path: root/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 789 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/vendor/ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9de2c23e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, # You can obtain one at
+import functools
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+from collections import defaultdict
+import mozfile
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+import requests
+from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject
+from mozbuild.vendor.rewrite_mozbuild import (
+ MozBuildRewriteException,
+ add_file_to_moz_build_file,
+ remove_file_from_moz_build_file,
+DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILES = [".git*", ".git*/**"]
+DEFAULT_KEEP_FILES = ["**/", "**/moz.yaml"]
+def throwe():
+ raise Exception
+def _replace_in_file(file, pattern, replacement, regex=False):
+ with open(file) as f:
+ contents =
+ if regex:
+ newcontents = re.sub(pattern, replacement, contents)
+ else:
+ newcontents = contents.replace(pattern, replacement)
+ if newcontents == contents:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Could not find '%s' in %s to %sreplace with '%s'"
+ % (pattern, file, "regex-" if regex else "", replacement)
+ )
+ with open(file, "w") as f:
+ f.write(newcontents)
+def list_of_paths_to_readable_string(paths):
+ # From
+ dic = defaultdict(list)
+ for item in paths:
+ if os.path.isdir(item): # To check path is a directory
+ _ = dic[item] # will set default value as empty list
+ else:
+ path, file = os.path.split(item)
+ dic[path].append(file)
+ final_string = "["
+ for key, val in dic.items():
+ if len(val) == 0:
+ final_string += key + ", "
+ elif len(val) < 3:
+ final_string += ", ".join([os.path.join(key, v) for v in val]) + ", "
+ elif len(val) < 10:
+ final_string += "%s items in %s: %s and %s, " % (
+ len(val),
+ key,
+ ", ".join(val[0:-1]),
+ val[-1],
+ )
+ else:
+ final_string += "%s (omitted) items in %s, " % (len(val), key)
+ if final_string[-2:] == ", ":
+ final_string = final_string[:-2]
+ return final_string + "]"
+class VendorManifest(MozbuildObject):
+ def should_perform_step(self, step):
+ return step not in self.manifest["vendoring"].get("skip-vendoring-steps", [])
+ def vendor(
+ self,
+ command_context,
+ yaml_file,
+ manifest,
+ revision,
+ ignore_modified,
+ check_for_update,
+ force,
+ add_to_exports,
+ patch_mode,
+ ):
+ self.manifest = manifest
+ self.yaml_file = yaml_file
+ self._extract_directory = throwe
+ self.logInfo = functools.partial(self.log, logging.INFO, "vendor")
+ if "vendor-directory" not in self.manifest["vendoring"]:
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"] = os.path.dirname(
+ self.yaml_file
+ )
+ # ==========================================================
+ # If we're only patching; do that
+ if "patches" in self.manifest["vendoring"] and patch_mode == "only":
+ self.import_local_patches(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["patches"],
+ os.path.dirname(self.yaml_file),
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"],
+ )
+ return
+ # ==========================================================
+ self.source_host = self.get_source_host()
+ ref_type = self.manifest["vendoring"].get("tracking", "commit")
+ flavor = self.manifest["vendoring"].get("flavor", "regular")
+ # Individiual files are special
+ if revision == "tip":
+ # This case allows us to force-update a tag-tracking library to master
+ new_revision, timestamp = self.source_host.upstream_commit("HEAD")
+ elif ref_type == "tag":
+ new_revision, timestamp = self.source_host.upstream_tag(revision)
+ else:
+ new_revision, timestamp = self.source_host.upstream_commit(revision)
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"ref_type": ref_type, "ref": new_revision, "timestamp": timestamp},
+ "Latest {ref_type} is {ref} from {timestamp}",
+ )
+ # ==========================================================
+ if not force and self.manifest["origin"]["revision"] == new_revision:
+ # We're up to date, don't do anything
+ self.logInfo({}, "Latest upstream matches in-tree.")
