path: root/security/nss/doc/rst/legacy/tools/nss_tools_crlutil
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+.. _mozilla_projects_nss_tools_nss_tools_crlutil:
+NSS Tools crlutil
+.. _using_the_certificate_revocation_list_management_tool:
+`Using the Certificate Revocation List Management Tool <#using_the_certificate_revocation_list_management_tool>`__
+.. container::
+ Newsgroup: ` <news://>`__
+ The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Management Tool is a command-line utility that can list,
+ generate, modify, or delete CRLs within the NSS security database file(s) and list, create,
+ modify or delete certificates entries in a particular CRL.
+ The key and certificate management process generally begins with creating keys in the key
+ database, then generating and managing certificates in the certificate database(see ``certutil``
+ tool) and continues with certificates expiration or revocation.
+ This document discusses certificate revocation list management. For information on security
+ module database management, see `Using the Security Module Database Tool <NSS_Tools_modutil>`__.
+ For information on certificate and key database management, see `Using the Certificate Database
+ Tool <NSS_Tools_certutil>`__.
+.. _availability_2:
+` <#availability_2>`__ Availability
+.. container::
+ See the :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_releases` for the platforms this tool is available on.
+.. _syntax_2:
+` <#syntax_2>`__ Syntax
+.. container::
+ To run the Certificate Revocation List Management Tool, type the command
+ ``crlutil`` *option*\ ``[``\ *arguments*\ ``]``
+ where *options* and *arguments* are combinations of the options and arguments listed in the
+ following section. Each command takes one option. Each option may take zero or more arguments. To
+ see a usage string, issue the command without options, or with the ``-H`` option.
+.. _options_and_arguments:
+`Options and Arguments <#options_and_arguments>`__
+.. container::
+ Options specify an action and are uppercase. Option arguments modify an action and are lowercase.
+ Certificate Revocation List Management Tool command options and their arguments are defined as
+ follows:
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | **Options** | |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-G`` | Create new Certificate Revocation List(CRL). |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-D`` | Delete Certificate Revocation List from cert |
+ | | database. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-I`` | Import a CRL to the cert database |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-E`` | Erase all CRLs of specified type from the cert |
+ | | database |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-L`` | List existing CRL located in cert database |
+ | | file. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-M`` | Modify existing CRL which can be located in |
+ | | cert db or in arbitrary file. If located in |
+ | | file it should be encoded in ASN.1 encode |
+ | | format. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | **Arguments** | |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-B`` | Bypass CA signature checks. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-P``\ *dbprefix* | Specify the prefix used on the |
+ | | ``NSS security database`` files (for example, |
+ | | ``my_cert8.db`` and ``my_key3.db``). This |
+ | | option is provided as a special case. Changing |
+ | | the names of the certificate and key databases |
+ | | is not recommended. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-a`` | Use ASCII format or allow the use of ASCII |
+ | | format for input and output. This formatting |
+ | | follows `RFC |
+ | | #1113 <http |
+ | | ://>`__. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-c``\ *crl-gen-file* | Specify script file that will be used to |
+ | | control crl generation/modification. See |
+ | | crl-cript-file `format <#10232455>`__ below. If |
+ | | options *-M|-G* is used and *-c |
+ | | crl-script-file* is not specified, crlutil will |
+ | | read script data from standard input. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-d``\ *directory* | Specify the database directory containing the |
+ | | certificate and key database files. On Unix the |
+ | | Certificate Database Tool defaults to |
+ | | ``$HOME/.netscape`` (that is, ``~/.netscape``). |
+ | | On Windows NT the default is the current |
+ | | directory. |
+ | | |
+ | | The ``NSS database`` files must reside in the |
+ | | same directory. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-i``\ *crl-import-file* | Specify the file which contains the CRL to |
+ | | import |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-f``\ *password-file* | Specify a file that will automatically supply |
+ | | the password to include in a certificate or to |
+ | | access a certificate database. This is a |
+ | | plain-text file containing one password. Be |
+ | | sure to prevent unauthorized access to this |
+ | | file. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-l``\ *algorithm-name* | Specify a specific signature algorithm. List of |
+ | | possible algorithms: MD2 \| MD4 \| MD5 \| SHA1 |
+ | | \| SHA256 \| SHA384 \| SHA512 |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-n``\ *nickname* | Specify the nickname of a certificate or key to |
+ | | list, create, add to a database, modify, or |
+ | | validate. Bracket the *nickname* string with |
+ | | quotation marks if it contains spaces. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-o``\ *output-file* | Specify the output file name for new CRL. |
+ | | Bracket the *output-file* string with quotation |
+ | | marks if it contains spaces. If this argument |
+ | | is not used the output destination defaults to |
+ | | standard output. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-t``\ *crl-type* | Specify type of CRL. possible types are: 0 - |
+ | | SEC_KRL_TYPE, 1 - SEC_CRL_TYPE. **This option |
+ | | is obsolete** |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ | ``-u``\ *url* | Specify the url. |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
+ +---+
+ | |
+ +---+
+.. _crl_generation_script_syntax:
+`CRL Generation script syntax: <#crl_generation_script_syntax>`__
+.. container::
+ CRL generation script file has the following syntax:
+ - Line with comments should have <bold>\ *#*\ </bold> as a first symbol of a line
+ - Set *"this update"* or *"next update"* CRL fields:
+ ``update=YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ``
+ ``nextupdate=YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ``
+ | Field "next update" is optional. Time should be in *GeneralizedTime* format
+ (YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ).
