path: root/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f60f179d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/
@@ -0,0 +1,1311 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import codecs
+import inspect
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import types
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from functools import wraps
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+import six
+from six.moves import builtins as __builtin__
+from import HelpFormatter
+from mozbuild.configure.options import (
+ CommandLineHelper,
+ ConflictingOptionError,
+ InvalidOptionError,
+ Option,
+ OptionValue,
+from mozbuild.configure.util import ConfigureOutputHandler, LineIO, getpreferredencoding
+from mozbuild.util import (
+ ReadOnlyDict,
+ ReadOnlyNamespace,
+ exec_,
+ memoize,
+ memoized_property,
+ system_encoding,
+# TRACE logging level, below (thus more verbose than) DEBUG
+TRACE = 5
+class ConfigureError(Exception):
+ pass
+class SandboxDependsFunction(object):
+ """Sandbox-visible representation of @depends functions."""
+ def __init__(self, unsandboxed):
+ self._or = unsandboxed.__or__
+ self._and = unsandboxed.__and__
+ self._getattr = unsandboxed.__getattr__
+ def __call__(self, *arg, **kwargs):
+ raise ConfigureError("The `%s` function may not be called" % self.__name__)
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Can only do binary arithmetic operations "
+ "with another @depends function."
+ )
+ return self._or(other).sandboxed
+ def __and__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Can only do binary arithmetic operations "
+ "with another @depends function."
+ )
+ return self._and(other).sandboxed
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return object.__hash__(self)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot compare @depends functions.")
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ return self._getattr(key).sandboxed
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ raise ConfigureError("Cannot do boolean operations on @depends functions.")
+class DependsFunction(object):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_func",
+ "_name",
+ "dependencies",
+ "when",
+ "sandboxed",
+ "sandbox",
+ "_result",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, sandbox, func, dependencies, when=None):
+ assert isinstance(sandbox, ConfigureSandbox)
+ assert not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func)
+ # Allow non-functions when there are no dependencies. This is equivalent
+ # to passing a lambda that returns the given value.
+ if not (inspect.isroutine(func) or not dependencies):
+ print(func)
+ assert inspect.isroutine(func) or not dependencies
+ self._func = func
+ self._name = getattr(func, "__name__", None)
+ self.dependencies = dependencies
+ self.sandboxed = wraps(func)(SandboxDependsFunction(self))
+ self.sandbox = sandbox
+ self.when = when
+ sandbox._depends[self.sandboxed] = self
+ # Only @depends functions with a dependency on '--help' are executed
+ # immediately. Everything else is queued for later execution.
+ if sandbox._help_option in dependencies:
+ sandbox._value_for(self)
+ elif not sandbox._help:
+ sandbox._execution_queue.append((sandbox._value_for, (self,)))
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, value):
+ self._name = value
+ @property
+ def sandboxed_dependencies(self):
+ return [
+ d.sandboxed if isinstance(d, DependsFunction) else d
+ for d in self.dependencies
+ ]
+ @memoize
+ def result(self):
+ if self.when and not self.sandbox._value_for(self.when):
+ return None
+ if inspect.isroutine(self._func):
+ resolved_args = [self.sandbox._value_for(d) for d in self.dependencies]
+ return self._func(*resolved_args)
+ return self._func
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s %s(%s)>" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ ", ".join(repr(d) for d in self.dependencies),
+ )
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ other = self.sandbox._depends.get(other)
+ assert isinstance(other, DependsFunction)
+ assert self.sandbox is other.sandbox
+ return CombinedDependsFunction(self.sandbox, self.or_impl, (self, other))
+ @staticmethod
+ def or_impl(iterable):
+ # Applies "or" to all the items of iterable.
+ # e.g. if iterable contains a, b and c, returns `a or b or c`.
+ for i in iterable:
+ if i:
+ return i
+ return i
+ def __and__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ other = self.sandbox._depends.get(other)
+ assert isinstance(other, DependsFunction)
+ assert self.sandbox is other.sandbox
+ return CombinedDependsFunction(self.sandbox, self.and_impl, (self, other))
+ @staticmethod
+ def and_impl(iterable):
+ # Applies "and" to all the items of iterable.
+ # e.g. if iterable contains a, b and c, returns `a and b and c`.
+ for i in iterable:
+ if not i:
+ return i
+ return i
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ if key.startswith("_"):
+ return super(DependsFunction, self).__getattr__(key)
+ # Our function may return None or an object that simply doesn't have
+ # the wanted key. In that case, just return None.
+ return TrivialDependsFunction(
+ self.sandbox, lambda x: getattr(x, key, None), [self], self.when
+ )
+class TrivialDependsFunction(DependsFunction):
+ """Like a DependsFunction, but the linter won't expect it to have a
+ dependency on --help ever."""
