path: root/l10n-hsb/devtools/client/
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1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/devtools/client/ b/l10n-hsb/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bfcea5696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The label for the link that saves a
+# snapshot to disk.ładować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The label for the link that deletes
+# a snapshotšeć
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the window
+# displayed when saving a snapshot to disk.ładowy wućah składować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the window
+# displayed when importing a snapshot form disk.ładowy wućah importować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the filter used to
+# filter file types (*.fxsnapshot)ładowe wućahi Firefox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aggregate.mb): The label annotating the number of bytes (in
+# megabytes) in a snapshot. %S represents the value, rounded to 2 decimal
+# points.
+aggregate.mb=%S MB
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot-title.loading): The title for a snapshot before
+# it has a creation time to display.
+snapshot-title.loading=Předźěłuje so…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks): The label describing the
+# boolean checkbox whether or not to record call stacks.
+checkbox.recordAllocationStacks=Wołanske štaple natočić
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the label describing the boolean checkbox whether or not to record call
+# stacks.
+checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip=Přepinajće natočenje wołanskich štaplow, hdyž objekt so připokazuje. Naslědne składowe wućahi móža objekty po wołanskich štaplach zeskupjeć, ale jenož z tymi objektami, kotrež su so po přepinanju tutoho nastajenja wutworili. Natočenje wołanskich štaplow přetrjebuje wukon.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy): The label describing the select menu
+# options of the display options.
+toolbar.displayBy=Zeskupić po:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
+# describing the select menu options of the display options.
+toolbar.displayBy.tooltip=Změńće, kak objekty maja so zeskupjeć
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view): The text in the button to go back to the
+# previous view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view.label): The text for the label for the
+# button to go back to the previous view.
+toolbar.pop-view.label=Wróćo k agregatam
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.viewing-individuals): The text letting the user
+# know that they are viewing individual nodes from a census group.
+toolbar.viewing-individuals=⁂ Čłonow skupiny pokazać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# "coarse type" display option.
+censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Elementy po jich typje zeskupjeć
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "call stack" display option.
+censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Elementy po JavaScriptowym staplu zeskupjeć, kotryž je so natočił, hdyž je so objekt přirjadował
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip): The
+# tooltip for the "inverted call stack" display option.
+censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip=Elementy po inwertowanym JavaScriptowym staplu zeskupjeć, kotryž je so natočił, hdyž je so objekt wutworił
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The label describing the select menu
+# options of the label options.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The tooltip for the label describing the
+# select menu options of the label options.
+toolbar.labelBy.tooltip=Změńće, kak objekty maja so woznamjenić
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "coarse type" dominator tree display option.
+dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Objekty po šěrokich kategorijach woznamjenić, do kotrychž zapasuja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The
+# tooltip for the "call stack" dominator tree display option.
+dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Objekty po JavaScriptowym staplu woznamjenić, kotrež su so natočili, hdyž je so přirjadował
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "coarse type" tree map display option.
+treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Objekty po šěrokich kategorijach woznamjenić, do kotrychž zapasuja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view): The label for the view selector in the
+# toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for the
+# view selector in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.tooltip=Napohlad składoweho wućaha změnić
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census): The label for the census view option
+# in the toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
+# the census view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.census.tooltip=Zjeće wobsaha składoweho wućaha přez zeskupjenje objektow pokazać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators): The label for the dominators view
+# option in the toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
+# for the dominators view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip=Dominatorowy štom a powjerch najwjetšich strukturow w składowym wućahu pokazać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap): The label for the tree map option
+# in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.treemap=Štomowa struktura
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
+# the tree map view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip=Składowe wužiwanje wizualizować: wjetše bloki wjetši procentualny podźěl składoweho wužiwanja woznamjenjeja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (take-snapshot): The label describing the button that
+# initiates taking a snapshot, either as the main label, or a tooltip.
+take-snapshot=Składowy wućah činić
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (import-snapshot): The label describing the button that
+# initiates importing a snapshot.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clear-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
+# deletes existing snapshot.
+clear-snapshots.tooltip=Wšě składowe wućahi zhašeć
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diff-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
+# initiates selecting two snapshots to diff with each other.
+diff-snapshots.tooltip=Składowe wućahi přirunać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.placeholder): The placeholder text used for the
+# memory tool's filter search box.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.tooltip): The tooltip text used for the memory
+# tool's filter search box.
+filter.tooltip=Wobsah składoweho wućaha filtrować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# button to view individuals in this group.
+tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip=Indiwiduelne suki w tutej skupinje a jich šćežki pokazać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.load-more): The label for the links to fetch the
+# lazily loaded sub trees in the dominator tree view.
+tree-item.load-more=Wjace začitać…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.rootlist): The label for the root of the
+# dominator tree.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nostack): The label describing the row in the heap tree
+# that represents a row broken down by call stack when no stack was available.
+tree-item.nostack=(žadyn stapl k dispoziciji)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nofilename): The label describing the row in the
+# heap tree that represents a row broken down by filename when no filename was
+# available.
+tree-item.nofilename=(žane datajowe mjeno k dispoziciji)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.root): The label describing the row in the heap tree
+# that represents the root of the tree when inverted.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.percent2): A percent of bytes or count displayed in the tree view.
+# there are two "%" after %S to escape and display "%"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.baseline): The name of the baseline snapshot in a
+# diffing comparison.
+diffing.baseline=Bazowa linija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.comparison): The name of the snapshot being
+# compared to the baseline in a diffing comparison.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectBaseline): The prompt to select the
+# first snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
+diffing.prompt.selectBaseline=Składowy wućah bazoweje linije wubrać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectComparison): The prompt to select the
+# second snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
+diffing.prompt.selectComparison=Składowy wućah za přirunanje z bazowej liniju wubrać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error): The label describing the diffing
+# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list when an error occurs while diffing two
+# snapshots.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error.full): The text describing the diffing
+# state ERROR, used in the main view when an error occurs while diffing two
+# snapshots.
+diffing.state.error.full=Při přirunowanju składowych wućahow je zmylk wustupił.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff): The label describing the diffin
+# state TAKING_DIFF, used in the snapshots list when computing the difference
+# between two snapshots.
+diffing.state.taking-diff=Rozdźěl so zwěsća…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff.full): The label describing the
+# diffing state TAKING_DIFF, used in the main view when computing the difference
+# between two snapshots.
+diffing.state.taking-diff.full=Rozdźěl so zwěsća…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting): The label describing the diffing
+# state SELECTING.
+diffing.state.selecting=Wubjerće dwaj składowej wućahaj za přirunanje
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting.full): The label describing the
+# diffing state SELECTING, used in the main view when selecting snapshots to
+# diff.
+diffing.state.selecting.full=Wubjerće dwaj składowej wućahaj za přirunanje
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state COMPUTING.
+dominatorTree.state.computing=Rozprawa dominatorow so twori…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state COMPUTING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.computing.full=Rozprawa dominatorow so twori…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state FETCHING.
+dominatorTree.state.fetching=Wulkosće so wobličeja…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.fetching.full=Wobchowane wulkosće dominatora so wobličeja…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label
+# describing the dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING.
+dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching=Wobstaruje so…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching.full=Wobstaruje so wjace…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state ERROR.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state ERROR, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.error.full=Při předźěłowanju dominatoroweho štoma je zmylk wustupił
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving.full=Składowy wućah so składuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined
+# visually, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.reading.full=Składowy wućah so čita…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census.full): The label describing
+# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving-census.full=Cyłkowna rozprawa so twori…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full): The label describing
+# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full=Štomowa struktura so składuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state ERROR, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.error.full=Při předźěłowanju tutoho składoweho wućaha je zmylk wustupił.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error): The short message displayed when
+# there is an error fetching individuals from a group.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error.full): The longer message displayed
+# when there is an error fetching individuals from a group.
+individuals.state.error.full=Při wobstarowanju čłonow skupiny je zmylk wustupił
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching): The short message displayed
+# while fetching individuals.
+individuals.state.fetching=Wobstaruje so…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching.full): The longer message
+# displayed while fetching individuals.
+individuals.state.fetching.full=Čłonojo w skupinje so wobstaruja…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node): The header label for an individual
+# node.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node.tooltip): The tooltip for the header
+# label for an individual node.
+individuals.field.node.tooltip=Jednotliwy suk w składowym wućahu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving): The label describing the snapshot
+# state SAVING, used in the snapshot list view
+snapshot.state.saving=Składowy wućah so składuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.importing): The label describing the
+# snapshot state IMPORTING, used in the snapshot list view
+snapshot.state.importing=Składowy wućah so importuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading): The label describing the snapshot
+# state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined visually, used in
+# the snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.reading=Składowy wućah so čita…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.saving-census=Rozprawa so składuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.saving-tree-map=Štomowa struktura so składuje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error): The label describing the snapshot
+# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Message displayed when there is no
+# difference between two snapshots.Žadyn rozdźěl mjez bazowej linku a přirunanjom.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there are no
+# matches when filtering.
+heapview.none-match=Žane wotpowědniki.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there report
+# is empty.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.noAllocationStacks): The message displayed to
+# users when selecting a display by "call stack" but no call stacks
+# were recorded in the heap snapshot.
+heapview.noAllocationStacks=Žane wołanske štaple namakane. Natočće wołanske štaple, prjedy hač składowy wućah činiće.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
+heapview.field.retainedSize=Zbytna wulkosć (w bajtach)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
+heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip=Cyłkowna wulkosć objekta samoho a wulkosće wšěch druhich objektow, kotrež so přez njón žiwe wobchowuja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
+heapview.field.shallowSize=Objektowa wulkosć (w bajtach)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
+heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip=Wulkosć objekta samoho
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree for an object's label.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the dominator tree view for an object's label.
+dominatortree.field.label.tooltip=Popis objekta w składźe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes): The name of the column in the heap
+# view for bytes.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for bytes.
+heapview.field.bytes.tooltip=Ličba bajtow, kotrež su so přez tutu skupinu přetrjebali, bjez podskupinow
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count): The name of the column in the heap
+# view for count.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for count.
+heapview.field.count.tooltip=Ličba docpějomnych objektow w tutej skupinje, bjez podskupinow
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes): The name of the column in the
+# heap view for total bytes.
+heapview.field.totalbytes=Bajty dohromady
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the heap view for total bytes.
+heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip=Ličba bajtow, kotrež su so přez tutu skupinu přetrjebali, inkluziwnje podskupiny
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount): The name of the column in the
+# heap view for total count.
+heapview.field.totalcount=Ličba dohromady
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the heap view for total count.
+heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip=Ličba docpějomnych objektow w tutej skupinje, inkluziwnje podskupiny
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The name of the column in the heap
+# view for name.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for name. tuteje skupiny
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortest-paths.header): The header label for the shortest
+# paths pane.
+shortest-paths.header=Najkrótše šćežki (z korjenjow Garbage Collector)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The message displayed in the
+# shortest paths pane when a node is not yet selected.će suk, zo byšće sej jeho najkrótše šćežki wobhladał
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-map.node-count): The label for the count value of a
+# node in the tree map