path: root/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about
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index 0000000000..c3aaf47ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-about-title = Mu dhèidhinn mu dhèidhinn
+about-about-note = Seo liosta nan duilleagan "Mu dhèidhinn" dhut.<br/> Faodaidh gu bheil coltas toinnte air cuid dhiubh. Tha cuid dhiubh a chum breithneachadh teicnigeach a-mhàin.<br/> Agus tha cuid dhiubh a dhìth a chionn 's gu bheil feum aca air sreangan iarrtas.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa3ae239e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addons-page-title = Manaidsear nan tuilleadan
+search-header =
+ .placeholder = Lorg air
+ .searchbuttonlabel = Lorg
+## Variables
+## $domain - Domain name where add-ons are available (e.g.
+list-empty-get-extensions-message = Faigh leudachain is ùrlaran air <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-dictionaries-message = Faigh faclairean air <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-language-packs-message = Faigh pacaidean cànain air <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-installed =
+ .value = Chan eil tuilleadan dhen t-seòrsa seo air a stàladh agad
+list-empty-available-updates =
+ .value = Cha deach ùrachadh a lorg
+list-empty-recent-updates =
+ .value = Cha do dh'ùraich thu tuilleadan sam bith o chionn goirid
+list-empty-find-updates =
+ .label = Lorg ùrachaidhean
+list-empty-button =
+ .label = Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu thuilleadain
+help-button = Taic nan tuilleadan
+sidebar-help-button-title =
+ .title = Taic nan tuilleadan
+addons-settings-button = Roghainnean { -brand-short-name }
+sidebar-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Roghainnean { -brand-short-name }
+show-unsigned-extensions-button =
+ .label = Bha leudachain ann nach b’ urrainn dhuinn dearbhadh
+show-all-extensions-button =
+ .label = Seall a h-uile leudachan
+detail-version =
+ .label = Tionndadh
+detail-last-updated =
+ .label = Ùrachadh mu dheireadh
+addon-detail-description-expand = Seall barrachd
+addon-detail-description-collapse = Seall nas lugha
+detail-contributions-description = Dh'iarr leasaichear an tuilleadain seo gun cuir thu taic ri shìor-leasachadh tro thabhartas beag.
+detail-contributions-button = Gabh pàirt ann
+ .title = Cuir taic ri leasachadh an leudachain seo
+ .accesskey = C
+detail-update-type =
+ .value = Ùrachaidhean fèin-obrachail
+detail-update-default =
+ .label = Bunaiteach
+ .tooltiptext = Na stàlaich ùrachaidhean gu fèin-obrachail ach mas e sin an roghainn bhunaiteach
+detail-update-automatic =
+ .label = Air
+ .tooltiptext = Stàlaich ùrachaidhean gu fèin-obrachail
+detail-update-manual =
+ .label = Dheth
+ .tooltiptext = Na stàlaich ùrachaidhean gu fèin-obrachail
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on in private windows.
+detail-private-browsing-label = Ruith ann an uinneagan prìobhaideach
+# Some add-ons may elect to not run in private windows by setting incognito: not_allowed in the manifest. This
+# cannot be overridden by the user.
+detail-private-disallowed-label = Chan eil seo ceadaichte ann an uinneagan prìobhaideach
+detail-private-disallowed-description2 = Cha ruith an leudachan seo fhad ’s a nì thu brabhsadh prìobhaideach. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Barrachd fiosrachaidh</a>
+# Some special add-ons are privileged, run in private windows automatically, and this permission can't be revoked
+detail-private-required-label = Feumaidh seo cothrom air uinneagan prìobhaideach
+detail-private-required-description2 = Gheibh an leudachan cothrom air a’ ghnìomhachd air loidhne agad nuair a bhios tu ri brabhsadh prìobhaideach. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Barrachd fiosrachaidh</a>
+detail-private-browsing-on =
+ .label = Ceadaich
+ .tooltiptext = Cuir an comas ann am brabhsadh prìobhaideach
+detail-private-browsing-off =
+ .label = Na ceadaich
+ .tooltiptext = Cuir à comas ann am brabhsadh prìobhaideach
+detail-home =
+ .label = Duilleag-dhachaigh
+detail-home-value =
+ .value = { detail-home.label }
+detail-repository =
+ .label = Pròifil an tuilleadain
+detail-repository-value =
+ .value = { detail-repository.label }
+detail-check-for-updates =
+ .label = Lorg ùrachaidhean
+ .accesskey = L
+ .tooltiptext = Lorg ùrachaidhean airson an tuilleadain seo
+detail-show-preferences =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Roghainnean
+ *[other] Roghainnean
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] o
+ *[other] R
+ }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Atharraich roghainnean an tuilleadain seo
+ *[other] Atharraich roghainnean an tuilleadain seo
+ }
+detail-rating =
+ .value = Rangachadh
+addon-restart-now =
+ .label = Ath-thòisich an-dràsta
+disabled-unsigned-heading =
+ .value = Chaidh cuid dhe na tuilleadain a chur à comas
+disabled-unsigned-description = Cha deach na tuilleadain a leanas a dhearbhadh a chum cleachdaidh ann an { -brand-short-name }. ’S urrainn dhut <label data-l10n-name="find-addons">feadhainn eile a lorg ’nan àite</label> no iarraidh air an luchd-leasachaidh aca an dearbhadh.
+disabled-unsigned-learn-more = Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na nì sinn gus do chumail sàbhailte air loidhne.
+disabled-unsigned-devinfo = Mas e neach-leasachaidh a tha annad ’s tu a’ beachdachadh air dearbhadh nan tuilleadan agad, nach leugh thu<label data-l10n-name="learn-more">an stiùireadh againn</label>.
+plugin-deprecation-description = Dad a dhìth ort? Chan eil { -brand-short-name } a’ cur taic ri cuid a phlugain tuilleadh. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Barrachd fiosrachaidh.</label>
+legacy-warning-show-legacy = Seall leudachain dhìleabach
+legacy-extensions =
+ .value = Leudachain dhìleabach
+legacy-extensions-description = Chan eil na leudachain seo a’ coileanadh stannardan { -brand-short-name } agus chaidh an cur às comas ri linn sin. <label data-l10n-name="legacy-learn-more">Fiosraich na tha ùr a thaobh leudachan</label>
+private-browsing-description2 =
+ Tha { -brand-short-name } ag atharrachadh mar a dh’obraicheas leudachain ann am brabhsadh prìobhaideach. Cha ruith leudachan ùr sam bith a chuireas tu ri { -brand-short-name } ann an uinneagan prìobhaideach. Chan obraich an leudachan ann am brabhsadh prìobhaideach gus an ceadaich thu e sna roghainnean agus cha bhi cothrom aige air do ghnìomhachd air loidhne . Rinn sinn seo gus am brabhsadh prìobhaideach a chumail prìobhaideach.
+ <label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Mar a stiùiricheas tu roghainnean nan leudachan</label>
+addon-category-discover = Na mholamaid
+addon-category-discover-title =
+ .title = Na mholamaid
+addon-category-extension = Leudachain
+addon-category-extension-title =
+ .title = Leudachain
+addon-category-theme = Ùrlaran
+addon-category-theme-title =
+ .title = Ùrlaran
+addon-category-plugin = Plugain
+addon-category-plugin-title =
+ .title = Plugain
+addon-category-dictionary = Faclairean
+addon-category-dictionary-title =
+ .title = Faclairean
+addon-category-locale = Cànain
+addon-category-locale-title =
+ .title = Cànain
+addon-category-available-updates = Ùrachaidhean a tha ri am faighinn
+addon-category-available-updates-title =
+ .title = Ùrachaidhean a tha ri am faighinn
+addon-category-recent-updates = Na chaidh ùrachadh o chionn goirid
+addon-category-recent-updates-title =
+ .title = Na chaidh ùrachadh o chionn goirid
+addon-category-sitepermission = Ceadan na làraich
+addon-category-sitepermission-title =
+ .title = Ceadan na làraich
+# String displayed in about:addons in the Site Permissions section
+# Variables:
+# $host (string) - DNS host name for which the webextension enables permissions
+addon-sitepermission-host = Ceadan na làraich airson { $host }
+## These are global warnings
+extensions-warning-safe-mode = Chaidh a h-uile tuilleadan a chur à comas leis a' mhodh sàbhailte.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility = Chaidh an sgrùdadh air co-chòrdalachd nan tuilleadain a chur à comas. Dh'fhaodadh gu bheil tuilleadan agad nach eil co-chòrdail.
+extensions-warning-safe-mode2 =
+ .message = Chaidh a h-uile tuilleadan a chur à comas leis a' mhodh sàbhailte.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility2 =
+ .message = Chaidh an sgrùdadh air co-chòrdalachd nan tuilleadain a chur à comas. Dh'fhaodadh gu bheil tuilleadan agad nach eil co-chòrdail.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility-button = Cuir an comas
+ .title = Cuir an comas sgrùdadh co-chòrdalachd nan tuilleadan
+extensions-warning-update-security = Chaidh an sgrùdadh tèarainteachd air ùrachadh nan tuilleadain a chur à comas. Dh'fhaodadh gun cuir ùrachaidhean cron ort.
+extensions-warning-update-security2 =
+ .message = Chaidh an sgrùdadh tèarainteachd air ùrachadh nan tuilleadain a chur à comas. Dh'fhaodadh gun cuir ùrachaidhean cron ort.
+extensions-warning-update-security-button = Cuir an comas
+ .title = Cuir an comas sgrùdadh tèarainteachd nan tuilleadan
+## Strings connected to add-on updates
+addon-updates-check-for-updates = Lorg ùrachaidhean
+ .accesskey = c
+addon-updates-view-updates = Seall na chaidh ùrachadh o chionn goirid
+ .accesskey = S
+# This menu item is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for
+# add-on update checking.
+addon-updates-update-addons-automatically = Ùraich na tuilleadain gu fèin-obrachail
+ .accesskey = a
+## Specific add-ons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually",
+## "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the
+## update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior
+## (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the
+## extensions-updates-update-addons-automatically.label menu item).
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-automatic = Ath-shuidhich gach tuilleadan airson 's gun ùraich iad gu fèin-obrachail
+ .accesskey = r
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-manual = Ath-shuidhich gach tuilleadan airson 's gun ùraich iad de làimh
+ .accesskey = r
+## Status messages displayed when updating add-ons
+addon-updates-updating = Ag ùrachadh nan tuilleadan
+addon-updates-installed = Chaidh na tuilleadain agad ùrachadh.
+addon-updates-none-found = Cha deach ùrachadh a lorg
+addon-updates-manual-updates-found = Seall na h-ùrachaidhean a tha ri am faighinn
+## Add-on install/debug strings for page options menu
+addon-install-from-file = Stàlaich tuilleadan o fhaidhle…
+ .accesskey = i
+addon-install-from-file-dialog-title = Tagh tuilleadan ri stàladh
+addon-install-from-file-filter-name = Tuilleadain
+addon-open-about-debugging = Dì-bhugaich na tuilleadain
+ .accesskey = b
+## Extension shortcut management
+# This is displayed in the page options menu
+addon-manage-extensions-shortcuts = Stiùirich ath-ghoiridean an leudachain
+ .accesskey = S
+shortcuts-no-addons = Chan eil leudachan sam bith an comas agad.
+shortcuts-no-commands = Chan eil ath-ghoirid aig na leudachain a leanas:
+shortcuts-input =
+ .placeholder = Cuir a-steach ath-ghoirid
+shortcuts-browserAction2 = Gnìomhaich putan a’ bhàr-inneal
+shortcuts-pageAction = Cuir gnìomh na duilleige an gnìomh
+shortcuts-sidebarAction = Toglaich am bàr-taoibh
+shortcuts-modifier-mac = Gabh a-staigh Ctrl, Alt no ⌘
+shortcuts-modifier-other = Gabh a-staigh Ctrl no Alt
+shortcuts-invalid = Combanaid mhì-dhligheach
+shortcuts-letter = Sgrìobh litir
+shortcuts-system = Cha ghabh ath-ghoirid { -brand-short-name } a thar-àithneadh
+# String displayed in warning label when there is a duplicate shortcut
+shortcuts-duplicate = Ath-ghoirid dhùblaichte
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message = Tha { $shortcut } ’ga chleachdadh ’na ath-ghoirid do dh’iomadh rud. Adhbharaichidh ath-ghoiridean dùblaichte giùlan ris nach eilear an dùil.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2 =
+ .message = Tha { $shortcut } ’ga chleachdadh ’na ath-ghoirid do dh’iomadh rud. Adhbharaichidh ath-ghoiridean dùblaichte giùlan ris nach eilear an dùil.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already used by another add-on
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+shortcuts-exists = ’Ga chleachdadh le { $addon } mu thràth
+# Variables:
+# $numberToShow (number) - Number of other elements available to show
+shortcuts-card-expand-button =
+ { $numberToShow ->
+ [one] Seall { $numberToShow } a bharrachd
+ [two] Seall { $numberToShow } a bharrachd
+ [few] Seall { $numberToShow } a bharrachd
+ *[other] Seall { $numberToShow } a bharrachd
+ }
+shortcuts-card-collapse-button = Seall nas lugha
+header-back-button =
+ .title = Air ais
+## Recommended add-ons page
+# Explanatory introduction to the list of recommended add-ons. The action word
+# ("recommends") in the final sentence is a link to external documentation.
+discopane-intro =
+ Tha leudachain is ùrlaran coltach ri aplacaidean dhan bhrabhsair agad agus leigidh iad leat
+ faclan-faire a dhìon, videothan a luchdadh a-nuas, bargain a lorg, sanasachd sàrachail a bhacadh,
+ an coltas air a’ bhrabhsair agad atharrachadh is mòran a bharrachd. Tha na prògraman bathair-bhog
+ beaga seo ’gan leasachadh le treas-phàrtaidh gu tric. Seo roghadh is taghadh a tha
+ { -brand-product-name } <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">a’ moladh</a> airson
+ tèarainteachd, dèanadas is gleusan nas fheàrr.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations =
+ Tha cuid dhe na molaidhean seo pearsanaichte. Tha iad stèidhichte air leudachain
+ eile a stàlaich thu, roghainnean na pròifil is stadastaireachd a’ chleachdaidh.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations2 =
+ .message =
+ Tha cuid dhe na molaidhean seo pearsanaichte. Tha iad stèidhichte air leudachain
+ eile a stàlaich thu, roghainnean na pròifil is stadastaireachd a’ chleachdaidh.
+discopane-notice-learn-more = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+privacy-policy = Am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd
+# Refers to the author of an add-on, shown below the name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $author (string) - The name of the add-on developer.
+created-by-author = le <a data-l10n-name="author">{ $author }</a>
+# Shows the number of daily users of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $dailyUsers (number) - The number of daily users.
+user-count = Cleachdaichean: { $dailyUsers }
+install-extension-button = Cuir ri { -brand-product-name }
+install-theme-button = Stàlaich an t-ùrlar
+# The label of the button that appears after installing an add-on. Upon click,
+# the detailed add-on view is opened, from where the add-on can be managed.
+manage-addon-button = Stiùirich
+find-more-addons = Lorg barrachd leudachain
+find-more-themes = Lorg barrachd ùrlaran
+# This is a label for the button to open the "more options" menu, it is only
+# used for screen readers.
