path: root/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about')
25 files changed, 2784 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a766fc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAbout.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-about-title = Davart «About»
+about-about-note =
+ Quai è ina glista da las paginas «about» per simplifitgar da las tschertgar.<br/>
+ Tschertas èn eventualmain confusas. Autras existan mo per motivs da diagnosa.<br/>
+ E tschertas na vegnan betg mussadas perquai ch'ellas basegnan terms surdads.
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9782523fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addons-page-title = Administraziun dals supplements
+search-header =
+ .placeholder = Tschertgar sin
+ .searchbuttonlabel = Tschertgar
+## Variables
+## $domain - Domain name where add-ons are available (e.g.
+list-empty-get-extensions-message = Visita <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a> per installar extensiuns e designs
+list-empty-get-dictionaries-message = Va per dicziunaris sin <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-get-language-packs-message = Va per pachets da lingua sin <a data-l10n-name="get-extensions">{ $domain }</a>
+list-empty-installed =
+ .value = Ti n'has anc installà nagins supplements da quest tip
+list-empty-available-updates =
+ .value = Na chattà naginas actualisaziuns
+list-empty-recent-updates =
+ .value = Ti n'has actualisà nagins supplements l'ultim temp
+list-empty-find-updates =
+ .label = Tschertgar actualisaziuns
+list-empty-button =
+ .label = Emprenda dapli davart supplements
+help-button = Agid cun supplements
+sidebar-help-button-title =
+ .title = Agid cun supplements
+addons-settings-button = Parameters da { -brand-short-name }
+sidebar-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Parameters da { -brand-short-name }
+show-unsigned-extensions-button =
+ .label = Impussibel da verifitgar tschertas extensiuns
+show-all-extensions-button =
+ .label = Mussar tut las extensiuns
+detail-version =
+ .label = Versiun
+detail-last-updated =
+ .label = Ultima actualisaziun
+addon-detail-description-expand = Mussar dapli
+addon-detail-description-collapse = Mussar damain
+detail-contributions-description = Il sviluppader da quest supplement ta dumonda da sustegnair il svilup dal supplement cun ina pitschna contribuziun finanziala.
+detail-contributions-button = Contribuir
+ .title = Contribuir al svilup da quest supplement
+ .accesskey = C
+detail-update-type =
+ .value = Actualisaziuns automaticas
+detail-update-default =
+ .label = Standard
+ .tooltiptext = Mo installar automaticamain las actualisaziun sche quai è definì tenor standard
+detail-update-automatic =
+ .label = Activà
+ .tooltiptext = Installar automaticamain las actualisaziuns
+detail-update-manual =
+ .label = Deactivà
+ .tooltiptext = Betg installar automaticamain las actualisaziuns
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on in private windows.
+detail-private-browsing-label = Exequir en fanestras privatas
+# Some add-ons may elect to not run in private windows by setting incognito: not_allowed in the manifest. This
+# cannot be overridden by the user.
+detail-private-disallowed-label = Betg permess en fanestras privatas
+detail-private-disallowed-description2 = Questa extensiun na vegn betg exequida en il modus privat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns</a>
+# Some special add-ons are privileged, run in private windows automatically, and this permission can't be revoked
+detail-private-required-label = Basegna access a fanestras privatas
+detail-private-required-description2 = Questa extensiun ha access a tias activitads online en il modus privat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns</a>
+detail-private-browsing-on =
+ .label = Permetter
+ .tooltiptext = Activar en il modus privat
+detail-private-browsing-off =
+ .label = Betg permetter
+ .tooltiptext = Deactivar en il modus privat
+detail-home =
+ .label = Website
+detail-home-value =
+ .value = { detail-home.label }
+detail-repository =
+ .label = Profil dal supplement
+detail-repository-value =
+ .value = { detail-repository.label }
+detail-check-for-updates =
+ .label = Tschertgar actualisaziuns
+ .accesskey = T
+ .tooltiptext = Tschertgar actualisaziuns da quest supplement
+detail-show-preferences =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Preferenzas
+ *[other] Preferenzas
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] P
+ *[other] P
+ }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Midar las preferenzas da quest supplement
+ *[other] Midar las preferenzas da quest supplement
+ }
+detail-rating =
+ .value = Valitaziun
+addon-restart-now =
+ .label = Reaviar ussa
+disabled-unsigned-heading =
+ .value = Tscherts supplements èn vegnids deactivads
+disabled-unsigned-description = Ils suandants supplements n'èn betg verifitgads per l'utilisaziun en { -brand-short-name }. Ti pos <label data-l10n-name="find-addons">tschertgar supplements equivalents</label> u dumandar il sviluppader d'als laschar verifitgar.
+disabled-unsigned-learn-more = Ve a savair tut davart nossas stentas per ta porscher la segirezza online necessaria.
+disabled-unsigned-devinfo = Sviluppaders che vulan laschar verifitgar lur supplements pon cuntinuar cun leger noss <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">manual</label>.
+plugin-deprecation-description = Manca insatge? Tscherts plug-ins na vegnan betg pli sustegnids da { -brand-short-name }. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns.</label>
+legacy-warning-show-legacy = Mussar las extensiuns obsoletas
+legacy-extensions =
+ .value = Extensiuns obsoletas
+legacy-extensions-description = Questas extensiuns na correspundan betg als standards actuals da { -brand-short-name } ed èn perquai deactivadas. <label data-l10n-name="legacy-learn-more">Vegnir a savair dapli davart las midadas per supplements</label>
+private-browsing-description2 =
+ { -brand-short-name } mida il cumportament dad extensiuns en il modus privat. Tut las novas extensiuns che ti agiunteschas a
+ { -brand-short-name } na vegnan tenor la configuraziun predefinida betg exequidas en fanestras privatas. Sche ti na las permettas betg en ils parameters
+ na vegnan las extensiuns betg a funcziunar en il modus privat e na vegnan er betg ad avair access a tias activitads online en lez modus.
+ Questa midada succeda per che la navigaziun en il modus privat restia privata.
+ <label data-l10n-name="private-browsing-learn-more">Vegnir a savair co administrar ils parameters da las extensiuns.</label>
+addon-category-discover = Recumandaziuns
+addon-category-discover-title =
+ .title = Recumandaziuns
+addon-category-extension = Extensiuns
+addon-category-extension-title =
+ .title = Extensiuns
+addon-category-theme = Designs
+addon-category-theme-title =
+ .title = Designs
+addon-category-plugin = Plug-ins
+addon-category-plugin-title =
+ .title = Plug-ins
+addon-category-dictionary = Dicziunaris
+addon-category-dictionary-title =
+ .title = Dicziunaris
+addon-category-locale = Linguas
+addon-category-locale-title =
+ .title = Linguas
+addon-category-available-updates = Actualisaziuns disponiblas
+addon-category-available-updates-title =
+ .title = Actualisaziuns disponiblas
+addon-category-recent-updates = Ultimas actualisaziuns
+addon-category-recent-updates-title =
+ .title = Ultimas actualisaziuns
+addon-category-sitepermission = Autorisaziuns per la website
+addon-category-sitepermission-title =
+ .title = Autorisaziuns per la website
+# String displayed in about:addons in the Site Permissions section
+# Variables:
+# $host (string) - DNS host name for which the webextension enables permissions
+addon-sitepermission-host = Autorisaziuns per la website { $host }
+## These are global warnings
+extensions-warning-safe-mode = Tut ils supplements èn vegnids deactivads dal modus segirà.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility = Il test da cumpatibilitad per supplements è deactivà. I po esser che supplements incumpatibels èn installads.
+extensions-warning-safe-mode2 =
+ .message = Tut ils supplements èn vegnids deactivads dal modus segirà.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility2 =
+ .message = Il test da cumpatibilitad per supplements è deactivà. I po esser che supplements incumpatibels èn installads.
+extensions-warning-check-compatibility-button = Activar
+ .title = Activar il test da cumpatibilitad dals supplements
+extensions-warning-update-security = Il test da segirezza per l'actualisaziun da supplements è deactivà. Eventualmain pon actualisaziuns donnegiar tes computer.
+extensions-warning-update-security2 =
+ .message = Il test da segirezza per l'actualisaziun da supplements è deactivà. Eventualmain pon actualisaziuns donnegiar tes computer.
+extensions-warning-update-security-button = Activar
+ .title = Activar il test da segirezza per l'actualisaziun da supplements
+extensions-warning-imported-addons2 =
+ .message = Finescha per plaschair l'installaziun da las extensiuns importadas en { -brand-short-name }.
+extensions-warning-imported-addons-button = Installar las extensiuns
+## Strings connected to add-on updates
+addon-updates-check-for-updates = Tschertgar actualisaziuns
+ .accesskey = T
+addon-updates-view-updates = Mussar las ultimas actualisaziuns
+ .accesskey = a
+# This menu item is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for
+# add-on update checking.
+addon-updates-update-addons-automatically = Actualisar automaticamain ils supplements
+ .accesskey = A
+## Specific add-ons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually",
+## "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the
+## update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior
+## (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the
+## extensions-updates-update-addons-automatically.label menu item).
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-automatic = Midar tut ils supplements sin l'actualisaziun automatica
+ .accesskey = R
+addon-updates-reset-updates-to-manual = Midar tut ils supplements sin l'actualisaziun manuala
+ .accesskey = R
+## Status messages displayed when updating add-ons
+addon-updates-updating = Ils supplements vegnan actualisads
+addon-updates-installed = Tes supplements èn vegnids actualisads.
+addon-updates-none-found = Na chattà naginas actualisaziuns
+addon-updates-manual-updates-found = Mussar las actualisaziuns disponiblas
+## Add-on install/debug strings for page options menu
+addon-install-from-file = Installar in supplement a basa dad ina datoteca…
+ .accesskey = I
+addon-install-from-file-dialog-title = Tscherna il supplement per l'installar
+addon-install-from-file-filter-name = Supplements
+addon-open-about-debugging = Debugar supplements
+ .accesskey = b
+## Extension shortcut management
+# This is displayed in the page options menu
+addon-manage-extensions-shortcuts = Administrar scursanidas dad extensiuns
+ .accesskey = s
+shortcuts-no-addons = Naginas extensiuns activadas.
+shortcuts-no-commands = Las suandantas extensiuns n'han naginas cumbinaziuns da tastas:
+shortcuts-input =
+ .placeholder = Tippa ina scursanida
+shortcuts-browserAction2 = Activar il buttun da la trav d'utensils
+shortcuts-pageAction = Activar l'acziun da pagina
+shortcuts-sidebarAction = Activar/deactivar la trav laterala
+shortcuts-modifier-mac = Includer Ctrl, Alt, u ⌘
+shortcuts-modifier-other = Includer Ctrl u Alt
+shortcuts-invalid = Cumbinaziun nunvalida
+shortcuts-letter = Tippa ina letra
+shortcuts-system = Impussibel da surscriver ina scursanida da { -brand-short-name }
+# String displayed in warning label when there is a duplicate shortcut
+shortcuts-duplicate = Cumbinaziun da tastas occupada dublamain
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message = { $shortcut } vegn utilisà sco cumbinaziun da tastas per plirs cumonds. Cumbinaziuns da tastas duplitgadas pon chaschunar cumportaments nunprevis.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to more than one add-on
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (string) - Shortcut string for the add-on
+shortcuts-duplicate-warning-message2 =
+ .message = { $shortcut } vegn utilisà sco cumbinaziun da tastas per plirs cumonds. Cumbinaziuns da tastas duplitgadas pon chaschunar cumportaments nunprevis.
+# String displayed when a keyboard shortcut is already used by another add-on
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+shortcuts-exists = Gia utilisada da { $addon }
+# Variables:
+# $numberToShow (number) - Number of other elements available to show
+shortcuts-card-expand-button =
+ { $numberToShow ->
+ [one] Mussar anc { $numberToShow }
+ *[other] Mussar anc { $numberToShow }
+ }
+shortcuts-card-collapse-button = Mussar damain
+header-back-button =
+ .title = Turnar
+## Recommended add-ons page
+# Explanatory introduction to the list of recommended add-ons. The action word
+# ("recommends") in the final sentence is a link to external documentation.
+discopane-intro =
+ Extensiuns e designs èn sco apps per tes navigatur e ta laschan
+ proteger pleds-clav, telechargiar videos, chattar acziuns spezialas, bloccar
+ reclamas, midar l'apparientscha da tes navigatur e bler auter. Quests pitschens
+ programs vegnan savens sviluppads da terzas partidas. Qua ina selecziun da
+ <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-trigger">recumandaziuns</a> da { -brand-product-name } per segirezza,
+ prestaziun e funcziunalitad maximala.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations = Tschertas da questas recumandaziuns èn persunalisadas. Ellas sa basan sin autras extensiuns installadas, preferenzas dal profil e statisticas davart l'utilisaziun.
+# Notice to make user aware that the recommendations are personalized.
+discopane-notice-recommendations2 =
+ .message = Tschertas da questas recumandaziuns èn persunalisadas. Ellas sa basan sin autras extensiuns installadas, preferenzas dal profil e statisticas davart l'utilisaziun.
+discopane-notice-learn-more = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns
+privacy-policy = Directivas per la protecziun da datas
+# Refers to the author of an add-on, shown below the name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $author (string) - The name of the add-on developer.
+created-by-author = da(d) <a data-l10n-name="author">{ $author }</a>
+# Shows the number of daily users of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $dailyUsers (number) - The number of daily users.
+user-count = Utilisaders: { $dailyUsers }
+install-extension-button = Agiuntar a { -brand-product-name }
+install-theme-button = Installar il design
+# The label of the button that appears after installing an add-on. Upon click,
+# the detailed add-on view is opened, from where the add-on can be managed.
+manage-addon-button = Administrar
+find-more-addons = Chattar ulteriurs supplements
+find-more-themes = Chattar ulteriurs designs
+# This is a label for the button to open the "more options" menu, it is only
+# used for screen readers.
+addon-options-button =
+ .aria-label = Ulteriuras opziuns
+## Add-on actions
+report-addon-button = Rapportar
+remove-addon-button = Allontanar
+# The link will always be shown after the other text.
+remove-addon-disabled-button = Impussibel dad allontanar <a data-l10n-name="link">Pertge?</a>
+disable-addon-button = Deactivar
+enable-addon-button = Activar
+# This is used for the toggle on the extension card, it's a checkbox and this
+# is always its label.
+extension-enable-addon-button-label =
+ .aria-label = Activar
+preferences-addon-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Preferenzas
+ *[other] Preferenzas
+ }
+details-addon-button = Detagls
+release-notes-addon-button = Remartgas davart la versiun
+permissions-addon-button = Autorisaziuns
+extension-enabled-heading = Activà
+extension-disabled-heading = Deactivà
+theme-enabled-heading = Activà
+theme-disabled-heading2 = Designs memorisads
+plugin-enabled-heading = Activà
+plugin-disabled-heading = Deactivà
+dictionary-enabled-heading = Activà
+dictionary-disabled-heading = Deactivà
+locale-enabled-heading = Activà
+locale-disabled-heading = Deactivà
+sitepermission-enabled-heading = Activà
+sitepermission-disabled-heading = Deactivà
+always-activate-button = Adina activar
+never-activate-button = Mai activar
+addon-detail-author-label = Autur(a)
+addon-detail-version-label = Versiun
+addon-detail-last-updated-label = Ultima actualisaziun
+addon-detail-homepage-label = Pagina d'internet
+addon-detail-rating-label = Valitaziun
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message = Questa extensiun vegn actualisada cura che { -brand-short-name } vegn reavià.
+# Message for add-ons with a staged pending update.
+install-postponed-message2 =
+ .message = Questa extensiun vegn actualisada cura che { -brand-short-name } vegn reavià.
+install-postponed-button = Actualisar ussa
+# The average rating that the add-on has received.
+# Variables:
+# $rating (number) - A number between 0 and 5. The translation should show at most one digit after the comma.
+five-star-rating =
+ .title = Valità cun { NUMBER($rating, maximumFractionDigits: 1) } da 5
+# This string is used to show that an add-on is disabled.
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the add-on
+addon-name-disabled = { $name } (deactivà)
+# The number of reviews that an add-on has received on AMO.
+# Variables:
+# $numberOfReviews (number) - The number of reviews received
+addon-detail-reviews-link =
+ { $numberOfReviews ->
+ [one] { $numberOfReviews } valitaziun
+ *[other] { $numberOfReviews } valitaziuns
+ }
+## Pending uninstall message bar
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description = <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon }</span> è vegnì allontanà.
+# Variables:
+# $addon (string) - Name of the add-on
+pending-uninstall-description2 =
+ .message = { $addon } è vegnì allontanà.
