path: root/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/NavigationDelegateTest.kt
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1 files changed, 3126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/NavigationDelegateTest.kt b/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/NavigationDelegateTest.kt
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+++ b/mobile/android/geckoview/src/androidTest/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/test/NavigationDelegateTest.kt
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+/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+package org.mozilla.geckoview.test
+import android.os.Looper
+import android.os.SystemClock
+import android.util.Base64
+import android.view.KeyEvent
+import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
+import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports
+import org.json.JSONObject
+import org.junit.Assume.assumeThat
+import org.junit.Ignore
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.ContentDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.HistoryDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.Loader
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.ProgressDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession.TextInputDelegate
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.* // ktlint-disable no-wildcard-imports
+import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.util.UiThreadUtils
+import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
+import kotlin.concurrent.thread
+class NavigationDelegateTest : BaseSessionTest() {
+ // Provides getters for Loader
+ class TestLoader : Loader() {
+ var mUri: String? = null
+ override fun uri(uri: String): TestLoader {
+ mUri = uri
+ super.uri(uri)
+ return this
+ }
+ fun getUri(): String? {
+ return mUri
+ }
+ override fun flags(f: Int): TestLoader {
+ super.flags(f)
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ fun testLoadErrorWithErrorPage(
+ testLoader: TestLoader,
+ expectedCategory: Int,
+ expectedError: Int,
+ errorPageUrl: String?,
+ ) {
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI should be " + testLoader.getUri(),
+ request.uri,
+ equalTo(testLoader.getUri()),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "App requested this load",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI should be " + testLoader.getUri(),
+ url,
+ equalTo(testLoader.getUri()),
+ )
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [3])
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error category should match",
+ error.category,
+ equalTo(expectedCategory),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Error code should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(expectedError),
+ )
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(errorPageUrl)
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [4])
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should fail", success, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.load(testLoader)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ if (errorPageUrl != null) {
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : ContentDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, equalTo(testLoader.getUri()))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should not be empty", title, not(isEmptyOrNullString()))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ fun testLoadExpectError(
+ testUri: String,
+ expectedCategory: Int,
+ expectedError: Int,
+ ) {
+ testLoadExpectError(TestLoader().uri(testUri), expectedCategory, expectedError)
+ }
+ fun testLoadExpectError(
+ testLoader: TestLoader,
+ expectedCategory: Int,
+ expectedError: Int,
+ ) {
+ testLoadErrorWithErrorPage(
+ testLoader,
+ expectedCategory,
+ expectedError,
+ createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH),
+ )
+ testLoadErrorWithErrorPage(
+ testLoader,
+ expectedCategory,
+ expectedError,
+ null,
+ )
+ }
+ fun testLoadEarlyErrorWithErrorPage(
+ testUri: String,
+ expectedCategory: Int,
+ expectedError: Int,
+ errorPageUrl: String?,
+ ) {
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("URI should be " + testUri, url, equalTo(testUri))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error category should match",
+ error.category,
+ equalTo(expectedCategory),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Error code should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(expectedError),
+ )
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(errorPageUrl)
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.loadUri(testUri)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(NavigationDelegate::class, "onLoadError")
+ if (errorPageUrl != null) {
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should not be empty", title, not(isEmptyOrNullString()))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ fun testLoadEarlyError(
+ testUri: String,
+ expectedCategory: Int,
+ expectedError: Int,
+ ) {
+ testLoadEarlyErrorWithErrorPage(testUri, expectedCategory, expectedError, createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ testLoadEarlyErrorWithErrorPage(testUri, expectedCategory, expectedError, null)
+ }
+ @Test fun loadFileNotFound() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ "file:///test.mozilla",
+ )
+ val promise = mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS("document.addCertException(false)")
+ var exceptionCaught = false
+ try {
+ val result = promise.value as Boolean
+ assertThat("Promise should not resolve", result, equalTo(false))
+ } catch (e: GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException) {
+ exceptionCaught = true
+ }
+ assertThat("document.addCertException failed with exception", exceptionCaught, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUnknownHost() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ )
+ }
+ // External loads should not have access to privileged protocols
+ @Test fun loadExternalDenied() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ TestLoader()
+ .uri("file:///")
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_EXTERNAL),
+ WebRequestError.ERROR_UNKNOWN,
+ )
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ TestLoader()
+ .uri("resource://gre/")
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_EXTERNAL),
+ WebRequestError.ERROR_UNKNOWN,
+ )
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ TestLoader()
+ .uri("about:about")
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_EXTERNAL),
+ WebRequestError.ERROR_UNKNOWN,
+ )
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ TestLoader()
+ .uri("resource://android/assets/web_extensions/")
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_EXTERNAL),
+ WebRequestError.ERROR_UNKNOWN,
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadInvalidUri() {
+ testLoadEarlyError(
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadBadPort() {
+ testLoadEarlyError(
+ "http://localhost:1/",
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUntrusted() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ val host = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ val uri = "https://$host/"
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ uri,
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForJS("document.addCertException(false)")
+ mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("URI should be " + uri, url, equalTo(uri))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onSecurityChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ securityInfo: ProgressDelegate.SecurityInformation,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("Should be exception", securityInfo.isException, equalTo(true))