+addon-options-button =
+ .aria-label = Barrachd roghainnean
+## Add-on actions
+report-addon-button = Dèan aithris air
+remove-addon-button = Thoir air falbh
+# The link will always be shown after the other text.
+remove-addon-disabled-button = Cha ghabh a thoirt air falbh <a data-l10n-name="link">Carson?</a>
+disable-addon-button = Cuir à comas
+enable-addon-button = Cuir an comas
+# This is used for the toggle on the extension card, it's a checkbox and this
+# is always its label.
+extension-enable-addon-button-label =
+ .aria-label = Cuir an comas
+preferences-addon-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Roghainnean
+ *[other] Roghainnean
+ }
+details-addon-button = Mion-fhiosrachadh
+release-notes-addon-button = Nòtaichean sgaoilidh
+permissions-addon-button = Ceadan
+extension-enabled-heading = An comas
+extension-disabled-heading = À comas
+theme-enabled-heading = An comas
+theme-disabled-heading2 = Ùrlaran a shàbhail thu
+plugin-enabled-heading = An comas
+plugin-disabled-heading = À comas
+dictionary-enabled-heading = An comas
+dictionary-disabled-heading = À comas
+locale-enabled-heading = An comas
+locale-disabled-heading = À comas
+sitepermission-enabled-heading = An comas
+sitepermission-disabled-heading = À comas
+always-activate-button = Cuir an gnìomh an-còmhnaidh
+never-activate-button = Na cuir an gnìomh idir
+addon-detail-author-label = Ùghdar
+addon-detail-version-label = Tionndadh
+addon-detail-last-updated-label = Ùrachadh mu dheireadh
+addon-detail-homepage-label = Duilleag-dhachaigh
+addon-detail-rating-label = Rangachadh
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message = Thèid an leudachan seo ùrachadh nuair a thèid { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh.
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message2 =
+ .message = Thèid an leudachan seo ùrachadh nuair a thèid { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh.
+install-postponed-button = Ùraich an-dràsta
+# The average rating that the add-on has received.
+# Variables:
+# $rating (number) - A number between 0 and 5. The translation should show at most one digit after the comma.
+five-star-rating =
+ .title = Rangachadh { NUMBER($rating, maximumFractionDigits: 1) } à 5
+# This string is used to show that an add-on is disabled.
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the add-on
+addon-name-disabled = { $name } (à comas)
+# The number of reviews that an add-on has received on AMO.
+# Variables:
+# $numberOfReviews (number) - The number of reviews received
+addon-detail-reviews-link =
+ { $numberOfReviews ->
+ [one] { $numberOfReviews } lèirmheas
+ [two] { $numberOfReviews } lèirmheas
+ [few] { $numberOfReviews } lèirmheasan
+ *[other] { $numberOfReviews } lèirmheas
+ }
+## Pending uninstall message bar
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description = Chaidh <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon }</span> a thoirt air falbh.
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description2 =
+ .message = Chaidh { $addon } a thoirt air falbh.
+pending-uninstall-undo-button = Neo-dhèan
+addon-detail-updates-label = Ceadaich ùrachaidhean fèin-obrachail
+addon-detail-updates-radio-default = Bun-roghainn
+addon-detail-updates-radio-on = Air
+addon-detail-updates-radio-off = Dheth
+addon-detail-update-check-label = Thoir sùil airson ùrachaidhean
+install-update-button = Ùraich
+# This is the tooltip text for the private browsing badge in about:addons. The
+# badge is the private browsing icon included next to the extension's name.
+addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2 =
+ .title = Ceadaichte ann an uinneagan prìobhaideach
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2.title }
+addon-detail-private-browsing-help = Ma fhuair e cead, gheibh an leudachan cothrom air a’ ghnìomhachd air loidhne agad nuair a bhios tu ri brabhsadh prìobhaideach. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Barrachd fiosrachaidh</a>
+addon-detail-private-browsing-allow = Ceadaich
+addon-detail-private-browsing-disallow = Na ceadaich
+## "sites with restrictions" (internally called "quarantined") are special domains
+## where add-ons are normally blocked for security reasons.
+## This is the tooltip text for the recommended badges for an extension in about:addons. The
+## badge is a small icon displayed next to an extension when it is recommended on AMO.
+addon-badge-recommended2 =
+ .title = Cha mhol { -brand-product-name } ach leudachain a choileanas na stannardan againn a thaobh tèarainteachd is dèanadas
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-recommended2.title }
+# We hard code "Mozilla" in the string below because the extensions are built
+# by Mozilla and we don't want forks to display "by Fork".
+addon-badge-line3 =
+ .title = Leudachan oifigeil le Mozilla. Tha e a’ coileanadh nan stannardan a thaobh tèarainteachd is dèanadas
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-line3.title }
+addon-badge-verified2 =
+ .title = Chaidh an leudachan seo a sgrùdadh is tha e a’ coileanadh nan stannardan againn a thaobh tèarainteachd is dèanadas
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-verified2.title }
+available-updates-heading = Ùrachaidhean a tha ri am faighinn
+recent-updates-heading = Na chaidh ùrachadh o chionn goirid
+release-notes-loading = ’Ga luchdadh…
+release-notes-error = Tha sinn duilich ach thachair mearachd rè luchdadh nan nòtaichean sgaoilidh.
+addon-permissions-empty = Chan eil an leudachan seo feumach air cead sam bith
+addon-permissions-required = Ceadan riatanach dha na bun-ghleusan:
+addon-permissions-optional = Ceadan roghainneil airson barrachd ghleusan:
+addon-permissions-learnmore = Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu cheadan
+recommended-extensions-heading = Leudachain a mholamaid
+recommended-themes-heading = Ùrlaran a mholamaid
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Host where the permissions are granted
+addon-sitepermissions-required = Bheir seo na comasan a leanas dha <span data-l10n-name="hostname">{ $hostname }</span>:
+# A recommendation for the Firefox Color theme shown at the bottom of the theme
+# list view. The "Firefox Color" name itself should not be translated.
+recommended-theme-1 = Am bu mhiann leat cruthachadh? <a data-l10n-name="link">Tog an t-ùrlar agad fhèin le Firefox Color.</a>
+## Page headings
+extension-heading = Stiùirich na leudachain agad
+theme-heading = Stiùirich na h-ùrlaran agad
+plugin-heading = Stiùirich na plugain agad
+dictionary-heading = Stiùirich na faclairean agad
+locale-heading = Stiùirich na cànain agad
+updates-heading = Stiùirich na h-ùrachaidhean agad
+sitepermission-heading = Stiùirich ceadan na làraich agad
+discover-heading = Cuir dreach pearsanta air { -brand-short-name }
+shortcuts-heading = Stiùirich ath-ghoiridean an leudachain
+default-heading-search-label = Lorg barrachd leudachain
+addons-heading-search-input =
+ .placeholder = Lorg air
+addon-page-options-button =
+ .title = Innealan airson a h-uile tuilleadan
+## Detail notifications
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible = Chan eil { $name } co-chòrdail le { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible2 =
+ .message = Chan eil { $name } co-chòrdail le { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+details-notification-incompatible-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn { $name } a dhearbhadh a chum cleachdaidh ann an { -brand-short-name } agus chaidh a chur à comas.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled2 =
+ .message = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn { $name } a dhearbhadh a chum cleachdaidh ann an { -brand-short-name } agus chaidh a chur à comas.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+details-notification-unsigned = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn { $name } a dhearbhadh a chum cleachdaidh ann an { -brand-short-name }. Bi faiceallach.
+details-notification-unsigned2 =
+ .message = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn { $name } a dhearbhadh a chum cleachdaidh ann an { -brand-short-name }. Bi faiceallach.
+details-notification-unsigned-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+details-notification-blocked = Chaidh { $name } a chur à comas air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd no seasmhachd.
+details-notification-blocked2 =
+ .message = Chaidh { $name } a chur à comas air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd no seasmhachd.
+details-notification-blocked-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+details-notification-softblocked = Tha fhios gun adhbharaich { $name } duilgheadasan tèarainteachd is seasmhachd.
+details-notification-softblocked2 =
+ .message = Tha fhios gun adhbharaich { $name } duilgheadasan tèarainteachd is seasmhachd.
+details-notification-softblocked-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh
+details-notification-gmp-pending = Thèid { $name } stàladh a dh'aithghearr.
+details-notification-gmp-pending2 =
+ .message = Thèid { $name } stàladh a dh'aithghearr.
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Fiosrachadh mun cheadachas
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Fiosrachadh prìobhaideachd
+plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec 'ga sholar le Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Tha am plugan seo ’ga stàladh le Mozilla gu fèin-obrachail a ghèilleadh ri riatanasan WebRTC agus airson gairmean WebRTC a chur an comas le uidheaman a dh’fheumas an codec video H.264. Tadhail air a chur sùil air bun-tùs a’ chodec agus airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu dhèidhinn.
+plugins-widevine-name = Tha an Widevine Content Decryption Module ’ga sholar le Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = This plugin enables playback of encrypted media in compliance with the Encrypted Media Extensions specification. Encrypted media is typically used by sites to protect against copying of premium media content. Visit for more information on Encrypted Media Extensions.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3a00e28e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+label-disable = Cuir à comas
+label-enable = Cuir an comas
+label-interventions = Eadar-theachd
+# Variables:
+# $bug (string) - Bug number
+label-more-information = Barrachd fiosrachaidh: Buga { $bug }
+label-overrides = Tar-àitheantan àidseant a’ chleachdaiche
+text-disabled-in-about-config = Chaidh an gleus seo a chur à comas ann an about:config
+text-no-interventions = Chan eil eadar-theachd sam bith ’ga chleachdadh
+text-no-overrides = Chan eil tar-àithne UA sam bith ’ga chleachadh
+text-title = about:compat
+## Do not translate "SmartBlock". For reference, SmartBlock is a feature
+## of Firefox anti-tracking which fixes website breakage caused when
+## trackers are blocked, by acting just enough like those trackers to fix the
+## breakage. SmartBlock also contains special fixes for sites broken by
+## Firefox's Total Cookie Protection feature.
+label-smartblock = SmartBlock Fixes
+text-no-smartblock = No SmartBlock fixes are being used
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81dfcd6fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### "Glean" and "Glean SDK" should remain in English.
+### "FOG", "Glean", and "Glean SDK" should remain in English.
+-fog-brand-name = FOG
+-glean-brand-name = Glean
+glean-sdk-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } SDK
+glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } Debug Ping Viewer
+about-glean-page-title2 = About { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-header = About { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-interface-description =
+ The <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name }</a>
+ is a data collection library used in { -vendor-short-name } projects.
+ This interface is designed to be used by developers and testers to manually
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-link">test instrumentation</a>.
+about-glean-upload-enabled = Data upload is enabled.
+about-glean-upload-disabled = Data upload is disabled.
+about-glean-upload-enabled-local = Data upload is enabled only for sending to a local server.
+about-glean-upload-fake-enabled =
+ Data upload is disabled,
+ but we’re lying and telling the { glean-sdk-brand-name } it is enabled
+ so that data is still recorded locally.
+ Note: If you set a debug tag, pings will be uploaded to the
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-debug-ping-viewer">{ glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }</a> regardless of settings.
+# This message is followed by a bulleted list.
+about-glean-prefs-and-defines = Relevant <a data-l10n-name="fog-prefs-and-defines-doc-link">preferences and defines</a> include:
+# Variables:
+# $data-upload-pref-value (String): the value of the datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled pref. Typically "true", sometimes "false"
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-data-upload = <code>datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled</code>: { $data-upload-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $local-port-pref-value (Integer): the value of the telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port pref. Typically 0. Can be negative.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-local-port = <code>telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port</code>: { $local-port-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $glean-android-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID define. Typically "false", sometimes "true".
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-glean-android = <code>MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID</code>: { $glean-android-define-value }
+# Variables:
+# $moz-official-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZILLA_OFFICIAL define.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-moz-official = <code>MOZILLA_OFFICIAL</code>: { $moz-official-define-value }
+about-glean-about-testing-header = About Testing
+# This message is followed by a numbered list.
+about-glean-manual-testing =
+ Full instructions are documented in the
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-instrumentation-test-doc-link">{ -fog-brand-name } instrumentation testing docs</a>
+ and in the <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name } documentation</a>,
+ but, in short, to manually test that your instrumentation works, you should:
+# This message is an option in a dropdown filled with untranslated names of pings.
+about-glean-no-ping-label = (don’t submit any ping)
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings = In the preceding field ensure there is a memorable debug tag so you can recognize your pings later.
+# An in-line drop down list precedes this string.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-label-for-ping-names =
+ Select from the preceding list the ping your instrumentation is in.
+ If it’s in a <a data-l10n-name="custom-ping-link">custom ping</a>, choose that one.
+ Otherwise, the default for <code>event</code> metrics is
+ the <code>events</code> ping
+ and the default for all other metrics is
+ the <code>metrics</code> ping.
+# An in-line check box precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-log-pings =
+ (Optional. Check the preceding box if you want pings to also be logged when they are submitted.
+ You will additionally need to <a data-l10n-name="enable-logging-link">enable logging</a>.)
+# Variables
+# $debug-tag (String): The user-set value of the debug tag input on this page. Like "about-glean-kV"
+# An in-line button labeled "Apply settings and submit ping" precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-controls-submit =
+ Press the preceding button to tag all { -glean-brand-name } pings with your tag and submit the selected ping.
+ (All pings submitted from then until you restart the application will be tagged with
+ <code>{ $debug-tag }</code>.)
+about-glean-li-for-visit-gdpv =
+ <a data-l10n-name="gdpv-tagged-pings-link">Visit the { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name } page for pings with your tag</a>.
+ It shouldn’t take more than a few seconds from pushing the button to your ping arriving.
+ Sometimes it may take a small handful of minutes.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation =
+ For more <i>ad hoc</i> testing,
+ you can also determine the current value of a particular piece of instrumentation
+ by opening a devtools console here on <code>about:glean</code>
+ and using the <code>testGetValue()</code> API like
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>.
+controls-button-label-verbose = Apply settings and submit ping
+about-glean-about-data-header = About Data
+about-glean-about-data-explanation =
+ To browse the list of collected data, please consult the
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-dictionary-link">{ -glean-brand-name } Dictionary</a>.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce4956edee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-httpsonly-title-alert = Caismeachd a’ mhodh HTTPS a-mhàin
+about-httpsonly-title-site-not-available = Secure Site Not Available
+# Variables:
+# $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that failed to load. Example:
+about-httpsonly-explanation-unavailable2 = Chuir thu am modh HTTPS a-mhàin an comas a chùm barrachd tèarainteachd ach chan eil tionndadh HTTPS dhe <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em> ri fhaighinn.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-question = Dè as adhbhar?
+about-httpsonly-explanation-nosupport = Tha sinn an dùil nach cuir an làrach taic ri HTTPS.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-risk = Gidheadh, dh’fhaoidte gu bheil ionnsaigh a’ dol air adhart. Ma thadhlas tu air an làrach-lìn, cha bu chòir dhut fiosrachadh dìomhair a chur a-steach, can faclan-faire, puist-d no fiosrachadh cairte-creideis.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-continue = Ma leanas tu air adhart, thèid am modh HTTPS a-mhàin a chur dheth dhan làrach seo rè seal.
