path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/')
1 files changed, 888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d76d53563b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This script installs Debian-derived distributions in a chroot environment.
+# It can for example be used to have an accurate 32bit build and test
+# environment when otherwise working on a 64bit machine.
+# N. B. it is unlikely that this script will ever work on anything other than a
+# Debian-derived system.
+# Older Debian based systems had both "admin" and "adm" groups, with "admin"
+# apparently being used in more places. Newer distributions have standardized
+# on just the "adm" group. Check /etc/group for the preferred name of the
+# administrator group.
+admin=$(grep '^admin:' /etc/group >&/dev/null && echo admin || echo adm)
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-m mirror] [-g group,...] [-s] [-c]"
+ echo "-b dir additional directories that should be bind mounted,"
+ echo ' or "NONE".'
+ echo " Default: if local filesystems present, ask user for help"
+ echo "-g group,... groups that can use the chroot unauthenticated"
+ echo " Default: '${admin}' and current user's group ('$(id -gn)')"
+ echo "-l List all installed chroot environments"
+ echo "-m mirror an alternate repository mirror for package downloads"
+ echo "-s configure default deb-srcs"
+ echo "-c always copy 64bit helper binaries to 32bit chroot"
+ echo "-h this help message"
+process_opts() {
+ while getopts ":b:g:lm:sch" OPTNAME; do
+ case "$OPTNAME" in
+ b)
+ if [ "${OPTARG}" = "NONE" -a -z "${bind_mounts}" ]; then
+ bind_mounts="${OPTARG}"
+ else
+ if [ "${bind_mounts}" = "NONE" -o "${OPTARG}" = "${OPTARG#/}" -o \
+ ! -d "${OPTARG}" ]; then
+ echo "Invalid -b option(s)"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ bind_mounts="${bind_mounts}
+${OPTARG} ${OPTARG} none rw,bind 0 0"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ g)
+ [ -n "${OPTARG}" ] &&
+ chroot_groups="${chroot_groups}${chroot_groups:+,}${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ l)
+ list_all_chroots
+ exit
+ ;;
+ m)
+ if [ -n "${mirror}" ]; then
+ echo "You can only specify exactly one mirror location"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mirror="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ s)
+ add_srcs="y"
+ ;;
+ c)
+ copy_64="y"
+ ;;
+ h)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ \:)
+ echo "'-$OPTARG' needs an argument."
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "invalid command-line option: $OPTARG"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ $# -ge ${OPTIND} ]; then
+ eval echo "Unexpected command line argument: \${${OPTIND}}"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+list_all_chroots() {
+ for i in /var/lib/chroot/*; do
+ i="${i##*/}"
+ [ "${i}" = "*" ] && continue
+ [ -x "/usr/local/bin/${i%bit}" ] || continue
+ grep -qs "^\[${i%bit}\]\$" /etc/schroot/schroot.conf || continue
+ [ -r "/etc/schroot/script-${i}" -a \
+ -r "/etc/schroot/mount-${i}" ] || continue
+ echo "${i%bit}"
+ done
+getkey() {
+ (
+ trap 'stty echo -iuclc icanon 2>/dev/null' EXIT INT TERM QUIT HUP
+ stty -echo iuclc -icanon 2>/dev/null
+ dd count=1 bs=1 2>/dev/null
+ )
+chr() {
+ printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "$1")"
+ord() {
+ printf '%d' $(printf '%c' "$1" | od -tu1 -An)
+is_network_drive() {
+ stat -c %T -f "$1/" 2>/dev/null |
+ egrep -qs '^nfs|cifs|smbfs'
+# Check that we are running as a regular user
+[ "$(id -nu)" = root ] && {
+ echo "Run this script as a regular user and provide your \"sudo\"" \
+ "password if requested" >&2
+ exit 1
+process_opts "$@"
+echo "This script will help you through the process of installing a"
+echo "Debian or Ubuntu distribution in a chroot environment. You will"
+echo "have to provide your \"sudo\" password when requested."
