path: root/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/jss/jss_provider_notes
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+.. _mozilla_projects_nss_jss_jss_provider_notes:
+JSS Provider Notes
+.. container::
+ .. warning::
+ This page has been moved to
+.. _the_mozilla-jss_jca_provider:
+`The Mozilla-JSS JCA Provider <#the_mozilla-jss_jca_provider>`__
+.. container::
+ Newsgroup: ` <news://>`__
+`Overview <#overview>`__
+.. container::
+ This document describes the JCA Provider shipped with JSS. The provider's name is "Mozilla-JSS".
+ It implements cryptographic operations in native code using the `NSS <../nss>`__ libraries.
+`Contents <#contents>`__
+.. container::
+ - `Signed JAR file <#signed-jar>`__
+ - `Installing the Provider <#installing-provider>`__
+ - `Specifying the CryptoToken <#specifying-token>`__
+ - `Supported Classes <#supported-classes>`__
+ - `What's Not Supported <#not-supported>`__
+ --------------
+.. _signed_jar_file:
+`Signed JAR file <#signed_jar_file>`__
+.. container::
+ - JSS 3.2 implements several JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) algorithms. These algorithms have
+ at various times been export-controlled by the US government. Sun therefore requires that JAR
+ files implementing JCE algorithms be digitally signed by an approved organization. Netscape
+ has this approval and signs the official builds of ``jss32.jar``. At runtime, the JRE
+ automatically verifies this signature whenever a JSS class is loaded that implements a JCE
+ algorithm. The verification is transparent to the application (unless it fails and throws an
+ exception). If you are curious, you can verify the signature on the JAR file using the
+ ``jarsigner`` tool, which is distributed with the JDK.
+ If you build JSS yourself from source instead of using binaries downloaded from,
+ your JAR file will not have a valid signature. This means you will not be able to use the JSS
+ provider for JCE algorithms. You have two choices.
+ #. Use the binary release of JSS from
+ #. Apply for your own JCE code-signing certificate following the procedure at `How to
+ Implement a Provider for the Java\ TM Cryptography
+ Extension <>`__.
+ Then you can sign your own JSS JAR file.
+.. _installing_the_provider:
+`Installing the Provider <#installing_the_provider>`__
+.. container::
+ - In order to use any part of JSS, including the JCA provider, you must first call
+ ``CryptoManager.initialize()``. By default, the JCA provider will be installed in the list of
+ providers maintained by the ```` class. If you do not wish the provider
+ to be installed, create a
+ :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_jss_cryptomanager_cryptomanager_initializationvalues` object, set
+ its ``installJSSProvider`` field to ``false``, and pass the ``InitializationValues`` object to
+ ``CryptoManager.initialize()``.
+.. _specifying_the_cryptotoken:
+`Specifying the CryptoToken <#specifying_the_cryptotoken>`__
+.. container::
+ - All cryptographic operations in JSS and NSS occur on a particular PKCS #11 token, implemented
+ in software or hardware. There is no clean way to specify this token through the JCA API. By
+ default, the JSS provider carries out all operations except MessageDigest on the Internal Key
+ Storage Token, a software token included in JSS/NSS. MessageDigest operations take place by
+ default on the Internal Crypto Token, another internal software token in JSS/NSS. There is no
+ good design reason for this difference, but it is necessitated by a quirk in the NSS
+ implementation.
+ In order to use a different token, use ``CryptoManager.setThreadToken()``. This sets the token
+ to be used by the JSS JCA provider in the current thread. When you call ``getInstance()`` on a
+ JCA class, the JSS provider checks the current per-thread default token (by calling
+ ``CryptoManager.getThreadToken()``) and instructs the new object to use that token for
+ cryptographic operations. The per-thread default token setting is only consulted inside
+ ``getInstance()``. Once a JCA object has been created it will continue to use the same token,
+ even if the application later changes the per-thread default token.
+ Whenever a new thread is created, its token is initialized to the default, the Internal Key
+ Storage Token. Thus, the thread token is not inherited from the parent thread.
+ The following example shows how you can specify which token is used for various JCA
+ operations:
+ .. code::
+ // Lookup PKCS #11 tokens
+ CryptoManager manager = CryptoManager.getInstance();
+ CryptoToken tokenA = manager.getTokenByName("TokenA");
+ CryptoToken tokenB = manager.getTokenByName("TokenB");
+ // Create an RSA KeyPairGenerator using TokenA
+ manager.setThreadToken(tokenA);
+ KeyPairGenerator rsaKpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "Mozilla-JSS");
+ // Create a DSA KeyPairGenerator using TokenB
+ manager.setThreadToken(tokenB);
+ KeyPairGenerator dsaKpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA", "Mozilla-JSS");
+ // Generate an RSA KeyPair. This will happen on TokenA because TokenA
+ // was the per-thread default token when rsaKpg was created.