+pending-uninstall-undo-button = Revocar
+addon-detail-updates-label = Permetter actualisaziuns automaticas
+addon-detail-updates-radio-default = Standard
+addon-detail-updates-radio-on = Activà
+addon-detail-updates-radio-off = Deactivà
+addon-detail-update-check-label = Tschertgar actualisaziuns
+install-update-button = Actualisar
+# aria-label associated to the updates row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-updates =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-updates-label }
+# This is the tooltip text for the private browsing badge in about:addons. The
+# badge is the private browsing icon included next to the extension's name.
+addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2 =
+ .title = Permess en fanestras privatas
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-private-browsing-allowed2.title }
+addon-detail-private-browsing-help = Sche permess ha questa extensiun access a tias activitads online en il modus privat. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns</a>
+addon-detail-private-browsing-allow = Permetter
+addon-detail-private-browsing-disallow = Betg permetter
+# aria-label associated to the private browsing row to help screen readers to announce the group
+# of input controls being entered.
+addon-detail-group-label-private-browsing =
+ .aria-label = { detail-private-browsing-label }
+## "sites with restrictions" (internally called "quarantined") are special domains
+## where add-ons are normally blocked for security reasons.
+# Used as a description for the option to allow or block an add-on on quarantined domains.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label = Exequir sin websites cun restricziuns
+# Used as help text part of the quarantined domains UI controls row.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-help = Sche permess, ha l'extensiun access a websites bloccadas da { -vendor-short-name }. Mo permetter sche ti ta fidas da questa extensiun.
+# Used as label and tooltip text on the radio inputs associated to the quarantined domains UI controls.
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-allow = Permetter
+addon-detail-quarantined-domains-disallow = Betg permetter
+# aria-label associated to the quarantined domains exempt row to help screen readers to announce the group.
+addon-detail-group-label-quarantined-domains =
+ .aria-label = { addon-detail-quarantined-domains-label }
+## This is the tooltip text for the recommended badges for an extension in about:addons. The
+## badge is a small icon displayed next to an extension when it is recommended on AMO.
+addon-badge-recommended2 =
+ .title = { -brand-product-name } recumonda mo extensiuns che correspundan a noss standards da segirezza e prestaziun
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-recommended2.title }
+# We hard code "Mozilla" in the string below because the extensions are built
+# by Mozilla and we don't want forks to display "by Fork".
+addon-badge-line3 =
+ .title = Ina extensiun uffiziala, creada da Mozilla. Correspunda a standards da segirezza e stabilitad
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-line3.title }
+addon-badge-verified2 =
+ .title = Questa extensiun è vegnida controllada per garantir noss standard da segirezza e performanza
+ .aria-label = { addon-badge-verified2.title }
+available-updates-heading = Actualisaziuns disponiblas
+recent-updates-heading = Ultimas actualisaziuns
+release-notes-loading = Chargiar…
+release-notes-error = Perstgisa, ma cun chargiar las remartgas davart la versiun è succedida ina errur.
+addon-permissions-empty = Questa extensiun na pretenda naginas autorisaziuns
+addon-permissions-required = Permissiuns necessarias per las funcziunalitads centralas:
+addon-permissions-optional = Permissiuns facultativas per funcziunalitads supplementaras:
+addon-permissions-learnmore = Vegnir a savair dapli davart permissiuns
+recommended-extensions-heading = Extensiuns recumandadas
+recommended-themes-heading = Designs recumandads
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (string) - Host where the permissions are granted
+addon-sitepermissions-required = Permetta a <span data-l10n-name="hostname">{ $hostname }</span> dad utilisar las suandantas funcziuns:
+# A recommendation for the Firefox Color theme shown at the bottom of the theme
+# list view. The "Firefox Color" name itself should not be translated.
+recommended-theme-1 = Inspirà? <a data-l10n-name="link">Creescha tes agen design cun Firefox Color.</a>
+## Page headings
+extension-heading = Administrar tias extensiuns
+theme-heading = Administrar tes designs
+plugin-heading = Administrar tes plug-ins
+dictionary-heading = Administrar tes dicziunaris
+locale-heading = Administrar tias linguas
+updates-heading = Administrar las actualisaziuns
+sitepermission-heading = Administrar tias autorisaziuns da website
+discover-heading = Persunalisescha tes { -brand-short-name }
+shortcuts-heading = Administrar scursanidas dad extensiuns
+default-heading-search-label = Chattar ulteriurs supplements
+addons-heading-search-input =
+ .placeholder = Tschertgar sin
+addon-page-options-button =
+ .title = Utensils per tut ils supplements
+## Detail notifications
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the add-on.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible = { $name } n'è betg cumpatibel cun { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Application version.
+details-notification-incompatible2 =
+ .message = { $name } n'è betg cumpatibel cun { -brand-short-name } { $version }.
+details-notification-incompatible-link = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled = Impussibel da verifitgar { $name } per l'utilisaziun en { -brand-short-name }. Il suplement è vegnì deactivà.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled2 =
+ .message = Impussibel da verifitgar { $name } per l'utilisaziun en { -brand-short-name }. Il suplement è vegnì deactivà.
+details-notification-unsigned-and-disabled-link = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns
+details-notification-unsigned = Impussibel da verifitgar { $name } per l'utilisaziun en { -brand-short-name }. Cuntinuar cun precauziun.
+details-notification-unsigned2 =
+ .message = Impussibel da verifitgar { $name } per l'utilisaziun en { -brand-short-name }. Cuntinuar cun precauziun.
+details-notification-unsigned-link = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns
+details-notification-blocked = { $name } è vegnì deactivà pervia da problems da segirezza u da stabilitad.
+details-notification-blocked2 =
+ .message = { $name } è vegnì deactivà pervia da problems da segirezza u da stabilitad.
+details-notification-blocked-link = Dapli infurmaziuns
+details-notification-softblocked = { $name } po chaschunar problems da segirezza u da stabilitad.
+details-notification-softblocked2 =
+ .message = { $name } po chaschunar problems da segirezza u da stabilitad.
+details-notification-softblocked-link = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns
+details-notification-gmp-pending = { $name } vegn installà en curt mument.
+details-notification-gmp-pending2 =
+ .message = { $name } vegn installà en curt mument.
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Infurmaziuns da licenza
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Infurmaziuns davart la protecziun da datas
+plugins-openh264-name = Codec da video OpenH264, purschì da Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Quest plug-in è vegnì installà automaticamain da Mozilla per ademplir la specificaziun da WebRTC e per pussibilitar la videotelefonia da WebRTC cun apparats che basegnan il codec da video H.264. Visita per studegiar il code da funtauna dal codec e per emprender dapli davart l'implementaziun.
+plugins-widevine-name = Modul «Widevine Content Decryption», purschì da Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = Quest plug-in pussibilitescha la lectura da medias criptadas tenor la specificaziun Encrypted Media Extensions. Websites utiliseschan per il pli medias criptadas per evitar che products da multimedia mess en vendita vegnian copiads. Visitescha per ulteriuras infurmaziuns davart medias criptadas.
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71e42f8291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutCompat.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+label-disable = Deactivar
+label-enable = Activar
+label-interventions = Intervenziuns
+label-more-information = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns: bug { $bug }
+label-overrides = Substituziuns da l'user agent
+text-disabled-in-about-config = Questa funcziun è vegnida deactivada en about:config
+text-no-interventions = Naginas intervenziuns en funcziun
+text-no-overrides = Naginas substituziuns da l'user agent en funcziun
+text-title = about:compat
+## Do not translate "SmartBlock". For reference, SmartBlock is a feature
+## of Firefox anti-tracking which fixes website breakage caused when
+## trackers are blocked, by acting just enough like those trackers to fix the
+## breakage. SmartBlock also contains special fixes for sites broken by
+## Firefox's Total Cookie Protection feature.
+label-smartblock = Reparaturas SmartBlock
+text-no-smartblock = Naginas reparaturas SmartBlock na vegnan duvradas
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5403dce95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### "FOG", "Glean", and "Glean SDK" should remain in English.
+-fog-brand-name = FOG
+-glean-brand-name = Glean
+glean-sdk-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } SDK
+glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name = Visualisatur ping per il debugadi da { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-page-title2 = Davart { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-header = Davart { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-interface-description =
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name }</a>
+ è ina biblioteca per rimnar datas che vegn utilisada en projects da { -vendor-short-name }.
+ Questa interfatscha è concepida per servir a sviluppaders e testaders che
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-link">testeschan manualmain l'instrumentaziun</a>.
+about-glean-upload-enabled = Il transferiment da datas è activà.
+about-glean-upload-disabled = Il transferiment da datas è deactivà.
+about-glean-upload-enabled-local = Il transferiment da datas è activà mo per trametter datas ad in server local.
+about-glean-upload-fake-enabled =
+ Il transferiment da datas è deactivà,
+ ma nus schain manzegnas e communitgain a { glean-sdk-brand-name } ch'el saja activà
+ per che las datas vegnian tuttina registradas localmain.
+ Attenziun: Sch'i vegn definì in tag da debugadi, vegnan ils pings transferids en
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-debug-ping-viewer">{ glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }</a>, independentamain dals parameters.
+# This message is followed by a bulleted list.
+about-glean-prefs-and-defines = Las <a data-l10n-name="fog-prefs-and-defines-doc-link">preferenzas e definiziuns</a> relevantas includan:
+# Variables:
+# $data-upload-pref-value (String): the value of the datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled pref. Typically "true", sometimes "false"
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-data-upload = <code>datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled</code>: { $data-upload-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $local-port-pref-value (Integer): the value of the telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port pref. Typically 0. Can be negative.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-local-port = <code>telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port</code>: { $local-port-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $glean-android-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID define. Typically "false", sometimes "true".
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-glean-android = <code>MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID</code>: { $glean-android-define-value }
+# Variables:
+# $moz-official-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZILLA_OFFICIAL define.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-moz-official = <code>MOZILLA_OFFICIAL</code>: { $moz-official-define-value }
+about-glean-about-testing-header = Davart ils tests
+# This message is followed by a numbered list.
+about-glean-manual-testing =
+ Las instrucziuns cumplettas èn nudadas en la
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-instrumentation-test-doc-link">{ -fog-brand-name } documentaziun dals tests da l'instrumentaziun da { -fog-brand-name }</a>
+ ed en la <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">documentaziun da { glean-sdk-brand-name }</a>,
+ ma qua la resumaziun da las instrucziuns per testar manualmain che l'instrumentaziun funcziuna:
+# This message is an option in a dropdown filled with untranslated names of pings.
+about-glean-no-ping-label = (na trametter nagin ping)
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings = Fa la segira ch'il champ precedent cuntegnia in tag da debugadi facil da tegnair endament per che ti reconuschias pli tard tes pings.
+# An in-line drop down list precedes this string.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-label-for-ping-names =
+ Tscherna en la glista precedenta il ping che cuntegna tia instrumentaziun.
+ Sch'ella è en in <a data-l10n-name="custom-ping-link">ping persunalisà</a>, tscherna quel.
+ Uschiglio è il standard per metricas d'<code>event</code>
+ il ping <code>events</code>
+ e il standard per tut tschellas metricas è
+ il ping <code>metrics</code>.
+# An in-line check box precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-log-pings =
+ (Facultativ. Tscherna la chaschetta da controlla precedenta sche ti vuls che pings vegnian era protocollads sch'els vegnan tramess.
+ Ultra da quai èsi necessari dad <a data-l10n-name="enable-logging-link">activar la protocollaziun</a>.)
+# Variables
+# $debug-tag (String): The user-set value of the debug tag input on this page. Like "about-glean-kV"
+# An in-line button labeled "Apply settings and submit ping" precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-controls-submit =
+ Smatga sin il buttun precedent per attribuir tes tags a tut ils pings { -glean-brand-name } e trametter il ping
+ tschernì.
+ (Tut ils pings tramess suenter quest mument enfin che l'applicaziun vegn reaviada vegnan marcads cun il tag
+ <code>{ $debug-tag }</code>.)
+about-glean-li-for-visit-gdpv =
+ <a data-l10n-name="gdpv-tagged-pings-link">Visita la pagina da { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name } per pings cun tes tag</a>.
+ I na duess betg cuzzar dapli ch'in pèr secundas tranter il mument che ti smatgas il buttun enfin che tes ping arriva.
+ Mintgatant poi durar in pèr minutas.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation =
+ Per ulteriurs tests <i>ad hoc</i>,
+ pos ti era determinar la valur actuala dad in toc specific da l'instrumentaziun
+ cun avrir la consola dals utensils per sviluppaders qua en <code>about:glean</code>
+ ed utilisar l'API <code>testGetValue()</code> sco suonda:
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation2 =
+ Per ulteriurs tests <i>ad hoc</i>,
+ pos ti era determinar la valur actuala dad in element d'instrumentaziun specific
+ cun avrir la consola dals utensils per sviluppaders qua en <code>about:glean</code>
+ ed utilisar l'API <code>testGetValue()</code>, per exmpel
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>
+ per ina metrica cun il num <code>metric.category.metric_name</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-note =
+ Fa stim che ti utiliseschas l'API Glean JS cun utilisar la consola dals utensils per sviluppaders.
+ Quai vul dir che la categoria metrica ed il num metric èn formatads en
+ <code>camelCase</code> cuntrari a las APIs da Rust e C++.
+controls-button-label-verbose = Applitgar ils parameters e trametter in ping
+about-glean-about-data-header = Davart las datas
+about-glean-about-data-explanation =
+ Per sfegliar en la glista da las datas rimnadas, per plaschair consultar il
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-dictionary-link">dicziunari da { -glean-brand-name }</a>.
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..194b68d8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-httpsonly-title-alert = Avis dal modus mo HTTPS
+about-httpsonly-title-site-not-available = Website segirada betg disponibla
+# Variables:
+# $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that failed to load. Example:
+about-httpsonly-explanation-unavailable2 = Ti has activà il modus «mo HTTPS» per augmentar la segirezza ed ina versiun HTTPS da <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em> na stat betg a disposiziun.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-question = Tge pudess esser il motiv?
+about-httpsonly-explanation-nosupport = Pli probabel na sustegna la website simplamain betg HTTPS.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-risk = Igl è era pussaivel ch'in attatgader è involvì. Sche ti ta decidas da visitar la website, na duessas ti endatar naginas infurmaziuns sensiblas sco pleds-clav, e-mails u detagls da cartas da credit.
+about-httpsonly-explanation-continue = Sche ti cuntinueschas, vegn il modus mo HTTPS deactivà temporarmain per questa website.
+about-httpsonly-button-continue-to-site = Cuntinuar cun la website HTTP
+about-httpsonly-button-go-back = Turnar
+about-httpsonly-link-learn-more = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns…
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loded with these alternatives. Example:
+## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established
+## Variables:
+## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loaded with these alternatives. Example:
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-header = Alternativa pussaivla
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-text = I dat ina versiun segirada da <em>www.{ $websiteUrl }</em>. Ti pos visitar questa pagina empè da <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em>.
+about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-button = Ir a www.{ $websiteUrl }
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce1a8cb6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This is the title of the page
+about-logging-title = Davart la protocollaziun
+about-logging-page-title = Administraziun da protocollaziun
+about-logging-current-log-file = Datoteca da protocol actuala:
+about-logging-new-log-file = Nova datoteca da protocollaziun:
+about-logging-currently-enabled-log-modules = Moduls da protocollaziun actualmain activads:
+about-logging-log-tutorial = Legia l'artitgel <a data-l10n-name="logging">HTTP Logging</a> per instrucziuns davart l'utilisaziun da quest utensil.
+# This message is used as a button label, "Open" indicates an action.
+about-logging-open-log-file-dir = Avrir l'ordinatur
+about-logging-set-log-file = Definir la datoteca da protocol
+about-logging-set-log-modules = Definir ils moduls da protocol
+about-logging-start-logging = Cumenzar a protocollar
+about-logging-stop-logging = Chalar da protocollar
+about-logging-buttons-disabled = Protocollaziun configurada via variablas d'ambient, la configuraziun dinamica n'è betg disponibla.
+about-logging-some-elements-disabled = Protocollaziun configurada via URL, tschertas opziuns da configuraziun n'èn betg disponiblas
+about-logging-info = Infurmaziuns:
+about-logging-log-modules-selection = Selecziun dals moduls da protocollaziun
+about-logging-new-log-modules = Novs moduls da protocollaziun:
+about-logging-logging-output-selection = Output da la protocollaziun
+about-logging-logging-to-file = Protocollaziun en ina datoteca
+about-logging-logging-to-profiler = Protocollaziun en { -profiler-brand-name }
+about-logging-no-log-modules = Nagin
+about-logging-no-log-file = Nagin
+about-logging-logging-preset-selector-text = Preselecziun da la protocollaziun:
+about-logging-with-profiler-stacks-checkbox = Activar analisas dal stack per messadis da protocol
+## Logging presets
+about-logging-preset-networking-label = Rait
+about-logging-preset-networking-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da la rait
+about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-label = Cookies
+about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da cookies
+about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-label = WebSockets
+about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da WebSocket
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-label = HTTP/3
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da HTTP/3 e QUIC
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-label = Sveltezza da transferiment HTTP/3
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems cun la sveltezza da transferiment HTTP/3
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Reproducziun multimedia
+about-logging-preset-media-playback-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da reproducziun da multimedia (senza problems da videoconferenza)
+about-logging-preset-webrtc-label = WebRTC
+about-logging-preset-webrtc-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems cun cloms WebRTC
+about-logging-preset-webgpu-label = WebGPU
+about-logging-preset-webgpu-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems cun WebGPU
+about-logging-preset-gfx-label = Grafica
+about-logging-preset-gfx-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems da grafica
+# This is specifically "Microsoft Windows". Microsoft normally doesn't localize it, and we should follow their convention here.
