addon-category-discover-title =
+ .title = Argymhellion
+addon-category-extension = Estyniadau
+addon-category-extension-title =
+ .title = Estyniadau
+addon-category-theme = Themâu
+addon-category-theme-title =
+ .title = Themâu
+addon-category-plugin = Ategion
+addon-category-plugin-title =
+ .title = Ategion
+addon-category-dictionary = Geiriaduron
+addon-category-dictionary-title =
+ .title = Geiriaduron
+addon-category-locale = Iaith
+addon-category-locale-title =
+ .title = Iaith
+addon-category-available-updates = Diweddariadau ar Gael
+addon-category-available-updates-title =
+ .title = Diweddariadau ar Gael
+addon-category-recent-updates = Diweddariadau Diweddar
+addon-category-recent-updates-title =
+ .title = Diweddariadau Diweddar
+addon-category-sitepermission = Caniatâd Gwefan
+addon-category-sitepermission-title =
+ .title = Caniatâd Gwefan
+# String displayed in about:addons in the Site Permissions section
+# Variables:
+# $host (string) - DNS host name for which the webextension enables permissions
+addon-sitepermission-host = Caniatâd Gwefan { $host }
+## These are global warnings
+extensions-warning-safe-mode = Mae pob ychwanegyn wedi eu hanalluogi gan y modd diogel.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility = Mae gwirio cydnawsedd ychwanegion wedi ei analluogi. Efallai fod gennych ychwanegion anghydnaws.
+extensions-warning-safe-mode2 =
+ .message = Mae pob ychwanegyn wedi eu hanalluogi gan y modd diogel.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility2 =
+ .message = Mae gwirio cydnawsedd ychwanegion wedi ei analluogi. Efallai fod gennych ychwanegion anghydnaws.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility-button = Galluogi
+ .title = Galluogi gwirio cydnawsedd ychwanegion
+extensions-warning-update-security = Mae gwirio diogelwch diweddariad wedi ei analluogi. Efallai eich bod o dan fygythiad gan ddiweddariad.
+extensions-warning-update-security2 =
+ .message = Mae gwirio diogelwch diweddariad wedi ei analluogi. Efallai eich bod o dan fygythiad gan ddiweddariad.
+extensions-warning-update-security-button = Galluogi
+ .title = Galluogi gwirio diogelwch diweddariad ychwanegyn
+extensions-warning-imported-addons2 =
+ .message = Gorffennwch osod yr estyniadau a fewnforiwyd i { -brand-short-name }.
+extensions-warning-imported-addons-button = Gosod Estyniadau
+## Strings connected to add-on updates
+addon-updates-check-for-updates = Gwirio am Ddiweddariadau
+ .accesskey = G
+addon-updates-view-updates = Gweld Diweddariadau Diweddar
+ .accesskey = D
+# This menu item is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for
+# add-on update checking.
+addon-updates-update-addons-automatically = Diweddaru Ychwanegion yn Awtomatig
+ .accesskey = A
+## Specific add-ons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually",
+## "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the
+## update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior
+## (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the
+## extensions-updates-update-addons-automatically.label menu item).
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-automatic = Ailosod Pob Ychwanegyn i'w Diweddaru'n Awtomatig
+ .accesskey = P
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-manual = Ailosod Pob Ychwanegyn i Ddiweddaru gyda Llaw
+ .accesskey = L
+## Status messages displayed when updating add-ons
+addon-updates-updating = Diweddaru ychwanegion
+addon-updates-installed = Mae eich ychwanegion wedi eu diweddaru.
+addon-updates-none-found = Heb ganfod diweddariadau
+addon-updates-manual-updates-found = Gweld Diweddariadau ar Gael
+## Add-on install/debug strings for page options menu
+addon-install-from-file = Gosod Ychwanegyn o Ffeil…
+ .accesskey = G
+addon-install-from-file-dialog-title = Dewis ategyn i'w osod
+addon-install-from-file-filter-name = Ychwanegion
+addon-open-about-debugging = Dadfygio Ychwanegion
+ .accesskey = Y
+## Extension shortcut management
+# This is displayed in the page options menu
+addon-manage-extensions-shortcuts = Rheoli Estyniad Llwybrau Byr
+ .accesskey = R
+shortcuts-no-addons = Nid oes gennych unrhyw estyniadau wedi'u galluogi.
