path: root/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/nss_tech_notes/nss_tech_note5/index.rst
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+.. _mozilla_projects_nss_nss_tech_notes_nss_tech_note5:
+nss tech note5
+.. _using_nss_to_perform_miscellaneous_cryptographic_operations:
+`Using NSS to perform miscellaneous cryptographic operations <#using_nss_to_perform_miscellaneous_cryptographic_operations>`__
+.. container::
+.. _nss_technical_note_5:
+`NSS Technical Note: 5 <#nss_technical_note_5>`__
+.. container::
+ - NSS Project Info is at
+ ` <>`__
+ - You can browse the NSS source online at
+ and
+ - Be sure to look for :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_sample_code` first for things you need to do.
+ - **Note:** This document contains code snippets that focus on essential aspects of the task and
+ often do not illustrate all the cleanup that needs to be done. Also, this document does not
+ attempt to be an exhaustive survey of all possible ways to do a certain task; it merely tries
+ to show a certain way.
+ --------------
+`Encrypt/Decrypt <#encryptdecrypt>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.The simplest Init function, in case you don't need a NSS database
+ is
+ *NSS_NoDB_Init(".")*
+ #. Choose a cipher mechanism. Note that some mechanisms (*_PAD) imply the padding is handled for
+ you by NSS. If you choose something else, then data padding is the application's
+ responsibility. You can find a list of cipher mechanisms in security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c
+ - grep for CKF_EN_DE_.
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cipherMech = CKM_DES_CBC_PAD* <big>(for example)</big>
+ #. Choose a slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(cipherMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* alwys returns internal slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ #. Prepare the Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* SymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, cipherMech, PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_ENCRYPT, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__
+ #. <big>Prepare the parameter for crypto context. IV is relevant only when using CBC mode of
+ encryption. If not using CBC mode, just pass a NULL IV parm to PK11_ParamFromIV function
+ *SECItem ivItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of IV bytes \*/
+ ivItem.len = /\* length of the array of IV bytes \*/
+ SECItem \*SecParam = PK11_ParamFromIV(cipherMech, &ivItem);*\ </big>
+ #. <big>Now encrypt and decrypt using the key and parameter setup in above steps</big>
+ - Create Encryption context
+ *PK11Context\* EncContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cipherMech,
+ SymKey,
+ SecParam);*
+ - Do the Operation. If encrypting, outbuf len must be atleast (inbuflen + blocksize). If
+ decrypting, outbuflen must be atleast inbuflen.
+ *SECStatus s = PK11_CipherOp(EncContext, outbuf, &tmp1_outlen, sizeof outbuf, inbuf,
+ inbuflen);
+ s = PK11_DigestFinal(EncContext, outbuf+tmp1_outlen, &tmp2_outlen,
+ sizeof outbuf - tmp1_outlen);
+ result_len = tmp1_outlen + tmp2_outlen;*
+ - <big>Destroy the Context
+ *PK11_DestroyContext(EncContext, PR_TRUE);*\ </big>
+ #. <big>Repeat Step 6 **any number of times**. When all done with encrypt/decrypt ops, clean
+ up</big>
+ <big>\ *PK11_FreeSymKey(SymKey);
+ SECITEM_FreeItem(SecParam, PR_TRUE);
+ PK11_FreeSlot(slot);*\ </big>
+ | **Note:** AES encryption, a fixed blocksize of 16 bytes is used. The Rijndael algorithm permits
+ 3 blocksizes (16, 24, 32 bytes), but the AES standard requires the blocksize to be 16 bytes.
+ The keysize can vary and these keysizes are permitted: 16, 24, 32 bytes.
