path: root/l10n-en-GB/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-en-GB/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl')
1 files changed, 1386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-en-GB/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-en-GB/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f587e3e6b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-en-GB/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+do-not-track-description = Send web sites a “Do Not Track” signal that you don’t want to be tracked
+do-not-track-description2 =
+ .label = Send web sites a “Do Not Track” request
+ .accesskey = d
+do-not-track-learn-more = Learn more
+do-not-track-option-default-content-blocking-known =
+ .label = Only when { -brand-short-name } is set to block known trackers
+do-not-track-option-always =
+ .label = Always
+global-privacy-control-description =
+ .label = Tell web sites not to sell or share my data
+ .accesskey = s
+non-technical-privacy-header = Web Site Privacy Preferences
+# Do not translate.
+# "Global Privacy Control" or "GPC" are a web platform feature name and abbreviation
+# included to facilitate power-user search of the about:preferences page.
+global-privacy-control-search = Global Privacy Control (GPC)
+settings-page-title = Settings
+# This is used to determine the width of the search field in about:preferences,
+# in order to make the entire placeholder string visible
+# Please keep the placeholder string short to avoid truncation.
+# Notice: The value of the `.style` attribute is a CSS string, and the `width`
+# is the name of the CSS property. It is intended only to adjust the element's width.
+# Do not translate.
+search-input-box2 =
+ .style = width: 15.4em
+ .placeholder = Find in Settings
+managed-notice = Your browser is being managed by your organisation.
+category-list =
+ .aria-label = Categories
+pane-general-title = General
+category-general =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title }
+pane-home-title = Home
+category-home =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-home-title }
+pane-search-title = Search
+category-search =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-search-title }
+pane-privacy-title = Privacy & Security
+category-privacy =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-privacy-title }
+pane-sync-title3 = Sync
+category-sync3 =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-sync-title3 }
+pane-experimental-title = { -brand-short-name } Experiments
+category-experimental =
+ .tooltiptext = { -brand-short-name } Experiments
+pane-experimental-subtitle = Proceed with Caution
+pane-experimental-search-results-header = { -brand-short-name } Experiments: Proceed with Caution
+pane-experimental-description2 = Changing advanced configuration settings can impact { -brand-short-name } performance or security.
+pane-experimental-reset =
+ .label = Restore Defaults
+ .accesskey = R
+help-button-label = { -brand-short-name } Support
+addons-button-label = Extensions & Themes
+focus-search =
+ .key = f
+close-button =
+ .aria-label = Close
+## Browser Restart Dialog
+feature-enable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } must restart to enable this feature.
+feature-disable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } must restart to disable this feature.
+should-restart-title = Restart { -brand-short-name }
+should-restart-ok = Restart { -brand-short-name } now
+cancel-no-restart-button = Cancel
+restart-later = Restart Later
+## Extension Control Notifications
+## These strings are used to inform the user
+## about changes made by extensions to browser settings.
+## <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> is going to be replaced by the extension icon.
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the extension
+# This string is shown to notify the user that the password manager setting
+# is being controlled by an extension
+extension-controlling-password-saving = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> controls this setting.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their notifications permission
+# is being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-web-notifications = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> controls this setting.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that Container Tabs
+# are being enabled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-privacy-containers = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> requires Container Tabs.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their content blocking "All Detected Trackers"
+# preferences are being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-websites-content-blocking-all-trackers = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> controls this setting.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their proxy configuration preferences
+# are being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-proxy-config = <img data-l10n-name ="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> controls how { -brand-short-name } connects to the internet.
+# This string is shown after the user disables an extension to notify the user
+# how to enable an extension that they disabled.
+# <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> will be replaced with Add-ons icon
+# <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/> will be replaced with Menu icon
+extension-controlled-enable = To enable the extension go to <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> Add-ons in the <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/> menu.
+## Preferences UI Search Results
+search-results-header = Search Results
+# `<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>` will be replaced by the search term.
+search-results-empty-message2 = Sorry! There are no results in Settings for “<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>”.
+search-results-help-link = Need help? Visit <a data-l10n-name="url">{ -brand-short-name } Support</a>
+## General Section
+startup-header = Startup
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Always check if { -brand-short-name } is your default browser
+ .accesskey = y
+is-default = { -brand-short-name } is currently your default browser
+is-not-default = { -brand-short-name } is not your default browser
+set-as-my-default-browser =
+ .label = Make Default…
+ .accesskey = D
+startup-restore-windows-and-tabs =
+ .label = Open previous windows and tabs
+ .accesskey = s
+windows-launch-on-login =
+ .label = Open { -brand-short-name } automatically when your computer starts up
+ .accesskey = O
+windows-launch-on-login-disabled = This preference has been disabled in Windows. To change, visit <a data-l10n-name="startup-link">Startup Apps</a> in System settings.
+startup-restore-warn-on-quit =
+ .label = Warn you when quitting the browser
+disable-extension =
+ .label = Disable Extension
+preferences-data-migration-header = Import Browser Data
+preferences-data-migration-description = Import bookmarks, passwords, history and auto-fill data into { -brand-short-name }.
+preferences-data-migration-button =
+ .label = Import Data
+ .accesskey = m
+tabs-group-header = Tabs
+ctrl-tab-recently-used-order =
+ .label = Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order
+ .accesskey = T
+open-new-link-as-tabs =
+ .label = Open links in tabs instead of new windows
+ .accesskey = w
+confirm-on-close-multiple-tabs =
+ .label = Confirm before closing multiple tabs
+ .accesskey = m
+# This string is used for the confirm before quitting preference.
+# Variables:
+# $quitKey (string) - the quit keyboard shortcut, and formatted
+# in the same manner as it would appear,
+# for example, in the File menu.
+confirm-on-quit-with-key =
+ .label = Confirm before quitting with { $quitKey }
+ .accesskey = b
+warn-on-open-many-tabs =
+ .label = Warn you when opening multiple tabs might slow down { -brand-short-name }
+ .accesskey = d
+switch-to-new-tabs =
+ .label = When you open a link, image or media in a new tab, switch to it immediately
+ .accesskey = h
+show-tabs-in-taskbar =
+ .label = Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar
+ .accesskey = k
+browser-containers-enabled =
+ .label = Enable Container Tabs
+ .accesskey = n
+browser-containers-learn-more = Learn more
+browser-containers-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = i
+containers-disable-alert-title = Close All Container Tabs?
+## Variables:
+## $tabCount (number) - Number of tabs
+containers-disable-alert-desc =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] If you disable Container Tabs now, { $tabCount } container tab will be closed. Are you sure you want to disable Container Tabs?
