path: root/l10n-sco/browser/browser/browser.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-sco/browser/browser/browser.ftl')
1 files changed, 790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-sco/browser/browser/browser.ftl b/l10n-sco/browser/browser/browser.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1755ea3c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sco/browser/browser/browser.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The main browser window's title
+# This gets set as the initial title, and is overridden as soon as we start
+# updating the titlebar based on loaded tabs or private browsing state.
+# This should match the `data-title-default` attribute in both
+# `browser-main-window` and `browser-main-window-mac`.
+browser-main-window-title = { -brand-full-name }
+urlbar-identity-button =
+ .aria-label = View site information
+## Tooltips for images appearing in the address bar
+urlbar-services-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open instaw message panel
+urlbar-web-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Chynge whether ye can get notifications fae the site
+urlbar-midi-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open MIDI panel
+urlbar-eme-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage yaise o DRM saftware
+urlbar-web-authn-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open Wab Uphaudin panel
+urlbar-canvas-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage canvas oothowkin permeesion
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-microphone-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage sharin yer microphone wi the site
+urlbar-default-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open message panel
+urlbar-geolocation-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open airtin speirin panel
+urlbar-xr-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open virtual reality permeesion panel
+urlbar-storage-access-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open wab-stravaigin activity permeesion panel
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-screen-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage sharin yer windaes or screen wi the site
+urlbar-indexed-db-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open affline storage message panel
+urlbar-password-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open save passwird message panel
+urlbar-plugins-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage plug-in yaise
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-devices-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage sharin yer camera and/or microphone wi the site
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-speaker-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Manage sharin ither speakers wi the site
+urlbar-autoplay-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open autopley panel
+urlbar-persistent-storage-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Store data in Persistent Storage
+urlbar-addons-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Open eik-on instawment message panel
+urlbar-tip-help-icon =
+ .title = Get hauners
+urlbar-search-tips-confirm = Awricht, Got Ye
+# Read out before Urlbar Tip text content so screenreader users know the
+# subsequent text is a tip offered by the browser. It should end in a colon or
+# localized equivalent.
+urlbar-tip-icon-description =
+ .alt = Wysin:
+## Prompts users to use the Urlbar when they open a new tab or visit the
+## homepage of their default search engine.
+## Variables:
+## $engineName (String): The name of the user's default search engine. e.g. "Google" or "DuckDuckGo".
+urlbar-search-tips-onboard = Type less, find mair: Sairch { $engineName } richt fae yer address baur.
+urlbar-search-tips-redirect-2 = Stert yer sairch in the address baur fur tae see suggestions fae { $engineName } and yer wab-stravaigin historie.
+# Prompts users to use the Urlbar when they are typing in the domain of a
+# search engine, e.g. or
+urlbar-tabtosearch-onboard = Select this shortcut tae airt-oot whit ye're efter faster.
+## Local search mode indicator labels in the urlbar
+urlbar-search-mode-bookmarks = Buikmerks
+urlbar-search-mode-tabs = Tabs
+urlbar-search-mode-history = Historie
+urlbar-geolocation-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit airtin information fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-xr-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit virtual reality device access fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-web-notifications-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit notifications fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-camera-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit yer camera fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-microphone-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit yer microphone fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-screen-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit this wabsite fae sharin yer screen.
+urlbar-persistent-storage-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit persistent storage fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-popup-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit lowp-ups fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-autoplay-media-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit autopley media wi soond fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-canvas-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit canvas data oot-howkin fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-midi-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit MIDI ingang fur this wabsite.
+urlbar-install-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've blockit eik-on instawment fur this wabsite.
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command.
+urlbar-star-edit-bookmark =
+ .tooltiptext = Edit this buikmerk ({ $shortcut })
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command.
+urlbar-star-add-bookmark =
+ .tooltiptext = Buikmerk this page ({ $shortcut })
+## Page Action Context Menu
+## Auto-hide Context Menu
+full-screen-autohide =
+ .label = Hide Toolbaurs
+ .accesskey = H
+full-screen-exit =
+ .label = Ootgang fae Hale Screen Mode
+ .accesskey = F
+## Search Engine selection buttons (one-offs)
+# This string prompts the user to use the list of search shortcuts in
+# the Urlbar and searchbar.
