/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* global gToolbox */ add_task(async function () { // Disable several prefs to avoid network requests. await pushPref("browser.safebrowsing.blockedURIs.enabled", false); await pushPref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled", false); await pushPref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", false); await pushPref("browser.safebrowsing.passwords.enabled", false); await pushPref("browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled", false); await pushPref("privacy.query_stripping.enabled", false); await pushPref("extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled", false); await pushPref("services.settings.server", "invalid://err"); // Define a set list of visible columns await pushPref( "devtools.netmonitor.visibleColumns", JSON.stringify(["file", "url", "status"]) ); // Force observice all processes to see the content process requests await pushPref("devtools.browsertoolbox.scope", "everything"); const ToolboxTask = await initBrowserToolboxTask(); await ToolboxTask.importFunctions({ waitUntil, }); await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { const { resourceCommand } = gToolbox.commands; // Assert that the toolbox is not listening to network events // before the netmonitor panel is opened. is( resourceCommand.isResourceWatched(resourceCommand.TYPES.NETWORK_EVENT), false, "The toolox is not watching for network event resources" ); await gToolbox.selectTool("netmonitor"); const monitor = gToolbox.getCurrentPanel(); const { document, store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin; const Actions = windowRequire( "devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index" ); store.dispatch(Actions.batchEnable(false)); await waitUntil( () => !!document.querySelector(".request-list-empty-notice") ); is( resourceCommand.isResourceWatched(resourceCommand.TYPES.NETWORK_EVENT), true, "The network panel is now watching for network event resources" ); const emptyListNotice = document.querySelector( ".request-list-empty-notice" ); ok( !!emptyListNotice, "An empty notice should be displayed when the frontend is opened." ); is( emptyListNotice.innerText, "Perform a request to see detailed information about network activity.", "The reload and perfomance analysis details should not be visible in the browser toolbox" ); is( store.getState().requests.requests.length, 0, "The requests should be empty when the frontend is opened." ); ok( !document.querySelector(".requests-list-network-summary-button"), "The perfomance analysis button should not be visible in the browser toolbox" ); }); info("Trigger request in parent process and check that it shows up"); await fetch("https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=fromParent"); await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { const monitor = gToolbox.getCurrentPanel(); const { document, store } = monitor.panelWin; await waitUntil( () => !document.querySelector(".request-list-empty-notice") ); ok(true, "The empty notice is no longer displayed"); is( store.getState().requests.requests.length, 1, "There's 1 request in the store" ); const requests = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("tbody .requests-list-column.requests-list-url") ); is(requests.length, 1, "One request displayed"); is( requests[0].textContent, "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=fromParent", "Expected request is displayed" ); }); info("Trigger content process requests"); const urlImg = `${URL_ROOT_SSL}test-image.png?fromContent&${Date.now()}-${Math.random()}`; await addTab( `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=${encodeURIComponent( `` )}` ); await ToolboxTask.spawn(urlImg, async innerUrlImg => { const monitor = gToolbox.getCurrentPanel(); const { document, store } = monitor.panelWin; await waitUntil(() => store.getState().requests.requests.length >= 3); ok(true, "Expected content requests are displayed"); const requests = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("tbody .requests-list-column.requests-list-url") ); is(requests.length, 3, "Three requests displayed"); ok( requests[1].textContent.includes( `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs` ), "Request for the tab is displayed" ); is( requests[2].textContent, innerUrlImg, "Request for image image in tab is displayed" ); }); });