path: root/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/nss_tech_notes/nss_tech_note1
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diff --git a/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/nss_tech_notes/nss_tech_note1/index.rst b/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/nss_tech_notes/nss_tech_note1/index.rst
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+.. _mozilla_projects_nss_nss_tech_notes_nss_tech_note1:
+nss tech note1
+.. _how_to_use_the_nss_asn.1_and_quickder_decoders:
+`How to use the NSS ASN.1 and QuickDER decoders <#how_to_use_the_nss_asn.1_and_quickder_decoders>`__
+.. container::
+.. _nss_technical_note_1:
+`NSS Technical Note: 1 <#nss_technical_note_1>`__
+.. container::
+ NSS 3.6 contains several decoders for ASN.1 and DER.Two of them are extensively used and are part
+ of the public NSS API :
+ #. The "classic" ASN.1 decoder, written by Lisa Repka . This was written to be a generic decoder,
+ that includes both DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) and BER (Basic Encoding Rules).† It
+ handles both streaming and non-streaming input.
+ #. The "QuickDER" decoder, written by Julien Pierre for NSS 3.6 . This decoder was written when
+ performance issues were discovered with the classic decoder. It can only decode DER .† It does
+ not handle streaming input, and requires that all input be present before beginning to decode.
+ Despite their differences, the two decoders have a lot in common. QuickDER was written to be as
+ compatible as possible with the classic decoder, in order to ease migration to it in areas of
+ critical performance bottlenecks. For this reason, I will first describe all the common
+ functionality of the two decoders, before outlining their differences.
+ The main non-streaming APIs for these two decoders have an identical prototype :
+ - SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(PRArenaPool \*pool, void \*dest, const SEC_ASN1Template \*t,
+ SECItem \*item);
+ - SECStatus SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(PRArenaPool\* arena, void\* dest, const SEC_ASN1Template\*
+ templateEntry, SECItem\* src);
+ Here is a description of the arguments :
+ - *SECItem\* src*\ † is a structure containing a pointer to the binary data to be decoded, as
+ well as its size.
+ - *const SEC_ASN1Template\* templateEntry* is a pointer to one or more `decoder
+ templates <#templates>`__. The number of required templates is determined by the type of the
+ first template.When multiple templates are required, the pointer must point to a
+ NULL-terminated array of templates. The syntax of these templates is identical for both
+ decoders, except where noted. A "NULL Template" is a template that is all zeros, having a zero
+ kind.† The term "NULL-terminated array", as used throughout this document, means an array of
+ templates, the last of which is a NULL template.
+ - *void\* dest* is a pointer to the target area. This is where the decoder stores its output.
+ The type is undefined as it is completely dependent on the content of the decoder templates.†
+ This typically points to a struct that is described (or partially described) by the templates.
+ - *PRArenaPool\* arena* is a pointer to an NSPR arena pool. This is the arena pool from which
+ the decoder will allocate memory as needed.
+ Decoder templates :
+ The SEC_ASN1Template structure tells the decoder what to do with the input data. This structure
+ contains four fields :
+ - *kind* . This 32-bit field tells the decoder what to do with a particular component within the
+ input data. It is made of two parts : the lower byte, which can contain `ASN.1
+ tags <#asn.1_tags>`__, and the upper 3 bytes, which can contain `decoder
+ modifiers <#decoder_modifiers>`__. If only an ASN.1 tag is specified without a modifier, then
+ the decoder will enforce the presence of a component of that type, and fail if it does not
+ match. If kind is an ASN.1 SEQUENCE tag (SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE), then you must specify additional
+ templates in a NULL-terminated array to define the content of the of the ASN.1 SEQUENCE. If
+ kind is the SEC_ASN1_CHOICE modifier, you must also specify additional templates in a NULL
+ terminated array to list the various possible types that this component can have. In all other
+ cases, only the first template structure passed to the decoder will be considered, even if
+ additonal templates are passed in an array. When only one template is needed, you do not need
+ a NULL template to terminate the array.
+ - *offset*\ † . This field does not apply to all template types. It is only needed if the
+ template instructs the decoder to save some data, such as for primitive component types, or
+ for some modifiers where noted.When needed, it tells the decoder where in the target data to
+ save the current component. It is normally relative to the dest argument passed to the
+ decoder. If templates are nested, the offset applies to the location of the current component
+ within the target component, typically the decoded SEQUENCE.
+ - *sub*\ † . This field does not apply to all template types. If kind contains the
+ SEC_ASN1_INLINE or SEC_ASN1_POINTER modifiers, then it must point to the required subtemplate.
+ If kind contains the SEC_ASN1_XTRN or SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC modifiers, this is a pointer to a
+ callback function that will dynamically return the required subtemplate.
+ - *size*\ † . This field does not apply to all template types. It is only required for
+ dynamically allocating memory for the structure if the template is being included from an
+ ASN.1 SEQUENCE or SEQUENCE OF, or if dynamic allocation was requested from the parent template
+ using the SEC_ASN1_POINTER modifier
+ Here is a description of the various tags and modifiers that apply to the kind field.
+ *ASN.1 tags*
+ | ASN.1 tags are specified in the lower byte of the kind field of the template, as noted above.
+ | The following is not an attempt to explain ASN.1 tags or their purposes. Rather, the goal here
+ is to explain what type of tags the decoder supports and which macros should be used when
+ defining tags in decoder templates. It should be noted that we only support an older
+ specification of ASN.1; multibyte tags are not currently supported.