+search-one-offs-with-title = This time, sairch wi:
+search-one-offs-change-settings-compact-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Chynge sairch settins
+search-one-offs-context-open-new-tab =
+ .label = Sairch in New Tab
+ .accesskey = T
+search-one-offs-context-set-as-default =
+ .label = Set as Staunart Airt-oot Engine
+ .accesskey = S
+search-one-offs-context-set-as-default-private =
+ .label = Set as Staunart Airt-oot Engine fur Private Windaes
+ .accesskey = S
+# Search engine one-off buttons with an @alias shortcut/keyword.
+# Variables:
+# $engineName (String): The name of the engine.
+# $alias (String): The @alias shortcut/keyword.
+search-one-offs-engine-with-alias =
+ .tooltiptext = { $engineName } ({ $alias })
+# Shown when adding new engines from the address bar shortcut buttons or context
+# menu, or from the search bar shortcut buttons.
+# Variables:
+# $engineName (String): The name of the engine.
+search-one-offs-add-engine =
+ .label = Eik on “{ $engineName }”
+ .tooltiptext = Eik on airt-oot engine “{ $engineName }”
+ .aria-label = Eik on airt-oot engine “{ $engineName }”
+# When more than 5 engines are offered by a web page, they are grouped in a
+# submenu using this as its label.
+search-one-offs-add-engine-menu =
+ .label = Eik on airt-oot engine
+## Local search mode one-off buttons
+## Variables:
+## $restrict (String): The restriction token corresponding to the search mode.
+## Restriction tokens are special characters users can type in the urlbar to
+## restrict their searches to certain sources (e.g., "*" to search only
+## bookmarks).
+search-one-offs-bookmarks =
+ .tooltiptext = Buikmerks ({ $restrict })
+search-one-offs-tabs =
+ .tooltiptext = Tabs ({ $restrict })
+search-one-offs-history =
+ .tooltiptext = Historie ({ $restrict })
+## QuickActions are shown in the urlbar as the user types a matching string
+## The -cmd- strings are comma separated list of keywords that will match
+## the action.
+## Bookmark Panel
+bookmarks-add-bookmark = Eik on buikmerk
+bookmarks-edit-bookmark = Edit buikmerk
+bookmark-panel-cancel =
+ .label = Stap
+ .accesskey = S
+# Variables:
+# $count (number): number of bookmarks that will be removed
+bookmark-panel-remove =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Remuive buikmerk
+ *[other] Remuive { $count } buikmerks
+ }
+ .accesskey = R
+bookmark-panel-show-editor-checkbox =
+ .label = Kythe editor when savin
+ .accesskey = S
+bookmark-panel-save-button =
+ .label = Save
+# Width of the bookmark panel.
+# Should be large enough to fully display the Done and
+# Cancel/Remove Bookmark buttons.
+bookmark-panel =
+ .style = min-width: 23em
+## Identity Panel
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity-site-information = Site information fur { $host }
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity-header-security-with-host =
+ .title = Connection siccarness for { $host }
+identity-connection-not-secure = Connection no siccar
+identity-connection-secure = Connection siccar
+identity-connection-failure = Connection didnae wirk
+identity-connection-internal = This is a siccar { -brand-short-name } page.
+identity-connection-file = This page is keepit on yer computer.
+identity-extension-page = This page is loadit fae an extension.
+identity-active-blocked = { -brand-short-name } has blockit pairts o this page that arenae siccar.
+identity-custom-root = Connection verified by a certificate issuer that isnae kent by Mozilla.
+identity-passive-loaded = Pairt o this page arenae siccar (sic as images).
+identity-active-loaded = Ye've disabled bieldin on this page.
+identity-weak-encryption = The encryption on this page is stintit.
+identity-insecure-login-forms = Logins inpit on this page micht be compromised.
+identity-https-only-connection-upgraded = (upgradit tae HTTPS)
+identity-https-only-label = HTTPS-Anely Mode
+identity-https-only-dropdown-on =
+ .label = On
+identity-https-only-dropdown-off =
+ .label = Aff
+identity-https-only-dropdown-off-temporarily =
+ .label = Aff fur noo
+identity-https-only-info-turn-on2 = Turn on HTTPS-Anely Mode fur this site gin ye want { -brand-short-name } tae upgrade the connection when it can.
+identity-https-only-info-turn-off2 = Gin this page luiks mogert, ye micht want tae turn aff HTTPS-Anely Mode fur this site tae reload yaisin insiccar HTTP.
+identity-https-only-info-no-upgrade = No able tae upgrade connection fae HTTP.