+about-logging-preset-windows-label = Windows
+about-logging-preset-windows-description = Moduls da protocollaziun per diagnostitgar problems specifics cun Microsoft Windows
+about-logging-preset-custom-label = Persunalisà
+about-logging-preset-custom-description = Moduls da protocollaziun tschernids manualmain
+# Error handling
+about-logging-error = Errur:
+## Variables:
+## $k (String) - Variable name
+## $v (String) - Variable value
+about-logging-invalid-output = Valur nunvalida «{ $v }» per la clav «{ $k }»
+about-logging-unknown-logging-preset = Preselecziun da protocollaziun «{ $v }» nunenconuschenta
+about-logging-unknown-profiler-preset = Preselecziun da profiler «{ $v }» nunenconuschenta
+about-logging-unknown-option = Opziun about:logging «{ $k }» nunenconuschenta
+about-logging-configuration-url-ignored = Ignorà l'URL da configuraziun
+about-logging-file-and-profiler-override = Impussibel da sfurzar da scriver ina datoteca e remplazzar il medem mument las opziuns dal profiler
+about-logging-configured-via-url = Opziun configurada via URL
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96f9232c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutMozilla.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-mozilla-title-6-27 = Ilg Vêr Sulaz da Mozilla, 11:14
+about-mozilla-quote-6-27 = Ti eis nies crap, <em>nies grip,</em> nos mirs, <em>Nies schilt,</em> sut tei ess' nus <em>sagirs:</em> Ti noss' eis er <em>fortezia:</em> Quou lein nus ver Chi vult nuscher Ti, noss' eis er <em>farmezia,</em> Cuntut scha gie ilg mũd fus bein Da Spangiers, a dimunnis plein, Ca lessan nus strunglare, A tut ilg mund Ancunter zund, <em>Lein nus buc zageiare</em>.
+about-mozilla-from-6-27 = ord <strong>Ilg Vêr Sulaz da Mozilla,</strong> 11:14
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d839551995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutNetworking.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-networking-title = Connexiuns a la rait
+about-networking-http = HTTP
+about-networking-sockets = Sockets
+about-networking-dns = DNS
+about-networking-dns-clear-cache-button = Svidar il cache dal DNS
+about-networking-dns-trr-url = URL DoH
+about-networking-dns-trr-mode = Modus DoH
+about-networking-dns-suffix = Suffix DNS
+about-networking-websockets = WebSockets
+about-networking-refresh = Actualisar
+about-networking-auto-refresh = Actualisar automaticamain mintga 3 secundas
+about-networking-hostname = Num dal host
+about-networking-port = Port
+about-networking-http-version = Versiun HTTP
+about-networking-ssl = SSL
+about-networking-active = Activ
+about-networking-idle = inactiv
+about-networking-host = Host
+about-networking-type = Tip
+about-networking-sent = Tramess
+about-networking-received = Reschavì
+about-networking-family = Famiglia
+about-networking-trr = TRR
+about-networking-addresses = Addressas
+about-networking-expires = Scada en (secundas)
+about-networking-originAttributesSuffix = Clav d'isolaziun
+about-networking-flags = Flags supplementars
+about-networking-messages-sent = Messadis tramess
+about-networking-messages-received = Messadis retschavids
+about-networking-bytes-sent = Bytes tramess
+about-networking-bytes-received = Bytes retschavids
+about-networking-logging = Protocollar
+about-networking-dns-lookup = Retschertga DNS
+about-networking-dns-lookup-button = Resolver
+about-networking-dns-domain = Domena:
+about-networking-dns-lookup-table-column = IPs
+about-networking-dns-https-rr-lookup-table-column = HTTP RRs
+about-networking-rcwn = Statistica RCWN
+about-networking-rcwn-status = Status RCWN
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-won-count = Dumber da victorias dal cache
+about-networking-rcwn-net-won-count = Dumber da victorias da la rait
+about-networking-total-network-requests = Dumber total da dumondas a la rait
+about-networking-rcwn-operation = Operaziun dal cache
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-open = Avrir
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-read = Leger
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-write = Scriver
+about-networking-rcwn-perf-entry-open = Entrada averta
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-short = Media curta
+about-networking-rcwn-avg-long = Media lunga
+about-networking-rcwn-std-dev-long = Deviaziun da standard lunga
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-slow = Dumber da giadas ch'il cache è plaun
+about-networking-rcwn-cache-not-slow = Dumber da giadas ch'il cache è svelt
+about-networking-networkid = ID da la rait
+about-networking-networkid-id = ID da la rait
+# Note: do not translate about:logging, as it is a URL.
+about-networking-moved-about-logging = Questa pagina è vegnida spustada en <a data-l10n-name="about-logging-url">about:logging</a>.
+## Link is intended as "network link"
+about-networking-networkid-is-up = La colliaziun è activa
+about-networking-networkid-status-known = Il status da la colliaziun è enconuschent
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a173a6370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPerformance.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-performance-title = Task Manager
+## Column headers
+column-name = Num
+column-type = Tip
+column-energy-impact = Effect energetic
+column-memory = Memoria
+## Special values for the Name column
+ghost-windows = Tabs serrads dacurt
+# Variables:
+# $title (String) - the title of the preloaded page, typically 'New Tab'
+preloaded-tab = Prechargià: { $title }
+## Values for the Type column
+type-tab = Tab
+type-subframe = Subframe
+type-tracker = Fastizader
+type-addon = Supplement
+type-browser = Navigatur
+type-worker = Worker
+type-other = Auter
+## Values for the Energy Impact column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - Value of the energy impact, eg. 0.25 (low),
+## 5.38 (medium), 105.38 (high)
+energy-impact-high = Grond ({ $value })
+energy-impact-medium = Mesaun ({ $value })
+energy-impact-low = Pitschen ({ $value })
+## Values for the Memory column
+## Variables:
+## $value (Number) - How much memory is used
+size-KB = { $value } KB
+size-MB = { $value } MB
+size-GB = { $value } GB
+## Tooltips for the action buttons
+close-tab =
+ .title = Serrar il tab
+show-addon =
+ .title = Mussar en l'administraziun da supplements
+# Tooltip when hovering an item of the about:performance table
+# Variables:
+# $totalDispatches (Number) - how many dispatches occured for this page since it loaded
+# $totalDuration (Number) - how much CPU time was used by this page since it loaded
+# $dispatchesSincePrevious (Number) - how many dispatches occured in the last 2 seconds
+# $durationSincePrevious (Number) - how much CPU time was used in the last 2 seconds
+item =
+ .title =
+ Rapports dapi la chargiada: { $totalDispatches } ({ $totalDuration }ms)
+ Rapports durant las ultimas secundas: { $dispatchesSincePrevious } ({ $durationSincePrevious }ms)
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27dd053016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutPlugins.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+title-label = Davart ils plug-ins
+installed-plugins-label = Plug-ins installads
+no-plugins-are-installed-label = Chattà nagins plug-ins installads
+deprecation-description = Manca insatge? Il program na sustegna betg pli tut ils plug-ins. <a data-l10n-name="deprecation-link">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns.</a>
+deprecation-description2 =
+ .message = Manca insatge? Il program na sustegna betg pli tut ils plug-ins.
+## The information of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $pluginLibraries: the plugin library
+## $pluginFullPath: path of the plugin
+## $version: version of the plugin
+file-dd = <span data-l10n-name="file">Datoteca:</span> { $pluginLibraries }
+path-dd = <span data-l10n-name="path">Percurs:</span> { $pluginFullPath }
+version-dd = <span data-l10n-name="version">Versiun:</span> { $version }
+## These strings describe the state of plugins
+## Variables:
+## $blockListState: show some special state of the plugin, such as blocked, outdated
+state-dd-enabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Activà
+state-dd-enabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Activà ({ $blockListState })
+state-dd-Disabled = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Deactivà
+state-dd-Disabled-block-list-state = <span data-l10n-name="state">Status:</span> Deactivà ({ $blockListState })
+mime-type-label = Tip MIME
+description-label = Descripziun
+suffixes-label = Finiziuns
+## Gecko Media Plugins (GMPs)
+plugins-gmp-license-info = Infurmaziuns da licenza
+plugins-gmp-privacy-info = Infurmaziuns davart la protecziun da datas
+plugins-openh264-name = Codec da video OpenH264, purschì da Cisco Systems, Inc.
+plugins-openh264-description = Quest plug-in è vegnì installà automaticamain da Mozilla per ademplir la specificaziun da WebRTC e per pussibilitar la videotelefonia da WebRTC cun apparats che basegnan il codec da video H.264. Visita per studegiar il code da funtauna dal codec e per emprender dapli davart l'implementaziun.
+plugins-widevine-name = Modul «Widevine Content Decryption», purschì da Google Inc.
+plugins-widevine-description = Quest plug-in pussibilitescha la lectura da medias criptadas tenor la specificaziun Encrypted Media Extensions. Websites utiliseschan per il pli medias criptadas per evitar che products da multimedia mess en vendita vegnian copiads. Visitescha per ulteriuras infurmaziuns davart medias criptadas.
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d75734fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProcesses.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page title
+about-processes-title = Administraziun da process
+# The Actions column
+about-processes-column-action =
+ .title = Acziuns
+## Tooltips
+about-processes-shutdown-process =
+ .title = Stgargiar ils tabs e terminar ils process
+about-processes-shutdown-tab =
+ .title = Serrar il tab
+# Profiler icons
+# Variables:
+# $duration (Number) The time in seconds during which the profiler will be running.
+# The value will be an integer, typically less than 10.
+about-processes-profile-process =
+ .title =
+ { $duration ->
+ [one] Crear in profil da tut ils threads da quest process per { $duration } secunda
+ *[other] Crear in profil da tut ils threads da quest process per { $duration } secundas
+ }
+## Column headers
+about-processes-column-name = Num
+about-processes-column-memory-resident = Memoria
+about-processes-column-cpu-total = CPU
+## Process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-browser-process = { -brand-short-name } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-process = Process web cundividì ({ $pid })
+about-processes-file-process = Datotecas ({ $pid })
+about-processes-extension-process = Extensiuns ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedabout-process = Paginas «about:» ({ $pid })
+about-processes-plugin-process = Plugins ({ $pid })
+about-processes-privilegedmozilla-process = Websites { -vendor-short-name } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gmp-plugin-process = Plugins da multimedia Gecko ({ $pid })
+about-processes-gpu-process = GPU ({ $pid })
+about-processes-vr-process = VR ({ $pid })
+about-processes-rdd-process = Decodader da datas ({ $pid })
+about-processes-socket-process = Rait ({ $pid })
+about-processes-remote-sandbox-broker-process = Remote Sandbox Broker ({ $pid })
+about-processes-fork-server-process = Fork Server ({ $pid })
+about-processes-preallocated-process = Preallocà ({ $pid })
+about-processes-utility-process = Utilitad ({ $pid })
+# Unknown process names
+# Variables:
+# $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+# $type (String) The raw type for this process.
+about-processes-unknown-process = Auter: { $type } ({ $pid })
+## Isolated process names
+## Variables:
+## $pid (String) The process id of this process, assigned by the OS.
+## $origin (String) The domain name for this process.
+about-processes-web-isolated-process = { $origin } ({ $pid })
+about-processes-web-serviceworker = { $origin } ({ $pid }, serviceworker)
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process = { $origin } ({ $pid }, cross-origin isolà)
+about-processes-web-isolated-process-private = { $origin } – privat ({ $pid })
+about-processes-with-coop-coep-process-private = { $origin } — privat ({ $pid }, cross-origin isolà)
+## Details within processes
+# Single-line summary of threads (non-idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# $active (Number) The number of active threads in the process.
+# The value will be greater than 0 and will never be
+# greater than $number.
+# $list (String) Comma separated list of active threads.
+# Can be an empty string if the process is idle.
+about-processes-active-threads =
+ { $active ->
+ [one] { $active } thread activ da { $number }: { $list }
+ *[other] { $active } threads activs da { $number }: { $list }
+ }
+# Single-line summary of threads (idle process)
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of threads in the process. Typically larger
+# than 30. We don't expect to ever have processes with less
+# than 5 threads.
+# The process is idle so all threads are inactive.
+about-processes-inactive-threads =
+ { $number ->
+ [one] { $number } thread inactiv
+ *[other] { $number } threads inactivs
+ }
+# Thread details
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name assigned to the thread.
+# $tid (String) The thread id of this thread, assigned by the OS.
+about-processes-thread-name-and-id = { $name }
+ .title = ID dal thread: { $tid }
+# Tab
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) The name of the tab (typically the title of the page, might be the url while the page is loading).
+about-processes-tab-name = Tab: { $name }
+about-processes-preloaded-tab = Nov tab prechargià
+# Single subframe
+# Variables:
+# $url (String) The full url of this subframe.
+about-processes-frame-name-one = Sutframe: { $url }
+# Group of subframes
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) The number of subframes in this group. Always ≥ 1.
+# $shortUrl (String) The shared prefix for the subframes in the group.
+about-processes-frame-name-many = Sutframes ({ $number }): { $shortUrl }
+## Utility process actor names
+about-processes-utility-actor-unknown = Actur nunenconuschent
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-generic = Decoder dad audio generic
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-applemedia = Apple Media Audio Decoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-audio-decoder-wmf = Windows Media Framework Audio Decoder
+about-processes-utility-actor-mf-media-engine = Windows Media Foundation Media Engine CDM
+# "Oracle" refers to an internal Firefox process and should be kept in English
+about-processes-utility-actor-js-oracle = JavaScript Oracle
+about-processes-utility-actor-windows-utils = Windows Utils
+about-processes-utility-actor-windows-file-dialog = Dialog da datotecas da Windows
+## Displaying CPU (percentage and total)
+## Variables:
+## $percent (Number) The percentage of CPU used by the process or thread.
+## Always > 0, generally <= 200.
+## $total (Number) The amount of time used by the process or thread since
+## its start.
+## $unit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `duration-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-cpu = { NUMBER($percent, maximumSignificantDigits: 2, style: "percent") }
+ .title = Total temp CPU: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: data is not available yet.
+about-processes-cpu-user-and-kernel-not-ready = (i vegn mesirà)
+# Special case: process or thread is almost idle (using less than 0.1% of a CPU core).
+# This case only occurs on Windows where the precision of the CPU times is low.
+about-processes-cpu-almost-idle = < 0.1%
+ .title = Temp CPU total: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+# Special case: process or thread is currently idle.
+about-processes-cpu-fully-idle = inactiv
+ .title = Temp CPU total: { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $unit }
+## Displaying Memory (total and delta)
+## Variables:
+## $total (Number) The amount of memory currently used by the process.
+## $totalUnit (String) The unit in which to display $total. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+## $delta (Number) The absolute value of the amount of memory added recently.
+## $deltaSign (String) Either "+" if the amount of memory has increased
+## or "-" if it has decreased.
+## $deltaUnit (String) The unit in which to display $delta. See the definitions
+## of `memory-unit-*`.
+# Common case.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-changed = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+ .title = Evoluziun: { $deltaSign }{ NUMBER($delta, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $deltaUnit }
+# Special case: no change.
+about-processes-total-memory-size-no-change = { NUMBER($total, maximumFractionDigits: 0) }{ $totalUnit }
+## Duration units
+duration-unit-ns = ns
+duration-unit-us = µs
+duration-unit-ms = ms
+duration-unit-s = s
+duration-unit-m = m
+duration-unit-h = h
+duration-unit-d = d
+## Memory units
+memory-unit-B = B
+memory-unit-KB = KB
+memory-unit-MB = MB
+memory-unit-GB = GB
+memory-unit-TB = TB
+memory-unit-PB = PB
+memory-unit-EB = EB
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8674146f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutProfiles.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+profiles-title = Davart ils profils
+profiles-subtitle = Questa pagina gida dad administrar tes profils. Mintga profil è in mund separà che cuntegna datas separadas per la cronologia, ils segnapaginas, ils parameters ed ils supplements.