+class CombinedDependsFunction(DependsFunction):
+ def __init__(self, sandbox, func, dependencies):
+ flatten_deps = []
+ for d in dependencies:
+ if isinstance(d, CombinedDependsFunction) and d._func is func:
+ for d2 in d.dependencies:
+ if d2 not in flatten_deps:
+ flatten_deps.append(d2)
+ elif d not in flatten_deps:
+ flatten_deps.append(d)
+ super(CombinedDependsFunction, self).__init__(sandbox, func, flatten_deps)
+ @memoize
+ def result(self):
+ resolved_args = (self.sandbox._value_for(d) for d in self.dependencies)
+ return self._func(resolved_args)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ and self._func is other._func
+ and set(self.dependencies) == set(other.dependencies)
+ )
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return object.__hash__(self)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+class SandboxedGlobal(dict):
+ """Identifiable dict type for use as function global"""
+def forbidden_import(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise ImportError("Importing modules is forbidden")
+class ConfigureSandbox(dict):
+ """Represents a sandbox for executing Python code for build configuration.
+ This is a different kind of sandboxing than the one used for
+ processing.
+ The sandbox has 9 primitives:
+ - option
+ - depends
+ - template
+ - imports
+ - include
+ - set_config
+ - set_define
+ - imply_option
+ - only_when
+ `option`, `include`, `set_config`, `set_define` and `imply_option` are
+ functions. `depends`, `template`, and `imports` are decorators. `only_when`
+ is a context_manager.
+ These primitives are declared as name_impl methods to this class and
+ the mapping name -> name_impl is done automatically in __getitem__.
+ Additional primitives should be frowned upon to keep the sandbox itself as
+ simple as possible. Instead, helpers should be created within the sandbox
+ with the existing primitives.
+ The sandbox is given, at creation, a dict where the yielded configuration
+ will be stored.
+ config = {}
+ sandbox = ConfigureSandbox(config)
+ do_stuff(config)
+ """
+ # The default set of builtins. We expose unicode as str to make sandboxed
+ # files more python3-ready.
+ BUILTINS = ReadOnlyDict(
+ {
+ b: getattr(__builtin__, b, None)
+ for b in (
+ "AssertionError",
+ "False",
+ "None",
+ "True",
+ "__build_class__", # will be None on py2
+ "all",
+ "any",
+ "bool",
+ "dict",
+ "enumerate",
+ "getattr",
+ "hasattr",
+ "int",
+ "isinstance",
+ "len",
+ "list",
+ "max",
+ "min",
+ "range",
+ "set",
+ "sorted",
+ "tuple",
+ "zip",
+ )
+ },
+ __import__=forbidden_import,
+ str=six.text_type,
+ )
+ # Expose a limited set of functions from os.path
+ OS = ReadOnlyNamespace(
+ path=ReadOnlyNamespace(
+ **{
+ k: getattr(mozpath, k, getattr(os.path, k))
+ for k in (
+ "abspath",
+ "basename",
+ "dirname",
+ "isabs",
+ "join",
+ "normcase",
+ "normpath",
+ "realpath",
+ "relpath",
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ config,
+ environ=os.environ,
+ argv=sys.argv,
+ stdout=sys.stdout,
+ stderr=sys.stderr,
+ logger=None,
+ ):
+ dict.__setitem__(self, "__builtins__", self.BUILTINS)
+ self._environ = dict(environ)
+ self._paths = []
+ self._all_paths = set()
+ self._templates = set()
+ # Associate SandboxDependsFunctions to DependsFunctions.
+ self._depends = OrderedDict()
+ self._seen = set()
+ # Store the @imports added to a given function.
+ self._imports = {}
+ self._options = OrderedDict()
+ # Store raw option (as per command line or environment) for each Option
+ self._raw_options = OrderedDict()
+ # Store options added with `imply_option`, and the reason they were
+ # added (which can either have been given to `imply_option`, or
+ # inferred. Their order matters, so use a list.
+ self._implied_options = []
+ # Store all results from _prepare_function
+ self._prepared_functions = set()
+ # Queue of functions to execute, with their arguments
+ self._execution_queue = []
+ # Store the `when`s associated to some options.
+ self._conditions = {}
+ # A list of conditions to apply as a default `when` for every *_impl()
+ self._default_conditions = []
+ self._helper = CommandLineHelper(environ, argv)
+ assert isinstance(config, dict)
+ self._config = config
+ # Tracks how many templates "deep" we are in the stack.