+about-httpsonly-button-continue-to-site = Lean air adhart gun làrach-lìn HTTP
+about-httpsonly-button-go-back = Air ais
+about-httpsonly-link-learn-more = Barrachd fiosrachaidh…
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loded with these alternatives. Example:
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loaded with these alternatives. Example:
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-header = Roghainn eile
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-text = Tha tionndadh tèarainte dhe <em>www.{ $websiteUrl }</em> ann. ’S urrainn dhut tadhal air an làrach ud seach air <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em>.
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-button = Tadhail air www.{ $websiteUrl }
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28eb5cae1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The following feature name must be treated as a brand.
+## They cannot be:
+## - Transliterated.
+## - Translated.
+## Declension should be avoided where possible, leaving the original
+## brand unaltered in prominent UI positions.
+## For further details, consult:
+# This is the title of the page
+about-logging-title = About Logging
+about-logging-page-title = Logging manager
+about-logging-current-log-file = Am faidhle logaidh làithreach:
+about-logging-new-log-file = New log file:
+about-logging-currently-enabled-log-modules = Currently enabled log modules:
+about-logging-log-tutorial = Faic <a data-l10n-name="logging">Logadh HTTP</a> airson stiùireadh mun inneal seo.
+# This message is used as a button label, "Open" indicates an action.
+about-logging-open-log-file-dir = Open directory
+about-logging-set-log-file = Suidhich faidhle logaidh
+about-logging-set-log-modules = Suidhich mòidealan logaidh
+about-logging-start-logging = Tòisich air logadh
+about-logging-stop-logging = Sguir dhen logadh
+about-logging-buttons-disabled = Logging configured via environment variables, dynamic configuration unavailable.
+about-logging-some-elements-disabled = Logging configured via URL, some configuration options are unavailable
+about-logging-info = Info:
+about-logging-log-modules-selection = Log module selection
+about-logging-new-log-modules = New log modules:
+about-logging-logging-output-selection = Logging output
+about-logging-logging-to-file = Logging to a file
+about-logging-logging-to-profiler = Logging to the { -profiler-brand-name }
+about-logging-no-log-modules = None
+about-logging-no-log-file = None
+about-logging-logging-preset-selector-text = Logging preset:
+## Logging presets
+about-logging-preset-networking-label = Networking
+about-logging-preset-networking-description = Log modules to diagnose networking issues
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Media playback
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-description = Log modules to diagnose media playback issues (not video-conferencing issues)
+about-logging-preset-custom-label = Gnàthaichte
+about-logging-preset-custom-description = Log modules manually selected
+# Error handling
+about-logging-error = Error:
+## Variables:
+## $k (String) - Variable name
+## $v (String) - Variable value
+about-logging-invalid-output = Invalid value “{ $v }“ for key “{ $k }“
+about-logging-unknown-logging-preset = Unknown logging preset “{ $v }“
+about-logging-unknown-profiler-preset = Unknown profiler preset “{ $v }“
+about-logging-unknown-option = Unknown about:logging option “{ $k }“
+about-logging-configuration-url-ignored = Configuration URL ignored
+about-logging-file-and-profiler-override = Can’t force file output and override profiler options at the same time
+about-logging-configured-via-url = Option configured via URL
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0d0f336e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-mozilla-title-6-27 = The Book of Mozilla, 6:27
+about-mozilla-quote-6-27 =
+ The Beast continued its studies with renewed <em>Focus</em>, building great <em>Reference</em>
+ works and contemplating new <em>Realities</em>. The Beast brought forth its followers and
+ acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through <em>Mischievous</em> means,
+ sent it out across the world.
+about-mozilla-from-6-27 = from <strong>The Book of Mozilla,</strong> 6:27
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9676e34d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-networking-title = Mu dhèidhinn lìonraidhean
+about-networking-http = HTTP
+about-networking-sockets = Socaidean
+about-networking-dns = DNS
+about-networking-dns-clear-cache-button = Falamhaich tasgadan nan DNS
+about-networking-dns-trr-url = URL DoH
+about-networking-dns-trr-mode = DoH Mode
+about-networking-dns-suffix = Iar-leasachan DNS
+about-networking-websockets = WebSockets
+about-networking-refresh = Ath-nuadhaich
+about-networking-auto-refresh = Ath-nuadhaich a h-uile 3 diogan
+about-networking-hostname = Ainm an òstair
+about-networking-port = Port
+about-networking-http-version = Tionndadh HTTP
+about-networking-ssl = SSL
+about-networking-active = Gnìomhach
+about-networking-idle = Idle
+about-networking-host = Òstair
+about-networking-type = Type
+about-networking-sent = Air a chur
+about-networking-received = Air fhaighinn
+about-networking-family = Teaghlach
+about-networking-trr = TRR
+about-networking-addresses = Seòlaidhean
+about-networking-expires = Falbhaidh an ùine air (ann an diogan)
+about-networking-originAttributesSuffix = Iuchair cumail fa leth
+about-networking-flags = Extra flags
+about-networking-messages-sent = Teachdaireachdan a chaidh a chur
+about-networking-messages-received = Teachdaireachdan a fhuaradh
+about-networking-bytes-sent = Bytes a chaidh a chur
+about-networking-bytes-received = Bytes a fhuaradh
+about-networking-logging = Logadh
+about-networking-dns-lookup = Lorg DNS
+about-networking-dns-lookup-button = Fuasgail
+about-networking-dns-domain = Àrainn:
+about-networking-dns-lookup-table-column = IPan
+about-networking-dns-https-rr-lookup-table-column = RRs HTTP
+about-networking-rcwn = RCWN Stats
+about-networking-rcwn-status = RCWN Status
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-won-count = Cache won count
+about-networking-rcwn-net-won-count = Net won count
+about-networking-total-network-requests = Total network request count
+about-networking-rcwn-operation = Cache Operation
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-open = Open
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-read = Read
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-write = Write
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-entry-open = Entry Open
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-short = Short Average
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-long = Long Average
+about-networking-rcwn-std-dev-long = Long Standard Deviation
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-slow = Cache slow count
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-not-slow = Cache not slow count
+about-networking-networkid = ID an lìonraidh
+about-networking-networkid-id = ID an lìonraidh
+# Note: do not translate about:logging, as it is a URL.
+about-networking-moved-about-logging = This page has been moved to <a data-l10n-name="about-logging-url">about:logging</a>.
+## Link is intended as "network link"
+about-networking-networkid-is-up = Tha an ceangal ag obair
+about-networking-networkid-status-known = Tha sinn eòlach air staid a’ cheangail
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e75ff3bd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-performance-title = Manaidsear nan saothair
+## Column headers
+column-name = Ainm
+column-type = Seòrsa
+column-energy-impact = Buaidh air caitheamh dealain
+column-memory = Cuimhne
+## Special values for the Name column
+ghost-windows = Tabaichean a dhùin thu o chionn goirid
+# Variables:
+# $title (String) - the title of the preloaded page, typically 'New Tab'
+preloaded-tab = Air ro-luchdadh: { $title }
+## Values for the Type column
+type-tab = Taba
+type-subframe = Fo-fhrèam
+type-tracker = Tracaiche
+type-addon = Tuilleadan
+type-browser = Brabhsair
+type-worker = Worker
+type-other = Eile
+## Values for the Energy Impact column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - Value of the energy impact, eg. 0.25 (low),
+## 5.38 (medium), 105.38 (high)
+energy-impact-high = Àrd ({ $value })
+energy-impact-medium = Meadhanach ({ $value })
+energy-impact-low = Ìseal ({ $value })
+## Values for the Memory column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - How much memory is used
+size-KB = { $value } KB
+size-MB = { $value } MB
+size-GB = { $value } GB
+## Tooltips for the action buttons
+close-tab =
+ .title = Dùin an taba
+show-addon =
+ .title = Seall ann am manaidsear nan tuilleadan
+# Tooltip when hovering an item of the about:performance table
+# Variables:
+# $totalDispatches (Number) - how many dispatches occurred for this page since it loaded
+# $totalDuration (Number) - how much CPU time was used by this page since it loaded
+# $dispatchesSincePrevious (Number) - how many dispatches occurred in the last 2 seconds
+# $durationSincePrevious (Number) - how much CPU time was used in the last 2 seconds
+item =
+ .title =
+ Dispatches since load: { $totalDispatches } ({ $totalDuration }ms)
+ Dispatches in the last seconds: { $dispatchesSincePrevious } ({ $durationSincePrevious }ms)
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ef3f182c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+title-label = Mu na plugain
+installed-plugins-label = Plugain stàlaichte
+no-plugins-are-installed-label = Cha deach plugan stàlaichte a lorg
+deprecation-description = Dad a dhìth ort? Chan eil taic ri cuid a phlugain tuilleadh. <a data-l10n-name="deprecation-link">Barrachd fiosrachaidh.</a>
+deprecation-description2 =
+ .message = Dad a dhìth ort? Chan eil taic ri cuid a phlugain tuilleadh.
+## The information of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $pluginLibraries: the plugin library
+## $pluginFullPath: path of the plugin
+## $version: version of the plugin
+file-dd = <span data-l10n-name="file">Faidhle:</span> { $pluginLibraries }
+path-dd = <span data-l10n-name="path">Slighe:</span> { $pluginFullPath }
+version-dd = <span data-l10n-name="version">Tionndadh:</span> { $version }
+## These strings describe the state of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $blockListState: show some special state of the plugin, such as blocked, outdated
+state-dd-enabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Staid:</span> Air a chur an comas
+state-dd-enabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Staid:</span> Air a chur an comas ({ $blockListState })
+state-dd-Disabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Staid:</span> Air a chur à comas
+state-dd-Disabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Staid:</span> Air a chur à comas ({ $blockListState })
+mime-type-label = Seòrsa MIME
+description-label = Tuairisgeul
+suffixes-label = Leasachain
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Fiosrachadh mun cheadachas
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Fiosrachadh prìobhaideachd
+plugins-openh264-name = OpenH264 Video Codec 'ga sholar le Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Tha am plugan seo ’ga stàladh le Mozilla gu fèin-obrachail a ghèilleadh ri riatanasan WebRTC agus airson gairmean WebRTC a chur an comas le uidheaman a dh’fheumas an codec video H.264. Tadhail air a chur sùil air bun-tùs a’ chodec agus airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu dhèidhinn.
+plugins-widevine-name = Tha an Widevine Content Decryption Module ’ga sholar le Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = This plugin enables playback of encrypted media in compliance with the Encrypted Media Extensions specification. Encrypted media is typically used by sites to protect against copying of premium media content. Visit for more information on Encrypted Media Extensions.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86b0abc9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-processes-title = Process Manager
+# The Actions column
+about-processes-column-action =
+ .title = Actions
+## Tooltips
+about-processes-shutdown-process =
+ .title = Unload tabs and kill process
+about-processes-shutdown-tab =
+ .title = Close tab
+# Profiler icons
+# Variables:
+# $duration (Number) The time in seconds during which the profiler will be running.
+# The value will be an integer, typically less than 10.
+about-processes-profile-process =
+ .title =
+ { $duration ->
+ [one]
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } second
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } second
+ [two]
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } second
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } seconds
+ [few]
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } second
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } seconds
+ *[other]
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } second
+ Profile all threads of this process for { $duration } seconds
+ }
+## Column headers
+about-processes-column-name = Name
+about-processes-column-memory-resident = Memory
+about-processes-column-cpu-total = CPU
+## Process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-browser-process = { -brand-short-name } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-process = Shared Web Process ({ $pid })
+about-processes-file-process = Files ({ $pid })
+about-processes-extension-process = Extensions ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedabout-process = About pages ({ $pid })
+about-processes-plugin-process = Plugins ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedmozilla-process = { -vendor-short-name } sites ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gmp-plugin-process = Gecko Media Plugins ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gpu-process = GPU ({ $pid })
+about-processes-vr-process = VR ({ $pid })
+about-processes-rdd-process = Data Decoder ({ $pid })
+about-processes-socket-process = Network ({ $pid })
+about-processes-remote-sandbox-broker-process = Remote Sandbox Broker ({ $pid })
+about-processes-fork-server-process = Fork Server ({ $pid })
+about-processes-preallocated-process = Preallocated ({ $pid })
+about-processes-utility-process = Utility ({ $pid })
+# Unknown process names
+# Variables:
+# $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+# $type (String) The raw type for this process.
+about-processes-unknown-process = Other: { $type } ({ $pid })
+## Isolated process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+## $origin (String) The domain name for this process.
+about-processes-web-isolated-process = { $origin } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-serviceworker = { $origin } ({ $pid }, serviceworker)
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process = { $origin } ({ $pid }, cross-origin isolated)
+about-processes-web-isolated-process-private = { $origin } — Private ({ $pid })
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process-private = { $origin } — Private ({ $pid }, cross-origin isolated)
+## Details within processes
+# Single-line summary of threads (non-idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# $active (Number) The number of active threads in the process.
+# The value will be greater than 0 and will never be
+# greater than $number.
+# $list (String) Comma separated list of active threads.
+# Can be an empty string if the process is idle.
+about-processes-active-threads =
+ { $active ->
+ [one] { $active } active thread out of { $number }: { $list }
+ [two] { $active } active threads out of { $number }: { $list }
+ [few] { $active } active threads out of { $number }: { $list }
+ *[other] { $active } active threads out of { $number }: { $list }
+ }
+# Single-line summary of threads (idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# The process is idle so all threads are inactive.
+about-processes-inactive-threads =
+ { $number ->
+ [one] { $number } inactive thread
+ [two] { $number } inactive threads
+ [few] { $number } inactive threads
+ *[other] { $number } inactive threads
+ }
+# Thread details
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name assigned to the thread.
+# $tid (String) The thread id of this thread, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-thread-name-and-id = { $name }
+ .title = Thread id: { $tid }
+# Tab
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name of the tab (typically the title of the page, might be the url while the page is loading).
+about-processes-tab-name = Tab: { $name }
+about-processes-preloaded-tab = Preloaded New Tab
+# Single subframe
+# Variables:
+# $url (String) The full url of this subframe.
+about-processes-frame-name-one = Subframe: { $url }
+# Group of subframes
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of subframes in this group. Always ≥ 1.
+# $shortUrl (String) The shared prefix for the subframes in the group.
+about-processes-frame-name-many = Subframes ({ $number }): { $shortUrl }
+## Utility process actor names
+about-processes-utility-actor-unknown = Unknown actor
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-generic = Generic Audio Decoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-applemedia = Apple Media Audio Decoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-wmf = Windows Media Framework Audio Decoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-mf-media-engine = Windows Media Foundation Media Engine CDM
+# "Oracle" refers to an internal Firefox process and should be kept in English
+about-processes-utility-actor-js-oracle = JavaScript Oracle
+about-processes-utility-actor-windows-utils = Windows Utils
+## Displaying CPU (percentage and total)
+## Variables:
+## $percent (Number) The percentage of CPU used by the process or thread.
+## Always > 0, generally <= 200.
+## $total (Number) The amount of time used by the process or thread since
+## its start.
+## $unit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `duration-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-cpu = { NUMBER($percent, maximumSignificantDigits: 2, style: "percent") }
+ .title = Total CPU time: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: data is not available yet.
+about-processes-cpu-user-and-kernel-not-ready = (’ga thomhas)
+# Special case: process or thread is almost idle (using less than 0.1% of a CPU core).
+# This case only occurs on Windows where the precision of the CPU times is low.