+# Error handler
+trap 'exit 1' INT TERM QUIT HUP
+trap 'sudo apt-get clean; tput bel; echo; echo Failed' EXIT
+# Install any missing applications that this script relies on. If these packages
+# are already installed, don't force another "apt-get install". That would
+# prevent them from being auto-removed, if they ever become eligible for that.
+# And as this script only needs the packages once, there is no good reason to
+# introduce a hard dependency on things such as dchroot and debootstrap.
+for i in dchroot debootstrap libwww-perl; do
+ [ -d /usr/share/doc/"$i" ] || dep="$dep $i"
+[ -n "$dep" ] && sudo apt-get -y install $dep
+sudo apt-get -y install schroot
+# Create directory for chroot
+sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/chroot
+# Find chroot environments that can be installed with debootstrap
+targets="$(cd /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts
+ ls | grep '^[a-z]*$')"
+# Ask user to pick one of the available targets
+echo "The following targets are available to be installed in a chroot:"
+j=1; for i in $targets; do
+ printf '%4d: %s\n' "$j" "$i"
+ j=$(($j+1))
+while :; do
+ printf "Which target would you like to install: "
+ read n
+ [ "$n" -gt 0 -a "$n" -lt "$j" ] >&/dev/null && break
+j=1; for i in $targets; do
+ [ "$j" -eq "$n" ] && { distname="$i"; break; }
+ j=$(($j+1))
+# On x86-64, ask whether the user wants to install x86-32 or x86-64
+if [ "$(uname -m)" = x86_64 ]; then
+ while :; do
+ echo "You are running a 64bit kernel. This allows you to install either a"
+ printf "32bit or a 64bit chroot environment. %s" \
+ "Which one do you want (32, 64) "
+ read arch
+ [ "${arch}" == 32 -o "${arch}" == 64 ] && break
+ done
+ [ "${arch}" == 32 ] && archflag="--arch i386" || archflag="--arch amd64"
+ arch="${arch}bit"
+ echo
+# Don't accidentally overwrite an existing installation
+[ -d /var/lib/chroot/"${target}" ] && {
+ while :; do
+ echo "This chroot already exists on your machine."
+ if schroot -l --all-sessions 2>&1 |
+ sed 's/^session://' |
+ grep -qs "^${target%bit}-"; then
+ echo "And it appears to be in active use. Terminate all programs that"
+ echo "are currently using the chroot environment and then re-run this"
+ echo "script."
+ echo "If you still get an error message, you might have stale mounts"
+ echo "that you forgot to delete. You can always clean up mounts by"
+ echo "executing \"${target%bit} -c\"."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "I can abort installation, I can overwrite the existing chroot,"
+ echo "or I can delete the old one and then exit. What would you like to"
+ printf "do (a/o/d)? "
+ read choice
+ case "${choice}" in
+ a|A) exit 1;;
+ o|O) sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/chroot/${target}"; break;;
+ d|D) sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/chroot/${target}" \
+ "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" \
+ "/etc/schroot/mount-${target}" \
+ "/etc/schroot/script-${target}" \
+ "/etc/schroot/${target}"
+ sudo sed -ni '/^[[]'"${target%bit}"']$/,${
+ :1;n;/^[[]/b2;b1;:2;p;n;b2};p' \
+ "/etc/schroot/schroot.conf"
+ trap '' EXIT
+ echo "Deleted!"
+ exit 0;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
+sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/chroot/"${target}"
+# Offer to include additional standard repositories for Ubuntu-based chroots.
+grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" && {
+ while :; do
+ echo "Would you like to add ${distname}-updates and ${distname}-security "
+ printf "to the chroot's sources.list (y/n)? "
+ read alt_repos
+ case "${alt_repos}" in
+ y|Y)
+ alt_repos="y"
+ break
+ ;;
+ n|N)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
+# Check for non-standard file system mount points and ask the user whether
+# they should be imported into the chroot environment
+# We limit to the first 26 mount points that much some basic heuristics,
+# because a) that allows us to enumerate choices with a single character,
+# and b) if we find more than 26 mount points, then these are probably
+# false-positives and something is very unusual about the system's
+# configuration. No need to spam the user with even more information that
+# is likely completely irrelevant.
+if [ -z "${bind_mounts}" ]; then
+ mounts="$(awk '$2 != "/" && $2 !~ "^/boot" && $2 !~ "^/home" &&
+ $2 !~ "^/media" && $2 !~ "^/run" &&
+ ($3 ~ "ext[2-4]" || $3 == "reiserfs" || $3 == "btrfs" ||
+ $3 == "xfs" || $3 == "jfs" || $3 == "u?msdos" ||
+ $3 == "v?fat" || $3 == "hfs" || $3 == "ntfs" ||
+ $3 ~ "nfs[4-9]?" || $3 == "smbfs" || $3 == "cifs") {
+ print $2
+ }' /proc/mounts |
+ head -n26)"
+ if [ -n "${mounts}" ]; then
+ echo "You appear to have non-standard mount points that you"
+ echo "might want to import into the chroot environment:"
+ echo
+ sel=
+ while :; do
+ # Print a menu, listing all non-default mounts of local or network
+ # file systems.
+ j=1; for m in ${mounts}; do
+ c="$(printf $(printf '\\%03o' $((64+$j))))"
+ echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c &&
+ state="mounted in chroot" || state="$(tput el)"
+ printf " $c) %-40s${state}\n" "$m"
+ j=$(($j+1))
+ done
+ # Allow user to interactively (de-)select any of the entries
+ echo
+ printf "Select mount points that you want to be included or press %s" \
+ "SPACE to continue"
+ c="$(getkey | tr a-z A-Z)"
+ [ "$c" == " " ] && { echo; echo; break; }
+ if [ -z "$c" ] ||
+ [ "$c" '<' 'A' -o $(ord "$c") -gt $((64 + $(ord "$j"))) ]; then
+ # Invalid input, ring the console bell
+ tput bel
+ else
+ # Toggle the selection for the given entry
+ if echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c; then
+ sel="$(printf "$sel" | sed "s/$c//")"
+ else
+ sel="$sel$c"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Reposition cursor to the top of the list of entries
+ tput cuu $(($j + 1))
+ echo
+ done
+ fi
+ j=1; for m in ${mounts}; do
+ c="$(chr $(($j + 64)))"
+ if echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c; then
+ bind_mounts="${bind_mounts}$m $m none rw,bind 0 0
+ fi
+ j=$(($j+1))
+ done
+# Remove stale entry from /etc/schroot/schroot.conf. Entries start
+# with the target name in square brackets, followed by an arbitrary
+# number of lines. The entry stops when either the end of file has
+# been reached, or when the beginning of a new target is encountered.
+# This means, we cannot easily match for a range of lines in
+# "sed". Instead, we actually have to iterate over each line and check
+# whether it is the beginning of a new entry.