+profiles-create = Crear in nov profil
+profiles-restart-title = Reaviar
+profiles-restart-in-safe-mode = Reaviar e deactivar ils supplements…
+profiles-restart-normal = Reaviar a moda normala…
+profiles-conflict = In'autra copia da { -brand-product-name } ha modifitgà profils. Ti stos reaviar { -brand-short-name } avant che far ulteriuras midadas.
+profiles-flush-fail-title = Betg memorisà las midadas
+profiles-flush-conflict = { profiles-conflict }
+profiles-flush-failed = I n'è betg reussì da memorisar tias midadas pervia dad ina errur nunspetgada.
+profiles-flush-restart-button = Reaviar { -brand-short-name }
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-name = Profil: { $name }
+profiles-is-default = Profil da standard
+profiles-rootdir = Ordinatur da basa
+# localDir is used to show the directory corresponding to
+# the main profile directory that exists for the purpose of storing data on the
+# local filesystem, including cache files or other data files that may not
+# represent critical user data. (e.g., this directory may not be included as
+# part of a backup scheme.)
+# In case localDir and rootDir are equal, localDir is not shown.
+profiles-localdir = Ordinatur local
+profiles-current-profile = Quai è il profil actual e na po betg vegnir stizzà.
+profiles-in-use-profile = Impussibel da stizzar quest profil perquai ch'el vegn gist utilisà dad ina autra applicaziun.
+profiles-rename = Renumnar
+profiles-remove = Allontanar
+profiles-set-as-default = Definir sco profil da standard
+profiles-launch-profile = Avrir il profil en in nov navigatur
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-title = Impussibel da definir sco predefinì
+profiles-cannot-set-as-default-message = Impussibel da midar il profil da standard per { -brand-short-name }.
+profiles-yes = gea
+profiles-no = na
+profiles-rename-profile-title = Renumnar il profil
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-rename-profile = Renumnar il profil { $name }
+profiles-invalid-profile-name-title = Num da profil nunvalid
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Name of the profile
+profiles-invalid-profile-name = Il num da profil "{ $name }" n'è betg permess.
+profiles-delete-profile-title = Stizzar il profil
+# Variables:
+# $dir (String) - Path to be displayed
+profiles-delete-profile-confirm =
+ «Stizzar il profil» allontanescha il profil da la glista dals profils disponibels. I n'è betg pussaivel da revocar questa acziun.
+ Ti pos tscherner dad era stizzar las datotecas dal profil, inclus ils parameters, ils cretificats ed autras datas da l'utilisader. Questa opziun vegn a stizzar l'ordinatur "{ $dir }" e na po betg vegnir revocada.
+ Vuls ti stizzar las datotecas dal profil?
+profiles-delete-files = Stizzar las datotecas
+profiles-dont-delete-files = Betg stizzar las datotecas
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-title = Errur
+profiles-delete-profile-failed-message = Ina errur è succedida cun empruvar da stizzar quest profil.
+profiles-opendir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mussar en il finder
+ [windows] Avrir l'ordinatur
+ *[other] Avrir l'ordinatur
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..784b01200a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutReader.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-reader-loading = Chargiar…
+about-reader-load-error = Impussibel da chargiar l'artitgel da la pagina
+about-reader-color-scheme-light = Cler
+ .title = Schema da colurs cleras
+about-reader-color-scheme-dark = Stgir
+ .title = Schema da colurs stgiras
+about-reader-color-scheme-sepia = Sepia
+ .title = Schema da colurs sepia
+about-reader-color-scheme-auto = Automatic
+ .title = Schema da colurs automatic
+# An estimate for how long it takes to read an article,
+# expressed as a range covering both slow and fast readers.
+# Variables:
+# $rangePlural (String): The plural category of the range, using the same set as for numbers.
+# $range (String): The range of minutes as a localised string. Examples: "3-7", "~1".
+about-reader-estimated-read-time =
+ { $rangePlural ->
+ [one] { $range } minuta
+ *[other] { $range } minutas
+ }
+## These are used as tooltips in Type Control
+about-reader-toolbar-minus =
+ .title = Diminuir la grondezza da la scrittira
+about-reader-toolbar-plus =
+ .title = Engrondir la grondezza da la scrittira
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthminus =
+ .title = Diminuir la ladezza dal cuntegn
+about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthplus =
+ .title = Engrondir la ladezza dal cuntegn
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightminus =
+ .title = Diminuir l'autezza da la lingia
+about-reader-toolbar-lineheightplus =
+ .title = Engrondir l'autezza da la lingia
+## These are the styles of typeface that are options in the reader view controls.
+about-reader-font-type-serif = Serifas
+about-reader-font-type-sans-serif = Senza serifas
+## Reader View toolbar buttons
+about-reader-toolbar-close = Serrar la vista da lectura
+about-reader-toolbar-type-controls = Controllas da la scrittira
+about-reader-toolbar-savetopocket = Memorisar en { -pocket-brand-name }
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8adb108d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutRights.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+rights-title = Davart tes dretgs
+rights-intro = { -brand-full-name } è ina software libra cun in code avert, creada d'ina communitad da millis persunas da tut il mund. I dat in pèr chaussas che ti stuessas savair:
+rights-intro-point-1 = { -brand-short-name } è disponibel tenor las cundiziuns da la <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-public-license-link">Mozilla Public License</a>. Quai munta che ti pos utilisar, copiar e dar vinavant { -brand-short-name } ad auters. Ti dastgas era midar il code da funtauna da { -brand-short-name } ed al adattar a tes basegns. La Mozilla Public License ta dat era il dretg da distribuir tia versiun modifitgada.
+rights-intro-point-2 = Mozilla na ta conceda nagins dretgs e naginas licenzas per las marcas da la Mozilla Foundation u dad in'autra partida; quai vala era senza excepziun per il num ed il logo da 'Firefox'. Ulteriuras infurmaziuns davart las marcas chatt'ins <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-trademarks-link">qua</a>.
+rights-intro-point-3 = Tschertas funcziuns da { -brand-short-name }, sco las annunzias da collaps, ta porschan la pussaivladad da dar in resun a { -vendor-short-name }. Cun la decisiun da trametter il resun lubeschas ti a { -vendor-short-name } dad utilisar il resun per meglierar ses products, da publitgar il resun sin sias paginas d'internet e da distribuir il resun.
+rights-intro-point-4 = Co che nus utilisain tias infurmaziuns persunalas ed ils resuns che ti tramettas a { -vendor-short-name } entras { -brand-short-name } è descrit en las <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-privacy-policy-link">Directivas per la protecziun da datas da { -brand-short-name }</a>.
+rights-intro-point-4-unbranded = Tut las directivas areguard la protecziun da datas che concernan quest product duessan esser enumeradas qua.
+rights-intro-point-5 = Tschertas funcziuns da { -brand-short-name } utiliseschan servetschs d'infurmaziun a basan dal web. Nus na pudain betg garantir che quellas èn 100% correctas e senza sbagls. Ulteriurs detagls, inclus las infurmaziuns co deactivar las funcziuns che utiliseschan quests servetschs pos ti chattar en las <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-service-terms-link">cundiziuns da servetsch</a>.
+rights-intro-point-5-unbranded = Sche quest product cuntegna servetschs da web, duessan tut las cundiziuns da servetsch valaivlas per il(s) servetsch(s) esser colliadas cun il champ <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-website-services-link">Servetschs da websites</a>.
+rights-intro-point-6 = Per far ir tscherts tips da cuntegn da video telechargia { -brand-short-name } moduls da terzas partidas per decriptar il cuntegn.
+rights-webservices-header = Servetschs d'infurmaziun da { -brand-full-name } a basa dal web
+rights-webservices = { -brand-full-name } utilisescha servetschs d'infurmaziun a basa dal web ("Servetschs") per ta porscher tschertas funcziuns che stattan a disposiziun en questa versiun binaria da { -brand-short-name } tenor las cundiziuns descrittas sutvart. Sche ti na vuls betg utilisar in u plirs da quests servetschs ni sche ti na sas betg acceptar las cundiziuns sutvart pos ti deactivar las funcziuns u ils servetschs. Instrucziuns che mussan co deactivar las funcziuns u ils servetschs pos ti chattar <a data-l10n-name="mozilla-disable-service-link">qua</a>. Autras funcziuns e servetschs pon vegnir deactivads en las preferenzas da l'applicaziun.
+rights-safebrowsing = <strong>SafeBrowsing: </strong>Nus recumandain da betg deactivar la funcziun da SafeBrowsing perquai che ti pudessas uschiglio visitar paginas d'internet betg segiras. Sche ti vuls deactivar cumplettamain la funcziun, suonda ils suandants pass:
+rights-safebrowsing-term-1 = Avra las preferenzas da l'applicaziun
+rights-safebrowsing-term-2 = Tscherna la secziun "Segirezza"
+rights-safebrowsing-term-3 = Deactivescha l'opziun per "{ enableSafeBrowsing-label }"
+enableSafeBrowsing-label = Bloccar cuntegn privlus ed engianaivel
+rights-safebrowsing-term-4 = SafeBrowsing è ussa deactivà
+rights-locationawarebrowsing = <strong>Navigar cun resguardar tia posiziun (Location Aware Browsing): </strong>è adina facultativ. Nagina infurmaziun davart tia posiziun vegn tramessa senza tes consentiment. Sche ti vuls deactivar cumplettamain questa funcziun, suonda ils suandants pass:
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-1 = Scriva en la trav d'adressas <code>about:config</code>
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-2 = Entdatescha geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-3 = Clicca dubel sin la preferenza geo.enabled
+rights-locationawarebrowsing-term-4 = Location-Aware Browsing è ussa deactivà
+rights-webservices-unbranded = Qua duess cumparair ina survista davart ils servetschs da website utilisads ed in'instrucziun che mussa co deactivar els, sche quai è necessari.
+rights-webservices-term-unbranded = Tut las cundiziuns che concernan ils servetschs utilisads da quest product duessan esser enumeradas qua.
+rights-webservices-term-1 = { -vendor-short-name } e ses contribuents, concessiunaris e partenaris sa sprovan da porscher ils servetschs ils pli actuals ed exacts. Nus na pudain dentant betg garantir che questas infurmaziuns èn cumplettas e senza sbagls. Per exempel èsi pussaivel ch'il servetsch da SafeBrowsing n'identifitgescha betg tschertas paginas privlusas u ch'el identifitgescha paginas segiras sco privlusas. Era las posiziuns returnadas da noss purschiders dals servetschs che esguardan tia posiziun geografica èn stimadas e nus na pudain betg (era noss purschiders na pon betg) garantir che las posiziuns inditgadas èn correctas.
+rights-webservices-term-2 = { -vendor-short-name } po sistir u midar ils servetschs tenor agen giudizi.
+rights-webservices-term-3 = Ti dastgas far diever da quests servetschs cun la versiun correspundenta da { -brand-short-name }, e { -vendor-short-name } ta garantescha che ti has tut ils dretgs necessaris per far quai. { -vendor-short-name } e ses concessiunaris sa resalvan tut ils auters dretgs. Questas cundiziuns na vulan betg restrenscher dretgs che vegnan concedids da licenzas da code avert (Open-Source) e concernan { -brand-short-name } resp. versiuns correspundentas che sa basan sin il code da funtauna da { -brand-short-name }.
+rights-webservices-term-4 = <strong>Quests servetschs vegnan mess a disposiziun "senza garanzia per defects". { -vendor-short-name }, ses contribuents, concessiunaris e distributurs refusan tut las garanzias, explicitas u implicitas, per quests servetschs. Ti surpiglias la cumplaina responsabladad per ils servetschs che ti tschernas per tes basegns e per lur qualitad e prestaziun. Tschertas giurisdicziuns na permettan nagina exclusiun u limitaziun da garanzias implicitas, uschia che questa liberaziun da la responsabladad na vala eventualmain betg per tai.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-5 = <strong>Nun che la lescha vertenta pretendia, na pon ni ils { -vendor-short-name }, ni ses contribuents, ni ses concessiunaris u distributurs esser responsabels per inquals donns indirects u spezials, donns entras effects laterals u donns che resultan da l'utilisaziun da { -brand-short-name } u dals servetschs. La responsabladad globala sa restrenscha a maximalmain $500 (tschintgtschient dollars). Tschertas giurisdicziuns na permettan betg l'exclusiun u la limitaziun da tscherts donns, uschia che questas exclusiuns u limitaziuns na pertutgan eventualmain betg tai.</strong>
+rights-webservices-term-6 = { -vendor-short-name } po actualisar questas cundiziuns da temp en tempen cas da basegn. Questas cundiziuns na pon betg vegnir midadas u annulladas senza ina conferma en scrit da { -vendor-short-name }.
+rights-webservices-term-7 = Questas cundiziuns vegnan protegidas da las leschas dal stadi da California, USA, exclus las normas giuridicas che stattan en conflict cun quellas. Sche singulas disposiziuns da questas cundiziuns avessan dad esser senza effect u nunpratitgablas, valan vinavant las ulteriuras cundiziuns. En cas d'in conflict tranter la versiun translatada e la versiun englaisa da questas cundiziuns, vala la versiun englaisa.
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab3336dca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutServiceWorkers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### The term "Service Workers" and "Workers" should not be translated
+about-service-workers-title = Davart Service Workers
+about-service-workers-main-title = Service Workers registrads
+about-service-workers-warning-not-enabled = Service Workers n'èn betg activads.
+about-service-workers-warning-no-service-workers = Nagins Service Workers registrads.
+# The original title of service workers' information
+# Variables:
+# $originTitle: original title
+origin-title = Origin: { $originTitle }
+## These strings are for showing the information of workers.
+## Variables:
+## $name: the name of scope, active cache, waiting cache and the push end point.
+## $url: the url of script specification and current worker.
+scope = <strong>Champ d'applicaziun:</strong> { $name }
+script-spec = <strong>Specificaziun dal sript:</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+current-worker-url = <strong>URL dal worker actual:</strong> <a data-l10n-name="link">{ $url }</a>
+active-cache-name = <strong>Num dal cache activ:</strong> { $name }
+waiting-cache-name = <strong>Num dal cache che spetga:</strong> { $name }
+push-end-point-waiting = <strong>Endpoint da Push:</strong> { waiting }
+push-end-point-result = <strong>Endpoint da Push:</strong> { $name }
+# This term is used as a button label (verb, not noun).
+update-button = Actualisar
+unregister-button = De-registrar
+unregister-error = Betg reussì da de-registrar quest Service Worker.
+waiting = Spetgar…
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06d12ee5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+page-title = Infurmaziuns per schliar problems
+page-subtitle =
+ Questa pagina cuntegna infurmaziuns tecnicas che pudessan esser nizzaivlas,
+ sche ti emprovas da schliar in problem. Sche ti tschertgas respostas a dumondas
+ frequentas davart { -brand-short-name }, visita per plaschair nossa <a data-l10n-name="support-link">pagina d'agid</a>.
+crashes-title = Annunzias da collaps
+crashes-id = ID dal rapport
+crashes-send-date = Tramess
+crashes-all-reports = Tut ils rapports da collaps
+crashes-no-config = Questa applicaziun n'è betg configurada per mussar rapports da collaps.
+support-addons-title = Supplements
+support-addons-name = Num
+support-addons-type = Tip
+support-addons-enabled = Activà
+support-addons-version = Versiun
+support-addons-id = ID
+legacy-user-stylesheets-title = Stylesheets utilisaders (legacy)
+legacy-user-stylesheets-enabled = Activ
+legacy-user-stylesheets-stylesheet-types = Stylesheets
+legacy-user-stylesheets-no-stylesheets-found = Na chattà nagins stylesheets
+security-software-title = Software da segirezza
+security-software-type = Tip
+security-software-name = Num
+security-software-antivirus = Antivirus
+security-software-antispyware = Software cuntraspiunadi
+security-software-firewall = Firewall
+features-title = Funcziunalitads da { -brand-short-name }
+features-name = Num
+features-version = Versiun
+features-id = ID
+processes-title = Process a distanza
+processes-type = Tip
+processes-count = Dumber
+app-basics-title = Infurmaziuns da basa
+app-basics-name = Num
+app-basics-version = Versiun
+app-basics-build-id = ID dal build
+app-basics-distribution-id = ID distribuziun
+app-basics-update-channel = Chanal d'actualisaziuns
+# This message refers to the folder used to store updates on the device,
+# as in "Folder for updates". "Update" is a noun, not a verb.
+app-basics-update-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Ordinatur per las actualisaziuns
+ *[other] Ordinatur per las actualisaziuns
+ }
+app-basics-update-history = Cronologia d'actualisaziuns
+app-basics-show-update-history = Mussar la cronologia da las actualisaziuns
+# Represents the path to the binary used to start the application.