+about-processes-cpu-almost-idle = < 0.1%
+ .title = Total CPU time: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: process or thread is currently idle.
+about-processes-cpu-fully-idle = idle
+ .title = Total CPU time: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+## Displaying Memory (total and delta)
+## Variables:
+## $total (Number) The amount of memory currently used by the process.
+## $totalUnit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+## $delta (Number) The absolute value of the amount of memory added recently.
+## $deltaSign (String) Either "+" if the amount of memory has increased
+## or "-" if it has decreased.
+## $deltaUnit (String) The unit in which to display $delta. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-changed = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+ .title = Evolution: { $deltaSign }{ NUMBER($delta, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $deltaUnit }
+# Special case: no change.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-no-change = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+## Duration units
+duration-unit-ns = ns
+duration-unit-us = µs
+duration-unit-ms = ms
+duration-unit-s = s
+duration-unit-m = m
+duration-unit-h = h
+duration-unit-d = d
+## Memory units
+memory-unit-B = B
+memory-unit-KB = KB
+memory-unit-MB = MB
+memory-unit-GB = GB
+memory-unit-TB = TB
+memory-unit-PB = PB
+memory-unit-EB = EB
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b44044aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+profiles-title = Mu na pròifilean
+profiles-subtitle = ’S urrainn dhut na pròifilean agad a stiùireadh air an duilleag seo. Tha gach pròifil ’na shaoghal fa leth a thaobh na h-eachdraidh, nan comharran-lìn, roghainnean is tuilleadan.
+profiles-create = Cruthaich pròifil ùr
+profiles-restart-title = Ath-thòisich
+profiles-restart-in-safe-mode = Ath-thòisich leis na tuilleadan à comas…
+profiles-restart-normal = Ath-thòisich air an dòigh àbhaisteach…
+profiles-conflict = Rinn lethbhreac eile de { -brand-product-name } atharraichean air pròifilean. Feumaidh tu { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh mus atharraich thu dad eile.
+profiles-flush-fail-title = Cha deach na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh
+profiles-flush-conflict = { profiles-conflict }
+profiles-flush-failed = Thachair mearachd ris nach robh dùil agus cha deach na h-atharraichean agad a shàbhaladh ri linn sin.
+profiles-flush-restart-button = Ath-thòisich { -brand-short-name }
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-name = Pròifil: { $name }
+profiles-is-default = A’ phròifil bhunaiteach
+profiles-rootdir = Am pasgan root
+# localDir is used to show the directory corresponding to
+# the main profile directory that exists for the purpose of storing data on the
+# local filesystem, including cache files or other data files that may not
+# represent critical user data. (e.g., this directory may not be included as
+# part of a backup scheme.)
+# In case localDir and rootDir are equal, localDir is not shown.
+profiles-localdir = Am pasgan ionadail
+profiles-current-profile = Tha a’ phròifil seo ’ga chleachdadh is cha ghabh a sguabadh às.
+profiles-in-use-profile = Tha a’ phròifil seo ’ga chleachdadh ann an aplacaid eile ’s cha ghabh a sguabadh às.
+profiles-rename = Thoir ainm ùr air
+profiles-remove = Thoir air falbh
+profiles-set-as-default = Suidhich mar a’ phròifil bhunaiteach
+profiles-launch-profile = Cuir gu dol a’ phròifil ann am brabhsair ùr
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-title = Cha ghabh bun-roghainn a shuidheachadh
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-message = Cha ghabh a’ phròifil bhunaiteach atharrachadh airson { -brand-short-name }.
+profiles-yes = tha
+profiles-no = chan eil
+profiles-rename-profile-title = Thoir ainm ùr air a’ phròifil
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-rename-profile = Thoir ainm ùr air pròifil { $name }
+profiles-invalid-profile-name-title = Tha ainm na pròifil mì-dhligheach
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-invalid-profile-name = Chan eil an t-ainm “{ $name }” ceadaichte airson pròifil.
+profiles-delete-profile-title = Sguab às a’ phròifil
+# Variables:
+# $dir (String) - Path to be displayed
+profiles-delete-profile-confirm =
+ Ma sguabas tu às pròifil, thèid a chur far liosta nam pròifilean a tha rim faighinn is chan urrainn dhut seo aiseag.
+ ’S urrainn dhut faidhlichean dàta na pròifile a sguabadh às cuideachd, a’ gabhail a-steach nan roghainnean, ceadachasan is dàta eile co-cheangailte ris a’ chleachdaiche. Sguabaidh an roghainn seo às am pasgan “{ $dir }” is chan urrainn dhut seo aiseag.
+ A bheil thu airson faidhlichean dàta na pròifile a sguabadh às?
+profiles-delete-files = Sguab às na faidhlichean
+profiles-dont-delete-files = Na sguab às na faidhlichean
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-title = Mearachd
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-message = Thachair mearachd fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ feuchainn ris a’ phròifil seo a sguabadh às.
+profiles-opendir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Seall san lorgair
+ [windows] Fosgail pasgan
+ *[other] Fosgail am pasgan
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..113ff81d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-reader-loading = ’Ga luchdadh…
+about-reader-load-error = Dh'fhàillig luchdadh an artaigil on duilleag
+about-reader-color-scheme-light = Soilleir
+ .title = Sgeama dhathan soilleir
+about-reader-color-scheme-dark = Dorcha
+ .title = Sgeama dhathan dorcha
+about-reader-color-scheme-sepia = Sepia
+ .title = Sgeama dhathan sepia
+about-reader-color-scheme-auto = Auto
+ .title = Color Scheme Auto
+# An estimate for how long it takes to read an article,
+# expressed as a range covering both slow and fast readers.
+# Variables:
+# $rangePlural (String): The plural category of the range, using the same set as for numbers.
+# $range (String): The range of minutes as a localised string. Examples: "3-7", "~1".
+about-reader-estimated-read-time =
+ { $rangePlural ->
+ [one] { $range } mhionaid
+ [two] { $range } mhionaid
+ [few] { $range } mionaidean
+ *[other] { $range } mionaid
+ }
+## These are used as tooltips in Type Control
+about-reader-toolbar-minus =
+ .title = Lùghdaich meud a’ chrutha-chlò
+about-reader-toolbar-plus =
+ .title = Meudaich an cruth-clò
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthminus =
+ .title = Lùghdaich leud na susbaint
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthplus =
+ .title = Meudaich leud na susbaint
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightminus =
+ .title = Lùghdaich àirde na loidhne
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightplus =
+ .title = Meudaich àirde na loidhne
+## These are the styles of typeface that are options in the reader view controls.
+about-reader-font-type-serif = Serif
+about-reader-font-type-sans-serif = Sans-serif
+## Reader View toolbar buttons
+about-reader-toolbar-close = Dùin sealladh an leughadair
+about-reader-toolbar-type-controls = Uidheaman-smachd sgrìobhaidh
+about-reader-toolbar-savetopocket = Sàbhail gu { -pocket-brand-name }
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2fdbebb02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+rights-title = Mu do chòraichean
+rights-intro = Tha { -brand-full-name } 'na bhathar-bog a tha saor an-asgaidh agus 'na chòd fosgailte a tha 'ga leasachadh le coimhearsnachd mhòr a dhaoine o cheithir ceàrnan an t-saoghail. Tha rud na dhà ann a tha cudromach:
+rights-intro-point-1 = Tha { -brand-short-name } ’ga sholar dhut fo theirmichean <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-public-license-link">Ceadachas Poblach Mozilla</a>. ’S ciall dha seo gu bheil cead agad { -brand-short-name } a chleachdadh, lethbhreacan a dhèanamh dheth agus a thoirt do dhaoine eile. Tha fàilte romhad cuideachd am bun-tùs aig { -brand-short-name } atharrachadh ach an obraich e nas fheàrr dhut. Tha Ceadachas Poblach Mozilla a’ toirt cead dhut cuideachd na tionndaidhean a dh’atharraich thu a sgaoileadh.
+rights-intro-point-2 = Chan eil sinn a' toirt seachad còir air comharran-malairt no ceadachas air comharran-malairt aig Fonndas Mozilla no pàrtaidh sam bith, a' gabhail a-steach (gun chuingeachadh) ainm no suaicheantas Firefox. Gheibh thu fiosrachadh sam bith mu na comharran-malairt <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-trademarks-link">an-seo</a>.
+rights-intro-point-3 = 'S urrainn dhut fiosrachadh a thilleadh dha { -vendor-short-name } le cuid dhe na feartan ann am { -brand-short-name }, can aithrisiche nan tuislidhean. Ma bheir thu fiosrachadh mar sinn dhuinn, bidh thu a' toirt cead dha { -vendor-short-name } am fiosrachadh seo a chleachdadh gus am bathar aca a leasachadh, cead am fiosrachadh seo fhoillseachadh no sgaoileadh air na làraichean-lìn.
+rights-intro-point-4 = Tha sinn a' mìneachadh mar a chleachdas sinn am fiosrachadh pearsanta 's na beachdan a bheir thu dha { -vendor-short-name } slighe { -brand-short-name } ann am <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-privacy-policy-link">poileasaidh prìobhaideachd { -brand-short-name }</a>.
+rights-intro-point-4-unbranded = Chì thu poileasaidhean prìobhaideachd sam bith a tha iomchaidh dhan bhathar seo an-seo.
+rights-intro-point-5 = Tha cuid dhe na feartan aig { -brand-short-name } a' cleachdadh seirbheisean fiosrachaidh a tha stèidhichte air an lìon. Chan urrainn dhuinn làn-bharantas a thoirt gu bheil iad gu tur ceart. Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh, a' gabhail a-steach fiosrachadh a dh'innseas dhut mar a chuireas tu na seirbheisean seo à comas ann an <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">teirmichean na seirbheise</a>.
+rights-intro-point-5-unbranded = If this product incorporates web services, any applicable service terms for the service(s) should be linked to the <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-website-services-link">Web Site Services</a> section.
+rights-intro-point-6 = Airson ’s gun urrainn dha cuid a shusbaint video a chluich, luchdaichidh { -brand-short-name } a-nuas cuid a mhòidealan dì-chrioptachaidh o threas-phàrtaidhean.
+rights-webservices-header = { -brand-full-name } Web-Based Information Services
+rights-webservices = { -brand-full-name } uses web-based information services ("Services") to provide some of the features provided for your use with this binary version of { -brand-short-name } under the terms described below. If you do not want to use one or more of the Services or the terms below are unacceptable, you may disable the feature or Service(s). Instructions on how to disable a particular feature or Service may be found <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">here</a>. 'S urrainn dhut feartan is seirbheisean eile a chur à comas ann an roghainnean na h-aplacaid.
+rights-safebrowsing = <strong>BrabhsadhTèarainte: </strong>Cha mholar dhut am brabhsadh tèarainte a chur à comas oir faodaidh gun tadhal thu air làraichean mì-thèarainte mar sin. Ma tha thu airson am feart seo a chur dheth gu tur, dèan na leanas:
+rights-safebrowsing-term-1 = Fosgail roghainnean na h-aplacaid
+rights-safebrowsing-term-2 = Tagh roghainn na tèarainteachd
+rights-safebrowsing-term-3 = Thoir air falbh a’ chromag o “{ enableSafeBrowsing-label }”
+enableSafeBrowsing-label = Bac susbaint chunnartach is susbaint foill
+rights-safebrowsing-term-4 = Tha am brabhsadh tèarainte dheth a-nis
+rights-locationawarebrowsing = <strong>Brabhsadh a mhothaiches dha d' àite: </strong>seo rud a dh'fheumas tu a chur air an-còmhnaidh. Cha dèid fiosrachadh mu d' àite a chur a-null gun do chead idir. Ma tha thu airson am feart seo a chur dheth gu tur, dèan nan leanas:
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-1 = Cuir na leanas sa bhàr URL <code>about:config</code>
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-2 = Cuir a-steach geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-3 = Dèan briogadh dùbailte air an roghainn geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-4 = Tha brabhsadh a mhothaicheas dha d' àite dheth a-nis
+rights-webservices-unbranded = An overview of the web site services the product incorporates, along with instructions on how to disable them, if applicable, should be included here.
+rights-webservices-term-unbranded = Any applicable service terms for this product should be listed here.
+rights-webservices-term-1 = { -vendor-short-name } and its contributors, licensors and partners work to provide the most accurate and up-to-date Services. However, we cannot guarantee that this information is comprehensive and error-free. For example, the Safe Browsing Service may not identify some risky sites and may identify some safe sites in error and the Location Aware Service all locations returned by our service providers are estimates only and neither we nor our service providers guarantee the accuracy of the locations provided.
+rights-webservices-term-2 = { -vendor-short-name } may discontinue or change the Services at its discretion.
+rights-webservices-term-3 = You are welcome to use these Services with the accompanying version of { -brand-short-name }, and { -vendor-short-name } grants you its rights to do so. { -vendor-short-name } and its licensors reserve all other rights in the Services. These terms are not intended to limit any rights granted under open source licenses applicable to { -brand-short-name } and to corresponding source code versions of { -brand-short-name }.
+rights-webservices-term-4 = <strong>The Services are provided "as-is." { -vendor-short-name }, its contributors, licensors, and distributors, disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties that the Services are merchantable and fit for your particular purposes. You bear the entire risk as to selecting the Services for your purposes and as to the quality and performance of the Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not apply to you.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-5 = <strong>Except as required by law, { -vendor-short-name }, its contributors, licensors, and distributors will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages arising out of or in any way relating to the use of { -brand-short-name } and the Services. The collective liability under these terms will not exceed $500 (five hundred dollars). Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to you.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-6 = { -vendor-short-name } may update these terms as necessary from time to time. These terms may not be modified or canceled without { -vendor-short-name }'s written agreement.
+rights-webservices-term-7 = These terms are governed by the laws of the state of California, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of law provisions. If any portion of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between a translated version of these terms and the English language version, the English language version shall control.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ec1644c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### The term "Service Workers" and "Workers" should not be translated
+about-service-workers-title = Mu dhèidhinn obraichean seirbheise
+about-service-workers-main-title = Obraichean seirbheise clàraichte
+about-service-workers-warning-not-enabled = Chan eil na h-obraichean seirbheise an comas.
+about-service-workers-warning-no-service-workers = Cha deach obraiche seirbheise sam bith a chlàradh.
+# The original title of service workers' information
+# Variables:
+# $originTitle: original title
+origin-title = Tùs: { $originTitle }
+## These strings are for showing the information of workers.
+## Variables:
+## $name: the name of scope, active cache, waiting cache and the push end point.
+## $url: the url of script specification and current worker.
+scope = <strong>Sgòp:</strong> { $name }
+script-spec = <strong>Script Spec:</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+current-worker-url = <strong>URL an obraiche làithrich:</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+active-cache-name = <strong>Ainm an tasgadain ghnìomhaich:</strong> { $name }
+waiting-cache-name = <strong>Ainm an tasgadain a tha a’ feitheamh:</strong> { $name }
+push-end-point-waiting = <strong>Puing-dheiridh a’ push:</strong> { waiting }
+push-end-point-result = <strong>Puing-dheiridh a’ push:</strong> { $name }
+# This term is used as a button label (verb, not noun).
+update-button = Ùraich
+unregister-button = Dì-chlàraich
+unregister-error = Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-obraiche seirbheise seo a dhì-chlàradh.