+sudo sed -ni '/^[[]'"${target%bit}"']$/,${:1;n;/^[[]/b2;b1;:2;p;n;b2};p' \
+ /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
+# Download base system. This takes some time
+if [ -z "${mirror}" ]; then
+ grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" &&
+ mirror="" ||
+ mirror=""
+sudo ${http_proxy:+http_proxy="${http_proxy}"} debootstrap ${archflag} \
+ "${distname}" "/var/lib/chroot/${target}" "$mirror"
+# Add new entry to /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
+grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" &&
+ brand="Ubuntu" || brand="Debian"
+if [ -z "${chroot_groups}" ]; then
+ chroot_groups="${admin},$(id -gn)"
+if [ -d '/etc/schroot/default' ]; then
+ new_version=1
+ fstab="/etc/schroot/${target}/fstab"
+ new_version=0
+ fstab="/etc/schroot/mount-${target}"
+if [ "$new_version" = "1" ]; then
+ sudo cp -ar /etc/schroot/default /etc/schroot/${target}
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/schroot.conf' <<EOF
+description=${brand} ${distname} ${arch}
+personality=linux$([ "${arch}" != 64bit ] && echo 32)
+ [ -n "${bind_mounts}" -a "${bind_mounts}" != "NONE" ] &&
+ printf "${bind_mounts}" |
+ sudo sh -c "cat >>${fstab}"
+ # Older versions of schroot wanted a "priority=" line, whereas recent
+ # versions deprecate "priority=" and warn if they see it. We don't have
+ # a good feature test, but scanning for the string "priority=" in the
+ # existing "schroot.conf" file is a good indication of what to do.
+ priority=$(grep -qs 'priority=' /etc/schroot/schroot.conf &&
+ echo 'priority=3' || :)
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/schroot.conf' <<EOF
+description=${brand} ${distname} ${arch}
+personality=linux$([ "${arch}" != 64bit ] && echo 32)
+ # Set up a list of mount points that is specific to this
+ # chroot environment.
+ sed '/^FSTAB=/s,"[^"]*","'"${fstab}"'",' \
+ /etc/schroot/script-defaults |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/schroot/script-'"${target}"
+ sed '\,^/home[/[:space:]],s/\([,[:space:]]\)bind[[:space:]]/\1rbind /' \
+ /etc/schroot/mount-defaults |
+ sudo sh -c "cat > ${fstab}"
+# Add the extra mount points that the user told us about
+[ -n "${bind_mounts}" -a "${bind_mounts}" != "NONE" ] &&
+ printf "${bind_mounts}" |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${fstab}"
+# If this system has a "/media" mountpoint, import it into the chroot
+# environment. Most modern distributions use this mount point to
+# automatically mount devices such as CDROMs, USB sticks, etc...
+if [ -d /media ] &&
+ ! grep -qs '^/media' "${fstab}"; then
+ echo '/media /media none rw,rbind 0 0' |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${fstab}"
+# Share /dev/shm, /run and /run/shm.
+grep -qs '^/dev/shm' "${fstab}" ||
+ echo '/dev/shm /dev/shm none rw,bind 0 0' |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${fstab}"
+if [ ! -d "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/run" ] &&
+ ! grep -qs '^/run' "${fstab}"; then
+ echo '/run /run none rw,bind 0 0' |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${fstab}"
+if ! grep -qs '^/run/shm' "${fstab}"; then
+ { [ -d /run ] && echo '/run/shm /run/shm none rw,bind 0 0' ||
+ echo '/dev/shm /run/shm none rw,bind 0 0'; } |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${fstab}"
+# Set up a special directory that changes contents depending on the target
+# that is executing.
+d="$(readlink -f "${HOME}/chroot" 2>/dev/null || echo "${HOME}/chroot")"
+echo "${s} ${d} none rw,bind 0 0" |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>'"${target}"
+mkdir -p "${s}"
+# Install a helper script to launch commands in the chroot
+sudo sh -c 'cat >/usr/local/bin/'"${target%bit}" <<'EOF'
+wrap() {
+ # Word-wrap the text passed-in on stdin. Optionally, on continuation lines
+ # insert the same number of spaces as the number of characters in the
+ # parameter(s) passed to this function.
+ # If the "fold" program cannot be found, or if the actual width of the
+ # terminal cannot be determined, this function doesn't attempt to do any
+ # wrapping.