+ self._template_depth = 0
+ logging.addLevelName(TRACE, "TRACE")
+ if logger is None:
+ logger = moz_logger = logging.getLogger("moz.configure")
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+ handler = ConfigureOutputHandler(stdout, stderr)
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ queue_debug = handler.queue_debug
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger)
+ moz_logger = None
+ @contextmanager
+ def queue_debug():
+ yield
+ self._logger = logger
+ # Some callers will manage to log a bytestring with characters in it
+ # that can't be converted to ascii. Make our log methods robust to this
+ # by detecting the encoding that a producer is likely to have used.
+ encoding = getpreferredencoding()
+ def wrapped_log_method(logger, key):
+ method = getattr(logger, key)
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ out_args = [
+ six.ensure_text(arg, encoding=encoding or "utf-8")
+ if isinstance(arg, six.binary_type)
+ else arg
+ for arg in args
+ ]
+ return method(*out_args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapped
+ log_namespace = {
+ k: wrapped_log_method(logger, k)
+ for k in ("debug", "info", "warning", "error")
+ }
+ log_namespace["queue_debug"] = queue_debug
+ self.log_impl = ReadOnlyNamespace(**log_namespace)
+ self._help = None
+ self._help_option = self.option_impl(
+ "--help", help="print this message", category=HELP_OPTIONS_CATEGORY
+ )
+ self._seen.add(self._help_option)
+ self._always = DependsFunction(self, lambda: True, [])
+ self._never = DependsFunction(self, lambda: False, [])
+ if self._value_for(self._help_option):
+ self._help = HelpFormatter(argv[0])
+ self._help.add(self._help_option)
+ elif moz_logger:
+ handler = logging.FileHandler(
+ "config.log", mode="w", delay=True, encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ def include_file(self, path):
+ """Include one file in the sandbox. Users of this class probably want
+ to use `run` instead.
+ Note: this will execute all template invocations, as well as @depends
+ functions that depend on '--help', but nothing else.
+ """
+ if self._paths:
+ path = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self._paths[-1]), path)
+ path = mozpath.normpath(path)
+ if not mozpath.basedir(path, (mozpath.dirname(self._paths[0]),)):
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Cannot include `%s` because it is not in a subdirectory "
+ "of `%s`" % (path, mozpath.dirname(self._paths[0]))
+ )
+ else:
+ path = mozpath.realpath(mozpath.abspath(path))
+ if path in self._all_paths:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Cannot include `%s` because it was included already." % path
+ )
+ self._paths.append(path)
+ self._all_paths.add(path)
+ with open(path, "rb") as fh:
+ source =
+ code = compile(source, path, "exec")
+ exec_(code, self)
+ self._paths.pop(-1)
+ def run(self, path=None):
+ """Executes the given file within the sandbox, as well as everything
+ pending from any other included file, and ensure the overall
+ consistency of the executed script(s)."""
+ if path:
+ self.include_file(path)
+ for option in six.itervalues(self._options):
+ # All options must be referenced by some @depends function
+ if option not in self._seen:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Option `%s` is not handled ; reference it with a @depends"
+ % option.option
+ )
+ self._value_for(option)
+ # All implied options should exist.
+ for implied_option in self._implied_options:
+ value = self._resolve(implied_option.value)
+ if value is not None:
+ # There are two ways to end up here: either the implied option
+ # is unknown, or it's known but there was a dependency loop
+ # that prevented the implication from being applied.
+ option = self._options.get(
+ if not option:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "`%s`, emitted from `%s` line %d, is unknown."
+ % (
+ implied_option.option,
+ implied_option.caller[1],
+ implied_option.caller[2],
+ )
+ )
+ # If the option is known, check that the implied value doesn't
+ # conflict with what value was attributed to the option.
+ if implied_option.when and not self._value_for(implied_option.when):
+ continue
+ option_value = self._value_for_option(option)
+ if value != option_value:
+ reason = implied_option.reason
+ if isinstance(reason, Option):
+ reason = self._raw_options.get(reason) or reason.option
+ reason = reason.split("=", 1)[0]
+ value = OptionValue.from_(value)
+ raise InvalidOptionError(
+ "'%s' implied by '%s' conflicts with '%s' from the %s"
+ % (
+ value.format(option.option),
+ reason,
+ option_value.format(option.option),
+ option_value.origin,
+ )
+ )
+ # All options should have been removed (handled) by now.
