import { convertLinks, RichText, } from "content-src/asrouter/components/RichText/RichText"; import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from "@fluent/bundle"; import { Localized, LocalizationProvider, ReactLocalization, } from "@fluent/react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; function mockL10nWrapper(content) { const bundle = new FluentBundle("en-US"); for (const [id, value] of Object.entries(content)) { if (typeof value === "string") { bundle.addResource(new FluentResource(`${id} = ${value}`)); } } const l10n = new ReactLocalization([bundle]); return { wrappingComponent: LocalizationProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { l10n }, }; } describe("convertLinks", () => { let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should return an object with anchor elements", () => { const cta = { url: "", metric: "foo", }; const stub = sandbox.stub(); const result = convertLinks({ cta }, stub);, "cta"); assert.propertyVal(result.cta, "type", "a"); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "href", cta.url); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "data-metric", cta.metric); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "onClick", stub); }); it("should return an anchor element without href", () => { const cta = { url: "", metric: "foo", action: "OPEN_MENU", args: "appMenu", entrypoint_name: "entrypoint_name", entrypoint_value: "entrypoint_value", }; const stub = sandbox.stub(); const result = convertLinks({ cta }, stub);, "cta"); assert.propertyVal(result.cta, "type", "a"); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "href", false); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "data-metric", cta.metric); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "data-action", cta.action); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "data-args", cta.args); assert.propertyVal( result.cta.props, "data-entrypoint_name", cta.entrypoint_name ); assert.propertyVal( result.cta.props, "data-entrypoint_value", cta.entrypoint_value ); assert.propertyVal(result.cta.props, "onClick", stub); }); it("should follow openNewWindow prop", () => { const cta = { url: "" }; const newWindow = convertLinks({ cta }, sandbox.stub(), false, true); const sameWindow = convertLinks({ cta }, sandbox.stub(), false); assert.propertyVal(newWindow.cta.props, "target", "_blank"); assert.propertyVal(sameWindow.cta.props, "target", ""); }); it("should allow for custom elements & styles", () => { const wrapper = mount( }} text="foo" localization_id="text" />, mockL10nWrapper({ text: "foo" }) ); const localized = wrapper.find(Localized); assert.propertyVal(localized.props(), "color", "#f05"); }); });