path: root/l10n-fur/browser/browser/shopping.ftl
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+shopping-page-title = Compris in { -brand-product-name }
+# Title for page showing where a user can check the
+# review quality of online shopping product reviews
+shopping-main-container-title = Verifiche recensions
+shopping-beta-marker = Beta
+# This string is for ensuring that screen reader technology
+# can read out the "Beta" part of the shopping sidebar header.
+# Any changes to shopping-main-container-title and
+# shopping-beta-marker should also be reflected here.
+shopping-a11y-header =
+ .aria-label = Verifiche recensions - beta
+shopping-close-button =
+ .title = Siere
+# This string is for notifying screen reader users that the
+# sidebar is still loading data.
+shopping-a11y-loading =
+ .aria-label = Daûr a cjariâ…
+## Strings for the letter grade component.
+## For now, we only support letter grades A, B, C, D and F.
+## Letter A indicates the highest grade, and F indicates the lowest grade.
+## Letters are hardcoded and cannot be localized.
+shopping-letter-grade-description-ab = Recensions afidabilis
+shopping-letter-grade-description-c = Un miscliç di recensions afidabilis e inafidabilis
+shopping-letter-grade-description-df = Recensions inafidabilis
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers
+# over the letter grade component without a visible description.
+# It is also used for screen readers.
+# $letter (String) - The letter grade as A, B, C, D or F (hardcoded).
+# $description (String) - The localized letter grade description. See shopping-letter-grade-description-* strings above.
+shopping-letter-grade-tooltip =
+ .title = { $letter } - { $description }
+## Strings for the shopping message-bar
+shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-message-2 = Gnovis informazions di controlâ
+shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-button = Controle cumò
+shopping-message-bar-generic-error =
+ .heading = Nissune informazion disponibile in chest moment
+ .message = O stin lavorant par risolvi il probleme. Torne controle ca di pôc.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-not-enough-reviews =
+ .heading = No son ancjemò vonde recensions
+ .message = A pene che chest prodot al varà plui recensions, o rivarìn a verificâ la lôr cualitât.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available =
+ .heading = Il prodot nol è disponibil
+ .message = Se tu viodis che chest prodot al è di gnûf disponibil, visinus cuntune segnalazion e nô o lavorarìn par verificâ lis recensions.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-button2 = Segnale che il prodot al è disponibil
+shopping-message-bar-thanks-for-reporting =
+ .heading = Graciis pe segnalazion!
+ .message = O varessin di vê informazions su lis recensions di chest prodot dentri di 24 oris. Torne controle plui tart.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-reported =
+ .heading = Informazions disponibilis ca di pôc
+ .message = O varessin di vê informazions su lis recensions di chest prodot dentri di 24 oris. Torne controle plui tart.
+shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-title2 = Daûr a verificâ la cualitât recensions
+shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-message2 = Cheste operazion e podarès puartâ vie cirche 60 seconts.
+# Variables:
+# $percentage (Number) - The percentage complete that the analysis is, per our servers.
+shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-with-amount = Daûr a verificâ la cualitât des recensions ({ $percentage }%)
+shopping-message-bar-page-not-supported =
+ .heading = Impussibil verificâ chestis recensions
+ .message = Magari cussì no, ma nol è pussibil verificâ la cualitât des recensions par cualchi gjenar di prodot, come par esempli lis cjartis regâl, trasmissions video, musiche e zûcs.