+waiting = A' feitheamh…
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aef6de1169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+page-title = Taic le duilgheadasan
+page-subtitle = Tha fiosrachadh teicnigeach air an duilleag seo a dh'fhaodadh a bhith feumail dhut ann am fuasgladh dhuilgheadasan. Ma tha ceist neo-theicnigeach agad mu { -brand-short-name }, cuir sùil air an <a data-l10n-name="support-link">làrach-taice</a> againn.
+crashes-title = Aithisgean tuislidh
+crashes-id = ID na h-aithisge
+crashes-send-date = Air a chur
+crashes-all-reports = Gach aithisg tuislidh
+crashes-no-config = Cha deach an aplacaid seo a rèiteachadh fhathast is chan urrainn dha aithisgean tuislidh a shealltainn.
+support-addons-title = Tuilleadain
+support-addons-name = Ainm
+support-addons-type = Seòrsa
+support-addons-enabled = An comas
+support-addons-version = Tionndadh
+support-addons-id = ID
+security-software-title = Bathar-bog tèarainteachd
+security-software-type = Seòrsa
+security-software-name = Ainm
+security-software-antivirus = Bathar an aghaigh bhìorasan
+security-software-antispyware = Bathar an aghaidh bathar-foill
+security-software-firewall = Cachaileith-theine
+features-title = Gleusan { -brand-short-name }
+features-name = Ainm
+features-version = Tionndadh
+features-id = ID
+processes-title = Pròiseasan cèin
+processes-type = Seòrsa
+processes-count = Cunntas
+app-basics-title = Bun-tùs na h-aplacaid
+app-basics-name = Ainm
+app-basics-version = Tionndadh
+app-basics-build-id = Build ID
+app-basics-distribution-id = ID an sgaoilidh
+app-basics-update-channel = Ùraich an t-seanail
+# This message refers to the folder used to store updates on the device,
+# as in "Folder for updates". "Update" is a noun, not a verb.
+app-basics-update-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Pasgan nan ùrachaidhean
+ *[other] Pasgan nan ùrachaidhean
+ }
+app-basics-update-history = Eachdraidh nan ùrachaidhean
+app-basics-show-update-history = Seall eachdraidh nan ùrachaidhean
+# Represents the path to the binary used to start the application.
+app-basics-binary = Bìnearaidh na h-aplacaid
+app-basics-profile-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Pasgan nam pròifilean
+ *[other] Pasgan na pròifil
+ }
+app-basics-enabled-plugins = Plugain a tha an comas
+app-basics-build-config = Rèiteachadh na togalach
+app-basics-user-agent = UserAgent
+app-basics-os = OS
+app-basics-os-theme = OS Theme
+# Rosetta is Apple's translation process to run apps containing x86_64
+# instructions on Apple Silicon. This should remain in English.
+app-basics-rosetta = Rosetta Translated
+app-basics-memory-use = Cleachdadh na cuimhne
+app-basics-performance = Dèanadas
+app-basics-service-workers = Obraichean seirbheise clàraichte
+app-basics-third-party = Mòidealan threas-phàrtaidhean
+app-basics-profiles = Pròifilean
+app-basics-launcher-process-status = Pròiseas an lòinseir
+app-basics-multi-process-support = Uinneagan ioma-phròiseasaidh
+app-basics-fission-support = Fission Windows
+app-basics-remote-processes-count = Pròiseasan cèin
+app-basics-enterprise-policies = Poileasaidhean Enterprise
+app-basics-location-service-key-google = Google Location Service Key
+app-basics-safebrowsing-key-google = Google Safebrowsing Key
+app-basics-key-mozilla = Iuchair seirbheis nan ionad aig Mozilla
+app-basics-safe-mode = Am modh tèarainte
+app-basics-memory-size = Memory Size (RAM)
+app-basics-disk-available = Disk Space Available
+# Variables:
+# $value (number) - Amount of data being stored
+# $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (e.g. MB)
+app-basics-data-size = { $value } { $unit }
+show-dir-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Seall san lorgair
+ [windows] Fosgail pasgan
+ *[other] Fosgail am pasgan
+ }
+environment-variables-title = Caochladairean na h-àrainneachd
+environment-variables-name = Ainm
+environment-variables-value = Luach
+experimental-features-title = Gleusan deuchainneach
+experimental-features-name = Ainm
+experimental-features-value = Luach
+modified-key-prefs-title = Roghainnean cudromach a chaidh atharrachadh
+modified-prefs-name = Ainm
+modified-prefs-value = Luach
+user-js-title = Roghainnean user.js
+user-js-description = Tha faidhle air a bheil <a data-l10n-name="user-js-link">user.js</a> ann am pasgan na pròifil agad agus gheibh thu roghainnean 'na bhroinn nach deach an cruthachadh le { -brand-short-name }.
+locked-key-prefs-title = Roghainnean cudromach a tha glaiste
+locked-prefs-name = Ainm
+locked-prefs-value = Luach
+graphics-title = Grafaigean
+graphics-features-title = Gleusan
+graphics-diagnostics-title = Diagnosachd
+graphics-failure-log-title = Loga nam fàilligidhean
+graphics-gpu1-title = GPU #1
+graphics-gpu2-title = GPU #2
+graphics-decision-log-title = Loga nan co-dhùnaidhean
+graphics-crash-guards-title = Gleusan a chuir freiceadan nan tuislidhean à comas
+graphics-workarounds-title = Workarounds
+graphics-device-pixel-ratios = Window Device Pixel Ratios
+# Windowing system in use on Linux (e.g. X11, Wayland).
+graphics-window-protocol = Pròtacal nan uinneagan
+# Desktop environment in use on Linux (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc).
+graphics-desktop-environment = Àrainneachd deasga
+place-database-title = Stòr-dàta nan àitichean
+place-database-stats = Statistics
+place-database-stats-show = Show Statistics
+place-database-stats-hide = Hide Statistics
+place-database-stats-entity = Entity
+place-database-stats-count = Count
+place-database-stats-size-kib = Size (KiB)
+place-database-stats-size-perc = Size (%)
+place-database-stats-efficiency-perc = Efficiency (%)
+place-database-stats-sequentiality-perc = Sequentiality (%)
+place-database-integrity = Treibhdhireas
+place-database-verify-integrity = Dearbh an treibhdhireas
+a11y-title = So-ruigsinneachd
+a11y-activated = Air gnìomhachadh
+a11y-force-disabled = Casg air so-ruigsinneachd
+a11y-handler-used = Làimhsichear na so-ruigsinneachd a chaidh a chleachdadh
+a11y-instantiator = Accessibility Instantiator
+library-version-title = Tionndaidhean leabharlainn
+copy-text-to-clipboard-label = Cuir lethbhreac dhen teacsa air an stòr-bhòrd
+copy-raw-data-to-clipboard-label = Cuir lethbhreac dhen dàta lom dhan stòr-bhòrd
+sandbox-title = Bogsa-gainmhich
+sandbox-sys-call-log-title = Gairmean siostaim a chaidh a dhiùltadh
+sandbox-sys-call-index = #
+sandbox-sys-call-age = Diogan air ais
+sandbox-sys-call-pid = PID
+sandbox-sys-call-tid = TID
+sandbox-sys-call-proc-type = Seòrsa a’ phròiseis
+sandbox-sys-call-number = Syscall
+sandbox-sys-call-args = Argamaidean
+troubleshoot-mode-title = Sgrùd duilgheadasan
+restart-in-troubleshoot-mode-label = Am modh fuasgladh dhuilgheadasan…
+clear-startup-cache-title = Feuch am falamhaich thu tasgadan an tòiseachaidh
+clear-startup-cache-label = Falamhaich tasgadan an tòiseachaidh…
+startup-cache-dialog-title2 = A bheil thu airson { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh airson tasgadan an tòiseachaidh fhalamhachadh?
+startup-cache-dialog-body2 = Chan atharraich seo na roghainnean agad is cha dèid leudachan sam bith a thoirt air falbh.
+restart-button-label = Ath-thòisich
+## Media titles
+audio-backend = Audio Backend
+max-audio-channels = Seanailean air a’ char as motha
+sample-rate = Reat samplachaidh as fhearr dhut
+roundtrip-latency = Roundtrip latency (standard deviation)
+media-title = Meadhanan
+media-output-devices-title = Uidheaman às-chuir
+media-input-devices-title = Uidheaman ion-chuir
+media-device-name = Ainm
+media-device-group = Buidheann
+media-device-vendor = Reiceadair
+media-device-state = Staid
+media-device-preferred = As fhearr
+media-device-format = Fòrmat
+media-device-channels = Seanailean
+media-device-rate = Reat
+media-device-latency = Latency
+media-capabilities-title = Comasan mheadhanan
+media-codec-support-info = Codec Support Information
+# List all the entries of the database.
+media-capabilities-enumerate = Enumerate database
+## Codec support table
+intl-title = Eadar-nàiseantachadh ⁊ ionadaileadh
+intl-app-title = Roghainnean na h-aplacaid
+intl-locales-requested = Dreachan ionadail a chaidh iarraidh
+intl-locales-available = Dreachan ionadail ri am faighinn
+intl-locales-supported = Dreachan ionadail na h-aplacaid
+intl-locales-default = An sgeama ionadail bunaiteach
+intl-os-title = Siostam-obrachaidh
+intl-os-prefs-system-locales = Dreachan ionadail an t-siostaim-obrachaidh
+intl-regional-prefs = Roghainnean roinneil
+## Remote Debugging
+## The Firefox remote protocol provides low-level debugging interfaces
+## used to inspect state and control execution of documents,
+## browser instrumentation, user interaction simulation,
+## and for subscribing to browser-internal events.
+## See also
+remote-debugging-title = Dì-bhugachadh aig astar (pròtacal Chromium)
+remote-debugging-accepting-connections = A’ gabhail ri ceanglaichean
+remote-debugging-url = URL
+# Variables
+# $days (Integer) - Number of days of crashes to log
+report-crash-for-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] Aithisgean tuislidh san { $days } latha mu dheireadh
+ [two] Aithisgean tuislidh san { $days } latha mu dheireadh
+ [few] Aithisgean tuislidh sna { $days } làithean mu dheireadh
+ *[other] Aithisgean tuislidh san { $days } latha mu dheireadh
+ }
+# Variables
+# $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes since crash
+crashes-time-minutes =
+ { $minutes ->
+ [one] { $minutes } mhionaid air ais
+ [two] { $minutes } mhionaid air ais
+ [few] { $minutes } mionaidean air ais
+ *[other] { $minutes } mionaid air ais
+ }
+# Variables
+# $hours (integer) - Number of hours since crash
+crashes-time-hours =
+ { $hours ->
+ [one] { $hours } uair a thìde air ais
+ [two] { $hours } uair a thìde air ais
+ [few] { $hours } uairean a thìde air ais
+ *[other] { $hours } uair a thìde air ais
+ }
+# Variables
+# $days (integer) - Number of days since crash
+crashes-time-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] { $days } latha air ais
+ [two] { $days } latha air ais
+ [few] { $days } làithean air ais
+ *[other] { $days } latha air ais
+ }
+# Variables
+# $reports (integer) - Number of pending reports
+pending-reports =
+ { $reports ->
+ [one] Gach aithisg tuislidh (a' gabhail a-steach { $reports } tuisleadh ri dhèiligeadh san rainse ama a tha seo)
+ [two] Gach aithisg tuislidh (a' gabhail a-steach { $reports } thuisleadh ri dhèiligeadh san rainse ama a tha seo)
+ [few] Gach aithisg tuislidh (a' gabhail a-steach { $reports } tuislidhean ri dhèiligeadh san rainse ama a tha seo)
+ *[other] Gach aithisg tuislidh (a' gabhail a-steach { $reports } tuisleadh ri dhèiligeadh san rainse ama a tha seo)
+ }
+raw-data-copied = Chaidh lethbhreac an dàta luim a chur air an stòr-bhòrd
+text-copied = Chaidh lethbhreac an teacsa a chur air a' bhòrd-chliopaichean
+## The verb "blocked" here refers to a graphics feature such as "Direct2D" or "OpenGL layers".
+blocked-driver = Chaidh casg a chuir air seo air tionndadh draibhear nan grafaigean agad.
+blocked-gfx-card = Chaidh casg a chuir air seo air draibhear nan grafaigean agad air sgàth duilgheadasan draibheir a tha gun rèiteachadh fhathast.
+blocked-os-version = Chaidh casg a chur air an cois tionndadh an t-siostaim-obrachaidh agad.
+blocked-mismatched-version = Air a’ bhacadh ’s an draibhear grafaigeachd eadar-dhealaichte a thaobh na tha sa chlàr-lann agus san DLL.
+# Variables
+# $driverVersion - The graphics driver version string
+try-newer-driver = Chaidh casg a chuir air seo air draibhear nan grafaigean agad. Feuch is ùraich draibhear nan grafaigean agad gu tionndadh { $driverVersion } no fear nas ùire.
+# "ClearType" is a proper noun and should not be translated. Feel free to leave English strings if
+# there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support
+clear-type-parameters = Paramadairean ClearType
+compositing = Compositing
+hardware-h264 = Dì-chòdachadh bathar-cruaidh H264
+main-thread-no-omtc = main thread, gun OMTC
+yes = Tha
+no = Chan eil
+unknown = Neo-aithnichte
+virtual-monitor-disp = Virtual Monitor Display
+## The following strings indicate if an API key has been found.
+## In some development versions, it's expected for some API keys that they are
+## not found.
+found = Chaidh a lorg
+missing = A dhìth
+gpu-process-pid = GPUProcessPid
+gpu-process = GPUProcess
+gpu-description = Tuairisgeul
+gpu-vendor-id = ID an reiceadair
+gpu-device-id = ID an uidheim
+gpu-subsys-id = Subsys ID
+gpu-drivers = Draibhearan
+gpu-ram = RAM
+gpu-driver-vendor = Reiceadair an draibheir
+gpu-driver-version = Tionndadh an draibheir
+gpu-driver-date = Ceann-là an draibheir
+gpu-active = Gnìomhach
+webgl1-wsiinfo = Fiosrachadh WSI WebGL 1
+webgl1-renderer = Reandaraiche draibhear WebGL 1
+webgl1-version = Tionndadh an draibheir WebGL 1
+webgl1-driver-extensions = Leudachain an draibheir WebGL 1
+webgl1-extensions = Leudachain WebGL 1
+webgl2-wsiinfo = Fiosrachadh WSI WebGL 2
+webgl2-renderer = Reandaraiche draibhear WebGL 2
+webgl2-version = Tionndadh an draibheir WebGL 2
+webgl2-driver-extensions = Leudachain an draibheir WebGL 2
+webgl2-extensions = Leudachain WebGL 2
+webgpu-default-adapter = WebGPU Default Adapter
+webgpu-fallback-adapter = WebGPU Fallback Adapter
+# Variables
+# $bugNumber (string) - Bug number on Bugzilla
+support-blocklisted-bug = Chaidh a chur air liosta-bhacaidh air sàilleibh duilgheadasan aithnichte: <a data-l10n-name="bug-link">buga { $bugNumber }</a>
+# Variables
+# $failureCode (string) - String that can be searched in the source tree.