+ assertThat("Should not be secure", securityInfo.isSecure, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [3])
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should succeed", success, equalTo(true))
+ sessionRule.removeAllCertOverrides()
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("location.reload()")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ @Test fun loadWithHTTPSOnlyMode() {
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.HTTPS_ONLY)
+ val httpsFirstPref = ""
+ val httpsFirstPrefValue = (sessionRule.getPrefs(httpsFirstPref)[0] as Boolean)
+ val httpsFirstPBMPref = ""
+ val httpsFirstPBMPrefValue = (sessionRule.getPrefs(httpsFirstPBMPref)[0] as Boolean)
+ val insecureUri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ val secureUri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ mainSession.loadUri(insecureUri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat("categories should match", error.category, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_CATEGORY_NETWORK))
+ assertThat("codes should match", error.code, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_HTTPS_ONLY))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.ALLOW_ALL)
+ mainSession.loadUri(secureUri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ var onLoadCalledCounter = 0
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ onLoadCalledCounter++
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ if (httpsFirstPrefValue) {
+ // if https-first is enabled we get two calls to onLoadRequest
+ // (1) and (2)
+ assertThat("Assert count mainSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(2))
+ } else {
+ assertThat("Assert count mainSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ val privateSession = sessionRule.createOpenSession(
+ GeckoSessionSettings.Builder(mainSession.settings)
+ .usePrivateMode(true)
+ .build(),
+ )
+ privateSession.loadUri(secureUri)
+ privateSession.waitForPageStop()
+ onLoadCalledCounter = 0
+ privateSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ onLoadCalledCounter++
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ if (httpsFirstPBMPrefValue) {
+ // if https-first is enabled we get two calls to onLoadRequest
+ // (1) and (2)
+ assertThat("Assert count privateSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(2))
+ } else {
+ assertThat("Assert count privateSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.HTTPS_ONLY_PRIVATE)
+ privateSession.loadUri(insecureUri)
+ privateSession.waitForPageStop()
+ privateSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat("categories should match", error.category, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_CATEGORY_NETWORK))
+ assertThat("codes should match", error.code, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_HTTPS_ONLY))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadUri(secureUri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ onLoadCalledCounter = 0
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ onLoadCalledCounter++
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ if (httpsFirstPrefValue) {
+ // if https-first is enabled we get two calls to onLoadRequest
+ // (1) and (2)
+ assertThat("Assert count mainSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(2))
+ } else {
+ assertThat("Assert count mainSession.onLoadRequest", onLoadCalledCounter, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.ALLOW_ALL)
+ }
+ // Due to Bug 1692578 we currently cannot test bypassing of the error
+ // the URI loading process takes the desktop path for iframes
+ @Test fun loadHTTPSOnlyInSubframe() {
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.HTTPS_ONLY)
+ val uri = ""
+ val httpsUri = ""
+ val iFrameUri = ""
+ val iFrameHttpsUri = ""
+ val testLoader = TestLoader().uri(uri)
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("The URLs must match", request.uri, equalTo(forEachCall(uri, httpsUri)))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI should be " + uri,
+ url,
+ equalTo(uri),
+ )
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should fail", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onSubframeLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, equalTo(forEachCall(iFrameUri, iFrameHttpsUri)))
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.load(testLoader)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.ALLOW_ALL)
+ }
+ @Test fun bypassHTTPSOnlyError() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.HTTPS_ONLY)
+ val host = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ val uri = "http://$host/"
+ val httpsUri = "https://$host/"
+ val testLoader = TestLoader().uri(uri)
+ // The two loads below follow testLoadExpectError(TestLoader, Int, Int) flow
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("The URLs must match", request.uri, equalTo(forEachCall(uri, httpsUri)))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI should be " + uri,
+ url,
+ equalTo(uri),
+ )
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error code should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_HTTPS_ONLY),
+ )
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(createTestUrl(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should fail", success, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.load(testLoader)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : ContentDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, equalTo(httpsUri))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should not be empty", title, not(isEmptyOrNullString()))
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2, order = [1, 3])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("The URLs must match", request.uri, equalTo(forEachCall(uri, httpsUri)))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [4])
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error code should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_HTTPS_ONLY),
+ )
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(null)
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [5])
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should fail", success, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.load(testLoader)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ // We set http scheme only in case it's not iFrame
+ assertThat("The URLs must match", request.uri, equalTo(uri))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForJS("document.reloadWithHttpsOnlyException()")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.setAllowInsecureConnections(GeckoRuntimeSettings.ALLOW_ALL)
+ }
+ @Test fun loadHSTSBadCert() {
+ val httpsFirstPref = ""
+ assertThat("https pref should be false", sessionRule.getPrefs(httpsFirstPref)[0] as Boolean, equalTo(false))
+ // load secure url with hsts header
+ val uri = ""
+ mainSession.loadUri(uri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ // load insecure subdomain url to see if it gets upgraded to https
+ val http_uri = ""
+ val https_uri = ""
+ mainSession.loadUri(http_uri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI should be HTTP then redirected to HTTPS",
+ request.uri,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(http_uri, https_uri)),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ // load subdomain that will trigger the cert error
+ val no_cert_uri = ""
+ mainSession.loadUri(no_cert_uri)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat("categories should match", error.category, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_CATEGORY_NETWORK))
+ assertThat("codes should match", error.code, equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_BAD_HSTS_CERT))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ sessionRule.clearHSTSState()
+ }
+ @Ignore // Disabled for bug 1619344.