+ local f="$(type -P fold)"
+ [ -z "${f}" ] && { cat; return; }
+ local c="$(stty -a </dev/tty 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's/.*columns[[:space:]]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/;t;d')"
+ [ -z "${c}" ] && { cat; return; }
+ local i="$(echo "$*"|sed 's/./ /g')"
+ local j="$(printf %s "${i}"|wc -c)"
+ if [ "${c}" -gt "${j}" ]; then
+ dd bs=1 count="${j}" 2>/dev/null
+ "${f}" -sw "$((${c}-${j}))" | sed '2,$s/^/'"${i}"'/'
+ else
+ "${f}" -sw "${c}"
+ fi
+help() {
+ echo "Usage ${0##*/} [-h|--help] [-c|--clean] [-C|--clean-all] [-l|--list] [--] args" | wrap "Usage ${0##*/} "
+ echo " help: print this message" | wrap " "
+ echo " list: list all known chroot environments" | wrap " "
+ echo " clean: remove all old chroot sessions for \"${chroot}\"" | wrap " "
+ echo " clean-all: remove all old chroot sessions for all environments" | wrap " "
+ exit 0
+clean() {
+ local s t rc
+ rc=0
+ for s in $(schroot -l --all-sessions); do
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ t="${s#session:}"
+ [ "${t#${chroot}-}" == "${t}" ] && continue
+ fi
+ if ls -l /proc/*/{cwd,fd} 2>/dev/null |
+ fgrep -qs "/var/lib/schroot/mount/${t}"; then
+ echo "Session \"${t}\" still has active users, not cleaning up" | wrap
+ rc=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ sudo schroot -c "${s}" -e || rc=1
+ done
+ exit ${rc}
+list() {
+ for e in $(schroot -l); do
+ e="${e#chroot:}"
+ [ -x "/usr/local/bin/${e}" ] || continue
+ if schroot -l --all-sessions 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's/^session://' |
+ grep -qs "^${e}-"; then
+ echo "${e} is currently active"
+ else
+ echo "${e}"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 0
+while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --) shift; break;;
+ -h|--help) shift; help;;
+ -l|--list) shift; list;;
+ -c|--clean) shift; clean "${chroot}";;
+ -C|--clean-all) shift; clean;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+# Start a new chroot session and keep track of the session id. We inject this
+# id into all processes that run inside the chroot. Unless they go out of their
+# way to clear their environment, we can then later identify our child and
+# grand-child processes by scanning their environment.
+session="$(schroot -c "${chroot}" -b)"
+export CHROOT_SESSION_ID="${session}"
+# Set GOMA_TMP_DIR for better handling of goma inside chroot.
+export GOMA_TMP_DIR="/tmp/goma_tmp_$CHROOT_SESSION_ID"
+mkdir -p "$GOMA_TMP_DIR"
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ # Run an interactive shell session
+ schroot -c "${session}" -r -p
+ # Run a command inside of the chroot environment
+ p="$1"; shift
+ schroot -c "${session}" -r -p "$p" -- "$@"
+# Compute the inode of the root directory inside of the chroot environment.
+i=$(schroot -c "${session}" -r -p ls -- -id /proc/self/root/. |
+ awk '{ print $1 }') 2>/dev/null
+while [ -n "$i" ]; do
+ # Identify processes by the inode number of their root directory. Then
+ # remove all processes that we know belong to other sessions. We use
+ # "sort | uniq -u" to do what amounts to a "set subtraction operation".
+ pids=$({ ls -id1 /proc/*/root/. 2>/dev/null |
+ sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*'$i'.*/\([1-9][0-9]*\)/.*$,\1,
+ t
+ d';
+ echo "${other_pids}";
+ echo "${other_pids}"; } | sort | uniq -u) >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # Kill all processes that are still left running in the session. This is
+ # typically an assortment of daemon processes that were started
+ # automatically. They result in us being unable to tear down the session
+ # cleanly.
+ [ -z "${pids}" ] && break
+ for j in $pids; do
+ # Unfortunately, the way that schroot sets up sessions has the
+ # side-effect of being unable to tell one session apart from another.