+ *[other] If you disable Container Tabs now, { $tabCount } container tabs will be closed. Are you sure you want to disable Container Tabs?
+ }
+containers-disable-alert-ok-button =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Close { $tabCount } Container Tab
+ *[other] Close { $tabCount } Container Tabs
+ }
+containers-disable-alert-cancel-button = Keep enabled
+containers-remove-alert-title = Remove This Container?
+# Variables:
+# $count (number) - Number of tabs that will be closed.
+containers-remove-alert-msg =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] If you remove this Container now, { $count } container tab will be closed. Are you sure you want to remove this Container?
+ *[other] If you remove this Container now, { $count } container tabs will be closed. Are you sure you want to remove this Container?
+ }
+containers-remove-ok-button = Remove this Container
+containers-remove-cancel-button = Don’t remove this Container
+## General Section - Language & Appearance
+language-and-appearance-header = Language and Appearance
+preferences-web-appearance-header = Web site appearance
+preferences-web-appearance-description = Some web sites adapt their colour scheme based on your preferences. Choose which colour scheme you’d like to use for those sites.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-auto = Automatic
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-light = Light
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-dark = Dark
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-auto =
+ .title = Automatically change web site backgrounds and content based on your system settings and { -brand-short-name } theme.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-light =
+ .title = Use a light appearance for web site backgrounds and content.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-dark =
+ .title = Use a dark appearance for web site backgrounds and content.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-auto =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-auto.title }
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-light =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-light.title }
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-dark =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-dark.title }
+# This can appear when using windows HCM or "Override colors: always" without
+# system colors.
+preferences-web-appearance-override-warning = Your colour selections are overriding web site appearance. <a data-l10n-name="colors-link">Manage colours</a>
+# This message contains one link. It can be moved within the sentence as needed
+# to adapt to your language, but should not be changed.
+preferences-web-appearance-footer = Manage { -brand-short-name } themes in <a data-l10n-name="themes-link">Extensions & Themes</a>
+preferences-colors-header = Colours
+preferences-colors-description = Override { -brand-short-name }’s default colours for text, web site backgrounds, and links.
+preferences-colors-manage-button =
+ .label = Manage Colours…
+ .accesskey = C
+preferences-fonts-header = Fonts
+default-font = Default font
+ .accesskey = D
+default-font-size = Size
+ .accesskey = S
+advanced-fonts =
+ .label = Advanced…
+ .accesskey = A
+# Zoom is a noun, and the message is used as header for a group of options
+preferences-zoom-header = Zoom
+preferences-default-zoom = Default zoom
+ .accesskey = z
+# Variables:
+# $percentage (number) - Zoom percentage value
+preferences-default-zoom-value =
+ .label = { $percentage }%
+preferences-zoom-text-only =
+ .label = Zoom text only
+ .accesskey = t
+language-header = Language
+choose-language-description = Choose your preferred language for displaying pages
+choose-button =
+ .label = Choose…
+ .accesskey = o
+choose-browser-language-description = Choose the languages used to display menus, messages, and notifications from { -brand-short-name }.
+manage-browser-languages-button =
+ .label = Set Alternatives…
+ .accesskey = l
+confirm-browser-language-change-description = Restart { -brand-short-name } to apply these changes
+confirm-browser-language-change-button = Apply and Restart
+translate-web-pages =
+ .label = Translate web content
+ .accesskey = T
+fx-translate-web-pages = { -translations-brand-name }
+# The <img> element is replaced by the logo of the provider
+# used to provide machine translations for web pages.
+translate-attribution = Translations by <img data-l10n-name="logo"/>
+translate-exceptions =
+ .label = Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = x
+# Variables:
+# $localeName (string) - Localized name of the locale to be used.
+use-system-locale =
+ .label = Use your operating system settings for “{ $localeName }” to format dates, times, numbers, and measurements.
+check-user-spelling =
+ .label = Check your spelling as you type
+ .accesskey = t
+## General Section - Files and Applications
+files-and-applications-title = Files and Applications
+download-header = Downloads
+download-save-where = Save files to
+ .accesskey = v
+download-choose-folder =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Choose…
+ *[other] Browse…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] e
+ *[other] o
+ }
+download-always-ask-where =
+ .label = Always ask you where to save files
+ .accesskey = A
+applications-header = Applications
+applications-description = Choose how { -brand-short-name } handles the files you download from the web or the applications you use while browsing.
+applications-filter =
+ .placeholder = Search file types or applications
+applications-type-column =
+ .label = Content Type
+ .accesskey = T
+applications-action-column =
+ .label = Action
+ .accesskey = A
+# Variables:
+# $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT)
+applications-file-ending = { $extension } file
+applications-action-save =
+ .label = Save File
+# Variables:
+# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat)
+applications-use-app =
+ .label = Use { $app-name }
+# Variables:
+# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat)
+applications-use-app-default =
+ .label = Use { $app-name } (default)
+applications-use-os-default =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Use macOS default application
+ [windows] Use Windows default application
+ *[other] Use system default application
+ }
+applications-use-other =
+ .label = Use other…
+applications-select-helper = Select Helper Application
+applications-manage-app =
+ .label = Application Details…
+applications-always-ask =
+ .label = Always ask
+# Variables:
+# $type-description (string) - Description of the type (e.g "Portable Document Format")
+# $type (string) - The MIME type (e.g application/binary)
+applications-type-description-with-type = { $type-description } ({ $type })
+# Variables:
+# $extension (string) - File extension (e.g .TXT)
+# $type (string) - The MIME type (e.g application/binary)
+applications-file-ending-with-type = { applications-file-ending } ({ $type })
+# Variables:
+# $plugin-name (string) - Name of a plugin (e.g Adobe Flash)
+applications-use-plugin-in =
+ .label = Use { $plugin-name } (in { -brand-short-name })
+applications-open-inapp =
+ .label = Open in { -brand-short-name }
+## The strings in this group are used to populate
+## selected label element based on the string from
+## the selected menu item.
+applications-use-plugin-in-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-plugin-in.label }
+applications-action-save-label =
+ .value = { applications-action-save.label }
+applications-use-app-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-app.label }
+applications-open-inapp-label =
+ .value = { applications-open-inapp.label }
+applications-always-ask-label =
+ .value = { applications-always-ask.label }
+applications-use-app-default-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-app-default.label }
+applications-use-other-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-other.label }
+applications-use-os-default-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-os-default.label }
+applications-handle-new-file-types-description = What should { -brand-short-name } do with other files?