+app-basics-binary = Datoteca binara da l'applicaziun
+app-basics-profile-dir =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Ordinatur dal profil
+ *[other] Ordinatur dal profil
+ }
+app-basics-enabled-plugins = Plug-ins activads
+app-basics-build-config = Configuraziun dal build
+app-basics-user-agent = User Agent
+app-basics-os = OS
+app-basics-os-theme = Design dal sistem operativ
+# Rosetta is Apple's translation process to run apps containing x86_64
+# instructions on Apple Silicon. This should remain in English.
+app-basics-rosetta = Translatà da Rosetta
+app-basics-memory-use = Utilisaziun da la capacitad da memorisar
+app-basics-performance = Prestaziun
+app-basics-service-workers = Service Workers registrads
+app-basics-third-party = Moduls da terzas partidas
+app-basics-profiles = Profils
+app-basics-launcher-process-status = Process launcher
+app-basics-multi-process-support = Fanestras da plirs process
+app-basics-fission-support = Fanestras Fission
+app-basics-remote-processes-count = Process a distanza
+app-basics-enterprise-policies = Directivas d'interpresa
+app-basics-location-service-key-google = Clav dal servetsch da localisaziun da Google
+app-basics-safebrowsing-key-google = Clav dal servetsch Google Safebrowsing
+app-basics-key-mozilla = Clav dal servetsch da posiziun da Mozilla
+app-basics-safe-mode = Modus privat
+app-basics-memory-size = Grondezza da la memoria (RAM)
+app-basics-disk-available = Memoria disponibla sin il disc
+app-basics-pointing-devices = Apparats d'indicaziun
+# Variables:
+# $value (number) - Amount of data being stored
+# $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (e.g. MB)
+app-basics-data-size = { $value } { $unit }
+show-dir-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mussar en il finder
+ [windows] Avrir l'ordinatur
+ *[other] Avrir l'ordinatur
+ }
+environment-variables-title = Variablas d'ambient
+environment-variables-name = Num
+environment-variables-value = Valur
+experimental-features-title = Funcziuns experimentalas
+experimental-features-name = Num
+experimental-features-value = Valur
+modified-key-prefs-title = Impurtantas preferenzas modifitgadas
+modified-prefs-name = Num
+modified-prefs-value = Valur
+user-js-title = Preferenzas en user.js
+user-js-description = Tes ordinatur da profil cuntegna ina datoteca <a data-l10n-name="user-js-link">user.js</a> cun preferenzas che n'èn betg vegnidas creadas da { -brand-short-name }.
+locked-key-prefs-title = Impurtantas preferenzas bloccadas
+locked-prefs-name = Num
+locked-prefs-value = Valur
+graphics-title = Grafica
+graphics-features-title = Funcziuns
+graphics-diagnostics-title = Diagnostica
+graphics-failure-log-title = Protocol d'errurs
+graphics-gpu1-title = GPU #1
+graphics-gpu2-title = GPU #2
+graphics-decision-log-title = Protocol da decisiuns
+graphics-crash-guards-title = Funcziunalitads deactivadas da la protecziun cunter collaps
+graphics-workarounds-title = Soluziuns
+graphics-device-pixel-ratios = Proporziuns da pixels tenor apparat da la fanestra
+# Windowing system in use on Linux (e.g. X11, Wayland).
+graphics-window-protocol = Protocol da fanestras
+# Desktop environment in use on Linux (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc).
+graphics-desktop-environment = Sistem da desktop
+place-database-title = Banca da datas «Places»
+place-database-stats = Statisticas
+place-database-stats-show = Mussar las statisticas
+place-database-stats-hide = Zuppentar las statisticas
+place-database-stats-entity = Entitad
+place-database-stats-count = Dumber
+place-database-stats-size-kib = Grondezza (KiB)
+place-database-stats-size-perc = Grondezza (%)
+place-database-stats-efficiency-perc = Effizienza (%)
+place-database-stats-sequentiality-perc = Sequenzialitad (%)
+place-database-integrity = Integritad
+place-database-verify-integrity = Verifitgar l'integritad
+a11y-title = Accessibladad
+a11y-activated = Activà
+a11y-force-disabled = Impedir l'accessibladad
+a11y-handler-used = Handler utilisà per l'accessibladad
+a11y-instantiator = Generatur d'accessibladad
+library-version-title = Versiuns da bibliotecas
+copy-text-to-clipboard-label = Copiar il text en l'archiv provisoric
+copy-raw-data-to-clipboard-label = Copiar las datas bruttas en l'archiv provisoric
+sandbox-title = Sandbox
+sandbox-sys-call-log-title = Cloms dal sistem refusads
+sandbox-sys-call-index = #
+sandbox-sys-call-age = Avant secundas
+sandbox-sys-call-pid = PID
+sandbox-sys-call-tid = TID
+sandbox-sys-call-proc-type = Tip da process
+sandbox-sys-call-number = Syscall
+sandbox-sys-call-args = Arguments
+troubleshoot-mode-title = Analisar problems
+restart-in-troubleshoot-mode-label = Modus per schliar problems…
+clear-startup-cache-title = Emprova da svidar il cache da l'aviar
+clear-startup-cache-label = Svidar il cache da l'aviar…
+startup-cache-dialog-title2 = Reaviar { -brand-short-name } per stizzar il cache da l'aviar?
+startup-cache-dialog-body2 = Qua tras na vegnan ni tes parameters midads ni tias extensiuns allontanadas.
+restart-button-label = Reaviar
+## Media titles
+audio-backend = Backend dad audio
+max-audio-channels = Maximum da chanals
+sample-rate = Frequenza da scannar preferida
+roundtrip-latency = Latenza da l'ir e turnar (deviaziun da standard)
+media-title = Multimedia
+media-output-devices-title = Apparats da sortida
+media-input-devices-title = Apparats d'entrada
+media-device-name = Num
+media-device-group = Gruppa
+media-device-vendor = Fabricant
+media-device-state = Status
+media-device-preferred = Preferì
+media-device-format = Format
+media-device-channels = Chanals
+media-device-rate = Frequenza
+media-device-latency = Latenza
+media-capabilities-title = Funcziunalitad medias
+media-codec-support-info = Infurmaziuns davart il sustegn da codecs
+# List all the entries of the database.
+media-capabilities-enumerate = Percurrer la banca da datas
+## Codec support table
+media-codec-support-sw-decoding = Decodaziun software
+media-codec-support-hw-decoding = Decodaziun hardware
+media-codec-support-codec-name = Num dal codec
+media-codec-support-supported = Sustegnì
+media-codec-support-unsupported = Betg sustegnì
+media-codec-support-error = Naginas infurmaziuns disponiblas davart il sustegn da codecs. Emprova anc ina giada suenter avair reproducì ina datoteca da multimedia.
+media-codec-support-lack-of-extension = Installar l'extensiun
+## Media Content Decryption Modules (CDM)
+## See EME Spec for more explanation for following technical terms
+media-content-decryption-modules-title = Infurmaziuns davart Content Decryption Modules (CDM)
+media-key-system-name = Num dal sistem da clavs
+media-video-robustness = Robustadad dal video
+media-audio-robustness = Robustadad dal audio
+media-cdm-capabilities = Funcziunalitads
+# Clear Lead isn't defined in the spec, which means the the first few seconds
+# are not encrypted. It allows playback to start without having to wait for
+# license response, improving video start time and user experience.
+media-cdm-clear-lead = Cumenzar senza criptadi
+intl-title = Internaziunalisaziun & lingua
+intl-app-title = Configuraziun da l'applicaziun
+intl-locales-requested = Linguas dumandadas
+intl-locales-available = Linguas disponiblas
+intl-locales-supported = Linguas da l'applicaziun
+intl-locales-default = Lingua predefinida
+intl-os-title = Sistem operativ
+intl-os-prefs-system-locales = Linguas dal sistem
+intl-regional-prefs = Preferenzas regiunalas
+## Remote Debugging
+## The Firefox remote protocol provides low-level debugging interfaces
+## used to inspect state and control execution of documents,
+## browser instrumentation, user interaction simulation,
+## and for subscribing to browser-internal events.
+## See also
+remote-debugging-title = Debugadi a distanza (protocol Chromium)
+remote-debugging-accepting-connections = Connexiuns vegnan acceptadas
+remote-debugging-url = URL
+# Variables
+# $days (Integer) - Number of days of crashes to log
+report-crash-for-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] Annunzias da collaps da l'ultim di
+ *[other] Annunzias da collaps dals ultims { $days } dis
+ }
+# Variables
+# $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes since crash
+crashes-time-minutes =
+ { $minutes ->
+ [one] Avant { $minutes } minuta
+ *[other] Avant { $minutes } minutas
+ }
+# Variables
+# $hours (integer) - Number of hours since crash
+crashes-time-hours =
+ { $hours ->
+ [one] Avant { $hours } ura
+ *[other] Avant { $hours } uras
+ }
+# Variables
+# $days (integer) - Number of days since crash
+crashes-time-days =
+ { $days ->
+ [one] Avant { $days } di
+ *[other] Avant { $days } dis
+ }
+# Variables
+# $reports (integer) - Number of pending reports
+pending-reports =
+ { $reports ->
+ [one] Tut ils rapports da collaps (inclus { $reports } collaps pendent en la perioda definida)
+ *[other] Tut ils rapports da collaps (inclus { $reports } collaps pendents en la perioda definida)
+ }
+raw-data-copied = Copià las datas bruttas en l'archiv provisoric
+text-copied = Copià il text en l'archiv provisoric
+## The verb "blocked" here refers to a graphics feature such as "Direct2D" or "OpenGL layers".
+blocked-driver = Bloccà per tia versiun dal driver da grafica.
+blocked-gfx-card = Bloccà per tia carta da grafica pervia da problems cun ils drivers.
+blocked-os-version = Bloccà per tia versiun dal sistem operativ.
+blocked-mismatched-version = Bloccà causa indicaziuns divergentas areguard la versiun dal driver da grafica en la registry ed en la DLL.
+# Variables
+# $driverVersion - The graphics driver version string
+try-newer-driver = Bloccà per tia versiun dal driver da grafica. Emprova dad actualisar tes driver a la versiun { $driverVersion } u pli nov.
+# "ClearType" is a proper noun and should not be translated. Feel free to leave English strings if
+# there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support
+clear-type-parameters = Parameters da ClearType
+compositing = Compositing
+hardware-h264 = Decodaziun H264 cun hardware
+main-thread-no-omtc = thread principal, nagin OMTC
+yes = Gea
+no = Na
+unknown = Nunenconuschent
+virtual-monitor-disp = Virtual Monitor Display
+## The following strings indicate if an API key has been found.
+## In some development versions, it's expected for some API keys that they are
+## not found.
+found = Chattà
+missing = Betg chattà
+gpu-process-pid = GPUProcessPid
+gpu-process = GPUProcess
+gpu-description = Descripziun
+gpu-vendor-id = ID dal vendider
+gpu-device-id = ID da l'apparat
+gpu-subsys-id = ID dal subsys
+gpu-drivers = Drivers
+gpu-ram = RAM
+gpu-driver-vendor = Producent dal driver
+gpu-driver-version = Versiun dal driver
+gpu-driver-date = Data dal driver
+gpu-active = Activ
+webgl1-wsiinfo = Driver WebGL 1 - Infurmaziuns WSI
+webgl1-renderer = Driver WebGL 1 - Visualisader
+webgl1-version = Driver WebGL 1 - Versiun
+webgl1-driver-extensions = Driver WebGL 1 - Extensiuns
+webgl1-extensions = WebGL 1 - Extensiuns
+webgl2-wsiinfo = Driver WebGL 2 - Infurmaziuns WSI
+webgl2-renderer = Driver WebGL 2 - Visualisader
+webgl2-version = Driver WebGL 2 - Versiun
+webgl2-driver-extensions = Driver WebGL 2 - Extensiuns
+webgl2-extensions = WebGL 2 - Extensiuns
+webgpu-default-adapter = Adapter WebGPU standard
+webgpu-fallback-adapter = Adapter WebGPU alternativ
+# Variables
+# $bugNumber (string) - Bug number on Bugzilla
+support-blocklisted-bug = Bloccà pervia da sbagls enconuschents: <a data-l10n-name="bug-link">bug { $bugNumber }</a>
+# Variables
+# $failureCode (string) - String that can be searched in the source tree.
+unknown-failure = Sin la glista naira; numer da sbagl { $failureCode }
+d3d11layers-crash-guard = D3D11 Compositor
+glcontext-crash-guard = OpenGL
+wmfvpxvideo-crash-guard = WMF VPX Video Decoder
+reset-on-next-restart = Redefinir cun reaviar la proxima giada
+gpu-process-kill-button = Terminar il process da la GPU
+gpu-device-reset = Reinizialisaziun da l'apparat
+gpu-device-reset-button = Lantschar la reinizialisaziun da l'apparat
+uses-tiling = Utilisescha plattinas
+content-uses-tiling = Utilisescha plattinas (cuntegn)
+off-main-thread-paint-enabled = Activà painting ordaifer il thread principal
+off-main-thread-paint-worker-count = Dumber da workers da painting ordaifer il thread principal
+target-frame-rate = Finamira per frequenza da maletgs
+min-lib-versions = Versiun minimala spetgada
+loaded-lib-versions = Versiun utilisada
+has-seccomp-bpf = Seccomp-BPF (Filtrar cloms dal sistem)
+has-seccomp-tsync = Sincronisaziun Seccomp Thread
+has-user-namespaces = Spazis da num da l'utilisader
+has-privileged-user-namespaces = Spazis da num da l'utilisader per process privilegiads
+can-sandbox-content = Sandbox per process da cuntegn
+can-sandbox-media = Sandbox per plug-ins da medias
+content-sandbox-level = Nivel da sandbox per process da cuntegn
+effective-content-sandbox-level = Nivel effectiv da sandbox per ils process da cuntegn
+content-win32k-lockdown-state = Stadi Win32k Lockdown dal process per ils cuntegns
+support-sandbox-gpu-level = Nivel da sandbox per ils process da la GPU
+sandbox-proc-type-content = cuntegn
+sandbox-proc-type-file = cuntegn da la datoteca
+sandbox-proc-type-media-plugin = plugin per medias
+sandbox-proc-type-data-decoder = decoder da datas
+startup-cache-title = Cache da l'aviar
+startup-cache-disk-cache-path = Ordinatur dal cache sin il disc dir
+startup-cache-ignore-disk-cache = Ignorar il cache sin il disc dir
+startup-cache-found-disk-cache-on-init = Chattà il cache sin il disc durant l'inizialisaziun
+startup-cache-wrote-to-disk-cache = Scrit en il cache dal disc
+launcher-process-status-0 = Activà
+launcher-process-status-1 = Deactivà pervia dad errurs
+launcher-process-status-2 = Deactivà cun forza
+launcher-process-status-unknown = Status nunenconuschent
+# Variables
+# $remoteWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+multi-process-windows = { $remoteWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+# Variables
+# $fissionWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows
+# $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows
+fission-windows = { $fissionWindows }/{ $totalWindows }
+fission-status-experiment-control = Deactivà dad experiment
+fission-status-experiment-treatment = Activà dad experiment
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-env = Deactivà da l'ambient
+fission-status-enabled-by-env = Activà da l'ambient
+fission-status-disabled-by-env = Deactivà da l'ambient
+fission-status-enabled-by-default = Activà tenor standard
+fission-status-disabled-by-default = Deactivà tenor standard
+fission-status-enabled-by-user-pref = Activà da l'utilisader
+fission-status-disabled-by-user-pref = Deactivà da l'utilisader
+fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-other = E10s deactivà
+fission-status-enabled-by-rollout = Activà da l'installaziun en fasas
+async-pan-zoom = Zoom asincron
+apz-none = nagin
+wheel-enabled = input da la rodina activà
+touch-enabled = input tactil activà
+drag-enabled = trav da defilar per tutgar activada
+keyboard-enabled = tastatura activada
+autoscroll-enabled = scrollar automatic activà
+zooming-enabled = activà il pinch-zoom fluid
+## Variables
+## $preferenceKey (string) - String ID of preference
+wheel-warning = l'input asincron da la rodina è deactivà pervia dad ina preferenza betg sustegnida: { $preferenceKey }
+touch-warning = l'input tactil asincron è deactivà pervia dad ina preferenza betg sustegnida: { $preferenceKey }
+## Strings representing the status of the Enterprise Policies engine.
+policies-inactive = Inactiv
+policies-active = Activ
+policies-error = Errur
+## Printing section
+support-printing-title = Stampar
+support-printing-troubleshoot = Schliar problems
+support-printing-clear-settings-button = Stizzar ils parameters da stampa memorisads
+support-printing-modified-settings = Parameters da stampa modifitgads
+support-printing-prefs-name = Num
+support-printing-prefs-value = Valur
+## Normandy sections
+support-remote-experiments-title = Experiments a distanza
+support-remote-experiments-name = Num
+support-remote-experiments-branch = Branch d'experiments
+support-remote-experiments-see-about-studies = Consultar <a data-l10n-name="support-about-studies-link">about:studies</a> per ulteriuras infurmaziuns, p.ex. co deactivar singuls experiments u impedir che { -brand-short-name } exequeschia en l'avegnir tals experiments.