+identity-permissions-storage-access-header = Cross-site cookies
+identity-permissions-storage-access-hint = These pairties can yaise cross-site cookies and site data while ye're on this site.
+identity-permissions-storage-access-learn-more = Lairn mair
+identity-permissions-reload-hint = Ye'll mebbe need tae reload the page fur chynges tae wirk.
+identity-clear-site-data =
+ .label = Dicht Cookies and Site Data...
+identity-connection-not-secure-security-view = Ye arenae connectit siccar tae this site.
+identity-connection-verified = Ye're connectit siccar tae this site.
+identity-ev-owner-label = Certificate issued tae:
+identity-description-custom-root2 = Mozilla disnae ken this certificate issuer. It micht hae been eikit on fae yer operatin system or by an admeenistrator.
+identity-remove-cert-exception =
+ .label = Remuive Exception
+ .accesskey = R
+identity-description-insecure = Yer connection tae this site isnae privat. Information ye inpit micht be seen by ithers (likesay, passwirds, messages, credit cairds, etc.).
+identity-description-insecure-login-forms = The login information ye inpit on this page isnae siccar and micht be compromised.
+identity-description-weak-cipher-intro = Yer connection tae this wabsite isnae private and yaises stintit encryption.
+identity-description-weak-cipher-risk = Ither fowk can see yer information or chynge the wabsite's behaviour.
+identity-description-active-blocked2 = { -brand-short-name } has blockit pairts o this page that arenae siccar.
+identity-description-passive-loaded = Yer connection isnae private and information ye share wi the site micht be seen by ithers.
+identity-description-passive-loaded-insecure2 = This wabsite haud content that isnae siccar (sic as images).
+identity-description-passive-loaded-mixed2 = Although { -brand-short-name } has blockit some content, there is aye content on the page that isnae siccar (sic as images).
+identity-description-active-loaded = This wabsite hauds content that isnae siccar (sic as scripts) and yer connection tae it isnae private.
+identity-description-active-loaded-insecure = Information ye share wi this site micht be seen by ithers (likesay, passwirds, messages, credit cairds, etc.).
+identity-disable-mixed-content-blocking =
+ .label = Disable bieldin jist the noo
+ .accesskey = D
+identity-enable-mixed-content-blocking =
+ .label = Enable bieldin
+ .accesskey = E
+identity-more-info-link-text =
+ .label = Mair Information
+## Window controls
+browser-window-minimize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Mak Tottie
+browser-window-maximize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Mak Muckle
+browser-window-restore-down-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Restore Doon
+browser-window-close-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Sneck
+## Tab actions
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-playing2 = PLAYIN
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-muted2 = WHEESHT
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-blocked = AUTOPLEY BLOCKIT
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-pip = PICTUR-IN-PICTUR
+## These labels should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+## Variables:
+## $count (number): number of affected tabs
+browser-tab-mute =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] WHEESHT { $count } TABS
+ }
+browser-tab-unmute =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] UNWHEESHT { $count } TABS
+ }
+browser-tab-unblock =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] PLEY TAB
+ *[other] PLEY { $count } TABS
+ }
+## Bookmarks toolbar items
+browser-import-button2 =
+ .label = Inbring buikmerks…
+ .tooltiptext = Inbring buikmerks fae anither wab-stravaiger tae { -brand-short-name }.
+bookmarks-toolbar-empty-message = For quick ingang, pit yer buikmerks here on the buikmerks toolbaur. <a data-l10n-name="manage-bookmarks">Manage buikmerks…</a>
+## WebRTC Pop-up notifications
+popup-select-camera-device =
+ .value = Camera:
+ .accesskey = C
+popup-select-camera-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Camera
+popup-select-microphone-device =
+ .value = Microphone:
+ .accesskey = M
+popup-select-microphone-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Microphone
+popup-select-speaker-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Speakers
+popup-select-window-or-screen =
+ .label = Windae or screen:
+ .accesskey = W
+popup-all-windows-shared = Aw veesible windaes on yer screen will be shared.
+## WebRTC window or screen share tab switch warning
+sharing-warning-window = Ye're sharin { -brand-short-name }. Ither fowk can see when ye switch tae a new tab.
+sharing-warning-screen = Ye're sharin yer hale screen. Ither fowk can see when ye switch tae a new tab.
+sharing-warning-proceed-to-tab =
+ .label = Haud Forrit tae Tab
+sharing-warning-disable-for-session =
+ .label = Disable sharin bieldin for this session
+## DevTools F12 popup
+## URL Bar
+# This string is used as an accessible name to the "X" button that cancels a custom search mode (i.e. exits the search mode).
