path: root/layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp b/layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..632a55fb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3582 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* container for a document and its presentation */
+#include "gfxContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
+#include "mozilla/RestyleManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_print.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nscore.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsCRT.h"
+#include "nsFrameSelection.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
+#include "nsIContent.h"
+#include "nsIContentViewer.h"
+#include "nsIDocumentViewerPrint.h"
+#include "nsIScreen.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/AutoSuppressEventHandlingAndSuspend.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/PopupBlocker.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DocGroup.h"
+#include "mozilla/widget/Screen.h"
+#include "nsPresContext.h"
+#include "nsIFrame.h"
+#include "nsIWritablePropertyBag2.h"
+#include "nsSubDocumentFrame.h"
+#include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h"
+#include "nsStubMutationObserver.h"
+#include "nsISelectionListener.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+# include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessible.h"
+#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
+#include "mozilla/Encoding.h"
+#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h"
+#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_javascript.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_fission.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_print.h"
+#include "mozilla/StyleSheet.h"
+#include "mozilla/StyleSheetInlines.h"
+#include "nsViewManager.h"
+#include "nsView.h"
+#include "nsPageSequenceFrame.h"
+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
+#include "nsIContentViewerEdit.h"
+#include "mozilla/css/Loader.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
+#include "nsDocShell.h"
+#include "nsIBaseWindow.h"
+#include "nsILayoutHistoryState.h"
+#include "nsCharsetSource.h"
+#include "mozilla/ReflowInput.h"
+#include "nsIImageLoadingContent.h"
+#include "nsCopySupport.h"
+#include "nsXULPopupManager.h"
+#include "nsIClipboardHelper.h"
+#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsGlobalWindow.h"
+#include "nsDOMNavigationTiming.h"
+#include "nsPIWindowRoot.h"
+#include "nsJSEnvironment.h"
+#include "nsFocusManager.h"
+#include "nsIScrollableFrame.h"
+#include "nsStyleSheetService.h"
+#include "nsILoadContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/ThrottledEventQueue.h"
+#include "nsIPromptCollection.h"
+#include "nsIPromptService.h"
+#include "imgIContainer.h" // image animation mode constants
+#include "nsIXULRuntime.h"
+#include "nsSandboxFlags.h"
+#include "mozilla/DocLoadingTimelineMarker.h"
+// Printing Include
+# include "nsIWebBrowserPrint.h"
+# include "nsPrintJob.h"
+# include "nsDeviceContextSpecProxy.h"
+// Print Options
+# include "nsIPrintSettings.h"
+# include "nsIPrintSettingsService.h"
+# include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h"
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+// focus
+#include "nsIDOMEventListener.h"
+#include "nsISelectionController.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
+#include "nsISHEntry.h"
+#include "nsISHistory.h"
+#include "nsIWebNavigation.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/XMLHttpRequestMainThread.h"
+// paint forcing
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Event.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptLoader.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalChild.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+class PrintPreviewResultInfo;
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::dom;
+using mozilla::layout::RemotePrintJobChild;
+using PrintPreviewResolver =
+ std::function<void(const mozilla::dom::PrintPreviewResultInfo&)>;
+#include "LayoutLogging.h"
+#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
+extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gPageCacheLog;
+mozilla::LazyLogModule gPrintingLog("printing");
+# define PR_PL(_p1) MOZ_LOG(gPrintingLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, _p1);
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+#define PRT_YESNO(_p) ((_p) ? "YES" : "NO")
+class nsDocumentViewer;
+// a small delegate class used to avoid circular references
+class nsDocViewerSelectionListener final : public nsISelectionListener {
+ public:
+ // nsISupports interface...
+ // nsISelectionListerner interface
+ explicit nsDocViewerSelectionListener(nsDocumentViewer* aDocViewer)
+ : mDocViewer(aDocViewer), mSelectionWasCollapsed(true) {}
+ void Disconnect() { mDocViewer = nullptr; }
+ protected:
+ virtual ~nsDocViewerSelectionListener() = default;
+ nsDocumentViewer* mDocViewer;
+ bool mSelectionWasCollapsed;
+/** editor Implementation of the FocusListener interface */
+class nsDocViewerFocusListener final : public nsIDOMEventListener {
+ public:
+ explicit nsDocViewerFocusListener(nsDocumentViewer* aDocViewer)
+ : mDocViewer(aDocViewer) {}
+ void Disconnect() { mDocViewer = nullptr; }
+ protected:
+ virtual ~nsDocViewerFocusListener() = default;
+ nsDocumentViewer* mDocViewer;
+namespace viewer_detail {
+ * Mutation observer for use until we hand ourselves over to our SHEntry.
+ */
+class BFCachePreventionObserver final : public nsStubMutationObserver {
+ public:
+ explicit BFCachePreventionObserver(Document* aDocument)
+ : mDocument(aDocument) {}
+ // Stop observing the document.
+ void Disconnect();
+ private:
+ ~BFCachePreventionObserver() = default;
+ // Helper for the work that needs to happen when mutations happen.
+ void MutationHappened();
+ Document* mDocument; // Weak; we get notified if it dies
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(BFCachePreventionObserver, nsIMutationObserver)
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::CharacterDataChanged(
+ nsIContent* aContent, const CharacterDataChangeInfo&) {
+ if (aContent->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MutationHappened();
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::AttributeChanged(Element* aElement,
+ int32_t aNameSpaceID,
+ nsAtom* aAttribute,
+ int32_t aModType,
+ const nsAttrValue* aOldValue) {
+ if (aElement->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MutationHappened();
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aFirstNewContent) {
+ if (aFirstNewContent->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MutationHappened();
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aChild) {
+ if (aChild->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MutationHappened();
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::ContentRemoved(nsIContent* aChild,
+ nsIContent* aPreviousSibling) {
+ if (aChild->IsInNativeAnonymousSubtree()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MutationHappened();
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::NodeWillBeDestroyed(nsINode* aNode) {
+ mDocument = nullptr;
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::Disconnect() {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->RemoveMutationObserver(this);
+ // It will no longer tell us when it goes away, so make sure we're
+ // not holding a dangling ref.
+ mDocument = nullptr;
+ }
+void BFCachePreventionObserver::MutationHappened() {
+ mDocument,
+ "How can we not have a document but be getting notified for mutations?");
+ mDocument->DisallowBFCaching();
+ Disconnect();
+} // namespace viewer_detail
+using viewer_detail::BFCachePreventionObserver;
+class nsDocumentViewer final : public nsIContentViewer,
+ public nsIContentViewerEdit,
+ public nsIDocumentViewerPrint
+ ,
+ public nsIWebBrowserPrint
+ friend class nsDocViewerSelectionListener;
+ friend class nsPagePrintTimer;
+ friend class nsPrintJob;
+ public:
+ nsDocumentViewer();
+ // nsISupports interface...
+ // nsIContentViewer interface...
+ // nsIContentViewerEdit
+ // nsIWebBrowserPrint
+ // nsIDocumentViewerPrint Printing Methods
+ protected:
+ virtual ~nsDocumentViewer();
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Creates a view manager, root view, and widget for the root view, setting
+ * mViewManager and mWindow.
+ * @param aSize the initial size in appunits
+ * @param aContainerView the container view to hook our root view up
+ * to as a child, or null if this will be the root view manager
+ */
+ nsresult MakeWindow(const nsSize& aSize, nsView* aContainerView);
+ /**
+ * Create our device context
+ */
+ nsresult CreateDeviceContext(nsView* aContainerView);
+ /**
+ * If aDoCreation is true, this creates the device context, creates a
+ * prescontext if necessary, and calls MakeWindow.
+ *
+ * If aForceSetNewDocument is false, then SetNewDocument won't be
+ * called if the window's current document is already mDocument.
+ */
+ nsresult InitInternal(nsIWidget* aParentWidget, nsISupports* aState,
+ mozilla::dom::WindowGlobalChild* aActor,
+ const nsIntRect& aBounds, bool aDoCreation,
+ bool aNeedMakeCX = true,
+ bool aForceSetNewDocument = true);
+ /**
+ * @param aDoInitialReflow set to true if you want to kick off the initial
+ * reflow
+ */
+ nsresult InitPresentationStuff(bool aDoInitialReflow);
+ already_AddRefed<nsINode> GetPopupNode();
+ already_AddRefed<nsINode> GetPopupLinkNode();
+ already_AddRefed<nsIImageLoadingContent> GetPopupImageNode();
+ void PrepareToStartLoad(void);
+ nsresult SyncParentSubDocMap();
+ void RemoveFocusListener();
+ void ReinitializeFocusListener();
+ mozilla::dom::Selection* GetDocumentSelection();
+ void DestroyPresShell();
+ void DestroyPresContext();
+ void InvalidatePotentialSubDocDisplayItem();
+ // Whether we should attach to the top level widget. This is true if we
+ // are sharing/recycling a single base widget and not creating multiple
+ // child widgets.
+ bool ShouldAttachToTopLevel();
+ std::tuple<const nsIFrame*, int32_t> GetCurrentSheetFrameAndNumber() const;
+ protected:
+ // Returns the current viewmanager. Might be null.
+ nsViewManager* GetViewManager();
+ void DetachFromTopLevelWidget();
+ // IMPORTANT: The ownership implicit in the following member
+ // variables has been explicitly checked and set using nsCOMPtr
+ // for owning pointers and raw COM interface pointers for weak
+ // (ie, non owning) references. If you add any members to this
+ // class, please make the ownership explicit (pinkerton, scc).
+ WeakPtr<nsDocShell> mContainer; // it owns me!
+ RefPtr<nsDeviceContext> mDeviceContext; // We create and own this baby
+ // the following six items are explicitly in this order
+ // so they will be destroyed in the reverse order (pinkerton, scc)
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> mDocument;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mWindow; // may be null
+ RefPtr<nsViewManager> mViewManager;
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> mPresContext;
+ RefPtr<PresShell> mPresShell;
+ RefPtr<nsDocViewerSelectionListener> mSelectionListener;
+ RefPtr<nsDocViewerFocusListener> mFocusListener;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> mPreviousViewer;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISHEntry> mSHEntry;
+ // Observer that will prevent bfcaching if it gets notified. This
+ // is non-null precisely when mSHEntry is non-null.
+ RefPtr<BFCachePreventionObserver> mBFCachePreventionObserver;
+ nsIWidget* mParentWidget; // purposely won't be ref counted. May be null
+ bool mAttachedToParent; // view is attached to the parent widget
+ nsIntRect mBounds;
+ int16_t mNumURLStarts;
+ int16_t mDestroyBlockedCount;
+ unsigned mStopped : 1;
+ unsigned mLoaded : 1;
+ unsigned mDeferredWindowClose : 1;
+ // document management data
+ // these items are specific to markup documents (html and xml)
+ // may consider splitting these out into a subclass
+ unsigned mIsSticky : 1;
+ unsigned mInPermitUnload : 1;
+ unsigned mInPermitUnloadPrompt : 1;
+ unsigned mClosingWhilePrinting : 1;
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob> mPrintJob;
+# endif // NS_PRINT_PREVIEW
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+ /* character set member data */
+ int32_t mReloadEncodingSource;
+ const Encoding* mReloadEncoding;
+ bool mIsPageMode;
+ bool mInitializedForPrintPreview;
+ bool mHidden;
+class nsDocumentShownDispatcher : public Runnable {
+ public:
+ explicit nsDocumentShownDispatcher(nsCOMPtr<Document> aDocument)
+ : Runnable("nsDocumentShownDispatcher"), mDocument(aDocument) {}
+ NS_IMETHOD Run() override;
+ private:
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> mDocument;
+// nsDocumentViewer
+already_AddRefed<nsIContentViewer> NS_NewContentViewer() {
+ RefPtr<nsDocumentViewer> viewer = new nsDocumentViewer();
+ return viewer.forget();
+void nsDocumentViewer::PrepareToStartLoad() {
+ "Print preview tab should never navigate");
+ mStopped = false;
+ mLoaded = false;
+ mAttachedToParent = false;
+ mDeferredWindowClose = false;
+ mClosingWhilePrinting = false;
+ // Make sure we have destroyed it and cleared the data member
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ mPrintJob->Destroy();
+ mPrintJob = nullptr;
+ }
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+ : mParentWidget(nullptr),
+ mAttachedToParent(false),
+ mNumURLStarts(0),
+ mDestroyBlockedCount(0),
+ mStopped(false),
+ mLoaded(false),
+ mDeferredWindowClose(false),
+ mIsSticky(true),
+ mInPermitUnload(false),
+ mInPermitUnloadPrompt(false),
+ mClosingWhilePrinting(false),
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+ mReloadEncodingSource(kCharsetUninitialized),
+ mReloadEncoding(nullptr),
+ mIsPageMode(false),
+ mInitializedForPrintPreview(false),
+ mHidden(false) {
+ PrepareToStartLoad();
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContentViewerEdit)
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDocumentViewerPrint)
+nsDocumentViewer::~nsDocumentViewer() {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ Close(nullptr);
+ mDocument->Destroy();
+ }
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ mPrintJob->Destroy();
+ mPrintJob = nullptr;
+ }
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mDestroyBlockedCount == 0);
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mPresShell && !mPresContext,
+ "User did not call nsIContentViewer::Destroy");
+ if (mPresShell || mPresContext) {
+ // Make sure we don't hand out a reference to the content viewer to
+ // the SHEntry!