+ rsaKpg.initialize(1024);
+ KeyPair rsaPair = rsaKpg.generateKeyPair();
+ // Generate a DSA KeyPair. This will happen on TokenB because TokenB
+ // was the per-thread default token when dsaKpg was created.
+ dsaKpg.initialize(1024);
+ KeyPair dsaPair = dsaKpg.generateKeyPair();
+.. _supported_classes:
+`Supported Classes <#supported_classes>`__
+.. container::
+ - `Cipher <#cipher>`__
+ - `DSAPrivateKey <#dsaprivatekey>`__
+ - DSAPublicKey
+ - `KeyFactory <#keyfactory>`__
+ - `KeyGenerator <#keygenerator>`__
+ - `KeyPairGenerator <#keypairgenerator>`__
+ - `Mac <#mac>`__
+ - `MessageDigest <#messagedigest>`__
+ - `RSAPrivateKey <#rsaprivatekey>`__
+ - RSAPublicKey
+ - `SecretKeyFactory <#secretkeyfactory>`__
+ - `SecretKey <#secretkey>`__
+ - `SecureRandom <#securerandom>`__
+ - `Signature <#signature>`__
+ .. rubric:: What's Not Supported
+ :name: What's_Not_Supported
+ - The following classes don't work very well:
+ - **KeyStore:** There are many serious problems mapping the JCA keystore interface onto
+ NSS's model of PKCS #11 modules. The current implementation is almost useless. Since
+ these problems lie deep in the NSS design and implementation, there is no clear
+ timeframe for fixing them. Meanwhile, the ``org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoStore`` class
+ can be used for some of this functionality.
+.. rubric:: Cipher
+ :name: Cipher_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes
+ - AES
+ - DES
+ - DESede (*DES3* )
+ - RC2
+ - RC4
+ - RSA
+ - The following modes and padding schemes are supported:
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | Algorithm | Mode | Padding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | DES | ECB | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | CBC | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | | PKCS5 Padding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | DESede | ECB | NoPadding |
+ | *DES3* | | |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | CBC | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | | PKCS5 Padding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | AES | ECB | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | CBC | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | | PKCS5 Padding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | RC4 | *None* | *None* |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | RC2 | CBC | NoPadding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ | | | PKCS5Padding |
+ +------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+
+ - The SecureRandom argument passed to ``initSign()`` and ``initVerify()`` is ignored, because
+ NSS does not support specifying an external source of randomness.
+.. rubric:: DSAPrivateKey
+ :name: DSAPrivateKey_2
+- ``getX()`` is not supported because NSS does not support extracting data from private keys.
+.. rubric:: KeyFactory
+ :name: KeyFactory_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_2
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_2
+ - DSA
+ - RSA
+ - The following transformations are supported for ``generatePublic()`` and
+ ``generatePrivate()``:
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | From | To |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``RSAPublicKeySpec`` | ``RSAPublicKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``DSAPublicKeySpec`` | ``DSAPublicKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``X509EncodedKeySpec`` | ``RSAPublicKey`` |
+ | | ``DSAPublicKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec`` | ``RSAPrivateKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``DSAPrivateKeySpec`` | ``DSAPrivateKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | ``PKCS8EncodedKeySpec`` | ``RSAPrivateKey`` |
+ | | ``DSAPrivateKey`` |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ - ``getKeySpec()`` is not supported. This method exports key material in plaintext and is
+ therefore insecure. Note that a public key's data can be accessed directly from the key.
+ - ``translateKey()`` simply gets the encoded form of the given key and then tries to import
+ it by calling ``generatePublic()`` or ``generatePrivate()``. Only ``X509EncodedKeySpec`` is
+ supported for public keys, and only ``PKCS8EncodedKeySpec`` is supported for private keys.
+.. rubric:: KeyGenerator
+ :name: KeyGenerator_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_3
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_3
+ - AES
+ - DES
+ - DESede (*DES3* )
+ - RC4
+ - The SecureRandom argument passed to ``init()`` is ignored, because NSS does not support
+ specifying an external source of randomness.
+ - None of the key generation algorithms accepts an ``AlgorithmParameterSpec``.
