path: root/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/jss/jss_faq/index.rst
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+.. _mozilla_projects_nss_jss_jss_faq:
+.. _jss_frequently_asked_questions:
+`JSS Frequently Asked Questions <#jss_frequently_asked_questions>`__
+.. container::
+ Newsgroup: ` <news://>`__
+ **Content:**
+ - `What versions of JDK and JCE do you suggest? <#jdkjce1>`__
+ - `Does JSS have 64 bit support? <#64bit>`__
+ - `Is JSS FIPS Compliant? <#fips>`__
+ - `Is there any sample code and documentation? <#sample>`__
+ - `If I don't call setCipherPolicy, is the DOMESTIC policy used by
+ default? <#setcipherpolicy>`__
+ - `My SSL connection is hanging on Windows? <#ssl_hanging>`__
+ - `How can I tell which SSL/TLS ciphers JSS supports? <#ssltls_cipher>`__
+ - `How can I debug my SSL connection? <#ssl_debug>`__
+ - `Can you explain JSS SSL certificate approval callbacks? <#ssl_callback>`__
+ - `Can I have multiple JSS instances reading separate db's? <#jss_instance>`__
+ - `Once JSS initialized, I can't get anymore instances with
+ CertificateFactory.getInstance(X.509)? <#jss_init>`__
+ - `Is it possible to sign data in Java with JSS? <#sign_date>`__
+ - `How do I convert org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate to
+ org.mozilla.jss.pkix.cert.Certificate? <#convertx509>`__
+ - `How do I convert org.mozilla.jss.pkix.cert to
+ org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate? <#convertpkix>`__
+ - `Is it possible to use JSS to access cipher functionality from pkcs11 modules? <#pkc11>`__
+ - `Can you explain token names and keys with regards to JSS? <#token_name>`__
+ - `JSS 3.2 has JCA support. When will JSS have JSSE support? <#jssjsse>`__
+ **What versions of JDK and JRE do you suggest?**
+ - JSS 3.x works with JDK versions 1.2 or higher, except version 1.3.0. Most attention for future
+ development and bug fixing will go to JDK 1.4 and later, so use that if you can. If you are
+ using JDK 1.3.x, you will need to use at least version 1.3.1--see `bug
+ 113808 <>`__. JSS only supports the native
+ threading model (no green threads). For JSS 3.2 and higher, if you use JDK 1.4 or higher you
+ will not need to install the JCE, but if you using an earlier version of the JDK then you will
+ also have to install JCE 1.2.1. See also the document `Using JSS <Using_JSS>`__.
+ **Does JSS have 64 bit support?**
+ - Yes, JSS 3.2 and higher supports 64 bit. You will need JDK 1.4 or higher and all the 64 bit
+ versions of NSPR, and NSS. As well you must use the java flag -d64 to specify the 64-bit data
+ model.
+ **Is JSS FIPS Compliant?**
+ - NSS is a FIPS-certified software library. JSS is considered a FIPS-compliant software library
+ since it only uses NSS for any and all crypto routines.
+ **Is there any sample code and documentation?**
+ - The `Using JSS <Using_JSS>`__ document describes how to set up your environment to run JSS.
+ The only other documentation is the
+ `Javadoc <>`__.
+ JSS example code is essentially developer test code; with that understanding, the best
+ directory to look for sample code is in the org/mozilla/jss/tests directory:
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ SSL examples:
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/tests/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/ssl/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/ssl/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/ssl/ <>`__
+ Other test code that may prove useful:
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/asn1/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/asn1/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/asn1/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkcs10/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkcs12/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkix/cert/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkix/cmmf/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkix/crmf/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkix/crmf/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/pkix/primitive/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/provider/javax/crypto/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/util/ <>`__
+ | `org/mozilla/jss/util/ <>`__
+ | `jss/samples/ <>`__
+ | `jss/samples/ <>`__
+ **If I don't call setCipherPolicy, is the DOMESTIC policy used by default?**
+ - Yes, domestic is the default because we call NSS_SetDomesticPolicy() during
+ CryptoManager.initialize(). setCipherPolicy does not need to be called by a JSS app unless
+ that app wants to limit itself to export-allowed cipher suites.