+unknown-failure = Blocklisted; failure code { $failureCode }
+d3d11layers-crash-guard = D3D11 Compositor
+glcontext-crash-guard = OpenGL
+wmfvpxvideo-crash-guard = WMF VPX Video Decoder
+reset-on-next-restart = Ath-shuidhich aig an ath ath-thòiseachadh
+gpu-process-kill-button = Cuir crìoch air pròiseas an GPU
+gpu-device-reset = Ath-shuidheachadh an uidheim
+gpu-device-reset-button = Cuir gu dol ath-shuidheachadh an uidheim
+uses-tiling = Uses Tiling
+content-uses-tiling = Cleachd leacachadh (Susbaint)
+off-main-thread-paint-enabled = Off Main Thread Painting Enabled
+off-main-thread-paint-worker-count = Off Main Thread Painting Worker Count
+target-frame-rate = Target Frame Rate
+min-lib-versions = An tionndadh as lugha ris a tha dùil
+loaded-lib-versions = An tionndadh a tha 'ga chleachdadh
+has-seccomp-bpf = Seccomp-BPF (Criathradh ghairmean an t-siostaim)
+has-seccomp-tsync = Sioncronachadh snàithlein Seccomp
+has-user-namespaces = Ainm-spàsan cleachdaiche
+has-privileged-user-namespaces = Cleachd ainm-spàsan airson pròiseasan aig a bheil pribhleid
+can-sandbox-content = Content Process Sandboxing
+can-sandbox-media = Media Plugin Sandboxing
+content-sandbox-level = Content Process Sandbox Level
+effective-content-sandbox-level = Effective Content Process Sandbox Level
+content-win32k-lockdown-state = Win32k Lockdown State for Content Process
+support-sandbox-gpu-level = GPU Process Sandbox Level
+sandbox-proc-type-content = susbaint
+sandbox-proc-type-file = susbaint faidhle
+sandbox-proc-type-media-plugin = plugan mheadhanan
+sandbox-proc-type-data-decoder = data decoder
+startup-cache-title = Tasgadan tòiseachaidh
+startup-cache-disk-cache-path = Slighe tasgadain air an diosg
+startup-cache-ignore-disk-cache = Leig seachad an tasgadan air an diosg
+startup-cache-found-disk-cache-on-init = Chaidh tasgadan a lorg air an diosg rè an tòiseachaidh
+startup-cache-wrote-to-disk-cache = Chaidh sgrìobhadh gu tasgadan an diosg
+launcher-process-status-0 = Enabled
+launcher-process-status-1 = Disabled due to failure
+launcher-process-status-2 = Disabled forcibly
+launcher-process-status-unknown = Unknown status
+# Variables
+# $remoteWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+multi-process-windows = { $remoteWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+# Variables
+# $fissionWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+fission-windows = { $fissionWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+fission-status-experiment-control = Chaidh a chur à comas le deuchainn
+fission-status-experiment-treatment = Chaidh a chur an comas le deuchainn
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-env = Chaidh a chur à comas leis an àrainneachd
+fission-status-enabled-by-env = Chaidh a chur an comas leis an àrainneachd
+fission-status-disabled-by-env = Disabled by environment
+fission-status-enabled-by-default = An comas o thùs
+fission-status-disabled-by-default = À comas o thùs
+fission-status-enabled-by-user-pref = Chaidh a chur an comas leis a’ chleachdaiche
+fission-status-disabled-by-user-pref = Chaidh a chur à comas leis a’ chleachdaiche
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-other = E10s disabled
+fission-status-enabled-by-rollout = Enabled by phased rollout
+async-pan-zoom = Panachadh/Sùmadh neo-shioncronach
+apz-none = chan eil gin
+wheel-enabled = tha ion-chur cuibhle an comas
+touch-enabled = tha ion-chur suathaidh an comas
+drag-enabled = tha slaodadh a’ bhàr-sgrolaidh an comas
+keyboard-enabled = meur-chlàr an comas
+autoscroll-enabled = tha an sgroladh fèin-obrachail an comas
+zooming-enabled = smooth pinch-zoom enabled
+## Variables
+## $preferenceKey (string) - String ID of preference
+wheel-warning = tha ion-chur cuibhle neo-shioncronach à comas ri linn roghainn ris nach eil taic: { $preferenceKey }
+touch-warning = tha ion-chur suathaidh neo-shioncronach à comas ri linn roghainn ris nach eil taic: { $preferenceKey }
+## Strings representing the status of the Enterprise Policies engine.
+policies-inactive = ’Na thàmh
+policies-active = Gnìomhach
+policies-error = Mearachd
+## Printing section
+support-printing-title = Clò-bhualadh
+support-printing-troubleshoot = Fuasgladh air duilgheadasan
+support-printing-clear-settings-button = Falamhaich roghainnean a’ chlò-bhualaidh a chaidh a shàbhaladh
+support-printing-modified-settings = Chaidh roghainnean a’ chlò-bhualaidh atharrachadh
+support-printing-prefs-name = Ainm
+support-printing-prefs-value = Luach
+## Normandy sections
+support-remote-experiments-title = Deuchainnean cèine
+support-remote-experiments-name = Ainm
+support-remote-experiments-branch = Experiment Branch
+support-remote-experiments-see-about-studies = See <a data-l10n-name="support-about-studies-link">about:studies</a> for more information, including how to disable individual experiments or to disable { -brand-short-name } from running this type of experiment in the future.
+support-remote-features-title = Gleusan cèine
+support-remote-features-name = Ainm
+support-remote-features-status = Staid
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..824a39b349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-telemetry-ping-data-source = Ping tùs an dàta:
+about-telemetry-show-current-data = An dàta làithreach
+about-telemetry-show-archived-ping-data = Dàta nam ping tasglannaichte
+about-telemetry-show-subsession-data = Seall dàta nam fo-sheiseanan
+about-telemetry-choose-ping = Tagh ping:
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-type = Seòrsa a’ phing
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-header = Ping
+about-telemetry-option-group-today = An-diugh
+about-telemetry-option-group-yesterday = An-dè
+about-telemetry-option-group-older = Nas sine
+about-telemetry-previous-ping = <<
+about-telemetry-next-ping = >>
+about-telemetry-page-title = Dàta telemeatraidh
+about-telemetry-current-store = An stòr làithreach:
+about-telemetry-more-information = Barrachd fiosrachaidh a dhìth ort?
+about-telemetry-firefox-data-doc = Tha treòirean ann am <a data-l10n-name="data-doc-link">Firefox Data Documentation</a> a dh’innseas dhut mar a dh’obraicheas tu leis na h-innealan dàta againn.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-client-doc = Gheibh thu deifiniseanan choincheapan, docamaideadh API agus reifreansan dàta san docamaidean <a data-l10n-name="client-doc-link">Firefox Telemetry Client</a>.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-dashboard = Bheir <a data-l10n-name="dashboard-link">deas-bhùird an telemeatraidh</a> comas dhut dealbh a dhèanamh dhen dàta a gheibh Mozilla slighe gleus an telemeatraidh.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-probe-dictionary = Tha am <a data-l10n-name="probe-dictionary-link">Probe Dictionary</a> a’ toirt dhut mion-fhiosrachadh is tuairisgeulan mun fhiosrachadh a chruinnich an telemeatraidh.
+about-telemetry-show-in-Firefox-json-viewer = Fosgail san t-sealladair JSON
+about-telemetry-home-section = Dhachaigh
+about-telemetry-general-data-section = Dàta coitcheann
+about-telemetry-environment-data-section = Dàta na h-àrainneachd
+about-telemetry-session-info-section = Fiosrachadh mun t‑seisean
+about-telemetry-scalar-section = Scalars
+about-telemetry-keyed-scalar-section = Keyed Scalars
+about-telemetry-histograms-section = Histograms
+about-telemetry-keyed-histogram-section =   Keyed Histograms
+about-telemetry-events-section = Tachartasan
+about-telemetry-simple-measurements-section = Tomhaisean simplidh
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-section = SQL Statements slaodach
+about-telemetry-addon-details-section = Mion-fhiosrachadh an tuilleadain
+about-telemetry-late-writes-section = Sgrìobhaidhean fadalach
+about-telemetry-raw-payload-section = Raw Payload
+about-telemetry-raw = JSON amh
+about-telemetry-full-sql-warning = AN AIRE: Tha Slow SQL Debugging an comas. Ma dh'fhaoidte gum faic thu sreangan SQL slàna gu h-ìosal ach cha dèid a chur gu gleus an telemeatraidh.
+about-telemetry-fetch-stack-symbols = Faigh ainmean nam foincseanan aig na stacaichean
+about-telemetry-hide-stack-symbols = Seall dàta amh nan stacaichean
+# Selects the correct release version
+# Variables:
+# $channel (String): represents the corresponding release data string
+about-telemetry-data-type =
+ { $channel ->
+ [release] dàta sgaoilidh
+ *[prerelease] dàta ro-sgaoilidh
+ }
+# Selects the correct upload string
+# Variables:
+# $uploadcase (String): represents a corresponding upload string
+about-telemetry-upload-type =
+ { $uploadcase ->
+ [enabled] an comas
+ *[disabled] à comas
+ }
+# Example Output: 1 sample, average = 0, sum = 0
+# Variables:
+# $sampleCount (Integer): amount of histogram samples
+# $prettyAverage (Integer): average of histogram samples
+# $sum (Integer): sum of histogram samples
+about-telemetry-histogram-stats =
+ { $sampleCount ->
+ [one] { $sampleCount } sample, average = { $prettyAverage }, sum = { $sum }
+ [two] { $sampleCount } sample, average = { $prettyAverage }, sum = { $sum }
+ [few] { $sampleCount } sample, average = { $prettyAverage }, sum = { $sum }
+ *[other] { $sampleCount } sample, average = { $prettyAverage }, sum = { $sum }
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $telemetryServerOwner (String): the value of the toolkit.telemetry.server_owner preference. Typically "Mozilla"
+about-telemetry-page-subtitle = Tha an duilleag seo a' sealltainn dhut fiosrachadh air dèanadas, bathar-cruaidh, cleachdadh is gnàthachadh a tha gleus an telemeatraidh a' cruinneachadh. Thèid an dàta seo a chur gu { $telemetryServerOwner } a chum leasachadh { -brand-full-name }.
+about-telemetry-settings-explanation = Tha gleus an telemeatraidh a’ cruinneachadh { about-telemetry-data-type } agus tha a luchdadh suas <a data-l10n-name="upload-link">{ about-telemetry-upload-type }</a>.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): ping name, e.g. “saved-session”
+# $timeStamp (String): ping localized timestamp, e.g. “2017/07/08 10:40:46”
+about-telemetry-ping-details = Tha gach pìos de dh’fhiosrachadh gu chur paisgte ann an “<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pings</a>”. Tha thu a’ coimhead air ping { $name }, { $timestamp }.
+about-telemetry-data-details-current = Tha gach pìos de dh’fhiosrachadh gu chur paisgte ann an “<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pings</a>”. Tha thu a’ coimhead air an dàta làithreach.
+# string used as a placeholder for the search field
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $selectedTitle (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+about-telemetry-filter-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Lorg ann an { $selectedTitle }
+about-telemetry-filter-all-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Lorg anns gach earrann
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-results-for-search = Toraidhean airson “{ $searchTerms }”
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+# $currentSearchText (String): the current text in the search input
+about-telemetry-no-search-results = Tha sinn duilich ach cha eil toradh sam bith ann an { $sectionName } airson “{ $currentSearchText }”
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-no-search-results-all = Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil toradh sam bith ann an earrann sam bith airson “{ $searchTerms }”
+# This message is displayed when a section is empty.
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): is replaced by the section name.
+about-telemetry-no-data-to-display = Tha sinn duilich ach chan eil dàta sam bith ri làimh ann an “{ $sectionName }” aig an àm seo
+# used as a tooltip for the “current” ping title in the sidebar
+about-telemetry-current-data-sidebar = an dàta làithreach
+# used in the “Ping Type” select
+about-telemetry-telemetry-ping-type-all = na h-uile
+# button label to copy the histogram
+about-telemetry-histogram-copy = Dèan lethbhreac
+# these strings are used in the “Slow SQL Statements” section
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-main = SQL Statements slaodadh sa phrìomh shnàithlean
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-other = SQL Statements slaodadh ann an snàithleanan taice
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-hits = Buillean
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-average = Cuibheas an ama (ms)
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-statement = Aithris
+# these strings are used in the “Add-on Details” section
+about-telemetry-addon-table-id = ID an tuilleadain
+about-telemetry-addon-table-details = Mion-fhiosrachadh
+# Variables:
+# $addonProvider (String): the name of an Add-on Provider (e.g. “XPI”, “Plugin”)
+about-telemetry-addon-provider = Solaraiche { $addonProvider }
+about-telemetry-keys-header = Roghainn
+about-telemetry-names-header = Ainm
+about-telemetry-values-header = Luach
+# Variables:
+# $lateWriteCount (Integer): the number of the late writes
+about-telemetry-late-writes-title = Sgrìobhadh fadalach #{ $lateWriteCount }
+about-telemetry-stack-title = Staca:
+about-telemetry-memory-map-title = Mapa cuimhne:
+about-telemetry-error-fetching-symbols = Thachair mearachd nuair a dh'fheuch sinn ris na samhlaidhean fhaighinn dhut. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil ceangal agad ris an eadar-lìon is feuch ris a-rithist.
+about-telemetry-time-stamp-header = stampa-ama
+about-telemetry-category-header = roinn
+about-telemetry-method-header = dòigh
+about-telemetry-object-header = oibseact
+about-telemetry-extra-header = extra
+# Variables:
+# $process (String): type of process in subsection headers ( e.g. "content", "parent" )
+about-telemetry-process = Pròiseas { $process }
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49cfbee9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+third-party-page-title = Fiosrachadh air mòidealan treas-phàrtaidhean
+third-party-section-title = Liosta nam mòidealan treas-phàrtaidhean am broinn { -brand-short-name }
+third-party-intro =
+ Seallaidh an duilleag seo na mòidealan a chaidh a chur ri { -brand-short-name }
+ le treas-phàrtaidhean. Tha sinn a’ meas mòideal sam bith nach deach a shoidhneadh
+ le Microsoft no { -vendor-short-name } ’na mhòideal treas-phàrtaidh.
+third-party-message-empty = Cha do mhothaich sinn do mhòideal treas-phàrtaidh sam bith.
+third-party-message-no-duration = Gun chlàradh
+third-party-detail-version = Tionndadh an fhaidhle
+third-party-detail-vendor = Fiosrachadh an reiceadair
+third-party-detail-occurrences = Tachartasan
+ .title = Dè cho tric ’s a chaidh am mòideal seo a luchdadh.
+third-party-detail-duration = Àm bacaidh cuibheasach (ms)
+ .title = Dè dho fada ‘s a bhac am mòideal seo an aplacaid.
+third-party-detail-app = Aplacaid
+third-party-detail-publisher = Foillsichear
+third-party-th-process = Pròiseas
+third-party-th-duration = Faid an luchdaidh (ms)
+third-party-th-status = Staid
+third-party-tag-ime = IME
+ .title = Thèid an seòrsa seo de mhòideal a luchdadh nuair a chleachdas tu IME treas-phàrtaidh.
+third-party-tag-shellex = Leudachan slige
+ .title = Thèid am mòideal seo a luchdadh nuair a dh’fhosglas tu còmhradh faidhle an t-siostaim.
+third-party-tag-background = Cùlaibh
+ .title =
+ Cha do bhac am mòideal seo an aplacaid on a chaidh a luchdadh
+ sa chùlaibh.