+ mSHEntry = nullptr;
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ if (mSelectionListener) {
+ mSelectionListener->Disconnect();
+ }
+ RemoveFocusListener();
+ // XXX(?) Revoke pending invalidate events
+ * This method is called by the Document Loader once a document has
+ * been created for a particular data stream... The content viewer
+ * must cache this document for later use when Init(...) is called.
+ *
+ * This method is also called when an out of band document.write() happens.
+ * In that case, the document passed in is the same as the previous document.
+ */
+/* virtual */
+void nsDocumentViewer::LoadStart(Document* aDocument) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aDocument);
+ if (!mDocument) {
+ mDocument = aDocument;
+ }
+void nsDocumentViewer::RemoveFocusListener() {
+ if (RefPtr<nsDocViewerFocusListener> oldListener =
+ std::move(mFocusListener)) {
+ oldListener->Disconnect();
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->RemoveEventListener(u"focus"_ns, oldListener, false);
+ mDocument->RemoveEventListener(u"blur"_ns, oldListener, false);
+ }
+ }
+void nsDocumentViewer::ReinitializeFocusListener() {
+ RemoveFocusListener();
+ mFocusListener = new nsDocViewerFocusListener(this);
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->AddEventListener(u"focus"_ns, mFocusListener, false, false);
+ mDocument->AddEventListener(u"blur"_ns, mFocusListener, false, false);
+ }
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::SyncParentSubDocMap() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(mContainer);
+ if (!docShell) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> pwin(docShell->GetWindow());
+ if (!mDocument || !pwin) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> element = pwin->GetFrameElementInternal();
+ if (!element) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> parent;
+ docShell->GetInProcessParent(getter_AddRefs(parent));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> parent_win =
+ parent ? parent->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ if (!parent_win) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> parent_doc = parent_win->GetDoc();
+ if (!parent_doc) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (mDocument && parent_doc->GetSubDocumentFor(element) != mDocument &&
+ parent_doc->EventHandlingSuppressed()) {
+ mDocument->SuppressEventHandling(parent_doc->EventHandlingSuppressed());
+ }
+ return parent_doc->SetSubDocumentFor(element, mDocument);
+nsDocumentViewer::SetContainer(nsIDocShell* aContainer) {
+ mContainer = static_cast<nsDocShell*>(aContainer);
+ // We're loading a new document into the window where this document
+ // viewer lives, sync the parent document's frame element -> sub
+ // document map
+ return SyncParentSubDocMap();
+nsDocumentViewer::GetContainer(nsIDocShell** aResult) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> container(mContainer);
+ container.swap(*aResult);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::Init(nsIWidget* aParentWidget, const nsIntRect& aBounds,
+ WindowGlobalChild* aActor) {
+ return InitInternal(aParentWidget, nullptr, aActor, aBounds, true);
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::InitPresentationStuff(bool aDoInitialReflow) {
+ // We assert this because initializing the pres shell could otherwise cause
+ // re-entrancy into nsDocumentViewer methods, which might cause a different
+ // pres shell to be created. Callers of InitPresentationStuff should ensure
+ // the call is appropriately bounded by an nsAutoScriptBlocker to decide
+ // when it is safe for these re-entrant calls to be made.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "InitPresentationStuff must only be called when scripts are "
+ "blocked");
+ // When getting printed, either for print or print preview, the print job
+ // takes care of setting up the presentation of the document.
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mPresShell, "Someone should have destroyed the presshell!");
+ // Now make the shell for the document
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> doc = mDocument;
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = mPresContext;
+ RefPtr<nsViewManager> viewManager = mViewManager;
+ mPresShell = doc->CreatePresShell(presContext, viewManager);
+ if (!mPresShell) {
+ }
+ if (aDoInitialReflow) {
+ // Since Initialize() will create frames for *all* items
+ // that are currently in the document tree, we need to flush
+ // any pending notifications to prevent the content sink from
+ // duplicating layout frames for content it has added to the tree
+ // but hasn't notified the document about. (Bug 154018)
+ //
+ // Note that we are flushing before we add mPresShell as an observer
+ // to avoid bogus notifications.
+ mDocument->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::ContentAndNotify);
+ }
+ mPresShell->BeginObservingDocument();
+ // Initialize our view manager
+ {
+ int32_t p2a = mPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
+ p2a ==
+ mPresContext->DeviceContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixelAtUnitFullZoom());
+ nscoord width = p2a * mBounds.width;
+ nscoord height = p2a * mBounds.height;
+ mViewManager->SetWindowDimensions(width, height);
+ mPresContext->SetVisibleArea(nsRect(0, 0, width, height));
+ // We rely on the default zoom not being initialized until here.
+ mPresContext->RecomputeBrowsingContextDependentData();
+ }
+ if (mWindow && mDocument->IsTopLevelContentDocument()) {
+ // Set initial safe area insets
+ ScreenIntMargin windowSafeAreaInsets;
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect windowRect = mWindow->GetScreenBounds();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen = mWindow->GetWidgetScreen();
+ if (screen) {
+ windowSafeAreaInsets = nsContentUtils::GetWindowSafeAreaInsets(
+ screen, mWindow->GetSafeAreaInsets(), windowRect);
+ }
+ mPresContext->SetSafeAreaInsets(windowSafeAreaInsets);
+ }
+ if (aDoInitialReflow) {
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell;
+ // Initial reflow
+ presShell->Initialize();
+ }
+ // now register ourselves as a selection listener, so that we get
+ // called when the selection changes in the window
+ if (!mSelectionListener) {
+ mSelectionListener = new nsDocViewerSelectionListener(this);
+ }
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Selection> selection = GetDocumentSelection();
+ if (!selection) {
+ }
+ selection->AddSelectionListener(mSelectionListener);
+ ReinitializeFocusListener();
+ if (aDoInitialReflow && mDocument) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> document = mDocument;
+ document->ScrollToRef();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+static nsPresContext* CreatePresContext(Document* aDocument,
+ nsPresContext::nsPresContextType aType,
+ nsView* aContainerView) {
+ if (aContainerView) {
+ return new nsPresContext(aDocument, aType);
+ }
+ return new nsRootPresContext(aDocument, aType);
+// This method can be used to initial the "presentation"
+// The aDoCreation indicates whether it should create
+// all the new objects or just initialize the existing ones
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::InitInternal(
+ nsIWidget* aParentWidget, nsISupports* aState, WindowGlobalChild* aActor,
+ const nsIntRect& aBounds, bool aDoCreation, bool aNeedMakeCX /*= true*/,
+ bool aForceSetNewDocument /* = true*/) {
+ // We don't want any scripts to run here. That can cause flushing,
+ // which can cause reentry into initialization of this document viewer,
+ // which would be disastrous.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker blockScripts;
+ mParentWidget = aParentWidget; // not ref counted
+ mBounds = aBounds;
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ nsView* containerView = FindContainerView();
+ bool makeCX = false;
+ if (aDoCreation) {
+ nsresult rv = CreateDeviceContext(containerView);
+ // XXXbz this is a nasty hack to do with the fact that we create
+ // presentations both in Init() and in Show()... Ideally we would only do
+ // it in one place (Show()) and require that callers call init(), open(),
+ // show() in that order or something.
+ if (!mPresContext &&
+ (aParentWidget || containerView || mDocument->IsBeingUsedAsImage() ||
+ (mDocument->GetDisplayDocument() &&
+ mDocument->GetDisplayDocument()->GetPresShell()))) {
+ // Create presentation context
+ if (mIsPageMode) {
+ // Presentation context already created in SetPageModeForTesting which
+ // is calling this method
+ } else {
+ mPresContext = CreatePresContext(
+ mDocument, nsPresContext::eContext_Galley, containerView);
+ }
+ nsresult rv = mPresContext->Init(mDeviceContext);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mPresContext = nullptr;
+ return rv;
+ }
+#if defined(NS_PRINTING) && defined(NS_PRINT_PREVIEW)
+ makeCX = !GetIsPrintPreview() &&
+ aNeedMakeCX; // needs to be true except when we are already in
+ // PP or we are enabling/disabling paginated mode.
+ makeCX = true;
+ }
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ // Create the ViewManager and Root View...
+ // We must do this before we tell the script global object about
+ // this new document since doing that will cause us to re-enter
+ // into nsSubDocumentFrame code through reflows caused by
+ // FlushPendingNotifications() calls down the road...
+ rv = MakeWindow(nsSize(mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(aBounds.width),
+ mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(aBounds.height)),
+ containerView);
+ Hide();
+ if (mIsPageMode) {
+ // I'm leaving this in a broken state for the moment; we should
+ // be measuring/scaling with the print device context, not the
+ // screen device context, but this is good enough to allow
+ // printing reftests to work.
+ double pageWidth = 0, pageHeight = 0;
+ mPresContext->GetPrintSettings()->GetEffectivePageSize(&pageWidth,
+ &pageHeight);
+ mPresContext->SetPageSize(
+ nsSize(mPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(NSToIntFloor(pageWidth)),
+ mPresContext->CSSTwipsToAppUnits(NSToIntFloor(pageHeight))));
+ mPresContext->SetIsRootPaginatedDocument(true);
+ mPresContext->SetPageScale(1.0f);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Avoid leaking the old viewer.
+ if (mPreviousViewer) {
+ mPreviousViewer->Destroy();
+ mPreviousViewer = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> requestor(mContainer);
+ if (requestor) {
+ // Set script-context-owner in the document
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = do_GetInterface(requestor);
+ if (window) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> curDoc = window->GetExtantDoc();
+ if (aForceSetNewDocument || curDoc != mDocument) {
+ rv = window->SetNewDocument(mDocument, aState, false, aActor);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ Destroy();
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (aDoCreation && mPresContext) {
+ // The ViewManager and Root View was created above (in
+ // MakeWindow())...
+ rv = InitPresentationStuff(!makeCX);
+ }
+ return rv;
+void nsDocumentViewer::SetNavigationTiming(nsDOMNavigationTiming* timing) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(mDocument, "Must have a document to set navigation timing.");
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->SetNavigationTiming(timing);
+ }
+// LoadComplete(aStatus)
+// aStatus - The status returned from loading the document.
+// This method is called by the container when the document has been
+// completely loaded.
+nsDocumentViewer::LoadComplete(nsresult aStatus) {
+ /* We need to protect ourself against auto-destruction in case the
+ window is closed while processing the OnLoad event. See bug
+ for more
+ explanation.
+ */
+ RefPtr<nsDocumentViewer> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ // Flush out layout so it's up-to-date by the time onload is called.
+ // Note that this could destroy the window, so do this before
+ // checking for our mDocument and its window.
+ if (mPresShell && !mStopped) {
+ // Hold strong ref because this could conceivably run script
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell;
+ presShell->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout);
+ }
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ // First, get the window from the document...
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = mDocument->GetWindow();
+ mLoaded = true;
+ // Now, fire either an OnLoad or OnError event to the document...
+ bool restoring = false;
+ // XXXbz imagelib kills off the document load for a full-page image with
+ // NS_ERROR_PARSED_DATA_CACHED if it's in the cache. So we want to treat
+ // that one as a success code; otherwise whether we fire onload for the image
+ // will depend on whether it's cached!
+ if (window &&
+ // If this code changes, the code in nsDocLoader::DocLoaderIsEmpty
+ // that fires load events for cases might need to
+ // be updated too.
+ nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
+ WidgetEvent event(true, eLoad);
+ event.mFlags.mBubbles = false;
+ event.mFlags.mCancelable = false;
+ // XXX Dispatching to |window|, but using |document| as the target.
+ event.mTarget = mDocument;
+ // If the document presentation is being restored, we don't want to fire
+ // onload to the document content since that would likely confuse scripts
+ // on the page.