+support-remote-features-title = Funcziunalitads a distanza
+support-remote-features-name = Num
+support-remote-features-status = Status
+## Pointing devices
+pointing-device-mouse = Mieur
+pointing-device-touchscreen = Visur per tutgar
+pointing-device-pen-digitizer = Penna digitala
+pointing-device-none = Nagins apparats d'indicaziun
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c60e5ef3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutTelemetry.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-telemetry-ping-data-source = Funtauna da datas da ping:
+about-telemetry-show-current-data = Datas actualas
+about-telemetry-show-archived-ping-data = Datas da ping archivadas
+about-telemetry-show-subsession-data = Mussar datas da sesidas subordinadas
+about-telemetry-choose-ping = Tscherner il ping:
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-type = Tip da ping
+about-telemetry-archive-ping-header = Ping
+about-telemetry-option-group-today = Oz
+about-telemetry-option-group-yesterday = Ier
+about-telemetry-option-group-older = Pli vegl
+about-telemetry-previous-ping = <<
+about-telemetry-next-ping = >>
+about-telemetry-page-title = Datas da telemetria
+about-telemetry-current-store = Arcun actual:
+about-telemetry-more-information = Tschertgas ti ulteriuras infurmaziuns?
+about-telemetry-firefox-data-doc = La <a data-l10n-name="data-doc-link">Documentaziun datas da Firefox</a> cuntegna manuals davart la lavur cun noss utensils da datas.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-client-doc = La <a data-l10n-name="client-doc-link">documentaziun client da telemetria da Firefox</a> includa definiziuns per concepts, documentaziuns dad API e referenzas a datas.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-dashboard = Las <a data-l10n-name="dashboard-link">panelas da telemetria</a> ta permettan da visualisar las datas che Mozilla retschaiva via telemetria.
+about-telemetry-telemetry-probe-dictionary = Il <a data-l10n-name="probe-dictionary-link">dicziunari da provas</a> cuntegna detagls e descripziuns per las provas rimnadas via telemetria.
+about-telemetry-show-in-Firefox-json-viewer = Avrir en il visualisader da JSON
+about-telemetry-home-section = Pagina da partenza
+about-telemetry-general-data-section = Datas generalas
+about-telemetry-environment-data-section = Datas dal conturn
+about-telemetry-session-info-section = Infurmaziuns davart la sessiun
+about-telemetry-scalar-section = Scalars
+about-telemetry-keyed-scalar-section = Scalars cun clav
+about-telemetry-histograms-section = Istograms
+about-telemetry-keyed-histogram-section = Istograms cun clav
+about-telemetry-events-section = Eveniments
+about-telemetry-simple-measurements-section = Mesiraziuns simplas
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-section = Statements da SQL plauns
+about-telemetry-addon-details-section = Detagls dal supplement
+about-telemetry-late-writes-section = Inscripziuns retardadas
+about-telemetry-raw-payload-section = Cuntegn betg elavurà
+about-telemetry-raw = JSON brut
+about-telemetry-full-sql-warning = REMARTGA: Il debugging da SQL plaun è activà. Eventualmain vegnan entirs strings da SQL mussads sutvart. Quels na vegnan dentant betg tramess a Telemetry.
+about-telemetry-fetch-stack-symbols = Retschaiver ils nums da funcziuns per ils stacks
+about-telemetry-hide-stack-symbols = Mussar las datas bruttas dal stack
+# Selects the correct release version
+# Variables:
+# $channel (String): represents the corresponding release data string
+about-telemetry-data-type =
+ { $channel ->
+ [release] datas da la versiun stabla
+ *[prerelease] datas da la preversiun
+ }
+# Selects the correct upload string
+# Variables:
+# $uploadcase (String): represents a corresponding upload string
+about-telemetry-upload-type =
+ { $uploadcase ->
+ [enabled] activada
+ *[disabled] deactivada
+ }
+# Example Output: 1 sample, average = 0, sum = 0
+# Variables:
+# $sampleCount (Integer): amount of histogram samples
+# $prettyAverage (Integer): average of histogram samples
+# $sum (Integer): sum of histogram samples
+about-telemetry-histogram-stats =
+ { $sampleCount ->
+ [one] { $sampleCount } prova statistica, media = { $prettyAverage }, summa = { $sum }
+ *[other] { $sampleCount } provas statisticas, media = { $prettyAverage }, summa = { $sum }
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $telemetryServerOwner (String): the value of the toolkit.telemetry.server_owner preference. Typically "Mozilla"
+about-telemetry-page-subtitle = Questa pagina mussa datas davart la prestaziun, la hardware, l'utilisaziun ed la persunalisaziun rimnadas da la telemetria. Questa infurmaziun vegn tramessa a { $telemetryServerOwner } per meglierar { -brand-full-name }.
+about-telemetry-settings-explanation = La telemetria rimna las { about-telemetry-data-type } e la transmissiun è <a data-l10n-name="upload-link">{ about-telemetry-upload-type }</a>.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): ping name, e.g. “saved-session”
+# $timeStamp (String): ping localized timestamp, e.g. “2017/07/08 10:40:46”
+about-telemetry-ping-details = Mintga infurmaziun vegn tramessa pachetada en «<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pings</a>». Ti vesas il ping { $name }, { $timestamp }.
+about-telemetry-data-details-current = Mintga infurmaziun vegn tramessa pachetada en «<a data-l10n-name="ping-link">pings</a>». Ti vesas las datas actualas.
+# string used as a placeholder for the search field
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $selectedTitle (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+about-telemetry-filter-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Tschertgar en { $selectedTitle }
+about-telemetry-filter-all-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Tschertgar en tuttas secziuns
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-results-for-search = Resultats per «{ $searchTerms }»
+# More info about it can be found here:
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): the section name from the structure of the ping.
+# $currentSearchText (String): the current text in the search input
+about-telemetry-no-search-results = Perstgisa! I na dat nagins resultats en { $sectionName } per «{ $currentSearchText }»
+# Variables:
+# $searchTerms (String): the searched terms
+about-telemetry-no-search-results-all = Perstgisa! Nagins resultats per «{ $searchTerms }» en tut las secziuns.
+# This message is displayed when a section is empty.
+# Variables:
+# $sectionName (String): is replaced by the section name.
+about-telemetry-no-data-to-display = Perstgisa! Naginas datas n'èn disponiblas en «{ $sectionName }»
+# used as a tooltip for the “current” ping title in the sidebar
+about-telemetry-current-data-sidebar = datas actualas
+# used in the “Ping Type” select
+about-telemetry-telemetry-ping-type-all = tut
+# button label to copy the histogram
+about-telemetry-histogram-copy = Copiar
+# these strings are used in the “Slow SQL Statements” section
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-main = Statements da SQL plauns en il thread principal
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-other = Statements da SQL plauns en threads che assistan
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-hits = Frequenza
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-average = Temp en media (ms)
+about-telemetry-slow-sql-statement = Statement
+# these strings are used in the “Add-on Details” section
+about-telemetry-addon-table-id = ID dal supplement
+about-telemetry-addon-table-details = Detagls
+# Variables:
+# $addonProvider (String): the name of an Add-on Provider (e.g. “XPI”, “Plugin”)
+about-telemetry-addon-provider = Purschider { $addonProvider }
+about-telemetry-keys-header = Caracteristica
+about-telemetry-names-header = Num
+about-telemetry-values-header = Valur
+# Variables:
+# $lateWriteCount (Integer): the number of the late writes
+about-telemetry-late-writes-title = Inscripziun retardada #{ $lateWriteCount }
+about-telemetry-stack-title = Stack:
+about-telemetry-memory-map-title = Diagram da la memoria:
+about-telemetry-error-fetching-symbols = Ina errur è capitada cun retschaiver ils simbols. Controllescha che ti es connectà cun l'internet ed emprova anc ina giada.
+about-telemetry-time-stamp-header = temp
+about-telemetry-category-header = categoria
+about-telemetry-method-header = metoda
+about-telemetry-object-header = object
+about-telemetry-extra-header = extra
+# Variables:
+# $process (String): type of process in subsection headers ( e.g. "content", "parent" )
+about-telemetry-process = Process «{ $process }»
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8963f5a07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutThirdParty.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+third-party-page-title = Infurmaziuns da moduls da ina terzas partidas
+third-party-section-title = Glista da moduls en { -brand-short-name } da terzas partidas
+third-party-intro =
+ Questa pagina mussa ils moduls da terzas partidas installadas en tes
+ { -brand-short-name }. Mintga modul che n'è betg signà da Microsoft u
+ { -vendor-short-name } vegn considerà sco modul da terzas partidas.
+third-party-message-empty = Na chattà nagins moduls da terzas partidas.
+third-party-message-no-duration = Betg registrà
+third-party-detail-version = Versiun da la datoteca
+third-party-detail-vendor = Infurmaziuns dal vendider
+third-party-detail-occurrences = Occurrenzas
+ .title = Quantas giada che quest modul è vegnì chargià.
+third-party-detail-duration = Temp da bloccada en media (ms)
+ .title = Quant ditg che quest modul ha bloccà l'applicaziun.
+third-party-detail-app = Applicaziun
+third-party-detail-publisher = Editur
+third-party-th-process = Process
+third-party-th-duration = Temp per chargiar (ms)
+third-party-th-status = Status
+third-party-tag-ime = IME
+ .title = Quest tip da modul vegn chargià sche ti utiliseschas in IME da terzas partidas.
+third-party-tag-shellex = Extensiun shell
+ .title = Quest tip da modul vegn chargià sche ti avras il dialog da datotecas dal sistem.
+third-party-tag-background = Davos las culissas
+ .title =
+ Quest tip da modul n'ha betg bloccà l'applicaziun perquai ch'el è vegnì
+ chargià davos las culissas.
+third-party-icon-unsigned =
+ .title = Quest modul n'è betg signà
+ .alt = Quest modul n'è betg signà
+third-party-icon-warning =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } è collabà en code da quest modul
+ .alt = { -brand-short-name } è collabà en code da quest modul
+third-party-status-loaded = Chargià
+third-party-status-blocked = Bloccà
+third-party-status-redirected = Renvià
+third-party-button-copy-to-clipboard = Copiar las datas bruttas en l'archiv provisoric
+third-party-loading-data =
+ .alt = Chargiar las infurmaziuns dal sistem…
+ .title = Chargiar las infurmaziuns dal sistem…
+third-party-button-reload = Rechargiar cun infos dal sistem
+ .title = Rechargiar cun infurmaziuns dal sistem
+third-party-button-open =
+ .title = Avrir l'ordinatur da la datoteca…
+third-party-button-to-block =
+ .title = Bloccar quest modul
+ .aria-label = Bloccar quest modul
+third-party-button-to-unblock =
+ .title = Actualmain bloccà. Cliccar per debloccar.
+ .aria-label = Actualmain bloccà. Cliccar per debloccar.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-disabled =
+ .title =
+ Actualmain marcà sco bloccà, malgrà che la glista da bloccada è deactivada per questa execuziun
+ da { -brand-short-name }. Cliccar per debloccar.
+ .aria-label =
+ Actualmain marcà sco bloccà, malgrà che la glista da bloccada è deactivada per questa execuziun
+ da { -brand-short-name }. Cliccar per debloccar.
+third-party-button-to-block-module = Bloccar quest modul
+ .title = Bloccar quest modul
+ .aria-label = Bloccar quest modul
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module = Debloccar quest modul
+ .title = Actualmain bloccà. Cliccar per debloccar.
+ .aria-label = Actualmain bloccà. Cliccar per debloccar.
+third-party-button-to-unblock-module-disabled = Debloccar quest modul (glista da bloccada actualmain deactivada)
+ .title =
+ Actualmain marcà sco bloccà, la glista da bloccada è dentant deactivada per questa execuziun
+ da { -brand-short-name }. Cliccar per al debloccar.
+ .aria-label =
+ Actualmain marcà sco bloccà, la glista da bloccada è dentant deactivada per questa execuziun
+ da { -brand-short-name }. Cliccar per al debloccar.
+third-party-button-expand =
+ .title = Mussar infurmaziuns detagliadas
+third-party-button-collapse =
+ .title = Reducir las infurmaziuns detagliadas
+third-party-blocking-requires-restart = Per pudair bloccar in modul dad ina terza partida sto { -brand-short-name } reaviar.
+third-party-should-restart-title = Reaviar { -brand-short-name }
+third-party-restart-now = Reaviar ussa
+third-party-restart-later = Reaviar pli tard
+third-party-blocked-by-builtin =
+ .title = Bloccà da { -brand-short-name }
+ .alt = Bloccà da { -brand-short-name }
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
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index 0000000000..76500a59f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebauthn.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webauthn, a security token management page
+# Page title
+# 'WebAuthn' is a protocol name and should not be translated
+about-webauthn-page-title = Davart WebAuthn
+## Section titles
+about-webauthn-info-section-title = Infurmaziuns davart l'apparat
+about-webauthn-info-subsection-title = Infurmaziun da l'autentificatur
+about-webauthn-options-subsection-title = Opziuns da l'autentificatur
+about-webauthn-pin-section-title = Administraziun da PINs
+about-webauthn-credential-management-section-title = Administrar datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-pin-required-section-title = PIN obligatoric
+about-webauthn-confirm-deletion-section-title = Confermar per stizzar
+## Info field texts
+about-webauthn-text-connect-device = Connectescha per plaschair in token da segirezza.
+# If multiple devices are plugged in, they will blink and we are asking the user to select one by touching the device they want.
+about-webauthn-text-select-device = Tscherna per plaschair tes token da segirezza giavischà cun tutgar l'apparat.
+# CTAP2 refers to Client to Authenticator Protocol version 2
+about-webauthn-text-non-ctap2-device = Impussibel dad administrar las opziuns perquai che tes token da segirezza na sustegna betg CTAP2.
+about-webauthn-text-not-available = Betg disponibel sin questa plattafurma.
+## Results label
+about-webauthn-results-success = Igl è gartegià!
+about-webauthn-results-general-error = Errur!
+# Variables:
+# $retriesLeft (Number): number of tries left
+about-webauthn-results-pin-invalid-error =
+ { $retriesLeft ->
+ [0] Errur: PIN nuncorrect. Emprova anc ina giada.
+ [one] Errur: PIN nuncorrect. Emprova anc ina giada. Ti has anc ina emprova.
+ *[other] Errur: PIN nuncorrect. Emprova anc ina giada. Ti has anc { $retriesLeft } emprovas.
+ }
+about-webauthn-results-pin-blocked-error = Errur: I na restan naginas emprovas pli e tes apparat è bloccà perquai ch'igl è vegnì endatà memia savens in PIN nuncorrect. L'apparat sto vegnir reavià.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-too-short-error = Errur: Il PIN inditgà è memia curt.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-too-long-error = Errur: Il PIN inditgà è memia lung.
+about-webauthn-results-pin-auth-blocked-error = Errur: Igl ha dà memia bleras emprovas betg reussidas ina suenter l'autra. L'autentificaziun cun agid dal PIN è bloccada temporarmain. Tes apparat sto vegnir deconnectà e suenter reconnectà al current (sfitgar e puspè fitgar il cabel).
+about-webauthn-results-cancelled-by-user-error = Errur: L'operaziun è vegnida interrutta da l'utilisader.
+## Labels
+about-webauthn-new-pin-label = Nov PIN:
+about-webauthn-repeat-pin-label = Repeter il nov PIN:
+about-webauthn-current-pin-label = PIN actual:
+about-webauthn-pin-required-label = Endatescha per plaschair tes PIN:
+about-webauthn-credential-list-subsection-title = Infurmaziuns d'annunzia:
+about-webauthn-credential-list-empty = Na chattà naginas datas d'annunzia sin l'apparat.