+ return
+ elif flavor != "individual-file" and check_for_update:
+ # Only print the new revision to stdout
+ print("%s %s" % (new_revision, timestamp))
+ return
+ # ==========================================================
+ if flavor == "regular":
+ self.process_regular(
+ new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified, add_to_exports
+ )
+ elif flavor == "individual-files":
+ self.process_individual(new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified)
+ elif flavor == "rust":
+ self.process_rust(
+ command_context,
+ self.manifest["origin"]["revision"],
+ new_revision,
+ timestamp,
+ ignore_modified,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown flavor")
+ def process_rust(
+ self, command_context, old_revision, new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified
+ ):
+ # First update the Cargo.toml
+ cargo_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.yaml_file), "Cargo.toml")
+ try:
+ _replace_in_file(cargo_file, old_revision, new_revision)
+ except Exception:
+ # If we can't find it the first time, try again with a short hash
+ _replace_in_file(cargo_file, old_revision[:8], new_revision)
+ # Then call ./mach vendor rust
+ from mozbuild.vendor.vendor_rust import VendorRust
+ vendor_command = command_context._spawn(VendorRust)
+ vendor_command.vendor(
+ ignore_modified=True, build_peers_said_large_imports_were_ok=False
+ )
+ self.update_yaml(new_revision, timestamp)
+ def process_individual(self, new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified):
+ # This design is used because there is no github API to query
+ # for the last commit that modified a file; nor a way to get file
+ # blame. So really all we can do is just download and replace the
+ # files and see if they changed...
+ def download_and_write_file(url, destination):
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"local_file": destination, "url": url},
+ "Downloading {local_file} from {url}...",
+ )
+ with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
+ try:
+ req = requests.get(url, stream=True)
+ for data in req.iter_content(4096):
+ tmpfile.write(data)
+ shutil.copy2(, destination)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise (e)
+ # Only one of these loops will have content, so just do them both
+ for f in self.manifest["vendoring"].get("individual-files", []):
+ url = self.source_host.upstream_path_to_file(new_revision, f["upstream"])
+ destination = self.get_full_path(f["destination"])
+ download_and_write_file(url, destination)
+ for f in self.manifest["vendoring"].get("individual-files-list", []):
+ url = self.source_host.upstream_path_to_file(
+ new_revision,
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["individual-files-default-upstream"] + f,
+ )
+ destination = self.get_full_path(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["individual-files-default-destination"] + f
+ )
+ download_and_write_file(url, destination)
+ self.spurious_check(new_revision, ignore_modified)
+ self.logInfo({}, "Checking for update actions")
+ self.update_files(new_revision)
+ self.update_yaml(new_revision, timestamp)
+ self.logInfo({"rev": new_revision}, "Updated to '{rev}'.")
+ if "patches" in self.manifest["vendoring"]:
+ # Remind the user
+ self.log(
+ logging.CRITICAL,
+ "vendor",
+ {},
+ "Patches present in manifest!!! Please run "
+ "'./mach vendor --patch-mode only' after commiting changes.",
+ )
+ def process_regular(self, new_revision, timestamp, ignore_modified, add_to_exports):
+ if self.should_perform_step("fetch"):
+ self.fetch_and_unpack(new_revision)
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping fetching upstream source.")
+ self.logInfo({}, "Checking for update actions")
+ self.update_files(new_revision)
+ if self.should_perform_step("hg-add"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Registering changes with version control.")
+ self.repository.add_remove_files(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"],
+ os.path.dirname(self.yaml_file),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping registering changes.")
+ if self.should_perform_step("spurious-check"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Checking for a spurious update.")
+ self.spurious_check(new_revision, ignore_modified)
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping the spurious update check.")
+ if self.should_perform_step("update-moz-yaml"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Updating moz.yaml.")
+ self.update_yaml(new_revision, timestamp)
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping updating the moz.yaml file.")
+ if self.should_perform_step("update-moz-build"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Updating files")
+ self.update_moz_build(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"],
+ os.path.dirname(self.yaml_file),
+ add_to_exports,
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping update of files")
+ self.logInfo({"rev": new_revision}, "Updated to '{rev}'.")