+shortcuts-no-commands = Nid oes gan yr estyniadau canlynol lwybrau byr:
+shortcuts-input =
+ .placeholder = Teipiwch llwybr byr
+shortcuts-browserAction2 = Cychwyn botwm bar offer
+shortcuts-pageAction = Cychwyn gweithred tudalen
+shortcuts-sidebarAction = Toglo'r bar ochr
+shortcuts-modifier-mac = Cynnwys Ctrl, Alt, neu ⌘
+shortcuts-modifier-other = Cynnwys Ctrl neu Alt
+shortcuts-invalid = Cyfuniad annilys
+shortcuts-letter = Teipiwch lythyr
+shortcuts-system = Methu anwybyddu llwybr byr { -brand-short-name }
+# String displayed in warning label when there is a duplicate shortcut
+shortcuts-duplicate = Llwybr byr dyblyg
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message = Mae { $shortcut } yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel llwybr byr mewn mwy nag un achos. Gall llwybrau byr dyblyg achosi ymddygiad annisgwyl.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2 =
+ .message = Mae { $shortcut } yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel llwybr byr mewn mwy nag un achos. Gall llwybrau byr dyblyg achosi ymddygiad annisgwyl.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already used by another add-on
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+shortcuts-exists = Ar waith eisoes gan { $addon }
+# Variables:
+# $numberToShow (number) - Number of other elements available to show
+shortcuts-card-expand-button =
+ { $numberToShow ->
+ [zero] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ [one] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ [two] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ [few] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ [many] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ *[other] Dangos { $numberToShow } yn Rhagor
+ }
+shortcuts-card-collapse-button = Dangos Llai
+header-back-button =
+ .title = Mynd nôl
+## Recommended add-ons page
+# Explanatory introduction to the list of recommended add-ons. The action word
+# ("recommends") in the final sentence is a link to external documentation.
+discopane-intro =
+ Mae estyniadau a themâu yn debyg i apiau ar gyfer eich porwr, ac maen nhw'n gadael i chi
+ diogelu cyfrineiriau, llwytho fideos i lawr, dod o hyd i gytundebau, rhwystro hysbysebion blin, newid
+ golwg eich porwr a llawer mwy. Mae'r rhaglenni meddalwedd bach hyn fel arfer yn cael eu datblygu gan drydydd parti. Dyma detholiad y mae { -brand-product-name }<a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">
+ yn eu hargymell </a> am ddiogelwch, perfformiad, a swyddogaethau gwell.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations =
+ Mae rhai o'r argymhellion hyn wedi'u dewis yn benodol ar eich cyfer chi. Maen nhw'n seiliedig ar
+ estyniadau eraill rydych chi wedi'u gosod, eich proffil dewisiadau, a'ch ystadegau defnydd.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations2 =
+ .message =
+ Mae rhai o'r argymhellion hyn wedi'u dewis yn benodol ar eich cyfer chi. Maen nhw'n seiliedig ar
+ estyniadau eraill rydych chi wedi'u gosod, eich proffil dewisiadau, a'ch ystadegau defnydd.
+discopane-notice-learn-more = Darllen rhagor
+privacy-policy = Polisi Preifatrwydd
+# Refers to the author of an add-on, shown below the name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $author (string) - The name of the add-on developer.
+created-by-author = gan <a data-l10n-name="author">{ $author }</a>
+# Shows the number of daily users of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $dailyUsers (number) - The number of daily users.
+user-count = Defnyddwyr: { $dailyUsers }
+install-extension-button = Ychwanegu at { -brand-product-name }
+install-theme-button = Gosod Thema
+# The label of the button that appears after installing an add-on. Upon click,
+# the detailed add-on view is opened, from where the add-on can be managed.
+manage-addon-button = Rheoli
+find-more-addons = Canfod rhagor o ychwanegion
+find-more-themes = Canfod themâu eraill
+# This is a label for the button to open the "more options" menu, it is only
+# used for screen readers.
+addon-options-button =
+ .aria-label = Rhagor o Ddewisiadau
+## Add-on actions
+report-addon-button = Adrodd
+remove-addon-button = Tynnu
+# The link will always be shown after the other text.
+remove-addon-disabled-button = Methu ei Dynnu <a data-l10n-name="link"> Pam? </a>
+disable-addon-button = Analluogi
+enable-addon-button = Galluogi
+# This is used for the toggle on the extension card, it's a checkbox and this
+# is always its label.
+extension-enable-addon-button-label =
+ .aria-label = Galluogi
+preferences-addon-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Opsiynau
+ *[other] Dewisiadau
+ }
+details-addon-button = Manylion
+release-notes-addon-button = Nodiadau Rhyddhau
+permissions-addon-button = Caniatâd
+extension-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+extension-disabled-heading = Analluogwyd
+theme-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+theme-disabled-heading2 = Themâu wedi'u Cadw
+plugin-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+plugin-disabled-heading = Analluogwyd
+dictionary-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+dictionary-disabled-heading = Analluogwyd
+locale-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+locale-disabled-heading = Analluogwyd
+sitepermission-enabled-heading = Galluogwyd
+sitepermission-disabled-heading = Analluogwyd
+always-activate-button = Gweithredu Bob Tro
+never-activate-button = Byth Gweithredu
+addon-detail-author-label = Awdur
+addon-detail-version-label = Fersiwn
+addon-detail-last-updated-label = Diweddarwyd Diwethaf
+addon-detail-homepage-label = Tudalen Cartref
+addon-detail-rating-label = Graddio
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message = Bydd yr estyniad hwn yn cael ei ddiweddaru pan fydd { -brand-short-name } yn ailgychwyn.