+## Strings for the product review snippets card
+shopping-highlights-label =
+ .label = In evidence da lis recensions resintis
+shopping-highlight-price = Presit
+shopping-highlight-quality = Cualitât
+shopping-highlight-shipping = Spedizion
+shopping-highlight-competitiveness = Competitivitât
+shopping-highlight-packaging = Imbaladure
+## Strings for show more card
+shopping-show-more-button = Mostre di plui
+shopping-show-less-button = Mostre di mancul
+## Strings for the settings card
+shopping-settings-label =
+ .label = Impostazions
+shopping-settings-recommendations-toggle =
+ .label = Mostre anunzis te verifiche recensions
+shopping-settings-recommendations-learn-more2 = Tu viodarâs anuncis ocasionâi par prodots pertinents. O promovìn dome prodots cun recensions afidabilis. <a data-l10n-name="review-quality-url">Plui informazions</a>
+shopping-settings-opt-out-button = Disative la verifiche recensions
+powered-by-fakespot = Verifiche recensions al è basât su tecnologjie <a data-l10n-name="fakespot-link">{ -fakespot-brand-full-name }</a>.
+## Strings for the adjusted rating component
+# "Adjusted rating" means a star rating that has been adjusted to include only
+# reliable reviews.
+shopping-adjusted-rating-label =
+ .label = Valutazion retificade
+shopping-adjusted-rating-unreliable-reviews = Recensions inafidabilis gjavadis
+## Strings for the review reliability component
+shopping-review-reliability-label =
+ .label = Trop afidabilis sono chestis recensions?
+## Strings for the analysis explainer component
+shopping-analysis-explainer-label =
+ .label = Cemût che o determinìn la cualitât des recensions
+shopping-analysis-explainer-intro2 = O doprìn la tecnologjie IA di { -fakespot-brand-full-name } par controlâ la afidabilitât des recensions sui prodots. Cheste analisi ti judarà a valutâ dome la cualitât des recensions, no chê dal prodot.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-grades-intro = O assegnìn aes recensions di ogni prodot un <strong>vôt in letaris</strong> de A ae F.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-adjusted-rating-description = La <strong>valutazion retificade</strong> si base dome su lis recensions che o calcolìn afidabilis.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-learn-more = Scuvierç altris informazions su <a data-l10n-name="review-quality-url">cemût che { -fakespot-brand-full-name } al determine la cualitât des recensions</a>.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-learn-more2 = Scuvierç altris informazions su <a data-l10n-name="review-quality-url">cemût che { -fakespot-brand-name } al determine la cualitât des recensions</a>.
+# This string includes the short brand name of one of the three supported
+# websites, which will be inserted without being translated.
+# $retailer (String) - capitalized name of the shopping website, for example, "Amazon".
+shopping-analysis-explainer-highlights-description = I elements <strong>in evidence</strong> a rivin des recensions su { $retailer } dai ultins 80 dîs che o ritignìn afidabilis.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-reliable = Recensions afidabilis. O crodìn che lis recensions a rivedin cun buine probabilitât di clients reâi che a àn lassât recensions onestis e imparziâls.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-mixed = O crodìn che e sedi une misture di recensions afidabilis e inafidabilis.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-unreliable = Recensions inafidabilis. O crodìn che lis recensions a sedin falsis o che a rivedin di recensôrs di part.
+## Strings for UrlBar button
+shopping-sidebar-open-button2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Vierç verifiche recensions
+shopping-sidebar-close-button2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Siere verifiche recensions
+## Strings for the unanalyzed product card.
+## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on
+## If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot
+## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is
+## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review checker'). If that is not
+## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK.
+## Strings for the unanalyzed product card.
+## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on
+## If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot
+## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is
+## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review Checker'). If that is not
+## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK.
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-header-2 = No son ancjemò informazions su chestis recensions
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-message-2 = Par savê se lis recensions di chest prodot a son afidabilis, controle la lôr cualitât. Al puarte vie nome un 60 seconts.
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-analyze-button = Controle cualitât des recensions
+## Strings for the advertisement
+more-to-consider-ad-label =
+ .label = Altris prodots di valutâ
+ad-by-fakespot = Anunzi di { -fakespot-brand-name }
+## Shopping survey strings.
+shopping-survey-headline = Judinus a miorâ { -brand-product-name }
+shopping-survey-question-one = Trop sêstu sodisfat(e) de tô esperience cu la verifiche recensions di { -brand-product-name }?