+ if "patches" in self.manifest["vendoring"]:
+ # Remind the user
+ self.log(
+ logging.CRITICAL,
+ "vendor",
+ {},
+ "Patches present in manifest!!! Please run "
+ "'./mach vendor --patch-mode only' after commiting changes.",
+ )
+ def get_source_host(self):
+ if self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"] == "gitlab":
+ from mozbuild.vendor.host_gitlab import GitLabHost
+ return GitLabHost(self.manifest)
+ elif self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"] == "github":
+ from mozbuild.vendor.host_github import GitHubHost
+ return GitHubHost(self.manifest)
+ elif self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"] == "googlesource":
+ from mozbuild.vendor.host_googlesource import GoogleSourceHost
+ return GoogleSourceHost(self.manifest)
+ elif self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"] == "angle":
+ from mozbuild.vendor.host_angle import AngleHost
+ return AngleHost(self.manifest)
+ elif self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"] == "codeberg":
+ from mozbuild.vendor.host_codeberg import CodebergHost
+ return CodebergHost(self.manifest)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Unknown source host: " + self.manifest["vendoring"]["source-hosting"]
+ )
+ def get_full_path(self, path, support_cwd=False):
+ if support_cwd and path[0:5] == "{cwd}":
+ path = path.replace("{cwd}", ".")
+ elif "{tmpextractdir}" in path:
+ # _extract_directory() will throw an exception if it is invalid to use it
+ path = path.replace("{tmpextractdir}", self._extract_directory())
+ elif "{yaml_dir}" in path:
+ path = path.replace("{yaml_dir}", os.path.dirname(self.yaml_file))
+ elif "{vendor_dir}" in path:
+ path = path.replace(
+ "{vendor_dir}", self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"]
+ )
+ else:
+ path = mozpath.join(self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"], path)
+ return os.path.abspath(path)
+ def convert_patterns_to_paths(self, directory, patterns):
+ # glob.iglob uses shell-style wildcards for path name completion.
+ # "recursive=True" enables the double asterisk "**" wildcard which matches
+ # for nested directories as well as the directory we're searching in.
+ paths = []
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ pattern_full_path = mozpath.join(directory, pattern)
+ # If pattern is a directory recursively add contents of directory
+ if os.path.isdir(pattern_full_path):
+ # Append double asterisk to the end to make glob.iglob recursively match
+ # contents of directory
+ paths.extend(
+ glob.iglob(mozpath.join(pattern_full_path, "**"), recursive=True)
+ )
+ # Otherwise pattern is a file or wildcard expression so add it without altering it
+ else:
+ paths.extend(glob.iglob(pattern_full_path, recursive=True))
+ # Remove folder names from list of paths in order to avoid prematurely
+ # truncating directories elsewhere
+ # Sort the final list to ensure we preserve 01_, 02_ ordering for e.g. *.patch globs
+ final_paths = sorted(
+ [mozpath.normsep(path) for path in paths if not os.path.isdir(path)]
+ )
+ return final_paths
+ def fetch_and_unpack(self, revision):
+ """Fetch and unpack upstream source"""
+ def validate_tar_member(member, path):
+ def is_within_directory(directory, target):
+ real_directory = os.path.realpath(directory)
+ real_target = os.path.realpath(target)
+ prefix = os.path.commonprefix([real_directory, real_target])
+ return prefix == real_directory
+ member_path = os.path.join(path,
+ if not is_within_directory(path, member_path):
+ raise Exception("Attempted path traversal in tar file: " +
+ if member.issym():
+ link_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(member_path), member.linkname)
+ if not is_within_directory(path, link_path):
+ raise Exception(
+ "Attempted link path traversal in tar file: " +
+ )
+ if member.mode & (stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_ISGID):
+ raise Exception(
+ "Attempted setuid or setgid in tar file: " +
+ )
+ def safe_extract(tar, path=".", *, numeric_owner=False):
+ def _files(tar, path):
+ for member in tar:
+ validate_tar_member(member, path)
+ yield member
+ tar.extractall(path, members=_files(tar, path), numeric_owner=numeric_owner)
+ url = self.source_host.upstream_snapshot(revision)
+ self.logInfo({"url": url}, "Fetching code archive from {url}")
+ with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmptarfile:
+ tmpextractdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ try:
+ req = requests.get(url, stream=True)
+ for data in req.iter_content(4096):
+ tmptarfile.write(data)
+ vendor_dir = mozpath.normsep(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"]["vendor-directory"]
+ )
+ if self.should_perform_step("keep"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Retaining wanted in-tree files.")