+ RefPtr<nsDocShell> docShell = nsDocShell::Cast(window->GetDocShell());
+ // Unfortunately, docShell->GetRestoringDocument() might no longer be set
+ // correctly. In particular, it can be false by now if someone took it upon
+ // themselves to block onload from inside restoration and unblock it later.
+ // But we can detect the restoring case very simply: by whether our
+ // document's readyState is COMPLETE.
+ restoring =
+ (mDocument->GetReadyStateEnum() == Document::READYSTATE_COMPLETE);
+ if (!restoring) {
+ mDocument->GetReadyStateEnum() == Document::READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE ||
+ // test_stricttransportsecurity.html has old-style
+ // docshell-generated about:blank docs reach this code!
+ (mDocument->GetReadyStateEnum() ==
+ NS_IsAboutBlank(mDocument->GetDocumentURI())),
+ "Bad readystate");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool docShellThinksWeAreRestoring;
+ docShell->GetRestoringDocument(&docShellThinksWeAreRestoring);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!docShellThinksWeAreRestoring,
+ "How can docshell think we are restoring if we don't have a "
+#endif // DEBUG
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> d = mDocument;
+ mDocument->SetReadyStateInternal(Document::READYSTATE_COMPLETE);
+ RefPtr<nsDOMNavigationTiming> timing(d->GetNavigationTiming());
+ if (timing) {
+ timing->NotifyLoadEventStart();
+ }
+ // Dispatch observer notification to notify observers document load is
+ // complete.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
+ if (os) {
+ nsIPrincipal* principal = d->NodePrincipal();
+ os->NotifyObservers(ToSupports(d),
+ principal->IsSystemPrincipal()
+ ? "chrome-document-loaded"
+ : "content-document-loaded",
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ // Notify any devtools about the load.
+ if (TimelineConsumers::HasConsumer(docShell)) {
+ TimelineConsumers::AddMarkerForDocShell(
+ docShell, MakeUnique<DocLoadingTimelineMarker>("document::Load"));
+ }
+ nsPIDOMWindowInner* innerWindow = window->GetCurrentInnerWindow();
+ RefPtr<DocGroup> docGroup = d->GetDocGroup();
+ // It is possible that the parent document's load event fires earlier than
+ // childs' load event, and in this case we need to fire some artificial
+ // load events to make the parent thinks the load events for child has
+ // been done
+ if (innerWindow && DocGroup::TryToLoadIframesInBackground()) {
+ nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell>> docShells;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> container(mContainer);
+ if (container) {
+ int32_t count;
+ container->GetInProcessChildCount(&count);
+ // We first find all background loading iframes that need to
+ // fire artificial load events, and instead of firing them as
+ // soon as we find them, we store them in an array, to prevent
+ // us from skipping some events.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> child;
+ container->GetInProcessChildAt(i, getter_AddRefs(child));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> childIDocShell = do_QueryInterface(child);
+ RefPtr<nsDocShell> docShell = nsDocShell::Cast(childIDocShell);
+ if (docShell && docShell->TreatAsBackgroundLoad() &&
+ docShell->GetDocument()->GetReadyStateEnum() <
+ docShells.AppendElement(childIDocShell);
+ }
+ }
+ // Re-iterate the stored docShells to fire artificial load events
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < docShells.Length(); ++i) {
+ RefPtr<nsDocShell> docShell = nsDocShell::Cast(docShells[i]);
+ if (docShell && docShell->TreatAsBackgroundLoad() &&
+ docShell->GetDocument()->GetReadyStateEnum() <
+ nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
+ WidgetEvent event(true, eLoad);
+ event.mFlags.mBubbles = false;
+ event.mFlags.mCancelable = false;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> win = docShell->GetWindow();
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> element = win->GetFrameElementInternal();
+ docShell->SetFakeOnLoadDispatched();
+ EventDispatcher::Dispatch(element, nullptr, &event, nullptr,
+ &status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d->SetLoadEventFiring(true);
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = mPresContext;
+ EventDispatcher::Dispatch(window, presContext, &event, nullptr, &status);
+ d->SetLoadEventFiring(false);
+ if (docGroup && docShell->TreatAsBackgroundLoad()) {
+ docGroup->TryFlushIframePostMessages(docShell->GetOuterWindowID());
+ }
+ if (timing) {
+ timing->NotifyLoadEventEnd();
+ }
+ if (innerWindow) {
+ innerWindow->QueuePerformanceNavigationTiming();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // XXX: Should fire error event to the document...
+ // If our load was explicitly aborted, then we want to set our
+ // readyState to COMPLETE, and fire a readystatechange event.
+ if (aStatus == NS_BINDING_ABORTED && mDocument) {
+ mDocument->NotifyAbortedLoad();
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify the document that it has been shown (regardless of whether
+ // it was just loaded). Note: mDocument may be null now if the above
+ // firing of onload caused the document to unload. Or, mDocument may not be
+ // the "current active" document, if the above firing of onload caused our
+ // docshell to navigate away. NOTE: In this latter scenario, it's likely that
+ // we fired pagehide (when navigating away) without ever having fired
+ // pageshow, and that's pretty broken... Fortunately, this should be rare.
+ // (It requires us to spin the event loop in onload handler, e.g. via sync
+ // XHR, in order for the navigation-away to happen before onload completes.)
+ // We skip firing pageshow if we're currently handling unload, or if loading
+ // was explicitly aborted.
+ if (mDocument && mDocument->IsCurrentActiveDocument() &&
+ aStatus != NS_BINDING_ABORTED) {
+ // Re-get window, since it might have changed during above firing of onload
+ window = mDocument->GetWindow();
+ if (window) {
+ nsIDocShell* docShell = window->GetDocShell();
+ bool isInUnload;
+ if (docShell && NS_SUCCEEDED(docShell->GetIsInUnload(&isInUnload)) &&
+ !isInUnload) {
+ mDocument->OnPageShow(restoring, nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mStopped) {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> document = mDocument;
+ document->ScrollToRef();
+ }
+ // Now that the document has loaded, we can tell the presshell
+ // to unsuppress painting.
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell;
+ presShell->UnsuppressPainting();
+ // mPresShell could have been removed now, see bug 378682/421432
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ mPresShell->LoadComplete();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mDocument && !restoring) {
+ mDocument->LoadEventFired();
+ }
+ // It's probably a good idea to GC soon since we have finished loading.
+ nsJSContext::PokeGC(
+ JS::GCReason::LOAD_END,
+ mDocument ? mDocument->GetWrapperPreserveColor() : nullptr);
+ // Check to see if someone tried to print during the load
+ if (window) {
+ auto* outerWin = nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(window);
+ outerWin->StopDelayingPrintingUntilAfterLoad();
+ if (outerWin->DelayedPrintUntilAfterLoad()) {
+ // We call into the inner because it ensures there's an active document
+ // and such, and it also waits until the whole thing completes, which is
+ // nice because it allows us to close if needed right here.
+ if (RefPtr inner =
+ nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(window->GetCurrentInnerWindow())) {
+ inner->Print(IgnoreErrors());
+ }
+ if (outerWin->DelayedCloseForPrinting()) {
+ outerWin->Close();
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!outerWin->DelayedCloseForPrinting());
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+bool nsDocumentViewer::GetLoadCompleted() { return mLoaded; }
+bool nsDocumentViewer::GetIsStopped() { return mStopped; }
+nsDocumentViewer::PermitUnload(PermitUnloadAction aAction,
+ bool* aPermitUnload) {
+ // We're going to be running JS and nested event loops, which could cause our
+ // DocShell to be destroyed. Make sure we stay alive until the end of the
+ // function.
+ RefPtr<nsDocumentViewer> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ if (StaticPrefs::dom_disable_beforeunload()) {
+ aAction = eDontPromptAndUnload;
+ }
+ *aPermitUnload = true;
+ RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc = mContainer->GetBrowsingContext();
+ if (!bc) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Per spec, we need to increase the ignore-opens-during-unload counter while
+ // dispatching the "beforeunload" event on both the document we're currently
+ // dispatching the event to and the document that we explicitly asked to
+ // unload.
+ IgnoreOpensDuringUnload ignoreOpens(mDocument);
+ bool foundBlocker = false;
+ bool foundOOPListener = false;
+ bc->PreOrderWalk([&](BrowsingContext* aBC) {
+ if (!aBC->IsInProcess()) {
+ WindowContext* wc = aBC->GetCurrentWindowContext();
+ if (wc && wc->HasBeforeUnload()) {
+ foundOOPListener = true;
+ }
+ } else if (aBC->GetDocShell()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> contentViewer(
+ aBC->GetDocShell()->GetContentViewer());
+ if (contentViewer &&
+ contentViewer->DispatchBeforeUnload() == eRequestBlockNavigation) {
+ foundBlocker = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!foundOOPListener) {
+ if (!foundBlocker) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (aAction != ePrompt) {
+ *aPermitUnload = aAction == eDontPromptAndUnload;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // NB: we nullcheck mDocument because it might now be dead as a result of
+ // the event being dispatched.
+ RefPtr<WindowGlobalChild> wgc(mDocument ? mDocument->GetWindowGlobalChild()
+ : nullptr);
+ if (!wgc) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsAutoSyncOperation sync(mDocument, SyncOperationBehavior::eSuspendInput);
+ AutoSuppressEventHandlingAndSuspend seh(bc->Group());
+ mInPermitUnloadPrompt = true;
+ bool done = false;
+ wgc->SendCheckPermitUnload(
+ foundBlocker, aAction,
+ [&](bool aPermit) {
+ done = true;
+ *aPermitUnload = aPermit;
+ },
+ [&](auto) {
+ // If the prompt aborted, we tell our consumer that it is not allowed
+ // to unload the page. One reason that prompts abort is that the user
+ // performed some action that caused the page to unload while our prompt
+ // was active. In those cases we don't want our consumer to also unload
+ // the page.
+ //
+ // XXX: Are there other cases where prompts can abort? Is it ok to
+ // prevent unloading the page in those cases?
+ done = true;
+ *aPermitUnload = false;
+ });
+ SpinEventLoopUntil("nsDocumentViewer::PermitUnload"_ns,
+ [&]() { return done; });
+ mInPermitUnloadPrompt = false;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::DispatchBeforeUnload() {
+ AutoDontWarnAboutSyncXHR disableSyncXHRWarning;
+ if (!mDocument || mInPermitUnload || mInPermitUnloadPrompt) {
+ return eAllowNavigation;
+ }
+ // First, get the script global object from the document...
+ RefPtr<nsGlobalWindowOuter> window =
+ nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(mDocument->GetWindow());
+ if (!window) {
+ // This is odd, but not fatal
+ NS_WARNING("window not set for document!");
+ return eAllowNavigation;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(), "This is unsafe");
+ //
+ // Create an RAII object on mDocument that will increment the
+ // should-ignore-opens-during-unload counter on initialization
+ // and decrement it again when it goes out of score (regardless
+ // of how we exit this function).
+ IgnoreOpensDuringUnload ignoreOpens(mDocument);
+ // Now, fire an BeforeUnload event to the document and see if it's ok
+ // to unload...
+ nsPresContext* presContext = mDocument->GetPresContext();
+ RefPtr<BeforeUnloadEvent> event =
+ new BeforeUnloadEvent(mDocument, presContext, nullptr);
+ event->InitEvent(u"beforeunload"_ns, false, true);
+ // Dispatching to |window|, but using |document| as the target.
+ event->SetTarget(mDocument);
+ event->SetTrusted(true);
+ // In evil cases we might be destroyed while handling the
+ // onbeforeunload event, don't let that happen. (see also bug#331040)
+ RefPtr<nsDocumentViewer> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ {
+ // Never permit popups from the beforeunload handler, no matter
+ // how we get here.
+ AutoPopupStatePusher popupStatePusher(PopupBlocker::openAbused, true);
+ RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc = mContainer->GetBrowsingContext();
+ NS_ASSERTION(bc, "should have a browsing context in document viewer");
+ // Never permit dialogs from the beforeunload handler
+ nsGlobalWindowOuter::TemporarilyDisableDialogs disableDialogs(bc);
+ Document::PageUnloadingEventTimeStamp timestamp(mDocument);
+ mInPermitUnload = true;
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = mPresContext;
+ // TODO: Bug 1506441
+ EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent(MOZ_KnownLive(ToSupports(window)),
+ nullptr, event, presContext, nullptr);
+ mInPermitUnload = false;
+ }
+ nsAutoString text;
+ event->GetReturnValue(text);
+ // NB: we nullcheck mDocument because it might now be dead as a result of
+ // the event being dispatched.