+third-party-icon-unsigned =
+ .title = This module is not signed
+ .alt = This module is not signed
+third-party-icon-warning =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } crashed in code from this module
+ .alt = { -brand-short-name } crashed in code from this module
+third-party-status-loaded = Air a luchdadh
+third-party-status-blocked = Bacte
+third-party-status-redirected = Air ath-stiùireadh
+third-party-button-copy-to-clipboard = Cuir lethbhreac dhen dàta lom dhan stòr-bhòrd
+third-party-button-reload = Ath-luchdaich le fiosrachadh an t-siostaim
+ .title = Ath-luchdaich le fiosrachadh an t-siostaim
+third-party-button-open =
+ .title = Fosgail ionad an fhaidhle…
+third-party-button-to-block =
+ .title = Block this module
+ .aria-label = Block this module
+third-party-button-to-unblock =
+ .title = Currently blocked. Click to unblock it.
+ .aria-label = Currently blocked. Click to unblock it.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-disabled =
+ .title =
+ Currently marked as blocked, although the blocklist is disabled for this run
+ of { -brand-short-name }. Click to unblock it.
+ .aria-label =
+ Currently marked as blocked, although the blocklist is disabled for this run
+ of { -brand-short-name }. Click to unblock it.
+third-party-button-expand =
+ .title = Seall mion-fhiosrachadh
+third-party-button-collapse =
+ .title = Co-theannaich am mion-fhiosrachadh
+third-party-blocking-requires-restart = Airson mòideal le treas-phàrtaidh a bhacadh, feumaidh { -brand-short-name } ath-thòiseachadh.
+third-party-should-restart-title = Restart { -brand-short-name }
+third-party-restart-now = Ath-thòisich an-dràsta
+third-party-restart-later = Restart later
+third-party-blocked-by-builtin =
+ .title = Blocked by { -brand-short-name }
+ .alt = Blocked by { -brand-short-name }
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63c0d8d60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webrtc, a troubleshooting and diagnostic page
+### for WebRTC calls. See
+# The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated.
+about-webrtc-document-title = WebRTC Internals
+# "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be
+# translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box.
+about-webrtc-save-page-dialog-title = sàbhail about:webrtc mar
+## These labels are for a disclosure which contains the information for closed PeerConnection sections
+## AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-msg-label = Logadh AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-label = Tòisich air logadh AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-label = Sguir de logadh AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-msg = Tha an logadh AEC gnìomhach (bruidhinn ris an neach a ghairm beagan mhionaidean is sguir dhen ghlacadh an uairsin)
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-on-state-msg = Tha an logadh AEC gnìomhach (bruidhinn ris an neach a ghairm beagan mhionaidean is sguir dhen ghlacadh an uairsin)
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - The path to which the aec log file is saved.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-off-state-msg = Gheibhear na faidhlichean loga an-seo: { $path }
+# The autorefresh checkbox causes the page to autorefresh its content when checked
+about-webrtc-auto-refresh-label = Auto Refresh
+# "PeerConnection" is a proper noun associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is
+# an abbreviation for Identifier. This string should not normally be translated
+# and is used as a data label.
+about-webrtc-peerconnection-id-label = PeerConnection ID:
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+about-webrtc-sdp-heading = SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading = SDP ionadail
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-offer = SDP ionadail (Offer)
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-answer = SDP ionadail (Answer)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading = SDP cèin
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-offer = SDP cèin (Offer)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-answer = SDP cèin (Answer)
+about-webrtc-sdp-history-heading = Eachdraidh SDP
+about-webrtc-sdp-parsing-errors-heading = Mearachdan parsaidh SDP
+# "RTP" is an abbreviation for the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF
+# specification, and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an
+# abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-rtp-stats-heading = Stats RTP
+## "ICE" is an abbreviation for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which
+## is an IETF protocol, and should not normally be translated.
+about-webrtc-ice-state = Staid ICE
+# "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-ice-stats-heading = Stats ICE
+about-webrtc-ice-restart-count-label = ICE restarts:
+about-webrtc-ice-rollback-count-label = ICE rollbacks:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-sent = Bytes sent:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-received = Bytes received:
+about-webrtc-ice-component-id = Component ID
+## These adjectives are used to label a line of statistics collected for a peer
+## connection. The data represents either the local or remote end of the
+## connection.
+about-webrtc-type-local = Ionadail
+about-webrtc-type-remote = Cèin
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+about-webrtc-nominated = Air ainmeachadh
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+# This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate.
+about-webrtc-selected = Air a thaghadh
+about-webrtc-save-page-label = Sàbhail an duilleag
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-msg-label = Am modh dì-bhugachaidh
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-label = Tòisich air a’ mhodh dì-bhugachaidh
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-label = Cuir crìoch air a’ mhodh dì-bhugachaidh
+about-webrtc-stats-heading = Stats an t-seisein
+about-webrtc-stats-clear = Falamhaich an eachdraidh
+about-webrtc-log-heading = Loga nan ceangal
+about-webrtc-log-clear = Falamhaich an loga
+about-webrtc-log-show-msg = seall an loga
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-log-hide-msg = falaich an loga
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+about-webrtc-log-section-show-msg = Seall an loga
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-log-section-hide-msg = Falaich an loga
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+## These are used to display a header for a PeerConnection.
+## Variables:
+## $browser-id (Number) - A numeric id identifying the browser tab for the PeerConnection.
+## $id (String) - A globally unique identifier for the PeerConnection.
+## $url (String) - The url of the site which opened the PeerConnection.
+## $now (Date) - The JavaScript timestamp at the time the report was generated.
+about-webrtc-connection-open = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } { $now }
+about-webrtc-connection-closed = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } (air a dhùnadh) { $now }
+## These are used to indicate what direction media is flowing.
+## Variables:
+## $codecs - a list of media codecs
+about-webrtc-local-candidate = Tagraiche ionadail
+about-webrtc-remote-candidate = Tagraiche cèin
+about-webrtc-raw-candidates-heading = All Raw Candidates
+about-webrtc-raw-local-candidate = Raw Local Candidate
+about-webrtc-raw-remote-candidate = Raw Remote Candidate
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-show-msg = show raw candidates
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-hide-msg = hide raw candidates
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-show-msg = Show raw candidates
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-hide-msg = Hide raw candidates
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+about-webrtc-priority = Prìomhachas
+about-webrtc-fold-show-msg = seall am mion-fhiosrachadh
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-fold-hide-msg = falaich am mion-fhiosrachadh
+ .title = dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+about-webrtc-fold-default-show-msg = Seall am mion-fhiosrachadh
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a leudachadh
+about-webrtc-fold-default-hide-msg = Falaich am mion-fhiosrachadh
+ .title = Dèan briogadh gus an earrann seo a cho-theannadh
+about-webrtc-dropped-frames-label = Frèamaichean a thuit:
+about-webrtc-discarded-packets-label = Pacaidean a chaidh a thilgeil air falbh:
+about-webrtc-decoder-label = Dì-chòdaichear
+about-webrtc-encoder-label = Còdaichear
+about-webrtc-show-tab-label = Seall an taba
+about-webrtc-current-framerate-label = Framerate
+about-webrtc-width-px = Leud (px)
+about-webrtc-height-px = Àirde (px)
+about-webrtc-consecutive-frames = Frèamaichean leantach
+about-webrtc-time-elapsed = An ùine a dh’fhalbh (s)
+about-webrtc-estimated-framerate = Tuairmse air an reat fhrèamaichean
+about-webrtc-rotation-degrees = Cuairteachadh (ceum)
+about-webrtc-first-frame-timestamp = Stampa-tìde a’ chiad fhrèam a fhuaras
+about-webrtc-last-frame-timestamp = Stampa-tìde an fhrèam mu dheireadh a fhuaras
+## SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream
+# This is an SSRC on the local side of the connection that is receiving RTP
+about-webrtc-local-receive-ssrc = Faighinn SSRC ionadail
+# This is an SSRC on the remote side of the connection that is sending RTP
+about-webrtc-remote-send-ssrc = Cur SSRC cèin
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the
+## PeerConnection configuration disclosure
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-show-msg = Show Configuration
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-hide-msg = Hide Configuration
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having been
+# provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-provided = Chaidh a sholar
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having not
+# been provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-not-provided = Cha deach a sholar
+# The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call
+about-webrtc-custom-webrtc-configuration-heading = Roghainnean WebRTC a shuidhich a cleachdaiche
+# Section header for estimated bandwidths of WebRTC media flows
+about-webrtc-bandwidth-stats-heading = Tuairmse air an leud-bhanna
+# The ID of the MediaStreamTrack
+about-webrtc-track-identifier = Aithnichear an traca
+# The estimated bandwidth available for sending WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-send-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Leud-banna a’ chuir (baidht/diog)
+# The estimated bandwidth available for receiving WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-receive-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Leud-banna na faighinn (baidht/diog)
+# Maximum number of bytes per second that will be padding zeros at the ends of packets
+about-webrtc-max-padding-bytes-sec = Am padadh as motha (baidht/diog)
+# The amount of time inserted between packets to keep them spaced out
+about-webrtc-pacer-delay-ms = Dàil a’ cheumnaiche (ms)
+# The amount of time it takes for a packet to travel from the local machine to the remote machine,
+# and then have a packet return
+about-webrtc-round-trip-time-ms = RTT (ms)
+# This is a section heading for video frame statistics for a MediaStreamTrack.
+# see
+# Variables:
+# $track-identifier (String) - The unique identifier for the MediaStreamTrack.
+about-webrtc-frame-stats-heading = Stadastaireachd fhrèamaichean a’ video – ID MediaStreamTrack: { $track-identifier }
+## These are paths used for saving the about:webrtc page or log files so
+## they can be attached to bug reports.
+## Variables:
+## $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-msg = chaidh an duilleag a shàbhaladh an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-msg = gheibhear an trace log an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-msg = tha am modh dì-bhugachaidh air, an trace log an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-msg = gheibhear na faidhlichean loga an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-save-page-complete-msg = Chaidh an duilleag a shàbhaladh an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-toggled-off-state-msg = Gheibhear an trace log an-seo: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-toggled-on-state-msg = Tha am modh dì-bhugachaidh air, an trace log an-seo: { $path }
+# This is the total number of frames encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $frames (Number) - The number of frames encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-frames =
+ { $frames ->
+ [one] { $frames } frame
+ [two] { $frames } frames
+ [few] { $frames } frames
+ *[other] { $frames } frames
+ }
+# This is the number of audio channels encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $channels (Number) - The number of channels encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-channels =
+ { $channels ->
+ [one] { $channels } channel
+ [two] { $channels } channels
+ [few] { $channels } channels
+ *[other] { $channels } channels
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets received on the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets received.
+about-webrtc-received-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Fhuaras { $packets } phacaid
+ [two] Fhuaras { $packets } phacaid
+ [few] Fhuaras { $packets } pacaidean
+ *[other] Fhuaras { $packets } pacaid
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets lost by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets lost.
+about-webrtc-lost-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Chaidh { $packets } phacaid air chall
+ [two] Chaidh { $packets } phacaid air chall
+ [few] Chaidh { $packets } pacaidean air chall
+ *[other] Chaidh { $packets } pacaid air chall
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets sent by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets sent.
+about-webrtc-sent-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Chaidh { $packets } phacaid a chur
+ [two] Chaidh { $packets } phacaid a chur
+ [few] Chaidh { $packets } pacaidean a chur
+ *[other] Chaidh { $packets } pacaid a chur
+ }
+# Jitter is the variance in the arrival time of packets.
+# See:
+# Variables:
+# $jitter (Number) - The jitter.
+about-webrtc-jitter-label = Jitter { $jitter }
+# ICE candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled
+# (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats
+# table with light blue background.
+about-webrtc-trickle-caption-msg = Trickled candidates (arriving after answer) are highlighted in blue
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+# This is used as a header for local SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-local = Chaidh SDP ionadail a shuidheachadh air stampa-tìde { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") }
+# This is used as a header for remote SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-remote = Chaidh SDP cèin a shuidheachadh air stampa-tìde { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") }
+# This is used as a header for an SDP section contained in two columns allowing for side-by-side comparisons.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+# $relative-timestamp (Number) - The timestamp relative to the timestamp of the earliest received SDP.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-timestamp = Stampa-tìde { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } (+ { $relative-timestamp } ms)
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the SDP information disclosure
+about-webrtc-show-msg-sdp = Show SDP
+about-webrtc-hide-msg-sdp = Hide SDP
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the Media Context information disclosure.
+## The Media Context is the set of preferences and detected capabilities that informs
+## the negotiated CODEC settings.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bd049a6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for the about:windows-messages page, which is only available
+### on the Windows operating system.
+### This page records and shows messages sent from the operating system to
+### individual browser windows. These messages can be useful in debugging
+### hard-to-reproduce issues with window sizing and position.
+# Windows refers to the operating system
+windows-messages-page-title = Windows Messages Information
+windows-messages-intro =
+ This page shows the most recent messages sent by Windows
+ to the { -brand-short-name } browser windows. The
+ bolded entry represents this window. Note that this page shows
+ the most recent messages at the time the page was loaded;
+ to see current ones you will need to refresh the page.
+windows-messages-copy-to-clipboard = Copy to clipboard
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11549a5e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Localized string used as the dialog window title.
+# "Report" is a noun in this case, "Report for AddonName".
+# Variables:
+# $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on being reported
+abuse-report-dialog-title = Aithris air { $addon-name }
+abuse-report-title-extension = Dèan aithris air an leudachan seo gu { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-title-sitepermission = Report This Site Permissions add-on to { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-title-theme = Dèan aithris air an ùrlar seo gu { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-subtitle = Dè an duilgheadas?
+# Variables:
+# $author-name (string) - Name of the add-on author
+abuse-report-addon-authored-by = le <a data-l10n-name="author-name">{ $author-name }</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore =
+ Nach eil thu cinnteach dè an duilgheas a thaghas tu?
+ <a data-l10n-name="learnmore-link">Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu aithrisean air leudachain is ùrlaran</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore-intro = Nach eil thu cinnteach dè an duilgheas a thaghas tu?
+abuse-report-learnmore-link = Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu aithrisean air leudachain is ùrlaran
+abuse-report-submit-description = Mìnich an duilgheadas (roghainneil)
+abuse-report-textarea =
+ .placeholder = Tha e nas fhasa dhuinn dèiligeadh ri duilgheadas ma bhios fiosrachadh mionaideach againn. Mìnich dè tha a’ tachairt. Mòran taing airson ar cuideachadh a chùm an lìon a chumail slàn.
+abuse-report-submit-note =
+ An aire: Na gabh a-steach fiosrachadh pearsanta (can d’ ainm, seòladh puist-d, àireamh fòn, seòladh).
+ Cumaidh { -vendor-short-name } clàr buan dhe na h-aithrisean seo.
+## Panel buttons.
+abuse-report-cancel-button = Sguir dheth
+abuse-report-next-button = Air adhart
+abuse-report-goback-button = Air ais
+abuse-report-submit-button = Cuir a-null
+## Message bars descriptions.
