path: root/testing/talos/talos/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/talos/talos/ b/testing/talos/talos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f172c92cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/talos/talos/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+import copy
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from mozlog.commandline import setup_logging
+from talos import test, utils
+from talos.cmdline import parse_args
+class ConfigurationError(Exception):
+ pass
+DEFAULTS = dict(
+ # args to pass to browser
+ extra_args=[],
+ buildid="testbuildid",
+ init_url="getInfo.html",
+ env={"NO_EM_RESTART": "1"},
+ # base data for all tests. Note that any None here will end up converted to
+ # an empty string in useBaseTestDefaults.
+ basetest=dict(
+ cycles=1,
+ profile_path="${talos}/base_profile",
+ responsiveness=False,
+ gecko_profile=False,
+ gecko_profile_interval=1,
+ gecko_profile_entries=100000,
+ resolution=1,
+ mainthread=False,
+ shutdown=False,
+ timeout=3600,
+ tpchrome=True,
+ tpcycles=10,
+ tpmozafterpaint=False,
+ tphero=False,
+ pdfpaint=True,
+ fnbpaint=False,
+ firstpaint=False,
+ format_pagename=True,
+ userready=False,
+ testeventmap=[],
+ base_vs_ref=False,
+ tppagecycles=1,
+ tploadnocache=False,
+ tpscrolltest=False,
+ win_counters=[],
+ w7_counters=[],
+ linux_counters=[],
+ mac_counters=[],
+ xperf_counters=[],
+ setup=None,
+ cleanup=None,
+ preferences={},
+ pine=True,
+ ),
+# keys to generated self.config that are global overrides to tests
+ "cycles",
+ "gecko_profile",
+ "gecko_profile_interval",
+ "gecko_profile_entries",
+ "gecko_profile_features",
+ "gecko_profile_threads",
+ "tpcycles",
+ "tppagecycles",
+ "tpmanifest",
+ "tptimeout",
+ "tpmozafterpaint",
+ "tphero",
+ "fnbpaint",
+ "pdfpaint",
+ "firstpaint",
+ "userready",
+def validator(func):
+ """
+ A decorator that register configuration validators to execute against the
+ configuration.
+ They will be executed in the order of declaration.
+ """
+ CONF_VALIDATORS.append(func)
+ return func
+def convert_url(config, url):
+ webserver = config["webserver"]
+ if not webserver:
+ return url
+ if "://" in url:
+ # assume a fully qualified url
+ return url
+ if ".html" in url:
+ url = "http://%s/%s" % (webserver, url)
+ return url
+def fix_xperf(config):
+ # BBB: remove doubly-quoted xperf values from command line
+ # (needed for buildbot)
+ #
+ win7_path = "c:/Program Files/Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit/xperf.exe"
+ if config["xperf_path"]:
+ xperf_path = config["xperf_path"]
+ quotes = ('"', "'")
+ for quote in quotes:
+ if xperf_path.startswith(quote) and xperf_path.endswith(quote):
+ config["xperf_path"] = xperf_path[1:-1]
+ break
+ if not os.path.exists(config["xperf_path"]):
+ # look for old win7 path
+ if not os.path.exists(win7_path):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "xperf.exe cannot be found at the path specified"
+ )
+ config["xperf_path"] = win7_path
+def set_webserver(config):
+ # pick a free port
+ import socket
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ sock.bind(("", 0))
+ port = sock.getsockname()[1]
+ sock.close()
+ config["webserver"] = "" % port
+def update_prefs(config):
+ config.setdefault("preferences", {})
+ # update prefs from command line
+ prefs = config.pop("extraPrefs")
+ if prefs:
+ for arg in prefs:
+ k, v = arg.split("=", 1)
+ config["preferences"][k] = utils.parse_pref(v)
+def fix_init_url(config):
+ if "init_url" in config:
+ config["init_url"] = convert_url(config, config["init_url"])
+def determine_local_symbols_path(config):
+ if "symbols_path" not in config:
+ return
+ # use objdir/dist/crashreporter-symbols for symbolsPath if none provided
+ if (
+ not config["symbols_path"]
+ and config["develop"]
+ and "MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR" in os.environ
+ ):
+ config["symbols_path"] = os.path.join(
+ os.environ["MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR"], "dist", "crashreporter-symbols"
+ )
+def get_counters(config):
+ counters = set()
+ return counters
+def get_active_tests(config):
+ activeTests = config.pop("activeTests").strip().split(":")
+ # ensure tests are available
+ availableTests = test.test_dict()
+ if not set(activeTests).issubset(availableTests):
+ missing = [i for i in activeTests if i not in availableTests]
+ raise ConfigurationError("No definition found for test(s): %s" % missing)
+ return activeTests
+def get_global_overrides(config):
+ global_overrides = {}
+ for key in GLOBAL_OVERRIDES:
+ # get global overrides for all tests
+ value = config[key]
+ if value is not None:
+ global_overrides[key] = value
+ if key != "gecko_profile":
+ config.pop(key)
+ return global_overrides
+def get_test_host(manifest_line):
+ match = re.match(r"^http://localhost/page_load_test/tp5n/([^/]+)/", manifest_line)
+ host =
+ return host + "-talos"
+def build_manifest(config, is_multidomain, manifestName):
+ # read manifest lines
+ with open(manifestName, "r") as fHandle:
+ manifestLines = fHandle.readlines()