+ if (window->AreDialogsEnabled() && mDocument &&
+ !(mDocument->GetSandboxFlags() & SANDBOXED_MODALS) &&
+ (!StaticPrefs::dom_require_user_interaction_for_beforeunload() ||
+ mDocument->UserHasInteracted()) &&
+ (event->WidgetEventPtr()->DefaultPrevented() || !text.IsEmpty())) {
+ return eRequestBlockNavigation;
+ }
+ return eAllowNavigation;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetBeforeUnloadFiring(bool* aInEvent) {
+ *aInEvent = mInPermitUnload;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetInPermitUnload(bool* aInEvent) {
+ *aInEvent = mInPermitUnloadPrompt;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::PageHide(bool aIsUnload) {
+ AutoDontWarnAboutSyncXHR disableSyncXHRWarning;
+ mHidden = true;
+ if (!mDocument) {
+ }
+ if (aIsUnload) {
+ // Poke the GC. The window might be collectable garbage now.
+ nsJSContext::PokeGC(JS::GCReason::PAGE_HIDE,
+ mDocument->GetWrapperPreserveColor(),
+ TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(
+ StaticPrefs::javascript_options_gc_delay() * 2));
+ }
+ mDocument->OnPageHide(!aIsUnload, nullptr);
+ // inform the window so that the focus state is reset.
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDocument);
+ nsPIDOMWindowOuter* window = mDocument->GetWindow();
+ if (window) window->PageHidden();
+ if (aIsUnload) {
+ // if Destroy() was called during OnPageHide(), mDocument is nullptr.
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDocument);
+ // First, get the window from the document...
+ RefPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = mDocument->GetWindow();
+ if (!window) {
+ // Fail if no window is available...
+ NS_WARNING("window not set for document!");
+ }
+ //
+ // Create an RAII object on mDocument that will increment the
+ // should-ignore-opens-during-unload counter on initialization
+ // and decrement it again when it goes out of scope.
+ IgnoreOpensDuringUnload ignoreOpens(mDocument);
+ // Now, fire an Unload event to the document...
+ nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
+ WidgetEvent event(true, eUnload);
+ event.mFlags.mBubbles = false;
+ // XXX Dispatching to |window|, but using |document| as the target.
+ event.mTarget = mDocument;
+ // Never permit popups from the unload handler, no matter how we get
+ // here.
+ AutoPopupStatePusher popupStatePusher(PopupBlocker::openAbused, true);
+ Document::PageUnloadingEventTimeStamp timestamp(mDocument);
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = mPresContext;
+ EventDispatcher::Dispatch(window, presContext, &event, nullptr, &status);
+ }
+ // look for open menupopups and close them after the unload event, in case
+ // the unload event listeners open any new popups
+ nsContentUtils::HidePopupsInDocument(mDocument);
+ return NS_OK;
+static void AttachContainerRecurse(nsIDocShell* aShell) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> viewer;
+ aShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(viewer));
+ if (viewer) {
+ viewer->SetIsHidden(false);
+ Document* doc = viewer->GetDocument();
+ if (doc) {
+ doc->SetContainer(static_cast<nsDocShell*>(aShell));
+ }
+ if (PresShell* presShell = viewer->GetPresShell()) {
+ presShell->SetForwardingContainer(WeakPtr<nsDocShell>());
+ }
+ }
+ // Now recurse through the children
+ int32_t childCount;
+ aShell->GetInProcessChildCount(&childCount);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> childItem;
+ aShell->GetInProcessChildAt(i, getter_AddRefs(childItem));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> shell = do_QueryInterface(childItem);
+ AttachContainerRecurse(shell);
+ }
+nsDocumentViewer::Open(nsISupports* aState, nsISHEntry* aSHEntry) {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->SetContainer(mContainer);
+ }
+ nsresult rv = InitInternal(mParentWidget, aState, nullptr, mBounds, false);
+ mHidden = false;
+ if (mPresShell) mPresShell->SetForwardingContainer(WeakPtr<nsDocShell>());
+ // Rehook the child presentations. The child shells are still in
+ // session history, so get them from there.
+ if (aSHEntry) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> item;
+ int32_t itemIndex = 0;
+ while (NS_SUCCEEDED(
+ aSHEntry->ChildShellAt(itemIndex++, getter_AddRefs(item))) &&
+ item) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> shell = do_QueryInterface(item);
+ AttachContainerRecurse(shell);
+ }
+ }
+ SyncParentSubDocMap();
+ ReinitializeFocusListener();
+ // XXX re-enable image animations once that works correctly
+ PrepareToStartLoad();
+ // When loading a page from the bfcache with puppet widgets, we do the
+ // widget attachment here (it is otherwise done in MakeWindow, which is
+ // called for non-bfcache pages in the history, but not bfcache pages).
+ // Attachment is necessary, since we get detached when another page
+ // is browsed to. That is, if we are one page A, then when we go to
+ // page B, we detach. So page A's view has no widget. If we then go
+ // back to it, and it is in the bfcache, we will use that view, which
+ // doesn't have a widget. The attach call here will properly attach us.
+ if (nsIWidget::UsePuppetWidgets() && mPresContext &&
+ ShouldAttachToTopLevel()) {
+ // If the old view is already attached to our parent, detach
+ DetachFromTopLevelWidget();
+ nsViewManager* vm = GetViewManager();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(vm, "no view manager");
+ nsView* v = vm->GetRootView();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(v, "no root view");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mParentWidget, "no mParentWidget to set");
+ v->AttachToTopLevelWidget(mParentWidget);
+ mAttachedToParent = true;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::Close(nsISHEntry* aSHEntry) {
+ // All callers are supposed to call close to break circular
+ // references. If we do this stuff in the destructor, the
+ // destructor might never be called (especially if we're being
+ // used from JS.
+ mSHEntry = aSHEntry;
+ // Close is also needed to disable scripts during paint suppression,
+ // since we transfer the existing global object to the new document
+ // that is loaded. In the future, the global object may become a proxy
+ // for an object that can be switched in and out so that we don't need
+ // to disable scripts during paint suppression.
+ if (!mDocument) return NS_OK;
+ if (mSHEntry) {
+ if (mBFCachePreventionObserver) {
+ mBFCachePreventionObserver->Disconnect();
+ }
+ mBFCachePreventionObserver = new BFCachePreventionObserver(mDocument);
+ mDocument->AddMutationObserver(mBFCachePreventionObserver);
+ }
+ // A Close was called while we were printing
+ // so don't clear the ScriptGlobalObject
+ // or clear the mDocument below
+ if (mPrintJob && !mClosingWhilePrinting) {
+ mClosingWhilePrinting = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ // out of band cleanup of docshell
+ mDocument->SetScriptGlobalObject(nullptr);
+ if (!mSHEntry && mDocument) mDocument->RemovedFromDocShell();
+ }
+ RemoveFocusListener();
+ return NS_OK;
+static void DetachContainerRecurse(nsIDocShell* aShell) {
+ // Unhook this docshell's presentation
+ aShell->SynchronizeLayoutHistoryState();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> viewer;
+ aShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(viewer));
+ if (viewer) {
+ if (Document* doc = viewer->GetDocument()) {
+ doc->SetContainer(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (PresShell* presShell = viewer->GetPresShell()) {
+ auto weakShell = static_cast<nsDocShell*>(aShell);
+ presShell->SetForwardingContainer(weakShell);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now recurse through the children
+ int32_t childCount;
+ aShell->GetInProcessChildCount(&childCount);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> childItem;
+ aShell->GetInProcessChildAt(i, getter_AddRefs(childItem));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> shell = do_QueryInterface(childItem);
+ DetachContainerRecurse(shell);
+ }
+nsDocumentViewer::Destroy() {
+ // Don't let the document get unloaded while we are printing.
+ // this could happen if we hit the back button during printing.
+ // We also keep the viewer from being cached in session history, since
+ // we require all documents there to be sanitized.
+ if (mDestroyBlockedCount != 0) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Here is where we check to see if the document was still being prepared
+ // for printing when it was asked to be destroy from someone externally
+ // This usually happens if the document is unloaded while the user is in the
+ // Print Dialog
+ //
+ // So we flip the bool to remember that the document is going away
+ // and we can clean up and abort later after returning from the Print Dialog
+ if (mPrintJob && mPrintJob->CheckBeforeDestroy()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // We want to make sure to disconnect mBFCachePreventionObserver before we
+ // Sanitize() below.
+ if (mBFCachePreventionObserver) {
+ mBFCachePreventionObserver->Disconnect();
+ mBFCachePreventionObserver = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (mSHEntry && mDocument && !mDocument->IsBFCachingAllowed()) {
+ // Just drop the SHEntry now and pretend like we never even tried to bfcache
+ // this viewer. This should only happen when someone calls
+ // DisallowBFCaching() after CanSavePresentation() already ran. Ensure that
+ // the SHEntry has no viewer and its state is synced up. We want to do this
+ // via a stack reference, in case those calls mess with our members.
+ MOZ_LOG(gPageCacheLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("BFCache not allowed, dropping SHEntry"));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISHEntry> shEntry = std::move(mSHEntry);
+ shEntry->SetContentViewer(nullptr);
+ shEntry->SyncPresentationState();
+ }
+ // If we were told to put ourselves into session history instead of destroy
+ // the presentation, do that now.
+ if (mSHEntry) {
+ if (mPresShell) mPresShell->Freeze();
+ // Make sure the presentation isn't torn down by Hide().
+ mSHEntry->SetSticky(mIsSticky);
+ mIsSticky = true;
+ // Remove our root view from the view hierarchy.
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ nsViewManager* vm = mPresShell->GetViewManager();
+ if (vm) {
+ nsView* rootView = vm->GetRootView();
+ if (rootView) {
+ nsView* rootViewParent = rootView->GetParent();
+ if (rootViewParent) {
+ nsView* subdocview = rootViewParent->GetParent();
+ if (subdocview) {
+ nsIFrame* f = subdocview->GetFrame();
+ if (f) {
+ nsSubDocumentFrame* s = do_QueryFrame(f);
+ if (s) {
+ s->ClearDisplayItems();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nsViewManager* parentVM = rootViewParent->GetViewManager();
+ if (parentVM) {
+ parentVM->RemoveChild(rootView);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Hide();
+ // This is after Hide() so that the user doesn't see the inputs clear.
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->Sanitize();
+ }
+ // Reverse ownership. Do this *after* calling sanitize so that sanitize
+ // doesn't cause mutations that make the SHEntry drop the presentation
+ // Grab a reference to mSHEntry before calling into things like
+ // SyncPresentationState that might mess with our members.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISHEntry> shEntry =
+ std::move(mSHEntry); // we'll need this below
+ MOZ_LOG(gPageCacheLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("Storing content viewer into cache entry"));
+ shEntry->SetContentViewer(this);
+ // Always sync the presentation state. That way even if someone screws up
+ // and shEntry has no window state at this point we'll be ok; we just won't
+ // cache ourselves.
+ shEntry->SyncPresentationState();
+ // XXX Synchronize layout history state to parent once bfcache is supported
+ // in session-history-in-parent.
+ // Shut down accessibility for the document before we start to tear it down.
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ a11y::DocAccessible* docAcc = mPresShell->GetDocAccessible();
+ if (docAcc) {
+ docAcc->Shutdown();
+ }
+ }
+ // Break the link from the document/presentation to the docshell, so that
+ // link traversals cannot affect the currently-loaded document.
+ // When the presentation is restored, Open() and InitInternal() will reset
+ // these pointers to their original values.
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->SetContainer(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ mPresShell->SetForwardingContainer(mContainer);
+ }
+ // Do the same for our children. Note that we need to get the child
+ // docshells from the SHEntry now; the docshell will have cleared them.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> item;
+ int32_t itemIndex = 0;
+ while (NS_SUCCEEDED(
+ shEntry->ChildShellAt(itemIndex++, getter_AddRefs(item))) &&
+ item) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> shell = do_QueryInterface(item);
+ DetachContainerRecurse(shell);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // The document was not put in the bfcache
+ // Protect against pres shell destruction running scripts and re-entrantly
+ // creating a new presentation.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->Destroy();
+ mDocument = nullptr;
+ }
+ // All callers are supposed to call destroy to break circular
+ // references. If we do this stuff in the destructor, the
+ // destructor might never be called (especially if we're being
+ // used from JS.
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob> printJob = std::move(mPrintJob);
+ if (printJob->CreatedForPrintPreview()) {
+ printJob->FinishPrintPreview();
+ }
+# endif
+ printJob->Destroy();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mPrintJob,
+ "mPrintJob shouldn't be recreated while destroying it");
+ }
+ // Avoid leaking the old viewer.