+ The 8-bit ASN.1 tags that we support are made of three parts :
+ #. The ASN.1 component class type. It is specified in the upper 2 tag bits (number 6 and 7).
+ There are four classes of ASN.1 tags : universal, application-specific, context-specific, and
+ private. You can specify the class of the tag using the macros SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL,
+ tag class and does not have to be specified, as the value of the class type is zero.
+ #. The method type : whether the component type is constructed or primitive. This information is
+ stored in the next lowest tag bit (number 5). You can use the macro SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED for a
+ constructed component type. A SEC_ASN1_PRIMITIVE macro is also provided, but does not need to
+ be included as it is zero.
+ #. | The tag number. It is stored in the lower 5 tag bits (number 0 through 4). The ASN.1
+ standard only defines tag numbers in the universal class. If you are using a tag of a
+ different classes, you can define your own tag number macros or specify the tag value within
+ the template definition. The following macros are provided for tag numbers within the
+ universal class :
+ Note that for SEC_ASN1_SET and SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE types, you must also include the method type
+ macro SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED to construct a fully valid tag, as defined by the ASN.1 standard .
+ *Decoder modifiers :*
+ These modifiers are also specified in the kind field of the template structure. All the values
+ are in the 9 - 31 bit range.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL*: tells the decoder that this component is optional. If the component in
+ the input data does not match this template, the decoder will continue processing the input
+ data using the next available template.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT*: tells the decoder that explicit tagging is being used. This is always a
+ constructed type. It requires a subtemplate defining the types of the data within.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_ANY*: allows the decoder to match this template with any component type, regardless
+ of the tag in the input data. If used in conjunction with SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL as part of a
+ sequence, this must be the last template in the template array.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_INLINE*: recurse into the specified subtemplate to continue processing. This is
+ typically used for SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE or SEC_ASN1_CHOICE definitions, which always need to be
+ the first template in a template array of their own.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_POINTER*: similar to SEC_ASN1_INLINE, except that the memory in the target will be
+ allocated dynamically and a pointer to the dynamically allocated memory will be stored in the
+ *dest* struct at the *offset*. This requires that the subtemplate contains a non-zero size
+ field.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_GROUP*: can only be used in conjunction with a SEC_ASN1_SET or SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE. It
+ tells the decoder that the component is an ASN.1 SET OF or SEQUENCE OF respectively. You can
+ also use the macros SEC_ASN1_SET_OF and SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF which define both the tag number
+ and this modifier (but still need the method type, this may be a bug).
+ - *SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC* or *SEC_ASN1_XTRN* : specifies that the component format is defined in a
+ dynamic subtemplate. There is no difference between the two macros. The sub field of the
+ template points to a callback function of type SEC_ASN1TemplateChooser that returns the
+ subtemplate depending on the component data.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_SKIP*: specifies that the decoder should skip decoding of the component.
+ SEC_ASN1DecodeItem can only skip required components and will assert if you try to skip an
+ OPTIONAL component. SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem supports skipping the decoding of OPTIONAL
+ components if you define the tag of the component in the template
+ - *SEC_ASN1_INNER*: recurse into the component and saves its content, without the surrounding
+ ASN.1 tag and length
+ - *SEC_ASN1_SAVE*: saves the component data, but does not proceed to the next component if
+ within a SEQUENCE template array. This means the next template will reprocess the same
+ component.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST*: abort the decoding. This is used in a template array within a SEQUENCE,
+ if you don't care about the fields at the end of it. SEC_ASN1DecodeItem only supports this
+ modifier in the top-level template. SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem allows it at any nested sublevel.
+ - *SEC_ASN1_CHOICE*: allows decoding of components that are of variable type. This must be the
+ first template in a NULL-terminated array. The offset parameter specifies where to store the
+ type identifier in the target data . Subsequent templates specify a custom identifier for each
+ possible component type in the size parameter .
+ - *SEC_ASN1_DEBUG_BREAK*: makes the decoder assert when processing the template. This option is
+ only supported with SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem . It is useful to debug your templates or when
+ writing new templates if they don't work.
+ |
+ | *Differences between SEC_ASN1DecodeItem and SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem*
+ #. The arena argument is required to be non-NULL for SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem . With
+ SEC_ASN1DecodeItem, it can be NULL, and if so, the decoder will allocate from the heap using
+ PR_Malloc . However, this usage is strongly discouraged and we recommend that you always use
+ an arena pool even with SEC_ASN1DecodeItem. See `bug
+ 175163 <>`__ for more information about the
+ reason for this recommendation.
+ #. SEC_ASN1DecodeItem will make a copy of the input data into the decoded target as needed, while
+ SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem will generate output with pointers into the input. This means that if
+ you use SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem, you must always be careful not to free the input as long as
+ you intend to use the decoded structure. Ideally, you should allocate the input data out of
+ the same arena that you are passing to the decoder. This will allow you to free both the input
+ data and the decoded data at once when freeing the arena.
+ #. SEC_ASN1DecodeItem can decode both BER and DER data, while SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem can only
+ decode DER data.
+ #. SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem does not support streaming data. This feature will most likely never be
+ added, as this decoder gets most of its extra speed from not making a copy of the input data,
+ which would be required when streaming.
+ #. SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem supports SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL together with SEC_ASN1_SKIP
+ #. SEC_ASN1_DEBUG_BREAK is not supported by SEC_ASN1DecodeItem \ No newline at end of file