+ | You can also look at a `sample program <../sample-code/sample2.html>`__ illustrating encryption
+ --------------
+.. _hash_digest:
+`Hash / Digest <#hash_digest>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.The simplest Init function, in case you don't need a NSS database
+ is
+ *NSS_NoDB_Init(".")*
+ #. <big>Create Digest context</big>. Some of the digest algorithm identifiers are (without the
+ SEC_OID\_ prefix) : MD2, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
+ *PK11Context\* DigestContext = PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD5);*
+ #. <big>Digest the data</big>
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_DigestBegin(DigestContext);
+ s = PK11_DigestOp(DigestContext, data, sizeof data);
+ s = PK11_DigestFinal(DigestContext, digest, &len, sizeof digest);
+ /\* now, digest contains the 'digest', and len contains the length of the digest \*/*\ </big>
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_DestroyContext(DigestContext, PR_TRUE);*
+ |
+ | You can also look at a `sample program <../sample-code/sample3.html>`__ illustrating this
+ --------------
+.. _hash_digest_with_secret_key_included:
+`Hash / Digest with secret key included <#hash_digest_with_secret_key_included>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.The simplest Init function, in case you don't need a NSS database
+ is
+ *NSS_NoDB_Init(".")*
+ #. Choose a digest mechanism. You can find a list of digest mechanisms in
+ security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for CKF_DIGEST.
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE digestMech = CKM_MD5* <big>(for example)</big>
+ #. Choose a slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(digestMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* always returns int slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ #. Prepare the Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* SymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, digestMech, PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_DIGEST, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__. Can use *CKM_GENERIC_SECRET_KEY_GEN* as the key gen
+ mechanism.
+ #. <big>Prepare the parameter for crypto context. The param must be provided, but can be empty.
+ *SECItem param;
+ = 0;
+ param.len = 0;*\ </big>
+ #. <big>Create Crypto context</big>
+ *PK11Context\* DigestContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(digestMech, CKA_DIGEST, SymKey,
+ &param);*
+ #. <big>Digest the data</big>, providing the key
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_DigestBegin(DigestContext);
+ s = PK11_DigestKey(DigestContext, SymKey);
+ s = PK11_DigestOp(DigestContext, data, sizeof data);
+ s = PK11_DigestFinal(DigestContext, digest, &len, sizeof digest);
+ /\* now, digest contains the 'digest', and len contains the length of the digest \*/*\ </big>
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_DestroyContext(DigestContext, PR_TRUE);
+ PK11_FreeSymKey(SymKey);
+ PK11_FreeSlot(slot);*
+ You can also look at a `sample program <../sample-code/sample3.html>`__ illustrating this
+ --------------
+`HMAC <#hmac>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.The simplest Init function, in case you don't need a NSS database
+ is
+ *NSS_NoDB_Init(".")*
+ #. Choose a HMAC mechanism. You can find a list of HMAC mechanisms in
+ security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for CKF_SN_VR, and choose the mechanisms that
+ contain HMAC in the name
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE hmacMech = CKM_MD5_HMAC;* <big>(for example)</big>
+ #. Choose a slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(hmacMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* always returns int slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ #. Prepare the Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ keyItem.type = siBuffer;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* SymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, hmacMech, PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_SIGN, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__. Can use *CKM_GENERIC_SECRET_KEY_GEN* as the key gen
+ mechanism.
+ #. <big>Prepare the parameter for crypto context. The param must be provided, but can be empty.
+ *SECItem param;
+ param.type = siBuffer;
+ = NULL;
+ param.len = 0;*\ </big>
+ #. <big>Create Crypto context</big>
+ *PK11Context\* DigestContext = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(hmacMech, CKA_SIGN,
+ SymKey, &param);*
+ #. <big>Digest the data</big>
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_DigestBegin(DigestContext);
+ s = PK11_DigestOp(DigestContext, data, sizeof data);
+ s = PK11_DigestFinal(DigestContext, digest, &len, sizeof digest);
+ /\* now, digest contains the 'signed digest', and len contains the length of the digest
+ \*/*\ </big>
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_DestroyContext(DigestContext, PR_TRUE);*
+ *PK11_FreeSymKey(SymKey);
+ PK11_FreeSlot(slot);*
+ |
+ | You can also look at a `sample program <../sample-code/sample3.html>`__ illustrating this
+ --------------
+.. _symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_of_a_symmetric_key:
+`Symmetric Key Wrapping/Unwrapping of a Symmetric Key <#symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_of_a_symmetric_key>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.The simplest Init function, in case you don't need a NSS database
+ is
+ *NSS_NoDB_Init(".")*
+ #. Choose a Wrapping mechanism. See wrapMechanismList in security/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+ and security/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c for examples of wrapping mechanisms. Most of them are
+ cipher mechanisms.