+ @Test
+ fun loadUnknownProtocol() {
+ testLoadEarlyError(
+ )
+ }
+ // Due to Bug 1692578 we currently cannot test displaying the error
+ // the URI loading process takes the desktop path for iframes
+ @Test fun loadUnknownProtocolIframe() {
+ // Should match iframe URI from IFRAME_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL
+ val iframeUri = "foo://bar"
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(IFRAME_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, endsWith(IFRAME_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onSubframeLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, endsWith(iframeUri))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Setting(key = Setting.Key.USE_TRACKING_PROTECTION, value = "true")
+ @Ignore
+ // TODO: Bug 1564373
+ @Test
+ fun trackingProtection() {
+ val category = ContentBlocking.AntiTracking.TEST
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setAntiTracking(category)
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(TRACKERS_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(
+ object : ContentBlocking.Delegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 3)
+ override fun onContentBlocked(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ event: ContentBlocking.BlockEvent,
+ ) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Category should be set",
+ event.antiTrackingCategory,
+ equalTo(category),
+ )
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", event.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", event.uri, endsWith("tracker.js"))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onContentLoaded(session: GeckoSession, event: ContentBlocking.BlockEvent) {
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.useTrackingProtection = false
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : ContentBlocking.Delegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onContentBlocked(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ event: ContentBlocking.BlockEvent,
+ ) {
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 3)
+ override fun onContentLoaded(session: GeckoSession, event: ContentBlocking.BlockEvent) {
+ assertThat(
+ "Category should be set",
+ event.antiTrackingCategory,
+ equalTo(category),
+ )
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", event.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", event.uri, endsWith("tracker.js"))
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun redirectLoad() {
+ val redirectUri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ val uri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ "$redirectUri"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ mainSession.loadUri(uri)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2, order = [1, 2])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "URL should match",
+ request.uri,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(request.uri, redirectUri)),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should be null",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ nullValue(),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "From app should be correct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(true, false)),
+ )
+ assertThat("Target should not be null",, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should match",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_CURRENT),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Redirect flag is set",
+ request.isRedirect,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(false, true)),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun redirectLoadIframe() {
+ val path = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(path)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ // We shouldn't be firing onLoadRequest for iframes, including redirects.
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("App requested this load", request.isDirectNavigation, equalTo(true))
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, endsWith(path))
+ assertThat("isRedirect should match", request.isRedirect, equalTo(false))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onSubframeLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("App did not request this load", request.isDirectNavigation, equalTo(false))
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "isRedirect should match",
+ request.isRedirect,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(false, true)),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun redirectDenyLoad() {
+ val redirectUri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ ""
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ val uri = if (sessionRule.env.isAutomation) {
+ "$redirectUri"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2, order = [1, 2])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "URL should match",
+ request.uri,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(request.uri, redirectUri)),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should be null",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ nullValue(),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "From app should be correct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(true, false)),
+ )
+ assertThat("Target should not be null",, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should match",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_CURRENT),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Redirect flag is set",
+ request.isRedirect,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(false, true)),
+ )
+ return forEachCall(GeckoResult.allow(), GeckoResult.deny())
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ mainSession.loadUri(uri)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, equalTo(uri))
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun redirectIntentLoad() {
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isAutomation, equalTo(true))
+ val redirectUri = "intent://test"
+ val uri = "$redirectUri"
+ mainSession.loadUri(uri)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2, order = [1, 2])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URL should match", request.uri, equalTo(forEachCall(uri, redirectUri)))
+ assertThat(
+ "From app should be correct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(forEachCall(true, false)),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun bypassClassifier() {
+ val phishingUri = ""
+ val category = ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.PHISHING
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(category)
+ mainSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri(phishingUri + "?bypass=true")
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun safebrowsingPhishing() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ val phishingUri = ""
+ val category = ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.PHISHING
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(category)
+ // Add query string to avoid bypassing classifier check because of cache.
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ phishingUri + "?block=true",
+ )
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.NONE)
+ mainSession.loadUri(phishingUri + "?block=false")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun safebrowsingMalware() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ val malwareUri = ""
+ val category = ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.MALWARE
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(category)
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ malwareUri + "?block=true",
+ )
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.NONE)
+ mainSession.loadUri(malwareUri + "?block=false")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun safebrowsingUnwanted() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ val unwantedUri = ""
+ val category = ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.UNWANTED
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(category)
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ unwantedUri + "?block=true",
+ )
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.NONE)