+ # This can result in us attempting to kill processes in other sessions.
+ # We make a best-effort to avoid doing so.
+ k="$( ( xargs -0 -n1 </proc/$j/environ ) 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's/^CHROOT_SESSION_ID=/x/;t1;d;:1;q')"
+ if [ -n "${k}" -a "${k#x}" != "${session}" ]; then
+ other_pids="${other_pids}
+ continue
+ fi
+ kill -9 $pids
+ done
+# End the chroot session. This should clean up all temporary files. But if we
+# earlier failed to terminate all (daemon) processes inside of the session,
+# deleting the session could fail. When that happens, the user has to manually
+# clean up the stale files by invoking us with "--clean" after having killed
+# all running processes.
+schroot -c "${session}" -e
+# Since no goma processes are running, we can remove goma directory.
+rm -rf "$GOMA_TMP_DIR"
+exit $rc
+sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}"
+sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}"
+# Add the standard Ubuntu update repositories if requested.
+[ "${alt_repos}" = "y" -a \
+ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+sudo sed -i '/^deb .* [^ -]\+ main$/p
+ s/^\(deb .* [^ -]\+\) main/\1-security main/
+ p
+ t1
+ d
+ :1;s/-security main/-updates main/
+ t
+ d' "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+# Add a few more repositories to the chroot
+[ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+sudo sed -i 's/ main$/ main restricted universe multiverse/' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+# Add the Ubuntu "partner" repository, if available
+if [ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+ HEAD "${distname}/partner" \
+ >&/dev/null; then
+ sudo sh -c '
+ echo "deb" \
+ "'"${distname}"' partner" \
+ >>"/var/lib/chroot/'"${target}"'/etc/apt/sources.list"'
+# Add source repositories, if the user requested we do so
+[ "${add_srcs}" = "y" -a \
+ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+sudo sed -i '/^deb[^-]/p
+ s/^deb\([^-]\)/deb-src\1/' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+# Set apt proxy if host has set http_proxy
+if [ -n "${http_proxy}" ]; then
+ sudo sh -c '
+ echo "Acquire::http::proxy \"'"${http_proxy}"'\";" \
+ >>"/var/lib/chroot/'"${target}"'/etc/apt/apt.conf"'
+# Update packages
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
+ apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade' || :
+# Install a couple of missing packages
+for i in debian-keyring ubuntu-keyring locales sudo; do
+ [ -d "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/share/doc/$i" ] ||
+ sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install "$i" || :
+# Configure locales
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
+ l='"${LANG:-en_US}"'; l="${l%%.*}"
+ [ -r /etc/locale.gen ] &&
+ sed -i "s/^# \($l\)/\1/" /etc/locale.gen
+ locale-gen $LANG en_US en_US.UTF-8' || :
+# Enable multi-arch support, if available
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" dpkg --assert-multi-arch >&/dev/null &&
+ [ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] && {
+ sudo sed -i 's/ / [arch=amd64,i386] /' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+ [ -d /var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ ] &&
+ sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" dpkg --add-architecture \
+ $([ "${arch}" = "32bit" ] && echo amd64 || echo i386) >&/dev/null ||
+ echo foreign-architecture \
+ $([ "${arch}" = "32bit" ] && echo amd64 || echo i386) |
+ sudo sh -c \
+ "cat >'/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch'"
+# Configure "sudo" package
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
+ egrep -qs '"'^$(id -nu) '"' /etc/sudoers ||
+ echo '"'$(id -nu) ALL=(ALL) ALL'"' >>/etc/sudoers'
+# Install a few more commonly used packages
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install \
+ autoconf automake1.9 dpkg-dev g++-multilib gcc-multilib gdb less libtool \
+ lsof strace
+# If running a 32bit environment on a 64bit machine, install a few binaries
+# as 64bit. This is only done automatically if the chroot distro is the same as
+# the host, otherwise there might be incompatibilities in build settings or
+# runtime dependencies. The user can force it with the '-c' flag.