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = CKM_DES3_ECB;* <big>(for example)</big>
+ #. Choose a slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(wrapMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* always returns int slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ <big>Regarding the choice of slot and wrapMech, if you know one, you can derive the other. You
+ can get the best slot given a wrap mechanism (as shown above), or get the best wrap mechanism
+ given a slot using:</big>
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(slot)*
+ #. Prepare the Wrapping Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* WrappingSymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, wrapMech,
+ PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_WRAP, &keyItem, NULL)*
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__
+ #. Prepare the To-be-Wrapped Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* ToBeWrappedSymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, wrapMech,,
+ PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_WRAP, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__
+ #. <big>Prepare the parameter for crypto context. IV is relevant only when using CBC cipher mode.
+ If not using CBC mode, just pass a NULL *SecParam* to *PK11_WrapSymKey* or *PK11_UnwrapSymKey*
+ function
+ *SECItem ivItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of IV bytes \*/
+ ivItem.len = /\* length of the array of IV bytes \*/
+ SECItem \*SecParam = PK11_ParamFromIV(wrapMech, &ivItem);*\ </big>
+ #. Allocate space for the wrapped key
+ *SECItem WrappedKey;
+ WrappedKey.len = SOME_LEN;
+ = allocate (SOME_LEN) bytes;*
+ #. <big>Do the Wrap</big>. Note that the WrappingSymKey and the ToBeWrappedSymKey must be on the
+ slot where the wrap is going to happen. To move keys to the desired slot, see section `Moving
+ a Key from one slot to another <#moving_a_key_from_one_slot_to_another>`__
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_WrapSymKey(wrapMech, SecParam, WrappingSymKey,
+ ToBeWrappedSymKey,
+ &WrappedKey);*\ </big>
+ #. <big><big>Transport/Store or do whatever with the Wrapped Key (,
+ WrappedKey.len)</big></big>
+ #. <big><big>Unwrapping. </big></big>
+ - <big><big>Set up the args to the function *PK11_UnwrapSymKey*, most of which are
+ illustrated above. The *keyTypeMech* arg of type *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *\ <big>indicates the
+ type of key that was wrapped and can be same as the *wrapMech* (e.g.
+ keyTypeMech=CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64*).</big>\ </big></big>
+ - Do the unwrap
+ <big><big>\ *PK11SymKey\* UnwrappedSymKey = PK11_UnwrapSymKey(WrappingSymKey,
+ wrapMech*\ </big></big><big><big>\ *, SecParam, &WrappedKey,
+ keyTypeMech,*\ </big></big>
+ <big><big>\ *
+ size_of_key_that_was_wrapped_bytes);*\ </big></big>
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_FreeSymKey(WrappingSymKey);*
+ *PK11_FreeSymKey(ToBeWrappedSymKey);
+ PK11_FreeSymKey(UnwrappedSymKey);
+ if (SecParam) SECITEM_FreeItem(SecParam, PR_TRUE);
+ SECITEM_FreeItem(&WrappedKey, PR_TRUE);
+ PK11_FreeSlot(slot); *
+ --------------
+.. _symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_of_a_private_key:
+`Symmetric Key Wrapping/Unwrapping of a Private Key <#symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_of_a_private_key>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.
+ #. Choose a Wrapping mechanism. See wrapMechanismList in security/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+ and security/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c for examples of wrapping mechanisms. Most of them are
+ cipher mechanisms.
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = CKM_DES3_ECB;* <big>(for example).</big>
+ #. Slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(wrapMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* always returns int slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ This should be the slot that is best suited for the wrapping. This may or may not be the slot
+ that contains the private key or the slot that contains the Symmetric key.