+ to_keep = self.convert_patterns_to_paths(
+ vendor_dir,
+ self.manifest["vendoring"].get("keep", [])
+ + self.manifest["vendoring"].get("patches", []),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping retention of in-tree files.")
+ to_keep = []
+ self.logInfo({"vd": vendor_dir}, "Cleaning {vd} to import changes.")
+ # We use double asterisk wildcard here to get complete list of recursive contents
+ for file in self.convert_patterns_to_paths(vendor_dir, ["**"]):
+ file = mozpath.normsep(file)
+ if file not in to_keep:
+ mozfile.remove(file)
+ self.logInfo({"vd": vendor_dir}, "Unpacking upstream files for {vd}.")
+ with as tar:
+ safe_extract(tar,
+ def get_first_dir(p):
+ halves = os.path.split(p)
+ return get_first_dir(halves[0]) if halves[0] else halves[1]
+ one_prefix = get_first_dir(tar.getnames()[0])
+ has_prefix = all(
+ map(lambda name: name.startswith(one_prefix), tar.getnames())
+ )
+ # GitLab puts everything down a directory; move it up.
+ if has_prefix:
+ tardir = mozpath.join(, one_prefix)
+ mozfile.copy_contents(tardir,
+ mozfile.remove(tardir)
+ if self.should_perform_step("include"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Retaining wanted files from upstream changes.")
+ to_include = self.convert_patterns_to_paths(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"].get("include", [])
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping retention of included files.")
+ to_include = []
+ if self.should_perform_step("exclude"):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Removing excluded files from upstream changes.")
+ to_exclude = self.convert_patterns_to_paths(
+ self.manifest["vendoring"].get("exclude", [])
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping removing excluded files.")
+ to_exclude = []
+ to_exclude = list(set(to_exclude) - set(to_include))
+ if to_exclude:
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"files": list_of_paths_to_readable_string(to_exclude)},
+ "Removing: {files}",
+ )
+ for exclusion in to_exclude:
+ mozfile.remove(exclusion)
+ # Clear out empty directories
+ # removeEmpty() won't remove directories containing only empty directories
+ # so just keep callign it as long as it's doing something
+ def removeEmpty(tmpextractdir):
+ removed = False
+ folders = list(os.walk(tmpextractdir))[1:]
+ for folder in folders:
+ if not folder[2]:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(folder[0])
+ removed = True
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return removed
+ while removeEmpty(
+ pass
+ # Then copy over the directories
+ if self.should_perform_step("move-contents"):
+ self.logInfo({"d": vendor_dir}, "Copying to {d}.")
+ mozfile.copy_contents(, vendor_dir)
+ else:
+ self.logInfo({}, "Skipping copying contents into tree.")