+ mainSession.loadUri(unwantedUri + "?block=false")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun safebrowsingHarmful() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ val harmfulUri = ""
+ val category = ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.HARMFUL
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(category)
+ testLoadExpectError(
+ harmfulUri + "?block=true",
+ )
+ sessionRule.runtime.settings.contentBlocking.setSafeBrowsing(ContentBlocking.SafeBrowsing.NONE)
+ mainSession.loadUri(harmfulUri + "?block=false")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ // Checks that the User Agent matches the user agent built in
+ // nsHttpHandler::BuildUserAgent
+ @Test fun defaultUserAgentMatchesActualUserAgent() {
+ var userAgent = sessionRule.waitForResult(mainSession.userAgent)
+ assertThat(
+ "Mobile user agent should match the default user agent",
+ userAgent,
+ equalTo(GeckoSession.getDefaultUserAgent()),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun desktopMode() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val mobileSubStr = "Mobile"
+ val desktopSubStr = "X11"
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be set to mobile",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(mobileSubStr),
+ )
+ var userAgent = sessionRule.waitForResult(mainSession.userAgent)
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as mobile",
+ userAgent,
+ containsString(mobileSubStr),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentMode = GeckoSessionSettings.USER_AGENT_MODE_DESKTOP
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be set to desktop",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(desktopSubStr),
+ )
+ userAgent = sessionRule.waitForResult(mainSession.userAgent)
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as desktop",
+ userAgent,
+ containsString(desktopSubStr),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentMode = GeckoSessionSettings.USER_AGENT_MODE_MOBILE
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be set to mobile",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(mobileSubStr),
+ )
+ userAgent = sessionRule.waitForResult(mainSession.userAgent)
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as mobile",
+ userAgent,
+ containsString(mobileSubStr),
+ )
+ val vrSubStr = "Mobile VR"
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentMode = GeckoSessionSettings.USER_AGENT_MODE_VR
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be set to VR",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(vrSubStr),
+ )
+ userAgent = sessionRule.waitForResult(mainSession.userAgent)
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as VR",
+ userAgent,
+ containsString(vrSubStr),
+ )
+ }
+ private fun getUserAgent(session: GeckoSession = mainSession): String {
+ return session.evaluateJS("window.navigator.userAgent") as String
+ }
+ @Test fun uaOverrideNewSession() {
+ val newSession = sessionRule.createClosedSession()
+ newSession.settings.userAgentOverride = "Test user agent override"
+ newSession.loadUri("")
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should match override",
+ getUserAgent(newSession),
+ equalTo("Test user agent override"),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun uaOverride() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val mobileSubStr = "Mobile"
+ val vrSubStr = "Mobile VR"
+ val overrideUserAgent = "This is the override user agent"
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as mobile",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(mobileSubStr),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentOverride = overrideUserAgent
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as override",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ equalTo(overrideUserAgent),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentMode = GeckoSessionSettings.USER_AGENT_MODE_VR
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should still be reported as override even when USER_AGENT_MODE is set",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ equalTo(overrideUserAgent),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentOverride = null
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should now be reported as VR",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(vrSubStr),
+ )
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentOverride = overrideUserAgent
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should be reported as override after being set in onLoadRequest",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ equalTo(overrideUserAgent),
+ )
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ mainSession.settings.userAgentOverride = null
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "User agent should again be reported as VR after disabling override in onLoadRequest",
+ getUserAgent(),
+ containsString(vrSubStr),
+ )
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 600, height = 200)
+ @Test
+ fun viewportMode() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(VIEWPORT_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ val desktopInnerWidth = 980.0
+ val physicalWidth = 600.0
+ val pixelRatio = mainSession.evaluateJS("window.devicePixelRatio") as Double
+ val mobileInnerWidth = physicalWidth / pixelRatio
+ val innerWidthJs = "window.innerWidth"
+ var innerWidth = mainSession.evaluateJS(innerWidthJs) as Double
+ assertThat(
+ "innerWidth should be equal to $mobileInnerWidth",
+ innerWidth,
+ closeTo(mobileInnerWidth, 0.1),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.viewportMode = GeckoSessionSettings.VIEWPORT_MODE_DESKTOP
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ innerWidth = mainSession.evaluateJS(innerWidthJs) as Double
+ assertThat(
+ "innerWidth should be equal to $desktopInnerWidth",
+ innerWidth,
+ closeTo(desktopInnerWidth, 0.1),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ innerWidth = mainSession.evaluateJS(innerWidthJs) as Double
+ assertThat(
+ "after navigation innerWidth should be equal to $desktopInnerWidth",
+ innerWidth,
+ closeTo(desktopInnerWidth, 0.1),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(VIEWPORT_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ innerWidth = mainSession.evaluateJS(innerWidthJs) as Double
+ assertThat(
+ "after navigting back innerWidth should be equal to $desktopInnerWidth",
+ innerWidth,
+ closeTo(desktopInnerWidth, 0.1),
+ )
+ mainSession.settings.viewportMode = GeckoSessionSettings.VIEWPORT_MODE_MOBILE
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ innerWidth = mainSession.evaluateJS(innerWidthJs) as Double
+ assertThat(
+ "innerWidth should be equal to $mobileInnerWidth again",
+ innerWidth,
+ closeTo(mobileInnerWidth, 0.1),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun load() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should not be null", request.uri, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should be null",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ nullValue(),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "App requested this load",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ assertThat("Target should not be null",, notNullValue())
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should match",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_CURRENT),
+ )
+ assertThat("Redirect flag is not set", request.isRedirect, equalTo(false))
+ assertThat("Should not have a user gesture", request.hasUserGesture, equalTo(false))
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should not be null", url, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun load_dataUri() {
+ val dataUrl = "data:,Hello%2C%20World!"
+ mainSession.loadUri(dataUrl)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match the provided data URL", url, equalTo(dataUrl))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page should load successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @NullDelegate(NavigationDelegate::class)
+ @Test
+ fun load_withoutNavigationDelegate() {
+ // Test that when navigation delegate is disabled, we can still perform loads.
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ @NullDelegate(NavigationDelegate::class)
+ @Test
+ fun load_canUnsetNavigationDelegate() {
+ // Test that if we unset the navigation delegate during a load, the load still proceeds.