+ for arg in self._helper:
+ without_value = arg.split("=", 1)[0]
+ msg = "Unknown option: %s" % without_value
+ if self._help:
+ self._logger.warning(msg)
+ else:
+ raise InvalidOptionError(msg)
+ # Run the execution queue
+ for func, args in self._execution_queue:
+ func(*args)
+ if self._help:
+ with LineIO( as out:
+ self._help.usage(out)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ impl = "%s_impl" % key
+ func = getattr(self, impl, None)
+ if func:
+ return func
+ return super(ConfigureSandbox, self).__getitem__(key)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ if (
+ key in self.BUILTINS
+ or key == "__builtins__"
+ or hasattr(self, "%s_impl" % key)
+ ):
+ raise KeyError("Cannot reassign builtins")
+ if inspect.isfunction(value) and value not in self._templates:
+ value = self._prepare_function(value)
+ elif (
+ not isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction)
+ and value not in self._templates
+ and not (inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, Exception))
+ ):
+ raise KeyError(
+ "Cannot assign `%s` because it is neither a "
+ "@depends nor a @template" % key
+ )
+ if isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ self._depends[value].name = key
+ return super(ConfigureSandbox, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+ def _resolve(self, arg):
+ if isinstance(arg, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ return self._value_for_depends(self._depends[arg])
+ return arg
+ def _value_for(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ assert obj in self._depends
+ return self._value_for_depends(self._depends[obj])
+ elif isinstance(obj, DependsFunction):
+ return self._value_for_depends(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, Option):
+ return self._value_for_option(obj)
+ assert False
+ @memoize
+ def _value_for_depends(self, obj):
+ value = obj.result()
+ self._logger.log(TRACE, "%r = %r", obj, value)
+ return value
+ @memoize
+ def _value_for_option(self, option):
+ implied = {}
+ matching_implied_options = [
+ o for o in self._implied_options if in (, option.env)
+ ]
+ # Update self._implied_options before going into the loop with the non-matching
+ # options.
+ self._implied_options = [
+ o for o in self._implied_options if not in (, option.env)
+ ]
+ for implied_option in matching_implied_options:
+ if implied_option.when and not self._value_for(implied_option.when):
+ continue
+ value = self._resolve(implied_option.value)
+ if value is not None:
+ value = OptionValue.from_(value)
+ opt = value.format(implied_option.option)
+ self._helper.add(opt, "implied")
+ implied[opt] = implied_option
+ try:
+ value, option_string = self._helper.handle(option)
+ except ConflictingOptionError as e:
+ reason = implied[e.arg].reason
+ if isinstance(reason, Option):
+ reason = self._raw_options.get(reason) or reason.option
+ reason = reason.split("=", 1)[0]
+ raise InvalidOptionError(
+ "'%s' implied by '%s' conflicts with '%s' from the %s"
+ % (e.arg, reason, e.old_arg, e.old_origin)
+ )
+ if value.origin == "implied":
+ recursed_value = getattr(self, "__value_for_option").get((option,))
+ if recursed_value is not None:
+ _, filename, line, _, _, _ = implied[value.format(option.option)].caller
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "'%s' appears somewhere in the direct or indirect dependencies when "
+ "resolving imply_option at %s:%d" % (option.option, filename, line)
+ )
+ if option_string:
+ self._raw_options[option] = option_string
+ when = self._conditions.get(option)
+ # If `when` resolves to a false-ish value, we always return None.
+ # This makes option(..., when='--foo') equivalent to
+ # option(..., when=depends('--foo')(lambda x: x)).
+ if when and not self._value_for(when) and value is not None:
+ # If the option was passed explicitly, we throw an error that
+ # the option is not available. Except when the option was passed
+ # from the environment, because that would be too cumbersome.
+ if value.origin not in ("default", "environment"):
+ raise InvalidOptionError(
+ "%s is not available in this configuration"
+ % option_string.split("=", 1)[0]
+ )
+ self._logger.log(TRACE, "%r = None", option)
+ return None
+ self._logger.log(TRACE, "%r = %r", option, value)
+ return value
+ def _dependency(self, arg, callee_name, arg_name=None):
+ if isinstance(arg, six.string_types):
+ prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(arg)
+ if values != ():
+ raise ConfigureError("Option must not contain an '='")
+ if name not in self._options:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "'%s' is not a known option. " "Maybe it's declared too late?" % arg
+ )
+ arg = self._options[name]
+ self._seen.add(arg)
+ elif isinstance(arg, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ assert arg in self._depends
+ arg = self._depends[arg]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Cannot use object of type '%s' as %sargument to %s"
+ % (
+ type(arg).__name__,
+ "`%s` " % arg_name if arg_name else "",
+ callee_name,
+ )
+ )
+ return arg
+ def _normalize_when(self, when, callee_name):
+ if when is True:
+ when = self._always
+ elif when is False:
+ when = self._never
+ elif when is not None:
+ when = self._dependency(when, callee_name, "when")
+ if self._default_conditions:
+ # Create a pseudo @depends function for the combination of all
+ # default conditions and `when`.