+about-webauthn-confirm-deletion-label = Ti es per stizzar:
+## Buttons
+about-webauthn-current-set-pin-button = Definir il PIN
+about-webauthn-current-change-pin-button = Midar il PIN
+# List is a verb, as in "Show list of credentials"
+about-webauthn-list-credentials-button = Glista cun datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-cancel-button = Interrumper
+about-webauthn-send-pin-button = OK
+about-webauthn-delete-button = Stizzar
+## Authenticator options fields
+## Option fields correspond to the CTAP2 option IDs and definitions found in
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uv = Verificaziun da l'utilisad:ra
+about-webauthn-auth-option-up = Preschientscha da l'utilisad:ra
+about-webauthn-auth-option-clientpin = PIN client
+about-webauthn-auth-option-rk = Clav resident
+about-webauthn-auth-option-plat = Plattafurma apparat
+# pinUvAuthToken should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-pinuvauthtoken = Permissiuns dal cumond (pinUvAuthToken)
+# MakeCredential and GetAssertion should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-nomcgapermissionswithclientpin = Naginas permissiuns MakeCredential / GetAssertion permissions cun client PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-option-largeblobs = Gronds blobs
+about-webauthn-auth-option-ep = Attestaziun interpresa
+about-webauthn-auth-option-bioenroll = Registraziun biometrica
+# FIDO_2_1_PRE should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-userverificationmgmtpreview = Prototip da la registraziun biometrica (FIDO_2_1_PRE)
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uvbioenroll = Permissiun registraziun biometrica
+about-webauthn-auth-option-authnrcfg = Configuraziun da l'autentificaziun
+about-webauthn-auth-option-uvacfg = Permissiun da la configuraziun da l'autentificaziun
+about-webauthn-auth-option-credmgmt = Administraziun da las datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-auth-option-credentialmgmtpreview = Prototip da l'administraziun da las datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-auth-option-setminpinlength = Definir la lunghezza minimala dal PIN
+# MakeCredential should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-makecreduvnotrqd = MakeCredential senza verificaziun da l'utilisader
+about-webauthn-auth-option-alwaysuv = Adina pretender la verificaziun da l'utilisader
+# Shows when boolean value for an option is True. True should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-true = True
+# Shows when boolean value of an option is False. False should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-false = False
+# If the value is missing (null), it means a certain feature is not supported.
+about-webauthn-auth-option-null = Betg sustegnì
+## Authenticator info fields
+## Info fields correspond to the CTAP2 authenticatorGetInfo field member name and definitions found in
+about-webauthn-auth-info-vendor-prototype-config-commands = Cumonds da configuraziun dal prototip per vendor
+about-webauthn-auth-info-remaining-discoverable-credentials = Datas d'annunzia chattablas che restan
+about-webauthn-auth-info-certifications = Certificaziuns
+about-webauthn-auth-info-uv-modality = Modalitad verificaziun da l'utilisader
+about-webauthn-auth-info-preferred-platform-uv-attempts = Plattafurma preferida per emprovas da verificaziun da l'utilisader
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-rpids-for-set-min-pin-length = Dumber maximal da relying party IDs per definir la lunghezza minimala dal PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-cred-blob-length = Lunghezza maximala dal blob da las datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-auth-info-firmware-version = Versiun da la firmware
+about-webauthn-auth-info-min-pin-length = Lunghezza minimala dal PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-force-pin-change = Obligar da midar il PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-ser-large-blob-array = Grondezza maximala dal large blob array
+about-webauthn-auth-info-algorithms = Algoritmus
+about-webauthn-auth-info-transports = Sistems da transport
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-credential-id-length = Lunghezza maximala da l'ID da las datas d'annunzia
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-credential-count-in-list = Dumber maximal da datas d'annunzia en la glista
+about-webauthn-auth-info-pin-protocols = Protocols PIN
+about-webauthn-auth-info-max-msg-size = Grondezza maximala dal messadi
+# AAGUID should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-aaguid = AAGUID
+about-webauthn-auth-info-extensions = Extensiuns
+about-webauthn-auth-info-versions = Versiuns
+# Shows when boolean value for an info field is True. True should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-true = True
+# Shows when boolean value for an info field is False. False should not be translated.
+about-webauthn-auth-info-false = False
+about-webauthn-auth-info-null = Betg sustegnì
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f35113e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWebrtc.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for about:webrtc, a troubleshooting and diagnostic page
+### for WebRTC calls. See
+# The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated.
+about-webrtc-document-title = WebRTC - Datas internas
+# "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be
+# translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box.
+about-webrtc-save-page-dialog-title = memorisar about:webrtc sut
+## These labels are for a disclosure which contains the information for closed PeerConnection sections
+about-webrtc-closed-peerconnection-disclosure-show-msg = Mussar las PeerConnections serradas
+about-webrtc-closed-peerconnection-disclosure-hide-msg = Zuppentar las PeerConnections serradas
+## AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-msg-label = Protocollar AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-label = Cumenzar da protocollar AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-label = Chalar da protocollar AEC
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-msg = protocollar AEC è activ (discurra in pèr minutas cun il telefonader e terminescha lura il protocollar)
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-on-state-msg = protocollar AEC è activ (discurra in pèr minutas cun il telefonader e terminescha lura il protocollar)
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-unavailable-sandbox = La variabla d'ambient MOZ_DISABLE_CONTENT_SANDBOX=1 è necessaria per exportar protocollaziuns AEC. Definescha mo questa variabla sche ti chapeschas il ristg potenzial.
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - The path to which the aec log file is saved.
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-off-state-msg = Datotecas da protocols registrads sa chattan qua: { $path }
+# The autorefresh checkbox causes a stats section to autorefresh its content when checked
+about-webrtc-auto-refresh-label = Actualisar automaticamain
+# Determines the default state of the Auto Refresh check boxes
+about-webrtc-auto-refresh-default-label = Actualisar automaticamain tenor standard
+# A button which forces a refresh of displayed statistics
+about-webrtc-force-refresh-button = Actualisar
+# "PeerConnection" is a proper noun associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is
+# an abbreviation for Identifier. This string should not normally be translated
+# and is used as a data label.
+about-webrtc-peerconnection-id-label = PeerConnection ID:
+# The number of DataChannels that a PeerConnection has opened
+about-webrtc-data-channels-opened-label = Chanals da datas averts:
+# The number of once open DataChannels that a PeerConnection has closed
+about-webrtc-data-channels-closed-label = Chanals da datas serrads:
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+about-webrtc-sdp-heading = SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading = Local SDP
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-offer = Local SDP (Offerta)
+about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-answer = Local SDP (Resposta)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading = Remote SDP
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-offer = Remote SDP (Offerta)
+about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-answer = Remote SDP (Resposta)
+about-webrtc-sdp-history-heading = Cronologia SDP
+about-webrtc-sdp-parsing-errors-heading = Errurs d'analisa SDP
+# "RTP" is an abbreviation for the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF
+# specification, and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an
+# abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-rtp-stats-heading = RTP Stats
+## "ICE" is an abbreviation for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which
+## is an IETF protocol, and should not normally be translated.
+about-webrtc-ice-state = ICE State
+# "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics.
+about-webrtc-ice-stats-heading = ICE Stats
+about-webrtc-ice-restart-count-label = ICE restarts:
+about-webrtc-ice-rollback-count-label = ICE rollbacks:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-sent = Bytes tramess:
+about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-received = Bytes recepids:
+about-webrtc-ice-component-id = ID da la cumponenta
+## These adjectives are used to label a line of statistics collected for a peer
+## connection. The data represents either the local or remote end of the
+## connection.
+about-webrtc-type-local = Local
+about-webrtc-type-remote = Lontan
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+about-webrtc-nominated = Nominated
+# This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain
+# the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank.
+# This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate.
+about-webrtc-selected = Selected
+about-webrtc-save-page-label = Memorisar la pagina
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-msg-label = Modus per chattar sbagls
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-label = Lantschar il modus per chattar sbagls
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-label = Fermar il modus per chattar sbagls
+about-webrtc-enable-logging-label = Activar la preselecziun da protocollaziun per WebRTC
+about-webrtc-stats-heading = Statistica da la sesida
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-heading = Statisticas RTCPeerConnection
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-show-msg = Mussar statisticas RTCPeerConnection
+about-webrtc-peerconnections-section-hide-msg = Zuppentar statisticas RTCPeerConnection
+about-webrtc-stats-clear = Stizzar la cronologia
+about-webrtc-log-heading = Connection Log
+about-webrtc-log-clear = Svidar il protocol
+about-webrtc-log-show-msg = show log
+ .title = click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-log-hide-msg = hide log
+ .title = click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-log-section-show-msg = Show log
+ .title = Click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-log-section-hide-msg = Hide log
+ .title = Click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-copy-report-button = Copiar il rapport
+about-webrtc-copy-report-history-button = Copiar la cronologia dals rapports
+## These are used to display a header for a PeerConnection.
+## Variables:
+## $browser-id (Number) - A numeric id identifying the browser tab for the PeerConnection.
+## $id (String) - A globally unique identifier for the PeerConnection.
+## $url (String) - The url of the site which opened the PeerConnection.
+## $now (Date) - The JavaScript timestamp at the time the report was generated.
+about-webrtc-connection-open = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } { $now }
+about-webrtc-connection-closed = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } (closed) { $now }
+## These are used to indicate what direction media is flowing.
+## Variables:
+## $codecs - a list of media codecs
+about-webrtc-short-send-receive-direction = Spediziun / recepziun: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-short-send-direction = Spediziun: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-short-receive-direction = Recepziun: { $codecs }
+about-webrtc-local-candidate = Local Candidate
+about-webrtc-remote-candidate = Remote Candidate
+about-webrtc-raw-candidates-heading = Tut ils candidats bruts
+about-webrtc-raw-local-candidate = Candidat brut local
+about-webrtc-raw-remote-candidate = Candidat brut lontan
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-show-msg = mussar ils candidats bruts
+ .title = click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-hide-msg = zuppentar ils candidats bruts
+ .title = click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-show-msg = Mussar ils candidats bruts
+ .title = Click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-hide-msg = Zuppentar ils candidats bruts
+ .title = Click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-priority = Priority
+about-webrtc-fold-show-msg = show details
+ .title = click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-fold-hide-msg = hide details
+ .title = click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-fold-default-show-msg = Show details
+ .title = Click to expand this section
+about-webrtc-fold-default-hide-msg = Hide details
+ .title = Click to collapse this section
+about-webrtc-dropped-frames-label = Maletgs sursiglids:
+about-webrtc-discarded-packets-label = Pachets ignorads:
+about-webrtc-decoder-label = Decoder
+about-webrtc-encoder-label = Encoder
+about-webrtc-show-tab-label = Mussar il tab
+about-webrtc-current-framerate-label = Frequenza da frames
+about-webrtc-width-px = Largezza (px)
+about-webrtc-height-px = Autezza (px)
+about-webrtc-consecutive-frames = Frames consecutivs
+about-webrtc-time-elapsed = Temp percurrì (s)
+about-webrtc-estimated-framerate = Framerate stimada
+about-webrtc-rotation-degrees = Rotaziun (grads)
+about-webrtc-first-frame-timestamp = Temp da la recepziun da l'emprim maletg
+about-webrtc-last-frame-timestamp = Temp da la recepziun da l'ultim maletg
+## SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream
+# This is an SSRC on the local side of the connection that is receiving RTP
+about-webrtc-local-receive-ssrc = SSRC local che recepescha
+# This is an SSRC on the remote side of the connection that is sending RTP
+about-webrtc-remote-send-ssrc = SSRC lontan che trametta
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the
+## PeerConnection configuration disclosure
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-show-msg = Mussar la configuraziun
+about-webrtc-pc-configuration-hide-msg = Zuppentar la configuraziun
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having been
+# provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-provided = Inditgà
+# An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having not
+# been provided
+about-webrtc-configuration-element-not-provided = Betg inditgà
+# The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call
+about-webrtc-custom-webrtc-configuration-heading = Preferenzas WebRTC definidas da l'utilisader
+# The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-heading = Configuraziun WebRTC modifitgada da l'utilisad:ra
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the
+## user modified configuration disclosure
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-show-msg = Mussar la configuraziun modifitgada da l'utilisad:ra
+about-webrtc-user-modified-configuration-hide-msg = Zuppentar la configuraziun modifitgada da l'utilisad:ra
+# Section header for estimated bandwidths of WebRTC media flows
+about-webrtc-bandwidth-stats-heading = Volumen da datas transmissibel stimà
+# The ID of the MediaStreamTrack
+about-webrtc-track-identifier = Identificatur dal toc
+# The estimated bandwidth available for sending WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-send-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Volumen da datas transferibel (bytes/sec)
+# The estimated bandwidth available for receiving WebRTC media in bytes per second
+about-webrtc-receive-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Volumen da datas receptibel (bytes/sec)
+# Maximum number of bytes per second that will be padding zeros at the ends of packets
+about-webrtc-max-padding-bytes-sec = Padding maximal (bytes/sec)
+# The amount of time inserted between packets to keep them spaced out
+about-webrtc-pacer-delay-ms = Retard Pacer (ms)
+# The amount of time it takes for a packet to travel from the local machine to the remote machine,
+# and then have a packet return
+about-webrtc-round-trip-time-ms = RTT (ms)
+# This is a section heading for video frame statistics for a MediaStreamTrack.
+# see
+# Variables:
+# $track-identifier (String) - The unique identifier for the MediaStreamTrack.
+about-webrtc-frame-stats-heading = Statisticas da maletgs da video - ID MediaStreamTrack: { $track-identifier }
+## These are paths used for saving the about:webrtc page or log files so
+## they can be attached to bug reports.
+## Variables:
+## $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-msg = memorisà la pagina sut: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-msg = il protocol dal decurs sa chatta qua: { $path }
+about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-msg = modus per chattar sbagls activ, protocol dal decurs sut: { $path }
+about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-msg = datotecas da protocols registrads sa chattan qua: { $path }
+# This path is used for saving the about:webrtc page so it can be attached to
+# bug reports.
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved.
+about-webrtc-save-page-complete-msg = Memorisà la pagina sut: { $path }
+# This is the total number of frames encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $frames (Number) - The number of frames encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-frames =
+ { $frames ->
+ [one] { $frames } frame
+ *[other] { $frames } frames
+ }
+# This is the number of audio channels encoded or decoded over an RTP stream.
+# Variables:
+# $channels (Number) - The number of channels encoded or decoded.
+about-webrtc-channels =
+ { $channels ->
+ [one] { $channels } chanal
+ *[other] { $channels } chanals
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets received on the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets received.
+about-webrtc-received-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Retschavì { $packets } pachet
+ *[other] Retschavì { $packets } pachets
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets lost by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets lost.
+about-webrtc-lost-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Pers { $packets } pachet
+ *[other] Pers { $packets } pachets
+ }
+# This is the total number of packets sent by the PeerConnection.
+# Variables:
+# $packets (Number) - The number of packets sent.
+about-webrtc-sent-label =
+ { $packets ->
+ [one] Tramess { $packets } pachet
+ *[other] Tramess { $packets } pachets
+ }
+# Jitter is the variance in the arrival time of packets.
+# See:
+# Variables:
+# $jitter (Number) - The jitter.
+about-webrtc-jitter-label = Jitter { $jitter }
+# ICE candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled
+# (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats
+# table with light blue background.
+about-webrtc-trickle-caption-msg = Ils candidats plauns (arrivads suenter la resposta) èn marcads cun blau
+## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard.
+## See
+# This is used as a header for local SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-local = Definì Local SDP cun il timestamp { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") }
+# This is used as a header for remote SDP.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-remote = Definì Remote SDP cun il timestamp { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") }
+# This is used as a header for an SDP section contained in two columns allowing for side-by-side comparisons.
+# Variables:
+# $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set.
+# $relative-timestamp (Number) - The timestamp relative to the timestamp of the earliest received SDP.
+about-webrtc-sdp-set-timestamp = Timestamp { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } (+ { $relative-timestamp } ms)
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the SDP information disclosure
+about-webrtc-show-msg-sdp = Mussar il SDP
+about-webrtc-hide-msg-sdp = Zuppentar il SDP
+## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the Media Context information disclosure.
+## The Media Context is the set of preferences and detected capabilities that informs
+## the negotiated CODEC settings.
+about-webrtc-media-context-show-msg = Mussar il context da multimedia
+about-webrtc-media-context-hide-msg = Zuppentar il context da multimedia
+about-webrtc-media-context-heading = Context multimedia
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af4d4843c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutWindowsMessages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for the about:windows-messages page, which is only available
+### on the Windows operating system.
+### This page records and shows messages sent from the operating system to
+### individual browser windows. These messages can be useful in debugging
+### hard-to-reproduce issues with window sizing and position.
+# Windows refers to the operating system
+windows-messages-page-title = Infurmaziuns cun ils messadis da Windows
+windows-messages-intro =
+ Questa pagina mussa ils messadis tramess dacurt da Windows
+ a las fanestras dal navigatur { -brand-short-name }. L'endataziun
+ mussada grass stat per questa fanestra. Fa stim che questa pagina
+ mussa ils messadis ils pli novs dal mument en il qual la pagina
+ è vegnida chargiada; per vesair messadis actuals stos ti actualisar
+ la pagina.
+windows-messages-copy-to-clipboard = Copiar en l'archiv provisoric
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd57a721a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/abuseReports.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Localized string used as the dialog window title.
+# "Report" is a noun in this case, "Report for AddonName".