+ <big>Regarding the choice of slot and wrapMech, if you know one, you can derive the other. You
+ can get the best slot given a wrap mechanism (as shown above), or get the best wrap mechanism
+ given a slot using:</big>
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(slot)*
+ #. Prepare the Wrapping Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* WrappingSymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, wrapMech,
+ PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_WRAP, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__
+ #. Prepare the To-be-Wrapped Key
+ - *SECKEYPrivateKey \*ToBeWrappedPrivKey *
+ #. <big>Prepare the parameter for crypto context. IV is relevant only when using CBC cipher mode.
+ If not using CBC mode, just pass a NULL *SecParam* to *PK11_WrapPrivKey* function
+ *SECItem ivItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of IV bytes \*/
+ ivItem.len = /\* length of the array of IV bytes \*/
+ SECItem \*SecParam = PK11_ParamFromIV(wrapMech, &ivItem);*\ </big>
+ #. Allocate space for the wrapped key. Note that a 2048-bit *wrapped* RSA private key takes up
+ around 1200 bytes.
+ *SECItem WrappedKey;
+ WrappedKey.len = SOME_LEN;
+ = allocate (SOME_LEN) bytes;*
+ #. <big>Do the Wrap</big>. Note that the WrappingSymKey and the ToBeWrappedPvtKey must be on the
+ slot where the wrap is going to happen. To move keys to the desired slot, see section `Moving
+ a Key from one slot to another <#moving_a_key_from_one_slot_to_another>`__
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_WrapPrivKey(slot, WrappingSymKey, ToBeWrappedPvtKey, wrapMech,
+ SecParam, &WrappedKey,
+ NULL);*\ </big>
+ #. <big><big>Transport/Store or do whatever with the Wrapped Key (,
+ WrappedKey.len)</big></big>
+ #. <big><big>Unwrapping.</big></big>
+ - Prepare the args for the unwrap function. Most of the args are illustrated above
+ *SECItem label; /\* empty, doesn't need to be freed \*/
+ = NULL; label.len = 0;*
+ *SECItem \*pubValue = NULL;
+ pubValue = /\* ?? \*/;*
+ *PRBool token = /\* PR_TRUE or PR_FALSE depending on?? \*/
+ CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyTypeMech = ??;
+ CK_KEY_TYPE keyType;
+ keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(keyTypeMech, 0);
+ CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribs[4];
+ int numAttribs;
+ /\* figure out which operations to enable for this key \*/
+ if( keyType == CKK_RSA ) {
+ attribs[0] = CKA_SIGN;
+ attribs[1] = CKA_DECRYPT;
+ attribs[2] = CKA_SIGN_RECOVER;
+ attribs[3] = CKA_UNWRAP;
+ numAttribs = 4;
+ } else if(keyType == CKK_DSA) {
+ attribs[0] = CKA_SIGN;
+ numAttribs = 1;
+ }*
+ - <big>Do the unwrap</big>
+ *SECKEYPrivateKey \*UnwrappedPvtKey =
+ PK11_UnwrapPrivKey(slot, WrappingSymKey, wrapMech, SecParam, &WrappedKey,
+ &label, pubValue, token, PR_TRUE
+ /\* sensitive \*/
+ keyType, attribs, numAttribs,
+ NULL /*wincx*/);*
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_FreeSymKey(WrappingSymKey);*
+ <big>\ *if (SecParam) SECITEM_FreeItem(SecParam, PR_TRUE);*\ </big>
+ <big>\ *SECITEM_FreeItem(&WrappedKey, PR_TRUE);*\ </big>
+ *if (pubValue) SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue, PR_TRUE);*
+ *if (UnwrappedPvtKey) SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(UnwrappedPvtKey);*
+ *if (ToBeWrappedPvtKey) SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(ToBeWrappedPvtKey);*
+ *PK11_FreeSlot(slot);*
+ --------------
+.. _public_key_wrapping_private_key_unwrapping_of_a_symmetric_key_(pki_based_key_transport):
+`Public Key Wrapping & Private Key Unwrapping of a Symmetric Key (PKI based key transport) <#public_key_wrapping_private_key_unwrapping_of_a_symmetric_key_(pki_based_key_transport)>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Include headers
+ *#include "nss.h"
+ #include "pk11pub.h"*
+ #. Make sure NSS is initialized.
