path: root/l10n-zh-CN/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-zh-CN/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-zh-CN/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl b/l10n-zh-CN/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
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index 0000000000..9e5bd5b996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-zh-CN/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Firefox Home / New Tab strings for about:home / about:newtab.
+newtab-page-title = 新标签页
+newtab-settings-button =
+ .title = 定制您的新标签页
+newtab-personalize-icon-label =
+ .title = 个性化标签页
+ .aria-label = 个性化标签页
+newtab-personalize-dialog-label =
+ .aria-label = 个性化
+## Search box component.
+# "Search" is a verb/action
+newtab-search-box-search-button =
+ .title = 搜索
+ .aria-label = 搜索
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text = 使用 { $engine } 搜索,或者输入网址
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text-no-engine = 搜索或输入网址
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input =
+ .placeholder = 使用 { $engine } 搜索,或者输入网址
+ .title = 使用 { $engine } 搜索,或者输入网址
+ .aria-label = 使用 { $engine } 搜索,或者输入网址
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input-no-engine =
+ .placeholder = 搜索或输入网址
+ .title = 搜索或输入网址
+ .aria-label = 搜索或输入网址
+newtab-search-box-text = 网上搜索
+newtab-search-box-input =
+ .placeholder = 网上搜索
+ .aria-label = 网上搜索
+## Top Sites - General form dialog.
+newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header = 添加搜索引擎
+newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header = 新建快捷方式
+newtab-topsites-edit-topsites-header = 编辑常用网站
+newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header = 编辑快捷方式
+newtab-topsites-title-label = 标题
+newtab-topsites-title-input =
+ .placeholder = 输入标题
+newtab-topsites-url-label = 网址
+newtab-topsites-url-input =
+ .placeholder = 输入或粘贴网址
+newtab-topsites-url-validation = 需要有效的网址
+newtab-topsites-image-url-label = 自定义图像网址
+newtab-topsites-use-image-link = 使用自定义图像…
+newtab-topsites-image-validation = 图像加载失败。请尝试其他网址。
+## Top Sites - General form dialog buttons. These are verbs/actions.
+newtab-topsites-cancel-button = 取消
+newtab-topsites-delete-history-button = 从历史记录中删除
+newtab-topsites-save-button = 保存
+newtab-topsites-preview-button = 预览
+newtab-topsites-add-button = 添加
+## Top Sites - Delete history confirmation dialog.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1 = 确定删除此页面在您的历史记录中的所有记录?
+# "This action" refers to deleting a page from history.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2 = 此操作无法撤销。
+## Top Sites - Sponsored label
+newtab-topsite-sponsored = 赞助推广
+## Context Menu - Action Tooltips.
+# General tooltip for context menus.
+newtab-menu-section-tooltip =
+ .title = 打开菜单
+ .aria-label = 打开菜单
+# Tooltip for dismiss button
+newtab-dismiss-button-tooltip =
+ .title = 移除
+ .aria-label = 移除
+# This tooltip is for the context menu of Pocket cards or Topsites
+# Variables:
+# $title (string) - The label or hostname of the site. This is for screen readers when the context menu button is focused/active.
+newtab-menu-content-tooltip =
+ .title = 打开菜单
+ .aria-label = 打开 { $title } 的快捷菜单
+# Tooltip on an empty topsite box to open the New Top Site dialog.
+newtab-menu-topsites-placeholder-tooltip =
+ .title = 编辑此网站
+ .aria-label = 编辑此网站
+## Context Menu: These strings are displayed in a context menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page.
+newtab-menu-edit-topsites = 编辑
+newtab-menu-open-new-window = 新建窗口打开
+newtab-menu-open-new-private-window = 新建隐私浏览窗口打开
+newtab-menu-dismiss = 隐藏
+newtab-menu-pin = 固定
+newtab-menu-unpin = 取消固定
+newtab-menu-delete-history = 从历史记录中删除
+newtab-menu-save-to-pocket = 保存到 { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-menu-delete-pocket = 从 { -pocket-brand-name } 删除
+newtab-menu-archive-pocket = 在 { -pocket-brand-name } 中存档
+newtab-menu-show-privacy-info = 我们的赞助商&您的隐私
+## Message displayed in a modal window to explain privacy and provide context for sponsored content.
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-done = 完成
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-manage = 管理赞助内容设置
+newtab-privacy-modal-header = 隐私是公民的基本权利。
+newtab-privacy-modal-paragraph-2 = 除了提供引人入胜的文章之外,我们还与赞助商合作展示有价值,且经甄选的内容。请放心,<strong>您的浏览数据永远只会留在本机 { -brand-product-name }</strong> 中 — 我们看不到,我们的赞助商亦然。
+newtab-privacy-modal-link = 了解新标签页如何保障您的隐私
+# Bookmark is a noun in this case, "Remove bookmark".
+newtab-menu-remove-bookmark = 删除书签
+# Bookmark is a verb here.
+newtab-menu-bookmark = 添加书签
+## Context Menu - Downloaded Menu. "Download" in these cases is not a verb,
+## it is a noun. As in, "Copy the link that belongs to this downloaded item".
+newtab-menu-copy-download-link = 复制下载链接
+newtab-menu-go-to-download-page = 前往下载页面
+newtab-menu-remove-download = 从历史记录中移除
+## Context Menu - Download Menu: These are platform specific strings found in the context menu of an item that has
+## been downloaded. The intention behind "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file
+## system for each operating system.