+applications-save-for-new-types =
+ .label = Save files
+ .accesskey = S
+applications-ask-before-handling =
+ .label = Ask whether to open or save files
+ .accesskey = A
+drm-content-header = Digital Rights Management (DRM) Content
+play-drm-content =
+ .label = Play DRM-controlled content
+ .accesskey = P
+play-drm-content-learn-more = Learn more
+update-application-title = { -brand-short-name } Updates
+update-application-description = Keep { -brand-short-name } up to date for the best performance, stability, and security.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Firefox version
+update-application-version = Version { $version } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">What’s new</a>
+update-history =
+ .label = Show Update History…
+ .accesskey = p
+update-application-allow-description = Allow { -brand-short-name } to
+update-application-auto =
+ .label = Automatically install updates (recommended)
+ .accesskey = A
+update-application-check-choose =
+ .label = Check for updates but let you choose to install them
+ .accesskey = C
+update-application-manual =
+ .label = Never check for updates (not recommended)
+ .accesskey = N
+update-application-background-enabled =
+ .label = When { -brand-short-name } is not running
+ .accesskey = W
+update-application-warning-cross-user-setting = This setting will apply to all Windows accounts and { -brand-short-name } profiles using this installation of { -brand-short-name }.
+update-application-use-service =
+ .label = Use a background service to install updates
+ .accesskey = b
+update-application-suppress-prompts =
+ .label = Show fewer update notification prompts
+ .accesskey = n
+update-setting-write-failure-title2 = Error saving Update settings
+# Variables:
+# $path (string) - Path to the configuration file
+# The newlines between the main text and the line containing the path is
+# intentional so the path is easier to identify.
+update-setting-write-failure-message2 =
+ { -brand-short-name } encountered an error and didn’t save this change. Note that changing this update setting requires permission to write to the file below. You or a system administrator may be able resolve the error by granting the Users group full control to this file.
+ Could not write to file: { $path }
+update-in-progress-title = Update In Progress
+update-in-progress-message = Do you want { -brand-short-name } to continue with this update?
+update-in-progress-ok-button = &Discard
+# Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard
+# method of closing the UI will not discard the update.
+update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Continue
+## General Section - Performance
+performance-title = Performance
+performance-use-recommended-settings-checkbox =
+ .label = Use recommended performance settings
+ .accesskey = U
+performance-use-recommended-settings-desc = These settings are tailored to your computer’s hardware and operating system.
+performance-settings-learn-more = Learn more
+performance-allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Use hardware acceleration when available
+ .accesskey = r
+performance-limit-content-process-option = Content process limit
+ .accesskey = L
+performance-limit-content-process-enabled-desc = Additional content processes can improve performance when using multiple tabs, but will also use more memory.
+performance-limit-content-process-blocked-desc = Modifying the number of content processes is only possible with multiprocess { -brand-short-name }. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Learn how to check if multiprocess is enabled</a>
+# Variables:
+# $num (number) - Default value of the `dom.ipc.processCount` pref.
+performance-default-content-process-count =
+ .label = { $num } (default)
+## General Section - Browsing
+browsing-title = Browsing
+browsing-use-autoscroll =
+ .label = Use autoscrolling
+ .accesskey = a
+browsing-use-smooth-scrolling =
+ .label = Use smooth scrolling
+ .accesskey = m
+browsing-gtk-use-non-overlay-scrollbars =
+ .label = Always show scrollbars
+ .accesskey = o
+browsing-always-underline-links =
+ .label = Always underline links
+ .accesskey = u
+browsing-use-onscreen-keyboard =
+ .label = Show a touch keyboard when necessary
+ .accesskey = c
+browsing-use-cursor-navigation =
+ .label = Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages
+ .accesskey = k
+browsing-use-full-keyboard-navigation =
+ .label = Use the tab key to move focus between form controls and links
+ .accesskey = t
+browsing-search-on-start-typing =
+ .label = Search for text when you start typing
+ .accesskey = x
+browsing-picture-in-picture-toggle-enabled =
+ .label = Enable picture-in-picture video controls
+ .accesskey = E
+browsing-picture-in-picture-learn-more = Learn more
+browsing-media-control =
+ .label = Control media via keyboard, headset, or virtual interface
+ .accesskey = v
+browsing-media-control-learn-more = Learn more
+browsing-cfr-recommendations =
+ .label = Recommend extensions as you browse
+ .accesskey = R
+browsing-cfr-features =
+ .label = Recommend features as you browse
+ .accesskey = f
+browsing-cfr-recommendations-learn-more = Learn more
+## General Section - Proxy
+network-settings-title = Network Settings
+network-proxy-connection-description = Configure how { -brand-short-name } connects to the internet.
+network-proxy-connection-learn-more = Learn more
+network-proxy-connection-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = e
+## Home Section
+home-new-windows-tabs-header = New Windows and Tabs
+home-new-windows-tabs-description2 = Choose what you see when you open your homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
+## Home Section - Home Page Customization
+home-homepage-mode-label = Homepage and new windows
+home-newtabs-mode-label = New tabs
+home-restore-defaults =
+ .label = Restore Defaults
+ .accesskey = R
+home-mode-choice-default-fx =
+ .label = { -firefox-home-brand-name } (Default)
+home-mode-choice-custom =
+ .label = Custom URLs…
+home-mode-choice-blank =
+ .label = Blank Page
+home-homepage-custom-url =
+ .placeholder = Paste a URL…
+# This string has a special case for '1' and [other] (default). If necessary for
+# your language, you can add {$tabCount} to your translations and use the
+# standard CLDR forms, or only use the form for [other] if both strings should
+# be identical.
+use-current-pages =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Use Current Page
+ *[other] Use Current Pages
+ }
+ .accesskey = C
+choose-bookmark =
+ .label = Use Bookmark…
+ .accesskey = B
+## Home Section - Firefox Home Content Customization
+home-prefs-content-header2 = { -firefox-home-brand-name } Content
+home-prefs-content-description2 = Choose what content you want on your { -firefox-home-brand-name } screen.
+home-prefs-search-header =
+ .label = Web Search
+home-prefs-shortcuts-header =
+ .label = Shortcuts
+home-prefs-shortcuts-description = Sites you save or visit
+home-prefs-shortcuts-by-option-sponsored =
+ .label = Sponsored shortcuts
+## Variables:
+## $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket".