+host_distro=$(grep -s DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release | \
+ cut -d "=" -f 2)
+if [ "${copy_64}" = "y" -o \
+ "${host_distro}" = "${distname}" -a "${arch}" = 32bit ] && \
+ file /bin/bash 2>/dev/null | grep -q x86-64; then
+ readlinepkg=$(sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" sh -c \
+ 'apt-cache search "lib64readline.\$" | sort | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1')
+ sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install \
+ lib64expat1 lib64ncurses5 ${readlinepkg} lib64z1 lib64stdc++6
+ dep=
+ for i in binutils gdb; do
+ [ -d /usr/share/doc/"$i" ] || dep="$dep $i"
+ done
+ [ -n "$dep" ] && sudo apt-get -y install $dep
+ sudo mkdir -p "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64"
+ for i in libbfd libpython; do
+ lib="$({ ldd /usr/bin/ld; ldd /usr/bin/gdb; } |
+ grep -s "$i" | awk '{ print $3 }')"
+ if [ -n "$lib" -a -r "$lib" ]; then
+ sudo cp "$lib" "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64"
+ fi
+ done
+ for lib in libssl libcrypt; do
+ for path in /usr/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu; do
+ sudo cp $path/$lib* \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64/" >&/dev/null || :
+ done
+ done
+ for i in gdb ld; do
+ sudo cp /usr/bin/$i "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64/"
+ sudo sh -c "cat >'/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/$i'" <<EOF
+exec /lib64/ --library-path /usr/local/lib/amd64 \
+ /usr/local/lib/amd64/$i "\$@"
+ sudo chmod 755 "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/$i"
+ done
+# If the script can be found, offer to run it now
+script="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))/"
+if [ -x "${script}" ]; then
+ while :; do
+ echo
+ echo "If you plan on building Chrome inside of the new chroot environment,"
+ echo "you now have to install the build dependencies. Do you want me to"
+ printf "start the script that does this for you (y/n)? "
+ read install_deps
+ case "${install_deps}" in
+ y|Y)
+ echo
+ # We prefer running the script in-place, but this might not be
+ # possible, if it lives on a network filesystem that denies
+ # access to root.
+ tmp_script=
+ if ! sudo /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}" \
+ sh -c "[ -x '${script}' ]" >&/dev/null; then
+ tmp_script="/tmp/${script##*/}"
+ cp "${script}" "${tmp_script}"
+ fi
+ # Some distributions automatically start an instance of the system-
+ # wide dbus daemon, cron daemon or of the logging daemon, when
+ # installing the Chrome build depencies. This prevents the chroot
+ # session from being closed. So, we always try to shut down any running
+ # instance of dbus and rsyslog.
+ sudo /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}" sh -c "${script};
+ rc=$?;
+ /etc/init.d/cron stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :;
+ /etc/init.d/rsyslog stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :;
+ /etc/init.d/dbus stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :;
+ exit $rc"
+ rc=$?
+ [ -n "${tmp_script}" ] && rm -f "${tmp_script}"
+ [ $rc -ne 0 ] && exit $rc
+ break
+ ;;
+ n|N)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
+# Check whether ~/chroot is on a (slow) network file system and offer to
+# relocate it. Also offer relocation, if the user appears to have multiple
+# spindles (as indicated by "${bind_mount}" being non-empty).
+# We only offer this option, if it doesn't look as if a chroot environment
+# is currently active. Otherwise, relocation is unlikely to work and it
+# can be difficult for the user to recover from the failed attempt to relocate
+# the ~/chroot directory.
+# We don't aim to solve this problem for every configuration,
+# but try to help with the common cases. For more advanced configuration
+# options, the user can always manually adjust things.