+ if (mPreviousViewer) {
+ mPreviousViewer->Destroy();
+ mPreviousViewer = nullptr;
+ }
+ mDeviceContext = nullptr;
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ DestroyPresContext();
+ }
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ mViewManager = nullptr;
+ mContainer = WeakPtr<nsDocShell>();
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::Stop(void) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(mDocument, "Stop called too early or too late");
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->StopDocumentLoad();
+ }
+ mStopped = true;
+ if (!mLoaded && mPresShell) {
+ // Well, we might as well paint what we have so far.
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell; // bug 378682
+ presShell->UnsuppressPainting();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetDOMDocument(Document** aResult) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> document = mDocument;
+ document.forget(aResult);
+ return NS_OK;
+Document* nsDocumentViewer::GetDocument() { return mDocument; }
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::SetDocument(Document* aDocument) {
+ // Assumptions:
+ //
+ // 1) this document viewer has been initialized with a call to Init().
+ // 2) the stylesheets associated with the document have been added
+ // to the document.
+ // XXX Right now, this method assumes that the layout of the current
+ // document hasn't started yet. More cleanup will probably be
+ // necessary to make this method work for the case when layout *has*
+ // occurred for the current document.
+ // That work can happen when and if it is needed.
+ if (!aDocument) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
+ return SetDocumentInternal(aDocument, false);
+nsDocumentViewer::SetDocumentInternal(Document* aDocument,
+ bool aForceReuseInnerWindow) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aDocument);
+ // Set new container
+ aDocument->SetContainer(mContainer);
+ if (mDocument != aDocument) {
+ if (aForceReuseInnerWindow) {
+ // Transfer the navigation timing information to the new document, since
+ // we're keeping the same inner and hence should really have the same
+ // timing information.
+ aDocument->SetNavigationTiming(mDocument->GetNavigationTiming());
+ }
+ if (mDocument &&
+ (mDocument->IsStaticDocument() || aDocument->IsStaticDocument())) {
+ nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner(NewRunnableMethod(
+ "Document::Destroy", mDocument, &Document::Destroy));
+ }
+ // Clear the list of old child docshells. Child docshells for the new
+ // document will be constructed as frames are created.
+ if (!aDocument->IsStaticDocument()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> node(mContainer);
+ if (node) {
+ int32_t count;
+ node->GetInProcessChildCount(&count);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> child;
+ node->GetInProcessChildAt(0, getter_AddRefs(child));
+ node->RemoveChild(child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace the old document with the new one. Do this only when
+ // the new document really is a new document.
+ mDocument = aDocument;
+ // Set the script global object on the new document
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window =
+ mContainer ? mContainer->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ if (window) {
+ nsresult rv =
+ window->SetNewDocument(aDocument, nullptr, aForceReuseInnerWindow);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ Destroy();
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nsresult rv = SyncParentSubDocMap();
+ // Replace the current pres shell with a new shell for the new document
+ // Protect against pres shell destruction running scripts and re-entrantly
+ // creating a new presentation.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ DestroyPresContext();
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ rv = InitInternal(mParentWidget, nullptr, nullptr, mBounds, true, true,
+ false);
+ }
+ return rv;
+PresShell* nsDocumentViewer::GetPresShell() { return mPresShell; }
+nsPresContext* nsDocumentViewer::GetPresContext() { return mPresContext; }
+nsViewManager* nsDocumentViewer::GetViewManager() { return mViewManager; }
+nsDocumentViewer::GetBounds(nsIntRect& aResult) {
+ aResult = mBounds;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsIContentViewer* nsDocumentViewer::GetPreviousViewer() {
+ return mPreviousViewer;
+void nsDocumentViewer::SetPreviousViewer(nsIContentViewer* aViewer) {
+ // NOTE: |Show| sets |mPreviousViewer| to null without calling this
+ // function.
+ if (aViewer) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mPreviousViewer,
+ "can't set previous viewer when there already is one");
+ // In a multiple chaining situation (which occurs when running a thrashing
+ // test like i-bench or jrgm's tests with no delay), we can build up a
+ // whole chain of viewers. In order to avoid this, we always set our
+ // previous viewer to the MOST previous viewer in the chain, and then dump
+ // the intermediate link from the chain. This ensures that at most only 2
+ // documents are alive and undestroyed at any given time (the one that is
+ // showing and the one that is loading with painting suppressed). It's very
+ // important that if this ever gets changed the code before the
+ // RestorePresentation call in nsDocShell::InternalLoad be changed
+ // accordingly.
+ //
+ // Make sure we hold a strong ref to prevViewer here, since we'll
+ // tell aViewer to drop it.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> prevViewer = aViewer->GetPreviousViewer();
+ if (prevViewer) {
+ aViewer->SetPreviousViewer(nullptr);
+ aViewer->Destroy();
+ return SetPreviousViewer(prevViewer);
+ }
+ }
+ mPreviousViewer = aViewer;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetBoundsWithFlags(const nsIntRect& aBounds,
+ uint32_t aFlags) {
+ bool boundsChanged = !mBounds.IsEqualEdges(aBounds);
+ mBounds = aBounds;
+ if (mWindow && !mAttachedToParent) {
+ // Resize the widget, but don't trigger repaint. Layout will generate
+ // repaint requests during reflow.
+ mWindow->Resize(aBounds.x, aBounds.y, aBounds.width, aBounds.height, false);
+ } else if (mPresContext && mViewManager) {
+ // Ensure presContext's deviceContext is up to date, as we sometimes get
+ // here before a resolution-change notification has been fully handled
+ // during display configuration changes, especially when there are lots
+ // of windows/widgets competing to handle the notifications.
+ // (See bug 1154125.)
+ if (mPresContext->DeviceContext()->CheckDPIChange()) {
+ mPresContext->UIResolutionChangedSync();
+ }
+ int32_t p2a = mPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
+ nscoord width = NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.width, p2a);
+ nscoord height = NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.height, p2a);
+ nsView* rootView = mViewManager->GetRootView();
+ if (boundsChanged && rootView) {
+ nsRect viewDims = rootView->GetDimensions();
+ // If the view/frame tree and prescontext visible area already has the new
+ // size but we did not, then it's likely that we got reflowed in response
+ // to a call to GetContentSize. Thus there is a disconnect between the
+ // size on the document viewer/docshell/containing widget and view
+ // tree/frame tree/prescontext visible area). SetWindowDimensions compares
+ // to the root view dimenstions to determine if it needs to do anything;
+ // if they are the same as the new size it won't do anything, but we still
+ // need to invalidate because what we want to draw to the screen has
+ // changed.
+ if (viewDims.width == width && viewDims.height == height) {
+ nsIFrame* f = rootView->GetFrame();
+ if (f) {
+ f->InvalidateFrame();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mViewManager->SetWindowDimensions(
+ width, height, !!(aFlags & nsIContentViewer::eDelayResize));
+ }
+ // If there's a previous viewer, it's the one that's actually showing,
+ // so be sure to resize it as well so it paints over the right area.
+ // This may slow down the performance of the new page load, but resize
+ // during load is also probably a relatively unusual condition
+ // relating to things being hidden while something is loaded. It so
+ // happens that Firefox does this a good bit with its infobar, and it
+ // looks ugly if we don't do this.
+ if (mPreviousViewer) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> previousViewer = mPreviousViewer;
+ previousViewer->SetBounds(aBounds);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetBounds(const nsIntRect& aBounds) {
+ return SetBoundsWithFlags(aBounds, 0);
+nsDocumentViewer::Move(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) {
+ mBounds.MoveTo(aX, aY);
+ if (mWindow) {
+ mWindow->Move(aX, aY);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::Show() {
+ // We don't need the previous viewer anymore since we're not
+ // displaying it.
+ if (mPreviousViewer) {
+ // This little dance *may* only be to keep
+ // PresShell::EndObservingDocument happy, but I'm not sure.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> prevViewer(mPreviousViewer);
+ mPreviousViewer = nullptr;
+ prevViewer->Destroy();
+ // Make sure we don't have too many cached ContentViewers
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> treeItem(mContainer);
+ if (treeItem) {
+ // We need to find the root DocShell since only that object has an
+ // SHistory and we need the SHistory to evict content viewers
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> root;
+ treeItem->GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem(getter_AddRefs(root));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav = do_QueryInterface(root);
+ RefPtr<ChildSHistory> history = webNav->GetSessionHistory();
+ if (!mozilla::SessionHistoryInParent() && history) {
+ int32_t prevIndex, loadedIndex;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(treeItem);
+ docShell->GetPreviousEntryIndex(&prevIndex);
+ docShell->GetLoadedEntryIndex(&loadedIndex);
+ MOZ_LOG(gPageCacheLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
+ ("About to evict content viewers: prev=%d, loaded=%d",
+ prevIndex, loadedIndex));
+ history->LegacySHistory()->EvictOutOfRangeContentViewers(loadedIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mWindow) {
+ // When attached to a top level xul window, we do not need to call
+ // Show on the widget. Underlying window management code handles
+ // this when the window is initialized.
+ if (!mAttachedToParent) {
+ mWindow->Show(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Hold on to the document so we can use it after the script blocker below
+ // has been released (which might re-entrantly call into other
+ // nsDocumentViewer methods).
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> document = mDocument;
+ if (mDocument && !mPresShell) {
+ // The InitPresentationStuff call below requires a script blocker, because
+ // its PresShell::Initialize call can cause scripts to run and therefore
+ // re-entrant calls to nsDocumentViewer methods to be made.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mWindow, "Window already created but no presshell?");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> base_win(mContainer);
+ if (base_win) {
+ base_win->GetParentWidget(&mParentWidget);
+ if (mParentWidget) {
+ // GetParentWidget AddRefs, but mParentWidget is weak
+ mParentWidget->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ nsView* containerView = FindContainerView();
+ nsresult rv = CreateDeviceContext(containerView);
+ // Create presentation context
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mPresContext,
+ "Shouldn't have a prescontext if we have no shell!");
+ mPresContext = CreatePresContext(mDocument, nsPresContext::eContext_Galley,
+ containerView);
+ rv = mPresContext->Init(mDeviceContext);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mPresContext = nullptr;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = MakeWindow(nsSize(mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.width),
+ mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.height)),
+ containerView);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ Hide();
+ rv = InitPresentationStuff(mDocument->MayStartLayout());
+ }
+ // If we get here the document load has already started and the
+ // window is shown because some JS on the page caused it to be
+ // shown...
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell; // bug 378682
+ presShell->UnsuppressPainting();
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify observers that a new page has been shown. This will get run
+ // from the event loop after we actually draw the page.
+ RefPtr<nsDocumentShownDispatcher> event =
+ new nsDocumentShownDispatcher(document);
+ document->Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, event.forget());
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::Hide() {
+ if (!mAttachedToParent && mWindow) {
+ mWindow->Show(false);
+ }
+ if (!mPresShell) return NS_OK;
+ NS_ASSERTION(mPresContext, "Can't have a presshell and no prescontext!");
+ // Avoid leaking the old viewer.
+ if (mPreviousViewer) {
+ mPreviousViewer->Destroy();
+ mPreviousViewer = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (mIsSticky) {
+ // This window is sticky, that means that it might be shown again
+ // and we don't want the presshell n' all that to be thrown away
+ // just because the window is hidden.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(mContainer);
+ if (docShell) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> currentViewer;
+ docShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(currentViewer));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(currentViewer == this);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILayoutHistoryState> layoutState;
+ mPresShell->CaptureHistoryState(getter_AddRefs(layoutState));
+ }
+ // Do not run ScriptRunners queued by DestroyPresShell() in the intermediate
+ // state before we're done destroying PresShell, PresContext, ViewManager,
+ // etc.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ DestroyPresContext();
+ mViewManager = nullptr;
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ mDeviceContext = nullptr;
+ mParentWidget = nullptr;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> base_win(mContainer);
+ if (base_win && !mAttachedToParent) {
+ base_win->SetParentWidget(nullptr);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetSticky(bool* aSticky) {
+ *aSticky = mIsSticky;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetSticky(bool aSticky) {
+ mIsSticky = aSticky;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::ClearHistoryEntry() {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ nsJSContext::PokeGC(JS::GCReason::PAGE_HIDE,
+ mDocument->GetWrapperPreserveColor(),
+ TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(
+ StaticPrefs::javascript_options_gc_delay() * 2));
+ }
+ mSHEntry = nullptr;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::MakeWindow(const nsSize& aSize,
+ nsView* aContainerView) {
+ if (GetIsPrintPreview()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ bool shouldAttach = ShouldAttachToTopLevel();
+ if (shouldAttach) {
+ // If the old view is already attached to our parent, detach
+ DetachFromTopLevelWidget();
+ }
+ mViewManager = new nsViewManager();
+ nsDeviceContext* dx = mPresContext->DeviceContext();
+ nsresult rv = mViewManager->Init(dx);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ // The root view is always at 0,0.