+# Variables:
+# $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on being reported
+abuse-report-dialog-title = Rapport per { $addon-name }
+abuse-report-title-extension = Rapportar questa extensiun a { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-title-sitepermission = Rapportar quest supplement dad autorisaziuns per websites a { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-title-theme = Rapportar quest design a { -vendor-short-name }
+abuse-report-subtitle = Tge è il problem?
+# Variables:
+# $author-name (string) - Name of the add-on author
+abuse-report-addon-authored-by = da(d) <a data-l10n-name="author-name">{ $author-name }</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore =
+ N'es ti betg segir tge tscherner?
+ <a data-l10n-name="learnmore-link">Ulteriuras infurmaziuns davart rapportar extensiuns e designs</a>
+abuse-report-learnmore-intro = N'es ti betg segir tge tscherner?
+abuse-report-learnmore-link = Ulteriuras infurmaziuns davart rapportar extensiuns e designs
+abuse-report-submit-description = Descriva il problem (facultativ)
+abuse-report-textarea =
+ .placeholder = Igl è pli simpel da schliar il problem sche nus enconuschain ils detagls. Descriva per plaschair il problem che ti has chattà. Grazia fitg per gidar a mantegnair il web da buna sanadad.
+abuse-report-submit-note = Remartga: Betg includer infurmaziuns persunalas (sco nums, adressas d'e-mail, numers da telefon, adressas postalas). { -vendor-short-name } memorisescha permanentamain quests rapports.
+## Panel buttons.
+abuse-report-cancel-button = Interrumper
+abuse-report-next-button = Enavant
+abuse-report-goback-button = Enavos
+abuse-report-submit-button = Trametter
+## Message bars descriptions.
+## Variables:
+## $addon-name (string) - Name of the add-on
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted = Annullà il rapport per <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting = Trametter il rapport per <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>...
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Vuls ti allontanar <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove = Grazia per trametter in rapport.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà l'extensiun <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà il supplement dad autorisaziuns per websites <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà il design <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error = Ina errur è succedida cun trametter il rapport per <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span>.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit = Il rapport per <span data-l10n-name="addon-name">{ $addon-name }</span> n'è betg vegnì tramess perquai ch'in auter rapport è vegnì tramess dacurt.
+abuse-report-messagebar-aborted2 =
+ .message = Annullà il rapport per { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitting2 =
+ .message = Trametter il rapport per { $addon-name }...
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted2 =
+ .message = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Vuls ti allontanar { $addon-name }?
+abuse-report-messagebar-submitted-noremove2 =
+ .message = Grazia per trametter in rapport.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-extension2 =
+ .message = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà l'extensiun { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-sitepermission2 =
+ .message = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà il supplement dad autorisaziuns per websites { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-removed-theme2 =
+ .message = Grazia per trametter in rapport. Ti has allontanà il design { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error2 =
+ .message = Ina errur è succedida cun trametter il rapport per { $addon-name }.
+abuse-report-messagebar-error-recent-submit2 =
+ .message = Il rapport per { $addon-name } n'è betg vegnì tramess perquai ch'in auter rapport è vegnì tramess dacurt.
+## Message bars actions.
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-extension = Gea, allontanar
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-extension = Na, mantegnair
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-sitepermission = Gea, allontanar
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-sitepermission = Na, mantegnair
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-remove-theme = Gea, allontanar
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-keep-theme = Na, mantegnair
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-retry = Reempruvar
+abuse-report-messagebar-action-cancel = Interrumper
+## Abuse report reasons (optionally paired with related examples and/or suggestions)
+abuse-report-damage-reason-v2 = Mias datas u mes computer èn vegnids donnegiads
+abuse-report-damage-example = Exempel: ha installà malware u engulà datas
+abuse-report-spam-reason-v2 = Cuntegna spam u inserescha reclamas nungiavischadas
+abuse-report-spam-example = Exempel: Integrescha reclamas en paginas d'internet
+abuse-report-settings-reason-v2 = Ha modifitgà mia maschina da tschertgar, mia pagina da partenza u la pagina da novs tabs senza m'infurmar u dumandar
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions = Avant che rapportar questa extensiun, pos ti empruvar da midar tes parameters:
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-search = Mida tes parameters da la tschertga da standard
+abuse-report-settings-suggestions-homepage = Mida tia pagina da partenza e la pagina dad in nov tab
+abuse-report-deceptive-reason-v2 = Pretenda dad esser insatge auter
+abuse-report-deceptive-example = Exempel: Descripziun u grafica engianaivla
+abuse-report-broken-reason-extension-v2 = Na funcziuna betg, chaschuna problems cun websites u ralentescha { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-sitepermission-v2 = Na funcziuna betg, chaschuna problems cun websites u ralentescha { -brand-product-name }
+abuse-report-broken-reason-theme-v2 = Na funcziuna betg u chaschuna problems cun l'interfatscha dal navigatur
+abuse-report-broken-example = Exempel: las funcziuns èn plaunas, difficilas dad utilisar u na funcziunan betg; parts da websites na chargian betg u vegnan visualisadas a moda curiusa
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-extension =
+ Probablamain has ti chattà in sbagl dal program. Ultra da trametter qua in rapport, vegni recumandà
+ da contactar il sviluppader da l'extensiun per ch'il problem possia vegnir schlià.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Visita la website da l'extensiun</a> per chattar infurmaziuns davart il sviluppader.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-sitepermission =
+ Probablamain has ti chattà in sbagl. Ultra da trametter qua in rapport, vegni recumandà
+ da contactar il sviluppader da la website per ch'il problem possia vegnir schlià.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Visita la website</a> per chattar infurmaziuns davart il sviluppader.
+abuse-report-broken-suggestions-theme =
+ Probablamain has ti chattà in sbagl dal program. Ultra da trametter qua in rapport, vegni recumandà
+ da contactar il sviluppader dal design per ch'il problem possia vegnir schlià.
+ <a data-l10n-name="support-link">Visita la website dal design</a> per chattar infurmaziuns davart il sviluppader.
+abuse-report-policy-reason-v2 = Cuntegn cun odi u violenza e cuntegns illegals
+abuse-report-policy-suggestions =
+ Remartga: Problems cun il dretg d'autur e violaziuns dal dretg da marcas ston vegnir annunziads en in process separà.
+ <a data-l10n-name="report-infringement-link">Fa diever da questas instrucziuns</a> per
+ annunziar il problem.
+abuse-report-unwanted-reason-v2 = Jau n'hai mai vulì quai e na sai betg co ma liberar da la chaussa
+abuse-report-unwanted-example = Exempel: Ina applicaziun ha l'installà senza mes consentiment
+abuse-report-other-reason = Insatge auter
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f234c6529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/certviewer.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+certificate-viewer-certificate-section-title = Certificat
+## Error messages
+certificate-viewer-error-message = I n'è betg reussì da chattar las infurmaziuns dal certificat u ch'il certificat è donnegià. Emprova per plaschair anc ina giada.
+certificate-viewer-error-title = Igl ha dà in problem.
+## Certificate information labels
+certificate-viewer-algorithm = Algoritmus
+certificate-viewer-certificate-authority = Autoritad da certificaziun
+certificate-viewer-cipher-suite = Cipher Suite
+certificate-viewer-common-name = Num frequent
+certificate-viewer-email-address = Adressa dad e-mail:
+# Variables:
+# $firstCertName (String) - Common Name for the displayed certificate
+certificate-viewer-tab-title = Certificat per { $firstCertName }
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-country = Pajais da registraziun
+certificate-viewer-country = Pajais
+certificate-viewer-curve = Curva
+certificate-viewer-distribution-point = Punct da distribuziun
+certificate-viewer-dns-name = Num DNS
+certificate-viewer-ip-address = Adressa IP
+certificate-viewer-other-name = Auter num
+certificate-viewer-exponent = Exponent
+certificate-viewer-id = ID
+certificate-viewer-key-exchange-group = Gruppa da barat da clavs
+certificate-viewer-key-id = ID da clav
+certificate-viewer-key-size = Dimensiun da la clav
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-locality = Sedia
+certificate-viewer-locality = Localitad
+certificate-viewer-location = Posiziun
+certificate-viewer-logid = ID dal log
+certificate-viewer-method = Metoda
+certificate-viewer-modulus = Modulus
+certificate-viewer-name = Num
+certificate-viewer-not-after = Betg suenter
+certificate-viewer-not-before = Betg avant
+certificate-viewer-organization = Organisaziun
+certificate-viewer-organizational-unit = Unitad d'organisaziun
+certificate-viewer-policy = Directiva
+certificate-viewer-protocol = Protocol
+certificate-viewer-public-value = Valur publica
+certificate-viewer-purposes = Intents
+certificate-viewer-qualifier = Qualifitgader
+certificate-viewer-qualifiers = Qualifitgaders
+certificate-viewer-required = Obligatoric
+certificate-viewer-unsupported = &lt;betg sustegnì&gt;
+# Inc. means Incorporated, e.g GitHub is incorporated in Delaware
+certificate-viewer-inc-state-province = Stadi/provinza da registraziun
+certificate-viewer-state-province = Stadi/provinza
+certificate-viewer-sha-1 = SHA-1
+certificate-viewer-sha-256 = SHA-256
+certificate-viewer-serial-number = Numer da seria
+certificate-viewer-signature-algorithm = Algoritmus da signatura
+certificate-viewer-signature-scheme = Schema da signatura
+certificate-viewer-timestamp = Data e temp
+certificate-viewer-value = Valur
+certificate-viewer-version = Versiun
+certificate-viewer-business-category = Categoria d'affars
+certificate-viewer-subject-name = Num dal subject
+certificate-viewer-issuer-name = Num da l'emettur
+certificate-viewer-validity = Valaivladad
+certificate-viewer-subject-alt-names = Nums alternativs dal subject
+certificate-viewer-public-key-info = Infurmaziuns davart la clav publica
+certificate-viewer-miscellaneous = Varia
+certificate-viewer-fingerprints = Improntas dal det
+certificate-viewer-basic-constraints = Limitaziuns da basa
+certificate-viewer-key-usages = Utilisaziuns da la clav
+certificate-viewer-extended-key-usages = Utilisaziun extendidas da la clav
+certificate-viewer-ocsp-stapling = OCSP Stapling
+certificate-viewer-subject-key-id = ID da clav dal subject
+certificate-viewer-authority-key-id = ID da clav da l'autoritad
+certificate-viewer-authority-info-aia = Infurmaziuns davart l'autoritad (AIA)
+certificate-viewer-certificate-policies = Reglas dal certificat
+certificate-viewer-embedded-scts = SCTs integrads
+certificate-viewer-crl-endpoints = CRL Endpoints
+# This message is used as a row header in the Miscellaneous section.
+# The associated data cell contains links to download the certificate.
+certificate-viewer-download = Telechargiar
+# This message is used to replace boolean values (true/false) in several certificate fields, e.g. Certificate Authority
+# Variables:
+# $boolean (String) - true/false value for the specific field
+certificate-viewer-boolean =
+ { $boolean ->
+ [true] Gea
+ *[false] Na
+ }
+## Variables:
+## $fileName (String) - The file name to save the PEM data in, derived from the common name from the certificate being displayed.
+certificate-viewer-download-pem = PEM (cert)
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+certificate-viewer-download-pem-chain = PEM (chain)
+ .download = { $fileName }-chain.pem
+# The title attribute for Critical Extension icon
+certificate-viewer-critical-extension =
+ .title = Questa extensiun è vegnida marcada sco critica. Quai vul dir che clients ston refusar il certificat sch'els n'al chapeschan betg.
+certificate-viewer-export = Exportar
+ .download = { $fileName }.pem
+# Label for a tab where we haven't found a better label:
+certificate-viewer-unknown-group-label = (nunenconuschent)
+## Labels for tabs displayed in stand-alone about:certificate page
+certificate-viewer-tab-mine = Tes certificats
+certificate-viewer-tab-people = Persunas
+certificate-viewer-tab-servers = Servers
+certificate-viewer-tab-ca = Posts da certificaziun
+certificate-viewer-tab-unkonwn = Nunenconuschent
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5067809ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/config.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings appear on the warning you see when first visiting about:config.
+about-config-intro-warning-title = Proceder cun precauziun
+about-config-intro-warning-text = La modificaziun da la configuraziun da las preferenzas avanzadas po cumprometter la prestaziun u la segirezza da { -brand-short-name }.
+about-config-intro-warning-checkbox = Mussar quest avis cun acceder a questas preferenzas
+about-config-intro-warning-button = Acceptar la ristga e cuntinuar
+# This is shown on the page before searching but after the warning is accepted.
+about-config-caution-text = La modificaziun da questas preferenzas po cumprometter la prestaziun u la segirezza da { -brand-short-name }.
+about-config-page-title = Preferenzas avanzadas
+about-config-search-input1 =
+ .placeholder = Tschertgar in num dad ina preferenza
+about-config-show-all = Mussar tut
+about-config-show-only-modified = Mussar mo preferenzas modifitgadas
+about-config-pref-add-button =
+ .title = Agiuntar
+about-config-pref-toggle-button =
+ .title = Alternar
+about-config-pref-edit-button =
+ .title = Modifitgar
+about-config-pref-save-button =
+ .title = Memorisar
+about-config-pref-reset-button =
+ .title = Reinizialisar
+about-config-pref-delete-button =
+ .title = Stizzar
+## Labels for the type selection radio buttons shown when adding preferences.
+about-config-pref-add-type-boolean = Boolean
+about-config-pref-add-type-number = Dumber
+about-config-pref-add-type-string = String
+## Preferences with a non-default value are differentiated visually, and at the
+## same time the state is made accessible to screen readers using an aria-label
+## that won't be visible or copied to the clipboard.
+## Variables:
+## $value (String): The full value of the preference.
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-default =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (predefinì)
+about-config-pref-accessible-value-custom =
+ .aria-label = { $value } (persunalisà)
diff --git a/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..357240dca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/toolkit/toolkit/about/url-classifier.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+url-classifier-title = Infurmaziuns davart la classificaziun dad URLs
+url-classifier-search-title = Tschertga
+url-classifier-search-result-title = Resultats
+url-classifier-search-result-uri = URI: { $uri }
+url-classifier-search-result-list = Glista da tabellas: { $list }
+url-classifier-search-input = URL
+url-classifier-search-error-invalid-url = URL nunvalid
+url-classifier-search-error-no-features = Nagina funcziunalitad tschernida
+url-classifier-search-btn = Cumenzar a tschertgar
+url-classifier-search-features = Funcziunalitads
+url-classifier-search-listType = Tip da glista
+url-classifier-provider-title = Purschider
+url-classifier-provider = Purschider
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-time = Ultima actualisaziun
+url-classifier-provider-next-update-time = Proxima actualisaziun
+url-classifier-provider-back-off-time = Perioda d'interrupziun
+url-classifier-provider-last-update-status = Status da l'ultima actualisaziun
+url-classifier-provider-update-btn = Actualisaziun
+url-classifier-cache-title = Cache
+url-classifier-cache-refresh-btn = Actualisar
+url-classifier-cache-clear-btn = Stizzar
+url-classifier-cache-table-name = Num da la tabella
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-entries = Dumber d'endataziuns negativas en il cache
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-entries = Dumber d'endataziuns positivas en il cache
+url-classifier-cache-show-entries = Mussar las endataziuns
+url-classifier-cache-entries = Endataziuns en il cache
+url-classifier-cache-prefix = Prefix
+url-classifier-cache-ncache-expiry = Scadenza da cache negativa
+url-classifier-cache-fullhash = Hash cumplet
+url-classifier-cache-pcache-expiry = Scadenza da cache positiva
+url-classifier-debug-title = Debugar
+url-classifier-debug-module-btn = Activar ils moduls da protocol
+url-classifier-debug-file-btn = Definir la datoteca da protocol
+url-classifier-debug-js-log-chk = Activar il protocol da JS
+url-classifier-debug-sb-modules = Moduls da protocol per Safe Browsing
+url-classifier-debug-modules = Moduls da protocol actuals
+url-classifier-debug-sbjs-modules = Protocol JS da Safe Browsing
+url-classifier-debug-file = Datoteca da protocol actuala
+url-classifier-trigger-update = Exequir l'actualisaziun
+url-classifier-not-available = Betg disponibel
+url-classifier-disable-sbjs-log = Deactivar il protocol JS per Safe Browsing
+url-classifier-enable-sbjs-log = Activar il protocol JS per Safe Browsing
+url-classifier-enabled = Activà
+url-classifier-disabled = Deactivà
+url-classifier-updating = actualisar
+url-classifier-cannot-update = impussibel dad actualisar
+url-classifier-success = success
+## Variables
+## $error (string) - Error message
+url-classifier-update-error = errur d'actualisaziun ({ $error })
+url-classifier-download-error = errur da telechargiar ({ $error })