+mkdir -p "${HOME}/chroot/"
+if [ ! -h "${HOME}/chroot" ] &&
+ ! egrep -qs '^[^[:space:]]*/chroot' /etc/fstab &&
+ { [ -n "${bind_mounts}" -a "${bind_mounts}" != "NONE" ] ||
+ is_network_drive "${HOME}/chroot"; } &&
+ ! egrep -qs '/var/lib/[^/]*chroot/.*/chroot' /proc/mounts; then
+ echo "${HOME}/chroot is currently located on the same device as your"
+ echo "home directory."
+ echo "This might not be what you want. Do you want me to move it somewhere"
+ echo "else?"
+ # If the computer has multiple spindles, many users configure all or part of
+ # the secondary hard disk to be writable by the primary user of this machine.
+ # Make some reasonable effort to detect this type of configuration and
+ # then offer a good location for where to put the ~/chroot directory.
+ suggest=
+ for i in $(echo "${bind_mounts}"|cut -d ' ' -f 1); do
+ if [ -d "$i" -a -w "$i" -a \( ! -a "$i/chroot" -o -w "$i/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$i"; then
+ suggest="$i"
+ else
+ for j in "$i/"*; do
+ if [ -d "$j" -a -w "$j" -a \
+ \( ! -a "$j/chroot" -o -w "$j/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$j"; then
+ suggest="$j"
+ else
+ for k in "$j/"*; do
+ if [ -d "$k" -a -w "$k" -a \
+ \( ! -a "$k/chroot" -o -w "$k/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$k"; then
+ suggest="$k"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -n "${suggest}" ] && break
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -n "${suggest}" ] && break
+ done
+ def_suggest="${HOME}"
+ if [ -n "${suggest}" ]; then
+ # For home directories that reside on network drives, make our suggestion
+ # the default option. For home directories that reside on a local drive,
+ # require that the user manually enters the new location.
+ if is_network_drive "${HOME}"; then
+ def_suggest="${suggest}"
+ else
+ echo "A good location would probably be in \"${suggest}\""
+ fi
+ fi
+ while :; do
+ printf "Physical location [${def_suggest}]: "
+ read dir
+ [ -z "${dir}" ] && dir="${def_suggest}"
+ [ "${dir%%/}" == "${HOME%%/}" ] && break
+ if ! [ -d "${dir}" -a -w "${dir}" ] ||
+ [ -a "${dir}/chroot" -a ! -w "${dir}/chroot/." ]; then
+ echo "Cannot write to ${dir}/chroot. Please try again"
+ else
+ mv "${HOME}/chroot" "${dir}/chroot"
+ ln -s "${dir}/chroot" "${HOME}/chroot"
+ for i in $(list_all_chroots); do
+ sudo "$i" mkdir -p "${dir}/chroot"
+ done
+ sudo sed -i "s,${HOME}/chroot,${dir}/chroot,g" /etc/schroot/mount-*
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Clean up package files
+sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get clean
+sudo apt-get clean
+trap '' EXIT
+# Let the user know what we did
+cat <<EOF
+Successfully installed ${distname} ${arch}
+You can run programs inside of the chroot by invoking the
+"/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" command.
+This command can be used with arguments, in order to just run a single
+program inside of the chroot environment (e.g. "${target%bit} make chrome")
+or without arguments, in order to run an interactive shell session inside
+of the chroot environment.
+If you need to run things as "root", you can use "sudo" (e.g. try
+"sudo ${target%bit} apt-get update").
+Your home directory is shared between the host and the chroot. But I
+configured "${HOME}/chroot" to be private to the chroot environment.
+You can use it for files that need to differ between environments. This
+would be a good place to store binaries that you have built from your
+source files.
+For Chrome, this probably means you want to make your "out" directory a
+symbolic link that points somewhere inside of "${HOME}/chroot".
+You still need to run "gclient runhooks" whenever you switch from building
+outside of the chroot to inside of the chroot. But you will find that you
+don't have to repeatedly erase and then completely rebuild all your object
+and binary files.