path: root/l10n-dsb/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl
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1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-dsb/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl b/l10n-dsb/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl
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index 0000000000..ede53d9ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-dsb/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+protections-panel-sendreportview-error = Pśi słanju rozpšawy jo zmólka nastała. Pšosym wopytajśo pózdźej hyšći raz.
+# A link shown when ETP is disabled for a site. Opens the breakage report subview when clicked.
+protections-panel-sitefixedsendreport-label = Sedło pórěźone? Sćelśo rozpšawu
+## These strings are used to define the different levels of
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection.
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-strict = Striktny
+ .label = Striktny
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-custom = Swójski
+ .label = Swójski
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-standard = Standard
+ .label = Standard
+# The text a screen reader speaks when focused on the info button.
+protections-panel-etp-more-info =
+ .aria-label = Dalšne informacije wó pólěpšonem slědowańskem šćiśe
+protections-panel-etp-on-header = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit jo zmóžnjony za toś to sedło
+protections-panel-etp-off-header = Polěpšony slědowański šćit jo znjemóžnjony za toś to sedło
+## Text for the toggles shown when ETP is enabled/disabled for a given site.
+## .description is transferred into a separate paragraph by the moz-toggle
+## custom element code.
+## $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-etp-on-toggle =
+ .label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit
+ .description = Za toś to sedło zmóžnjony
+ .aria-label = Šćit za { $host } znjemóžniś
+protections-panel-etp-off-toggle =
+ .label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit
+ .description = Za toś to sedło znjemóžnjony
+ .aria-label = Šćit za { $host } zmóžniś
+protections-panel-etp-toggle-on =
+ .label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit
+ .description = Za toś to sedło zmóžnjony
+ .aria-label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit: za { $host } zmóžnjony
+protections-panel-etp-toggle-off =
+ .label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit
+ .description = Za toś to sedło znjemóžnjony
+ .aria-label = Pólěpšony slědowański šćit: za { $host } znjemóžnjony
+# The link to be clicked to open the sub-panel view
+protections-panel-site-not-working = Sedło njefunkcioněrujo?
+# The heading/title of the sub-panel view
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view =
+ .title = Sedło njefunkcioněrujo?
+## The "Allowed" header also includes a "Why?" link that, when hovered, shows
+## a tooltip explaining why these items were not blocked in the page.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-label = Cogodla?
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-on-tooltip = Gaž toś te elementy blokěrujośo, snaź wěste websedła wěcej pšawje njefunkcioněruju. Někotare tłocaški, formulary a pśizjawjeńske póla njemógli bźez pśeslědowakow pčawje funkcioněrowaś.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-off-tooltip = Wšykne pśeslědowaki na toś tom sydle su se zacytali, dokulaž šćit jo znjemóžnjony.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-on-tooltip-label =
+ .label = Gaž toś te elementy blokěrujośo, snaź wěste websedła wěcej pšawje njefunkcioněruju. Někotare tłocaški, formulary a pśizjawjeńske póla njemógli bźez pśeslědowakow pčawje funkcioněrowaś.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-off-tooltip-label =
+ .label = Wšykne pśeslědowaki na toś tom sydle su se zacytali, dokulaž šćit jo znjemóžnjony.
+protections-panel-no-trackers-found = Žedne pśeslědowaki, kótarež { -brand-short-name } znajo, njejsu se namakali na toś tom boku.
+protections-panel-content-blocking-tracking-protection = Slědujuce wopśimjeśe
+protections-panel-content-blocking-socialblock = Pśeslědowaki socialnych medijow
+protections-panel-content-blocking-cryptominers-label = Kryptokopanje
+protections-panel-content-blocking-fingerprinters-label = Palcowe wótśišće
+## In the protections panel, Content Blocking category items are in three sections:
+## "Blocked" for categories being blocked in the current page,
+## "Allowed" for categories detected but not blocked in the current page, and
+## "None Detected" for categories not detected in the current page.
+## These strings are used in the header labels of each of these sections.
+protections-panel-blocking-label = Blokěrowany
+protections-panel-not-blocking-label = Dowólony
+protections-panel-not-found-label = Njenamakany
+protections-panel-settings-label = Šćitowe nastajenja
+protections-panel-protectionsdashboard-label = Pśeglěd šćitow
+## In the Site Not Working? view, we suggest turning off protections if
+## the user is experiencing issues with any of a variety of functionality.
+# The header of the list
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-header = Znjemóžniśo šćit, jolic maśo problemy z:
+# The list items, shown in a <ul>
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-login-fields = Pśizjawjeńske póla
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-forms = Formulary
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-payments = Płaśenja
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-comments = Komentary
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-videos = Wideo
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-fonts = Pisma
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-send-report = Rozpšawu pósłaś
+protections-panel-cross-site-tracking-cookies = Toś te cookieje wam wót sedła do sedła slěduju, aby daty wó tom zběrali, což online gótujośo. Stajaju se wót tśeśich póbitowarjow kaž na pśikład wabjarjow a analyzowych pśedewześćow.