+ var onLocationCount = 0
+ mainSession.navigationDelegate = object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ onLocationCount++
+ }
+ }
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "Should get callback for first load",
+ onLocationCount,
+ equalTo(1),
+ )
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.navigationDelegate = null
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "Should not get callback for second load",
+ onLocationCount,
+ equalTo(1),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadString() {
+ val dataString = "<html><head><title>TheTitle</title></head><body>TheBody</body></html>"
+ val mimeType = "text/html"
+ mainSession.load(Loader().data(dataString, mimeType))
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ProgressDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should match", title, equalTo("TheTitle"))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat(
+ "URL should be a data URL",
+ url,
+ equalTo(createDataUri(dataString, mimeType)),
+ )
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page should load successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun loadString_noMimeType() {
+ mainSession.load(Loader().data("Hello, World!", null))
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should be a data URL", url, startsWith("data:"))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page should load successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun loadData_html() {
+ val bytes = getTestBytes(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ assertThat("test html should have data", bytes.size, greaterThan(0))
+ mainSession.load(Loader().data(bytes, "text/html"))
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ProgressDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should match", title, equalTo("Hello, world!"))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, equalTo(createDataUri(bytes, "text/html")))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page should load successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ private fun createDataUri(
+ data: String,
+ mimeType: String?,
+ ): String {
+ return String.format("data:%s,%s", mimeType ?: "", data)
+ }
+ private fun createDataUri(
+ bytes: ByteArray,
+ mimeType: String?,
+ ): String {
+ return String.format(
+ "data:%s;base64,%s",
+ mimeType ?: "",
+ Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.NO_WRAP),
+ )
+ }
+ fun loadDataHelper(assetPath: String, mimeType: String? = null) {
+ val bytes = getTestBytes(assetPath)
+ assertThat("test data should have bytes", bytes.size, greaterThan(0))
+ mainSession.load(Loader().data(bytes, mimeType))
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, equalTo(createDataUri(bytes, mimeType)))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page should load successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun loadData() {
+ loadDataHelper("/assets/www/images/test.gif", "image/gif")
+ }
+ @Test fun loadData_noMimeType() {
+ loadDataHelper("/assets/www/images/test.gif")
+ }
+ @Test fun reload() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.reload()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should match", request.uri, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should be null",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ nullValue(),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should match",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_CURRENT),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun goBackAndForward() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO2_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO2_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.goBack()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Can go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.goForward()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO2_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Can go back", canGoBack, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun onLoadUri_returnTrueCancelsLoad() {
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ if (request.uri.endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH)) {
+ return GeckoResult.deny()
+ } else {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO2_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO2_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should succeed", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_calledForWindowOpen() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("'newSession_child.html', '_blank')")
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should be correct", request.uri, endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should match",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should be correct",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_NEW),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ assertThat("URI should be correct", uri, endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test(expected = GeckoSessionTestRule.RejectedPromiseException::class)
+ fun onNewSession_rejectLocal() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("'file:///data/local/tmp', '_blank')")
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_calledForTargetBlankLink() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#targetBlankLink').click()")
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ // We get two onLoadRequest calls for the link click,
+ // one when loading the URL and one when opening a new window.
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URI should be correct", request.uri, endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should be null",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should be correct",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_NEW),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ assertThat("URI should be correct", uri, endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ private fun delegateNewSession(settings: GeckoSessionSettings = mainSession.settings): GeckoSession {
+ val newSession = sessionRule.createClosedSession(settings)
+ mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession> {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(newSession)
+ }
+ })
+ return newSession
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_childShouldLoad() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val newSession = delegateNewSession()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#targetBlankLink').click()")
+ // Initial about:blank
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ newSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStart(session: GeckoSession, url: String) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Load should succeed", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_setWindowOpener() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val newSession = delegateNewSession()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#targetBlankLink').click()")
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "window.opener should be set",
+ newSession.evaluateJS("window.opener.location.pathname") as String,
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_supportNoOpener() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val newSession = delegateNewSession()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#noOpenerLink').click()")
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "window.opener should not be set",
+ newSession.evaluateJS("window.opener"),
+ equalTo(JSONObject.NULL),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_notCalledForHandledLoads() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ // Pretend we handled the target="_blank" link click.
+ if (request.uri.endsWith(NEW_SESSION_CHILD_HTML_PATH)) {
+ return GeckoResult.deny()
+ } else {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#targetBlankLink').click()")
+ mainSession.reload()
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ // Assert that onNewSession was not called for the link click.