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-1-label = Une vore sodisfat(e)
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-2-label = Sodisfat(e)
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-3-label = Indiferent(e)
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-4-label = Insodisfat(e)
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-5-label = Une vore insodisfat(e)
+shopping-survey-question-two = La verifiche recensions ti aje judât a cjapâ decisions prime dal acuist?
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-1-label = Sì
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-2-label = No
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-3-label = No sai
+shopping-survey-next-button-label = Sucessîf
+shopping-survey-submit-button-label = Invie
+shopping-survey-terms-link = Cundizions di utilizazion dal servizi
+shopping-survey-thanks =
+ .heading = Graciis di vê condividude la tô opinion.
+## Shopping Feature Callout strings.
+## "price tag" refers to the price tag icon displayed in the address bar to
+## access the feature.
+shopping-callout-closed-opted-in-subtitle = Torne ae <strong>verifiche recensions</strong> cuant che tu viodis la icone cul cartelin dal presit.
+shopping-callout-pdp-opted-in-title = Sono afidabilis chestis recensions? Scuvierzilu di buride.
+shopping-callout-pdp-opted-in-subtitle = Vierç verifiche recensions par viodi la valutazion retificade dopo vê gjavadis lis recensions inafidabilis. In plui, viôt i ponts in risalt des recensions autentichis inseridis di resint.
+shopping-callout-closed-not-opted-in-title = Recensions afidabilis intun clic
+shopping-callout-closed-not-opted-in-subtitle = Prove “verifiche recensions” ogni volte che tu viodis la icone cul cartelin dal presit. Oten subite informazions detaiadis dai vêrs acuirents, prime di comprâ.
+## Onboarding message strings.
+shopping-onboarding-headline = Prove la nestre vuide pes recensions dai prodots
+# Dynamic subtitle. Sites are limited to Amazon, Walmart or Best Buy.
+# Variables:
+# $currentSite (str) - The current shopping page name
+# $secondSite (str) - A second shopping page name
+# $thirdSite (str) - A third shopping page name
+shopping-onboarding-dynamic-subtitle-1 = Viôt trop che a son afidabilis lis recensions dai prodots su <b>{ $currentSite }</b> prime di comprâju. Verifiche recensions, une funzion sperimentâl di { -brand-product-name }, e je integrade tal navigadôr. E funzione ancje su <b>{ $secondSite }</b> e su <b>{ $thirdSite }</b>.
+shopping-onboarding-body = Doprant la tecnologjie di { -fakespot-brand-full-name }, ti judìn a evitâ recensions di part e falsis. Il nestri model di inteligjence artificiâl al miore di un continui, par proteziti intant che tu fasis compris. <a data-l10n-name="learn_more">Altris informazions</a>
+shopping-onboarding-opt-in-privacy-policy-and-terms-of-use = Selezionant “{ shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button }“ tu acetis la <a data-l10n-name="privacy_policy">informative su la riservatece</a> e lis <a data-l10n-name="terms_of_use">cundizions di utilizazion dal servizi</a> di { -fakespot-brand-full-name }.
+shopping-onboarding-opt-in-privacy-policy-and-terms-of-use2 = Selezionant “{ shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button }“ tu acetis la <a data-l10n-name="privacy_policy">informative su la riservatece</a> e lis <a data-l10n-name="terms_of_use">cundizions di utilizazion dal servizi</a> di { -fakespot-brand-name }.
+shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button = Sì, provile
+shopping-onboarding-not-now-button = No cumò
+shopping-onboarding-dialog-close-button =
+ .title = Siere
+ .aria-label = Siere
+# Aria-label to make the "steps" of the shopping onboarding container visible to screen readers.
+# Variables:
+# $current (Int) - Number of the current page
+# $total (Int) - Total number of pages
+shopping-onboarding-welcome-steps-indicator-label =
+ .aria-label = Avanzament: pas { $current } di { $total }