path: root/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/certError.ftl
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diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/certError.ftl b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/certError.ftl
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index 0000000000..0359687199
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+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/certError.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+cert-error-intro = Tha { $hostname } a' cleachdadh teisteanas tèarainteachd mì-dhligheach.
+cert-error-mitm-intro = Tha làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan agus tha iad sin ’gam foillseachadh le ùghdarrasan theisteanasan.
+cert-error-mitm-mozilla = Tha taic a’ bhuidhinn neo-phrothaidich Mozilla aig { -brand-short-name } agus tha iad a’ rianachd ùghdarras theisteanasan (CA) fosgailte. Tha stòras an CA a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil ùghdarrasan nan teisteanasan a’ leantainn nan riaghailtean a mholar airson tèarainteachd chleachdaichean.
+cert-error-mitm-connection = Tha { -brand-short-name } a’ cleachdadh stòras CA Mozilla airson dearbhadh gu bheil ceangal tèarainte, seach teisteanasan a sholair siostam-obrachaidh a’ chleachdaiche. Ma tha prògram an aghaidh bhìorasan no lìonra ag eadar-cheapadh ceangal le teisteanas tèarainteachd a chaidh fhoillseachadh le CA nach eil ann an stòras CA Mozilla, tuigear dheth nach eil an ceangal sàbhailte.
+cert-error-trust-unknown-issuer-intro = Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil cuideigin a’ leigeil orra gur iad-san an làrach seo agus cha bu chòir dhut leantainn air adhart.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+cert-error-trust-unknown-issuer = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan. Chan eil { -brand-short-name } a’ cur earbsa ann an { $hostname } o chionn ’s nach aithne dhuinn foillsichear an teisteanais aca, gun deach an teisteanas a fhèin-soidhneadh no nach eil am frithealaiche a’ cur nam meadhan-teisteanasan ceart.
+cert-error-trust-cert-invalid = Chan eil earbsa againn san teisteanas seo o chionn ’s gun deach fhoillseachadh le ùghdarras teisteanachaidh mì-dhligheach.
+cert-error-trust-untrusted-issuer = Chan eil earbsa againn san teisteanas seo o chionn ’s nach eil earbsa ann am foillsichear an teisteanais.
+cert-error-trust-signature-algorithm-disabled = Chan eil earbsa againn san teisteanas o chionn ’s gun deach a shoidhneadh le algairim soidhnidh a chaidh a chur à comas o chionn ’s nach eil an algairim tèarainte.
+cert-error-trust-expired-issuer = Chan eil earbsa againn san teisteanas seo o chionn ’s gun do dh’fhalbh an ùine air teisteanas an fhoillsicheir.
+cert-error-trust-self-signed = Chan eil earbsa againn san teisteanas seo o chionn ’s gun deach a fhèin-shoidhneadh.
+cert-error-trust-symantec = Chan eilear dhen bheachd gu bheil teisteanasan le GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte agus VeriSign sàbhailte tuilleadh a chionn ’s nach robh na h-ùghdarrasan theisteanasan seo a’ leantainn gnàthasan tèarainteach roimhe seo.
+cert-error-untrusted-default = Chan eil earbsa againn san tùs on dàinig an teisteanas seo.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+cert-error-domain-mismatch = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan. Chan eil earbsa aig { -brand-short-name } san làrachd seo a chionn ’s gu bheil e a’ cleachdadh teisteanas nach eil dligheach mu choinneamh { $hostname }.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+# $alt-name (string) - Alternate domain name for which the cert is valid.
+cert-error-domain-mismatch-single = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan. Chan eil earbsa aig { -brand-short-name } san làrachd seo a chionn ’s gu bheil e a’ cleachdadh teisteanas nach eil dligheach mu choinneamh { $hostname }. Chan e teisteanas dligheach a tha seo ach airson <a data-l10n-name="domain-mismatch-link">{ $alt-name }</a>.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+# $alt-name (string) - Alternate domain name for which the cert is valid.
+cert-error-domain-mismatch-single-nolink = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan. Chan eil earbsa aig { -brand-short-name } san làrachd seo a chionn ’s gu bheil e a’ cleachdadh teisteanas nach eil dligheach mu choinneamh { $hostname }. Chan e teisteanas dligheach a tha seo ach airson { $alt-name }.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+# $subject-alt-names (string) - Alternate domain names for which the cert is valid.
+cert-error-domain-mismatch-multiple = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan tèarainteachd. Chan eil earbsa aig { -brand-short-name } san làrach seo a chionn ’s gu bheil e a’ cleachdadh teisteanas nach eil dligheach airson { $hostname }. Chan eil an teisteanas dligheach ach airson nan ainmean a leanas: { $subject-alt-names }
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+# $not-after-local-time (Date) - Certificate is not valid after this time.
+cert-error-expired-now = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan a dh’obraicheas fad greis. Dh’fhalbh an ùine air an teisteanas aig { $hostname } { $not-after-local-time }
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+# $not-before-local-time (Date) - Certificate is not valid before this time.
+cert-error-not-yet-valid-now = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan a dh’obraicheas fad greis. Cha bhi teisteanas airson { $hostname } dligheach ron { $not-before-local-time }.
+# Variables:
+# $error (string) - NSS error code string that specifies type of cert error. e.g. unknown issuer, invalid cert, etc.