+home-prefs-recommended-by-header =
+ .label = Recommended by { $provider }
+home-prefs-recommended-by-description-new = Exceptional content curated by { $provider }, part of the { -brand-product-name } family
+home-prefs-recommended-by-learn-more = How it works
+home-prefs-recommended-by-option-sponsored-stories =
+ .label = Sponsored Stories
+home-prefs-recommended-by-option-recent-saves =
+ .label = Show Recent Saves
+home-prefs-highlights-option-visited-pages =
+ .label = Visited Pages
+home-prefs-highlights-options-bookmarks =
+ .label = Bookmarks
+home-prefs-highlights-option-most-recent-download =
+ .label = Most Recent Download
+home-prefs-highlights-option-saved-to-pocket =
+ .label = Pages Saved to { -pocket-brand-name }
+home-prefs-recent-activity-header =
+ .label = Recent activity
+home-prefs-recent-activity-description = A selection of recent sites and content
+# For the "Snippets" feature traditionally on about:home.
+# Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or something that
+# expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from something else,
+# and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless.
+home-prefs-snippets-header =
+ .label = Snippets
+home-prefs-snippets-description-new = Tips and news from { -vendor-short-name } and { -brand-product-name }
+# Variables:
+# $num (number) - Number of rows displayed
+home-prefs-sections-rows-option =
+ .label =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] { $num } row
+ *[other] { $num } rows
+ }
+## Search Section
+search-bar-header = Search Bar
+search-bar-hidden =
+ .label = Use the address bar for search and navigation
+search-bar-shown =
+ .label = Add search bar in toolbar
+search-engine-default-header = Default Search Engine
+search-engine-default-desc-2 = This is your default search engine in the address bar and search bar. You can switch it at any time.
+search-engine-default-private-desc-2 = Choose a different default search engine for Private Windows only
+search-separate-default-engine =
+ .label = Use this search engine in Private Windows
+ .accesskey = U
+search-suggestions-header = Search Suggestions
+search-suggestions-desc = Choose how suggestions from search engines appear.
+search-suggestions-option =
+ .label = Provide search suggestions
+ .accesskey = s
+search-show-suggestions-option =
+ .label = Show search suggestions
+ .accesskey = S
+search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option =
+ .label = Show search suggestions in address bar results
+ .accesskey = l
+# With this option enabled, on the search results page
+# the URL will be replaced by the search terms in the address bar
+# when using the current default search engine.
+search-show-search-term-option =
+ .label = Show search terms instead of URL on default search engine results page
+# This string describes what the user will observe when the system
+# prioritizes search suggestions over browsing history in the results
+# that extend down from the address bar. In the original English string,
+# "ahead" refers to location (appearing most proximate to), not time
+# (appearing before).
+search-show-suggestions-above-history-option =
+ .label = Show search suggestions ahead of browsing history in address bar results
+search-show-suggestions-private-windows =
+ .label = Show search suggestions in Private Windows
+suggestions-addressbar-settings-generic2 = Change settings for other address bar suggestions
+search-suggestions-cant-show = Search suggestions will not be shown in location bar results because you have configured { -brand-short-name } to never remember history.
+search-one-click-header2 = Search Shortcuts
+search-one-click-desc = Choose the alternative search engines that appear below the address bar and search bar when you start to enter a keyword.
+search-choose-engine-column =
+ .label = Search Engine
+search-choose-keyword-column =
+ .label = Keyword
+search-restore-default =
+ .label = Restore Default Search Engines
+ .accesskey = D
+search-remove-engine =
+ .label = Remove
+ .accesskey = R
+search-add-engine =
+ .label = Add
+ .accesskey = A
+search-find-more-link = Find more search engines
+# This warning is displayed when the chosen keyword is already in use
+# ('Duplicate' is an adjective)
+search-keyword-warning-title = Duplicate Keyword
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - Name of a search engine.
+search-keyword-warning-engine = You have chosen a keyword that is currently in use by “{ $name }”. Please select another.
+search-keyword-warning-bookmark = You have chosen a keyword that is currently in use by a bookmark. Please select another.
+## Containers Section
+containers-back-button2 =
+ .aria-label = Back to Settings
+containers-header = Container Tabs
+containers-add-button =
+ .label = Add New Container
+ .accesskey = A
+containers-new-tab-check =
+ .label = Select a container for each new tab
+ .accesskey = S
+containers-settings-button =
+ .label = Settings
+containers-remove-button =
+ .label = Remove
+## Firefox account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox account" are now
+## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected").
+sync-signedout-caption = Take Your Web With You
+sync-signedout-description2 = Synchronise your bookmarks, history, tabs, passwords, add-ons and settings across all your devices.
+sync-signedout-account-signin3 =
+ .label = Sign in to sync…
+ .accesskey = i
+# This message contains two links and two icon images.
+# `<img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/>` - Android logo icon
+# `<a data-l10n-name="android-link">` - Link to Android Download
+# `<img data-l10n-name="ios-icon">` - iOS logo icon
+# `<a data-l10n-name="ios-link">` - Link to iOS Download
+# They can be moved within the sentence as needed to adapt
+# to your language, but should not be changed or translated.
+sync-mobile-promo = Download Firefox for <img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="android-link">Android</a> or <img data-l10n-name="ios-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="ios-link">iOS</a> to synchronise with your mobile device.
+## Firefox account - Signed in
+sync-profile-picture =
+ .tooltiptext = Change profile picture
+sync-sign-out =
+ .label = Sign Out…
+ .accesskey = g
+sync-manage-account = Manage account
+ .accesskey = o
+## Variables
+## $email (string) - Email used for Firefox account
+sync-signedin-unverified = { $email } is not verified.
+sync-signedin-login-failure = Please sign in to reconnect { $email }
+sync-resend-verification =
+ .label = Resend Verification
+ .accesskey = d
+sync-verify-account =
+ .label = Verify Account
+ .accesskey = V
+sync-remove-account =
+ .label = Remove Account
+ .accesskey = R
+sync-sign-in =
+ .label = Sign in
+ .accesskey = g
+## Sync section - enabling or disabling sync.
+prefs-syncing-on = Syncing: ON
+prefs-syncing-off = Syncing: OFF
+prefs-sync-turn-on-syncing =
+ .label = Turn on synchronisation…
+ .accesskey = s
+prefs-sync-offer-setup-label2 = Synchronise your bookmarks, history, tabs, passwords, add-ons and settings across all your devices.