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message2 =
+ .message = Bydd yr estyniad hwn yn cael ei ddiweddaru pan fydd { -brand-short-name } yn ailgychwyn.
+install-postponed-button = Diweddaru Nawr
+# The average rating that the add-on has received.
+# Variables:
+# $rating (number) - A number between 0 and 5. The translation should show at most one digit after the comma.
+five-star-rating =
+ .title = Graddiwyd { NUMBER($rating, maximumFractionDigits: 1) } allan o 5
+# This string is used to show that an add-on is disabled.
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the add-on
+addon-name-disabled = { $name } (analluogwyd)
+# The number of reviews that an add-on has received on AMO.
+# Variables:
+# $numberOfReviews (number) - The number of reviews received
+addon-detail-reviews-link =
+ { $numberOfReviews ->
+ [zero] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ [one] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ [two] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ [few] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ [many] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ *[other] { $numberOfReviews } adolygiad
+ }
+## Pending uninstall message bar
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description = Mae <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon }</span> wedi ei dynnu.
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description2 =
+ .message = Mae { $addon } wedi ei dynnu.
+pending-uninstall-undo-button = Dadwneud
+addon-detail-updates-label = Caniatáu diweddariadau awtomatig
+addon-detail-updates-radio-default = Rhagosodiad
+addon-detail-updates-radio-on = Ymlaen
+addon-detail-updates-radio-off = Diffodd
+addon-detail-update-check-label = Gwirio am Ddiweddariadau
+install-update-button = Diweddaru
+# aria-label associated to the updates row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-updates =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-updates-label }
+# This is the tooltip text for the private browsing badge in about:addons. The
+# badge is the private browsing icon included next to the extension's name.
+addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2 =
+ .title = Caniatáu mewn ffenestri preifat
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2.title }
+addon-detail-private-browsing-help = Pan mae'n cael ei ganiatáu, bydd yr estyniad ar gael i'ch gweithgareddau ar-lein tra byddwch yn pori'n breifat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more"> Gwybod rhagor</a>
+addon-detail-private-browsing-allow = Caniatáu
+addon-detail-private-browsing-disallow = Peidio â Chaniatáu
+# aria-label associated to the private browsing row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-private-browsing =
+ .aria-label = { detail-private-browsing-label }
+## "sites with restrictions" (internally called "quarantined") are special domains
+## where add-ons are normally blocked for security reasons.
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on on quarantined domains.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label = Rhedeg ar wefannau gyda chyfyngiadau
+# Used as help text part of the quarantined domains UI controls row.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-help = Pan yn cael ei ganiatáu, bydd gan yr estyniad fynediad i wefannau sy'n cael eu cyfyngu gan { -vendor-short-name }. Caniatewch dim ond os ydych chi'n ymddiried yn yr estyniad hwn.
+# Used as label and tooltip text on the radio inputs associated to the quarantined domains UI controls.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-allow = Caniatáu
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-disallow = Peidio Caniatáu
+# aria-label associated to the quarantined domains exempt row to help screen readers to announce the group.
+addon-detail-group-label-quarantined-domains =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label }
+## This is the tooltip text for the recommended badges for an extension in about:addons. The
+## badge is a small icon displayed next to an extension when it is recommended on AMO.
+addon-badge-recommended2 =
+ .title = Dim ond estyniadau sy'n cwrdd â'n safonau ar gyfer diogelwch a pherfformiad y mae { -brand-product-name } yn eu hargymell
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-recommended2.title }
+# We hard code "Mozilla" in the string below because the extensions are built
+# by Mozilla and we don't want forks to display "by Fork".
+addon-badge-line3 =
+ .title = Estyniad swyddogol wedi'i adeiladu gan Mozilla. Mae'n cydfynd â safonau diogelwch a pherfformiad
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-line3.title }
+addon-badge-verified2 =
+ .title = Mae'r estyniad hwn wedi'i adolygu i fodloni ein safonau ar gyfer diogelwch a pherfformiad
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-verified2.title }
+available-updates-heading = Diweddariadau ar Gael
+recent-updates-heading = Diweddariadau Diweddar
+release-notes-loading = Yn llwytho…
+release-notes-error = Ymddiheuriadau ond bu gwall llwytho'r nodiadau ryddhau.