+ | For example: ``20050204153000Z``
+ - Add an extension to a CRL or a crl certificate entry:
+ ``addext``\ *extension-name* *critical/non-critical*\ ``[``\ *arg1*\ ``[``\ *arg2*
+ ``...]]``
+ | Where:
+ ``extension-name``: string value of a name of known extensions.
+ ``critical/non-critical``: is 1 when extension is critical and 0 otherwise.
+ ``arg1, arg2``: specific to extension type extension parameters
+ ``addext`` uses the range that was set earlier by ``addcert`` and will install an extension to
+ every cert entries within the range.
+ See `"Implemented extensions" <#3543811>`__ for more information regarding extensions and
+ theirs parameters.
+ - Add certificate entries(s) to CRL:
+ ``addcert``\ *range* *date*
+ | Where:
+ ``range``: two integer values separated by ``dash``: range of certificates that will be
+ added by this command. ``dash`` is used as a delimiter. Only one cert will be added if
+ there is no delimiter.
+ ``date``: revocation date of a cert. Date should be represented in GeneralizedTime format
+ (YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ).
+ - Remove certificate entry(s) from CRL
+ ``rmcert`` *range*
+ | Where:
+ ``range``: two integer values separated by ``dash``: range of certificates that will be
+ added by this command. ``dash`` is used as a delimiter. Only one cert will be added if
+ there is no delimiter.
+ - Change range of certificate entry(s) in CRL
+ ``range`` *new-range*
+ | Where:
+ ``new-range``: two integer values separated by ``dash``: range of certificates that will be
+ added by this command. ``dash`` is used as a delimiter. Only one cert will be added if
+ there is no delimiter.
+.. _implemented_extensions:
+`Implemented Extensions <#implemented_extensions>`__
+.. container::
+ The extensions defined for CRL provide methods for associating additional attributes with CRLs of
+ theirs entries. For more information see `RFC #3280 <>`__
+ - Add The Authority Key Identifier extension:
+ The authority key identifier extension provides a means of identifying the public key
+ corresponding to the private key used to sign a CRL.
+ ``authKeyId`` *critical* [*key-id* \| *dn* *cert-serial*]
+ | Where:
+ ``authKeyIdent``: identifies the name of an extension
+ ``critical``: value of 1 of 0. Should be set to 1 if this extension is critical or 0
+ otherwise.
+ ``key-id``: key identifier represented in octet string. ``dn:``: is a CA distinguished name
+ ``cert-serial``: authority certificate serial number.
+ - Add Issuer Alternative Name extension:
+ The issuer alternative names extension allows additional identities to be associated with the
+ issuer of the CRL. Defined options include an rfc822 name (electronic mail address), a DNS
+ name, an IP address, and a URI.
+ ``issuerAltNames`` *non-critical* *name-list*
+ | Where:
+ ``subjAltNames``: identifies the name of an extension
+ should be set to 0 since this is non-critical extension
+ ``name-list``: comma separated list of names
+ - Add CRL Number extension:
+ The CRL number is a non-critical CRL extension which conveys a monotonically increasing
+ sequence number for a given CRL scope and CRL issuer. This extension allows users to easily
+ determine when a particular CRL supersedes another CRL
+ ``crlNumber`` *non-critical* *number*
+ | Where:
+ ``crlNumber``: identifies the name of an extension
+ ``critical``: should be set to 0 since this is non-critical extension
+ ``number``: value of ``long`` which identifies the sequential number of a CRL.
+ - Add Revocation Reason Code extension:
+ The reasonCode is a non-critical CRL entry extension that identifies the reason for the
+ certificate revocation.
+ ``reasonCode`` *non-critical* *code*
+ | Where:
+ | ``reasonCode``: identifies the name of an extension
+ | ``non-critical``: should be set to 0 since this is non-critical extension
+ | ``code``: the following codes are available:
+ unspecified (0),
+ keyCompromise (1),
+ cACompromise (2),
+ affiliationChanged (3),
+ superseded (4),
+ cessationOfOperation (5),
+ certificateHold (6),
+ removeFromCRL (8),
+ privilegeWithdrawn (9),
+ aACompromise (10)
+ - Add Invalidity Date extension:
+ The invalidity date is a non-critical CRL entry extension that provides the date on which it
+ is known or suspected that the private key was compromised or that the certificate otherwise
+ became invalid.
+ invalidityDate *non-critical* *date*
+ | Where:
+ ``crlNumber``: identifies the name of an extension
+ ``non-critical``: should be set to 0 since this is non-critical extension ``date``:
+ invalidity date of a cert. Date should be represented in GeneralizedTime format
+ (YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ).