+prefs-sync-now =
+ .labelnotsyncing = Synchronise Now
+ .accesskeynotsyncing = N
+ .labelsyncing = Synchronising…
+prefs-sync-now-button =
+ .label = Synchronise Now
+ .accesskey = N
+prefs-syncing-button =
+ .label = Synchronising…
+## The list of things currently syncing.
+sync-syncing-across-devices-heading = You are synchronising these items across all your connected devices:
+sync-currently-syncing-bookmarks = Bookmarks
+sync-currently-syncing-history = History
+sync-currently-syncing-tabs = Open tabs
+sync-currently-syncing-logins-passwords = Logins and passwords
+sync-currently-syncing-passwords = Passwords
+sync-currently-syncing-addresses = Addresses
+sync-currently-syncing-creditcards = Credit cards
+sync-currently-syncing-payment-methods = Payment methods
+sync-currently-syncing-addons = Add-ons
+sync-currently-syncing-settings = Settings
+sync-change-options =
+ .label = Change…
+ .accesskey = C
+## The "Choose what to sync" dialog.
+sync-choose-what-to-sync-dialog3 =
+ .title = Choose What To Synchronise
+ .style = min-width: 36em;
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Save Changes
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = S
+ .buttonlabelextra2 = Disconnect…
+ .buttonaccesskeyextra2 = D
+sync-choose-dialog-subtitle = Changes to the list of items to synchronise will be reflected across all your connected devices.
+sync-engine-bookmarks =
+ .label = Bookmarks
+ .accesskey = m
+sync-engine-history =
+ .label = History
+ .accesskey = r
+sync-engine-tabs =
+ .label = Open tabs
+ .tooltiptext = A list of what’s open on all synchronised devices
+ .accesskey = T
+sync-engine-logins-passwords =
+ .label = Logins and passwords
+ .tooltiptext = Usernames and passwords you’ve saved
+ .accesskey = L
+sync-engine-passwords =
+ .label = Passwords
+ .tooltiptext = Passwords you’ve saved
+ .accesskey = P
+sync-engine-addresses =
+ .label = Addresses
+ .tooltiptext = Postal addresses you’ve saved (desktop only)
+ .accesskey = e
+sync-engine-creditcards =
+ .label = Credit cards
+ .tooltiptext = Names, numbers and expiry dates (desktop only)
+ .accesskey = C
+sync-engine-payment-methods2 =
+ .label = Payment methods
+ .tooltiptext = Names, card numbers, and expiry dates
+ .accesskey = n
+sync-engine-addons =
+ .label = Add-ons
+ .tooltiptext = Extensions and themes for Firefox desktop
+ .accesskey = A
+sync-engine-settings =
+ .label = Settings
+ .tooltiptext = General, Privacy, and Security settings you’ve changed
+ .accesskey = s
+## The device name controls.
+sync-device-name-header = Device Name
+sync-device-name-change =
+ .label = Change Device Name…
+ .accesskey = h
+sync-device-name-cancel =
+ .label = Cancel
+ .accesskey = n
+sync-device-name-save =
+ .label = Save
+ .accesskey = v
+sync-connect-another-device = Connect another device
+## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the
+## user requests we resend a verification email.
+sync-verification-sent-title = Verification Sent
+# Variables:
+# $email (String): Email address of user's Firefox account.
+sync-verification-sent-body = A verification link has been sent to { $email }.
+sync-verification-not-sent-title = Unable to Send Verification
+sync-verification-not-sent-body = We are unable to send a verification mail at this time, please try again later.
+## Privacy Section
+privacy-header = Browser Privacy
+## Privacy Section - Logins and Passwords
+# The search keyword isn't shown to users but is used to find relevant settings in about:preferences.
+pane-privacy-logins-and-passwords-header = Logins and Passwords
+ .searchkeywords = { -lockwise-brand-short-name }
+# Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords.
+forms-ask-to-save-logins =
+ .label = Ask to save logins and passwords for web sites
+ .accesskey = r
+## Privacy Section - Passwords
+# "Logins" is the former term for "Passwords". Users should find password settings
+# by searching for the former term "logins". It's not displayed in the UI.
+pane-privacy-passwords-header = Passwords
+ .searchkeywords = logins
+# Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords.
+forms-ask-to-save-passwords =
+ .label = Ask to save passwords
+ .accesskey = A
+forms-exceptions =
+ .label = Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = x
+forms-generate-passwords =
+ .label = Suggest and generate strong passwords
+ .accesskey = u
+forms-suggest-passwords =
+ .label = Suggest strong passwords
+ .accesskey = S
+forms-breach-alerts =
+ .label = Show alerts about passwords for breached web sites
+ .accesskey = b
+forms-breach-alerts-learn-more-link = Learn more
+preferences-relay-integration-checkbox =
+ .label = Suggest { -relay-brand-name } email masks to protect your email address
+preferences-relay-integration-checkbox2 =
+ .label = Suggest { -relay-brand-name } email masks to protect your email address
+ .accesskey = r
+relay-integration-learn-more-link = Learn more
+# Checkbox which controls filling saved logins into fields automatically when they appear, in some cases without user interaction.
+forms-fill-logins-and-passwords =
+ .label = Autofill logins and passwords
+ .accesskey = i
+forms-saved-logins =
+ .label = Saved Logins…
+ .accesskey = L
+# Checkbox which controls filling saved logins into fields automatically when they appear, in some cases without user interaction.
+forms-fill-usernames-and-passwords =
+ .label = Fill usernames and passwords automatically
+ .accesskey = F
+forms-saved-passwords =
+ .label = Saved passwords
+ .accesskey = d
+forms-primary-pw-use =
+ .label = Use a Primary Password
+ .accesskey = U
+forms-primary-pw-learn-more-link = Learn more
+# This string uses the former name of the Primary Password feature
+# ("Master Password" in English) so that the preferences can be found
+# when searching for the old name. The accesskey is unused.
+forms-master-pw-change =
+ .label = Change Master Password…
+ .accesskey = M
+forms-primary-pw-change =
+ .label = Change Primary Password…
+ .accesskey = P
+# Leave this message empty if the translation for "Primary Password" matches
+# "Master Password" in your language. If you're editing the FTL file directly,
+# use { "" } as the value.
+forms-primary-pw-former-name = Formerly known as Master Password
+forms-primary-pw-fips-title = You are currently in FIPS mode. FIPS requires a non-empty Primary Password.
+forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Password Change Failed
+forms-windows-sso =
+ .label = Allow Windows single sign-on for Microsoft, work, and school accounts
+forms-windows-sso-learn-more-link = Learn more
+forms-windows-sso-desc = Manage accounts in your device settings
+windows-passkey-settings-label = Manage passkeys in system settings
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = To create a Primary Password, enter your Windows login credentials. This helps protect the security of your accounts.