+ dependencies = [when] if when else []
+ dependencies.extend(self._default_conditions)
+ if len(dependencies) == 1:
+ return dependencies[0]
+ return CombinedDependsFunction(self, all, dependencies)
+ return when
+ @contextmanager
+ def only_when_impl(self, when):
+ """Implementation of only_when()
+ `only_when` is a context manager that essentially makes calls to
+ other sandbox functions within the context block ignored.
+ """
+ when = self._normalize_when(when, "only_when")
+ if when and self._default_conditions[-1:] != [when]:
+ self._default_conditions.append(when)
+ yield
+ self._default_conditions.pop()
+ else:
+ yield
+ def option_impl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Implementation of option()
+ This function creates and returns an Option() object, passing it the
+ resolved arguments (uses the result of functions when functions are
+ passed). In most cases, the result of this function is not expected to
+ be used.
+ Command line argument/environment variable parsing for this Option is
+ handled here.
+ """
+ when = self._normalize_when(kwargs.get("when"), "option")
+ args = [self._resolve(arg) for arg in args]
+ kwargs = {k: self._resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs) if k != "when"}
+ # The Option constructor needs to look up the stack to infer a category
+ # for the Option, since the category is based on the filename where the
+ # Option is defined. However, if the Option is defined in a template, we
+ # want the category to reference the caller of the template rather than
+ # the caller of the option() function.
+ kwargs["define_depth"] = self._template_depth * 3
+ option = Option(*args, **kwargs)
+ if when:
+ self._conditions[option] = when
+ if in self._options:
+ raise ConfigureError("Option `%s` already defined" % option.option)
+ if option.env in self._options:
+ raise ConfigureError("Option `%s` already defined" % option.env)
+ if
+ self._options[] = option
+ if option.env:
+ self._options[option.env] = option
+ if self._help and (when is None or self._value_for(when)):
+ self._help.add(option)
+ return option
+ def depends_impl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Implementation of @depends()
+ This function is a decorator. It returns a function that subsequently
+ takes a function and returns a dummy function. The dummy function
+ identifies the actual function for the sandbox, while preventing
+ further function calls from within the sandbox.
+ @depends() takes a variable number of option strings or dummy function
+ references. The decorated function is called as soon as the decorator
+ is called, and the arguments it receives are the OptionValue or
+ function results corresponding to each of the arguments to @depends.
+ As an exception, when a HelpFormatter is attached, only functions that
+ have '--help' in their @depends argument list are called.
+ The decorated function is altered to use a different global namespace
+ for its execution. This different global namespace exposes a limited
+ set of functions from os.path.
+ """
+ for k in kwargs:
+ if k != "when":
+ raise TypeError(
+ "depends_impl() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % k
+ )
+ when = self._normalize_when(kwargs.get("when"), "@depends")
+ if not when and not args:
+ raise ConfigureError("@depends needs at least one argument")
+ dependencies = tuple(self._dependency(arg, "@depends") for arg in args)
+ conditions = [
+ self._conditions[d]
+ for d in dependencies
+ if d in self._conditions and isinstance(d, Option)
+ ]
+ for c in conditions:
+ if c != when:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "@depends function needs the same `when` "
+ "as options it depends on"
+ )
+ def decorator(func):
+ if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Cannot decorate generator functions with @depends"
+ )
+ if inspect.isroutine(func):
+ if func in self._templates:
+ raise TypeError("Cannot use a @template function here")
+ func = self._prepare_function(func)
+ elif isinstance(func, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ raise TypeError("Cannot nest @depends functions")
+ elif dependencies:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Cannot wrap literal values in @depends with dependencies"
+ )
+ depends = DependsFunction(self, func, dependencies, when=when)
+ return depends.sandboxed
+ return decorator
+ def include_impl(self, what, when=None):
+ """Implementation of include().
+ Allows to include external files for execution in the sandbox.
+ It is possible to use a @depends function as argument, in which case
+ the result of the function is the file name to include. This latter
+ feature is only really meant for --enable-application/--enable-project.
+ """
+ with self.only_when_impl(when):
+ what = self._resolve(what)
+ if what:
+ if not isinstance(what, six.string_types):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(what).__name__)
+ self.include_file(what)
+ def template_impl(self, func):
+ """Implementation of @template.
+ This function is a decorator. Template functions are called
+ immediately. They are altered so that their global namespace exposes
+ a limited set of functions from os.path, as well as `depends` and
+ `option`.
+ Templates allow to simplify repetitive constructs, or to implement
+ helper decorators and somesuch.
+ """
+ def update_globals(glob):
+ glob.update(
+ (k[: -len("_impl")], getattr(self, k))
+ for k in dir(self)
+ if k.endswith("_impl") and k != "template_impl"
+ )
+ glob.update((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self) if k not in glob)
+ template = self._prepare_function(func, update_globals)
+ # Any function argument to the template must be prepared to be sandboxed.