+ nsRect tbounds(nsPoint(0, 0), aSize);
+ // Create a view
+ nsView* view = mViewManager->CreateView(tbounds, aContainerView);
+ if (!view) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ // Create a widget if we were given a parent widget or don't have a
+ // container view that we can hook up to without a widget.
+ // Don't create widgets for ResourceDocs (external resources & svg images),
+ // because when they're displayed, they're painted into *another* document's
+ // widget.
+ if (!mDocument->IsResourceDoc() && (mParentWidget || !aContainerView)) {
+ // pass in a native widget to be the parent widget ONLY if the view
+ // hierarchy will stand alone. otherwise the view will find its own parent
+ // widget and "do the right thing" to establish a parent/child widget
+ // relationship
+ widget::InitData initData;
+ widget::InitData* initDataPtr;
+ if (!mParentWidget) {
+ initDataPtr = &initData;
+ initData.mWindowType = widget::WindowType::Invisible;
+ } else {
+ initDataPtr = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (shouldAttach) {
+ // Reuse the top level parent widget.
+ rv = view->AttachToTopLevelWidget(mParentWidget);
+ mAttachedToParent = true;
+ } else if (!aContainerView && mParentWidget) {
+ rv = view->CreateWidgetForParent(mParentWidget, initDataPtr, true, false);
+ } else {
+ rv = view->CreateWidget(initDataPtr, true, false);
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ }
+ // Setup hierarchical relationship in view manager
+ mViewManager->SetRootView(view);
+ mWindow = view->GetWidget();
+ // This SetFocus is necessary so the Arrow Key and Page Key events
+ // go to the scrolled view as soon as the Window is created instead of going
+ // to the browser window (this enables keyboard scrolling of the document)
+ // mWindow->SetFocus();
+ return rv;
+void nsDocumentViewer::DetachFromTopLevelWidget() {
+ if (mViewManager) {
+ nsView* oldView = mViewManager->GetRootView();
+ if (oldView && oldView->IsAttachedToTopLevel()) {
+ oldView->DetachFromTopLevelWidget();
+ }
+ }
+ mAttachedToParent = false;
+nsView* nsDocumentViewer::FindContainerView() {
+ if (!mContainer) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(mContainer);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> pwin(docShell->GetWindow());
+ if (!pwin) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> containerElement = pwin->GetFrameElementInternal();
+ if (!containerElement) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsIFrame* subdocFrame = containerElement->GetPrimaryFrame();
+ if (!subdocFrame) {
+ // XXX Silenced by default in bug 1175289
+ LAYOUT_WARNING("Subdocument container has no frame");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Check subdocFrame just to be safe. If this somehow fails we treat that as
+ // display:none, the document is not displayed.
+ if (!subdocFrame->IsSubDocumentFrame()) {
+ NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(subdocFrame->Type() == LayoutFrameType::None,
+ "Subdocument container has non-subdocument frame");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(subdocFrame->GetView(), "Subdoc frames must have views");
+ return static_cast<nsSubDocumentFrame*>(subdocFrame)->EnsureInnerView();
+nsresult nsDocumentViewer::CreateDeviceContext(nsView* aContainerView) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mPresShell && !mWindow,
+ "This will screw up our existing presentation");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument, "Gotta have a document here");
+ Document* doc = mDocument->GetDisplayDocument();
+ if (doc) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!aContainerView,
+ "External resource document embedded somewhere?");
+ // We want to use our display document's device context if possible
+ nsPresContext* ctx = doc->GetPresContext();
+ if (ctx) {
+ mDeviceContext = ctx->DeviceContext();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a device context even if we already have one, since our widget
+ // might have changed.
+ nsIWidget* widget = nullptr;
+ if (aContainerView) {
+ widget = aContainerView->GetNearestWidget(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (!widget) {
+ widget = mParentWidget;
+ }
+ if (widget) {
+ widget = widget->GetTopLevelWidget();
+ }
+ mDeviceContext = new nsDeviceContext();
+ mDeviceContext->Init(widget);
+ return NS_OK;
+// Return the selection for the document. Note that text fields have their
+// own selection, which cannot be accessed with this method.
+mozilla::dom::Selection* nsDocumentViewer::GetDocumentSelection() {
+ if (!mPresShell) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return mPresShell->GetCurrentSelection(SelectionType::eNormal);
+/* ============================================================================
+ * nsIContentViewerEdit
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::ClearSelection() {
+ // use nsCopySupport::GetSelectionForCopy() ?
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Selection> selection = GetDocumentSelection();
+ if (!selection) {
+ }
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ selection->CollapseToStart(rv);
+ return rv.StealNSResult();
+ // XXX this is a temporary implementation copied from nsWebShell
+ // for now. I think Document and friends should have some helper
+ // functions to make this easier.
+ // use nsCopySupport::GetSelectionForCopy() ?
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Selection> selection = GetDocumentSelection();
+ if (!selection) {
+ }
+ if (!mDocument) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> bodyNode;
+ if (mDocument->IsHTMLOrXHTML()) {
+ // XXXbz why not just do GetBody() for all documents, then GetRootElement()
+ // if GetBody() is null?
+ bodyNode = mDocument->GetBody();
+ } else {
+ bodyNode = mDocument->GetRootElement();
+ }
+ if (!bodyNode) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ ErrorResult err;
+ selection->RemoveAllRanges(err);
+ if (err.Failed()) {
+ return err.StealNSResult();
+ }
+ mozilla::dom::Selection::AutoUserInitiated userSelection(selection);
+ selection->SelectAllChildren(*bodyNode, err);
+ return err.StealNSResult();
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::CopySelection() {
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mPresShell;
+ nsCopySupport::FireClipboardEvent(eCopy, nsIClipboard::kGlobalClipboard,
+ presShell, nullptr);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::CopyLinkLocation() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = GetPopupLinkNode();
+ // make noise if we're not in a link
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> elm(do_QueryInterface(node));
+ nsAutoString locationText;
+ nsContentUtils::GetLinkLocation(elm, locationText);
+ if (locationText.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIClipboardHelper> clipboard(
+ do_GetService(";1", &rv));
+ // copy the href onto the clipboard
+ return clipboard->CopyString(locationText);
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::CopyImage(int32_t aCopyFlags) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIImageLoadingContent> node = GetPopupImageNode();
+ // make noise if we're not in an image
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContext> loadContext(mContainer);
+ return nsCopySupport::ImageCopy(node, loadContext, aCopyFlags);
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::GetCopyable(bool* aCopyable) {
+ *aCopyable = nsCopySupport::CanCopy(mDocument);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::GetContents(const char* mimeType,
+ bool selectionOnly,
+ nsAString& aOutValue) {
+ aOutValue.Truncate();
+ // Now we have the selection. Make sure it's nonzero:
+ RefPtr<Selection> sel;
+ if (selectionOnly) {
+ sel = nsCopySupport::GetSelectionForCopy(mDocument);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(sel->IsCollapsed())) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // call the copy code
+ return nsCopySupport::GetContents(nsDependentCString(mimeType), 0, sel,
+ mDocument, aOutValue);
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::GetCanGetContents(bool* aCanGetContents) {
+ *aCanGetContents = false;
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDocument);
+ *aCanGetContents = nsCopySupport::CanCopy(mDocument);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::SetCommandNode(nsINode* aNode) {
+ Document* document = GetDocument();
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(document);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window(document->GetWindow());
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIWindowRoot> root = window->GetTopWindowRoot();
+ root->SetPopupNode(aNode);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetDeviceFullZoomForTest(float* aDeviceFullZoom) {
+ nsPresContext* pc = GetPresContext();
+ *aDeviceFullZoom = pc ? pc->GetDeviceFullZoom() : 1.0;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetAuthorStyleDisabled(bool aStyleDisabled) {
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ mPresShell->SetAuthorStyleDisabled(aStyleDisabled);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetAuthorStyleDisabled(bool* aStyleDisabled) {
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ *aStyleDisabled = mPresShell->GetAuthorStyleDisabled();
+ } else {
+ *aStyleDisabled = false;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+/* [noscript,notxpcom] Encoding getHintCharset (); */
+NS_IMETHODIMP_(const Encoding*)
+nsDocumentViewer::GetReloadEncodingAndSource(int32_t* aSource) {
+ *aSource = mReloadEncodingSource;
+ if (kCharsetUninitialized == mReloadEncodingSource) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return mReloadEncoding;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetReloadEncodingAndSource(const Encoding* aEncoding,
+ int32_t aSource) {
+ aSource == kCharsetUninitialized ||
+ (aSource >=
+ kCharsetFromFinalAutoDetectionWouldHaveBeenUTF8InitialWasASCII &&
+ aSource <=
+ kCharsetFromFinalAutoDetectionWouldNotHaveBeenUTF8DependedOnTLDInitialWasASCII) ||
+ aSource == kCharsetFromFinalUserForcedAutoDetection);
+ mReloadEncoding = aEncoding;
+ mReloadEncodingSource = aSource;
+nsDocumentViewer::ForgetReloadEncoding() {
+ mReloadEncoding = nullptr;
+ mReloadEncodingSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
+ int32_t aMaxWidth, int32_t aMaxHeight, int32_t aPrefWidth, int32_t* aWidth,
+ int32_t* aHeight) {
+ RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc = mContainer->GetBrowsingContext();
+ // It's only valid to access this from a top frame. Doesn't work from
+ // sub-frames.
+ // Convert max-width/height and pref-width to app units.
+ if (aMaxWidth > 0) {
+ aMaxWidth = CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(aMaxWidth);
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (aMaxHeight > 0) {
+ aMaxHeight = CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(aMaxHeight);
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (aPrefWidth > 0) {
+ aPrefWidth = CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(aPrefWidth);
+ } else {
+ aPrefWidth = 0;
+ }
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = GetPresShell();
+ // Flush out all content and style updates. We can't use a resize reflow
+ // because it won't change some sizes that a style change reflow will.
+ mDocument->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout);
+ nsIFrame* root = presShell->GetRootFrame();
+ WritingMode wm = root->GetWritingMode();
+ nscoord prefISize;
+ {
+ const auto& constraints = presShell->GetWindowSizeConstraints();
+ aMaxHeight = std::min(aMaxHeight, constraints.mMaxSize.height);
+ aMaxWidth = std::min(aMaxWidth, constraints.mMaxSize.width);
+ UniquePtr<gfxContext> rcx(presShell->CreateReferenceRenderingContext());
+ const nscoord minISize = wm.IsVertical() ? constraints.mMinSize.height
+ : constraints.mMinSize.width;
+ const nscoord maxISize = wm.IsVertical() ? aMaxHeight : aMaxWidth;
+ if (aPrefWidth) {
+ prefISize = std::max(root->GetMinISize(rcx.get()), aPrefWidth);
+ } else {
+ prefISize = root->GetPrefISize(rcx.get());
+ }
+ prefISize = nsPresContext::RoundUpAppUnitsToCSSPixel(
+ std::max(minISize, std::min(prefISize, maxISize)));
+ }
+ // We should never intentionally get here with this sentinel value, but it's
+ // possible that a document with huge sizes might inadvertently have a
+ // prefISize that exactly matches NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE.
+ // Just bail if that happens.
+ nscoord height = wm.IsVertical() ? prefISize : aMaxHeight;
+ nscoord width = wm.IsVertical() ? aMaxWidth : prefISize;
+ presShell->ResizeReflow(width, height, ResizeReflowOptions::BSizeLimit);
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = GetPresContext();
+ // Protect against bogus returns here
+ nsRect shellArea = presContext->GetVisibleArea();
+ shellArea.height != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE,
+ // Ceil instead of rounding here, so we can actually guarantee showing all the
+ // content.
+ *aWidth = std::ceil(CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(shellArea.width));
+ *aHeight = std::ceil(CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(shellArea.height));
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsDocViewerSelectionListener, nsISelectionListener)
+ * GetPopupNode, GetPopupLinkNode and GetPopupImageNode are helpers
+ * for the cmd_copyLink / cmd_copyImageLocation / cmd_copyImageContents family
+ * of commands. The focus controller stores the popup node, these retrieve
+ * them and munge appropriately. Note that we have to store the popup node
+ * rather than retrieving it from EventStateManager::GetFocusedContent because
+ * not all content (images included) can receive focus.