+addon-permissions-empty = Nid oes angen unrhyw ganiatâd ar yr estyniad hwn
+addon-permissions-required = Caniatâd angenrheidiol y swyddogaethau craidd:
+addon-permissions-optional = Caniatâd dewisol ar gyfer y swyddogaethau ychwanegol:
+addon-permissions-learnmore = Darllen rhagor am ganiatâd
+recommended-extensions-heading = Estyniadau Cymeradwy
+recommended-themes-heading = Themâu Cymeradwy
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Host where the permissions are granted
+addon-sitepermissions-required = Yn caniatáu'r galluoedd canlynol i <span data-l10n-name="hostname">{ $hostname }</span>:
+# A recommendation for the Firefox Color theme shown at the bottom of the theme
+# list view. The "Firefox Color" name itself should not be translated.
+recommended-theme-1 = Teimlo'n greadigol? <a data-l10n-name="link">Adeiladwch eich thema eich hun gyda Firefox Color. </a>
+## Page headings
+extension-heading = Rheoli eich estyniadau
+theme-heading = Rheoli eich themâu
+plugin-heading = Rheoli eich ategion
+dictionary-heading = Rheoli eich geiriaduron
+locale-heading = Rheoli eich ieithoedd
+updates-heading = Rheoli Eich Diweddariadau
+sitepermission-heading = Rheoli Eich Caniatâd Gwefan
+discover-heading = Personoli Eich { -brand-short-name }
+shortcuts-heading = Rheoli Estyniad Llwybrau Byr
+default-heading-search-label = Canfod rhagor o ychwanegion
+addons-heading-search-input =
+ .placeholder = Search
+addon-page-options-button =
+ .title = Offer ar gyfer pob ychwanegyn
+## Detail notifications
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible = Mae { $name } yn anghydnaws â { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible2 =
+ .message = Mae { $name } yn anghydnaws â { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+details-notification-incompatible-link = Rhagor o Wybodaeth
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled = Nid oedd modd dilysu { $name } i'w ddefnyddio yn { -brand-short-name } ac mae wedi ei analluogi.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled2 =
+ .message = Nid oedd modd dilysu { $name } i'w ddefnyddio yn { -brand-short-name } ac mae wedi ei analluogi.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled-link = Rhagor o Wybodaeth
+details-notification-unsigned = Nid oedd modd dilysu { $name } i'w defnyddio yn { -brand-short-name }. Cymerwch ofal.
+details-notification-unsigned2 =
+ .message = Nid oedd modd dilysu { $name } i'w defnyddio yn { -brand-short-name }. Cymerwch ofal.
+details-notification-unsigned-link = Rhagor o Wybodaeth
+details-notification-blocked = Mae { $name } wedi ei analluogi o ganlyniad i faterion diogelwch a sefydlogrwydd.
+details-notification-blocked2 =
+ .message = Mae { $name } wedi ei analluogi o ganlyniad i faterion diogelwch a sefydlogrwydd.
+details-notification-blocked-link = Rhagor o Wybodaeth
+details-notification-softblocked = Mae'n hysbys fod { $name } yn achosi anawsterau diogelwch a sefydlogrwydd.
+details-notification-softblocked2 =
+ .message = Mae'n hysbys fod { $name } yn achosi anawsterau diogelwch a sefydlogrwydd.
+details-notification-softblocked-link = Rhagor o Wybodaeth
+details-notification-gmp-pending = Bydd { $name } yn cael ei osod yn fuan.
+details-notification-gmp-pending2 =
+ .message = Bydd { $name } yn cael ei osod yn fuan.
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Manylion trwyddedu
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Manylion Preifatrwydd
+plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec wedi ei ddarparu gan Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Mae'r ategyn hwn yn cael ei osod yn awtomatig gan Mozilla er mwyn cyd-fynd â manyleb y WebRTC ac i alluogi galwadau WebRTC gyda dyfeisiau sydd angen y codec fideo H.264. Ewch i i weld y cod ffynhonnell a darllen rhagor am ei ddefnyddio.
+plugins-widevine-name = Mae'r Widevine Content Decryption Module wedi ei ddarparu gan Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = Mae'r ategyn hwn yn galluogi chwarae cyfryngau amgryptiedig yn unol â manyleb Estyniadau Cyfryngau Amgryptiedig. Fel rheol defnyddir cyfryngau wedi'i amgryptio gan wefannau i ddiogelu rhag copïo cynnwys cyfryngau premiwm. Ewch i am fwy o wybodaeth ar Estyniadau Cyfryngau Amgryptiedig.