/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Test checking inline preview feature "use strict"; add_task(async function () { await pushPref("devtools.debugger.features.inline-preview", true); const dbg = await initDebugger( "doc-inline-preview.html", "inline-preview.js" ); await selectSource(dbg, "inline-preview.js"); await checkInlinePreview(dbg, "checkValues", [ { identifier: "a:", value: '""' }, { identifier: "b:", value: "false" }, { identifier: "c:", value: "undefined" }, { identifier: "d:", value: "null" }, { identifier: "e:", value: "Array []" }, { identifier: "f:", value: "Object { }" }, { identifier: "obj:", value: "Object { foo: 1 }" }, { identifier: "bs:", value: "Array(101) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, … ]", }, ]); await checkInlinePreview(dbg, "columnWise", [ { identifier: "c:", value: '"c"' }, { identifier: "a:", value: '"a"' }, { identifier: "b:", value: '"b"' }, ]); // Check that referencing an object property previews the property, not the // object (bug 1599917) await checkInlinePreview(dbg, "objectProperties", [ { identifier: "obj:", value: 'Object { hello: "world", a: {…} }' }, { identifier: "obj.hello:", value: '"world"' }, { identifier: "obj.a.b:", value: '"c"' }, ]); await checkInlinePreview(dbg, "classProperties", [ { identifier: "i:", value: "2" }, { identifier: "self:", value: `Object { x: 1, #privateVar: 2 }` }, ]); // Checks that open in inspector button works in inline preview invokeInTab("btnClick"); await checkInspectorIcon(dbg); const { toolbox } = dbg; await toolbox.selectTool("jsdebugger"); await waitForPaused(dbg); // Check preview of event ( event.target should be clickable ) // onBtnClick function in inline-preview.js await checkInspectorIcon(dbg); }); async function checkInlinePreview(dbg, fnName, inlinePreviews) { invokeInTab(fnName); await waitForAllElements(dbg, "inlinePreviewLabels", inlinePreviews.length); const labels = findAllElements(dbg, "inlinePreviewLabels"); const values = findAllElements(dbg, "inlinePreviewValues"); inlinePreviews.forEach((inlinePreview, index) => { const { identifier, value } = inlinePreview; is( labels[index].innerText, identifier, `${identifier} in ${fnName} has correct inline preview label` ); is( values[index].innerText, value, `${identifier} in ${fnName} has correct inline preview value` ); }); await resume(dbg); } async function checkInspectorIcon(dbg) { await waitForElement(dbg, "inlinePreviewOpenInspector"); const { toolbox } = dbg; const node = findElement(dbg, "inlinePreviewOpenInspector"); // Ensure hovering over button highlights the node in content pane const view = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; const onNodeHighlight = toolbox.getHighlighter().waitForHighlighterShown(); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, { type: "mousemove" }, view); const { nodeFront } = await onNodeHighlight; is(nodeFront.displayName, "button", "The correct node was highlighted"); // Ensure panel changes when button is clicked const onInspectorPanelLoad = waitForInspectorPanelChange(dbg); node.click(); await onInspectorPanelLoad; await resume(dbg); }