+ */
+already_AddRefed<nsINode> nsDocumentViewer::GetPopupNode() {
+ // get the document
+ Document* document = GetDocument();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(document, nullptr);
+ // get the private dom window
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window(document->GetWindow());
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(window, nullptr);
+ if (window) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIWindowRoot> root = window->GetTopWindowRoot();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(root, nullptr);
+ // get the popup node
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = root->GetPopupNode();
+ if (!node) {
+ nsPIDOMWindowOuter* rootWindow = root->GetWindow();
+ if (rootWindow) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Document> rootDoc = rootWindow->GetExtantDoc();
+ if (rootDoc) {
+ nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
+ if (pm) {
+ node = pm->GetLastTriggerPopupNode(rootDoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return node.forget();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+// GetPopupLinkNode: return popup link node or fail
+already_AddRefed<nsINode> nsDocumentViewer::GetPopupLinkNode() {
+ // find popup node
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = GetPopupNode();
+ // find out if we have a link in our ancestry
+ while (node) {
+ if (const auto* element = Element::FromNode(*node)) {
+ if (element->IsLink()) {
+ return node.forget();
+ }
+ }
+ // get our parent and keep trying...
+ node = node->GetParentNode();
+ }
+ // if we have no node, fail
+ return nullptr;
+// GetPopupLinkNode: return popup image node or fail
+already_AddRefed<nsIImageLoadingContent> nsDocumentViewer::GetPopupImageNode() {
+ // find popup node
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = GetPopupNode();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIImageLoadingContent> img = do_QueryInterface(node);
+ return img.forget();
+ * XXX dr
+ * ------
+ * These two functions -- GetInLink and GetInImage -- are kind of annoying
+ * in that they only get called from the controller (in
+ * nsDOMWindowController::IsCommandEnabled). The actual construction of the
+ * context menus in communicator (nsContextMenu.js) has its own, redundant
+ * tests. No big deal, but good to keep in mind if we ever clean context
+ * menus.
+ */
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::GetInLink(bool* aInLink) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_dr
+ printf("dr :: nsDocumentViewer::GetInLink\n");
+ // we're not in a link unless i say so
+ *aInLink = false;
+ // get the popup link
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = GetPopupLinkNode();
+ if (!node) {
+ }
+ // if we made it here, we're in a link
+ *aInLink = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::GetInImage(bool* aInImage) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_dr
+ printf("dr :: nsDocumentViewer::GetInImage\n");
+ // we're not in an image unless i say so
+ *aInImage = false;
+ // get the popup image
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIImageLoadingContent> node = GetPopupImageNode();
+ if (!node) {
+ }
+ // Make sure there is a URI assigned. This allows <input type="image"> to
+ // be an image but rejects other <input> types. This matches what
+ // nsContextMenu.js does.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ node->GetCurrentURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
+ if (uri) {
+ // if we made it here, we're in an image
+ *aInImage = true;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocViewerSelectionListener::NotifySelectionChanged(
+ Document*, Selection*, int16_t aReason, int32_t aAmount) {
+ if (!mDocViewer) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // get the selection state
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Selection> selection =
+ mDocViewer->GetDocumentSelection();
+ if (!selection) {
+ }
+ Document* theDoc = mDocViewer->GetDocument();
+ if (!theDoc) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> domWindow = theDoc->GetWindow();
+ if (!domWindow) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ bool selectionCollapsed = selection->IsCollapsed();
+ // We only call UpdateCommands when the selection changes from collapsed to
+ // non-collapsed or vice versa, however we skip the initializing collapse. We
+ // might need another update string for simple selection changes, but that
+ // would be expenseive.
+ if (mSelectionWasCollapsed != selectionCollapsed) {
+ domWindow->UpdateCommands(u"select"_ns, selection, aReason);
+ mSelectionWasCollapsed = selectionCollapsed;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+// nsDocViewerFocusListener
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsDocViewerFocusListener, nsIDOMEventListener)
+nsresult nsDocViewerFocusListener::HandleEvent(Event* aEvent) {
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDocViewer);
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mDocViewer->GetPresShell();
+ RefPtr<nsFrameSelection> selection =
+ presShell->GetLastFocusedFrameSelection();
+ auto selectionStatus = selection->GetDisplaySelection();
+ nsAutoString eventType;
+ aEvent->GetType(eventType);
+ if (eventType.EqualsLiteral("focus")) {
+ // If selection was disabled, re-enable it.
+ if (selectionStatus == nsISelectionController::SELECTION_DISABLED ||
+ selectionStatus == nsISelectionController::SELECTION_HIDDEN) {
+ selection->SetDisplaySelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ON);
+ selection->RepaintSelection(SelectionType::eNormal);
+ }
+ // See EditorBase::FinalizeSelection. This fixes up the case where focus
+ // left the editor's selection but returned to something else.
+ if (selection != presShell->ConstFrameSelection()) {
+ RefPtr<Document> doc = presShell->GetDocument();
+ const bool selectionMatchesFocus =
+ selection->GetLimiter() &&
+ selection->GetLimiter()->GetChromeOnlyAccessSubtreeRootParent() ==
+ doc->GetUnretargetedFocusedContent();
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!selectionMatchesFocus)) {
+ presShell->FrameSelectionWillLoseFocus(*selection);
+ presShell->SelectionWillTakeFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(eventType.EqualsLiteral("blur"), "Unexpected event type");
+ // If selection was on, disable it.
+ if (selectionStatus == nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ON ||
+ selectionStatus == nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ATTENTION) {
+ selection->SetDisplaySelection(
+ nsISelectionController::SELECTION_DISABLED);
+ selection->RepaintSelection(SelectionType::eNormal);
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+/** ---------------------------------------------------
+ * From nsIWebBrowserPrint
+ */
+nsDocumentViewer::Print(nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
+ RemotePrintJobChild* aRemotePrintJob,
+ nsIWebProgressListener* aWebProgressListener) {
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!mContainer)) {
+ PR_PL(("Container was destroyed yet we are still trying to use it!"));
+ }
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!mDocument) || NS_WARN_IF(!mDeviceContext)) {
+ PR_PL(("Can't Print without a document and a device context"));
+ }
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(mPrintJob && mPrintJob->GetIsPrinting())) {
+ // If we are printing another URL, then exit.
+ // The reason we check here is because this method can be called while
+ // another is still in here (the printing dialog is a good example). the
+ // only time we can print more than one job at a time is the regression
+ // tests.
+ nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob>(mPrintJob)->FirePrintingErrorEvent(rv);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ OnDonePrinting();
+ // Note: mContainer and mDocument are known to be non-null via null-checks
+ // earlier in this function.
+ // TODO(dholbert) Do we need to bother with this stack-owned local RefPtr?
+ // (Is there an edge case where it's needed to keep the nsPrintJob alive?)
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob> printJob =
+ new nsPrintJob(*this, *mContainer, *mDocument,
+ float(AppUnitsPerCSSInch()) /
+ float(mDeviceContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()));
+ mPrintJob = printJob;
+ nsresult rv = printJob->Print(*mDocument, aPrintSettings, aRemotePrintJob,
+ aWebProgressListener);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ OnDonePrinting();
+ }
+ return rv;
+nsDocumentViewer::PrintPreview(nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
+ nsIWebProgressListener* aWebProgressListener,
+ PrintPreviewResolver&& aCallback) {
+ RefPtr<Document> doc = mDocument.get();
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(GetIsPrinting())) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(mContainer);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!docShell) || NS_WARN_IF(!mDeviceContext)) {
+ PR_PL(("Can't Print Preview without device context and docshell"));
+ }
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(!GetIsPrinting());
+ // beforeprint event may have caused ContentViewer to be shutdown.
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mContainer);
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDeviceContext);
+ OnDonePrinting();
+ // Note: mContainer and doc are known to be non-null via null-checks earlier
+ // in this function.
+ // TODO(dholbert) Do we need to bother with this stack-owned local RefPtr?
+ // (Is there an edge case where it's needed to keep the nsPrintJob alive?)
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob> printJob =
+ new nsPrintJob(*this, *mContainer, *doc,
+ float(AppUnitsPerCSSInch()) /
+ float(mDeviceContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()));
+ mPrintJob = printJob;
+ nsresult rv = printJob->PrintPreview(
+ *doc, aPrintSettings, aWebProgressListener, std::move(aCallback));
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ OnDonePrinting();
+ }
+ return rv;
+# else
+# endif // NS_PRINT_PREVIEW
+static const nsIFrame* GetTargetPageFrame(int32_t aTargetPageNum,
+ nsPageSequenceFrame* aSequenceFrame) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aTargetPageNum > 0 &&
+ aTargetPageNum <=
+ aSequenceFrame->PrincipalChildList().GetLength());
+ return aSequenceFrame->PrincipalChildList().FrameAt(aTargetPageNum - 1);
+// Calculate the scroll position where the center of |aFrame| is positioned at
+// the center of |aScrollable|'s scroll port for the print preview.
+// So what we do for that is;
+// 1) Calculate the position of the center of |aFrame| in the print preview
+// coordinates.
+// 2) Reduce the half height of the scroll port from the result of 1.
+static nscoord ScrollPositionForFrame(const nsIFrame* aFrame,
+ nsIScrollableFrame* aScrollable,
+ float aPreviewScale) {
+ // Note that even if the computed scroll position is out of the range of
+ // the scroll port, it gets clamped in nsIScrollableFrame::ScrollTo.
+ return nscoord(aPreviewScale * aFrame->GetRect().Center().y -
+ float(aScrollable->GetScrollPortRect().height) / 2.0f);
+nsDocumentViewer::PrintPreviewScrollToPage(int16_t aType, int32_t aPageNum) {
+ if (!GetIsPrintPreview() || mPrintJob->GetIsCreatingPrintPreview())
+ nsIScrollableFrame* sf = mPresShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable();
+ if (!sf) return NS_OK;
+ auto [seqFrame, sheetCount] = mPrintJob->GetSeqFrameAndCountSheets();
+ Unused << sheetCount;
+ if (!seqFrame) {
+ }
+ float previewScale = seqFrame->GetPrintPreviewScale();
+ nsPoint dest = sf->GetScrollPosition();
+ switch (aType) {
+ case nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_HOME:
+ dest.y = 0;
+ break;
+ case nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_END:
+ dest.y = sf->GetScrollRange().YMost();
+ break;
+ case nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_PREV_PAGE:
+ case nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_NEXT_PAGE: {
+ auto [currentFrame, currentSheetNumber] = GetCurrentSheetFrameAndNumber();
+ Unused << currentSheetNumber;
+ if (!currentFrame) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ const nsIFrame* targetFrame = nullptr;
+ if (aType == nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_PREV_PAGE) {
+ targetFrame = currentFrame->GetPrevInFlow();
+ } else {
+ targetFrame = currentFrame->GetNextInFlow();
+ }
+ if (!targetFrame) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ dest.y = ScrollPositionForFrame(targetFrame, sf, previewScale);
+ break;
+ }
+ case nsIWebBrowserPrint::PRINTPREVIEW_GOTO_PAGENUM: {
+ if (aPageNum <= 0 || aPageNum > sheetCount) {
+ }
+ const nsIFrame* targetFrame = GetTargetPageFrame(aPageNum, seqFrame);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(targetFrame);
+ dest.y = ScrollPositionForFrame(targetFrame, sf, previewScale);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ sf->ScrollTo(dest, ScrollMode::Instant);
+ return NS_OK;
+std::tuple<const nsIFrame*, int32_t>
+nsDocumentViewer::GetCurrentSheetFrameAndNumber() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mPrintJob);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(GetIsPrintPreview() && !mPrintJob->GetIsCreatingPrintPreview());
+ // in PP mPrtPreview->mPrintObject->mSeqFrame is null
+ auto [seqFrame, sheetCount] = mPrintJob->GetSeqFrameAndCountSheets();
+ Unused << sheetCount;
+ if (!seqFrame) {
+ return {nullptr, 0};
+ }
+ nsIScrollableFrame* sf = mPresShell->GetRootScrollFrameAsScrollable();
+ if (!sf) {
+ // No scrollable contents, returns 1 even if there are multiple sheets.