+ # If the template itself returns a function (in which case, it's very
+ # likely a decorator), that function must be prepared to be sandboxed as
+ # well.
+ def wrap_template(template):
+ isfunction = inspect.isfunction
+ def maybe_prepare_function(obj):
+ if isfunction(obj):
+ return self._prepare_function(obj)
+ return obj
+ # The following function may end up being prepared to be sandboxed,
+ # so it mustn't depend on anything from the global scope in this
+ # file. It can however depend on variables from the closure, thus
+ # maybe_prepare_function and isfunction are declared above to be
+ # available there.
+ @self.wraps(template)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ args = [maybe_prepare_function(arg) for arg in args]
+ kwargs = {k: maybe_prepare_function(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
+ self._template_depth += 1
+ ret = template(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._template_depth -= 1
+ if isfunction(ret):
+ # We can't expect the sandboxed code to think about all the
+ # details of implementing decorators, so do some of the
+ # work for them. If the function takes exactly one function
+ # as argument and returns a function, it must be a
+ # decorator, so mark the returned function as wrapping the
+ # function passed in.
+ if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and isfunction(args[0]):
+ ret = self.wraps(args[0])(ret)
+ return wrap_template(ret)
+ return ret
+ return wrapper
+ wrapper = wrap_template(template)
+ self._templates.add(wrapper)
+ return wrapper
+ def wraps(self, func):
+ return wraps(func)
+ RE_MODULE = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$")
+ def imports_impl(self, _import, _from=None, _as=None):
+ """Implementation of @imports.
+ This decorator imports the given _import from the given _from module
+ optionally under a different _as name.
+ The options correspond to the various forms for the import builtin.
+ @imports('sys')
+ @imports(_from='mozpack', _import='path', _as='mozpath')
+ """
+ for value, required in ((_import, True), (_from, False), (_as, False)):
+ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types) and (
+ required or value is not None
+ ):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(value).__name__)
+ if value is not None and not self.RE_MODULE.match(value):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid argument to @imports: '%s'" % value)
+ if _as and "." in _as:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid argument to @imports: '%s'" % _as)
+ def decorator(func):
+ if func in self._templates:
+ raise ConfigureError("@imports must appear after @template")
+ if func in self._depends:
+ raise ConfigureError("@imports must appear after @depends")
+ # For the imports to apply in the order they appear in the
+ # .configure file, we accumulate them in reverse order and apply
+ # them later.
+ imports = self._imports.setdefault(func, [])
+ imports.insert(0, (_from, _import, _as))
+ return func
+ return decorator
+ def _apply_imports(self, func, glob):
+ for _from, _import, _as in self._imports.pop(func, ()):
+ self._get_one_import(_from, _import, _as, glob)
+ def _handle_wrapped_import(self, _from, _import, _as, glob):
+ """Given the name of a module, "import" a mocked package into the glob
+ iff the module is one that we wrap (either for the sandbox or for the
+ purpose of testing). Applies if the wrapped module is exposed by an
+ attribute of `self`.
+ For example, if the import statement is `from os import environ`, then
+ this function will set
+ glob['environ'] = self._wrapped_os.environ.
+ Iff this function handles the given import, return True.
+ """
+ module = (_from or _import).split(".")[0]
+ attr = "_wrapped_" + module
+ wrapped = getattr(self, attr, None)
+ if wrapped:
+ if _as or _from:
+ obj = self._recursively_get_property(
+ module, (_from + "." if _from else "") + _import, wrapped
+ )
+ glob[_as or _import] = obj
+ else:
+ glob[module] = wrapped
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _recursively_get_property(self, module, what, wrapped):
+ """Traverse the wrapper object `wrapped` (which represents the module
+ `module`) and return the property represented by `what`, which may be a
+ series of nested attributes.
+ For example, if `module` is 'os' and `what` is 'os.path.join',
+ return `wrapped.path.join`.
+ """
+ if what == module:
+ return wrapped
+ assert what.startswith(module + ".")
+ attrs = what[len(module + ".") :].split(".")
+ for attr in attrs:
+ wrapped = getattr(wrapped, attr)
+ return wrapped
+ @memoized_property
+ def _wrapped_os(self):
+ wrapped_os = {}
+ exec_("from os import *", {}, wrapped_os)
+ # Special case os and os.environ so that os.environ is our copy of
+ # the environment.
+ wrapped_os["environ"] = self._environ
+ # Also override some os.path functions with ours.