+cert-error-code-prefix = Còd na mearachd: { $error }
+# Variables:
+# $error (string) - NSS error code string that specifies type of cert error. e.g. unknown issuer, invalid cert, etc.
+cert-error-code-prefix-link = Còd na mearachd: <a data-l10n-name="error-code-link">{ $error }</a>
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with SSL error.
+# $errorMessage (string) - Error message corresponding to the type of error we are experiencing.
+cert-error-ssl-connection-error = Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha ceangal ann ri { $hostname }. { $errorMessage }
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website with cert error.
+cert-error-symantec-distrust-description = Bidh làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan tèarainteachd a tha ’gam foillseachadh le ùghdarrasan theisteanasan. Chan eil earbsa aig a’ mhòrchuid de bhrabhsairean ann an GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte agus VeriSign tuilleadh. Tha { $hostname } a’ cleachdadh teisteanas o aon dhe na h-ùghdarrasan seo agus cha ghabh dearbh-aithne na làraich-lìn a dhearbhadh ri linn sin.
+cert-error-symantec-distrust-admin = ’S urrainn dhut fios a leigeil gu rianaire na làraich-lìn seo mun duilgheadas seo.
+cert-error-old-tls-version = Dh’fhaoidte nach cuir an làrach-lìn seo taic dhan phròtacail TLS 1.2 ach sin an tionndadh as lugha ris an cuir { -brand-short-name } taic.
+# Variables:
+# $hasHSTS (Boolean) - Indicates whether HSTS header is present.
+cert-error-details-hsts-label = HTTP Strict Transport Security: { $hasHSTS }
+# Variables:
+# $hasHPKP (Boolean) - Indicates whether HPKP header is present.
+cert-error-details-key-pinning-label = HTTP Public Key Pinning: { $hasHPKP }
+cert-error-details-cert-chain-label = Sèine an teisteanais:
+open-in-new-window-for-csp-or-xfo-error = Fosgail an làrach ann an uinneag ùr
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Hostname of the website blocked by csp or xfo error.
+csp-xfo-blocked-long-desc = Gus do thèarainteachd a dhìon, cha leig { $hostname } le { -brand-short-name } an duilleag a thaisbeanadh ma tha làrach eile leabaichte na bhroinn. Feumaidh tu an duilleag seo fhosgladh ann an uinneag ùr mus fhaic thu e.
+## Messages used for certificate error titles
+connectionFailure-title = Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris
+deniedPortAccess-title = Tha an seòladh seo cuingichte
+# "Hmm" is a sound made when considering or puzzling over something.
+# You don't have to include it in your translation if your language does not have a written word like this.
+dnsNotFound-title = Hm, tha duilgheasan againn a’ faighinn sgeul air an làrach seo.
+dns-not-found-trr-only-title2 = Bidh e na chunnart tèarainteachd ma dh’fhaoidte ma bheirear sùil air an àrainn seo
+dns-not-found-native-fallback-title2 = Bidh e na chunnart tèarainteachd ma dh’fhaoidte ma bheirear sùil air an àrainn seo
+fileNotFound-title = Cha deach am faidhle a lorg
+fileAccessDenied-title = Chaidh inntrigeadh dhan fhaidhle a dhiùltadh
+generic-title = Mo chreach!
+captivePortal-title = Clàraich a-steach dhan lìonra
+# "Hmm" is a sound made when considering or puzzling over something.
+# You don't have to include it in your translation if your language does not have a written word like this.
+malformedURI-title = Hm chan eil coltas ceart air an t-seòladh sin.
+netInterrupt-title = Bhris rudeigin a-steach air a' cheangal
+notCached-title = Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an sgrìobhainn
+netOffline-title = Am modh far loidhne
+contentEncodingError-title = Mearachd le còdachadh na susbaint
+unsafeContentType-title = Faidhle de sheòrsa neo-thèarainte
+netReset-title = Chaidh an ceangal ath-shuidheachadh
+netTimeout-title = Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' cheangal
+unknownProtocolFound-title = Cha deach an seòladh a thuigsinn
+proxyConnectFailure-title = Tha am frithealaiche progsaidh a' diùltadh cheanglaichean
+proxyResolveFailure-title = Cha ghabh am frithealaiche progsaidh a lorg
+redirectLoop-title = Chan eil an duilleag ag ath-stiùireadh mar bu chòir
+unknownSocketType-title = Freagairt ris nach robh dùil on fhrithealaiche
+nssFailure2-title = Dh’fhàillig an ceangal tèarainte
+csp-xfo-error-title = Chan urrainn dha { -brand-short-name } an duilleag seo fhosgladh
+corruptedContentError-title = Mearachd air sgàth susbaint thruaillte
+sslv3Used-title = Chan urrainn dhuinn ceangal tèarainte a dhèanamh
+inadequateSecurityError-title = Chan eil an ceangal agad tèarainte
+blockedByPolicy-title = Duilleag bhacte
+clockSkewError-title = Tha cleoc a’ choimpiutair agad cearr
+networkProtocolError-title = Mearachd pròtacal an lìonraidh
+nssBadCert-title = Rabhadh: Tha rud romhad a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ’na chunnart tèarainteachd
+nssBadCert-sts-title = Cha deach ceangal a dhèanamh: Rud a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ’na chunnart tèarainteachd
+certerror-mitm-title = Tha bathar-bog ann a tha a’ cumail { -brand-short-name } o bhith a’ dèanamh ceangal tèarainte ris an làrach seo