+ mainSession.forCallbacksDuringWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "URI must match",
+ request.uri,
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun onNewSession_submitFormWithTargetBlank() {
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(FORM_BLANK_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS(
+ """
+ document.querySelector('input[type=text]').focus()
+ """,
+ )
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(
+ TextInputDelegate::class,
+ "restartInput",
+ )
+ val time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
+ val keyEvent = KeyEvent(time, time, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, 0)
+ mainSession.textInput.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, keyEvent)
+ mainSession.textInput.onKeyUp(
+ KeyEvent.changeAction(
+ keyEvent,
+ KeyEvent.ACTION_UP,
+ ),
+ )
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "URL should be correct",
+ request.uri,
+ endsWith("form_blank.html?"),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Trigger URL should match",
+ request.triggerUri,
+ endsWith("form_blank.html"),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Target should be correct",
+ equalTo(NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_NEW),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String):
+ GeckoResult<GeckoSession>? {
+ assertThat("URL should be correct", uri, endsWith("form_blank.html?"))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUriReferrer() {
+ val uri = ""
+ val referrer = ""
+ mainSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri(uri)
+ .referrer(referrer)
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE),
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "Referrer should match",
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.referrer") as String,
+ equalTo(referrer),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUriReferrerSession() {
+ val uri = ""
+ val referrer = ""
+ mainSession.loadUri(referrer)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val newSession = sessionRule.createOpenSession()
+ newSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri(uri)
+ .referrer(mainSession)
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE),
+ )
+ newSession.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "Referrer should match",
+ newSession.evaluateJS("document.referrer") as String,
+ equalTo(referrer),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUriReferrerSessionFileUrl() {
+ val uri = "file:///system/etc/fonts.xml"
+ val referrer = ""
+ mainSession.loadUri(referrer)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val newSession = sessionRule.createOpenSession()
+ newSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri(uri)
+ .referrer(mainSession)
+ .flags(GeckoSession.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE),
+ )
+ newSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ private fun loadUriHeaderTest(
+ headers: Map<String?, String?>,
+ additional: Map<String?, String?>,
+ filter: Int = GeckoSession.HEADER_FILTER_CORS_SAFELISTED,
+ ) {
+ // First collect default headers with no override
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT/anything")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val defaultContent = mainSession.evaluateJS("document.body.children[0].innerHTML") as String
+ val defaultBody = JSONObject(defaultContent)
+ val defaultHeaders = defaultBody.getJSONObject("headers").asMap<String>()
+ val expected = HashMap(additional)
+ for (key in defaultHeaders.keys) {
+ expected[key] = defaultHeaders[key]
+ if (additional.containsKey(key)) {
+ // TODO: Bug 1671294, headers should be replaced, not appended
+ expected[key] += ", " + additional[key]
+ }
+ }
+ // Now load the page with the header override
+ mainSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri("$TEST_ENDPOINT/anything")
+ .additionalHeaders(headers)
+ .headerFilter(filter),
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ val content = mainSession.evaluateJS("document.body.children[0].innerHTML") as String
+ val body = JSONObject(content)
+ val actualHeaders = body.getJSONObject("headers").asMap<String>()
+ assertThat(
+ "Headers should match",
+ expected as Map<String?, String?>,
+ equalTo(actualHeaders),
+ )
+ }
+ private fun testLoaderEquals(a: Loader, b: Loader, shouldBeEqual: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Equal test", a == b, equalTo(shouldBeEqual))
+ assertThat(
+ "HashCode test",
+ a.hashCode() == b.hashCode(),
+ equalTo(shouldBeEqual),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loaderEquals() {
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().uri(""),
+ Loader().uri(""),
+ true,
+ )
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().uri(""),
+ Loader().uri(""),
+ false,
+ )
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().uri("")
+ .referrer("test-referrer"),
+ Loader().uri("")
+ .referrer("test-referrer"),
+ true,
+ )
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().uri("")
+ .referrer(mainSession),
+ Loader().uri("")
+ .referrer("test-referrer"),
+ false,
+ )
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().referrer(mainSession)
+ .data("testtest", "text/plain"),
+ Loader().referrer(mainSession)
+ .data("testtest", "text/plain"),
+ true,
+ )
+ testLoaderEquals(
+ Loader().referrer(mainSession)
+ .data("testtest", "text/plain"),
+ Loader().referrer("test-referrer")
+ .data("testtest", "text/plain"),
+ false,
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun loadUriHeader() {
+ // Basic test
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value", "Header2" to "Value1, Value2"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value", "Header2" to "Value1, Value2"),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value", "Header2" to "Value1, Value2"),
+ )
+ // Empty value headers are ignored
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("ValueLess1" to "", "ValueLess2" to null),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ // Null key or special headers are ignored
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ null to "BadNull",
+ "Connection" to "BadConnection",
+ "Host" to "BadHost",
+ ),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ // Key or value cannot contain '\r\n'
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Header1" to "Value",
+ "Header2" to "Value1, Value2",
+ "this\r\nis invalid" to "test value",
+ "test key" to "this\r\n is a no-no",
+ "what" to "what\r\",
+ "Header3" to "Value1, Value2, Value3",
+ ),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Header1" to "Value",
+ "Header2" to "Value1, Value2",
+ "this\r\nis invalid" to "test value",
+ "test key" to "this\r\n is a no-no",
+ "what" to "what\r\",
+ "Header3" to "Value1, Value2, Value3",
+ ),
+ mapOf(
+ "Header1" to "Value",
+ "Header2" to "Value1, Value2",
+ "Header3" to "Value1, Value2, Value3",
+ ),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Header1" to "Value",
+ "Header2" to "Value1, Value2",
+ "what" to "what\r\",
+ ),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Header1" to "Value",
+ "Header2" to "Value1, Value2",
+ "what" to "what\r\",
+ ),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value", "Header2" to "Value1, Value2"),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("what" to "what\r\"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("this\r\n" to "yes"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ // Connection and Host cannot be overriden, no matter the case spelling
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "ConnEction" to "test", "connection" to "test2"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "ConnEction" to "test", "connection" to "test2"),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1"),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "connection" to "test2"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "connection" to "test2"),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1"),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1 " to "Value1", "host" to "test2"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1 " to "Value1", "host" to "test2"),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1"),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "host" to "test2"),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1", "host" to "test2"),
+ mapOf("Header1" to "Value1"),
+ )
+ // Adding white space at the end of a forbidden header still prevents override
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "host" to "",
+ "host " to "",
+ "host\r" to "",
+ "host\r\n" to "",
+ ),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ // '\r' or '\n' are forbidden character even when not following each other
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf("abc\ra\n" to ""),
+ mapOf(),
+ )
+ // CORS Safelist test
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Accept-Language" to "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5",
+ "Accept" to "text/html",
+ "Content-Language" to "de-DE, en-CA",
+ "Content-Type" to "multipart/form-data; boundary=something",
+ ),
+ mapOf(
+ "Accept-Language" to "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5",
+ "Accept" to "text/html",
+ "Content-Language" to "de-DE, en-CA",
+ "Content-Type" to "multipart/form-data; boundary=something",
+ ),
+ )
+ // CORS safelist doesn't allow Content-type image/svg
+ loadUriHeaderTest(
+ mapOf(
+ "Accept-Language" to "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5",
+ "Accept" to "text/html",
+ "Content-Language" to "de-DE, en-CA",
+ "Content-Type" to "image/svg; boundary=something",
+ ),
+ mapOf(
+ "Accept-Language" to "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5",
+ "Accept" to "text/html",
+ "Content-Language" to "de-DE, en-CA",
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ @Test(expected = GeckoResult.UncaughtException::class)
+ fun onNewSession_doesNotAllowOpened() {
+ // Disable popup blocker.