+urlbar-search-mode-indicator-close =
+ .aria-label = Sneck
+# This placeholder is used when not in search mode and the user's default search
+# engine is unknown.
+urlbar-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Sairch or inpit address
+# This placeholder is used in search mode with search engines that search the
+# entire web.
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-web-2 =
+ .placeholder = Sairch the Wab
+ .aria-label = Sairch wi { $name }
+# This placeholder is used in search mode with search engines that search a
+# specific site (e.g., Amazon).
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-engine =
+ .placeholder = Inpit airt-oot terms
+ .aria-label = Sairch { $name }
+# This placeholder is used when searching bookmarks.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-bookmarks =
+ .placeholder = Inpit airt-oot terms
+ .aria-label = Sairch buikmerks
+# This placeholder is used when searching history.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-history =
+ .placeholder = Inpit airt-oot terms
+ .aria-label = Airt-oot historie
+# This placeholder is used when searching open tabs.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-tabs =
+ .placeholder = Inpit airt-oot terms
+ .aria-label = Sairch tabs
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of the user's default search engine
+urlbar-placeholder-with-name =
+ .placeholder = Sairch wi { $name } or inpit address
+# Variables
+# $component (String): the name of the component which forces remote control.
+# Example: "DevTools", "Marionette", "RemoteAgent".
+urlbar-remote-control-notification-anchor2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Wab-stravaiger is unner remote control (reason: { $component })
+urlbar-permissions-granted =
+ .tooltiptext = Ye've gied this wabsite mair permeesions.
+urlbar-switch-to-tab =
+ .value = Switch tae tab:
+# Used to indicate that a selected autocomplete entry is provided by an extension.
+urlbar-extension =
+ .value = Extension:
+urlbar-go-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Gang tae the address in the Airtin Baur
+urlbar-page-action-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Page actions
+## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search
+## string or the url, like "result value - action text".
+# Used when the private browsing engine differs from the default engine.
+# The "with" format was chosen because the search engine name can end with
+# "Search", and we would like to avoid strings like "Search MSN Search".
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine
+urlbar-result-action-search-in-private-w-engine = Sairch wi { $engine } in a Private Windae
+# Used when the private browsing engine is the same as the default engine.
+urlbar-result-action-search-in-private = Sairch in a Private Windae
+# The "with" format was chosen because the search engine name can end with
+# "Search", and we would like to avoid strings like "Search MSN Search".
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine
+urlbar-result-action-search-w-engine = Sairch wi { $engine }
+urlbar-result-action-sponsored = Sponsored
+urlbar-result-action-switch-tab = Switch tae Tab
+urlbar-result-action-visit = Veesit
+# Directs a user to press the Tab key to perform a search with the specified
+# engine.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-result-action-before-tabtosearch-web = Press Tab tae sairch wi { $engine }
+# Directs a user to press the Tab key to perform a search with the specified
+# engine.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-result-action-before-tabtosearch-other = Press Tab tae sairch { $engine }
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-result-action-tabtosearch-web = Sairch wi { $engine } straicht fae the address baur
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-result-action-tabtosearch-other-engine = Sairch { $engine } straicht fae the address baur
+# Action text for copying to clipboard.
+urlbar-result-action-copy-to-clipboard = Copy
+# Shows the result of a formula expression being calculated, the last = sign will be shown
+# as part of the result (e.g. "= 2").
+# Variables
+# $result (String): the string representation for a formula result
+urlbar-result-action-calculator-result = = { $result }
+## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search
+## string or the url, like "result value - action text".
+## In these actions "Search" is a verb, followed by where the search is performed.
+urlbar-result-action-search-bookmarks = Sairch Buikmerks
+urlbar-result-action-search-history = Airt-Oot Historie
+urlbar-result-action-search-tabs = Sairch Tabs
+## Labels shown above groups of urlbar results
+# A label shown above the "Firefox Suggest" (bookmarks/history) group in the
+# urlbar results.
+urlbar-group-firefox-suggest =
+ .label = { -firefox-suggest-brand-name }
+# A label shown above the search suggestions group in the urlbar results. It
+# should use title case.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of the search engine providing the suggestions
+urlbar-group-search-suggestions =
+ .label = { $engine } Suggestions
+## Reader View toolbar buttons
+# This should match menu-view-enter-readerview in menubar.ftl
+reader-view-enter-button =
+ .aria-label = Ingang Tae Reader View
+# This should match menu-view-close-readerview in menubar.ftl
+reader-view-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Sneck Reader View
+## Picture-in-Picture urlbar button
+## Variables:
+## $shortcut (String) - Keyboard shortcut to execute the command.