+ **My SSL connection is hanging on Windows?**
+ - NSPR makes use of NT vs. Windows distinction and provides different NT and Windows builds.
+ Many Netscape products, including NSS, have NT and Windows builds that are essentially the
+ same except one difference: one is linked with the NT version of NSPR and the other is linked
+ with the Windows version of NSPR. The NT fiber problem affects applications that call blocking
+ system calls from the primordial thread. Either use the WIN 95 version of NSPR/NSS/JSS
+ components (essentially all non-fiber builds) or set the environment variable
+ NSPR_NATIVE_THREADS_ONLY=1. You can find more information in bugzilla bug
+ `102251 <>`__ SSL session cache locking
+ issue with NT fibers
+ **How can I tell which SSL/TLS ciphers JSS supports?**
+ - Check
+ **How can I debug my SSL connection?**
+ - By using the NSS tool :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_tools_ssltap`
+ **Can you explain JSS SSL certificate approval callbacks?**
+ - NSS has three callbacks related to certificates. JSS has two. But JSS combines two of the NSS
+ callbacks into one.
+ - NSS's three SSL cert callbacks are:
+ #. SSL_AuthCertificateHook sets a callback to authenticate the peer's certificate. It is
+ called instead of NSS's routine for authenticating certificates.
+ #. SSL_BadCertHook sets a callback that is called when NSS's routine fails to authenticate the
+ certificate.
+ #. SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook sets a callback to return the local certificate for SSL client
+ auth.
+ JSS's two callbacks are:
+ #. SSLCertificateApprovalCallback is a combination of SSL_AuthCertificateHook and
+ SSL_BadCertHook. It runs NSS's cert authentication check, then calls the callback
+ regardless of whether the cert passed or failed. The callback is told whether the cert
+ passed, and then can do anything extra that it wants to do before making a final decision.
+ #. SSLClientCertificateSelectionCallback is analogous to SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook.
+ |
+ | **Can I have multiple JSS instances reading separate db's?**
+ - No, you can only have one initialized instance of JSS for each database.
+ **Once JSS initialized, I can't get anymore instances with
+ CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")?**
+ - In version previous to JSS 3.1, JSS removes the default SUN provider on startup. Upgrade to
+ the latest JSS, or, in the ``CryptoManager.InitializationValues`` object you pass to
+ ``CryptoManager.initialize()``, set ``removeSunProivider=true``.
+ **Is it possible to sign data in Java with JSS? What I am trying to do is write a Java applet
+ that will access the Netscape certificate store, retrieve a X509 certificate and then sign some
+ data.**
+ - The best way to do this is with the PKCS #7 signedData type. Check out the
+ `javadoc <>`__.
+ **How do I convert org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate to
+ org.mozilla.jss.pkix.cert.Certificate?**
+ - .. code::
+ import;
+ [...]
+ Certificate cert = (Certificate) ASN1Util.decode(
+ Certificate.getTemplate(),x509Cert.getEncoded() );
+ **How do I convert org.mozilla.jss.pkix.cert to org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate?**
+ - `Cryptomanager.importCertPackage() <>`__
+ **Is it possible to use JSS to acces cipher functionality from pkcs11 modules?**
+ - Yes. Before JSS 3.2 you would use CryptoManager to obtain the CryptoToken you want to use,
+ then call CryptoToken.getCipherContext() to get an encryption engine. But as of JSS 3.2 you
+ would use the `JSS JCA provider <JSS_Provider_Notes>`__.
+ **Can you explain token names and keys with regards to JSS?**
+ - The token name is different depending on which application you are running. In JSS, the token
+ is called "Internal Key Storage Token". You can look it up by name using
+ CryptoManager.getTokenByName(), but a better way is to call
+ CryptoManager.getInternalKeyStorageToken(), which works no matter what the token is named. In
+ general, a key is a handle to an underlying object on a PKCS #11 token, not merely a Java
+ object residing in memory. Symmetric Key usage: basically encrypt/decrypt is for data and
+ wrap/unwrap is for keys.
+ J\ **SS 3.2 has JCA support. When will JSS have JSSE support?**
+ - Not in the near future due to pluggability is disabled in the JSSE version included in J2SE
+ 1.4.x for export control reasons. \ No newline at end of file