+ return {seqFrame->PrincipalChildList().FirstChild(), 1};
+ }
+ nsPoint currentScrollPosition = sf->GetScrollPosition();
+ float halfwayPoint =
+ currentScrollPosition.y + float(sf->GetScrollPortRect().height) / 2.0f;
+ float lastDistanceFromHalfwayPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+ int32_t sheetNumber = 0;
+ const nsIFrame* currentSheet = nullptr;
+ float previewScale = seqFrame->GetPrintPreviewScale();
+ for (const nsIFrame* sheetFrame : seqFrame->PrincipalChildList()) {
+ nsRect sheetRect = sheetFrame->GetRect();
+ sheetNumber++;
+ currentSheet = sheetFrame;
+ float bottomOfSheet = sheetRect.YMost() * previewScale;
+ if (bottomOfSheet < halfwayPoint) {
+ // If the bottom of the sheet is not yet over the halfway point, iterate
+ // the next frame to see if the next frame is over the halfway point and
+ // compare the distance from the halfway point.
+ lastDistanceFromHalfwayPoint = halfwayPoint - bottomOfSheet;
+ continue;
+ }
+ float topOfSheet = sheetRect.Y() * previewScale;
+ if (topOfSheet <= halfwayPoint) {
+ // If the top of the sheet is not yet over the halfway point or on the
+ // point, it's the current sheet.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Now the sheet rect is completely over the halfway point, compare the
+ // distances from the halfway point.
+ if ((topOfSheet - halfwayPoint) >= lastDistanceFromHalfwayPoint) {
+ // If the previous sheet distance is less than or equal to the current
+ // sheet distance, choose the previous one as the current.
+ sheetNumber--;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(sheetNumber > 0);
+ currentSheet = currentSheet->GetPrevInFlow();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(currentSheet);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(sheetNumber <= sheetCount);
+ return {currentSheet, sheetNumber};
+// XXXdholbert As noted in nsIWebBrowserPrint.idl, this API (the IDL attr
+// 'printPreviewCurrentPageNumber') is misnamed and needs s/Page/Sheet/. See
+// bug 1669762.
+nsDocumentViewer::GetPrintPreviewCurrentPageNumber(int32_t* aNumber) {
+ if (!GetIsPrintPreview() || mPrintJob->GetIsCreatingPrintPreview()) {
+ }
+ auto [currentFrame, currentSheetNumber] = GetCurrentSheetFrameAndNumber();
+ Unused << currentFrame;
+ if (!currentSheetNumber) {
+ }
+ *aNumber = currentSheetNumber;
+ return NS_OK;
+// XXX This always returns false for subdocuments
+nsDocumentViewer::GetDoingPrint(bool* aDoingPrint) {
+ // XXX shouldn't this be GetDoingPrint() ?
+ *aDoingPrint = mPrintJob ? mPrintJob->CreatedForPrintPreview() : false;
+ return NS_OK;
+// XXX This always returns false for subdocuments
+nsDocumentViewer::GetDoingPrintPreview(bool* aDoingPrintPreview) {
+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDoingPrintPreview);
+ *aDoingPrintPreview = mPrintJob ? mPrintJob->CreatedForPrintPreview() : false;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::ExitPrintPreview() {
+ if (GetIsPrinting()) {
+ // Block exiting the print preview window if we're in the middle of an
+ // actual print.
+ }
+ if (!GetIsPrintPreview()) {
+ NS_ERROR("Wow, we should never get here!");
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mPrintJob->Destroy();
+ mPrintJob = nullptr;
+ // Since the print preview implementation discards the window that was used
+ // to show the print preview, we skip certain cleanup that we would otherwise
+ // want to do. Specifically, we do not call `SetIsPrintPreview(false)` to
+ // unblock navigation, we do not call `SetOverrideDPPX` to reset the
+ // devicePixelRatio, and we do not call `Show` to make such changes take
+ // affect.
+# endif // NS_PRINT_PREVIEW
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetRawNumPages(int32_t* aRawNumPages) {
+ *aRawNumPages = mPrintJob->GetRawNumPages();
+ return *aRawNumPages > 0 ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+// XXXdholbert As noted in nsIWebBrowserPrint.idl, this API (the IDL attr
+// 'printPreviewNumPages') is misnamed and needs s/Page/Sheet/.
+// See bug 1669762.
+nsDocumentViewer::GetPrintPreviewNumPages(int32_t* aPrintPreviewNumPages) {
+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aPrintPreviewNumPages);
+ *aPrintPreviewNumPages = mPrintJob->GetPrintPreviewNumSheets();
+ return *aPrintPreviewNumPages > 0 ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+// Printing/Print Preview Helpers
+// Walks the document tree and tells each DocShell whether Printing/PP is
+// happening
+#endif // NS_PRINTING
+bool nsDocumentViewer::ShouldAttachToTopLevel() {
+ if (!mParentWidget) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!mContainer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We always attach when using puppet widgets
+ if (nsIWidget::UsePuppetWidgets()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) || \
+ if (!mPresContext) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // On windows, in the parent process we also attach, but just to
+ // chrome items
+ auto winType = mParentWidget->GetWindowType();
+ if ((winType == widget::WindowType::TopLevel ||
+ winType == widget::WindowType::Dialog ||
+ winType == widget::WindowType::Invisible) &&
+ mPresContext->IsChrome()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// XXX this always returns false for subdocuments
+bool nsDocumentViewer::GetIsPrinting() const {
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ return mPrintJob->GetIsPrinting();
+ }
+ return false;
+// The PrintJob holds the current value
+// this called from inside the DocViewer.
+// XXX it always returns false for subdocuments
+bool nsDocumentViewer::GetIsPrintPreview() const {
+ return mPrintJob && mPrintJob->CreatedForPrintPreview();
+ return false;
+// Notification from the PrintJob of the current PP status
+void nsDocumentViewer::SetIsPrintPreview(bool aIsPrintPreview) {
+ // Protect against pres shell destruction running scripts.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (!aIsPrintPreview) {
+ InvalidatePotentialSubDocDisplayItem();
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ mViewManager = nullptr;
+ mPresContext = nullptr;
+ mPresShell = nullptr;
+ }
+// nsIDocumentViewerPrint IFace
+void nsDocumentViewer::IncrementDestroyBlockedCount() {
+ ++mDestroyBlockedCount;
+void nsDocumentViewer::DecrementDestroyBlockedCount() {
+ --mDestroyBlockedCount;
+// This called ONLY when printing has completed and the DV
+// is being notified that it should get rid of the nsPrintJob.
+// BUT, if we are in Print Preview then we want to ignore the
+// notification (we do not get rid of the nsPrintJob)
+// One small caveat:
+// This IS called from two places in this module for cleaning
+// up when an error occurred during the start up printing
+// and print preview
+void nsDocumentViewer::OnDonePrinting() {
+#if defined(NS_PRINTING) && defined(NS_PRINT_PREVIEW)
+ // If Destroy() has been called during calling nsPrintJob::Print() or
+ // nsPrintJob::PrintPreview(), mPrintJob is already nullptr here.
+ // So, the following clean up does nothing in such case.
+ // (Do we need some of this for that case?)
+ if (mPrintJob) {
+ RefPtr<nsPrintJob> printJob = std::move(mPrintJob);
+ if (GetIsPrintPreview()) {
+ printJob->DestroyPrintingData();
+ } else {
+ printJob->Destroy();
+ }
+ // We are done printing, now clean up.
+ //
+ // For non-print-preview jobs, we are actually responsible for cleaning up
+ // our whole <browser> or window (see the OPEN_PRINT_BROWSER code), so gotta
+ // run window.close(), which will take care of this.
+ //
+ // For print preview jobs the front-end code is responsible for cleaning the
+ // UI.
+ if (!printJob->CreatedForPrintPreview()) {
+ if (mContainer) {
+ if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> win = mContainer->GetWindow()) {
+ win->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mClosingWhilePrinting) {
+ if (mDocument) {
+ mDocument->Destroy();
+ mDocument = nullptr;
+ }
+ mClosingWhilePrinting = false;
+ }
+ }
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::SetPrintSettingsForSubdocument(
+ nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings, RemotePrintJobChild* aRemotePrintJob) {
+ {
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ DestroyPresContext();
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mPresContext);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mPresShell);
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!mDocument)) {
+ }
+ RefPtr<nsDeviceContextSpecProxy> devspec =
+ new nsDeviceContextSpecProxy(aRemotePrintJob);
+ nsresult rv = devspec->Init(aPrintSettings, /* aIsPrintPreview = */ true);
+ mDeviceContext = new nsDeviceContext();
+ rv = mDeviceContext->InitForPrinting(devspec);
+ mPresContext = CreatePresContext(
+ mDocument, nsPresContext::eContext_PrintPreview, FindContainerView());
+ mPresContext->SetPrintSettings(aPrintSettings);
+ rv = mPresContext->Init(mDeviceContext);
+ rv = MakeWindow(nsSize(mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.width),
+ mPresContext->DevPixelsToAppUnits(mBounds.height)),
+ FindContainerView());
+ MOZ_TRY(InitPresentationStuff(true));
+ }
+ RefPtr<PresShell> shell = mPresShell;
+ shell->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocumentViewer::SetPageModeForTesting(
+ bool aPageMode, nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings) {
+ // XXX Page mode is only partially working; it's currently used for
+ // reftests that require a paginated context
+ mIsPageMode = aPageMode;
+ // The DestroyPresShell call requires a script blocker, since the
+ // PresShell::Destroy call it does can cause scripts to run, which could
+ // re-entrantly call methods on the nsDocumentViewer.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ if (mPresContext) {
+ DestroyPresContext();
+ }
+ mViewManager = nullptr;
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDocument);
+ if (aPageMode) {
+ mPresContext = CreatePresContext(
+ mDocument, nsPresContext::eContext_PageLayout, FindContainerView());
+ mPresContext->SetPaginatedScrolling(true);
+ mPresContext->SetPrintSettings(aPrintSettings);
+ nsresult rv = mPresContext->Init(mDeviceContext);
+ }
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(InitInternal(mParentWidget, nullptr, nullptr, mBounds, true,
+ false, false),
+ Show();
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetHistoryEntry(nsISHEntry** aHistoryEntry) {
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aHistoryEntry = mSHEntry);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetIsTabModalPromptAllowed(bool* aAllowed) {
+ *aAllowed = !mHidden;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::GetIsHidden(bool* aHidden) {
+ *aHidden = mHidden;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsDocumentViewer::SetIsHidden(bool aHidden) {
+ mHidden = aHidden;
+ return NS_OK;
+void nsDocumentViewer::DestroyPresShell() {
+ // We assert this because destroying the pres shell could otherwise cause
+ // re-entrancy into nsDocumentViewer methods, and all callers of
+ // DestroyPresShell need to do other cleanup work afterwards before it
+ // is safe for those re-entrant method calls to be made.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "DestroyPresShell must only be called when scripts are blocked");
+ // Break circular reference (or something)
+ mPresShell->EndObservingDocument();
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Selection> selection = GetDocumentSelection();
+ if (selection && mSelectionListener)
+ selection->RemoveSelectionListener(mSelectionListener);
+ mPresShell->Destroy();
+ mPresShell = nullptr;
+void nsDocumentViewer::InvalidatePotentialSubDocDisplayItem() {
+ if (mViewManager) {
+ if (nsView* rootView = mViewManager->GetRootView()) {
+ if (nsView* rootViewParent = rootView->GetParent()) {
+ if (nsView* subdocview = rootViewParent->GetParent()) {
+ if (nsIFrame* f = subdocview->GetFrame()) {
+ if (nsSubDocumentFrame* s = do_QueryFrame(f)) {
+ s->MarkNeedsDisplayItemRebuild();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void nsDocumentViewer::DestroyPresContext() {
+ InvalidatePotentialSubDocDisplayItem();
+ mPresContext = nullptr;
+void nsDocumentViewer::SetPrintPreviewPresentation(nsViewManager* aViewManager,
+ nsPresContext* aPresContext,
+ PresShell* aPresShell) {
+ // Protect against pres shell destruction running scripts and re-entrantly
+ // creating a new presentation.
+ nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
+ if (mPresShell) {
+ DestroyPresShell();
+ }
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ mViewManager = aViewManager;
+ mPresContext = aPresContext;
+ mPresShell = aPresShell;
+ if (ShouldAttachToTopLevel()) {
+ DetachFromTopLevelWidget();
+ nsView* rootView = mViewManager->GetRootView();
+ rootView->AttachToTopLevelWidget(mParentWidget);
+ mAttachedToParent = true;
+ }
+// Fires the "document-shown" event so that interested parties are aware of it.
+nsDocumentShownDispatcher::Run() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService =
+ mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
+ if (observerService) {
+ observerService->NotifyObservers(ToSupports(mDocument), "document-shown",
+ nullptr);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;