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = create a Primary Password
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
+## Privacy section - Autofill
+pane-privacy-autofill-header = Autofill
+autofill-addresses-checkbox = Save and fill addresses
+ .accesskey = a
+autofill-saved-addresses-button = Saved addresses
+ .accesskey = S
+autofill-payment-methods-checkbox-message = Save and fill payment methods
+ .accesskey = m
+autofill-payment-methods-checkbox-submessage = Includes credit and debit cards
+ .accesskey = I
+autofill-saved-payment-methods-button = Saved payment methods
+ .accesskey = v
+autofill-reauth-checkbox =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Require macOS authentication to fill and edit payment methods.
+ [windows] Require Windows authentication to fill and edit payment methods.
+ [linux] Require Linux authentication to fill and edit payment methods.
+ *[other] Require authentication to fill and edit payment methods.
+ }
+ .accesskey = o
+## Privacy Section - History
+history-header = History
+# This label is followed, on the same line, by a dropdown list of options
+# (Remember history, etc.).
+# In English it visually creates a full sentence, e.g.
+# "Firefox will" + "Remember history".
+# If this doesn't work for your language, you can translate this message:
+# - Simply as "Firefox", moving the verb into each option.
+# This will result in "Firefox" + "Will remember history", etc.
+# - As a stand-alone message, for example "Firefox history settings:".
+history-remember-label = { -brand-short-name } will
+ .accesskey = w
+history-remember-option-all =
+ .label = Remember history
+history-remember-option-never =
+ .label = Never remember history
+history-remember-option-custom =
+ .label = Use custom settings for history
+history-remember-description = { -brand-short-name } will remember your browsing, download, form, and search history.
+history-dontremember-description = { -brand-short-name } will use the same settings as private browsing, and will not remember any history as you browse the Web.
+history-private-browsing-permanent =
+ .label = Always use private browsing mode
+ .accesskey = p
+history-remember-browser-option =
+ .label = Remember browsing and download history
+ .accesskey = b
+history-remember-search-option =
+ .label = Remember search and form history
+ .accesskey = f
+history-clear-on-close-option =
+ .label = Clear history when { -brand-short-name } closes
+ .accesskey = r
+history-clear-on-close-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+history-clear-button =
+ .label = Clear History…
+ .accesskey = s
+## Privacy Section - Site Data
+sitedata-header = Cookies and Site Data
+sitedata-total-size-calculating = Calculating site data and cache size…
+# Variables:
+# $value (number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500)
+# $unit (string) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB")
+sitedata-total-size = Your stored cookies, site data, and cache are currently using { $value } { $unit } of disk space.
+sitedata-learn-more = Learn more
+sitedata-delete-on-close =
+ .label = Delete cookies and site data when { -brand-short-name } is closed
+ .accesskey = c
+sitedata-delete-on-close-private-browsing = In permanent private browsing mode, cookies and site data will always be cleared when { -brand-short-name } is closed.
+sitedata-allow-cookies-option =
+ .label = Accept cookies and site data
+ .accesskey = A
+sitedata-disallow-cookies-option =
+ .label = Block cookies and site data
+ .accesskey = B
+# This label means 'type of content that is blocked', and is followed by a drop-down list with content types below.
+# The list items are the strings named sitedata-block-*-option*.
+sitedata-block-desc = Type blocked
+ .accesskey = T
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-trackers =
+ .label = Cross-site trackers
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-tracking-cookies =
+ .label = Cross-site tracking cookies
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-cookies =
+ .label = Cross-site tracking cookies, and isolate other cross-site cookies
+sitedata-option-block-unvisited =
+ .label = Cookies from unvisited web sites
+sitedata-option-block-all-cross-site-cookies =
+ .label = All cross-site cookies (may cause web sites to break)
+sitedata-option-block-all =
+ .label = All cookies (will cause web sites to break)
+sitedata-clear =
+ .label = Clear Data…
+ .accesskey = l
+sitedata-settings =
+ .label = Manage Data…
+ .accesskey = M
+sitedata-cookies-exceptions =
+ .label = Manage Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = x
+## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Handling
+cookie-banner-handling-header = Cookie Banner Reduction
+cookie-banner-handling-description = { -brand-short-name } automatically tries to reject cookie requests on cookie banners on supported sites.
+## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Blocking
+cookie-banner-blocker-header = Cookie Banner Blocker
+cookie-banner-blocker-description = When a site asks if they can use cookies in private browsing mode, { -brand-short-name } automatically refuses for you. Only on supported sites.
+cookie-banner-learn-more = Learn More
+forms-handle-cookie-banners =
+ .label = Reduce Cookie Banners
+cookie-banner-blocker-checkbox-label =
+ .label = Automatically refuse cookie banners
+## Privacy Section - Address Bar
+addressbar-header = Address Bar
+addressbar-suggest = When using the address bar, suggest
+addressbar-locbar-history-option =
+ .label = Browsing history
+ .accesskey = H
+addressbar-locbar-bookmarks-option =
+ .label = Bookmarks
+ .accesskey = k
+addressbar-locbar-clipboard-option =
+ .label = Clipboard
+ .accesskey = C
+addressbar-locbar-openpage-option =
+ .label = Open tabs
+ .accesskey = O
+# Shortcuts refers to the shortcut tiles on the new tab page, previously known as top sites. Translation should be consistent.
+addressbar-locbar-shortcuts-option =
+ .label = Shortcuts
+ .accesskey = S
+addressbar-locbar-topsites-option =
+ .label = Top sites
+ .accesskey = T
+addressbar-locbar-engines-option =
+ .label = Search engines
+ .accesskey = a
+addressbar-locbar-quickactions-option =
+ .label = Quick actions
+ .accesskey = Q
+addressbar-locbar-showrecentsearches-option =
+ .label = Show recent searches
+ .accesskey = r
+addressbar-suggestions-settings = Change preferences for search engine suggestions
+addressbar-quickactions-learn-more = Learn more
+## Privacy Section - Content Blocking
+content-blocking-enhanced-tracking-protection = Enhanced Tracking Protection
+content-blocking-section-top-level-description = Trackers follow you around online to collect information about your browsing habits and interests. { -brand-short-name } blocks many of these trackers and other malicious scripts.
+content-blocking-learn-more = Learn more
+content-blocking-fpi-incompatibility-warning = You are using First Party Isolation (FPI), which overrides some of { -brand-short-name }’s cookie settings.