+newtab-menu-show-file =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] 在访达中显示
+ *[other] 打开所在文件夹
+ }
+newtab-menu-open-file = 打开文件
+## Card Labels: These labels are associated to pages to give
+## context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
+## the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device.
+newtab-label-visited = 曾经访问
+newtab-label-bookmarked = 已加书签
+newtab-label-removed-bookmark = 书签已移除
+newtab-label-recommended = 趋势
+newtab-label-saved = 已保存到 { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-label-download = 已下载
+# This string is used in the story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsorOrSource (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+newtab-label-sponsored = { $sponsorOrSource } · 赞助
+# This string is used at the bottom of story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsor (string) - The name of a sponsor
+newtab-label-sponsored-by = 由 { $sponsor } 赞助
+# This string is used under the image of story cards to indicate source and time to read
+# Variables:
+# $source (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+# $timeToRead (number) - The estimated number of minutes to read this story
+newtab-label-source-read-time = { $source } · { $timeToRead } 分钟
+## Section Menu: These strings are displayed in the section context menu and are
+## meant as a call to action for the given section.
+newtab-section-menu-remove-section = 移除版块
+newtab-section-menu-collapse-section = 折叠版块
+newtab-section-menu-expand-section = 展开版块
+newtab-section-menu-manage-section = 管理版块
+newtab-section-menu-manage-webext = 管理扩展
+newtab-section-menu-add-topsite = 添加常用网站
+newtab-section-menu-add-search-engine = 添加搜索引擎
+newtab-section-menu-move-up = 上移
+newtab-section-menu-move-down = 下移
+newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice = 隐私声明
+## Section aria-labels
+newtab-section-collapse-section-label =
+ .aria-label = 折叠版块
+newtab-section-expand-section-label =
+ .aria-label = 展开版块
+## Section Headers.
+newtab-section-header-topsites = 常用网站
+newtab-section-header-recent-activity = 近期动态
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider.
+newtab-section-header-pocket = { $provider } 推荐
+## Empty Section States: These show when there are no more items in a section. Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+newtab-empty-section-highlights = 开始网上冲浪之旅吧,之后这里会显示您最近看过或加了书签的精彩文章、视频与其他页面。
+# Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the content provider for this section, e.g "Pocket".
+newtab-empty-section-topstories = 所有文章都读完啦!晚点再来,{ $provider } 将推荐更多精彩文章。等不及了?选择热门主题,找到更多网上的好文章。
+## Empty Section (Content Discovery Experience). These show when there are no more stories or when some stories fail to load.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-header = 都读完了!
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-content = 待会再来看是否有新文章。
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-try-again-button = 重试
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-loading = 正在加载…
+# Displays when a layout in a section took too long to fetch articles.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-timed-out = 哎呀!无法完全加载此版块。
+## Pocket Content Section.
+# This is shown at the bottom of the trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
+newtab-pocket-read-more = 热门主题:
+newtab-pocket-new-topics-title = 想刷到更多文章?看看这些 { -pocket-brand-name } 上的热门主题
+newtab-pocket-more-recommendations = 更多推荐
+newtab-pocket-learn-more = 详细了解
+newtab-pocket-cta-button = 获取 { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-pocket-cta-text = 将您喜爱的故事保存到 { -pocket-brand-name },用精彩的读物为思想注入活力。
+newtab-pocket-pocket-firefox-family = { -pocket-brand-name } 是 { -brand-product-name } 系列产品的一部分
+# A save to Pocket button that shows over the card thumbnail on hover.
+newtab-pocket-save = 保存
+newtab-pocket-saved = 已保存
+## Pocket content onboarding experience dialog and modal for new users seeing the Pocket section for the first time, shown as the first item in the Pocket section.
+newtab-pocket-onboarding-discover = 发现最好的网络
+newtab-pocket-onboarding-cta = { -pocket-brand-name } 探索各种各样的出版物,为您的 { -brand-product-name } 浏览器带来最翔实、最鼓舞人心和最值得信赖的内容。
+## Error Fallback Content.
+## This message and suggested action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render.
+newtab-error-fallback-info = 哎呀,加载内容时发生错误。
+newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link = 刷新页面以重试。
+## Customization Menu
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-title = 快捷方式
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-subtitle = 您保存或访问过的网站
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-toggle =
+ .label = 快捷方式
+ .description = 您保存或访问过的网站
+# Variables
+# $num (number) - Number of rows to display
+newtab-custom-row-selector =
+ { $num ->
+ *[other] { $num } 行
+ }
+newtab-custom-sponsored-sites = 赞助商网站
+newtab-custom-pocket-title = 由 { -pocket-brand-name } 推荐
+newtab-custom-pocket-subtitle = 由 { -brand-product-name } 旗下 { -pocket-brand-name } 策划的特别内容
+newtab-custom-pocket-toggle =
+ .label = 由 { -pocket-brand-name } 推荐
+ .description = 由 { -brand-product-name } 旗下 { -pocket-brand-name } 策划的特别内容
+newtab-custom-pocket-sponsored = 赞助内容
+newtab-custom-pocket-show-recent-saves = 显示近期保存内容
+newtab-custom-recent-title = 近期动态
+newtab-custom-recent-subtitle = 近期访问的网站与内容精选
+newtab-custom-recent-toggle =
+ .label = 近期动态
+ .description = 近期访问的网站与内容精选
+newtab-custom-close-button = 关闭
+newtab-custom-settings = 管理更多设置