+protections-panel-cryptominers = Kryptokopanje liceńske wugbaśe wašogo systema wužywa, aby digitalne pjenjeze dobyło. Kryptokopanske skripty wašu bateriju proznje, wašo licadło spómałšuju a mógu wašu pśetrjebu energije pówušyś.
+protections-panel-fingerprinters = Palcowe wótśišće zběraju nastajenja z wašogo wobglědowaka a licadła, aby profil wó was napórali. Gaž toś ten digitalny palcowy wótśišć wužywaśo, mógu wam pśez rozdźělne websedła slědowaś.
+protections-panel-tracking-content = Websedła mógu eksterne wabjenje, wideo a druge wośimjeśe ze slědujucym kodom zacytaś. Gaž slědujuce wopśimjeśe blokěrujośo, móžo to pomagaś, sedła malsnjej zacytaś, ale někotare tłocaški, formulary a pśizjawjeńske póla snaź wěcej njebudu funkcioněrowaś.
+protections-panel-social-media-trackers = Socialne seśi placěruju pśeslědowaki na drugich websedłach, aby slědowali, což online gótujośo, wiźiśo a se wobglědujośo. To pśedewześam socialnych medijow dowólujo, wěcej wó was zgónił ako w profilach socialnych medijow źěliśo.
+protections-panel-description-shim-allowed = Blokěrowanje někotarych dołojce markěrowanych pśeslědowakow jo se pó zdźělach wótpórało na toś tom boku, dokulaž sćo interagěrował z nimi.
+protections-panel-description-shim-allowed-learn-more = Dalšne informacije
+protections-panel-shim-allowed-indicator =
+ .tooltiptext = Blokěrowanje pśeslědowaka jo pó zdźělach wótpórane
+protections-panel-content-blocking-manage-settings =
+ .label = Šćitowe nastajenja zastojaś
+ .accesskey = n
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view =
+ .title = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-description = Blokěrowanje wěstych pśeslědowakow móžo problemy z někotarymi websedłami zawinowaś. Gaž problemy k wěsći dajośo, pomagaśo { -brand-short-name } za kuždego pólěpšyś. Pósćelo se Mozilla URL a informacije wó wašych nastajenjach wobglědowaka. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Dalšne informacije</label>
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-description2 = Blokěrowanje wěstych pśeslědowakow móžo problemy z někotarymi websedłami zawinowaś. Gaž problemy k wěsći dajośo, pomagaśo { -brand-short-name } za kuždego pólěpšyś. Pósćelo se { -vendor-short-name } URL a informacije wó wašych nastajenjach wobglědowaka.
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-url = URL
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-url-label =
+ .aria-label = URL
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-comments = Na žycenje: Problem wopisaś
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-comments-label =
+ .aria-label = Na žycenje: Problem wopisaś
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-cancel =
+ .label = Pśetergnuś
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-send-report =
+ .label = Rozpšawu pósłaś
+# Cookie Banner Handling
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-header = Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-header = Blokěrowak cookiejowych chórgojow
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-enabled = Za toś to sedło zmóžnjony
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-disabled = Za toś to sedło znjemóžnjony
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-undetected = Sedło se tuchylu njepódpěra
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-title =
+ .title = Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off-for-site = Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow za { $host } znjemóžniś?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-for-site = Reducěrowanje cookiejowych chórgojow za toś to sedło zmóžniś?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-title =
+ .title = Blokěrowak cookiejowych chórgojow
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-turn-off-for-site = Blokěrowak cookiejowych chórgojow za { $host } znjemóžniś?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-turn-on-for-site = Blokěrowak cookiejowych chórgojow za toś to sedło zmóžniś?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cookie-clear-warning = { -brand-short-name } cookieje sedła lašujo a buźo bok aktualizěrowaś. Lašowanje wšych cookiejow móžo was pśizjawiś abo nakupowańske wózyki wuprozniś.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-description = { -brand-short-name } wopytujo wšykne cookiejowe napšašowanja na pódprětych sedłach awtomatiski wótpokazaś.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-turn-on-description = Zmóžniśo toś to nastajenje a { -brand-short-name } wopytajo, cookiejowe chórgoje na toś tom sedle awtomatiski wótpokazaś.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cancel = Pśetergnuś
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off = Znjemóžniś
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on = Zmóžniś
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cancel-label =
+ .label = Pśetergnuś
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off-label =
+ .label = Znjemóžniś
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-label =
+ .label = Zmóžniś
+protections-panel-report-broken-site =
+ .label = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś
+ .title = Wobškóźone sedło k wěsći daś