+# There is no need to translate "Resist Fingerprinting (RFP)". This is a
+# feature that can only be enabled via about:config, and it's not exposed to
+# standard users (e.g. via Settings).
+content-blocking-rfp-incompatibility-warning = You’re using Resist Fingerprinting (RFP), which replaces some of { -brand-short-name }’s fingerprinting protection settings. This might cause some sites to break.
+## These strings are used to define the different levels of
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection.
+# "Standard" in this case is an adjective, meaning "default" or "normal".
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-standard =
+ .label = Standard
+ .accesskey = d
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-strict =
+ .label = Strict
+ .accesskey = r
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-custom =
+ .label = Custom
+ .accesskey = C
+content-blocking-etp-standard-desc = Balanced for protection and performance. Pages will load normally.
+content-blocking-etp-strict-desc = Stronger protection, but may cause some sites or content to break.
+content-blocking-etp-custom-desc = Choose which trackers and scripts to block.
+content-blocking-etp-blocking-desc = { -brand-short-name } blocks the following:
+content-blocking-private-windows = Tracking content in Private Windows
+content-blocking-cross-site-cookies-in-all-windows2 = Cross-site cookies in all windows
+content-blocking-cross-site-tracking-cookies = Cross-site tracking cookies
+content-blocking-all-cross-site-cookies-private-windows = Cross-site cookies in Private Windows
+content-blocking-cross-site-tracking-cookies-plus-isolate = Cross-site tracking cookies, and isolate remaining cookies
+content-blocking-social-media-trackers = Social media trackers
+content-blocking-all-cookies = All cookies
+content-blocking-unvisited-cookies = Cookies from unvisited sites
+content-blocking-all-windows-tracking-content = Tracking content in all windows
+content-blocking-all-cross-site-cookies = All cross-site cookies
+content-blocking-cryptominers = Cryptominers
+content-blocking-fingerprinters = Fingerprinters
+# The known fingerprinters are those that are known for collecting browser fingerprints from user devices. And
+# the suspected fingerprinters are those that we are uncertain about browser fingerprinting activities. But they could
+# possibly acquire browser fingerprints because of the behavior on accessing APIs that expose browser fingerprints.
+content-blocking-known-and-suspected-fingerprinters = Known and suspected fingerprinters
+# The tcp-rollout strings are no longer used for the rollout but for tcp-by-default in the standard section
+# "Contains" here means "isolates", "limits".
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-rollout-description = Total Cookie Protection contains cookies to the site you’re on, so trackers can’t use them to follow you between sites.
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-rollout-learn-more = Learn more
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-title = Includes Total Cookie Protection, our most powerful privacy feature ever
+content-blocking-warning-title = Heads up!
+content-blocking-and-isolating-etp-warning-description-2 = This setting may cause some web sites to not display content or work correctly. If a site seems broken, you may want to turn off tracking protection for that site to load all content.
+content-blocking-warning-learn-how = Learn how
+content-blocking-reload-description = You will need to reload your tabs to apply these changes.
+content-blocking-reload-tabs-button =
+ .label = Reload All Tabs
+ .accesskey = R
+content-blocking-tracking-content-label =
+ .label = Tracking content
+ .accesskey = T
+content-blocking-tracking-protection-option-all-windows =
+ .label = In all windows
+ .accesskey = a
+content-blocking-option-private =
+ .label = Only in private windows
+ .accesskey = p
+content-blocking-tracking-protection-change-block-list = Change block list
+content-blocking-cookies-label =
+ .label = Cookies
+ .accesskey = C
+content-blocking-expand-section =
+ .tooltiptext = More information
+# Cryptomining refers to using scripts on websites that can use a computer’s resources to mine cryptocurrency without a user’s knowledge.
+content-blocking-cryptominers-label =
+ .label = Cryptominers
+ .accesskey = y
+# Browser fingerprinting is a method of tracking users by the configuration and settings information (their "digital fingerprint")
+# that is visible to websites they browse, rather than traditional tracking methods such as IP addresses and unique cookies.
+content-blocking-fingerprinters-label =
+ .label = Fingerprinters
+ .accesskey = F
+# Browser fingerprinting is a method of tracking users by the configuration and settings information (their "digital fingerprint")
+# that is visible to websites they browse, rather than traditional tracking methods such as IP addresses and unique cookies.
+# The known fingerprinters are those that are known for collecting browser fingerprints from user devices.
+content-blocking-known-fingerprinters-label =
+ .label = Known fingerprinters
+ .accesskey = K
+# The suspected fingerprinters are those that we are uncertain about browser fingerprinting activities. But they could
+# possibly acquire browser fingerprints because of the behavior on accessing APIs that expose browser fingerprints.
+content-blocking-suspected-fingerprinters-label =
+ .label = Suspected fingerprinters
+ .accesskey = S
+## Privacy Section - Tracking
+tracking-manage-exceptions =
+ .label = Manage Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = x
+## Privacy Section - Permissions
+permissions-header = Permissions
+permissions-location = Location
+permissions-location-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-xr = Virtual Reality
+permissions-xr-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-camera = Camera
+permissions-camera-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-microphone = Microphone
+permissions-microphone-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+# Short form for "the act of choosing sound output devices and redirecting audio to the chosen devices".
+permissions-speaker = Speaker Selection
+permissions-speaker-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-notification = Notifications
+permissions-notification-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-notification-link = Learn more
+permissions-notification-pause =
+ .label = Pause notifications until { -brand-short-name } restarts
+ .accesskey = n
+permissions-autoplay = Autoplay
+permissions-autoplay-settings =
+ .label = Settings…
+ .accesskey = t
+permissions-block-popups =
+ .label = Block pop-up windows
+ .accesskey = B
+# "popup" is a misspelling that is more popular than the correct spelling of
+# "pop-up" so it's included as a search keyword, not displayed in the UI.
+permissions-block-popups-exceptions-button =
+ .label = Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = E
+ .searchkeywords = popups
+permissions-addon-install-warning =
+ .label = Warn you when web sites try to install add-ons
+ .accesskey = W
+permissions-addon-exceptions =
+ .label = Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = E
+## Privacy Section - Data Collection
+collection-header = { -brand-short-name } Data Collection and Use
+collection-header2 = { -brand-short-name } Data Collection and Use
+ .searchkeywords = telemetry
+collection-description = We strive to provide you with choices and collect only what we need to provide and improve { -brand-short-name } for everyone. We always ask permission before receiving personal information.