+ #. Choose a Wrapping mechanism. See wrapMechanismList in security/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+ and security/nss/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c for examples of wrapping mechanisms. Most of them are
+ cipher mechanisms.
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = CKM_DES3_ECB;* <big>(for example)</big>
+ #. Slot on which to do the operation
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(wrapMech, NULL); *\ **OR**\ *
+ PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); /\* always returns int slot, may not be
+ optimal \*/*
+ This should be the slot that is best suited for the wrapping. This may or may not be the slot
+ that contains the public/private key or the slot that contains the Symmetric key.
+ <big>Regarding the choice of slot and wrapMech, if you know one, you can derive the other. You
+ can get the best slot given a wrap mechanism (as shown above), or get the best wrap mechanism
+ given a slot using:</big>
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMech = PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(slot)*
+ #. Prepare the Wrapping Key
+ - *SECKeyPublicKey \*WrappingPubKey*
+ #. Prepare the To-be-Wrapped Key
+ - If using a raw key
+ */\* turn the raw key into a SECItem \*/
+ SECItem keyItem;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of key bytes \*/
+ keyItem.len = /\* length of the array of key bytes \*/
+ /\* turn the SECItem into a key object \*/
+ PK11SymKey\* ToBeWrappedSymKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, wrapMech,,
+ PK11_OriginUnwrap,
+ CKA_WRAP, &keyItem, NULL)*;
+ - If generating the key - see section `Generate a Symmetric
+ Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key>`__
+ #. Allocate space for the wrapped key
+ *SECItem WrappedKey;
+ WrappedKey.len = SOME_LEN;
+ = allocate (SOME_LEN) bytes;*
+ #. <big>Do the Wrap</big>. Note that the WrappingPubKey and the ToBeWrappedSymKey must be on the
+ slot where the wrap is going to happen. To move keys to the desired slot, see section `Moving
+ a Key from one slot to another <#moving_a_key_from_one_slot_to_another>`__
+ <big>\ *SECStatus s = PK11_PubWrapSymKey(wrapMech, WrappingPubKey,
+ ToBeWrappedSymKey,
+ &WrappedKey);*\ </big>
+ #. <big><big>Transport/Store or do whatever with the Wrapped Key (,
+ WrappedKey.len)</big></big>
+ #. <big><big>Unwrapping. </big></big>
+ - Prepare the args for the unwrap function. Most of the args are illustrated above
+ *SECKEYPrivateKey \*UnWrappingPvtKey;
+ CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyTypeMech = ??;*
+ - <big>Do the unwrap</big>
+ *PK11SymKey \*UnwrappedSymKey =
+ PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey(UnWrappingPvtKey, WrappedKey, keyTypeMech,
+ *<big><big>\ *CKA_UNWRAP, /\*
+ or CKA_DECRYPT? \*/
+ *\ </big></big><big><big>\ *size_of_key_that_was_wrapped_bytes);*\ </big></big>
+ #. Clean up
+ *PK11_FreeSymKey(ToBeWrappedSymKey);*
+ <big>\ *SECITEM_FreeItem(&WrappedKey, PR_TRUE);*\ </big>
+ *if (WrappingPubKey) SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(WrappingPubKey);*
+ *if (UnwrappingPvtKey) SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(UnwrappingPvtKey);*
+ *PK11_FreeSlot(slot);*
+ Also look at a `sample program <../sample-code/sample1.html>`__ that uses the above functions.
+ --------------
+.. _generate_a_symmetric_key_2:
+`Generate a Symmetric Key <#generate_a_symmetric_key_2>`__
+.. container::
+ | Subsequent to the operation, the symmetric key may need to be transported/stored in wrapped or
+ raw form. You can find a list of key generation mechanisms in
+ security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for CKF_GENERATE. For some key gen mechanisms, the
+ keysize is in bytes, and for some it is in bits.
