path: root/third_party/python/json-e/jsone/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/json-e/jsone/ b/third_party/python/json-e/jsone/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e70e21f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/json-e/jsone/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import re
+import datetime
+class DeleteMarker:
+ pass
+class JSONTemplateError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ super(JSONTemplateError, self).__init__(message)
+ self.location = []
+ def add_location(self, loc):
+ self.location.insert(0, loc)
+ def __str__(self):
+ location = ' at template' + ''.join(self.location)
+ return "{}{}: {}".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ location if self.location else '',
+ self.args[0])
+class TemplateError(JSONTemplateError):
+ pass
+class InterpreterError(JSONTemplateError):
+ pass
+# Regular expression matching: X days Y hours Z minutes
+# todo: support hr, wk, yr
+FROMNOW_RE = re.compile(''.join([
+ '^(\s*(?P<years>\d+)\s*y(ears?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<months>\d+)\s*mo(nths?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<weeks>\d+)\s*w(eeks?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<days>\d+)\s*d(ays?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<hours>\d+)\s*h(ours?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<minutes>\d+)\s*m(in(utes?)?)?)?\s*',
+ '(\s*(?P<seconds>\d+)\s*s(ec(onds?)?)?)?\s*$',
+def fromNow(offset, reference):
+ # copied from
+ # We want to handle past dates as well as future
+ future = True
+ offset = offset.lstrip()
+ if offset.startswith('-'):
+ future = False
+ offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
+ if offset.startswith('+'):
+ offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
+ # Parse offset
+ m = FROMNOW_RE.match(offset)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError("offset string: '%s' does not parse" % offset)
+ # In order to calculate years and months we need to calculate how many days
+ # to offset the offset by, since timedelta only goes as high as weeks
+ days = 0
+ hours = 0
+ minutes = 0
+ seconds = 0
+ if'years'):
+ # forget leap years, a year is 365 days
+ years = int('years'))
+ days += 365 * years
+ if'months'):
+ # assume "month" means 30 days
+ months = int('months'))
+ days += 30 * months
+ days += int('days') or 0)
+ hours += int('hours') or 0)
+ minutes += int('minutes') or 0)
+ seconds += int('seconds') or 0)
+ # Offset datetime from utc
+ delta = datetime.timedelta(
+ weeks=int('weeks') or 0),
+ days=days,
+ hours=hours,
+ minutes=minutes,
+ seconds=seconds,
+ )
+ if isinstance(reference, string):
+ reference = datetime.datetime.strptime(
+ reference, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
+ elif reference is None:
+ reference = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ return stringDate(reference + delta if future else reference - delta)
+datefmt_re = re.compile(r'(\.[0-9]{3})[0-9]*(\+00:00)?')
+def to_str(v):
+ if isinstance(v, bool):
+ return {True: 'true', False: 'false'}[v]
+ elif isinstance(v, list):
+ return ','.join(to_str(e) for e in v)
+ elif v is None:
+ return 'null'
+ else:
+ return str(v)
+def stringDate(date):
+ # Convert to isoFormat
+ try:
+ string = date.isoformat(timespec='microseconds')
+ # py2.7 to py3.5 does not have timespec
+ except TypeError as e:
+ string = date.isoformat()
+ if string.find('.') == -1:
+ string += '.000'
+ string = datefmt_re.sub(r'\1Z', string)
+ return string
+# the base class for strings, regardless of python version
+ string = basestring
+except NameError:
+ string = str