+ wrapped_path = {}
+ exec_("from os.path import *", {}, wrapped_path)
+ wrapped_path.update(self.OS.path.__dict__)
+ wrapped_os["path"] = ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_path)
+ return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_os)
+ @memoized_property
+ def _wrapped_subprocess(self):
+ wrapped_subprocess = {}
+ exec_("from subprocess import *", {}, wrapped_subprocess)
+ def wrap(function):
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs.get("env") is None and self._environ:
+ kwargs["env"] = dict(self._environ)
+ return function(*args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ for f in ("call", "check_call", "check_output", "Popen", "run"):
+ # `run` is new to python 3.5. In case this still runs from python2
+ # code, avoid failing here.
+ if f in wrapped_subprocess:
+ wrapped_subprocess[f] = wrap(wrapped_subprocess[f])
+ return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_subprocess)
+ @memoized_property
+ def _wrapped_six(self):
+ if six.PY3:
+ return six
+ wrapped_six = {}
+ exec_("from six import *", {}, wrapped_six)
+ wrapped_six_moves = {}
+ exec_("from six.moves import *", {}, wrapped_six_moves)
+ wrapped_six_moves_builtins = {}
+ exec_("from six.moves.builtins import *", {}, wrapped_six_moves_builtins)
+ # Special case for the open() builtin, because otherwise, using it
+ # fails with "IOError: file() constructor not accessible in
+ # restricted mode". We also make open() look more like python 3's,
+ # decoding to unicode strings unless the mode says otherwise.
+ def wrapped_open(name, mode=None, buffering=None):
+ args = (name,)
+ kwargs = {}
+ if buffering is not None:
+ kwargs["buffering"] = buffering
+ if mode is not None:
+ args += (mode,)
+ if "b" in mode:
+ return open(*args, **kwargs)
+ kwargs["encoding"] = system_encoding
+ return*args, **kwargs)
+ wrapped_six_moves_builtins["open"] = wrapped_open
+ wrapped_six_moves["builtins"] = ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_six_moves_builtins)
+ wrapped_six["moves"] = ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_six_moves)
+ return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_six)
+ def _get_one_import(self, _from, _import, _as, glob):
+ """Perform the given import, placing the result into the dict glob."""
+ if not _from and _import == "__builtin__":
+ glob[_as or "__builtin__"] = __builtin__
+ return
+ if _from == "__builtin__":
+ _from = "six.moves.builtins"
+ # The special `__sandbox__` module gives access to the sandbox
+ # instance.
+ if not _from and _import == "__sandbox__":
+ glob[_as or _import] = self
+ return
+ if self._handle_wrapped_import(_from, _import, _as, glob):
+ return
+ # If we've gotten this far, we should just do a normal import.
+ # Until this proves to be a performance problem, just construct an
+ # import statement and execute it.
+ import_line = "%simport %s%s" % (
+ ("from %s " % _from) if _from else "",
+ _import,
+ (" as %s" % _as) if _as else "",
+ )
+ exec_(import_line, {}, glob)
+ def _resolve_and_set(self, data, name, value, when=None):
+ # Don't set anything when --help was on the command line
+ if self._help:
+ return
+ if when and not self._value_for(when):
+ return
+ name = self._resolve(name)
+ if name is None:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(name).__name__)
+ if name in data:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Cannot add '%s' to configuration: Key already " "exists" % name
+ )
+ value = self._resolve(value)
+ if value is not None:
+ if self._logger.isEnabledFor(TRACE):
+ if data is self._config:
+ self._logger.log(TRACE, "set_config(%s, %r)", name, value)
+ elif data is self._config.get("DEFINES"):
+ self._logger.log(TRACE, "set_define(%s, %r)", name, value)
+ data[name] = value
+ def set_config_impl(self, name, value, when=None):
+ """Implementation of set_config().
+ Set the configuration items with the given name to the given value.
+ Both `name` and `value` can be references to @depends functions,
+ in which case the result from these functions is used. If the result
+ of either function is None, the configuration item is not set.
+ """
+ when = self._normalize_when(when, "set_config")
+ self._execution_queue.append(
+ (self._resolve_and_set, (self._config, name, value, when))
+ )
+ def set_define_impl(self, name, value, when=None):
+ """Implementation of set_define().
+ Set the define with the given name to the given value. Both `name` and
+ `value` can be references to @depends functions, in which case the
+ result from these functions is used. If the result of either function
+ is None, the define is not set. If the result is False, the define is
+ explicitly undefined (-U).
+ """
+ when = self._normalize_when(when, "set_define")
+ defines = self._config.setdefault("DEFINES", {})
+ self._execution_queue.append(
+ (self._resolve_and_set, (defines, name, value, when))
+ )
+ def imply_option_impl(self, option, value, reason=None, when=None):
+ """Implementation of imply_option().
+ Injects additional options as if they had been passed on the command
+ line. The `option` argument is a string as in option()'s `name` or
+ `env`. The option must be declared after `imply_option` references it.