+.. rubric:: KeyPairGenerator
+ :name: KeyPairGenerator_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_4
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_4
+ - DSA
+ - RSA
+ - The SecureRandom argument passed to initialize() is ignored, because NSS does not support
+ specifying an external source of randomness.
+.. rubric:: Mac
+ :name: Mac_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_5
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_5
+ - HmacSHA1 (*Hmac-SHA1* )
+ - Any secret key type (AES, DES, etc.) can be used as the MAC key, but it must be a JSS key.
+ That is, it must be an ``instanceof org.mozilla.jss.crypto.SecretKeyFacade``.
+ - The params passed to ``init()`` are ignored.
+.. rubric:: MessageDigest
+ :name: MessageDigest_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_6
+ - MD5
+ - MD2
+ - SHA-1 (*SHA1, SHA* )
+.. rubric:: RSAPrivateKey
+ :name: RSAPrivateKey_2
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_6
+ - ``getModulus()`` is not supported because NSS does not support extracting data from private
+ keys.
+ - ``getPrivateExponent()`` is not supported because NSS does not support extracting data from
+ private keys.
+.. rubric:: SecretKeyFactory
+ :name: SecretKeyFactory_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_7
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_7
+ - AES
+ - DES
+ - DESede (*DES3* )
+ - PBAHmacSHA1
+ - PBEWithMD5AndDES
+ - PBEWithSHA1AndDESede (*PBEWithSHA1AndDES3* )
+ - PBEWithSHA1And128RC4
+ - RC4
+ - ``generateSecret`` supports the following transformations:
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | KeySpec Class | Key Algorithm |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | PBEKeySpec | *Using the appropriate PBE algorithm:* |
+ | org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PBEKeyGenParams | DES |
+ | | DESede |
+ | | RC4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | DESedeKeySpec | DESede |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | DESKeySpec | DES |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | SecretKeySpec | AES |
+ | | DES |
+ | | DESede |
+ | | RC4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ - ``getKeySpec`` supports the following transformations:
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | Key Algorithm | KeySpec Class |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | DESede | DESedeKeySpec |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | DES | DESKeySpec |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ | DESede | SecretKeySpec |
+ | DES | |
+ | AES | |
+ | RC4 | |
+ +----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
+ - For increased security, some SecretKeys may not be extractable from their PKCS #11 token.
+ In this case, the key should be wrapped (encrypted with another key), and then the
+ encrypted key might be extractable from the token. This policy varies across PKCS #11
+ tokens.
+ - ``translateKey`` tries two approaches to copying keys. First, it tries to copy the key
+ material directly using NSS calls to PKCS #11. If that fails, it calls ``getEncoded()`` on
+ the source key, and then tries to create a new key on the target token from the encoded
+ bits. Both of these operations will fail if the source key is not extractable.
+ - The class ```` in JDK versions earlier than 1.4 does not
+ contain the salt and iteration fields, which are necessary for PBE key generation. These
+ fields were added in JDK 1.4. If you are using a JDK (or JRE) version earlier than 1.4, you
+ cannot use class ````. Instead, you can use
+ ``org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PBEKeyGenParams``. If you are using JDK (or JRE) 1.4 or later, you
+ can use ```` or ``org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PBEKeyGenParams``.
+.. rubric:: SecretKey
+ :name: SecretKey_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_8
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_8
+ - AES
+ - DES
+ - DESede (*DES3* )
+ - HmacSHA1
+ - RC2
+ - RC4
+ - ``SecretKey`` is implemented by the class ``org.mozilla.jss.crypto.SecretKeyFacade``, which
+ acts as a wrapper around the JSS class ``SymmetricKey``. Any ``SecretKeys`` handled by JSS
+ will actually be ``SecretKeyFacades``. This should usually be transparent.
+.. rubric:: SecureRandom
+ :name: SecureRandom_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_9
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_9
+ - pkcs11prng
+ - This invokes the NSS internal pseudorandom number generator.
+.. rubric:: Signature
+ :name: Signature_2
+.. rubric:: Supported Algorithms
+ :name: supported_algorithms_10
+.. rubric:: Notes
+ :name: notes_10
+ - SHA-1/RSA (*SHA1/RSA, SHA1withRSA* )
+ - MD5/RSA (*MD5withRSA* )
+ - MD2/RSA
+ - The ``SecureRandom`` argument passed to ``initSign()`` and ``initVerify()`` is ignored,
+ because NSS does not support specifying an external source of randomness.