+ self._extract_directory = lambda:
+ except Exception as e:
+ tmpextractdir.cleanup()
+ raise e
+ def update_yaml(self, revision, timestamp):
+ with open(self.yaml_file) as f:
+ yaml = f.readlines()
+ replaced = 0
+ replacements = [
+ [" release:", " %s (%s)." % (revision, timestamp)],
+ [" revision:", " %s" % (revision)],
+ ]
+ for i in range(0, len(yaml)):
+ l = yaml[i]
+ for r in replacements:
+ if r[0] in l:
+ print("Found " + l)
+ replaced += 1
+ yaml[i] = re.sub(r[0] + " [v\.a-f0-9]+.*$", r[0] + r[1], yaml[i])
+ assert len(replacements) == replaced
+ with open(self.yaml_file, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(("".join(yaml)).encode("utf-8"))
+ def spurious_check(self, revision, ignore_modified):
+ changed_files = set(
+ [
+ os.path.abspath(f)
+ for f in self.repository.get_changed_files(mode="staged")
+ ]
+ )
+ generated_files = set(
+ [
+ self.get_full_path(f)
+ for f in self.manifest["vendoring"].get("generated", [])
+ ]
+ )
+ changed_files = set(changed_files) - generated_files
+ if not changed_files:
+ self.logInfo({"r": revision}, "Upstream {r} hasn't modified files locally.")
+ # We almost certainly won't be here if ignore_modified was passed, because a modified
+ # local file will show up as a changed_file, but we'll be safe anyway.
+ if not ignore_modified and generated_files:
+ for g in generated_files:
+ self.repository.clean_directory(g)
+ elif generated_files:
+ self.log(
+ logging.CRITICAL,
+ "vendor",
+ {"files": generated_files},
+ "Because you passed --ignore-modified we are not cleaning your"
+ + " working directory, but the following files were probably"
+ + " spuriously edited and can be reverted: {files}",
+ )
+ sys.exit(-2)
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"rev": revision, "num": len(changed_files)},
+ "Version '{rev}' has changed {num} files.",
+ )
+ def update_files(self, revision):
+ if "update-actions" not in self.manifest["vendoring"]:
+ return
+ for update in self.manifest["vendoring"]["update-actions"]:
+ if update["action"] == "copy-file":
+ src = self.get_full_path(update["from"])
+ dst = self.get_full_path(update["to"])
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"s": src, "d": dst}, "action: copy-file src: {s} dst: {d}"
+ )
+ with open(src) as f:
+ contents =
+ with open(dst, "w") as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+ elif update["action"] == "move-file":
+ src = self.get_full_path(update["from"])
+ dst = self.get_full_path(update["to"])
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"s": src, "d": dst}, "action: move-file src: {s} dst: {d}"
+ )
+ shutil.move(src, dst)
+ elif update["action"] == "move-dir":
+ src = self.get_full_path(update["from"])
+ dst = self.get_full_path(update["to"])
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"src": src, "dst": dst}, "action: move-dir src: {src} dst: {dst}"
+ )
+ if not os.path.isdir(src):
+ raise Exception(
+ "Cannot move from a source directory %s that is not a directory"
+ % src
+ )
+ os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
+ def copy_tree(src, dst):
+ names = os.listdir(src)
+ os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
+ for name in names:
+ srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
+ dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
+ if os.path.isdir(srcname):
+ copy_tree(srcname, dstname)
+ else:
+ shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
+ copy_tree(src, dst)
+ shutil.rmtree(src)
+ elif update["action"] in ["replace-in-file", "replace-in-file-regex"]:
+ file = self.get_full_path(update["file"])
+ self.logInfo({"file": file}, "action: replace-in-file file: {file}")
+ replacement = update["with"].replace("{revision}", revision)
+ _replace_in_file(
+ file,
+ update["pattern"],
+ replacement,
+ regex=update["action"] == "replace-in-file-regex",
+ )
+ elif update["action"] == "delete-path":
+ path = self.get_full_path(update["path"])
+ self.logInfo({"path": path}, "action: delete-path path: {path}")
+ mozfile.remove(path)
+ elif update["action"] in ["run-script", "run-command"]:
+ if update["action"] == "run-script":
+ command = self.get_full_path(update["script"], support_cwd=True)
+ else:
+ command = update["command"]
+ run_dir = self.get_full_path(update["cwd"], support_cwd=True)
+ args = []
+ for a in update.get("args", []):
+ if a == "{revision}":
+ args.append(revision)
+ elif any(
+ s in a
+ for s in [
+ "{cwd}",
+ "{vendor_dir}",
+ "{yaml_dir}",
+ "{tmpextractdir}",
+ ]
+ ):
+ args.append(self.get_full_path(a, support_cwd=True))
+ else:
+ args.append(a)
+ self.logInfo(
+ {
+ "command": command,
+ "run_dir": run_dir,
+ "args": args,
+ "type": update["action"],
+ },
+ "action: {type} command: {command} working dir: {run_dir} args: {args}",
+ )
+ extra_env = (
+ {"GECKO_PATH": os.getcwd()}
+ if "GECKO_PATH" not in os.environ
+ else {}
+ )
+ # We also add a signal to scripts that they are running under mach vendor
+ extra_env["MACH_VENDOR"] = "1"
+ self.run_process(
+ args=[command] + args,
+ cwd=run_dir,
+ log_name=command,
+ require_unix_environment=True,
+ append_env=extra_env,
+ )
+ else:
+ assert False, "Unknown action supplied (how did this pass validation?)"