+## Full Screen and Pointer Lock UI
+# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup.
+# Variables
+# $domain (String): the domain that is full screen, e.g. ""
+fullscreen-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> is noo hale screen
+fullscreen-warning-no-domain = This document is noo hale screen
+fullscreen-exit-button = Ootgang fae Hale Screen (Esc)
+# "esc" is lowercase on mac keyboards, but uppercase elsewhere.
+fullscreen-exit-mac-button = Ootgang fae Hale Screen (esc)
+# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup.
+# Variables
+# $domain (String): the domain that is using pointer-lock, e.g. ""
+pointerlock-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> has control o yer pynter. Press Esc fur tae tak control back.
+pointerlock-warning-no-domain = This document has control o yer pynter. Press Esc fur tae tak back control.
+## Bookmarks panels, menus and toolbar
+bookmarks-manage-bookmarks =
+ .label = Manage Buikmerks
+bookmarks-recent-bookmarks-panel-subheader = Recent Buikmerks
+bookmarks-toolbar-chevron =
+ .tooltiptext = Kythe mair buikmerks
+bookmarks-sidebar-content =
+ .aria-label = Buikmerks
+bookmarks-menu-button =
+ .label = Buikmerks Menu
+bookmarks-other-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Ither Buikmerks
+bookmarks-mobile-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Mobile Buikmerks
+## Variables:
+## $isVisible (boolean): if the specific element (e.g. bookmarks sidebar,
+## bookmarks toolbar, etc.) is visible or not.
+bookmarks-tools-sidebar-visibility =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Hide Buikmerks Sidebaur
+ *[other] View Buikmerks Sidebaur
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-toolbar-visibility-menuitem =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Hide Buikmerks Toolbaur
+ *[other] View Buikmerks Toolbaur
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-toolbar-visibility-panel =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Hide Buikmerks Toolbaur
+ *[other] Kythe Buikmerks Toolbaur
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-menu-button-visibility =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Remuive Buikmerks Menu fae Toolbaur
+ *[other] Eik On Buikmerks Menu tae Toolbaur
+ }
+bookmarks-search =
+ .label = Sairch Buikmerks
+bookmarks-tools =
+ .label = Buikmerkin Tools
+# The aria-label is a spoken label that should not include the word "toolbar" or
+# such, because screen readers already know that this container is a toolbar.
+# This avoids double-speaking.
+bookmarks-toolbar =
+ .toolbarname = Buikmerks Toolbaur
+ .accesskey = B
+ .aria-label = Buikmerks
+bookmarks-toolbar-menu =
+ .label = Buikmerks Toolbaur
+bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder =
+ .title = Buikmerks Toolbaur Items
+bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder-button =
+ .label = Buikmerks Toolbaur Items
+## Library Panel items
+library-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Buikmerks
+library-recent-activity-title =
+ .value = Recent Activity
+## Pocket toolbar button
+save-to-pocket-button =
+ .label = Save tae { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .tooltiptext = Save tae { -pocket-brand-name }
+## Repair text encoding toolbar button
+repair-text-encoding-button =
+ .label = Pit richt text encodin
+ .tooltiptext = Guess richt text encodin fae page content
+## Customize Toolbar Buttons
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to open settings (only on macOS)
+toolbar-settings-button =
+ .label = Settins
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Open settins ({ $shortcut })
+ *[other] Open settins
+ }
+toolbar-overflow-customize-button =
+ .label = Mak Toolbaur Yer Ain…
+ .accesskey = M
+toolbar-button-email-link =
+ .label = Email Link
+ .tooltiptext = Email a link tae this page
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to save a copy of the page
+toolbar-button-save-page =
+ .label = Save Page
+ .tooltiptext = Save this page ({ $shortcut })
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to open a local file
+toolbar-button-open-file =
+ .label = Open File
+ .tooltiptext = Open a file ({ $shortcut })
+toolbar-button-synced-tabs =
+ .label = Synced Tabs
+ .tooltiptext = Kythe tabs fae ither devices
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (string) - Keyboard shortcut to open a new private browsing window
+toolbar-button-new-private-window =
+ .label = New Private Windae
+ .tooltiptext = Open a new Private Stravaigin windae ({ $shortcut })
+## EME notification panel
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing = Some soond or video on this site yaises DRM saftware, and that micht leemit whit { -brand-short-name } can lat ye dae wi it.