+ The `value` argument indicates the value to pass to the option.
+ It can be:
+ - True. In this case `imply_option` injects the positive option
+ (--enable-foo/--with-foo).
+ imply_option('--enable-foo', True)
+ imply_option('--disable-foo', True)
+ are both equivalent to `--enable-foo` on the command line.
+ - False. In this case `imply_option` injects the negative option
+ (--disable-foo/--without-foo).
+ imply_option('--enable-foo', False)
+ imply_option('--disable-foo', False)
+ are both equivalent to `--disable-foo` on the command line.
+ - None. In this case `imply_option` does nothing.
+ imply_option('--enable-foo', None)
+ imply_option('--disable-foo', None)
+ are both equivalent to not passing any flag on the command line.
+ - a string or a tuple. In this case `imply_option` injects the positive
+ option with the given value(s).
+ imply_option('--enable-foo', 'a')
+ imply_option('--disable-foo', 'a')
+ are both equivalent to `--enable-foo=a` on the command line.
+ imply_option('--enable-foo', ('a', 'b'))
+ imply_option('--disable-foo', ('a', 'b'))
+ are both equivalent to `--enable-foo=a,b` on the command line.
+ Because imply_option('--disable-foo', ...) can be misleading, it is
+ recommended to use the positive form ('--enable' or '--with') for
+ `option`.
+ The `value` argument can also be (and usually is) a reference to a
+ @depends function, in which case the result of that function will be
+ used as per the descripted mapping above.
+ The `reason` argument indicates what caused the option to be implied.
+ It is necessary when it cannot be inferred from the `value`.
+ """
+ when = self._normalize_when(when, "imply_option")
+ # Don't do anything when --help was on the command line
+ if self._help:
+ return
+ if not reason and isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction):
+ deps = self._depends[value].dependencies
+ possible_reasons = [d for d in deps if d != self._help_option]
+ if len(possible_reasons) == 1:
+ if isinstance(possible_reasons[0], Option):
+ reason = possible_reasons[0]
+ if not reason and (
+ isinstance(value, (bool, tuple)) or isinstance(value, six.string_types)
+ ):
+ # A reason can be provided automatically when imply_option
+ # is called with an immediate value.
+ _, filename, line, _, _, _ = inspect.stack()[1]
+ reason = "imply_option at %s:%s" % (filename, line)
+ if not reason:
+ raise ConfigureError(
+ "Cannot infer what implies '%s'. Please add a `reason` to "
+ "the `imply_option` call." % option
+ )
+ prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(option)
+ if values != ():
+ raise ConfigureError("Implied option must not contain an '='")
+ self._implied_options.append(
+ ReadOnlyNamespace(
+ option=option,
+ prefix=prefix,
+ name=name,
+ value=value,
+ caller=inspect.stack()[1],
+ reason=reason,
+ when=when,
+ )
+ )
+ def _prepare_function(self, func, update_globals=None):
+ """Alter the given function global namespace with the common ground
+ for @depends, and @template.
+ """
+ if not inspect.isfunction(func):
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(func).__name__)
+ if func in self._prepared_functions:
+ return func
+ glob = SandboxedGlobal(
+ (k, v)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(func.__globals__)
+ if (inspect.isfunction(v) and v not in self._templates)
+ or (inspect.isclass(v) and issubclass(v, Exception))
+ )
+ glob.update(
+ __builtins__=self.BUILTINS,
+ __file__=self._paths[-1] if self._paths else "",
+ __name__=self._paths[-1] if self._paths else "",
+ os=self.OS,
+ log=self.log_impl,
+ namespace=ReadOnlyNamespace,
+ )
+ if update_globals:
+ update_globals(glob)
+ # The execution model in the sandbox doesn't guarantee the execution
+ # order will always be the same for a given function, and if it uses
+ # variables from a closure that are changed after the function is
+ # declared, depending when the function is executed, the value of the
+ # variable can differ. For consistency, we force the function to use
+ # the value from the earliest it can be run, which is at declaration.
+ # Note this is not entirely bullet proof (if the value is e.g. a list,
+ # the list contents could have changed), but covers the bases.
+ closure = None
+ if func.__closure__:
+ def makecell(content):
+ def f():
+ content
+ return f.__closure__[0]
+ closure = tuple(makecell(cell.cell_contents) for cell in func.__closure__)
+ new_func = self.wraps(func)(
+ types.FunctionType(
+ func.__code__, glob, func.__name__, func.__defaults__, closure
+ )
+ )
+ @self.wraps(new_func)
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ if func in self._imports:
+ self._apply_imports(func, glob)
+ return new_func(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._prepared_functions.add(wrapped)
+ return wrapped