+ |
+ #. <big>Choose a key generation mechanism</big>
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keygenMech = CKM_DES_KEY_GEN;* (for example)
+ #. <big>Generate the key</big>
+ *PK11SymKey\* SymKey = PK11_KeyGen(slot, keygenMech, NULL, keysize, NULL);*
+ <big>You can also see an `sample program <../sample-code/sample1.html>`__ that does key
+ generation.</big>
+ .. rubric:: Extract the raw key (This should not normally be used. Better to use wrapping
+ instead. See `method1 <#symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_sym_key>`__ and
+ `method2 <#pki_wrap_symkey>`__ ).
+ :name: extract_the_raw_key_(this_should_not_normally_be_used._better_to_use_wrapping_instead._see_method1_and_method2_).
+ *SECStatus rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(SymKey);
+ SECItem \*keydata = PK11_GetKeyData(SymKey);*
+ .. rubric:: Generating a persistent symmetric key
+ :name: generating_a_persistent_symmetric_key
+ | *SECItem keyid;
+ = /\* ptr to an array of bytes representing the id of the key to be generated \*/;
+ keyid.len = /\* length of the array of bytes \*/;
+ /\* keysize must be 0 for fixed key-length algorithms like DES... and appropriate value
+ \* for non fixed-key-length algorithms \*/
+ PK11SymKey \*key = PK11_TokenKeyGen(slot, cipherMech, 0, 32 /\* keysize \*/,
+ &keyid, PR_TRUE,
+ 0);*
+ | *int keylen = PK11_GetKeyLength(key);
+ cipherMech = PK11_GetMechanism(key);*
+ | */\* find the symmetric key in the database \*/
+ key = PK11_FindFixedKey(slot, cipherMech, &keyid, 0);*
+ --------------
+.. _moving_a_key_from_one_slot_to_another_2:
+`Moving a Key from one slot to another <#moving_a_key_from_one_slot_to_another_2>`__
+.. container::
+ - To move a Private key from one slot to another, wrap the private key on the origin slot and
+ unwrap it into the destination slot. See section `Symmetric Key Wrapping/Unwrapping of a
+ Private Key <#symmetric_key_wrappingunwrapping_pvtkey>`__
+ - To move a Symmetric key
+ *PK11SymKey \*destSymKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(destslot, wrapMech, CKA_UNWRAP?, origSymKey);*
+ --------------
+.. _generate_an_rsa_key_pair:
+`Generate an RSA Key Pair <#generate_an_rsa_key_pair>`__
+.. container::
+ *PK11_GenerateKeyPair*\ <big> is the function to use</big>. See a `sample
+ program <../sample-code/sample1.html>`__ that uses this function.
+ --------------
+.. _<big>sign_verify_data<big>:
+`<big>Sign & Verify Data</big> <#%3Cbig%3Esign_verify_data%3Cbig%3E>`__
+.. container::
+ | *SECKEYPrivateKey \*pvtkey;
+ SECItem signature;
+ SECItem data;
+ SECStatus s = PK11_Sign(pvtkey, &signature, &data);*
+ | *SECKeyPublicKey \*pubkey;*
+ | *SECStatus s = PK11_Verify(pubkey, &signature, &data, NULL);*
+ --------------
+.. _misc_useful_functions:
+`Misc Useful Functions <#misc_useful_functions>`__
+.. container::
+ #. Get the best wrapping mechanism supported by a slot
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(PK11SlotInfo \*slot);*
+ #. <big>Get the best slot for a certain mechanism</big>
+ *PK11SlotInfo\* slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(mechanism, NULL);*
+ #. <big>Get the best key length for a certain mechanism on a given slot</big>
+ *int keylen = PK11_GetBestKeyLength(PK11SlotInfo \*slot, mechanism);*
+ #. Get the key length of a symmetric key
+ *int keylen = PK11_GetKeyLength(PK11SymKey \*symkey);*
+ #. Get the mechanism given a symmetric key
+ *CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = PK11_GetMechanism(PK11SymKey \*key);*
+ -------------- \ No newline at end of file