+ # write modified manifest lines
+ with open(manifestName + ".develop", "w") as newHandle:
+ for line in manifestLines:
+ new_host = get_test_host(line) if is_multidomain else config["webserver"]
+ newline = line.replace("localhost", new_host)
+ newline = newline.replace("page_load_test", "tests")
+ newHandle.write(newline)
+ newManifestName = manifestName + ".develop"
+ # return new manifest
+ return newManifestName
+def get_test(config, global_overrides, counters, test_instance):
+ mozAfterPaint = getattr(test_instance, "tpmozafterpaint", None)
+ hero = getattr(test_instance, "tphero", None)
+ firstPaint = getattr(test_instance, "firstpaint", None)
+ userReady = getattr(test_instance, "userready", None)
+ firstNonBlankPaint = getattr(test_instance, "fnbpaint", None)
+ pdfPaint = getattr(test_instance, "pdfpaint", None)
+ test_instance.update(**global_overrides)
+ # update original value of mozAfterPaint, this could be 'false',
+ # so check for None
+ if mozAfterPaint is not None:
+ test_instance.tpmozafterpaint = mozAfterPaint
+ if firstNonBlankPaint is not None:
+ test_instance.fnbpaint = firstNonBlankPaint
+ if firstPaint is not None:
+ test_instance.firstpaint = firstPaint
+ if userReady is not None:
+ test_instance.userready = userReady
+ if hero is not None:
+ test_instance.tphero = hero
+ if pdfPaint is not None:
+ test_instance.pdfpaint = pdfPaint
+ # fix up url
+ url = getattr(test_instance, "url", None)
+ if url:
+ test_instance.url = utils.interpolate(convert_url(config, url))
+ # fix up tpmanifest
+ tpmanifest = getattr(test_instance, "tpmanifest", None)
+ if tpmanifest:
+ is_multidomain = getattr(test_instance, "multidomain", False)
+ test_instance.tpmanifest = build_manifest(
+ config, is_multidomain, utils.interpolate(tpmanifest)
+ )
+ # add any counters
+ if counters:
+ keys = (
+ "linux_counters",
+ "mac_counters",
+ "win_counters",
+ "w7_counters",
+ "xperf_counters",
+ )
+ for key in keys:
+ if key not in test_instance.keys:
+ # only populate attributes that will be output
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(getattr(test_instance, key, None), list):
+ setattr(test_instance, key, [])
+ _counters = getattr(test_instance, key)
+ _counters.extend(
+ [counter for counter in counters if counter not in _counters]
+ )
+ return dict(test_instance.items())
+def tests(config):
+ counters = get_counters(config)
+ global_overrides = get_global_overrides(config)
+ activeTests = get_active_tests(config)
+ test_dict = test.test_dict()
+ tests = []
+ for test_name in activeTests:
+ test_class = test_dict[test_name]
+ tests.append(get_test(config, global_overrides, counters, test_class()))
+ config["tests"] = tests
+def get_browser_config(config):
+ required = (
+ "extensions",
+ "browser_path",
+ "browser_wait",
+ "extra_args",
+ "buildid",
+ "env",
+ "init_url",
+ "webserver",
+ )
+ optional = {
+ "bcontroller_config": "${talos}/bcontroller.json",
+ "child_process": "plugin-container",
+ "debug": False,
+ "debugger": None,
+ "debugger_args": None,
+ "develop": False,
+ "fission": True,
+ "process": "",
+ "framework": "talos",
+ "repository": None,
+ "sourcestamp": None,
+ "symbols_path": None,
+ "test_timeout": 1200,
+ "xperf_path": None,
+ "error_filename": None,
+ "no_upload_results": False,
+ "subtests": None,
+ "preferences": {},
+ }
+ browser_config = dict(title=config["title"])
+ browser_config.update(dict([(i, config[i]) for i in required]))
+ browser_config.update(dict([(i, config.get(i, j)) for i, j in optional.items()]))
+ return browser_config
+def suites_conf():
+ import json
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, "talos.json")) as f:
+ return json.load(f)["suites"]
+def get_config(argv=None):
+ argv = argv or sys.argv[1:]
+ cli_opts = parse_args(argv=argv)
+ if cli_opts.suite:
+ # read the suite config, update the args
+ try:
+ suite_conf = suites_conf()[cli_opts.suite]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ConfigurationError("No such suite: %r" % cli_opts.suite)
+ argv += ["-a", ":".join(suite_conf["tests"])]
+ # talos_options in the suite config should not override command line
+ # options, so we prepend argv with talos_options so that, when parsed,
+ # the command line options will clobber the suite config options.
+ argv = suite_conf.get("talos_options", []) + argv
+ # args needs to be reparsed now
+ elif not cli_opts.activeTests:
+ raise ConfigurationError("--activeTests or --suite required!")
+ cli_opts = parse_args(argv=argv)
+ setup_logging("talos", cli_opts, {"tbpl": sys.stdout})
+ config = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULTS)
+ config.update(cli_opts.__dict__)
+ for validate in CONF_VALIDATORS:
+ validate(config)
+ # remove None Values
+ for k, v in config.copy().items():
+ if v is None:
+ del config[k]
+ return config
+def get_configs(argv=None):
+ config = get_config(argv=argv)
+ browser_config = get_browser_config(config)
+ return config, browser_config
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cfgs = get_configs()
+ print(cfgs[0])
+ print()
+ print(cfgs[1])