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf("dom.disable_open_during_load" to false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(NEW_SESSION_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onNewSession(session: GeckoSession, uri: String): GeckoResult<GeckoSession> {
+ return GeckoResult.fromValue(sessionRule.createOpenSession())
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#targetBlankLink').click()")
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(
+ NavigationDelegate::class,
+ "onNewSession",
+ )
+ UiThreadUtils.loopUntilIdle(sessionRule.env.defaultTimeoutMillis)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun extensionProcessSwitching() {
+ sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(
+ mapOf(
+ "xpinstall.signatures.required" to false,
+ "extensions.install.requireBuiltInCerts" to false,
+ "extensions.update.requireBuiltInCerts" to false,
+ ),
+ )
+ val controller = sessionRule.runtime.webExtensionController
+ sessionRule.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : WebExtensionController.PromptDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onInstallPrompt(extension: WebExtension): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ })
+ val extension = sessionRule.waitForResult(
+ controller.install(""),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "baseUrl should be a valid extension URL",
+ extension.metaData.baseUrl,
+ startsWith("moz-extension://"),
+ )
+ val url = extension.metaData.baseUrl + "page.html"
+ processSwitchingTest(url)
+ sessionRule.waitForResult(controller.uninstall(extension))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun mainProcessSwitching() {
+ processSwitchingTest("about:config")
+ }
+ private fun processSwitchingTest(url: String) {
+ val settings = sessionRule.runtime.settings
+ val aboutConfigEnabled = settings.aboutConfigEnabled
+ settings.aboutConfigEnabled = true
+ var currentUrl: String? = null
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ currentUrl = url
+ }
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat("Should not get here", false, equalTo(true))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ // This will load a page in the child
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO2_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat(
+ "docShell should start out active",
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ // This loads in the parent process
+ mainSession.loadUri(url)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, equalTo(url))
+ // This will load a page in the child
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "docShell should be active after switching process",
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadUri(url)
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, equalTo(url))
+ mainSession.goBack()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "docShell should be active after switching process",
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ mainSession.goBack()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, equalTo(url))
+ mainSession.goBack()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("URL should match", currentUrl!!, endsWith(HELLO2_HTML_PATH))
+ assertThat(
+ "docShell should be active after switching process",
+ equalTo(true),
+ )
+ settings.aboutConfigEnabled = aboutConfigEnabled
+ }
+ @Test fun setLocationHash() {
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("location.hash = 'test1';")
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URI should match", url, endsWith("#test1"))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("location.hash = 'test2';")
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 0)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ request: LoadRequest,
+ ):
+ GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URI should match", url, endsWith("#test2"))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun purgeHistory() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1648158
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : HistoryDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onHistoryStateChange(session: GeckoSession, state: HistoryDelegate.HistoryList) {
+ assertThat("History should have one entry", state.size, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO2_HTML_PATH")
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : HistoryDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onHistoryStateChange(session: GeckoSession, state: HistoryDelegate.HistoryList) {
+ assertThat("History should have two entries", state.size, equalTo(2))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.purgeHistory()
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : HistoryDelegate, NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onHistoryStateChange(session: GeckoSession, state: HistoryDelegate.HistoryList) {
+ assertThat("History should have one entry", state.size, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go back", canGoBack, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoForward(session: GeckoSession, canGoForward: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Session should not be null", session, notNullValue())
+ assertThat("Cannot go forward", canGoForward, equalTo(false))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
+ @Test
+ fun userGesture() {
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.synthesizeTap(50, 50)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("Should have a user gesture", request.hasUserGesture, equalTo(true))
+ assertThat(
+ "Load should not be direct",
+ request.isDirectNavigation,
+ equalTo(false),
+ )
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test fun loadAfterLoad() {
+ mainSession.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URLs should match", request.uri, endsWith(forEachCall(HELLO_HTML_PATH, HELLO2_HTML_PATH)))
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO_HTML_PATH")
+ mainSession.loadUri("$TEST_ENDPOINT$HELLO2_HTML_PATH")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadLongDataUriToplevelDirect() {
+ val dataBytes = ByteArray(3 * 1024 * 1024)
+ val expectedUri = createDataUri(dataBytes, "*/*")
+ val loader = Loader().data(dataBytes, "*/*")
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [1])
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ assertThat("URLs should match", request.uri, equalTo(expectedUri))
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1, order = [2])
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat(
+ "Error category should match",
+ error.category,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_CATEGORY_URI),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "Error code should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_DATA_URI_TOO_LONG),
+ )
+ assertThat("URLs should match", uri, equalTo(expectedUri))
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.load(loader)
+ sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(NavigationDelegate::class, "onLoadError")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadLongDataUriToplevelIndirect() {
+ val dataBytes = ByteArray(3 * 1024 * 1024)
+ val dataUri = createDataUri(dataBytes, "*/*")
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(DATA_URI_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return GeckoResult.deny()
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#largeLink').href = \"$dataUri\"")
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#largeLink').click()")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ @Test
+ @NullDelegate(NavigationDelegate::class)
+ fun loadOnBackgroundThreadNullNavigationDelegate() {
+ thread {
+ // Make sure we're running in a thread without a Looper.