+ def update_moz_build(self, vendoring_dir, moz_yaml_dir, add_to_exports):
+ if vendoring_dir == moz_yaml_dir:
+ vendoring_dir = moz_yaml_dir = None
+ # If you edit this (especially for header files) you should double check
+ # around 'assignment_type'
+ source_suffixes = [".cc", ".c", ".cpp", ".S", ".asm"]
+ header_suffixes = [".h", ".hpp"]
+ files_removed = self.repository.get_changed_files(diff_filter="D")
+ files_added = self.repository.get_changed_files(diff_filter="A")
+ # Filter the files added to just source files we track in files.
+ files_added = [
+ f for f in files_added if any([f.endswith(s) for s in source_suffixes])
+ ]
+ header_files_to_add = [
+ f for f in files_added if any([f.endswith(s) for s in header_suffixes])
+ ]
+ if add_to_exports:
+ files_added += header_files_to_add
+ elif header_files_to_add:
+ self.log(
+ logging.WARNING,
+ "header_files_warning",
+ {},
+ (
+ "We found %s header files in the update, pass --add-to-exports if you want"
+ + " to attempt to include them in EXPORTS blocks: %s"
+ )
+ % (len(header_files_to_add), header_files_to_add),
+ )
+ self.logInfo(
+ {"added": len(files_added), "removed": len(files_removed)},
+ "Found {added} files added and {removed} files removed.",
+ )
+ should_abort = False
+ for f in files_added:
+ try:
+ add_file_to_moz_build_file(f, moz_yaml_dir, vendoring_dir)
+ except MozBuildRewriteException:
+ self.log(
+ logging.ERROR,
+ "vendor",
+ {},
+ "Could not add %s to the appropriate file" % f,
+ )
+ should_abort = True
+ for f in files_removed:
+ try:
+ remove_file_from_moz_build_file(f, moz_yaml_dir, vendoring_dir)
+ except MozBuildRewriteException:
+ self.log(
+ logging.ERROR,
+ "vendor",
+ {},
+ "Could not remove %s from the appropriate file" % f,
+ )
+ should_abort = True
+ if should_abort:
+ self.log(
+ logging.ERROR,
+ "vendor",
+ {},
+ "This is a deficiency in ./mach vendor . "
+ + "Please review the affected files before committing.",
+ )
+ # Exit with -1 to distinguish this from the Exception case of exiting with 1
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ def import_local_patches(self, patches, yaml_dir, vendor_dir):
+ self.logInfo({}, "Importing local patches...")
+ for patch in self.convert_patterns_to_paths(yaml_dir, patches):
+ script = [
+ "patch",
+ "-p1",
+ "--directory",
+ vendor_dir,
+ "--input",
+ os.path.abspath(patch),
+ "--no-backup-if-mismatch",
+ ]
+ self.run_process(
+ args=script,
+ log_name=script,
+ )