+.. _usage_2:
+` <#usage_2>`__ Usage
+.. container::
+ The Certificate Revocation List Management Tool's capabilities are grouped as follows, using
+ these combinations of options and arguments. Options and arguments in square brackets are
+ optional, those without square brackets are required.
+ ``-G|-M -c crl-gen-file -n nickname [-i``\ *crl*\ ``] [-u``\ *url*\ ``] [-d``\ *keydir*\ ``] [-P``\ *dbprefix*\ ``] [-l``\ *alg*\ ``] [-a] [-B]``
+ ..
+ ``-L [-n``\ *crl-name*\ ``] [-d``\ *krydir*\ ``]``
+ ``crlutil -D -n nickname [-d``\ *keydir*\ ``] [-P``\ *dbprefix*\ ``]``
+ ..
+ ``crlutil -E [-d``\ *keydir*\ ``] [-P``\ *dbprefix*\ ``]``
+ ``crlutil -I -i crl [-t``\ *crlType*\ ``] [-u``\ *url*\ ``] [-d``\ *keydir*\ ``] [-P``\ *dbprefix*\ ``] [-B]``
+ - Creating or modifying a CRL:
+ - Listing all CRls or a named CRL:
+ - Deleting CRL from db:
+ - Erasing CRLs from db:
+ - Import CRL from file:
+.. _examples_2:
+` <#examples_2>`__ Examples
+.. container::
+ | `Creating a New CRL <NSS_Tools_certutil#1028724>`__
+ | `Listing CRLs in a Database <NSS_Tools_certutil#1034026>`__
+ | `Deleting CRL from a Database <NSS_Tools_certutil#1034026>`__
+ | `Importing CRL into a Database <NSS_Tools_certutil#1034026>`__
+ | `Modifiying CRL in a Database <NSS_Tools_certutil#1034026>`__
+.. _creating_a_new_crl:
+`Creating a New CRL <#creating_a_new_crl>`__
+.. container::
+ This example creates a new CRL and importing it in to a Database in the specified directory:
+ ``crlutil -G -d``\ *certdir*\ ``-n``\ *cert-nickname*\ ``-c``\ *crl-script-file*
+ or
+ ``crlutil -G -d``\ *certdir*\ ``-n``\ *cert-nickname*\ ``<<EOF update=20050204153000Z addcert 34-40 20050104153000Z EOF``
+ Where *cert-nickname* is the name the new CRL will be signed with.
+.. _listing_crls_in_a_database:
+`Listing CRLs in a Database <#listing_crls_in_a_database>`__
+.. container::
+ This example lists all the CRLs in the ``NSS database`` in the specified directory:
+ ``crlutil -L -d``\ *certdir*
+ The CRL Management Tool displays output similar to the following:
+ ``CRL Name CRL Type``
+ ``CN=NSS Test CA,O=BOGUS NSS,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US CRL CN=John Smith,O=Netscape,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US CRL``
+ | To view a particular CRL user should specify *-n nickname* parameter.
+ | ``crlutil -L -d``\ *certdir*\ ``-n`` *nickname*
+ ``CRL Info: : Version: 2 (0x1) Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption Issuer: "CN=NSS Test CA,O=BOGUS NSS,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US" This Update: Wed Feb 23 12:08:38 2005 Entry (1): Serial Number: 40 (0x28) Revocation Date: Wed Feb 23 12:08:10 2005 Entry (2): Serial Number: 42 (0x2a) Revocation Date: Wed Feb 23 12:08:40 2005``
+.. _deleting_crl_from_a_database:
+`Deleting CRL from a Database <#deleting_crl_from_a_database>`__
+.. container::
+ This example deletes CRL from a database in the specified directory:
+ ``crlutil -D -n``\ *nickname*\ ``-d``\ *certdir*
+.. _importing_crl_into_a_database:
+`Importing CRL into a Database <#importing_crl_into_a_database>`__
+.. container::
+ This example imports CRL into a database:
+ ``crlutil -I -i``\ *crl-file*\ ``-d``\ *certdir*
+ File should has binary format of ASN.1 encoded CRL data.
+.. _modifying_crl_in_a_database:
+`Modifying CRL in a Database <#modifying_crl_in_a_database>`__
+.. container::
+ This example modifies a new CRL and importing it in to a Database in the specified directory:
+ ``crlutil -G -d``\ *certdir*\ ``-n``\ *cert-nickname*\ ``-c``\ *crl-script-file*
+ or
+ ``crlutil -M -d``\ *certdir*\ ``-n``\ *cert-nickname*\ ``<<EOF update=20050204153000Z addcert 40-60 20050105153000Z EOF``
+ The CRL Management Tool extracts existing CRL from a database, will modify and sign with
+ certificate *cert-nickname* and will store it in database. To modify while importing CRL from
+ file user should supply ``-i``\ *import-crl-file* option.
+ -------------- \ No newline at end of file