+ assertThat(
+ "We should not have a looper.",
+ Looper.myLooper(),
+ equalTo(null),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ }
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page loaded successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun invalidScheme() {
+ val invalidUri = "tel:#12345678"
+ mainSession.loadUri(invalidUri)
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLoadError(session: GeckoSession, uri: String?, error: WebRequestError): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ assertThat("Uri should match", uri, equalTo(invalidUri))
+ assertThat(
+ "error should match",
+ error.code,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_MALFORMED_URI),
+ )
+ assertThat(
+ "error should match",
+ error.category,
+ equalTo(WebRequestError.ERROR_CATEGORY_URI),
+ )
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadOnBackgroundThread() {
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ })
+ thread {
+ // Make sure we're running in a thread without a Looper.
+ assertThat(
+ "We should not have a looper.",
+ Looper.myLooper(),
+ equalTo(null),
+ )
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ }
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page loaded successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadShortDataUriToplevelIndirect() {
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 2)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ val dataBytes = this.getTestBytes("/assets/www/images/test.gif")
+ val uri = createDataUri(dataBytes, "image/*")
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(DATA_URI_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#smallLink').href = \"$uri\"")
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#smallLink').click()")
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ }
+ fun createLargeHighEntropyImageDataUri(): String {
+ val desiredMinSize = (2 * 1024 * 1024) + 1
+ val width = 768
+ val height = 768
+ val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
+ ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(width.toLong() * height.toLong()).toArray(),
+ width,
+ height,
+ Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,
+ )
+ val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ if (!bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, stream)) {
+ throw Exception("Error compressing PNG")
+ }
+ val uri = createDataUri(stream.toByteArray(), "image/png")
+ if (uri.length < desiredMinSize) {
+ throw Exception("Test uri is too small, want at least " + desiredMinSize + ", got " + uri.length)
+ }
+ return uri
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadLongDataUriNonToplevel() {
+ val dataUri = createLargeHighEntropyImageDataUri()
+ mainSession.delegateUntilTestEnd(object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return GeckoResult.allow()
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadError(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ uri: String?,
+ error: WebRequestError,
+ ): GeckoResult<String>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(DATA_URI_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#image').onload = () => { imageLoaded = true; }")
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#image').src = \"$dataUri\"")
+ UiThreadUtils.waitForCondition({
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#image').complete") as Boolean
+ }, sessionRule.env.defaultTimeoutMillis)
+ mainSession.evaluateJS("if (!imageLoaded) throw imageLoaded")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun bypassLoadUriDelegate() {
+ val testUri = ""
+ mainSession.load(
+ Loader()
+ .uri(testUri)
+ )
+ mainSession.waitForPageStop()
+ sessionRule.forCallbacksDuringWait(
+ object : NavigationDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(false)
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny>? {
+ return null
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ @Test fun goBackFromHistory() {
+ // TODO: Bug 1673954
+ assumeThat(sessionRule.env.isFission, equalTo(false))
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : HistoryDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onHistoryStateChange(session: GeckoSession, state: HistoryDelegate.HistoryList) {
+ assertThat("History should have one entry", state.size, equalTo(1))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should match", title, equalTo("Hello, world!"))
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO2_HTML_PATH)
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : HistoryDelegate, NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onHistoryStateChange(session: GeckoSession, state: HistoryDelegate.HistoryList) {
+ assertThat("History should have two entry", state.size, equalTo(2))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onCanGoBack(session: GeckoSession, canGoBack: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Can go back", canGoBack, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ assertThat("Title should match", title, equalTo("Hello, world! Again!"))
+ }
+ })
+ // goBack will be navigated from history.
+ var lastTitle: String? = ""
+ sessionRule.delegateDuringNextWait(object : NavigationDelegate, ContentDelegate {
+ @AssertCalled(count = 1)
+ override fun onLocationChange(
+ session: GeckoSession,
+ url: String?,
+ perms: MutableList<PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission>,
+ ) {
+ assertThat("URL should match", url, endsWith(HELLO_HTML_PATH))
+ }
+ @AssertCalled
+ override fun onTitleChange(session: GeckoSession, title: String?) {
+ lastTitle = title
+ }
+ })
+ mainSession.goBack()
+ sessionRule.waitForPageStop()
+ assertThat("Title should match", lastTitle, equalTo("Hello, world!"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun loadAndroidAssets() {
+ val assetUri = "resource://android/assets/web_extensions/"
+ mainSession.loadUri(assetUri)
+ mainSession.waitUntilCalled(object : ProgressDelegate {
+ override fun onPageStop(session: GeckoSession, success: Boolean) {
+ assertThat("Page loaded successfully", success, equalTo(true))
+ }
+ })
+ }