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-manage = Manage settins
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-manage-accesskey = M
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-dismiss = Dismiss
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-dismiss-accesskey = D
+## Password save/update panel
+panel-save-update-username = Yaiser nemme
+panel-save-update-password = Passwird
+# "More" item in macOS share menu
+menu-share-more =
+ .label = Mair…
+ui-tour-info-panel-close =
+ .tooltiptext = Sneck
+## Variables:
+## $uriHost (String): URI host for which the popup was allowed or blocked.
+popups-infobar-allow =
+ .label = Alloo lowp-ups fur { $uriHost }
+ .accesskey = p
+popups-infobar-block =
+ .label = Block lowp-ups fur { $uriHost }
+ .accesskey = p
+popups-infobar-dont-show-message =
+ .label = Dinnae kythe this message whan lowp-ups are blockit
+ .accesskey = D
+edit-popup-settings =
+ .label = Manage lowp-up settins
+ .accesskey = M
+picture-in-picture-hide-toggle =
+ .label = Hide Pictur-in-Pictur Toggle
+ .accesskey = H
+## Since the default position for PiP controls does not change for RTL layout,
+## right-to-left languages should use "Left" and "Right" as in the English strings,
+# Navigator Toolbox
+# This string is a spoken label that should not include
+# the word "toolbar" or such, because screen readers already know that
+# this container is a toolbar. This avoids double-speaking.
+navbar-accessible =
+ .aria-label = Navigation
+navbar-downloads =
+ .label = Doonloads
+navbar-overflow =
+ .tooltiptext = Mair tools…
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to print the page
+navbar-print =
+ .label = Prent
+ .tooltiptext = Print this page… ({ $shortcut })
+navbar-home =
+ .label = Hame
+ .tooltiptext = { -brand-short-name } Hame Page
+navbar-library =
+ .label = Leebrar
+ .tooltiptext = View historie, saved buikmerks, and mair
+navbar-search =
+ .title = Sairch
+# Name for the tabs toolbar as spoken by screen readers. The word
+# "toolbar" is appended automatically and should not be included in
+# in the string
+tabs-toolbar =
+ .aria-label = Stravaiger tabs
+tabs-toolbar-new-tab =
+ .label = New Tab
+tabs-toolbar-list-all-tabs =
+ .label = List aw tabs
+ .tooltiptext = List aw tabs
+## Infobar shown at startup to suggest session-restore
+## Mozilla data reporting notification (Telemetry, Firefox Health Report, etc)
+data-reporting-notification-message = { -brand-short-name } automatically sends some data tae { -vendor-short-name } sae that we can impruive yer experience.
+data-reporting-notification-button =
+ .label = Pick Whit I Share
+ .accesskey = C
+## Unified extensions (toolbar) button
+## Unified extensions button when permission(s) are needed.
+## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+## Unified extensions button when some extensions are quarantined.
+## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+## Private browsing reset button
+## Autorefresh blocker
+refresh-blocked-refresh-label = { -brand-short-name } stappit this page fae automatically reloadin.
+refresh-blocked-redirect-label = { -brand-short-name } stappit this page fae automatically redirectin tae anither page.
+refresh-blocked-allow =
+ .label = Alloo
+ .accesskey = A
+## Firefox Relay integration
+## Add-on Pop-up Notifications
+popup-notification-addon-install-unsigned =
+ .value = (No verified)
+popup-notification-xpinstall-prompt-learn-more = Lairn mair aboot instawin eik-ons siccarly
+## Pop-up warning
+# Variables:
+# $popupCount (Number): the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup-warning-message =
+ { $popupCount ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } stappit this site fae openin a lowp-up windae.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } stappit this site fae openin { $popupCount } lowp-up windaes.
+ }
+# The singular form is left out for English, since the number of blocked pop-ups is always greater than 1.
+# Variables:
+# $popupCount (Number): the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup-warning-exceeded-message = { -brand-short-name } stappit this site fae openin mair nor { $popupCount } lowp-up windaes.
+popup-warning-button =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Options
+ *[other] Preferences
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] O
+ *[other] P
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $popupURI (String): the URI for the pop-up window
+popup-show-popup-menuitem =
+ .label = Kythe “{ $popupURI }”