+## Variables:
+## $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted = Chaidh sgur dhen aithris air <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting = A’ cur na h-aithris air <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted = Mòran taig airson aithris a chur thugainn. A bheil thu airson <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> a thoirt air falbh?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn. Thug thu an leudachan <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> air falbh.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission = Thank you for submitting a report. You’ve removed the Site Permissions add-on <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn. Thug thu an t-ùrlar <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> air falbh.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error = Thachair mearachd le cur na h-aithris air <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit = Cha deach an aithris air <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> a chur on a chaidh aithris eile mu dhèidhinn a chur a-null o chionn goirid.
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted2 =
+ .message = Chaidh sgur dhen aithris air { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting2 =
+ .message = A’ cur na h-aithris air { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted2 =
+ .message = Mòran taig airson aithris a chur thugainn. A bheil thu airson { $addon-name } a thoirt air falbh?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove2 =
+ .message = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension2 =
+ .message = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn. Thug thu an leudachan { $addon-name } air falbh.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission2 =
+ .message = Thank you for submitting a report. You’ve removed the Site Permissions add-on { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme2 =
+ .message = Mòran taing airson aithris a chur thugainn. Thug thu an t-ùrlar { $addon-name } air falbh.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error2 =
+ .message = Thachair mearachd le cur na h-aithris air { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit2 =
+ .message = Cha deach an aithris air { $addon-name } a chur on a chaidh aithris eile mu dhèidhinn a chur a-null o chionn goirid.
+## Message bars actions.
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-extension = Thoir air falbh e
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-extension = Cumaidh mi e
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-sitepermission = Yes, Remove It
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-sitepermission = No, I’ll Keep It
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-theme = Thoir air falbh e
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-theme = Cumaidh mi e
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-retry = Feuch ris a-rithist
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-cancel = Sguir dheth
+## Abuse report reasons (optionally paired with related examples and/or suggestions)
+abuse-report-damage-reason-v2 = Rinn e dochann air a’ choimpiutair agam no bhris e tèarainteachd an dàta agam
+abuse-report-damage-example = Ball-eisimpleir: Chuir e bathar-bog droch-rùnach ris no ghoid e dàta
+abuse-report-spam-reason-v2 = Tha spama no sanasachd gun iarraidh ’na bhroinn
+abuse-report-spam-example = Ball-eisimpleir: Chuir e sanasachd ri làraichean-lìn
+abuse-report-settings-reason-v2 = Dh’atharraich e an t-einnsean-luirg, an duilleag-dhachaigh no an taba ùr agam gun fhiosta no iarraidh orm
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions = Mus dèan thu aithris air an leudachan, feuch an atharraich thu na roghainnean agad:
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-search = Atharraich bun-roghainnean an luirg agad
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-homepage = Atharraich an duilleag-dhachaigh ’s an taba ùr agad
+abuse-report-deceptive-reason-v2 = Dh’innis e gur e ruideigin eadar-dhealaichte a bhiodh ann
+abuse-report-deceptive-example = Ball-eisimpleir: Tuairisgeul no dealbhan meallta
+abuse-report-broken-reason-extension-v2 = Chan eil e ag obair, tha e a’ briseadh làraichean-lìn no a’ cur maille air { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-sitepermission-v2 = It doesn’t work, breaks websites, or slows down { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-theme-v2 = Chan eil e ag obair no tha e a’ briseadh taisbeanadh a’ bhrabhsair
+abuse-report-broken-example = Ball-eisimpleir: Tha gleusan slaodach, doirbh a chleachdadh no chan obraich iad; cha luchdaich pàirtean de làraichean-lìn no tha coltas neònach orra
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-extension =
+ Tha coltas gun do lorg thu buga. A bharrachd air aithris a chur a-null an-seo, ‘s e an dòigh as fheàrr
+ airson duilgheadas le gleus fhuasgladh gun cuir thu fios gu luchd-leasachaidh an leudachain.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Tadhail air làrach-lìn an leudachain</a> airson fiosrachadh mun luchd-leasachaidh fhaighinn.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-sitepermission =
+ It sounds like you’ve identified a bug. In addition to submitting a report here, the best way
+ to get a functionality issue resolved is to contact the website developer.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Visit the website</a> to get the developer information.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-theme =
+ Tha coltas gun do lorg thu buga. A bharrachd air aithris a chur a-null an-seo, ‘s e an dòigh as fheàrr
+ airson duilgheadas le gleus fhuasgladh gun cuir thu fios gu luchd-leasachaidh an ùrlair.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Tadhail air làrach-lìn an ùrlair</a> airson fiosrachadh mun luchd-leasachaidh fhaighinn.
+abuse-report-policy-reason-v2 = Tha susbaint fhuathach, ainneartach no mhì-laghail ann
+abuse-report-policy-suggestions =
+ An aire: Feumaidh tu aithris air cùisean còrach-lethbhreac is comharra-mhalairt a dhèanamh le
+ pròiseas sònraichte. <a data-l10n-name="report-infringement-link">Lean ris an stiùireadh seo</a>
+ airson aithris a dhèanamh air an duilgheadas.
+abuse-report-unwanted-reason-v2 = Cha robh mi ’ga iarraidh a-riamh agus chan eil fios agam ciamar a gheibh mi cuidhteas dheth
+abuse-report-unwanted-example = Ball-eisimpleir: Stàlaich aplacaid e gun chead uam
+abuse-report-other-reason = Rudeigin eile
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a206f6ef39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+certificate-viewer-certificate-section-title = Teisteanas
+## Error messages
+certificate-viewer-error-message = Cha do lorg sinn fiosrachadh an teisteanais no tha an teisteanas coirbte. Feuch ris a-rithist.
+certificate-viewer-error-title = Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr
+## Certificate information labels
+certificate-viewer-algorithm = Algairim
+certificate-viewer-certificate-authority = Ùghdarras teisteanachaidh
+certificate-viewer-cipher-suite = Suite shifirean
+certificate-viewer-common-name = Ainm coitcheann
+certificate-viewer-email-address = Seòladh puist-d
+# Variables:
+# $firstCertName (String) - Common Name for the displayed certificate
+certificate-viewer-tab-title = Teisteanas dha { $firstCertName }
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-country = Dùthaich chlàraichte
+certificate-viewer-country = Dùthaich
+certificate-viewer-curve = Lùb
+certificate-viewer-distribution-point = Puing sgaoilidh
+certificate-viewer-dns-name = Ainm DNS
+certificate-viewer-ip-address = Seòladh IP
+certificate-viewer-other-name = Ainm eile
+certificate-viewer-exponent = Easponant
+certificate-viewer-id = ID
+certificate-viewer-key-exchange-group = Buidheann iomlaid iuchraichean
+certificate-viewer-key-id = ID na h-iuchrach
+certificate-viewer-key-size = Meud na h-iuchrach
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-locality = Ionadachd chlàraichte
+certificate-viewer-locality = Ionadachd
+certificate-viewer-location = Ionad
+certificate-viewer-logid = ID an loga
+certificate-viewer-method = Dòigh
+certificate-viewer-modulus = Mòidealas
+certificate-viewer-name = Ainm
+certificate-viewer-not-after = Crìoch
+certificate-viewer-not-before = Toiseach
+certificate-viewer-organization = Buidheann
+certificate-viewer-organizational-unit = Aonad na buidhne
+certificate-viewer-policy = Poileasaidh
+certificate-viewer-protocol = Pròtacal
+certificate-viewer-public-value = Luach poblach
+certificate-viewer-purposes = Adhbharan
+certificate-viewer-qualifier = Càilichear
+certificate-viewer-qualifiers = Càilichearan
+certificate-viewer-required = Riatanach
+certificate-viewer-unsupported = &lt;gun taic ris&gt;
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-state-province = Stàit/Siorrachd/Còigeamh chlàraichte
+certificate-viewer-state-province = Stàit/Siorrachd/Còigeamh
+certificate-viewer-sha-1 = SHA-1
+certificate-viewer-sha-256 = SHA-256
+certificate-viewer-serial-number = Àireamh shreathach
+certificate-viewer-signature-algorithm = Algairim an t-soidhnidh
+certificate-viewer-signature-scheme = Sgeama an t-soidhnidh
+certificate-viewer-timestamp = Stampa-tìde
+certificate-viewer-value = Luach
+certificate-viewer-version = Tionndadh
+certificate-viewer-business-category = Roinn-seòrsa gnìomhachais
+certificate-viewer-subject-name = Ainm a’ chuspair
+certificate-viewer-issuer-name = Ainm an fhoillsicheir
+certificate-viewer-validity = Dligheachd
+certificate-viewer-subject-alt-names = Ainmean eile a’ chuspair
+certificate-viewer-public-key-info = Fiosrachadh na h-iuchrach poblaich
+certificate-viewer-miscellaneous = Rudan eile
+certificate-viewer-fingerprints = Lorgan-meòir
+certificate-viewer-basic-constraints = Bun-chuingeachaidhean
+certificate-viewer-key-usages = Cleachdadh na h-iuchrach
+certificate-viewer-extended-key-usages = Cleachdadh leudaichte na h-iuchrach
+certificate-viewer-ocsp-stapling = Leudachadh iarrtas an teisteachaidh TLS (OCSP Stapling)
+certificate-viewer-subject-key-id = ID iuchair a’ chuspair
+certificate-viewer-authority-key-id = ID iuchair an ùghdarrais
+certificate-viewer-authority-info-aia = Fiosrachadh an ùghdarrais (AIA)
+certificate-viewer-certificate-policies = Poileasaidhean teisteanais
+certificate-viewer-embedded-scts = SCTs leabaichte
+certificate-viewer-crl-endpoints = Puingean-deiridh CRL
+# This message is used as a row header in the Miscellaneous section.
+# The associated data cell contains links to download the certificate.
+certificate-viewer-download = Luchdaich a-nuas
+# This message is used to replace boolean values (true/false) in several certificate fields, e.g. Certificate Authority
+# Variables:
+# $boolean (String) - true/false value for the specific field
+certificate-viewer-boolean =
+ { $boolean ->
+ [true] Tha
+ *[false] Chan eil
+ }
+## Variables:
+## $fileName (String) - The file name to save the PEM data in, derived from the common name from the certificate being displayed.
+certificate-viewer-download-pem = PEM (teisteanas)
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+certificate-viewer-download-pem-chain = PEM (dùl-iuchrach)
+ .download = { $fileName }-chain.pem
+# The title attribute for Critical Extension icon
+certificate-viewer-critical-extension =
+ .title = Chaidh comharra a chur gu bheil an leudachan seo èiginneach. Is ciall dha seo gum feum na cliantan an teisteanas a dhiùltadh mura tuig iad e.
+certificate-viewer-export = Às-phortaich
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+# Label for a tab where we haven't found a better label:
+certificate-viewer-unknown-group-label = (chan eil fhios)
+## Labels for tabs displayed in stand-alone about:certificate page
+certificate-viewer-tab-mine = Na teisteanasan agad
+certificate-viewer-tab-people = Daoine
+certificate-viewer-tab-servers = Frithealaichean
+certificate-viewer-tab-ca = Ùghdarrasan
+certificate-viewer-tab-unkonwn = Chan eil fhios
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c25a041a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings appear on the warning you see when first visiting about:config.
+about-config-intro-warning-title = Cùm a’ dol ach bidh air d’ fhaiceall
+about-config-intro-warning-text = Ma dh’atharraicheas tu roghainnean an rèiteachaidh, dh’fhaoidte gum bi droch-bhuaidh air dèanadas no tèarainteachd { -brand-short-name }.
+about-config-intro-warning-checkbox = Thoir rabhadh dhomh ma bhios mi an ìmpidh na roghainnean seo atharrachadh
+about-config-intro-warning-button = Tuigidh mi an cunnart, air adhart leam
+# This is shown on the page before searching but after the warning is accepted.
+about-config-caution-text = Ma dh’atharraichear na roghainnean seo, dh’fhaoidte gum bi droch-bhuaidh air dèanadas no tèarainteachd { -brand-short-name }.
+about-config-page-title = Roghainnean adhartach
+about-config-search-input1 =
+ .placeholder = Lorg ainm roghainn
+about-config-show-all = Seall na h-uile
+about-config-show-only-modified = Na seall ach na roghainnean a chaidh atharrachadh
+about-config-pref-add-button =
+ .title = Cuir ris
+about-config-pref-toggle-button =
+ .title = Toglaich
+about-config-pref-edit-button =
+ .title = Deasaich
+about-config-pref-save-button =
+ .title = Sàbhail
+about-config-pref-reset-button =
+ .title = Ath-shuidhich
+about-config-pref-delete-button =
+ .title = Sguab às
+## Labels for the type selection radio buttons shown when adding preferences.
+about-config-pref-add-type-boolean = Boolean
+about-config-pref-add-type-number = Àireamh
+about-config-pref-add-type-string = Sreang
+## Preferences with a non-default value are differentiated visually, and at the
+## same time the state is made accessible to screen readers using an aria-label
+## that won't be visible or copied to the clipboard.
+## Variables:
+## $value (String): The full value of the preference.
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-default =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (bun-roghainn)
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-custom =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (gnàthaichte)
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf5f876239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+url-classifier-title = URL Classifier Information
+url-classifier-search-title = Search
+url-classifier-search-result-title = Results
+url-classifier-search-result-uri = URI: { $uri }
+url-classifier-search-result-list = List of tables: { $list }
+url-classifier-search-input = URL
+url-classifier-search-error-invalid-url = Invalid URL
+url-classifier-search-error-no-features = No features selected
+url-classifier-search-btn = Start searching
+url-classifier-search-features = Features
+url-classifier-search-listType = List type
+url-classifier-provider-title = Solaraiche
+url-classifier-provider = Solaraiche
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-time = An t-ùrachadh mu dheireadh
+url-classifier-provider-next-update-time = An ath-ùrachadh
+url-classifier-provider-back-off-time = Àm back-off
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-status = Staid an ùrachaidh mu dheireadh
+url-classifier-provider-update-btn = Ùraich
+url-classifier-cache-title = Tasgadan
+url-classifier-cache-refresh-btn = Ath-nuadhaich
+url-classifier-cache-clear-btn = Falamhaich
+url-classifier-cache-table-name = Ainm a’ chlàir
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-entries = Innteartan àicheil san tasgadan
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-entries = Innteartan dearbh san tasgadan
+url-classifier-cache-show-entries = Seall na h-innteartan
+url-classifier-cache-entries = Innteartan san tasgadan
+url-classifier-cache-prefix = Ro-leasachan
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-expiry = Negative cache expiry
+url-classifier-cache-fullhash = Full hash
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-expiry = Positive cache expiry
+url-classifier-debug-title = Debug
+url-classifier-debug-module-btn = Set Log Modules
+url-classifier-debug-file-btn = Set Log File
+url-classifier-debug-js-log-chk = Set JS Log
+url-classifier-debug-sb-modules = Safe Browsing log modules
+url-classifier-debug-modules = Current log modules
+url-classifier-debug-sbjs-modules = Safe Browsing JS log
+url-classifier-debug-file = Current log file
+url-classifier-trigger-update = Trigger Update
+url-classifier-not-available = N/A
+url-classifier-disable-sbjs-log = Disable Safe Browsing JS Log
+url-classifier-enable-sbjs-log = Enable Safe Browsing JS Log
+url-classifier-enabled = Enabled
+url-classifier-disabled = Disabled
+url-classifier-updating = updating
+url-classifier-cannot-update = cannot update
+url-classifier-success = success
+## Variables
+## $error (string) - Error message
+url-classifier-update-error = update error ({ $error })
+url-classifier-download-error = download error ({ $error })