+collection-privacy-notice = Privacy Notice
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled = You’re no longer allowing { -vendor-short-name } to capture technical and interaction data. All past data will be deleted within 30 days.
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled-link = Learn more
+collection-health-report =
+ .label = Allow { -brand-short-name } to send technical and interaction data to { -vendor-short-name }
+ .accesskey = r
+collection-health-report-link = Learn more
+collection-studies =
+ .label = Allow { -brand-short-name } to install and run studies
+collection-studies-link = View { -brand-short-name } studies
+addon-recommendations =
+ .label = Allow { -brand-short-name } to make personalised extension recommendations
+addon-recommendations-link = Learn more
+# This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds
+# or builds with no Telemetry support available.
+collection-health-report-disabled = Data reporting is disabled for this build configuration
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports-with-link = Allow { -brand-short-name } to send backlogged crash reports on your behalf <a data-l10n-name="crash-reports-link">Learn more</a>
+ .accesskey = c
+privacy-segmentation-section-header = New features that enhance your browsing
+privacy-segmentation-section-description = When we offer features that use your data to give you a more personal experience:
+privacy-segmentation-radio-off =
+ .label = Use { -brand-product-name } recommendations
+privacy-segmentation-radio-on =
+ .label = Show detailed information
+## Privacy Section - Security
+## It is important that wording follows the guidelines outlined on this page:
+security-header = Security
+security-browsing-protection = Deceptive Content and Dangerous Software Protection
+security-enable-safe-browsing =
+ .label = Block dangerous and deceptive content
+ .accesskey = B
+security-enable-safe-browsing-link = Learn more
+security-block-downloads =
+ .label = Block dangerous downloads
+ .accesskey = d
+security-block-uncommon-software =
+ .label = Warn you about unwanted and uncommon software
+ .accesskey = C
+## Privacy Section - Certificates
+certs-header = Certificates
+certs-enable-ocsp =
+ .label = Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates
+ .accesskey = Q
+certs-view =
+ .label = View Certificates…
+ .accesskey = C
+certs-devices =
+ .label = Security Devices…
+ .accesskey = D
+certs-thirdparty-toggle =
+ .label = Allow { -brand-short-name } to automatically trust third-party root certificates you install
+ .accesskey = t
+space-alert-over-5gb-settings-button =
+ .label = Open Settings
+ .accesskey = O
+space-alert-over-5gb-message2 = <strong>{ -brand-short-name } is running out of disk space.</strong> Web site contents may not display properly. You can clear stored data in Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data.
+space-alert-under-5gb-message2 = <strong>{ -brand-short-name } is running out of disk space.</strong> Web site contents may not display properly. Visit “Learn more” to optimise your disk usage for better browsing experience.
+## Privacy Section - HTTPS-Only
+httpsonly-header = HTTPS-Only Mode
+httpsonly-description = HTTPS provides a secure, encrypted connection between { -brand-short-name } and the web sites you visit. Most web sites support HTTPS, and if HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled, then { -brand-short-name } will upgrade all connections to HTTPS.
+httpsonly-learn-more = Learn more
+httpsonly-radio-enabled =
+ .label = Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows
+httpsonly-radio-enabled-pbm =
+ .label = Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in private windows only
+httpsonly-radio-disabled =
+ .label = Don’t enable HTTPS-Only Mode
+## DoH Section
+preferences-doh-header = DNS over HTTPS
+preferences-doh-description = Domain Name System (DNS) over HTTPS sends your request for a domain name through an encrypted connection, creating a secure DNS and making it harder for others to see which web site you’re about to access.
+preferences-doh-description2 = Domain Name System (DNS) over HTTPS sends your request for a domain name through an encrypted connection, providing a secure DNS and making it harder for others to see which web site you’re about to access.
+# Variables:
+# $status (string) - The status of the DoH connection
+preferences-doh-status = Status: { $status }
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the DNS over HTTPS resolver. If a custom resolver is used, the name will be the domain of the URL.
+preferences-doh-resolver = Provider: { $name }
+# This is displayed instead of $name in preferences-doh-resolver
+# when the DoH URL is not a valid URL
+preferences-doh-bad-url = Invalid URL
+preferences-doh-steering-status = Using local provider
+preferences-doh-status-active = Active
+preferences-doh-status-disabled = Off
+# Variables:
+# $reason (string) - A string representation of the reason DoH is not active. For example NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST or TRR_RCODE_FAIL.
+preferences-doh-status-not-active = Not active ({ $reason })
+preferences-doh-group-message = Enable secure DNS using:
+preferences-doh-group-message2 = Enable DNS over HTTPS using:
+preferences-doh-expand-section =
+ .tooltiptext = More information
+preferences-doh-setting-default =
+ .label = Default Protection
+ .accesskey = D
+preferences-doh-default-desc = { -brand-short-name } decides when to use secure DNS to protect your privacy.
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-1 = Use secure DNS in regions where it’s available
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-2 = Use your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with the secure DNS provider
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-3 = Use a local provider, if possible
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-4 = Turn off when VPN, parental control, or enterprise policies are active
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-5 = Turn off when a network tells { -brand-short-name } it shouldn’t use secure DNS
+preferences-doh-setting-enabled =
+ .label = Increased Protection
+ .accesskey = I
+preferences-doh-enabled-desc = You control when to use secure DNS and choose your provider.
+preferences-doh-enabled-detailed-desc-1 = Use the provider you select
+preferences-doh-enabled-detailed-desc-2 = Only use your default DNS resolver if there is a problem with secure DNS
+preferences-doh-setting-strict =
+ .label = Max Protection
+ .accesskey = M
+preferences-doh-strict-desc = { -brand-short-name } will always use secure DNS. You’ll see a security risk warning before we use your system DNS.
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-1 = Only use the provider you select
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-2 = Always warn if secure DNS isn’t available
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-3 = If secure DNS is not available sites will not load or function properly
+preferences-doh-setting-off =
+ .label = Off
+ .accesskey = O
+preferences-doh-off-desc = Use your default DNS resolver
+preferences-doh-checkbox-warn =
+ .label = Warn if a third party actively prevents secure DNS
+ .accesskey = W
+preferences-doh-select-resolver = Choose provider:
+preferences-doh-exceptions-description = { -brand-short-name } won’t use secure DNS on these sites
+preferences-doh-manage-exceptions =
+ .label = Manage Exceptions…
+ .accesskey = x
+## The following strings are used in the Download section of settings
+desktop-folder-name = Desktop
+downloads-folder-name = Downloads
+choose-download-folder-title = Choose Download Folder: