path: root/l10n-lv/dom/chrome/dom/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-lv/dom/chrome/dom/ b/l10n-lv/dom/chrome/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf1e2783b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/dom/chrome/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+KillScriptTitle=Brīdinājums: Nereaģējošs skripts
+KillScriptMessage=Skripts šajā lapā var būt aizņemts, vai arī tas ir pārstājis reaģēt. Jūs varat apturēt skriptu vai arī turpināt, lai redzētu, vai tas beigs savu darbu.
+KillScriptWithDebugMessage=Skripts šajā lapā var būt aizņemts, vai arī tas ir pārstājis reaģēt. Jūs varat apturēt skriptu, atvērt to atkļūdotājā, vai arī ļaut tam turpināt.
+KillScriptLocation=Skripts: %S
+KillAddonScriptTitle=Brīdinājums: Nereaģējošs papildinājuma skripts
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (KillAddonScriptMessage): %1$S is the name of an extension.
+# %2$S is the name of the application (e.g., Firefox).
+KillAddonScriptMessage=Skripts no “%1$S” paplašinājuma darbojas šajā lapā un bremzē %2$S\n\nIespējams tas veic kādu darbību, bet iespējams ir uzkāries. Varat apturēt skriptu tagad vai ļaut tam pabeigt iesākto.
+KillAddonScriptGlobalMessage=Bloķēt papildinājumu skriptus šajā lapā līdz tās nākamajai pārlādei
+StopScriptButton=Apturēt skriptu
+DebugScriptButton=Atkļūdot skriptu
+DontAskAgain=&Turpmāk vairs nejautāt
+WindowCloseBlockedWarning=Skripti nevar aizvērt logus, kas nav atvērti ar skripta palīdzību.
+OnBeforeUnloadTitle=Vai tiešām vēlaties?
+OnBeforeUnloadStayButton=Palikt lapā
+OnBeforeUnloadLeaveButton=Pamest lapu
+EmptyGetElementByIdParam=getElementById() tika padota tukša virkne.
+DocumentWriteIgnored=document.write() izsaukums no asinhroni ielādēta ārējā skripta tika ignorēts
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (EditorFileDropFailed): Do not translate contenteditable, %S is the error message explaining why the drop failed.
+EditorFileDropFailed=Neizdevās iemest failu satura-rediģējamā elementā: %S.
+FormValidationTextTooLong=Lūdzu saīsiniet šo tekstu līdz %S simboliem vai mazāk (šobrīd jūs izmantojat %S simbolus).
+FormValidationTextTooShort=Lūdzu izmantojiet vismaz %S simbolus (šobrīd jūs izmantojat %S simbolus).
+FormValidationValueMissing=Lūdzu aizpildiet šo lauku.
+FormValidationCheckboxMissing=Lūdzu atzīmējiet šo rūtiņu, ja vēlaties turpināt.
+FormValidationRadioMissing=Lūdzu izvēlieties vienu no šīm iespējām.
+FormValidationFileMissing=Lūdzu izvēlieties failu.
+FormValidationSelectMissing=Lūdzu izvēlieties vienu no saraksta elementiem.
+FormValidationInvalidEmail=Lūdzu ievadiet epasta adresi.
+FormValidationInvalidURL=Lūdzu ievadiet adreses URL.
+FormValidationInvalidDate =Lūdzu ievadiet pareizu datumu.
+FormValidationPatternMismatch=Lūdzu ievadiet datus norādītajā formātā.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle): %S is the (possibly truncated) title attribute value.
+FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle=Lūdzu ievadiet datus norādītajā formātā: %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow=Lūdzu izvēlieties vērtību, kas ir mazāka kā %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow=Lūdzu izvēlieties vērtību, kas ir agrāka kā %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow=Lūdzu ievadiet vērtību, kas ir lielāka kā %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow=Lūdzu ievadiet vērtību, kas ir vēlāka kā %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatch): both %S can be a number, a date or a time.
+FormValidationStepMismatch=Lūdzu izvēlieties derīgu vērtību. Tuvākās derīgās vērtības ir %S un %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue): %S can be a number, a date or a time. This is called instead of FormValidationStepMismatch when the second value is the same as the first.
+FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue=Lūdzu izvēlieties derīgu vērtību. Tuvākā derīgā vērtība ir %S.
+FormValidationBadInputNumber=Lūdzu ievadiet skaitli.
+FullscreenDeniedDisabled=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo pilnekrāna API ir deaktivēts lietotāja iestatījumos.
+FullscreenDeniedFocusedPlugin=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo šobrīd fokuss ir uzstādīts uz spraudni ar logu.
+FullscreenDeniedHidden=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo dokuments vairs nav pieejams.
+FullscreenDeniedContainerNotAllowed=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo vismaz vienas dokumenta elements nav iframe vai tam nav uzstādīts "allowfullscreen" atribūts.
+FullscreenDeniedNotInputDriven=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo Element.requestFullScreen() izsaukums nenotika no lietotāja ģenerēta notikumu apstrādātāja.
+FullscreenDeniedNotHTMLSVGOrMathML=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo izsaucošais elements nav <svg>, <math>, vai HTML elements.
+FullscreenDeniedNotInDocument=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo izsaucošais elements vairs neatrodas savā dokumentā.
+FullscreenDeniedMovedDocument=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo izsaucošais elements ir pārvietojis dokumentu.
+FullscreenDeniedLostWindow=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo mums vairs nav loga.
+FullscreenDeniedSubDocFullscreen=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo dokumenta apakšdokuments jau atrodas pilnekrāna režīmā.
+FullscreenDeniedNotFocusedTab=Pilnekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo elements neatrodas šobrīd redzamajā cilnē.
+FullscreenDeniedFeaturePolicy=Pilna ekrāna pieprasījums tika noraidīts FeaturePolicy direktīvu dēļ.
+RemovedFullscreenElement=Pilnekrāna režīms tika pārtraukts, jo pilnekrāna elements tika aizvākts no dokumenta.
+FocusedWindowedPluginWhileFullscreen=Pilnekrāna režīms aizvērās, jo tika fokusēts spraudnis ar logu.
+PointerLockDeniedDisabled=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo kursora bloķēšanas API ir deaktivēts lietotāja iestatījumos.
+PointerLockDeniedInUse=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo kursoru pašlaik kontrolē cits dokuments.
+PointerLockDeniedNotInDocument=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīs, jo pieprasošais elements nav dokumentā.
+PointerLockDeniedSandboxed=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo kursora bloķēšanas API ir deaktivēts izmantojot smilšu kasti.
+PointerLockDeniedHidden=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo dokuments nav redzams.
+PointerLockDeniedNotFocused=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo dokuments nav fokusēts.
+PointerLockDeniedMovedDocument=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīs, jo pieprasošais elements ir pārvietojis dokumentu.
+PointerLockDeniedNotInputDriven=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīs, jo Element.requestPointerLock() tika izsaukts no īsa laika lietotāja veidota notikumu apstrādātāja un dokuments nav pilnekrāna režīmā.
+PointerLockDeniedFailedToLock=Kursora bloķēšanas pieprasījums tika noraidīts, jo pārlūkam neizdevās bloķēt kursoru.
+HTMLSyncXHRWarning=HTML apstrāde ar XMLHttpRequest netiek atbalstīta sinhronajā režīmā.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the name of the header in question
+ForbiddenHeaderWarning=Mēģinājums uzstādīt neatļautu galveni tika bloķēs: %S
+ResponseTypeSyncXHRWarning=XMLHttpRequest responseType atribūta izmantošana vairs netiek atbalstīta sinhronajā režīmā window kontekstā.
+TimeoutSyncXHRWarning=XMLHttpRequest noilguma atribūta izmantošana netiek atbalstīta loga konteksta sinhronajā režīmā
+JSONCharsetWarning=Tika veikts mēģinājums deklarēt ne-UTF-8 kodējumu ar XMLHttpRequest iegūtam JSON. JSON dekodēšanai drīkst izmantot vienīgi UTF-8.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and createMediaElementSource.
+MediaElementAudioSourceNodeCrossOrigin=HTMLMediaElement elementā, kas padots createMediaElementSource ir resurss no cita domēna, elements izvadīs klusumu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MediaStream and createMediaStreamSource.
+MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeCrossOrigin=MediaStream elementā, kas padots createMediaStreamSource ir resurss no cita domēna, elements izvadīs klusumu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and MediaStream.
+MediaElementAudioCaptureOfMediaStreamError=The captured HTMLMediaElement is playing a MediaStream. Applying volume or mute status is not currently supported.
+MediaLoadExhaustedCandidates=Visu resursu kandidātu ielāde neizdevās. Ielāde apturēta.
+MediaLoadSourceMissingSrc=<source> elementam nav "src" atribūta. Resursa ielāde neizdevās.
+MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeDifferentRate=Connecting AudioNodes from AudioContexts with different sample-rate is currently not supported.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the Http error code the server returned (e.g. 404, 500, etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadHttpError=HTTP ielāde neizdevās ar statusa kodu %1$S. Resursa %2$S ielāde neizdevās.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadInvalidURI=Nederīgs URI. Resursa %S ielāde neizdevās.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the media resource's format/codec type (basically equivalent to the file type, e.g. MP4,AVI,WMV,MOV etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadUnsupportedTypeAttribute=Norādītais tips (type) "%1$S" nav atbalstīts. Resursa %2$S ielāde neizdevās.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the MIME type HTTP header being sent by the web server, %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadUnsupportedMimeType=HTTP satura tips (Content-Type) "%1$S" nav atbalstīts. Resursa %2$S ielāde neizdevās.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load because of error in decoding.
+MediaLoadDecodeError=Resursu %S nevar atkodēt.
+MediaWidevineNoWMF=Mēģina atskaņot Widevine bez Windows Media Foundation. Skatiet
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaWMFNeeded=Lai atskaņotu %S formāta video, jums jāinstalē papildu Microsoft programmatūra, skatiet
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaPlatformDecoderNotFound=Šo video nevar atskaņot, jums nepieciešami papildu kodeki: %S
+MediaUnsupportedLibavcodec=Video šajā lapā nevar atskaņot. Jūsu sistēmā ir neatbalstīta libavcodec versija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+MediaDecodeError=Resursu %1$S nevar atkodēt, kļūda: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+MediaDecodeWarning=Resursu %1$S var atkodēt, bet ar kļūdu: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaCannotPlayNoDecoders=Nevar atskaņot. Nav dekoderu pieprasītajam formātam: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaNoDecoders=Nav dekoderu pieprasītajiem formātiem: %S\u0020
+MediaCannotInitializePulseAudio=Nevar izmantot PulseAudio
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is not served on HTTPS and thus is not encrypted and considered insecure.
+MediaEMEInsecureContextDeprecatedWarning=Šifrētu multivides paplašinājumu izmantošana %S nedrošā (t.i. bez HTTPS) kontekstā ir novecojusi un drīz tiks noņemta. Jums vajadzētu pāriet uz drošas izcelsmes, piemēram, HTTPS izmantošanu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (either an audioCapabilities or a videoCapabilities) that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+MediaEMENoCapabilitiesDeprecatedWarning=Calling navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() (at %S) without passing a candidate MediaKeySystemConfiguration containing audioCapabilities or videoCapabilities is deprecated and will soon become unsupported.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (a "codecs" string in the "contentType") that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+MediaEMENoCodecsDeprecatedWarning=Calling navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() (at %S) passing a candidate MediaKeySystemConfiguration containing audioCapabilities or videoCapabilities without a contentType with a “codecs” string is deprecated and will soon become unsupported.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Mutation Event" and "MutationObserver"
+MutationEventWarning=Mutation Events izmantošana ir novecojusi. Izmantojiet MutationObserver.
+BlockAutoplayError=Autoplay is only allowed when approved by the user, the site is activated by the user, or media is muted.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Components"
+ComponentsWarning=Components objekts ir novecojis. Drīzumā tas tiks aizvākts.
+PluginHangUITitle=Brīdinājums: Spraudnis nereaģē
+PluginHangUIMessage=%S var būt aizņemts vai arī ir uzkāries. Jūs varat apturēt spraudni vai arī pagaidīt, lai tas pabeidz savu darbu.
+PluginHangUIStopButton=Apturēt spraudni
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "NodeIterator" or "detach()".
+NodeIteratorDetachWarning=detach() izsaukumam priekš NodeIterator vairs nav nekāda efekta.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "LenientThis" and "this"
+LenientThisWarning=get vai set īpašībai, kam ir [LenientThis] tiek ignorētas, jo "this" objekts nav pareizs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "captureEvents()" or "addEventListener()"
+UseOfCaptureEventsWarning=captureEvents() izmantošana ir novecojusi. Lai atjauninātu savu kodu izmantojiet DOM 2 addEventListener() metodi. Papildus informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "releaseEvents()" or "removeEventListener()"
+UseOfReleaseEventsWarning=releaseEvents() izmantošana ir novecojusi. Lai atjauninātu savu kodu izmantojiet DOM 2 removeEventListener() metodi. Papildus informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "XMLHttpRequest"
+SyncXMLHttpRequestWarning=Sinhronais XMLHttpRequest galvenajā pavedienā ir novecojis, jo radīja nevēlamus efektus lietojamībai. Papildus informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "window.controllers/Controllers"
+Window_Cc_ontrollersWarning=window.controllers/Controllers is deprecated. Do not use it for UA detection.
+ImportXULIntoContentWarning=XUL elementu imports satura dokumentā ir novecojis. Šī funkcionalitāte drīzumā tiks aizvākta.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "IndexedDB".
+IndexedDBTransactionAbortNavigation=Nepabeigta IndexedDB transakcija tika pārtraukta lapas navigācijas dēļ.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate Will-change, %1$S,%2$S are numbers.
+IgnoringWillChangeOverBudgetWarning=Will-change atmiņas patēriņš ir pārāk liels. Budžets ir dokumenta virsmas laukuma reizinājums ar %1$S (%2$S pikseļi). Visi will-change izmantojumi dokumentā tiek ignorēti, ja tiek pārsniegts budžets.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+HittingMaxWorkersPerDomain2=ServiceWorker nevarēja inicializēt, jo citi dokumenti no šīs izcelsmes jau izmanto maksimālo darbinieku skaitu. ServiceWorker ir ierindots un tiks palaists, kolīdz kāds no iepriekšējiem darbiniekiem pabeigs savu darbu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Application Cache API", "AppCache" and "ServiceWorker".
+AppCacheWarning=Lietotņu cache API (AppCache) ir novecojis un drīzumā tiks aizvākts. Lūdzu apsveriet pāriešanu uz ServiceWorker atsaistes atbalstam
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+EmptyWorkerSourceWarning=Mēģinājums izveidot Worker no tukša avota. Šis visdrīzāk ir nejauši.
+NavigatorGetUserMediaWarning=navigator.mozGetUserMedia has been replaced by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "RTCPeerConnection", "getLocalStreams", "getRemoteStreams", "getSenders" or "getReceivers".
+RTCPeerConnectionGetStreamsWarning=RTCPeerConnection.getLocalStreams/getRemoteStreams ir novecojuši. Izmantojiet RTCPeerConnection.getSenders/getReceivers.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL.
+InterceptionFailedWithURL=Failed to load '%S'. A ServiceWorker intercepted the request and encountered an unexpected error.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "cors", "Response", "same-origin" or "Request". %1$S is a URL, %2$S is a URL.
+CorsResponseForSameOriginRequest=Failed to load ‘%1$S’ by responding ‘%2$S’. A ServiceWorker is not allowed to synthesize a cors Response for a same-origin Request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "FetchEvent", "no-cors", "opaque", "Response", or "RequestMode". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is a RequestMode value.
+BadOpaqueInterceptionRequestModeWithURL=Failed to load '%1$S'. A ServiceWorker passed an opaque Response to FetchEvent.respondWith() while handling a '%2$S' FetchEvent. Opaque Response objects are only valid when the RequestMode is 'no-cors'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Error", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "fetch()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptedErrorResponseWithURL=Failed to load '%S'. A ServiceWorker passed an Error Response to FetchEvent.respondWith(). This typically means the ServiceWorker performed an invalid fetch() call.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response.clone()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptedUsedResponseWithURL=Failed to load '%S'. A ServiceWorker passed a used Response to FetchEvent.respondWith(). The body of a Response may only be read once. Use Response.clone() to access the body multiple times.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "opaqueredirect", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "FetchEvent". %s is a URL.
+BadOpaqueRedirectInterceptionWithURL=Failed to load '%S'. A ServiceWorker passed an opaqueredirect Response to FetchEvent.respondWith() while handling a non-navigation FetchEvent.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "RedirectMode" or "follow". %S is a URL.
+BadRedirectModeInterceptionWithURL=Neizdevās ielādēt ‘%S’. ServiceWorker nodeva pārsūtīšanas atbildi FetchEvent.respondWith() taču RedirectMode nav ‘follow’.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" or "FetchEvent.preventDefault()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptionCanceledWithURL=Failed to load '%S'. A ServiceWorker canceled the load by calling FetchEvent.preventDefault().
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", or "FetchEvent.respondWith()". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+InterceptionRejectedResponseWithURL=Failed to load '%1$S'. A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that rejected with '%2$S'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+InterceptedNonResponseWithURL=Failed to load '%1$S'. A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that resolved with non-Response value '%2$S'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Service-Worker-Allowed" or "HTTP". %1$S and %2$S are URLs.
+ServiceWorkerScopePathMismatch=Neizdevās piereģistrē ServiceWorker: norādītā ietvara ceļš '%1$S' neatrodas zem maksimāli pieļautā ietvara '%2$S'. Koriģējiet skriptu, pārvietojiet ServiceWorker skriptu vai izmantojiet Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP galveni, lai atļautu ietvaru (scope).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a stringified numeric HTTP status code like "404" and %3$S is a URL.
+ServiceWorkerRegisterNetworkError=Neizdevās reģistrēt /update priekš ServiceWorker no ietvara ‘%1$S’: Ielāde neizdevās ar statusu %2$S akriptam ‘%3$S’.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a MIME Media Type like "text/plain" and %3$S is a URL.
+ServiceWorkerRegisterMimeTypeError2=Failed to register/update a ServiceWorker for scope ‘%1$S’: Bad Content-Type of ‘%2$S’ received for script ‘%3$S’. Must be a JavaScript MIME type.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerRegisterStorageError=Failed to register/update a ServiceWorker for scope ‘%S’: Storage access is restricted in this context due to user settings or private browsing mode.
+ServiceWorkerGetRegistrationStorageError=Failed to get service worker registration(s): Storage access is restricted in this context due to user settings or private browsing mode.
+ServiceWorkerGetClientStorageError=Failed to get service worker’s client(s): Storage access is restricted in this context due to user settings or private browsing mode.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" and "postMessage". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerPostMessageStorageError=The ServiceWorker for scope ‘%S’ failed to execute ‘postMessage‘ because storage access is restricted in this context due to user settings or private browsing mode.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerGraceTimeoutTermination=Aptur ServiceWorker ietvaram ‘%1$S’ ar nepabeigtu waitUntil/respondWith solījumu nogaides noildzes dēļ.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ServiceWorkerNoFetchHandler): Do not translate "Fetch".
+ServiceWorkerNoFetchHandler=Ielādes notikumu apstrādātāji jāpievieno darbinieka skripta sākotnējās novērtēšanas laikā.
+ExecCommandCutCopyDeniedNotInputDriven=document.execCommand('cut'/'copy') was denied because it was not called from inside a short running user-generated event handler.
+ManifestShouldBeObject=Manifestam jābū objektam.
+ManifestScopeURLInvalid=Apjoma URL nav korekta.
+ManifestScopeNotSameOrigin=Apjoma URL jābūt tādai pat kā izcelsmes dokumentam.
+ManifestStartURLOutsideScope=Sākuma URL ir ārpus apjoma, tātad apjoms nav derīgs.
+ManifestStartURLInvalid=Apjoma URL nav korekta.
+ManifestStartURLShouldBeSameOrigin=Apjoma URL jābūt tādai pat kā izcelsmes dokumentam.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the object whose property is invalid. %2$S is the name of the invalid property. %3$S is the expected type of the property value. E.g. "Expected the manifest's start_url member to be a string."
+ManifestInvalidType=Expected the %1$S's %2$S member to be a %3$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the property whose value is invalid. %2$S is the (invalid) value of the property. E.g. "theme_color: 42 is not a valid CSS color."
+ManifestInvalidCSSColor=%1$S: %2$S is not a valid CSS color.
+PatternAttributeCompileFailure=Nevar pārbaudīt <input pattern='%S'>, jo tā nav korekta regulārā izteiksme: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "postMessage" or DOMWindow. %S values are origins, like
+TargetPrincipalDoesNotMatch=Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('%S') does not match the recipient window's origin ('%S').
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+RewriteYouTubeEmbed=Notiek vecā stila YouTube Flash iegultā satura (%S) pārrakstīšana ar iframe iegulto saturu (%S). Lūdzu, ja iespējams, pārrakstiet lapu, lai izmantotu iframe.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+RewriteYouTubeEmbedPathParams=Notiek vecā stila YouTube Flash iegultā satura (%S) pārrakstīšana ar iframe iegulto saturu (%S). Parametrus neatbalsta iframe iegultais saturs, tie tika konvertēti. Lūdzu, ja iespējams, pārrakstiet lapu, lai izmantotu iframe.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Encryption" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Encryption", and "salt". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncryptionHeader=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘šifrēšanas’ galvenei jāsatur unikāls ‘sāls‘ parametrs katram ziņojumam. Papildu informācija pieejama
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Crypto-Key" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Crypto-Key", and "dh". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadCryptoKeyHeader=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘Crypto-Key‘ galvenei jāsatur ‘dh‘ parametrs ar aplikācijas servera publisko atslēgu. Papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt because the deprecated
+# "Encryption-Key" header for an incoming push message is missing or invalid.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Encryption-Key", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and
+# "Content-Encoding: aesgcm". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncryptionKeyHeader=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ neizdevās atšifrēt push paziņojumu. ‘Encryption-Key’ galvenē jāiekļauj 'dh' parametrs. Šī galvene ir novecojusi, un drīz tiks noņemta. Lūdzu, izmantojiet ‘Crypto-Key‘ ar ‘Content-Encoding: aesgcm‘. papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "Content-Encoding" header is missing or contains an
+# unsupported encoding. Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Content-Encoding",
+# "aesgcm", and "aesgcm128". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncodingHeader=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘Content-Encoding‘ galvenei jābūt ‘aesgcm‘. ‘aesgcm128‘ ir pieļaujama, bet novecojusi un drīzumā tiks novākta. Papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "dh" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadSenderKey=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘dh‘ parametram ‘Crypto-Key‘ galvenē jābūt aplikācijas servera Diffie-Hellman publiskajai atslēgai base64url-encoded ( “nekompresētā” vai “sākotnējā” formā (65 biti pirms kodēšanas). Papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "salt" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "salt", "Encryption", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadSalt=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘sāls‘ parametram ‘Encryption‘ galvenē jābūt base64url-encoded (, un vismaz 16 baitiem pirms kodēšanas. Papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "rs" parameter is not a number, or is less than the pad size.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "rs", or "Encryption". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the minimum value (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for
+# aesgcm).
+PushMessageBadRecordSize=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. ‘rs‘ parametram ‘Encryption‘ galvenē jābūt starp %2$S un 2^36-31, vai pilnībā izlaistam. Papildu informācija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because an encrypted record is shorter than the pad size, the pad is larger
+# than the record, or any of the padding bytes are non-zero. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the pad size
+# (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for aesgcm).
+PushMessageBadPaddingError=The ServiceWorker for scope ‘%1$S’ failed to decrypt a push message. A record in the encrypted message was not padded correctly. See for more information.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when push message decryption fails
+# and no specific error info is available. Do not translate "ServiceWorker".
+# %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadCryptoError=ServiceWorker tvērumam ‘%1$S’ nevarēja atkodēt push paziņojumu. Palīdzībai ar šifrēšanu apskatiet
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the type of a DOM event. 'passive' is a literal parameter from the DOM spec.
+PreventDefaultFromPassiveListenerWarning=Ignorē ‘preventDefault()’ izsaukumu notikumam ar tipu ‘%1$S’ no klausītāja, kas reģistrēts kā ‘passive’.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferImageBitmap' and 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferFromImageBitmap' should not be translated
+ImageBitmapRenderingContext_TransferImageBitmapWarning=ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferImageBitmap is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferFromImageBitmap instead.
+IIRFilterChannelCountChangeWarning=IIRFilterNode kanālu skaita izmaiņas var radīt audio defektus.
+BiquadFilterChannelCountChangeWarning=BiquadFilterNode kanālu skaita izmaiņas var radīt audio defektus.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate ".png"
+GeolocationInsecureRequestIsForbidden=Ģeogrāfiskās vietas pieprasījumu var izpildīt tikai drošā kontekstā.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "content", "Window", and ""
+WindowContentUntrustedWarning=The ‘content’ attribute of Window objects is deprecated. Please use ‘’ instead.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element that starts the loop, the second %S is the element's ID.
+SVGRefLoopWarning=SVG <%S> ar ID “%S” ir atsauces cilpa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element in the chain where the chain was broken, the second %S is the element's ID.
+SVGRefChainLengthExceededWarning=SVG <%S> atsauces ķēde, kas ir pārāk gara tika pamests pie elementa ar ID “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceEmpty=<script> elementa atribūts ‘%S’ ir tukšs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceInvalidUri=<script> elementa atribūts ‘%S’ nav korekta adrese" “%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceLoadFailed=Neizdevās ielādēt <script> ar avotu “%S”.
+ModuleSourceLoadFailed=Loading failed for the module with source “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceMalformed=<script> avota adrese ir nekorekta: “%S”.
+ModuleSourceMalformed=Moduļa avota adrese nav derīga: “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceNotAllowed=<script> avota adrese nav atļauta šajā dokumentā: “%S”.
+ModuleSourceNotAllowed=Module source URI is not allowed in this document: “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the invalid property value and %2$S is the property name.
+InvalidKeyframePropertyValue=Keyframe property value “%1$S” is invalid according to the syntax for “%2$S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ReadableStream".
+ReadableStreamReadingFailed=Failed to read data from the ReadableStream: “%S”.
+MotionEventWarning=Use of the motion sensor is deprecated.
+OrientationEventWarning=Use of the orientation sensor is deprecated.
+ProximityEventWarning=Use of the proximity sensor is deprecated.
+AmbientLightEventWarning=Use of the ambient light sensor is deprecated.
+UnsupportedEntryTypesIgnored=Ignoring unsupported entryTypes: %S.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingInterfaceWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+DeprecatedTestingInterfaceWarning=TestingDeprecatedInterface is a testing-only interface and this is its testing deprecation message.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingMethodWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+DeprecatedTestingMethodWarning=TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedMethod() is a testing-only method and this is its testing deprecation message.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingAttributeWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+DeprecatedTestingAttributeWarning=TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedAttribute is a testing-only attribute and this is its testing deprecation message.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (CreateImageBitmapCanvasRenderingContext2DWarning): Do not translate CanvasRenderingContext2D and createImageBitmap.
+CreateImageBitmapCanvasRenderingContext2DWarning=Use of CanvasRenderingContext2D in createImageBitmap is deprecated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozRequestFullScreenDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate mozRequestFullScreen.
+MozRequestFullScreenDeprecatedPrefixWarning=mozRequestFullScreen() is deprecated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenchangeDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenchange.
+MozfullscreenchangeDeprecatedPrefixWarning=onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenerrorDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenerror.
+MozfullscreenerrorDeprecatedPrefixWarning=onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated.